HomeMy WebLinkAbout65 - Permits and Regulations for Trailer Parks r �.hzrc� . t„o, 615 �..� TABLE OF COITTE-11 S ARTICLE I DET ITrTIOM5 P07) GET•,'FML PROVISIONS Section: Page 100 Title ____......_v_..- 101 101 Definitions ___. _____.___,..__ .___..____...._____. ....___-- 1 102 Humber 1.03 5 Tj 201 202 tt��,o,,�', ________ .__..__.._ ... ____.___«___.. 6 2173 3,00 Constrt?ction lern;it 6 301 Operation Pt ermiL _.,..............- __.___________________ 6 302 Fees - Construetion or. Operation Pomif s ---------- 6 303 Fees - Othmr Ordiu&nce »___..__ --._—-------.....---- 6 3014 fees - Addition al Traalor Sites ------------------- 7 305 Other Fete .....--------_. ----------- 7 306 Permit P_rocr'::+z�r:. -_ -_._..___.....___. .r..__.._____.____....__ 7 307 Change of Orm-r,;ldp 7 308 Posting; of Pemits __ .-........__...._.___...__ .__.._...._----_ 7 309 Pzzpiration ___.._.._M.. __._.. ._ .. __.._._ ____......______--- 7 310 Pe-mit S►1 pengi on __..._.. ._..._._ .__»____._. _ .__ ____._. 7 312 Notice ____....____w ..__..___._.._....,.--------- 7 3:1.2Sc.^�'ce of Notice ___....._..._ ..._..__4..____»___..____..__.. 7 31.3 Stupemsirn ....__.____..,.__..____..«_._.._.._......___.... w._. _ 7 317 Rest oration ------------ .__»____.___...____.....,.__.._.--- 7 3a(, 1`e1•rit 1ppliaation Rcxl irr.-msnt,. 317 Uotice :md r7rmrinSs - t..•°r:�.t i�5J?ii81��r1 »__..__ _. w___ 8 AP.TICLE IV EMS MID SITES 400 ILi aii-fail Occupancy __ —-------------------- 9 1101 ITnlak*fug Use _ ._.._..,....__..._.....,..-------------------_.___ 9 402 Unlawful Rent -_-_..._» ....____........._..__.......__.._ ,..._..,,_ 9 1103 Parking --__.... __...M_..__-_--_....___._. _...-..__ .___ .,._ 9 11.011 Ca.bane. Rectal9 405 Carel ab-r -------------- ....___...._..__.._....__ 9 1106 Sizo r__- __........_...__.._........._____.._.._..______------ 9 1407 Location of T?M1r-r _....,._.__... .__w__._.,..._.._.....___..__. ._ 9 408 Lou ?,,ine _ _.___.._._w_....._.. .... .__._.._.._..__....__._._....,.__ 10 1109 Driveway 10 410 10 411 Puth,�:rized Stroctur',”, __..._ .._, ...,_.__.__._._..._____.._ _. 10 1,12 Co-.7iot '4iction and 10 U3 :area 10 b14 Site 10 111,E Str-w-ture Locot.i.c 3 on 10 4,16 �-4n v OTl'7F 21�t`�x Ed t: T C7C;c^:ti n?i__.___.._-.....___..........,-._ 10 1417 Unitafions on ..aca:,?oil ......__.._.___._._________.._,.__ 11 ?413 Carport--•---- ----__..___-____..______..__-__..___- ........ 11 x:19 PesponsibUi':y `2'Aaile-:� Coach Co nec'tiorks Table of Contents (Con'cinued) Section: Page 1c20 Maintenance - Sa e" uar(ic: - ?Lc sponsibi.li_ty ---------- 11 421 Ilaintemmee - I"mictur. s Sites ------------------- 11 422I°aintenance - `xncture Rosi oyls�l:"i li'4vP -------------- 11 423 211ai.ntenance _ .J ^cam� 11 ------------------_...-.....---- 11 4?4 Mainte.,vinco - :pcnings 11 425 Site Surface _... .._.._.._. ._«__ .. _..__________..-....__.._-..__ 11 1126 Prohibited ted Obstx°uc tion -_.._.__.....___..... ..__.._.._..___..»_.. 11 x;27 Plot Pl.•;n in P; x•k _-__.__»___.. .__.-._ ...__..__-. .........__., 11 42,'� Pes i.r.l e Gi on.. Tor,1 c icn - : Table of Contents (Contir_acd,) Section: Page 10TYCLF V1 PIT IRBITIM 600 Trailer. Sits16 601 Trailer Coaches ------------------------ 16 602 Trailer OrainaCe Systems16 603 Trpi lt-,-r. Service S,rste:a _--___..___..—----------------- 1$ 604 Plat ori.-. s ---------------------_...----------------.___ 19 605 Farr Dr.a-tna Ce Sy,tc�., -__......__«-__---_..____---.._-_---_-- 29 606 ?:tater fts'1,ributi.r- yotc:ti - -.._______.._.___.._______...... 21 607 Gras Distribution S-yst f:m ------------------------- 22 608 Trailer. Coach. C;;..=cc:t-?ens - Responsibility ---------- 22 609 23 610 Trap __.._____«.._.._. --------------------- 23 611 Vents ---------------------- 23 612 Vent TenaiA.ation 23 613 Cleanouts -.____«__..__. . _...»....___.....____... ...........«____ �3 6111. Toilet -__......_ ._. ...______.,_..__.__.._..._....___-,.___-_..-_-_ 23 615 Location ___.._.___.,..._______.._..___r.----------------- 24 616 Exclusive Use _-_.-_ »__-____-.._...._-_.e..._-_--_--_,,.__:..._ 24 617 li.dth ------------------------—--------------------- 24 618 Accessibility ------------------...... ---_-__-»------- 24 619 Signs 24 620 ?-saterproofing; __-__.,_....__.._._.,«..______________.____r 24 621 Toilets in Trailers24 622 Baths ----------------------- 24 62.3 'Jaterproofing ------------------------------------- 24 6211 Windows --------------- ______.._... ..__-__..»....«__..__W 24 625 laundry ------------------ 24 620 Waterproofing -------------------------------....,.----- 211 627 24 628 Hot and Cold !Tater ---------------------------------- 25 629 Lavatories 25 630 Plumbing -..___..__..w„____..____, _..—_-_-____«_--_-___- 25 631 1,7atcr ___....___.. ...__.._»,...«_..W_r.._____._..----.....--------- 25 632 t.'aste --------r.-------------------- 25 633 Location of Sto:t-age of T,iquc;xit�id. Petroleum Oases, Util:iza-,Ion Vessel,; anci 25 1311 Venting25 635 Location of Tax*- -----------------.. ---------------- 25 636 Filling Equipm,-,nt ---------- _____ ._ .__.._....__.._ 25 637 Ignitable Material _r__..__ .__._..___«_...__-._.__a.__. _.... 25 638 Cylinder Charging _ ..____._.._.... ______..___...__... .,.__.... �5 639 Venting Connections for 'Gas Heating ;quipo.ent ------- 25 O?"'IC"LE VYI I7'1,LIMPICASidi;': `:PDS 700. 26 701 Inst?Z-1,:at,c t? r.L 26 702 Mec --tical 26 703 r,Ti ri; ;»__-__--_ ..._...... ___......._.......w_. -__..__. ..._.._._._._ __.._.. 26 70.E L`3iaana Servica -7,nC.. 26 705 O'trercinnrcnt ''rotec ti,,�- _...«..»..._..___, ......,__..._. ___.. 26 107 ;.ri e Sizes ---- __K.._.. ____.. _._..._.._...__..,___ 26 708 iii.n3.mui Vertical Cloa-,^ani• . for ?'..ire ....... ........ —------ 27 700 Allowable Cap?ci.tio�3 of. Conductors in Nq)eras _..-_--- 27 71.0 Voltage Crop-- .- _..«..__._...._«.,________._w_r___.. ----- 27 711. Ru.Zes Overhead J.&ies __----_...._._wr___-«__--_-_-,.--- 27 71.2 Exposure _..-—---•--------------------------------....--- 27 713 Pio Pull Chains------------------------------._....--------- 28 714 Protective Devices------------------------------- 28 715 Control ------------- --.- 28 Table of Contents klOoaltinued) Section: Page 716 Road Lighting •-_____.. .. .._..__..._. .__r_______.. _......___-_ 28 717 Site ScrVice -- PAy_...---___.__ .._4____.__.... _..___..__.,_ 28 718 Diagrgm -_-_....__.....,.___._._....__...._._«_ .___—--------- 28 719 Underground Cable ------------------ 28 720 Y-d`-b _.._________..__-______...___.,_...___.__..______,..._ 28 721. Lighting: Circuits 28 722 Awnings 23 723 Illv:+ ination ----.--«____. _._....___..__..____.._.._....____ 28 7221 GrovuicUng 28 725 and. 29 S 'g1TJ1 1.T Ld1 800 _...-------------------.....- 29 801 ..,....----------------- 29 80 29 803 racil:ities-------- 29 804 ...__.---------•---•---- 30 P. 30 30 807 D,r rj,Iliw . rrt:2stL? .I";' _. .__.....__.__......___......___... __..__« 30 808 Ga-;b,. 'Cmis •...._..... _....,_......___ ._____.._.,._...__-------_... 30 809 Disl7oy_ . _..____._ _......__._...__..._, ..__....___.......____...___--_ 30 810 DiSy)cs,".:. 30 811 30 900 /',. imn vN t;r Fcnr? ____..__. ----------------------- 30 901 13r-:?Vtlon - Public -------- 30 902 'ElkemTt:+on - Retr oacti o -•--M-___..___._ .._w_�...... __...._ Af ICL: X FrtB PT?om�)OT Ora 1000 Hose ------------------------------------- 30 1001 Reporting 211reg ----_....., .......__-__....___...___.....__.....__ 31 1002 fire i w:i:ingui.sbers 31 1.003 Fire Depa--tmorri. Apr-rc�-�a ---- _-------- 31 1004 Rlrc Hazards 31 _005 Flamm ble Uatri.c!s __. .___.__.. ____._. _._.___._.._..__...___-- 33 ARTICLE "j rALNALMES AL!-D VIaUl'17O S 1100 Pena?.; _..____. ------------------ 31 1101 Violr—t'orx - Urfit ------------- _.._...._ 31 1102 IA--,al 31 1103 Ef:.J oc`:ivo- 'Ge_. _...-_-__,._._ ..w_.__.__...__..._._--- _.____---_ 31 oRDIr{AmE no. 65 rx fi.umllEE 0r tIG crIr Or c6TA UESA RQUIRII{} PERUI1S rtID IAOVTDITi]BEI,I..'!IoN] 0ovERIlItI} tEE cONflmEIIOtr, },rIfigEIAnCE rI{D Oprnltlor orlRrItER Pllf,g, rrD InovIuIrB IEI{ATIIES- rDR TEE rIOIAIIOI rmSO!. the Clty CouDcU ol th€ Cl-ty of Costa }l6!a doe! ordrt- a! folloc!t ANXICLE I DEEDIITIOIIS A}TD OEIMAL PROVISIOIIS SEC'IIoIi 100. I?IE. Ihi"B NllaDco sbalt b€ tnot.D srd nry be oltcd as thg ,Corta Mese 1}€l.l.or Park Hr-D.Dce. r SECTIOX 101.. iellINIIIOIs. AB used Ln th18 Hi.u!mo, n!L€8s tte contst othorrlae reqUhsr (1) 'tap66yBpn, rheiD used l"a coDJunctlon idtJr dlr Eat€tltal, qrp1fuDc6 o! qrpo ot conltructlon, rhall Eaanr (1) daettDg tba ryrorrl ot th Co(]ta fiBsa &I.Itdllg Deparirnt ss tho result ol l[y€stl8su3n! or t rt! cotrdrct6d br e nattoDaL\. rocogDlzod torttla 8gstrcy, or (2) ry !a3&n ol ssarytod prrrcclple8 ad 6tddlcd! estsbllsH by n8t1@sL atrthotr.- tlr!, t6ohtio.l, baalth, or soientiflc orEeiratl@! or.g!alc!. (2) 'rAfimEi naolJlg ary lbado rtnrtsro ol epprovld E t€r.r,rl :-ut&Urd, erectsd, or u8d sdJo:dng or adJecclt to a trsdl,6t! coeoh. AElttg do6r [o,t Lttcludo a rbdo. aFl6g. (3) ,EtrDIG", aa used ltl tH,B HlnaDcc, Dears a slDSlr o! EIttIle trldly drBUlry, publl.c to1let!, pubu-c baths ald lelmdrrr ro@s or othcr stnrctu.ls! eDd a coryarteEl coloabllg a tollit o! bsth, or both, conatEctad for the exolullve ure of aa occqrant of a trall.er slte. (lr) 'Cfffm" q6a!! aqr portable, dooEntsbLe, ot psE EDt cBbrn, larll boule, !006, 6Dc1o!u!e, or oth6! bu[dLDg er€ctdd, coDltr.tlgtod or placsd on .IV trdLer 81ta ylthllr r1r f€6t (61) ot artrr tralLor aoach o! tts rlt!3 81te fu a trallrr p8t*. Cabans doss Dot lrludo stohg. (5) 'CAEII|A - PfnMAttE!|I, ra6sn! slor cabana Et4ch ls d6!r{ngd ro It to b6 Dot r6.dL\r d1lqr!€nbltd, trq"€d or !ee!s!@bl6d. (6) ngleqtu - pon$SLE OR Dfr'toU|tABLBlr nranr ettr prefabr.!.catad ctbsDa utllch lr d,e8lglad to bo rcadlv qsreobl€d ad dlrslsaDblod a,!d adetcd to !6a& taattspofistrrn 1!0![ pLac6 to place, (7) oCmPOmn roanr En at tltag or Ehade structure for an auto- noblls located on a t!e116! rlt€, (0) ,BACI$LO{ COIINECTION m COllUmO{'r E6e! aEr eEraagaout or dodc6 rdrolettr r&tsr or othor ll,quldE, trlxturoa, of rubltaDcas s4/ 6ut€r -t- dt3'-rlLrutlon plpeB of & dafe dnd potabLe uate! aupllhr flon d.r{r sourcs oa Eouroarg otbar thaD itg lgteDded soulle" (9) 'Erorfl,oh' PREVffER'r or "BACI(tr'Igrr PBorltC?rVE DEVTCEi neans 8n srratrgenent o" devlce to pr€vent backflox hto the potable rat6r syst€n. (Io) 'ERANCH SEiVICE IIXlEi raeaD8 that poir,lon of th6 rat6r o! ges dr-otllblrtlon sJr€tEr extoded frots the park serrl,ce flah to a tlalIer s1t6 srd r.Dpludeg colEctlons, d6v!.ces e.Bd a!,pur.lenances ther6to. (U) ,DEpEt{nEm, TnAIIfrft COACHT d€elrB a tr611e" cosch Dot €qu1pp6d rLth a rstor cloaoi, (fZ1 ,p'p11gBq" (nrlltrdng) &eara a recoptacle rblcb recolyes trater, 1&rrld, or rasto alld dl8chsrBos lt l[to a dlalrsgo systoo. (U) 0EoRIZOrTIL PIPEi' sealra ar{l' p1p6 or tltttug rbtch lE lD- rta.ll€d 1n s ior{.zontrl porLtlon or rhlch qEkes an arglg of 1ss8 tb€n forLy-f,t?e ([5) aegrees rlth th6 horlzontal. (fI) "ols DISTRItrITou StrsTtun oeens 5aI of th€ ess supply prphg vlth:llt a trsl,ler prrt ertondtDg fmo the rlal.lt pubuc otrpp\y, o! ottar . soulcs of, q'ply to, hlllt, not trEludlng tbo trarl6! Eglvlce Er8tenr, erd shaU Lmluds braDch sowlce !18s, devlesa ad epor"t€nrtlcos ther€to. (15) iIIIDEI,IIII,EIIIT m,AIIDR CoACH 0leatts a trs.tler coach 6qulFp6<r rd.';n a neter clorot. (f6) "ngIEfNCg, ln e traller psrk lncludes aw of the follostDgt (a) trIS' pubu. nuLsanqo ktota at c@oon lar. or 1! equlty Jurts- paudonce" (U) mataver la derg6rous to hean lffe or ls d6trlo6ntaL to hss,Lth. (o) Ihe ovgrcrclal.[g of attrr rooE rLtb occrpalrt6. (d) IlsufflorrDt voBtlletloa or llluElnetloB of, 84r rooE" (e) Iaadequate or hsaaltary ser6g6 or plunbhg farlllt1es, (f) dh{rtover lsndors ql"r, food, or drr,rrk rruLoleoooe, or d6trl- Denl.a1 to th6 health of huosr b.fugs. (]'?) "LIAIIItrIID PSI?oLEU.| oASE Esera petrotourq \.droc8rtolrs or Itlxluroa tll€reof, Xo UqtrXd or garsorE stste, har1lg a vapor pleaaurs fu 6xc,ra6 of 26 psi, at a toq)oratru! ot 1OO dcgloea tr'. Uh€n6v€r th6 q,rbol IJtl ls us6d 1t sh.I1 oeer liquffhd p€tf,oteun gas" (18) ,oCCo?tBD tREA'r r6slrs tbo total aree of a trallgr slte thet ll occtpled by aty hlldrng, cabaoa, ranada, tral,l-er coach, car?orb, -2- euL!8, sto Se ceblltot, or lttuotale. (19) nPlIf, IIRtrIfiloE sf$Eun eean! the 6!tt!.B qrstsB of drd!.96 ptpt g [!ed to cGV€6r srragc or otbr rqlt ! ftoE tbs t'rsll,sr dad,r qoDootd.on at lt! oo@ctloa to tba taaallr clte t'rsD t a publl,c rcllor or pt{yato lct agr disporal rystora. (2o) "Pmx wAfm }{AINtr qesn! thai portl.on of tho rater dittr"lht- tg systdll r,hloh oxterldg froa ths rtreot raaln, t.at6r D6tor, o! othsr eu!c6 of r'rpp\y to tho broch aerylcc llne8. (2t) rftw*urn' Esana the practlco, rBAt€rrrls, erd f,b(tlfe! t rcd la the lIt8tellsiron, aa1[t6nanee, extonsLou, ard slt letloD of oIL plplrg, ttxtures, agpllelces, sn(i appur+€amcea la corectton rltrb arg of ths foUortrgt senLtary drafutage f,aclaltfus, the vartiDg syston, and th€ pubuc or pdvate t ater su!,ply q.8tons, rlt'hl.u or a(lacertt to .4r hdjLdtrg, git@tdrr€, or corveyancoi ako tlr€ praotLce ard nstfl"a1! u8sd tn tho illrteLatton, uaLDtonance, eatEDll,rn, or alteratld of tne U,quld t strt€ ol' aectrage etrd thB r.ater Blpply Eyrt€u of e,[r p!enl8e! to tbBlr coEpct o[r dtn aw poltrt of publlc asr.Er ot oth6r dltporsl ryEteo. (ae1 ,XAMAD1" dqanlr a4. roof,, or rh.de rtructure lEtal,lod, ersct6d, ola urgd abois s t!el,16r cosch slrd !1tc o! s4r portloE thcraof. (23) "SiRtrICE CoNtrECtlOl{r' n€ar8 thrt portdon ot ths Iate! dl.str.!.but .!A ryrteE rhlch extond! t:.oB tba te!:sLastlolr of the palk brroch 66rvlce 11ro to th6 tulet ttttl4 at the trallor" (2L) "SEm IlfERALn neans tltat portt@ of tho park dre&€gs rysta €xtsdtrg to a trelLor site aEd lrludes ths nPo tre. (25) nSmfi" tu mndatoly, erd nulfn l' f,orEfustyB. (26) ,SoI], g!!En Eaarrs ary drehrge colleciLon l.ln€ lecslvtng ths draltaae of lret€r cloaota, r'lth or ritlDut dlscharTo frcd other flxt[ros, 8rd colleetrtng such dLecha4o to e dtsFo8a.]. sygtsu. (27) ,Smucmna, lreanc that rftlch ls bu[t, or conatlucted, sn ed.!fi.qe or tnr:Udlrg ol anJr klnd, or a.ror pleee of rolk ertiflcislly t[1,1t r& or co&posed of partg Jofuled togethar ,r ao{e dsflDlt€ daangr. trStnlctur6n do6s not lnclude s, traLior cosch er &flBd hord-u" (Ze) "19115'1" trclud€e rator c1o!6t. (29) n:tuIIXR COACE a! used ln tld, N.naDcs rs€ar ary oa6p ca!, trrllqr, or otb* vqh!.c1€, vlth or yitjrout rotlrl pore!, d6d,grBd, conatructod, ad eatutaLuod to tralel on the publtc tbomEgbtrrss -3- et th€ dard-rruD sAlovabl,o rpeed lto1t 8rd ln &ccodanco tdth tho provlrloug of ths Yghicle Cod6 of the State of calr.foratla, and d6618ned' u!ed, &[d [ri.ntaln6d fo! huosn habltstlon. (30) irRAILm DR^II ColI[ECtIolli or ntrG,E C(NNtsClIOlflr o6qna that re[ovab16 Ext€ns1on, parL of r{h!.ch shau b€ floxlbl€, cotlnoctlng tha trelloa dra1lrsgo qf6teE frod the tlallor outlet to the trap l'rlet on the trallor s1te. (31) 'TRAU,BE DRIIIIAOE SrSTE' ' r€8ns thet portdon of dralnrgs Flpllg !.lthh o! peliltrsnont\y atteched to ihe tralLe! lncludlDg tlte Tsntlrg !yste!o, tho traller dr&In cor]rrooilon, and receivirg the dlEcharg€ tlon e4r flxiurl or t|ate! cLoEet. (32) ,lTlll,s P.,l}fin as uEod ir thlo ord-i oancs, lrsanE atlr area o! trsot of Is.nd Bherc 6pace 19 rer*ed or helci oul, for rent to tro ot mors orncrs or ulels of, traller coqcheB, o!' rlore flee a8rlt)fu€ ls p6roltted omors or ulers of, t:.61l6r coaDhas for the purpoea of s€curi.rg thelr trade. (ll) TIRAILm Sm(rcE SYStEl" Beans that portlon of the uate! or gas plplng vlthln or pennanontly attachEd to ,h6 tlaLle! and tha1l tlclude the serralco coanoctlon. (rt) ,mAILXR SITEn mea.ns that portlcn of a tla,llor park dsslgast€d snd dosl€ned fo! the oEcupancy of a trellor coech, and Inc1ud68 srlr aree that 1E sel aslde or uaed for autonobllo pa.klng, cat?ort, stolage, amlng, cabare, laruada oa othsr atlrcturo. Traller s1t6 aIEo lnq1ude8 E1te. (r5) ,Oot" neans a f,lttltlg or dsvl,ce de6lgnod snd constnrct€d to proyldo t ren properly v€nted, a Li$rld trap Besl rrt{ch p!€vsnts back paas€ge of gaa or al! of slpholrlge of 1tr oont€nt8 rlthout nrtsrlal-]y affeetlng flor through Lt. (36) "UilFI? FOR HLMATI HAEITAIIOI{ OR mCgPA}EItr, as splLed to cabalra or othe! stnlctules, Beara eDy oEbaha or gtructure Btdch 1s daDgelous to lunan U,fe o. detd.roBata,l to hes.lth thrrough etther lack of o8lnteaanco, o! !6p81! gsnErsqy, or becaure ot urEefe or loprope. coDltructr.on or 1n9ta11a- tlon, 8rd 1nc1ud69 but ts not ltnLted to cabanar or Etruciurs ln rtllch at|trr of th8 foUqrdrtg coodltlom eldst: EEt€rlo! yells, 6ufportd.ng structuls, doola, rd.DdotaB, floors, ,roof,t, E t llatrces, o! equ1p66nt ar€ so dot6r{.orat€d, brokeE, or dsEsged es to bB haterdoug to the occupants, gr tha salLs,root, floo!, dools, or rtudorrg als It! such coadr,tlou as notto adcqurt€\y plot4ot tho occu!,drts frloa ths 61€d6nts. -!- (3?) trVEllfn meane a plpe or p1plrg rysten rtrich provides a flor of dr to or frorn a dralnage system to prevent the loss or lormrlng of trap seals by atphonage or baek pressure. (38) 0VEnIICAL PIpErr means a4p plpe or ftttlng rhtch is lnstEl1ed In a vertical posltlon or uhlch makes an angle of not more than forty-flve ([5) degrees wlth the vertlea:i. (39) ntJASTE PIpEr neans ary 1lne recelvlng the dlschallge of fbctures othor than toLlete, and conveylng sueh dlscharge to a soll plpe or to dlaposal. systeru. (lp) n t,IATi,n DfSfRtBtITING sy.STEI'{tl means a]'1 of the water aupply plptng wlthln a traller park extendlng from the maln public Bupplyr or other solrrce of supp\r to, btG not tneludtrg the traller servlce systeo, and shalL lnclRde branch servlce llnec, flxtures, devices, and appurte nanc os thoreto" (U) TIII DmEAI(ir means ar$r protectlve fence, ral[, stnrcture, or shelter fron the rlnd elri rhl.ch oxeeeds forty-ly6 inches (lprr) ln helght" (L2) n lfil{DOW AI,ll{IIWt mesna ar[r armlng rhtch doeg not proJoct mor6 than thlrty lnches (3O',) froo tha body of the trel.ler and rhl'ch doee not ertend more than slx lnches (6',) on elther alde of the nlndor lt la deeigned to aerr6. SETION 1O2" NITMEER. The shgular nunber lrcludes ttre plural ard the pLula.l itrludes the slrr8uler. SECTIOI 103. VAIf,DrTf. If ary paragreph, sentence, elause.or phrase of thls Ordinance for arv reason is rreta to be un6onetltuiioneL 9r -lnveLld, luch shal1 not affect the renaining portlono of thieOtrllnsnce, end the Clty Councl3, here\r declares-tt rou-Lcl have passed 9ac! p3rgeranU, sentence, clause and phrase thereof fu.respeotfve of thefact that, ar5r one or more than one sentence, cl,ause cr phrase thermfbe dec1ar€d uncongtltutlonal or lrrvalid, ANTICLE rI EIiIF0RCEMENT, ACTIONS AI{D PROC},TDTNGS SECTIO{ 20O. E{I'0RCEMnin" The CaLtfomia }Iighway patrol, she1l6nfor:ce the provlslons of Sectlon lr03- The Ctty Bufldng: Inspector!he.l'l' enforce e?erf,r other prowlslon of thls or.t-l-nance; prooraea, horever,that the County Health Offlcer shaLl enforce such sections hereof aopertatn to sanLtatlon. ltre- offlc-grs or agents of the Ctiy BulldlngInspector or the County Ileaith Offrcere mqy: (a) Eff,er publlc or prlvate property to detonnine rhetherthere e:dsts arSr traller park to uhich thls part appll-es. (b) Enter and lnspect.a11 tratler parks, Hherever sltuaterl, and lnspect aL1 accomodatlons, equlpment or parapherzraLla uiedln connoetion thererith, 1nc1ud.r ^g the r{.ght to exerlae ar5rregf.stora of occupants n-r ntaLned thereln ln order to aec-urethe enforcenent of the provlaiona of ttrls part. -5- SEGTIOI| e01. AIAIEIUE IROCEDURE. In argr sectlon or pmceedlngto abate a nr!-serce La a treller park, ploof of the foLlowlng facta& auffl.cl'errt for & Jrrdgnont or or.rler for the abateoent of the oprera-tlon of Ure tt,rlor parkt (") herl'ous convLctlon of the osrer or operator of thetral.ler parlc of a vLolation of thls 0rdlnance rhlch eonstttutea a nulsance. (b) Fall.ure on the part of the owner or operator to correet the vlolatlon afber the conrlction. (c) The vLoLatlon ls the basle for tbe proceedlng. SECTI0N 2O2. AmHORIff 0F OFFICRS. Eor tho pur?o6e of secud.trgtb enforeeoert of thls part the officers or agents of tbe Clty Brlldrlag Inspector and the County Health Offlcer sheJ.l have the author,!.tyof poace of*loers as nay be Recessaqr to secure enforcenent of ttd,apad. SDCTTO}I 2O]. APPRCVOD A'TERNATES. (a) The provlalons of thJ.s Ordinaace aro not tntended to preventttp uge of argr naterla}, appllance, tnstrr l atlon, devlce, errange- uent , or Eethod of constructr.on lrot qpecl,flo&L1y prescrlbed bythls Ordlnenco, pttorided such alt€mate has been epprorred. (b) Ihe Clty Bulldtig Inepector may approve arlr such alternetetf he fl.nda that the prcposed des(gu ta satlefectory and the nater{,aI, appllance, {lr6tol 1 4l{65, devlce, a:rangenont, method, or rIork offerod 1u, for thB purpos€s lntended, at Leaet the equlvalent of that prescr{bed tn thLt Ordlnance ln qualtty, strergth, effectlveress, durabl1lty, safety, ard for the protectton of ltfe and healt'h. (c) Ttre Clty &rtldfulg Inopector nay requlre that sufflcient eyl.dence or proof be subnltted to substantlete arpr clalns that mry be made regatding the uge of ar5r auch altsrnate. (d) lrheraver there ls evldence that ary &ateraaJ., aFpllance, ,r8tr1 l etLon, derlce, arrangernent, or netbod of construction does not eonfolrl to the requlrenente of thls Ordlnarce, or ln ofiler to subetsntl&t€ clalrs for an alterrrate, the Clty Brlldlng Inspector o4r r.equlre teste \r an approved agencJr, as pmof of compltarce to be nade at the orpense of the tralLer park operetor, trar,Ler coech orltrr, marnrfacturor, contractor, or agent. .]IBf,ICIE [I PMMITS .AI[D tr'EE-q SECTION 3OO. COIISTRUC?ION PEnMIt" It ls unlauful for arly personto & arV co[rtnctlon of, or Ln, a traLler perk un16ss bs flrst roakes qpJ.tcatlon tn rrltlag on ths forr provlded b5r, ed to the Clty BulldtrgrlrrF,cctor and obtalns a pernlt ther=for. SmlI0I{ 301. OPERAftOt{ PERilIl. It ls u].awfu]. for arnr person to qreate, rsnt, Ieese, aub-1ease, letror hire out, for occupancy er{r apaca ln e trailer park rithout havlng flrst obtalned a permLt as requlred hereln. SXCTI0N 302. FEES" COI\EiTRUCTfoN 0B 0PERATIoN PERMITS. Eachlplloatlon for e perutt requ{red by Sectlons 30O or 301 of this Ordlnance chaAl be accompalr1ed by e fee of firenty-flve Dollers ($25"00), w]rl'ch feeshrll be encluglve of and ln addltlDa to atnr conatructLon feee requlred to be pald ty a4r other ordlnance, provlded that appllcatlons for pemlts !o operete traller parks eldeting and larfuJ.\r operatlng on the effectlve dete of tblg M.nance shall be f[l.ed, wlth tlE fee hereln reqrdred, rlth!.nt.lrltt (30) &yE fmo and after the eifectlve date of tttk On{henc6. SETfOIiI 3O3. FEES - 0tHm ORDI}I.AIICES. In addltton to the fees rlqrd.rod to be pald la Sectl.on 302 of tld.s Ordinance, tbe onrer or operetor -5- of elqh traLller park ahqlr pry Ure l!.cense fees aet forth tn 0rdlnmoello. 25 of the Clty of Coeta t{csa, aa or"oaded. SEIIoW 30[. rml - ADDIIIoII& It{Ir.EB SIIES. ln appllcatJonfor a pemdt for addltlonal treLlEr cites Llr an extrttng perl shpi:be accoryanled by a feo of 1\lo Doltars ($Z.oO) for each-Gr ard addtttona]. trrtler aL!91;19yfaca, hoE?or, that ao fee greater than T'rontr-fke Dol1an ($25.00) eha.U b€ ctrarged for a4r on eaalUonat app:ica-tLon. SECTIm 3O5. OTUm FmS. In add!'tlon to thE fees prortdedto be pald under Sectlona 3O2, 3O3, srli 30! of tble O!.dlaece, penoJ.ts O r brul.].dlng, electrlcal, heatLng, €emr and plwblng cUlf riqirlrefees ln accor.danee rdth the fee echadulee as provlded bJr othor -Otdll.nces. SEqIICEI 306. pEmET FnoCEDITRE. wtthtn ten (1o) d4rs afterthe app_1loatlon, deeerlptlonc, plans ard qleclflcatlons, ard reqtd,r.d f-eer- 1! sr!r, sro ftlod aad pald, !n Lnspactor of the BriJdlng Oipar.tcut, dt alJ. lnopoct the grounds upon uhlcb the eppllcant proporos to ai thc t ot"k for rhich be seoks a pernlt. Ttt6 erl'Idtry Inspector fhel1 lsluc a rrC.tten permlt to the appltcant if h hls op.tn{ oa, (") fhe grormda are eatiefactory for the Elk pnopossd. (b) The deccrlptloa end p1ans and apeclflcattona ftled lndleate that the rcr{< proposed r:l.LI neet the requlroettrof thlg Hl.narrce. SECTI0I| 307. CH NGE 0F OWNERSHIP. Tho erlldllrg Inrpectorshall be notttted brr tho olloer or qrerator of aqy trdler psk of a4r ohdtge lll the naBe of or the omershlp or possesalon tberaof. Salduotlce eha1l be fui nrltton fornr and shaLl bs finnlshed rltbin ftfUeen(U) aqrs fu@ 8nd afbor arSr such ch&rge ln nane or traosfer o! onasr- ahlp or polresstoa. The aotlce shall be accoqaaied by a tranrfer fee of Tqr Dollare ($fO.oO). SECTXOI 3OB. POSTING OF PERMITS. Pernito for conrtnrctlon, lnota,llatlon and operatloo sha.ll bo pooted la a consp!.cuor place. SECTI0I{ 309. EXPIIATI0IC. All pennits aE requlr.ed lrr thla Orrdfuanoe for lastal] atLon, constnrctlon or reeoostrrrctlon of a treller park shallJ. exptre e1x (6) oaths lton ths date of the lssuance tbroofln thore casss ttrere the congtnrcttoa, {n.tn]l etlon or rsconatnrctt on hes not been coqrleted withln aald perlod; pr.ovlded, howver, that tlrehl,ldtng Inspeotor nEr extend tha orplratlon date of aeld peru1t f,or a reaaorable tfune. SEC?ION 310. PffiMIT $USPEI{SION. Ia the event that argr peraon holdr aB a permlt lasued $r the DrtlcH.ng Inapector rmder the provlalo-r of thls Ordlnance, vlo).ateg ary of the prtrvt slons of the s&ld p6mit, the per:nlt may be subJect to suspension a.s provlded ln thls sectlon. SDCTJ0}I 3LI. SItsPERiSIo$ NOTfCE. fhe Bulldlng Inpector ah!'l'l lgsue and Benro rpon tlre permlttre a notlce settlng for{h ln 1.rr rrhat respeet the prnrrlsions of the perrJ.t and,/or of thls Ninance hsve been vlolated, and shal.l notlf) hlm that unless these pmvlelons have been conplled rrlth rlthtn ttrlvty (3o) days afuer the dats ofrrtlco, the per.mit shalL be subJect' to suspensJ.on. SECII0N 312, SEP"V:ICE oF lImfCE. The notlce shsll be g6tyed by poatfuC at Least one copy la a eoncpl.cttous place oa tha premlsea deacrdbed ln the said penult, and by sendtng another cogf tf regtetered uai1, portags prepald, returt recelpt requestod, to the person to fiort tlrc pernlt ras lssuod at the addrece thereln glven. SECTIOII 313. SIEPE][SI0!I. If the requlrementa of tbe eald notlec heve not been complieC rltth on or before the explratloa of thlrty (3O) aqys afuer the nei}lry and posttng of the notlce, the hrlJdlng In4ector nry suspeld ths parrnJ,t. SEC$CII 31b. RESI0RATIoI{. Qon coryIlaace by the perrlttee rlt}r tho prryiclons of thls Ordiaance and of B&ld notloo, ard gubolgtlon of proof thercof to the Sulldlng fnspoctor, tho Btrl1dlnB In4ector aha1J. lrd.rststo the pennl.t. Smgto]f 315. REOIIIBED pEnm?s. I{o tradler pa?k oraer ot op3rrato. r, o1 eqr other p€rron, sha.ll ercct, oorutructl recootrrrct,relocate, e1ter, na!.ntala, or occr{rJr or peirolt ths orectlon, coagtruc-tdoa, reoonatnrctlon, relocatlon, eLmriton, s:ltaratlo!. nalnten nce.or o99up.rcy of a4r cabane or strrrctrre ntthLa a traller-perk ytthttr - sJx (6) feet of ary tre!,ler coach or arg such cabana or giructunetIEt Lr derlgagd to be uaed rlthlr stx (6) feot of aqir tralLer ooachunlear bo has fLrst nade an application ta rr{.ttag and obtalned a p€rultt do !o frou the Bdldrng Inspector. Fenees or nlaabrealce Lesa tttin S* (6) f,ee! ln her€ht and coirfoming ailafilgs as d.effu.od ua ,pe"iffeabere!-n nry be orecied and used uithout a pernit. ltro porson shall erect,,p]19er. a3Jata1n, or ocenpy a cabana or siinrsture tn a tralla r parkd.tbout tbe written consent of tho orner or oporrtor. of the trif.lerpalk. Smm0i{ -116" PLit}ilT :\ppLIC.q?:0:\i RXQiilnT Ei;.iS. &Ve:y trallerpark ormer' 9r_o;:erator r:eu1r:C to ob.lci-n a perrr'_t und.cr thd provisloaaof Seetlon 315 of thts OniLnanc e shrrll. fL-Le an a; pl-lcat!-on ttirefoi - lpog fory-s furnlshcC by the &riiding }:spcctor.; ; r.o.rrided, hornvsr,tbat alp3-tcatlons ng be fll-err joi*t\r b"rr trai-ie:. partr ormers end tr&lforooach ouerg arci consiruetion per,irlts u4r be l,re,,ei Jotnt\r to trall.erpa:'k owaaro and tratler coach oHlrers b'rL provlde,. ftith.r -ttrat tue ir.flerpatk osrer shai"I b6 rosponsl,Lrlle f,rr c,:irpilalce ,*,.tit pr\orlslons of ti.gsOrdLnance. All applleatioR..l nhal,.i. lre 1.:r ,iup licrr,ie ii.,,r(i ri.ceorqlar}ted h;,: (1) Plsns " 1'{,r. (itl .rclis ri' p..;::u arlj r. r;,.}:;, fl-c rtlon;; of tir::riol::l: to Lrt-. t:r,::!'."o1,:rr-t, , i:,.'n f:..]:.ci_.: l-,.;,r:,:i c - :1,,,,tr*tti;el:.].e ea,banas l--:.i,,," :,a .:'.)c'.;,? --,. :i-::.;.,:;.i lirt .i,.- ,:,:c.-.:'_r-,_,rc,., ,iJ-t!i thc ta:rnu-factur.-_clrs i.:.'rs L:i-,ctt;-:rii$ ..{r.ti;1.rti-. glt:iLi.l rr..i.c: (,:{' ;1A:::3 ;i::d qnciiic*_tisi:s ;.rltere thei profai::ir:ateci :+sseiirlii;r .+iti :.,:r:tr.ictLong have had prlor aFiprov{r:}, cf t!i(., Euildl.ag J.nry:+:tcr., (2) PLot plan. . l plot plan of the ",reLl.6r s:Lte shcrrlagilhe lot l.t vr"'a ef the siiro aylC the locetlln of, the tratlirend eai:ena or otract,ure wlth respec! to arlr other #onrcture orLra-f-l.e :: o.:r adJacsnij otto$" (l) Engqneer{.ng AnalJrots. Ccpy ol ene1rlear.tng ana\yeesrnr:n requLred by prcvlslors ol Ur1's Ord:i.:l aqce " SECTtOl,i 117. IIOrICE Al{D EE/mnicS" pEIX,lIf iimpUNSIO$. Seetionr: 3r-.to to -3J.lr, furylugtve of thl-e OrrlLnance perLalni.ng tJ eonstruct lou andoperatloD pernLtu rhsLl appl-I, to atrrctu-res ragr.'-Liuecl by ti,ls o.dr""rr.;, (1) Aqy-pernfttse re6€tv&g a 3uspeneir.in notl.ce &qy requastand shslL ba granted a hearlng on ihe m.rttor before- areprosontatlve cf .the lnrildlng laspoctc,:: cl*slgnated by the Sldl."g.I*pector to hold suctr he-artn6. Th,:-pernrlttie-shal.lfILe ln the offlce of the BaLldlng Insf.rctcr a rrfttsnngtlttou roquestln€ such hoaring inC eo,.-,tlug .f,crth a brlefstateNlsnt of the grounds thercfor ul.thtt tei (1C) deysof tbe date of nai.ltng of gr.rch aotlcc" (e)_-Upon recefpt of spch peLttlon tha Eulj-Clq3 Inspectoraha11 set a tlae arrC a place fcrr such i:earirg ini siruU gloothe. petltloaer rr.l"ttxrn notice thereo f . ir.t si.ch heartrg ifrepetitlomr shalI be glvea an opportunlty to b€ heard atid toohou cause, if arpy, vt{r such nottec shoiil-C be modtfl.ed or.sltbdram" (3) Such h6. €rlng shn'rl be co&lrenced not Li.rt:r thaa ten (1O)drys after the dagr- on rhLch euch pctLtton ues fi.Ledg p"i"ai"athat upon appEc&tlon of tho pei;*!-oner the e$ldfrg l;qeo;a;;ps$'postpom tho.date of such hearlng fcr" a reasoDs6le ti,nB bsJr. ond such ten (I0). day perlod, If in hts Judgment, the - petitlorer has suboitted a gcod-ald su.f*r.ciint-reason ior auchpostpononent. !L)., -Eter such hcarL:og thE. &rlldfug }:qroctor shall suslet n,TdPr or nlthdrar the aotlce, aee6nafni "po" tl" ftldlug;;to.rtptlrer tho provlslons or tis ddi-;;;"-n.r"-L""o couprleddth. -8- rnxIcLE 19 Pffi(s AI{D SIIES gECIIor L00. r,[IAr{FlrL occuPlllcr" It rhrilt to u81rftl for qr pclro! 1, a tra{Io! plda to tls o! oanE., qt Ftdt to ba urad for ooqq,rDcjrr (a) lry tralter coach lftE yhlch ary t tr o! t t6o1 h.r ba6[ !@orBd lrrcrleltotr, o*cept for tba purloge o! lid.lng t4otrtlr rrp.lrt or plratDg lt 1B deed ltiorsgs. (u) .A.ry tralter coqch to Hhlrh a.e attechod ry r'Lgld ratrl, gelr or !6rEr plpeB, pFylded, horsv6r, thet EBt8l tubbg let to erceea oae-hatf (1/2) lrrh htldo dladter !4r b6 u!6d for rater rlrd thBt Eeta]. tutfnc not Iels tban i,t""*qo-o"t"t (3/lr) lDch ,rddfF! dl.e@ter uor nore trrin f,Ifteen (19) f6et tr ler8th llry bs ur€d ft,i'tl}lo a gaa coDooctor frod the brancir ser'vIce rlae! to ths lsrrlce qou6totf! (c) Ary treller coach ',rhlch is pclnanently attached vltrh utdet?lndDg or fourdatlon to tlre g!'ound. r: (a) arly tratlor coaph rhlch does Got corfolIl to tho lsqtd.t} - Drrta of th! c8alfomla Steto VehLcle Codo gqrerrlltg the uls of "t'i trEllers oll pubuc hlshxrys. ;(e) ery tratler co&ch uhlch does not caray a cursrt lr!*ti' Licerss lssued }ry ary State o! fovelgn vohicle d6partElt. (f) Ary tlalter coach ln an nr8eltatlr oodttoa. (g) Ary tratler cosch r.hlch le etn.lrctur8l\y uDtould ed dgcs not prcteqt lts occlpants agallrst the sleo!t!. smTlo!, l+01. uliawFur, oss. It is uD18r{u1 tor a4r DetI'Dlr ! to u!e, occrryy or naLataln ar{r trsl}or oosch, trpcD a4r alea or tract ;f 1{td for e psrlod of roore t,lalr acvcu (?) dryr durft8 .ry oa t1lEee (3) B@ths psdod of t148 rtthmt the rrr.tta 116,11!!!6 :? of tbs oEor or lal! oD lega1ly ll, charge of t'he laltd. SESrIOI LO2, IINLI]fiIIL RmII. It shsll bo url.enfoI f@ ryp€rsd! to rent or bold out for lent alv tlallcr coach l! a t!d1c! psk rtd.oh fu orBd by o! Lu the posse8slon or contlol o! tho olr ' or ollBrator of t'he tral]'er palk or hlr agelrt. The lntal' psld fot aw Buch traller coach !h411 elBo be deensd to bo ro!t8.1 for t,ba lpaoc lt occrDl€E. sDcgrot L03. PAnEm. rt 1. uD].awfirl to p6,rk a lrdLor oorob ovBr Dlght qoB Ery pub11c hlgh.ry ,sludtug &i dgm ot t ry. fld'tpllrlllon lhdt Ddt apphr rtlere a tralLar coach 13 pabd for ttr pl[?o!g ot i"Ll''g eo€[igellcjr rslraits. SECIIOI [Oll. CABAIIA BE|IAL. llo rtrtctu.E aor cabela oD drtt!8llsr d.tc r!ry ha occrgled uDIesB t&o clto ts t€untod ty 8 t fitr ed D rtnctulr lor cabara m{r bo ocgl{,tod hr ary occoDsnt! oooullll8 tlre trd.].or t€neIltlDg the Elt6. SESIIoN lro5. clRErArxR. It 1! ualat ful for aqr p€rDa to aDorato or rialrltar!, o! cauas or peBlt to b6 operEtsd or ral,lteJ.nd, d[r trallsr park, unless thele tu a caretaker 1r th€ perk at !D. t ,e. fh6 csretsb. rbel,1 enforce nlthla ttl6 park plovl8lots of thfu NrJr!@6 gov?rdig the op€ratlon and na-lntoEaBce of tlaller pldrr. sEcXIoN 1i06. slzE. Each traller 81t€ tn a t!.l,lr! p.r{. shsll te D(,t 16s! than one thousEnd (t,OOo) uquaro feet La erca. lhc comprg o! lald ar6a BhaLL be clea":!J atd dlEtr-Ectly [a!kud. Tlre provlalons of tltls E€ctl.o! !hr,l,]. !!ot qrpv to tratl€rdt68 h ttrl16r p€rk6 ,la odEtorpe ed Laaftrlly Aer.sti.rg lpoa tX.elfective datr of tbls OrdlD8nce" smTlolt 107. ItrATIOI OF IRAILER. ]Io tr:aller coach rhall bolocated clorer then tarl (10) fe6t lron ary blludlry o! anoth€r tre.llo! -9- coslh, provldod, hoysvor, that ttE! doEB lot apply to a cooperteubcotrLlltlng ro1€ly . ptl,vate tollet or beth, or both, corutnrcted .for {rho orclusl,rr ur6 ol an geqpqDt of a trellsr site de6d.€aed forttrs oocuplltaf of otD trs.ller co$h. the proylslonr of tils Sectlonalall trot 4,ply to tralle! psrks h ed,Etence aud operathg r&outhe €f,feotivE dat6 of thls NLBsrEe, provi-ded that tur lucfr tia{lerprr.ka ao traller cosh dhe1l ba located cl"os6r tlu! slx (6) feetttto ary hnufrg or aDthrr i!aL16r coech. SSClIon,L08. LOI IIr{8. Uo tlaale! coach and Do bull"dlrlpth.Il bo loqatod clorer tbatr flv (5) i*t fil ; prdrrt lr;;t ,trrllllr rltc lot lt E. llra provlsLoae of t}lls rsctlor shELI not appg to tratlerFtltr tJr eld5t€nce g|d qperatrllg rpoD tlle ef.fectlve dat€ of thlst{!Ee, prosfd€d thal,, ljl aueh traller parks !o tlaile! coacb sldtndd.UDg Ehe1t be locatod cio8er thEtr Uuee (3) Jeat f}!n E4r Da'olartr f.ftD o! a trallor rlto lot 11[e. SXEmO$ 1109. DRIVE'IIAY. No drlverqr shal1 be less tllsnffft.@ (1r) feot ln cLe4r d1d unobstncted- yldl,h. llo drlverry !ha.11 he Lrs ulan tuontr'-tire (22) feet tn uldth !f ped.lEg ts to bo Dswldod olr oEe sld€ o.f tho drlveray ard not less ],3n thfrw (30)L.t t! rldth f.f porld-ag t6 to bo prryl.ded on both s1de6 o.f -thc dr!,v+.try. At1 ddvsrrirs thalL lisvo cloa! attd unobstructed access to publlctnolqghfqre. Ihe proylsl@a of tLtu 6Bctlon eha1l !!ot appry to tralle!pEb h €rdst€lroe .!d operatLDg upo! the gffectdra dsto of ttltl.go[dlr&c. ptloi'tdod _tbst, 1n such traller perks no dd.yer.a0. aha.ll bolrlr tl.ot fffteen (15) foet ln olesr aqd uDobstructed sldtlL SErIOI LlO, C.${HII{}. A trsllor park 6hal1 not, accoorodato.{r oa4Erg par.Utor. SEfIof rlU. flImORIZED SIAUC?0nES. l{o slructule €oicepttba. .EthotLr€d ty th& H&sDc€ Etall be orlcted. constnrcteit.pLEod, laf.ltrfird, or ocsqrlod on anr trailor alta, SmtIO lrl2. COIE InUCIION AXD MAIMENTI&E. Evsty aLrutue shaill be codrtlustrd sld !!8!ltatBd Ia a safE, approred andebrtetlat DanDB& SECTIOII l[3. SIIE AREA. In no 6vsDt shall t]le ooouDtedlI.. of a trellsr clto exc6ed set/orlqr-flye percent (?5f,) of ib totaldta ar€a, SBCIIIOI ldL SIIE 800mARIES. The bot&dad.es o.f each trstlordta .h.rr be oIearly, dtstLrcuy, altd psl1lau.tltly outltEd. SDCIIoN L15. Sm@ruRS ITCATI0N 0l{ SITB, llo stnrcture rEpol'ti.@ lor ploJeclrr! tb€reof !h8f,.1 bo -tocatod less than flve (!)fert fiolq ths ttatlar park borDdartr' oF the iraLler slte 1ot ]lne. Tbo prorlrlons o, thl.e Eoct-r-on stlaLl not a.Dpltr to t!s!,Lerp!fL! lll erlsteca sad ope.atJ.ng upoE the of.fecu_"e da,':.e of ihlsH.laEe proylded tiBt fut such t^!alLe" park-s uo structure or porttono! prgJ€at{on tbroof 8}e]l' b€ Located lsss than tkee (f) f,eetfioe r trailer prrk bourda$r or the t.la{Ior stto Lot 1.r-!e. g41rr0 tt6. AUt\Etro cR I{I:|DmEAT ItrCA$Oli. ilo strloture tror Dort .C' ltor projectloa thoEot llcludl.Dg an spprcyed asa&s ehB11 bdbortod olorer than teq (10) foat ftou ery traifer coach, iabau or Idlg oE -e! adJ.c.nt tlallsr sr.te, pro"lded, honevor, tlat a rtad- !f* rry bo loost€d o! lot lLBs provfaed 1! Ia at liset ttve (5) root1!D! r ta.aner o! cab.!a. PrDvktoE o.f ud.6 sootto! Eb€.IL Dot alrpu t,o trsllor psks Laod{igqo.:!4 openati.ag lpoD tbs offoctlve agt€- o-f tH.s N.Ea;c;,IIllrldld tbst, LE rEch t "rtor psrka !1o ltanctlrrs or portLo!! or pr6JectlonlElrror, 6:!cEpt srl apprcted aElrg, rhall be located c:.oser ttan a::r (6)tbrt ilou ry trsllor coach, cabaai,, rrr erdlg oll "a .a3.ceni-traf:sr-sitel -i0- provld€d, hor@e!., thet a rr-ldbreak E60r b€ locrtsd ou lot lLE!prvldsd tt 1! st 16ast tluee (3) l€6t froltr a tl8lter or oabaar. Smllotr lrf7. IJ}{ITAIIOE cN IOCATIOI{. To pFvBrrt obltroctlonof Daturel ].1ght ryld vErtll,atto, no csbsls, arDlDg, rrDrde, tui1d.trg, or vldbrsd. or c@blEtlou tbereof Bh61t b€ errcted, pLaced, or oafut6lEd ou Eorta tlEn oE rld! or oDe erd of eDJr trltllo! cgash,€ntpl 8! E4r bs anthorltod ln Scctlon L18 of tlds HLnalcc. SECttoN I18. C.ARPoRT. A ,be6-sta-rdlrtg arrolng or ahade atl|lotrrte sorvlng excLuslTsly as a cst?ort EeJr bs or6otad, plqccd or EaLltslD6d or tbe oppoalte aldo of a tre116! coach, ploytdrd tt oqrDoit 1s etlttlely opsn oo at loeat tro (2) efulee. Il Eolo thrntuo (2) sld,es. ErE encloE6d, th€ cslport sh811 bs loceted Dot ler8 thsl Uu.ee (3) f€et ftoE sr[r caba.n or tnsL].er coach. Erigrlr orr?olt shsu ooaf,orid to Arflcle v of thi-8 otdlruEe. sxcllcN l[9. RESP0]6IEIIII lnAILm CoACH Co]LECIToNS. ]rh6trtt t8 Evldent that tlE!'e eC6ts, or EEJr ard.Et, a vlolstloa ol a€rvlce faclI1t1es ru1e9 ald regul.atlolE, the ornor, operato!, 1err6e, p€rD! lI! charTe of thc park, or al[r othor pol'soa ca'raltlB a rrl.olBtio! !h8L1 csus6 to be colrsctec lffrcdlatck or dlscorure4t the re,rlce co@otl,on ed t!811er dral,! connoctlon frclu the leEpectlye palk becb lcrrtcs UEB8 .rd sst,er latsra-1. sEclIol{ L2o, MAINTEIIANCE. Aan dsylcss or EefeSu4rdr rcqulrsd Uy thls Nltulce shaU b€ oal.ntalJlsd 1D good rlorlLDg ord€r. th6 orEEr, opBr.tor, or 16a6e€ of, tho tralle! park or h15 deslgaatgd sgont .h.! r br rssponslbls for t$61r uahtonslco. SECIAoN 1121. TTAIMENANoE. fhe orEr or oper.to! of, a tr.tlorpo* shsill bo rolponslb16 tor sccurl4 tJle nalJlt€rrlre ot rIL stnratlur!! NDd t&sb !Ito6. SE0TIOI lfz. MdlliIIEl{AllcE. Dv6It ctnrctu& rhru b6 [sr.utrltrsd l.r sn .pprorsd, safe a.Dd 6an1ta!:f coldltlou snd trr a stat ot E proBd rBDel.r. SECTIOI !23. I.IAIItIEIAICE. A]1 devlcer, hlt3llattoEr, 8!d raf€guarrd! requL!6d b5r thlt 0rdlrenc6 shaal ba oatlttetDd h approrEd rorldag order" SECI'IoN lflr. MAIIITTMI{CE. l{o stnrctule thrll be sq cr.ct€d' placed or Ealntar-Ed a5 to obstmct e lequrlrod openlng tn I gabrrla or sd!g, a roquir€d opon Bpace on a alte, or pleteDt lDrpsctldr qf eLgcti'r.cal o. Banltary fec1ll.tl69 or trailer equlpaent. Applovd ltorsge oabLBts 84. b6 u!€d on q tral.le! 81te. sEcllol{ u2r. sIE SITRFACE. If tbe &r1ldltrg Inqpector cGllder! lt lacosoar:r lor tho plotectlqr ol tb3 ha81th of ths occqlatrts of a rtNotute or for proper sadtatlon, he nq. r'eqtdre t&at a clte be g!srs16d, or prqp€r\r psrBd alld surfeced xlth coacrots, arlhalt, 8rarr,of lLul].ar Eatort&I" SECrIO| [26" TRoEIEIIED oBsfnUClXoN" No obstnrctlotr of sqr kLld !b8lt Dc r!€cted, placedr or Ealntaltlsd ou or about ths taa116s !1to th&t rcu.l'd Lryodo tll€ t[ovEoBnt of a tr&11sr JtlB a 8lt€ to e drla!- iq)r or pr{Ivtr[t lDapectlott of pltBlbllg eld electrdcal frclllt1s! qrd rcLtsd trallcr equlpEput. sEctloll !2?. PI0T PLAII IN PARK" Or8 oEer or opsr.tor of dlry traflsr por* coltefutrg cabanaa !hal1 ilafut&l"n 1! a con8Plcuour l@rtlon 8 cqDr of en epplovBd plot of the irsLler prrk. ltc plot pLn rha1l thor lr deta[ th6 Blte 1ryouts, ths looatlon of oabEr ed tf,rlfurs, ald each sltr sba1l b€ deslgDet€d W Eraber or W olrbrDor of t d6lltLtlcatLoD" SnC(IolI 1128" RESfRICrED ItrAITolI CABAIIA. A cab.na ESr b6.!cctrd, coE truct d, occq)Led and aalJrtalnod oD\,' on a trsl,l"r lita @ tauotl a traller coaeh 18 located" A caba8a D4r b6 erect€d, ooEtrirot€d, occq)lld, erd naltltal.lred ot1\r aa an acceaaor:r to a trd.Ler ooaoh. -t 1- U SEC?Ioll 1129. L1QUIIIED PEfnOLEi[4 GAS. No ]Iqutfied petroteu! ga6 c'J'Ilrd6r sha-Il be charged vlthh t*eEv-fl"s (25) fcet of arygtrirctur6, .{R'IICIE V SmUCTUMTL cHArTm 1 - C.{tal[AS SEIIot 5O0. loCAITOll. &yery cabala shdl be doslgred sDdereeled ss a fre6-5ta:dlbg slructuro, altd shal1 aoi be pemareut\r attachod to or becoEo a peraa.trBnt part of ary. trEller c;ach. l!:sllarcoachet ahall Dot be a p}\yrlcsl pa]t of a4r cabana. Cabanas lt4}, beettached to a trallor rltb approprlato .flaslllrE or seeu-!€ nat.e_{.alato provlds a noaUEE soaL. tdo cabana 6hal1 be constrr.cted, p: a.c6d, ornsl.rrt8lrsd on no!6 than orE slde of s tralLer coach. Aa uiei nerefnsi.de Llcludes e[d" SECfIO, ,OI. pRoTi,cTiol{ rlOLINsT EIIr,tElrTs. Every cabun ehalJ.be so conatFrcted ard Ra5.nt:rr,!!ed as to p!.ovlde shelter t-o the occupanLs.gafu8t thE €lellotrts atd ?o e]iDiude dajq,ness ln kdt ere[t wea.Lher.lhe nater.i.als Eoed ,-n thl: rionotructlon ot e cabana .l1aIL bc of subBtantlaletd q)plo"ed 6tock. Drri:/ c.lbEra 611.1f:r- ha,rc a:: ap.;:rrrr.rd floor of rood,[aaotulr, o! conclete" $ciieiltlies oi i,relghtj ol rratar: alg. safe allor^able u,Ilt atreases, arld forlxulas l,r coiplr:1ry; etr,:,,.sns iball be ofEt&lderd reco8ntzed J,r.r :1(" sDcrlof 502" rEsI0Ns., (8) i,orgabLe (leslgn, plefabrica?:d poriable or dencuntable cabanas deylattug frlE ste.ndard stud iraile corEtxuctlon ordeslgned and constmcted of naterlals devlatlng llt arry derllorfr'on atandard stud flaEe conatructlon shall adntt of i ratlonelana]Jrsls ln ecqoldance rlth sstsbu.shed flnclples of aechaalcs" (b)- Perrlaront Deslgn. Tbc constructlon of portan€nt cabs.laslhall adhorE to stender.d practlcgs and eateraak of approprLate $ood_ i}8!r6 o! Easor!:r tlEes of, construction, A!0r aeeiia anacolstFrct!.@ rot coD3lEt€nt wlth pru-/lsiotrE of th{e peit o41 bea]?r:ovBd tf lt can bo denoEtrstsd that sqch aevtatllna grE aqu1T8.1ettt to the corstructlon ttqulr&leEts of ttrla OldhaDr€" SECrJol{ 501" HEIo}tr. Tte helght of a cabau.a shsJ.l lot sr.oeed.ry +ry-t btght nor thirt€€n (I3) feot at the hlghgst por.at aboye th6sctuq.l sdJotdJrg grornd lgvel. llo &rlhltcctural "ppi"to*i"", "i,"ffoxt({d Eo!.q tll3n flrftqy (lo) ,t ahsr auove or beyona tue uuffaG at aryPoht" SECIIoN 9011. AnEA. 4 cabana shs]-l coElat of @\r olB roo4hel/tug- a sl{,e*tcla:. sl:ea of not less th.ED el€hw (gO) so-usre- fest€xcludt1g g pt{vate torl.et or bath co4artaent. - tlo calao; ehali er.cesdtrelve (12) feet t! Eldth ard shaLL be'no greaier i, i"rcth l;; tb.trallJ! qoach lt Eelwos. t{o part ol such ioon shaff be inJlos; orstrujltdded ullolu or t! part bJr a curtalE, fl\ed or noFabls partltlon,or other contrlvance or detlce for arljr pur;lee cont?ary to tL provlsloasof tbL8 0rr .narce" sDcTIo 5o5, cfitf,lE HEICIj' pIrMAltiJ]T CAM$/I, A DemarEntcabarE shall heve a clear ceJ.lll1o }aifht of elclt (0) feet'tton -tUe fi|rd.sl,ed floor t the flnlstr.d (1oi1-tui:, or tt [*re i:.s ro tlnj.g]Ed cellrrg,to the rof; -provlded, hoMl'.er, LIEL if Ll": cc{l{hg roof 1s sloped, th6 -' dtulanm celllDg helAht 1s rcculr,:.l. ir ozr\r one_heli (f/2) of Uri siopltrgccllrlg a!ea. At no polnt st-.1:1 tb,. cej,l lr1g helght b€ lese tha! seven\il l.eL rn dr.J tortloD o' r.I. . SETION 506" DI.lriNEJ.till pLlLlt.^IJI,E CiltA {, }, por-table or deeourt_eble,cabeDa- Esy h,r'rn a r,dF-tri.u. .lcr,-. c.,,],L.i_nt holght of seven (?) feetEIx (6j trlches flolu tlE ffudsl€d.f:Loor- to ihe tlrlsLcd csllfu!8, or lJ 9llsro 19 no flDr.shcd ceutr€, io thc :.cof; provLdert, hc,,,.cver, ihat 1rthB celLfug -or_ r_ogf ,tp sloplDg, the rclnJ.nirn coilJrg-t,etght fu requlrcdfr only @ha1f (/2) of tre s.loplrit: celll.D€ areay prritaea Arrtlior thrtthe ntnl.qum rlperflcial floor area sbalL b. not Io:s- than nlr*ty (90) -- square- fcet. At no. polrlt ollAl1 th6 col Ltrts balSi.tt bo 16s8 than8fx (6) ta€t EIx (6) tnches I-E dry por+loE-of u rom. StrlrIoN 50?. RoCt{ ffImE. No a:rea or portlon of tbe loodEEaruri.lg le!! tha! seven (7) te6i ,! yldth afraf.f te frcUaea U tfrecoEl,ulrtto! of ilte oln:lmo rsqulrsd f,Ioo! a!ra, gECrroN 509. rirrDoH IREA, Ev3trr ceb&a sLr"11 be ulrldqdvr.th olrc (1) oa Eotg ylrdor.s barrhg I s;grosatc area of ait :.eesths! or-fotuth (fA) ot tlo flooiarsa. -- Wlidorg sbalL be ao arraresd aE to plope y U.ghl a]J po?tloE6 ot tbr looln, at 1esst oD6-hs1f (V2)ot th! requl.ltld ub,lo!, aree shalL be al.flr8sd to @oD. No !.squr.rcdrdtdor daIL be 1e8s tlurr alx (6) aquare feet f! ar€8. Tol].od or bathooell"tatlt r.lldous Dhs.ll odlp\y vlth tha provlaloE ot Sectlonr 62lred 62? ol tld.s mtDaoce. SIICTIoN 509. mR. ,{t tsast ono (1) door openlry r}rall benot Less the er1lqy (3O) !-nches lll rldth aor less tiu! srx (6) teet,tE (2) ,-Echos tn holght. SXCTICN ,1O. SCRnmlS" AlL opaoli8e rhall bo plotocted ytttr alDrflEd olr€rFne6h, fll,v-tlght, screerd.a6 tf Lhe dLv16lon ootEld6rs lt neo€sdetlr lor the proteetlon c,i health. SISTIoII 5].]-. C{loB.INx ITioEImTED. oabala€ Eha11 be uled for 11vl.!6 purpoeee oriy. Cool*€ r.lthl.! c.bEns.! 8hs11 rlot be pemlttod" Coollng epp1l&ceB, J.ncludtlg hot platee, ehalL lDt be lngtalled 1n cabaras. SFC{ICN 512. PIAIS. tur E)prdred set of pklt8 and E colDr of the peElt 6baU be kopt oD tbc 6lte llntll ttle BtludltE lDEpeqtor ha! mad6 a tlEal heoctlon. SECIIoN 5L3, lt@D llAullin SI)DS. dood studs rh&Ll be lot lelsth& tyo (2) tlchss tf four (lr) lnchee sFc.d sixtasn (15) tacher ou cent€rs or equlvslont to carry rrall. 8nd rool 1oads. SXCIIoN 511. A}ELE mACIld]" Each flooden atud vall ehsAn b6 thorough\y and effectlvoly angL6-bfac6d at each cotnor 6rc6pt that diagon&l lh€athlig or oth€r ll€Ebrsre of coq)areble Btr'€ngth end rr.gldttoz may be uaed for engle-blaclng, SE0TIOI ,15. FIOoR JOTSTS AND CIAARfl{gE. If rcoden floor Jo18t3ale us6d they shalL b€ lDt 1e$6 than tro (2) lnch by stx (6) ttrch o.ter{6-1, gpicod st not nole then stxteon (16) inchis on oeateir" Ee6ry span of r.ood6n floor Jolsts Bha]-I b6 crosr-brtdged yltih crolr- brfdgfuE of not less than tro (2) lnch ty three (3) lnch r.Btet{d at lntetrale of not tllrre than 6r.ght (8) fo6t apalt, A bcallng psttltlon, saII, gtrdor, or other a[pport undot tho Jolsts that ls blocksd so]ld over ltB top betrreon lhe jolst8 and blockod not less tha. tuo (2) Lnche6 thl,ck, the l\r11 dspth of the JoLsts, sha11 take the place of croot-brldglng. hlood fLools ltrpported by jolsts chall hav" a cles! a1r specr of olghteen (18) lnches oeesud fun th€ ground b€noelh q to ths bottoe of th6 Jolrt8. the alea under the floo! rhall be k6pt clern &td free ol dobrls or rubblch, Ihe eroa Ehsll b€ enclored and proyldod ,lth lufflclent sc!€ened openl-ngs to aEsure adsquete qroas rentlletLons. the nlnfuiuo total area of vrntllattng opontrgr sb8l1 b6 pr.oportloned oa the beslr of tlro (2) oquare feet for eech t'renty-ft,re (25) ltnear f6et or maJor flaction thereof of errt€rlor yell.. A rood floo! t qy be Isld directly on molgture proof rEaso lr slabt" sEctlolr 5$" cotGRLlE Hn0R5" If concrete floors sr€ us6d, thcy rhrlt hsf,6 a thickncsg of aot lssa t rstr threa and one-halt (3*) 1nch6s" SETION 517" T'OUNDATIOIE, (a) rvery crhano .ha].I be bolted *lth one-half (1/2) t,tch by ten (1o) lnch bolts at 6Ix (6) fee? oa cenbart or othgrslse secu!€ly anchored io a sontlnuout concrete foundatlon. sllls lhrll be of fouldatlon grsde rcdeood or plessu"e-?reated lunber of not lost thaD iyo (2) lnches nool,.na1 tblcloress, -1-1- L/ (b) Concrete o! ;iasoilty ,ounj.,u.ong ..1d footlngs for aLlcabqlrr' shall bo dsalgned to adoqustell suppo:rL il1e l..rlgbt lnposod on tbco ln aqcorddrco r14ih standsrC eogln.erl]lg prac .ce. Corct€tefoundetl.as ch.ll br c6t fui undl,sturbsd sol1, but in no gveat 1e6sth.n in 6Lve (lz)tnchos beloE grade. Footlng; shall b€ uot less t:rart'*rlvr (12) fuches ytde. Foundatlon yalls shall be rlot 1o9E tha[sI{ (,j) lrEhog 1r rldth erd not 1s6s thaE sLx (6) luches abore giade.FoundatloE E[pporttrlg loaaonry Eel].s sha11 be deslgned accodh;ly. S&TION 516. ltAsot{Ry lratls. l,larolutr ra.Lls ehaLl be, (a) tlot lose thdr elght (6) tnchea In Eidth. (b) Iald up 1n ceEent dortar, (c) - Setuiorceri E"iih appr.oprla.te utael aDd tled irtth properl. c,oslgned bond bea,.s. (d) So d()nl-gne(t nnt consrtftcici 3s to r-j-thstard vertlcal lfi,R EJrd de;itl loadB:-ir$r$ecl'Jiron ti1.r ajLd io itLtltstpjll o horlrottta,l for"eo !.}.oa aqy dll.cctlon of flflrosu (15) pounas lrer squarefoot of rdnd prsscure on a verLlcor, pr.oJectlon oi thE'exloe€d$rrface of tho ri&1ld" (o) t{el,ls de&crlbed abo"e shaLl bc s.J dosLgllsd e8 to adiGltof a ratlorul analjrEls ln accordaice ld.th eri$blishBdpr{.mlpl.6! of oBcllanlcs. SEC?ION 522. OPB{INO R&UIRED. ono (1) rlae €ntlre\r op6n at all itudes, cH4Prm 2 - Anl{'IM]S SIgrIol{ 519. AI,iIXtl] MATmIAIS. Arrldr€s shall be l[ad6 of, retalor of. oth,er epprbved n terlal, pro\'lded, horever, tirat rBlther carves I?r sr{dale! febrlc ilaterlal ory be uaod r!.1esB lt Ls approerd by th€Clty ltrc ?rcrentlon offlssr. sECTIoli 520. RcoI'l{ATmIALs. u€ts] t'ooflng nraterlals Bh.It be of co ugeted or slrllarlJr r€ltrforced sheet nstals not less thr'r26 L-ar ge and shel1 be oscurek anchored to the franonnrk. SICIIoN 521. SU!POm, hsroenork for aslllrga shsLL be ofstand$d nretal pLre rrt less than ons-h:\Lf (V2) :Ich h dlalEter. Up_rj.ghk of fraDarork moy be of a.!Ir aF,prc7ed oat€r1aI of equal or greatirstrcle:th. Uetsl for oths. .lgld aurdngs raly tlave supportilng ftairerprkof sfuilLar or other approved &aterl&1"a, provi(ted, trorever, itrat nelgtrtof arrJIg lli adequ.t oly sulport€d, .Lrj. jointu of netaL pipo frane-toak sihaJl bs secure\y fagto[ed l.lth e:rn(tard screF.pll]J or plpe connectodflttlng!-, l^lelded_ Joirts dq)r be nse(I" frurl-ngs ahall a. t>eulstEndlngsxcepi that one d.de n{r be att&chLrl to a.n epproved lri,r[ng track on ihetra116t codch. Sirc1aol{ r23. Coo(Im IRoflIEI?fD. Coolrtlg shrll not be FemLttodrltbln aql gmltrg nor ehal1 aly heatlng or cooH.ng ap:)llance b6 i[ctsEedor used rLthfut aqf eunhg. SDSIIoII ,2t. LoCATIoil rutD SplCIni. Amtna locaLloD .nd speclng,exeept vlndon air,lngr shsll be sr-rbJeet to the lequfueEeits as ptevtdEd -' l.r! Soctlon8 !U end L16 ol lhte orat{n.,-:oe" sEClIoI{ 525. FnOIIIBIIED ImATIot{. No ararlng Bh8f]. be ereotedor mahtsr-EeC ove!, or enclo8e, -itol\y oa 1n psrt, arJr prtvate tollstor bath coqertEnt" ilEnLDga shall have at Lcast c!$.FT!n 3 - B.Alr]lD]\S sEglron 526. SIASIIJTI MmfalAl,s. A raEada or roof olrr atral,l€! or ary portr.olr thoroof 9ha11 be desl8ned and ei.ectod as e .froo- -i/r.. standfuE self-rupportfuig structur€ tos (a) ..iflthttand vorttcsl llvs ADd do€d troaAb Lo@osed @oElt i*f . b yltb!t&d..a.vorttcir1'.uptlft .or. e tioritoahf . . foriri Qros. aty- dl,irotlon ot flftcc! (i5) pounaa Irr sqn.lefooo'dDd prealnrr,e on a verttoel prlJqctlon of eleoeedrq.rlrar gf ths *mctun, ad (b) !c creutaly boLtod o! eralDr.d to th6 grouEd, dtd (o) Coctt:lrct€d ot apptovsd orp-hour .clre r€s1ltlrE !et6r'r.8,1s or of aFproyed slor+.buta&g EAteflal-. ' slrxtott t2?'. Lertlfi )rNii coiibrntrsncfti A r.i;L' ;r ad DortloD tbst"of lhall hayp a cl6ararco of lot 1€!r tlrrE efuht €a(18) tnctrcc 1n a yBrtica1 dlrectlon snd not ls8! thar Efx 15) f-!che!,I a hol'l.rontal dlrcctlon lYoE a tra1le! coach. Cloaa brqce! o!ltnctural tles shal1 not obstruct lloysEnt ol aJtrr tlalle! cosch. Tlre epportlrg sirrctura.l roeobors of a reaada rhaLl aot sxtend Do!6thln tmlvc (12) fe6t horlzoBtally beJ.ord eltlsr sLd6 of . trstlor oo.ch nor 8h.11 aqf roof or eave proJectlon extsad Eore tnsn tHrty(30) hchos b€yond the supportltl8 Btructural Eemb€rs. SECTIOI 528. moEIEITIoI{S. !{o poruton of a raEade shsll ba attached to ar!, tralLer coach. No aldo o! €Bd of a ra4sda !h.lt bo etclo!€d o! f,oEn a partlql oncl,osuro eept i.llat tb mof, of s r.oadr Ery br uaed ae a trar.t of a c6bsnat 8t.dq8r or qar?ort eEd oucb €!rclo!&f areo coafonu 'io tn6 reqd,;&Enti eet fo*L frer.aan" sDqrloll 529. COOmMl. mOEAIIED TOILBI IOCATIOT. CootdDgrLthil a rqrada sh.ll rDt, b€ perolttird rrr ehall ar{r oooldllg orhratltlg slpllancg br lrlsts.l.led thsrah. tfo toi16i or bethrooE rhrl1 be 1Eta116d or uaed rlthln MDada urrLolr the rooo 1! Bo d6slg!6d erd aEangEd as to r[B6t el1 of th6 provlalona of thlr htnaloc.&outttee rlthln a tralLer coach aro crlqt flq ths p!€,vlsloD! oftld.! lectlou. SECrION 5'U. .A}PIJCAIION OF I,lrIPOiI{ BUiUIIM} CODE. A].1 bnldfugs or atlrctures oth6r than tlDre ueatlotEd h Cheptc t to lr, both lncluslve, of, thlr lrilcle sha.ll be colrt!.uctGd ln accord-rar Ylth the U!ffotr Erl]"dlDS Cod6. SECITOI{ 530. vBffs AID DUCIS. rll yBDte .rd ducos proJsot- l,rg $oE a trrl'lBr coach through the loof of a ranrde shau. bs of 8n spprqyod flre-reElgtlvB sup-Jolnt or an amro?ed qulck dfucollest t,Ps. CHAPM [ - WINDERE.AI$ SECIIoN 5r1. DEsfcN. A yhdbreak shill bo d6i&ned, erocled atd rlrtntslrEd as a 1}€e-stand&g structure. o por+lon of a yld- brssk shs,Il be atteched to or becono a part of arv trallcr coach or cebane" gl0tlol[ 532. STAEILITY. ]Itndbreak! Ln s:(cest of ofiioty-tE(?2) lrptree h holght 6he11 b€ deslgnod to vlthsland ttrttcrl tta!ed dead losdr fupos€d upon thed and to rltllgtalrd E hotl,roEt&l fo[cehoo aqr direotlon of flftoen ($) pounda per squar€ foot tdnd prrlanrc otr th6 vrltlo3l proJectlon of orllosed surfeco of tbB ctnrctu$ alddtdl roqulrc e bulldlt€ potrltt the!€fotrg. 8ECTroN 513" IAOEISImON. A ylndbfesk lhill b€ olrctrd &d [.furt8lrFd so thst lEltbor ol ttle eads nor sEr otbr pot+loD ' !h!AI be rlttIr|od to forn an eDcLosuFo or catrana. lto !.l[d}feak - !trrll ${,port s loof or awnlng. crAPrrR 5 - dIIIEXI SITUCIITRIS -15- TRTICIE VI PII]MEI}IG SEIIOI 6m. IX.IIIJR SIItS. (a) Idcpcndont trallsrs shsll lot b6 plrLed ,-a .ry tr.lls!palk unl€E! there Ere plovldod p1utrbr.Dg and 6.n1tat{,o!! fsDULute!llllt€lled 8nd nalntalD6d ta confolElty ylth thlc ffi,Dsnce. Eretytr.l'lar Elte shau plovldB €, gslt Erd BterLt €ht corEr*tlon for serage dtEpot8l rhlch shall be oomected tnto o undetjmund eer- ag€ collsctlon E'steo di.schergtr8 trlto a publlc !.rE or pdvato dlspo8&1 sJ'steo. (b) In tna cveut the oEl€r o! operator of a tlsLkr prrk electsto ooDltrrrct, rocoastmct, a1t6r, or cosrerU orlJr a porH,on orportidrs of a tr&tlsr psrk tD corlforlllty r'lth this mfutDce, thoss soctlols of the palt shali be clearly set a!1d6 ald da;Lgnstsdfo! the use and accomodrtlon of l-ndopendent trellers. (c) No aependent tralLer staLl bs parked at a$r tllEa in e €p€p€ dgslgtled snd desj.gnated for an hdei€BdeBt trsl.lor coscb urLsspubltc to11st and bcth facJ.tltles are avalletrl'e tlthb tr.o hurdrsdlsot (200r) of the dcpendent tralIei,. sEcxlot{ 60L. ltaILrR co cHls. u:IIjREs. (a) Bwry plunbtlg flxbure shall be of an slprlvEd t5rpo oade rd,th suooth tnq,erylou8 surfspes, f,re6 flsn defects od conceal.odfoullrg rur.face6, and Esde of neteriaLs capabLc of rEslstllrg rord sbock aDd vlbrstlon fotlets ln tra{Ler coachea shrll be design€d, oarufactured, and lnstalled ln accordsnce !r.th Nsiro!.s} Drreeu of ' Stsdstds CS 2O-L9, alld oqullped ylth a uaterflushlng deylcs cspebl,eof sdequate\r fl]rshlng ard olearatu€ the borl-. (b) Water cloaet flulh tankd 6hsII bo equlppod vtth an approredqnllslphon ba.LL cock lt Bt&11ed aad aalntalned llr such a olruer asto pt eclude aqf posslbluty of beckflor. Th€ bottom of, the raterswplJ. lnLot Bhsl,I be at loeat ole lrch (] ) abovs ths firII op€nfirgof the o"arflor plpe. A1i tanLs or flushtug valvec sh8ll ha* ayet€r. rlu8hi,lg capaclty to 6d€quat6ry clealrse the bonl at, eecbq)oretlon of the rster flu-Ehtr& .dochanfun. On aII othe! t)rpos of,rater cLog6i! €Jr 3ppro"Bd vecurrn traeekor or backlloE dEvlct shaLl b€ ,-ustsUed ald oa1nt8r.ned on tlro dlEcharge 81de of a tollet-flushlD8 vat-vE Ln tho rater supp\y LrJro aud located rot Lols therslx lachsg (6n) sbove tho flood lsvel ot the Hetet cloast. (o) water &&p\r lnletE sh{.11 be at least one lrch (1n) abovet,rs tLood loye1 of the flxtuLe thelr seEe, SECTTOII 602. IRAII]'R IA,AIIIAOE STS?TM. (a). lte dralnsBo outLet o.f tho tr.sller dralnage syste{ Bba11 Llehorlzontelry alrd tond-net€ fu lrhe r6ar Ulra quarter sectlon of tbetna{IEr o[ tllg Ieft (road) slda at a dlrtsncE'o! ast uolr th€n, sr.ght€6! tucbos (I8,) froE the outsldo I.a11 of the trsl,br. tlsdrd.aage ortlet shs:Ll dLrect 1tr dlscherye toflasd the left resrportloR q.f the trsltor lr sry dLr€ctlor ldtht-u a! sltgle ot !tuleqr(90) <leg!6ee fqlBd bety€ea the lqxgttudl-a8l ceoter i1re ara tbg'I€tt-b.nd d.d8 ot tbe tl8tler. DrBInag6 outLetr dd coq)Lerr8hrll b€ provldod ult]t clearaDces of Dot lGss tbr[ th!o; fuohe!(3') fD sV dlrlctloE, end noi 1oB! than elsbts€E iDsbos (18tr) d1rresi\y ,r J:rodt of the dr.tuag! outlet to-proylds ru"ccia"i€daloorrEe lor tho tra.Il6r d!6dn couoctloE. Ih€ dralDrro DlDrnso{. plojoat boloy th6 ealn challDc1 of the ch.e!s!,s franel tirt, .r,ir r not proJoct ooro tho ls r€quhed to i16a! ths oafn cuair:.. (t) -Ttre Ora:aage ouile! of the trslle! drafrage ryltqr lhall Ftld"Estp r.lth .! €Fproved standrrd coupler no{ leie th tbr66 tlcba8(r,) fr dl.@ta. guch colplers chaU to of e qrdok drrconDotal..U o! qlrq, typc Dot, DEquklDg r4r rleolel t6ob or hor,L&a torowb tb. tfaXlc draf,lrS6 coosctl,m. ort].€tr rhatL bo edllpe<fr t& an prove<l rf,t rLtlght ce or plla [atabtE th. arAu3j oiitfct, -16- rhql !!ot coDi]oeted to the ptrk drslqage qrgtee. Tho cap or plug rhal] b€ p€rdeneEtly sttachcd to th€ body of, the tr.ller by n.:BDE ot I cheld or slDJ.1c.! dsvlce. (c) elptue 'rscd 1l! tte veat sDd drabsSe systeE ehsl'l be st;rdsrrl uBi ght ateel plpe, ischedu.l€ lronl horever, copper ttrbing l!ry t6 ugod but ,.! ro evBtt dr411 tho r'etgH bo less than $?e "l,tn. }{o afuralnuE plpe 8h€].1 be uled lt! th6 tfs.5.lor dr8Llreg€ rylted, (d) A11 pfihd 1n the dral!8gs arE{ v:Ej E stoIl rha.ll bo tl,gtd\r att.chsd to the taallrr stnrcture bJr @sn8 ot clalrys or brecketg, (e) ftt'u:Ig: tur tne d",rLnsgo ltysteE ehall be ot 1roD, b!a!!, o! oolDea haylng srooih ald unlforl lAterlor ratonaryt of the ialB d:[.J.e'"6r as tl6 plplug lerved ald sU suph tLtttn8g rhall crEforq to the t;?e of plps u!sd. (l) C'r"r::e, La .!ir:ctio! of dreL!!g6 plplDg thsU be lrLlde by U1e appropr:i.ate rise of apFrcYed AttttSlr ard,slell br ;f: the an?les prs6ent6C }/ tuoagr-trg aEd o!o- brrt (22.]-) d€gees, or elxty (6(D degrees, ott otbr apli'ovei ttit l:gg, c!' co:lbltratlon of -f,lttfug8 hsYlDg eql,rYa]ent acsop" (2) Ilorjlonta1 d]atn.€e llr,es, cclnoctlnS Ylth eyErtlcel Btack 6hal-1 orl€r tbroueh fort'y-f1Te (lr5) degrEg nYi hrarches, cooblnatloo trfn ard ooe-elchth (V8) berd bratrchea, tealta4r toe o" Eorlltdy tapped tee bianch€s, or otto! epprored fltthgs or corbtts. tJon of fltttrys hav{-rrg equlYalent lDeop. No flttlDg iuwfuig ao}.e tJran ono bralch at th€ eae 1se61 8b3U be u8od ult1eaa luch f,tttlttg la coogtlucted o tlut tjle cllschatigo Ilor arSr oue brarch oaDot !6adl\r cEto! :!If ou1o?. branch. (l) HorllotrtEL dralnage llles colln€ctfug rlth other hortzo[IiB.L dtatrlrge llnes lhall qntor thrcWh fortr- clve (lr5) deglee'X" bratches, co[bl,.Eation r[n 8!d one-6tghth (f/B) bend branches, o,r other appr,od ftttlt g! or cooblnatlon of fttttuSs havlng equlvalGrd treep. (L) Verticaf dlql,nage llDos comrBctllg dth bqr&oatsl dritnag€ U-Ees shA11-enter tE otgb forly-ltvo -(ld) aagr€a 'Ir b;oches, cc{bLnatlon rftr ad ono-elghttr (1/B) bend breoohes, or other atr{rnoard fltttrgr or co!$l!sr ilon of ttttrJtgt hatlr,8 oqtdvalsnt er,oGp. (f) st€ol altd tron pqrs Eud tlttfugr rh€.1! hsve lcrsl. cornectld|E only. nlttt!8s 8ha1l be tapped ro Ea to aL].oB ore-fourth (VL') 1rch per foot 8rads" Htt{Dgr lhau b€ of recesacd dlerjlsge lrype oElJ. Stoel rnd lron Plpo ed_ f,.ttrngE rh.fL conform to F€derEl spocafl,ostloll! mFP-lrO6 (19h[) eld 1.rrl-P-1r91 (a) (191r$ ra+ectlveu. cotpor tEbrlg ohall confom to Federal specl.flcatl.ons wd-T-?r9 (8) (19U3)" C.,pper tublng ud fi.tilJrgo shaU be Jo:Lnsd dth EoLder only. (g) ?tsr'J shall bo 1!t3ta11ed tr evcry dre tag. qrltoo aB e ma.j.'a' \,!nli at le:.vl on:r y.i)rt tf,..c'i ndL 1€go thSn one ed ,ao.-\u,]f '1 L\ ') irrcler .rr 'll rr,ri 3' e. eiriiDg veFtlcally _ f.ori !.,,lch d!'a!1 a-r,l il!r.,cln., l. j rnt 1:-,. .i,.rn th.,:,! t]rches (3') allu:/. trhe rrr )l rld,lLrrr ^.n.1 7.1i:!r::t xlrj.h6 ro,lul:€d lro srr.'.,J rLiL, r' 'l,air,::.9 . lal,i i)c n.i: i'!l;n "t;rn jne c'ld onc- lLti tflchcs :l1l :]r.l'..-[:1,,)r.io),:r] (L:dr,rgo pl-oe lt, selres, No'_rrrt plpe ,jlj .1-i eatrr!,i rrrlz()!lta-1y oore thsn ono-thllC of l't.s lioi;d 1.,:r?tlr. (h) ll.l ,[a,s u4 ijiturrs sha-1l be corno'rtod elth nPtt tlaps hBvbg a ofutl.aull tro Llrch (2i) ',rat€r seal. .A-!.1. traps rbII be sel tI116 &1th thElr s::1. lr- ro er"ert she1l allr trsp be _r,l_ i;;'11cr' !,::t tl-,r ,;a.a.tr i) .pn 'r.: 1't.-- ' 1. I'tr r) . : . ::3 cl ip.)rllir^ $h, .L:.tr,. uaad.. lbal,g rrllA:lj Lir ol or. rnr'lr..( :irilehi ::rr!,, taon, h"nga, or" dr.Al,m bresD tr:I, h.{;., ll*blru .i.,pa slrr..',,1 ire jr;r.de,rt arxl'ca I.rt lerrsthan tlo. 20 (Itrs:t orj 5:.!-:::)u tioi,xu) tur ntu.().,:,rs.:" Tr.a{rg ehoLl havE alootii or -l,l.fo:.1.l ..1!;7,:4. r:' int. r.i ;/ . .\l't .L"aps shall, be ac qosslble .. (jJ AL! u{ts!€.,iirNure '.rE :! !tlrl.1 k, ]ro-b lc.is ",:a:l om and ono-hait-tuchos (1j,) 1a atalD:lor, uLos,,,L :rerds ot otiru" equfval-"nt,'lt'"fugs :.:ceti.L,)g t:E .itsj r,r,i€ i:alt a toL_L:! s;ra.LL bo uot le6B;ha! lhi.et 'Inc l '3r)". lio rl.rt;r:,i ;-.! s,aL-. (.x;coo Ec,re urarfo,rr fe6t eir lrl,,hes (lr,5n) froq a v.at. Irr aL1 caae! tlD vEutplpe shean bs as c:lcsr to irhe lrap 1! aorres sg stmctural.onlltltlts !rorld;,, Tho yeil ,-lFll )r:'nlr,: fx,)ln a ao11 or rasto tllp,) sb.ll not 5-. ieiolr tf.r ii-re:- rt tire Li'a_j.. (J) lotletrr sbal.l be tc lteC to lrrass or lroli flangeB screrred t,the rl:.drrge 1rrp. sri f,art.-Lcd scLl:ily on thc I1oor,, The tol1et:!w1 lhall b? s.t L{-th ar :,..1.rr)vei g; ske U or settr4g conpould ltetEccIl Liie bo:,r a:i tl-e correct.I-o-1, (k) .Lr{r- flillltu or cc!tr-'ct,jc!1 htd.ch h€sr r.n or:Iargeuent, chaabe:,,relea3 r.'r.tti e lidue, ehiuljx.l, ,.r lr.iucl;1,)i1 o: p1pe area_so aa tocl"{er En obstructl.orl to l:"oE o:r a:t. *!tLj.ng. tri{r, or connectlon'{lllch offera &n obatmcidon io f_Lcri tbrou8h a sc,jj or vagtedrcln :.3 n+t ponattt d, (L) Each trs or ihall bo rjubjeei,ed to .t s!a,,rlc uatertest r4on copi.o.aion. Ai1 ::id,u.es Bhall be in plape o!thelr_ cutLetri eapped and th(' entilr pLrrrbirg qrclen ohalJ.-E l:jlLed ritir Eetor to irlle lcvel of the hXaho;rt fl.rturqiaftgr 41 t:siped. aL": hss boan roleased, th; -",rsL shau ' bE held f,or f:rre (5) olnutar, ALl Jotnis and connectlo[sshall -D6 YlBlble dE.Bg tooi. sD.llIO tut. IRAIUER SEnrICE srST;. .(:) Thi natel supp.tJ piptule.cf ro tr.a{1sr ..r!tr-lce syste!6 ah.II l)o_ not_ leas lhan ote-half (f/zJ iacn O.D. tBu1rg rMr,ojo lnch '{aII thLc&ros8 1r'copi)er" Coppsr branch Unes to fudtrrldual..tlxtur.ee sh&1I bc not loEs thao threo efghths (3/g{ fuch o.D.'Lubtrg rd'L1r "030 lrch rtll thich.Br. Stard.-rd xsJ.ght gs.lvaDlzedplp6 ard-flttAngs nqJr bo u6od Logethcr ln corroepoaitng-ptpeslres. In Eo oveat sha].l the ,:l4,!eter of r l ranih 1l; ;;r;r"a flrtu.ro be less lIt slrc lrhan thc prpe slz€ slrecltlcd orrecoanerdcd brr tho rarufacturor.of ?be .fl.}l,Er: " llo used Eater{.els6hall be perrlttcd. (b) Trs!.lors sha.Il bo equlppecl ldu. a tlll€e-ouarter t-nch (j/'rrr) slrlvel feralg hcde lrrlet coupl.l.lg1oca!;ed cn the lefb (r""aj-iria! Jn applotd.Jllat€ly the cei,tsr of the t;r6j_Lc!, coach. A cap aJrdchsh- Bhall be pr.oYlcied to cap thB lnL6t fttt.lrr{E *nn ni,t fnusot_thg chsl-! 6hEIl bo s€cuF\y ancboled to th; bory of th€trallBr aoach. (q) -f:-ttfuge t'('! coppq. tablrg sh&11 be copp,}! or brass ofatodird eueat, fllre, or coryreEslorr tdpe.- - Solder ehall be uaod on &L1 ssoat, JolriE" (a) eU galvantzeli pil,Gj drd f!i; Ltogs shdl.l ir.r connocted !r.thatardard p&lo 6ize ialx,r thrcads" All ends E.}rlI bo rsaE€d tosLae o.f boi:.e. l{driorcic ltsolublB p.lpo coltpcu,rd shaf.l b€ used on4&16 th:eadg orlJr" ^(pl {.U]1" frolr ct4pprr }_u?!q t6 ttrnadod pl )o B'na1t b€ l!ad6 b,ihe ruro o.f Dl-aso lrdap..Dr -fttblnqs. (r1 -tl.r ptprqg str-Ll hr rlrtur clanlpod cr :..lchr!ed to the tr.a116!atructura. (C)_-l].]. prpihe aDd ftttlBs la tb. trr1Lr sorlc€ ryr!@rhrll be ,ubJ6ct to s pForru!. tost brtoE oover.Lg oicoEsslbgt uuch a t€Et sb.Il coDrlrt of rl,r or rctcr ol IOO pqrdr por lqurrg-l"Eh prc!!u!a tor ffftcq! (U) detaardthout lors of pressrrr.r. (h) Ertrry gas f,lrod r.tc! !.rt.r, El1 hcat r or *r!oeh.rtq tl:daaI.d l! r tralb! lhrll br r@t d to outrtdasb rt top of t!..lbr !f .! qplorld vBtr!. SElfIOtl 60]r. MAIERLIIS. (a) A11 plplrc Eat€r.t atu ,rrt81l,6d pr.r.or to tJla offectlye dst€ of_ thla ordfuance la the par* dratnege rysta ad codfoE&gothcrwlrc to th€!6 r.qul,!eE!!ts r!.ll bo accet!b16. (b) A1I Eater.t8l lJrstel-led ln thc park drsfrag! ryst€r h613-aftor, ohal] be of sorrlcs relght cast 1rctt, vltrti.l€d c1ry.bltulrrou! flbre dlaiaago trypo. Jor-utr rha.ll bc rea!.ed rsiirsttght t!. csu]ldng or cauolltLDg ltr .! spprqvld r!@r. trobltuEJ.uour 31bra plpe hereaftor f.astellpd rbdl bo lrsr th&thlrty (3Oi) belor grade h e{r arsa nb6re a tr.lter 1! DrI"k dor a dotor EhLclB 8.{. bo dr{reu. (o) .eII trape eDd oxtellloDE to 8frds 6b.D, t csr! lts. [og.,lvadled plpo lDall, bo ory66d bqlor gtdo l.a th. psllr drdDrS6 sfrt€E. W.t€! plpl4 snd flturg! ,.u tb rste dfFtrlbutlol syater trry bs .ry approld trF. tr troEs plps sldtlttfugr slta.ll be gsfvaD{zed. Ulsd itateEt.l, are probt}ltra. (a) &ofnage ffttLtgs t-n th6 p€rk drsltrEge plDlq !h8U hrr€srooth snd unlfom lnta!4o! rat€lr.q/a of tho estlg dla[otr! a! tl19 piptDg ser.'ed and olt Brrch f,tttlr8a rhall cotrlqm to tbqrpo of pipe u6ed. (1) Changee h dlroctlo|l of dralaage ptplrg shall be !.d.by Ulc epproprlats uae of qrprot'ed flttlEas, artd rhlil1 bc of !he.-gr8Ios presentod W on6-E1r(t€€Eth (fA6) U"ra, onG.otststh(VB) berd, or otbor appnoved fl.ttrrcg!, 6r coaULaittoo ot:tLtttDg! havlEg eqdvalent a{B€p.)\(2) Hqrlzonlal drd,Drgs ]lJre!, coeoctLl8 rlth I rsrtlclostsck shaal 6Etcr tlEough forrtptlw (lr5) degree '.f,br.Dchos, oo@HlaaloD 'ry'r 8d irE-.rShth (VB) bod baDcbo!,or otbr spprovBd ttttr-lg! o! c@bLDrtlo! ol f,LttlrStbaytrg equl"8Lent !xo€p. I{o flttlrg badrg od.e than orbraEh at the rdllo level rlu11 to urcd tDla!! ruch tlttlDg 1s coustructsd oo that tb dtecharge &o! a{r ole brsrch - csrDoi readLlJr etlt€r qry otbsa tlr'aloh. (!) XorfzoatO draLuaso lt.!8r oo@ottDg rdth oth6r 4.o4rotrte1 dralaage l$ss lhrll €ntor tbough loltr-ttyc (1r5,)-- degroo rfn breDche8, o@U-!ttL6 iln ald oE-etghul(V8) Uena brsnches, or 6tlnr approved f,tttr.ng! or - coubr,nstlona of f,ltttrgB hanlng cqrdvalent, areep. (t) Vortlcal dra!.oage ltnac corltectlng rrlth ho:,l,sontal dfslJlrgo llres shaAl e[tor f,ho[gh 6rt,y-tty! (lri aegcarftr UreDchss, corbhatloE qfn rd. oD-slghtb (VB) b6!d bor€Dches, or ottrcr approrcd f,tttlng! or ooobtaitor olfl.ttlDgr heyrnB eqd.vstsEt srsop" SErroN 605, plRX DRAIIiA0E SfSm{. soll pits lhaU bo lEt8u.edltr e B€Ealair treEh aot lelB thrtr t$slvs ,rchar (lzi,) ,!oo th6 par* sEt_otr_ !€rytg qfst€o. Ihs park iat6r ssd,ce rylt D o{r b6 i!!ta.l]€d ona Ehe]"f 1n tie se&6 trerEh a,c tb. sor,l, plpe prorfaod 1ttu aot blr tnotrrks lneh66 (12n) 8b.,re. (A) SOIL PIPX AIID NIT{MR Or'IRAIIMS Otr DRAINIOS SIBTE{slze ot !rad-@ No. o! tratlat!s9U rlpeF 5r 6t 8i 10l' Ldl'rtduElllr vqltsd rltaE 20 5oto Loo 1,0O (1) Esch tral'Le, coEch 6hs.11 bo oouEldorod as etx (6) fixture rulttE L! d6tolrllDhg dlschargo r€qullsEqtrt! 1! d.dlgE of !€T.gs dfuporal lyrtes, (2) &aEch 1lD6r o! s.tr6r lrter&1r to lEdlvldual tlatler stt6r rh€1I Eot be loss th.! lou! 1tlch6a (llr) llr dlaDt r. (!) (r) Idfvlauaf:y rett€d tr$s lhal1 bc reGt.d rlth erlnt rot lesr ln llze tho tro tehrs (zi) prrlded tfl€ tndlyldual tllre doo! Dt erteud Dlre tbaa truty-tlE foet (25t) floD thb Eal,n dralrsgo uns or brarch drslDage 1etoral. fn event tlre lndlvldusl tillo ext6EdB nore theo tr.Entdr-f,tre feet (25t) a four lnch (lr') "eat shalt be leqtdtod. (b) I four leh (L,) veot rba1l bs requhed on lart trap &staLL6d oll otrd of BsLn drElnage lLEr or tratch drallago lateraL. (c) The flrs! urr€e fo6t (30) o.r horlzontAl ItE lloD bas6 of v€rtlcal reste EJd yeDt at traLl3r slto shall bo fuatalled ln caat, lroD. (L) No vErit aha.Ll be losE tb.d OrE lrlchor (2o) I.r dlrE t€r. .A11 y€tts EtreLl be locatod at loart t6E feet (lO.) froE adJohlng proD€rty 1LE of ths trallqr psrk .ld 8h811 qt@d at lcalt t€o t6ct (IOi) abolo STou[d Isre1. AU vsots !hrl] bo rtr@ed rrrd sqDort€d by et Least tlle equlvalent ot a lri r lri rednood poci saeurrly anchored llr th6 glound. (b) MTIIMW GRADE Aro stopE or sorl prpE frl6 slql6 p6rS!.ue I0O fe€t Lu ----- Un 9' -:-- L2'6" --_-- 8,' Plpe sL6o 5I@6 por 1OO toet B" ---- 10, -----12ll ----- Lr 3+' (1) Seu6! Iateaal8, m,lets, C].ssDouus, and Comectora. (e) facU trsllr slto shall be prdnlded rlth a oel.er lateral sd,qh shall telo&st€ yltb .l1 effectively ysDt€d cart ,ronrPr traD Et IeBr then tlE6e hqhds (3i) tn dlartor, tho,doi of lirlch rh611 tglrd,nste aboye grado. Tho tn p ,,D1ot 6ha11 bo provldEd ylih atr spploted flitha so deslg!€d aldLultallrd to receivs tho dl8ohal€e fron th6 trsl.Ler drelr comact.@ at propor grade. Tlro trap or 1t! ext€nalo! abow grad6 lhaU bB protoctsd by Eetel cqslng or etcaaed rlth at lesgt fou! rlrche8 (Ln) of c@!et6 appr.od.ostcly 18i x 18tr 8qDsr€. Each outXot shall be capped gast^lgbt trh€o not h u!e. No trap Eball be Eole than tljsrlty-four llchee (&n) bej,orglade. Trspt lD uEsteble eoLl Ehall be $pport€d on a concrBts pad. I}sp arr shs,ll rpt errc66d trrBrrh.-four t-Dcb6s(2[i) f!lr[ c6!tt6r of vent to cent€r of trap tr1et. (b) fo provlde th€ slDrt€st poeslble trs116r drELu cotrEotlon betxeen tho trallsr ouilot aDd trap !"Etet, .r1 aetrsr lrtBr€le !hd1 tellC.nate rd,th tho tlep located vlth rofercDoo to the Locatloh of th6 tra"llor on the slt6t trqpslhslL bo loc8t€d at loeot tl{61?s thchcs (t2n) outrLde t}roql6a of the loft rdEels and ylthlr slx feot (6r) of, the rear!. th1:d qullrtor of tho tr'alLor ooach" (c) cleanoute Bha,II bo rct 16Ba Ln Elzs th& tha U-!€ thEr sor!.e, but !r ao ovent E6ed thqy be larEsr thaD fourhcheo (t ). A cloanout shel,I be provtdsd at th6 UrpqtomrraL of each perk drelllsBo sy8ton, and at 1nterf,a1sof rot uot.o thsn one hun&td feot (100!) lD stralght !urs. C1€arrouts 6hal1 a19o b6 locEted at erty polnt fn thB Ille rhoro a der/latlol occura ln 6:.oeaa of fortlf-f,tve (,1r5) r') (e) tlo eoragc, uartc raats!, or oth6! 6tfluBltt sh.11 be allor.ed to b6 d6po!1t€d o! tlr6 eurf&c€ of tA6 gtoord. (f) @or coqletlon std b€forc corlrdng, tbo park dlatEags qftt€[ oba11 be subJected to s stetlc ratertagt. The vat6r test shs11 bs appltud to tJlB drsLasgE ryst€@ elther ln tts eDttlEqr or i-D r.ctloa!. If +pllBd to t'ho eltlrc qf!ie!, a.!L Aottllgs fr tho ptplog o? "JI be ttght\y clos6d, oxcopt th. hJ.ghsst opeDr.lg, ald tbo sy6t€{[ ltUed vlth l.Etor to tho oEt! l!ov. If the rystor! 16 teoted lE oeciloDr, sach cPentlg shsf.l bo tlgbtly plugged encept u1o blghe8t rPelrrg of tbe sgctlon uqd6r tes!, and oach gocllon shall be fiIed rlt]r rater, tnt no sect:on sball bo tgsted vtth 1a!8 thsr a ten foot (10r) hoad o.f ,eta!. I! tcstrls sucqeaalvB sectlona et -1.6ast th6 qIre! to f6ct (1or) of, tha !€xt prssoedl8g lectioll thall bo teatad, so that ao Jolut or plpe la tha sy8ta lbalI hrv! b.sE rqbd.ttoa to a test of loss the a t u f6t (lot) h.s/,| of rator. The rrater .b8iLL be kopt l! t'b qfrt@, or !.u tlE portlon Edar !q!t, for st best ,tfte.! (15) nlsrtea bef,ore ,.Espset.|r etartel tb rysta EDdL tla ba ttght st qLI polrtr. sErIG[ 606. WA?ER DISl?rBmI[G 9XSTEI'{" (a) Every tlal]rr rltr ebeLl b6 pllvldod Yltb 8D lrdtrldual brrnch solvlce urr6 doure .!g safo, puro, ard lotabLe uator. t'bo outLet of tho br.Eh sorvlco ILE sh.ll t€rbl.Bta oa tUB aatls atde of, tlD Elte .s the traLlor rersr Latoral. (b) E6oh traller p€rt vat€r dstt'&utlrg q.tt€[ lbrll be ro deglgnod ad osl-utsLEed ar to proYlde a prtrssrE6 gl lrsl Lsrr thra 20 p.r.l. at 6ach tlallor sits uDder loroa.l coDdlu'onB. (o) Tho natar dlttrltutlrs aysteB sha].l bo dad.Srd as lst lorth la *3-66 std 8,6-79, Ssrrod otEEb.r 5, 19!+' by thg l{at1oaa1 hrreau of Standalrta. Ttte qu.Dtlty of rater rsqdred to bo rEptlod to Bach iralLor 81te !b411 ba 8a !6qdt"Bd for f,fw (5) ttxtuo unlt!. lte 'rnlEu' plps Elzs 1! thB Eater drtrtbutlDg sy8t€tr strell lot be 1q8s thrr orE-b8.If llch lL/z") 7t, dr.aBet r. (d) A b€ckflos pls"ertlve dorlco rba-Il ta lDstdL6d oa tlrrB branch roryloo 118 to oach fudlp@dalrt tral,lSr at, o! !.4r, th6 traAnBr rerylce couloctlol. BsckfLoE pler€[It1tE devbg8 rha]l bo lprlrg 1o8d€d chsqL valvss or c@br.a8tlotr shrt-oft rP rg lordod cheok lsIv!. brpes odJr. vaL"Br rhalr bEr! bre! tect d srd spFrqved tf 8 latlottslly Ecogtdzed t!st1E8 egosJr qot'tt#.ttg as t colpllsnce erd perfor:lance outunod bel.alr, Yalt€s cbsll bo desl.cEd aDd 0lat-Eful-u6d to c1o8€ dr{PtlSht at a r€dlpcd proreuro of trot los8 tbsr oE (1) aor aola tbrtr ftw (5) pouda per r(trtlar€ lnch. sprr-q3 sr!a1,1 b6 trlde ot Pbosphor tr@6 or atrlaloea Bte61 ad lnstelLed ln rrch a !lgot*r! a! to ptsciltrdc foullEg o. toq2orlag. Vr1?le rha]J. be ede Ylth a Srurrd Eotal :oat ln l,he bodf ol tb6 vaLvs eld I rGplscoablo (Ld otroul-sr lartbcr r.6hor L! th. velyo !t6[. tb6 robbo! rrshor !D.LL bo aIP!"od.Eata1y f.i,lrty (3o) shor! hrrdne$ lot€d.Ed blr g gtadard sot sorov. V.l,"e. Lrst bo tdsdlfled 811*! th DalufactulBlr ! EaD ad qodel Eurbor. degrees ltos! s strsr.Sht flE. Clssllout! rbdl bo qcce8alblE aDd b!@ght to grade. (d) Drab colDrct.olE shall rlope colttlmroul\r dorlF uard srd foDl ao trapa. AL plee Joiats 8l1d co![lastlosr rhr].l bs ftstsiled &si r.sktaln6d Bas ard rateFtlaht. (e) Ia a,11 ir.ller pa:k6 bolotofocar o! h€reafuo! snrtluetsdor o@veltad Er sDprorEd precsurs rc1lef valw shall bs &rtaLled l.u tnr b!8rsh ser,lrlcs Il-De ou tho dLachar.ge rlde ol ti. backflor -21- ?l'c!i-: _:i1'!, 1:le:, J',,.:ji :,: l:i!i' irl.i i. jjei.ll h,i re! tOrelte!r, i.rcl .,:, o:ic61:!' af (ti, .:rruj I'cc .rli .i.., er,qr-.iit-.i poufds(i25 Ib6.) F.; s.rE3r€ lnch. If ttre Tl:-1*r J-e ;rc in6;trFhe lDcl'r.., (Lzfl) a]^,orc grn,ls, [r blaoder or blol,-or.f llJre *+l bo lDrl-?f,J.cd dl,rjhr.l;fuS dr,rrlllaid k a pofu.n ajx lJrhos(6i) above gr'.'rcc krckf.orr doyleea :rad r.:IJ'o? va-lves 6bell!b at ieact r,!'eL..,e :Jichor .1.2n) r,t:lo=,r: sr|r'ourrtrrg Erade. ltld1f Eol iocsted ln 4 pr.ctr,c'rt'e a:.r'a alrall. 5e earfpea ritUprlt€cLtve 6l:ar'ii o?: a tosl 9l,nc,.rd ;Lrlnrtllr or B.iJlcerri to the oEoLol" (f) Th,r Dul -{ln-. In+ec Lo:.' r,.11:- lub:l-Iih .it 1e6!ro o:r.re a year 4n api):'ove-l 11i.l, ol cfledr'raLyeg or Dihor sa.fetJ .1,rrlcssrequts{ !v ttda 0rill.narce " (,;) l, aepe:rte ,er:iloe s?.:rt-ofl v&lve si6ll b3 lEtalled 1! 'oaob crqrrsh scrrlc.t I r-r]6 (ra Ule rup"iv 61de ol thr bsckfloyprctortlrg dfrLc. o. qciior.!:ltloc Sbjt-oft, etrd chgck ve1"ed€Ylcs. (b) .ttre_ a.:rtj-ce coart:Lloi: 6:la1l *L. rol, 1e9s tba! oEs.hslflDch (VZi) l-q ilrretol..: Lo r!€ld p.l.D:.r.y bc Esed. Fledblo !s ia1 'r,ubk.,, i-o i€rrlt lria " fittj igo ,t slttrsr ead sha.It be of, a qElck .llccor:i,ee'; tii./, Er)t, !cqul-t{.ng €aly spgclal toolso! IJoe,ledgs to JtataJJ or rr.r!ro-ae. (t). nre orner or. oirarst.r of o"dy t!'i{icr parL r*ooraodau.ag ladgpctldBrd trallcr coacbes glraal- heEc ail b-apkf,Lor prct€ctivo cigvlqes Eld ires|Irre !.rl.j/..: T11ysc Lnnneated arrl tostea atlEast cace -tr e.r!. tlfr:!.v.r 'r-...) n $,h i-X"a'q, a leDreselrtau.veof.a_utLllL1- coq,.u{', of a locrl .doj:co:,rnt "rg.!cy;;;-tf o duly llrensod plurbor .:o ?ngutlr !l:at orch d.e .ceo- aro lir goo<twrrlC4 orde r. ,,, pr:t-,:r-ra+-u :,o.f,rd cl juth tngpectlons. srl8BdY.,'Ur6 i!,r.)drtdr, s:u,fi- h-.!.,[LLt-a. )ri ]J.Uro pi"t o,roei.oioperato:" sn*1Tot 601" oAs ncs$tlrllioll rm?EM,, (a) Every tr..6itor ElLxLl b: p:orrlded irl Lb 1'l lldlvldua.]. bronchserElce Llns doli!"rlna gas at xot to q.ice3d g, rrater colrutrl!"Bos.lro. fho outl,et slEl"i, tgrd.aat i o! lha de,!a elda ol ttr6glte a! tln t.atlgr sewor lateral. Jt ) 'lnu g." dl,gtrl,h'rtlon qrstArr a&d. l,i,anch ee?vice lljDs Ehrlloe 4estgEd 6s set for;h ln the Flurbll]t: ..ole of tl6 CLt ofCoata llrsa. for cqlerfstfu6 ptp!:rg etz,irr f:,r tle afstztLution ry9tsl +d brarch Llt&. a Cerard o-f occ hundn{ cublc fo€t,-!]q Cry) of gaB per hour c.hal_I te u6(c. f5r lp to ard f-ociuafag25 tre1lols" Sdr€nty J,erce:tt (?OF) of ,;tLts iteraara nav U. u.Eed froE thnnty-flrc (2I) to ftfty (5c) 1:r:1tprs" Jrii orerffiy.,(ro) traatclL nirJ- tc brae..o uinn r.':'.:rtrJ"ri.rilSoii' , o€EIC.lt(" (c) IInc gas br":rch 1!.n r.'n1r .-t ,,:..:.1,::. .,J.tc ah.i,-.- ndt6r.'t61d riDrr '1I'*Ur t$1:lyD ji..h... r':2!,\ ..)..,"..,r ;P:ill,:. i1-Ue r{.sergha.l: bo !rs'.1-l.l ga-r s rr-,t.c.. ::cc:: ,:: .;.,l!t.*llf "oii if"*"h4dle coeli not J'orr,:+,ia(i). /.t thr.i)r, rf :h_, i-Ire1. I]a;full Ellolbovr. Ttrerft 8h.i.1 t c nc I orizrr:rLaL y,..,.::..r; i..rrialled flontl.to nLbc'rr ai, 'lrhc toJr..:: i,li" lLser. ${i .::,-cqrts [j t friicoiuleqto:: to ttn trail,rlr" (d) Iho corm"atcr frdd l!*+ brerah 9oi1-L J r1Ezr to tbeselvLce cormccto! d1ali. be thrgc qu.c.l,cr lrah (3A,,) oopportbtng usrrlg J'1..!rad co:rj:e.tloaa, 'the corucct<ii-ili"h ,tr - @€cd f,X.f.teo,r fe,3t (t6r) tn Lergth. sslrog 608" rRAtrE? cotr-cu c0$ItEctr0 s _ nIsFJi\tsIEIItrTr. (a) lfea lt t6 Gddetrt ths.t, tbEre edst;. or r.l.y ad.st- .rlolstLon of t51s OtdLnance, th6 orrtsr, c6erstor-, i"ge"6.-re"soa +.g!.r8u cf tlo .aark, or aq. otler peroon cauelirg a vfoj.ittouarall ca[!€ to bo correctod l,:eodtetev or dlgconnect tbg s6rrcocoEotr,on rr3J tralhr dtall- ccraeqtto; fror,r rgpectlve oe:!.t<boranh celrlce 1fua .Dd ser.Etr lat€rE.1. (b) lbgl].er drsL! coBroctl@! lhsu be ot ElDroved Et rl,gtd or f,le:db1e rclnforced horc bavtrg q[ooth ,rt€ .or aurfeceE ard Dot lss8 tha th.ee ,.!chss (3r) l.!ltd" dlrDter. - kaLu c@ctrotl' !ha11 be 6qu&Eod tdth a rt€ldard q!4ok dLcoEaot scr€r o! clary tfpo t[ttl.B, not lc8! l! rrra th& the trsiLer outl€t. DrsLu cotD€ottoDa 8b.U bc grr-tlalt sld!o 1@gor then lecorsaqr to BE&6 th6 cor0sctlotr bettp€o tbtrqli.€r oosch outJet eld tbe trap 1a1et on tJc alte. SIEIION 609. MXIIIIEIAIICE. AlL dEvlc6s or Ea.fegllardr !!qrd.Ed W this N.uEnc6 eha.Il bs naLrrtataed tn good rot d-Dg ord6r. Thc our, @cator, or lesa€e of the treller palk o!: htu d6d.gnd€d Egdt sbal]. be tesponslbl,e f,or tJrelr Eal-ntsnaEce. SECTIoi\f 6rc. fRAP. In overy bulldlry each plurblDg f,lxtur€shall te comected to a Eanltary dr.aLnage ElrateDr, aad sball b€ ploytdrdrIlth a rater scaled trap. S]rCTIo!I 611. IAITS. ?hs t!'ap shal.l be sE)aratet aDd sff.otlttslJr vsnted ttr 4e&na of c co:rr!€c Llon to a wut ptp! extondtlg to tna anrta ar.r above tiD roo.f, lb. vent plpo sball- be ao l-:rt€tlod std orrdajlltdtbst !o dtefuage or soimge lloDr ar0" llxllll! e,Ti b€ dgpolltsd tr oC' coo. v€ysd thr.ollgh 1t. SECTIoN 612. ynl$ ItrrI,lrliAIToN. pllerbLlg "€Ei pipes lrrtrlrd& sry bull'rrng Ehall lrot tet'rl]leta et a pol.Ilt edJeo€[t to ry r.lDildo! otb.tf opodlg ta ttD bull-dkg llteodod or usod for vodiLatlon pur?o8er. SECTIOI{ 6U. CLBTNOI}IS. Sul.tBb:r end re€dl\y acce8lbl€ olsslr. outs shrll be p1a6.ed at a comlaaleat poln? la the plult(rg ryrt€B of 6vsr:f h!l1dt!C. S@T-r.oli 61L. loILIf,. Fof, de{,6Ddent tral].orr th6tr lhell bqrct lesr th€.a tao Hater cloagts 1n osparate coqrErtEpnt8 f,o, esoh !€afor th€ fllat t@ (lO) treller ed.to6 o! l?actLoaal p.ri th6r6ot Dt ploYlded ultb a privato rate. close+,. Thct3 6h.L]' te oDr ddltloDr.l, ugtor o1o86t tor each ra:. 1rr o aepalata corpsrtrEli for evety te (1O) €ddl+,toBal traller 6r.t€s or lrecilDasl part thonoot. Iti !o srut sba.l1thore be lor8 tns! tE (2) toal6t! lor iach ecx t! 8tor trallor pqrk. fhe Bualdtug Inqroctor, r&! coldl.tl@r Earrsnt, qry alDro"s tbe l"nrt8ltr- t1q!, snd [re of ot]ar trpss o.f totLst, tacllltr.er. I'qr trd€DendrEltr&llsr8 there rball DoL be L6ss tIatr olp r.otor oloset for 6ach rc for syst]/ flftoeD (19 tnlater 81t 8 or Ilact,ola]. pErt tlrerBof. ITI l?{ItrER P!R(SNI'MBM OF f'OE,EIS .T]iD B,ITIIS 96torconlr1 to 105 i 2 to 5 spaosg5tolo" 11 to 15 ',L6r, 20 1 2l ta 29. 26torOn 3Lro3rn 36 to iO 'rl.rlto!5,L6to50"5tb55r56uro, 61 to 65 'r66 to ?o 'rTLrn?5,16tabr 81 to8,"85to90" 9L +,a 95 r L lr L L u L 6 6 6 I t0 10 10 L? 72 )2 ]Jr rl+lL a 2 2 lr L L 6 6 6III 10 lo 10 L2 12 T2 L4lL 1L L lr u L L! 6 6 6I'8 I lo lo Io 12 12rl UrIl !I! L 6 6I E lo Lo t2w t4 1[$ 16 18 18n 20 22 -23- Spaces ID 6ach LostsDce on6-ha1f (V2) of th6 nuobe! of tolletgrld btthr rsqd,lrd sI! fo! B6n .nd oEe-half (]/2) ere fo; mqo;. SECTIoI{ 615. ImATIOI. Atl to1].6t faclllttes for daDondenrt sr.Lerg shr,Il rot be fsrthor thsn tro tqudred feet (imij fi-* """ntlaalor rlte. AU toUst faclLltlss for f"a"p.naent'ir"fieia-or,affDt De frrtbr thatl .f,l,ve hundled feet 1569ry i:roa each treAl€r e1te. SE l:otl 616. ExcUEfVE 0EE. Eqch totler EhaJ.l be for trE&.(ol,u!18 ure of th6 oocuplnts of the trailer sftes fnt iiafferPa!k!. SnCTIol{ 61?, l.EmH. Svery r,rater closet corparhront 1n alryq+tdhq l-u a traller palk shsll be at leasi ir,f*y i*rr*"i:O-,) tiro16sr rldth. _ sEcTroN 618. tccDsslmlrTI. The publlc tollets shslL beoalatalned readlly acci:3slbte to at1 the ti"""i, "ilii-tiffi] - SECTION 619. SIGiXi. In Dyery traller palk wator cLos€t9:A rn6n 6hs]r- !e. disLl-c+_tv narke<i: i,For :{;h;;-.;J ,"i"i ii.Jlt"Ior lollan shaLl t€ dlsth,.ltrv qarlil.:: ,,For ro,])en,,, ftr addltloB, th€looatlon of $ater cl. a.Ls sh:t-l i : pr..L:rb, In..:".,t"a iy liii" SECIIoN 620. i1:._inpB0u.l,Il\ti, flie floor of every vat€r cloastcoqet t&o[t 6he11 bc const ructed end sha-1] Uu *"f"t"f""i io--Jr.tu*ptoof- condltlorr by uoe of, ce[ent conc?ete, or otf,ui "p!ro a-riterproofoatsrlef. Ihe Daterproof raterlal shall rL .prfi.a Jri*a'."-ir,,ir terlor ral.1s of the urat€r cory"rrr.*ni, t .-i"i5ltli*r.t"ilJ" tr,*tu€lve lnches (12u) auove t5e hoor. SDClIol{ 621. IoILETS IN TR./LII.ERS. ft tu uisvtul fo. s4rPqrron to uss, or pelnlt ths use of, alt toll€t f" .rfy i"af:."r coaoirloc,stod-{lpn ary traller park, uui.esj such toriet ruieisli"-requlr,E-ea[tB ot thl! Ofdtrarce. Srctlotf 622. BAnIS. In €rsttr treller perk, Bhotlo! baths orother-bathtig facllltles rlth hot and cotd --G;"4;;-;;ji-;l1 rtaUrd-lr Eeparat6 cor,partnonte r"r eve.yEii"i-ifl -"ii.."rron"f p.rt_ of flfteen (U) trafle! sltes for u".h'""". i",*[],-L-io "*nt:U lhT bs Leas thsn t.,{o (2) sholrer "r"I1; i", ;;;;e*:' il"r:, 13p. ry{_:h"l1 b€ provrd€d trtth a soLf-cloEbg aoor oi-Jrr.ilAse :qurpp6o llrln a yatet?troof draw curtal-n. Al.t aho{or bath, or oth6rbsthr?g facllrttles prodded herola shaLi ""t b; l;;;;h_r't rruoa."aleet (2or9r; fron eich tralLer alte ror aepeoaont-tlileri'Ia?tfarther than ftve huldred feot (5000) r"" t.a"p""i""iiilili." SECTIoN 623. WATERTRoOFIiIo. Ttre floor of evotlr shot€. bathooegt@q! ahall bs corstructed ard Bhall b. "".i;te!lea f"-"-ot "_prool aotrdl,tloE by the use of ceoent, "oacrete, -r "tt"" Giil *t""-proof oat€rlsl. the ret€rploof datei.lal. shall'be appffed-'uina; onttE lnt 49f raLts of the compartoent to s helg]:t "i'"ot -f"Ir-ti.o clr feet (6r) above the floor" . SECTIOI 621r" hrIMOl,IS" Eyery lrater closet cooparteo[t org?pr:E:nt! contrlrrrrs. bath].ne fact-ltrles "i,.[ Uu pivraua?in oaal.l 9t 1or: rdtrdous -harlr€ an aggrogate a!6a. of not lese tbsn olxlquar\e_ rc6t- (o :q.-ry:). Houeve!, lf the noorr contalns ooro thaa ooalr.J.E!g!_ cloaet, bath o! urln&I, the totsl ull1dou area shsll b€..Fav.J.ent tg tht'oo aouar€ feet (f .sq. rt.) for_each r.ater clolot,brth or udruI, but a6ed not *",i"a-Jn*i"iJi' f i7[i ii"iL"i il,rr"rafloor aree of the rooo. SECIIoI 625. IAt NDpf " fhers- €hal-l be constmcted tt qv.ryta.ll€r ped< a LsxDdry corysrt,snt ,rlth ,!ot, i.;s;-;h;;;;lti i;i.d.:ytBrE" _SECTIOI{ 626. ,tT[RfnOOENIl. Tlle floor€ aDd at 1ea!t tEslv.trh€! (12') on tJlg ,rE-lls ,>on tile Sround shal-i bo constnrctod ofept loved sator?loof 4asonl)r conrposLilon. SECTIoII 62i" LtfiDOWS. Each leuldry coEpar&nent shal]- have -2lt- vindow area equal to at least one--eighth (1/8) of the floor area and in no case shrall it be less than nine square feet (9 sq. ft.�, SECTION 628. HOT AND COLD WATER. The laundry trays shall be supplied with hot and cold water. SECTION 629, LAVATORIES. There shall be not less than one(1) lavatory for each sex installed in every building in a trailer park co.11taining public toil=its. SECTION 630, PLJMHING. All plumbing fixtures in every build3r{; in a trailer park which affects its sanitary drainage system shall be :installed and maintained as provided in this Ordinance. SECTION 631. 6dATM. T_zare shall be in every trailer park an adequate supply' of pure water for all the requirements of the park. The water shall be obtainable from faucets installed within one hundred feet (100 B) of each pari; of the park. SFBCTIOX 632. WASTE DISP09AL. It shall be unlawful to permit any waste grater or material from sinks or other plumbing fixtures in a trailer coach to be d,posited ,upon the surface of the ground, and all such fixtures, 7h.en :in use, must be connected to a sewer system or covered cesspool or septic tank. SECTION 633, LXATION OF STORAGE OF' LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GASES, UTIIIZATTO.N VFSSET-S AND REGULATORS. No cylinder shall be located within a bLdtl,:ii.ng enclosed on four sides, nor within aid► trailer coach, nor within five feet (50) of a source of ignition, nor below ground, nor below ground Level, nor with the outlet less than five feet (50) away .from any building which is below the level of such outlet. SECTION 634. VL'1114U. The discharge from s xfety valves shall be vented in such a aurn er as to prevent n7 impingement of escaping IPC upon the vessel, and such discharge point shall not be less than five feet (50), measured horizontally from any building opening which is below such di schvx?,e-.u SECTION 635 LOCATION OF TANK. Each tank shall be located With respect to the nearest source of if.nition or line of property adjoining, which may be built in accordance with the following table. Vessels and fx,.rst-stage regulating equipment carrying more than twenty (20) P•s•i• pressure shall be located outside the buildings, or trailer coaches except as hereinafter prarlded. Each individual vessel shall be located with respect to the nearest important building or group of bui.ldirgs or line of property adjoining, which may be built upon, in accordance with the following tables Volumetric capcity of vessels (in U.S. Gallons) Minimum Distance Not more than 500 U.S. Gallons 10 feet 501 to 1,200 U.S. Gallons 25 feet Over 1,200 U.S. Gallons 50 feet SECTION 636. MLLING EQUIPMENT. Regulating or filling equipment on tanks filled on consumers' premises shall not be less than fifteen feet (150) from arty opening into or under a building where such opening is below the level of the outlet of such regulating or filling equipment. SECTION 637. IGNITABLE' zIATERTDIL. Readtliy ignitable material shall not be permitted within ton (100) feet of any vessel, regulator or vaporizer. SECTION 638. CYLINDJER CHARGING. No cylinder shall be charged within twenty-five feet (259) of arw trailer coach in a trailer park. SECTION 639. VENTING CONNECTIONS FOR GAS HEATING MUIPMEENT. All gas-burning appliances shall be of an approved vented type. Gas >2�,� ,. 'baater! rhall be corylected to a flub or .,e[t lrc[ iesJ ],.u slze than tbevslt ool1lr of the applt8!tc6" Th6 flue or yent shall be of app!:ovedl.Bdbqrtlble [rt6!aa].s .ind 8ba11 be car-rled to the outer s1!. Veltoutl€tE !ha.l,l tetufuBto rltb an aFploved vent cap not Less than trBllrs lncbss (Ur) abor6 tho hlghest po1Dt of ths tretlor or root of ar{rbutldlng, oabaDa, or rsrada. Evely gas-bunilng sppllance shall be cotEscted to th€ gar supply plplng i.lih opploved ,netsL ptplng and the 8q! 'IIEIJ outlot ahall b€ equlppsd r{th E shut-off raLre and 6ach rppLlsEcs rbrl1 be oqulpped rlth eproy€d autooatlc shut-off derlces*!toh l.lll shut off th. ges supplJ to the dain bu.rte! o! bumer8 andpllot ln trh6 sreDt of pllot fel.lure" ARIICI.E rII ELEC1RICAi SIANDA.RDS S&TIOll ?0O. !QmPIAIT. ThlE article EhaLl appty to rIIcLatt{qaL utL1l.zati.on equlpoolri, rhLch op€lates at Gore tlrsn 25 aolta,or lhlch tranadits, trtlsfors, or uti.Ilzes noro than 50 ratt€ lntra.gsr p&r*8 aqd ir8f,gr cosclrcs 1n trail.er park8, End allo qrplr,ssto tlt6 hstsltatlon of tratlsfollErs, serrrlce equlproout, and other eqd.p-oot used for supply or co!rtto.'l- of elcc LrlcsJ onerg. rirsn suchequlp6nt b ,.rrtal,16d 1]1 such placeo as cove].ed bj. thls .qltlcle, SmTfON 70I. IIISTALIAIIo!,otr'tfiTEAfAIS. .U} drttlg rherelbt qp€clllcslly covored b' thls ord1lur,co shsl1 be tnEtetled ln rlaotrdaao wlttr ths Eloctilca]. Safetl. orrters ot .tlt.] SLate of Callforld.., Ocoeral orders 95 of the Stat€ of Callfoa1lla, or ajS' other gtate laxgthr! Ery .!ply to drfng. SECIIoII ?02. ELECfRICAI INST LIATIoN Ilt CABIUAS" ALI electH.caf.mr* she.11 b6 t rstal-Led aDd ruahtalned iu accoi'.lance l{!!h the electrlcalregulroErt8 for drreUirgs aE found ln tlle City of Coata I'losa A&rln15-tretlvs ElectrlcaL Code and the tLrlllg rnethods a6 found ln the lr-ectrlcafgaleqr oiders of tho State of Callfomla" SECTIoII ?03, I{IRINB" 111 etectd,cal L.Lrtng shell b€ erc].oredultd! tb yeIlg of ths bulldllg except that durfece rlrtrg BhsLl be of Sproved t{.poE. SECII0N 70L. DEUAI{D sElwIcE AND ruEDmS" Servlce and fe€ders&rll be dstetrrDld on 1m, da@rd o! flIst ten (1o) sDaaec. 806 on gacoDdto (10) +aocs, and,56 lot.lL over the flrst tire!,tta (2o)-rp.oes.Sellc€ arrd fe.ders shaLl b€ calcu-tated olt the basla of 2!00 iatts (ZO aqc" 120 volts) lllnl-oum pcr slte up to tuenty-ftya (25) feet l!leryth, ,600 retts (3O arrys" 120 votts) Elntuiunr per slte for aII trrllordt8! oYsr tt snt{r-rl.ve (25) feet ln lengtn, No denr&1d allorsd on bruohcr,rcultr for lndlvLdual, tralfer 61tes" llo denaDd s.Ilofled f,or othsr Lo8d!. SEtroll 7o9. oVEEC0RRf, f PRoIEcTfoN, lhe maxlnun alEe overssEEBt lrlotoctr.on shall not exceed the retlha of the leceptacle at thotrrflar slte. Othor sLzas of ovBl.cuEent prctectLon sha.ll'be ltr accotd- rncs tath Tahle No" ?. SIglIoI 706. IIIRII00 DEv-IcEs. Thore shaLl be a grundod rloq,taale at q11 d,tes baaed on a ridt{r0uo of 20 a&ps. f(,t a].l 91t68 up to tirenty-tlr! (?5) fe€t iE length and 30 anrps" idrll] tm for aIIdtas orBr trr€Dty-ftve (25) feet lll tength but ln no caEe shqLl theI.loetaals be rated le6a tbsn tbo overLoad protectlon used. sDcllolt ?07" l.trRE SlZEs" for Utulty &r1ldtnge: LlghtlDg cltlutts^ "., " ".!,1o, l"L r4rE wlth 15 anp" flrse 12 outletr - oad-Iltrnx, ,ppl1&ce clrcul-to genet'al. . . Ilo . 12 wLr€ !..{th 20 eryr. Itrae 5,)ut-Lets - rtraxjrlr.!" .qppusrrco clrcuits laurdr, rclr llo " 12 vfu.e rrlth A0 a,rF.. fir.se 2 outlctg _ osxLcul!. &.c6pt1onr SEVERIU, l,IOTOtus (N ON-&j rl,tAjSCtJ CIICUII" TI.o or ( Inole lnotola ney b€ connected to thg sane braDch clrcult und6r the folloxtry oordltl@ar Tto (Z) or nore notors €ach not exceedlr€ on6 (1) hor6epotEr ln rahlng and each hsvfug a frll-lprd leted curr€nt not excoodfug 6 EdpB., lo8Jr be us€d oD a branch clrcul't plort€d€d Snot ,aore thar 20 ar'pE st 125 voLtg or LeBs, or 19 arpe at 5oO volts o! 1esE. Indlvldual nltulLr€ overcurent, protectr.on ls oot roqulred, uiess the [otor ls automatlcally etarted or 1s out of slght of tbB sterthg locatJrn. sDOlloll ?08" ltrMl{W TE"TICAL CIEARA}ICE FcR I{IRE. (at Idrrest Potut of S88) !tratur€ of Clearance Lo!.-voltage, G.750 volt8 Aborte gtreets ald aloDggtttstE ln a traLla! park.......".20 feet Abo"e aloaa (other tJEtl thorlughfsre r) r&!e lt l! polslble to drdve vBhlcles.. ... . .. "16 f6€t ]2 feet .lbovs strrctDreg. I feet (I}€ller shslt b€ cousldsred a Et!'BctuE rlEn parked on olte.) xrHc[t0mrF,{ItEt" a! u6ed ll1 t}d.' 60ctLo!1, oeaD8 ary publlc or prlvato h:AlrBry, f,anua, atroqt, t!ed, eLLey, or ot&er plase ggnsralAr ured for vehlcular uae. SECTION ?09. AI,IOMBIT CAPACIfIES O}' CONDUCTORS II{ AIIPfiES Rubbg! fypc R, $pc R!rr,Heatherarool and Ortrlde .,I1rhg Vpe ]lU.Type RH AbovB are89 accosBlble t,o podestrlanr o81y.......,....".,... " Slze A10 !,ICM Th6rto-Pl-et'tl.o lYpa T, lype 1I,I lry€r!! N 30 lr0 5o 7O 80 90 10C' L25 L50 t75 225 -A@6r€s L2 10I 6 L 3 2 1 o m 000 0000 N )5 9o 70 90 r-00 t50 200 2?5 2?5 SEgtIoN ?10" VoLIAOE moP" Volt€se d]rop rhs.1I not cxooed 5F cr dlgcr:tbutJ,oa s;rst,ra" (nauaa :.oaa. ) SrC?IOll 7L1" RULES oYIflEAAD IJ]IES" ,{11 .mt lde ald o'geahrad wlrLDg ah!]-l confoln to the Etardarts ol thB Csltforrd,a RrbIJo lrti-lltleo !'Ru.Los for ov(:rhoad I'l!e CoDtruciLoni. 111 qrri- hoad vfdltg rlthl, the park shau be cqvereC vlth dolbls brald I{rsathot?loof or be';t::. .SEC$OI ?:t2. :X?oSUIl!, .dal flltcho8, r€ceptacles rDdcontriol oqutp[€nt ].oc6ted ouLlc(,1.s Elu]L be ln a treetherlxoof ord.x sLded enslosure 3lr conetr...Led or protsctod thet @@;surs tothe llBathel. d.11 l&)1. 1n!,?.fe",.rl{:h -{.15 su.ceegfu-t- operatlm, - SEIIoN 7:]'r" m PUII, CIIIINS" ril.l ].lglrts 1n utlllty bull"dl-lgs Dlrrt bs cdtohrd. No pul1 chaLna rl].oved. sxctloll 71L. mo[EcIwE DEilIcEs. A].1 oeBltcurr€ut prcteetlw dsvr.c6r or bsDch cl]:cui.tE the1I be uot! toporeble. SXCfIo ?15. CoMtsoL EIIEIMEIIT. Cotrtrc1 equlpoeBt shalt bo 16stsd Dt lcrc th.n tlEoe (3) feet Dr dor€ tbsn stu< (6) feot st (5) llncbea qboar th6 glourd o! rlth a peruanant ro dng plstfo!&guftlcl,cot lpace shall b6 prwtded ard rleLridEd about olectrlcal €qdlllant to potttt ready erd aafo opsratlo!. }Jh6!o parts r.6qulre €xr@lnatr.on, a{Ju8taeat, or ,€pa1r durllrg opelatlon o! wh1l"6 }lte partg 8!6 €xpo$d, adsqu.ute rcr}ftg spgco gball- be pr$ylded and lrai.trtEfiled to perott th18 rork betng pelfonted safely. fhle }Iolk-qrace shal1 Et be 1es6 than tHo aDd oBe (2-l/2) teet. SECrloN 716. RoAD IJGIIrf]E. A mlnlotlll of tl"rc (2) foot o.adle6 1! leqdred tor plotectlve yexd ltghtlng on all roadrqys a(d mf-kraF. SE01T0N 717. SITB SE&V'ICI SUPILI. Not nor.o than four (lr)trsll€r dtoB 6ha11 be eestlncd ttbro aq. one (f) pole and aII r€ceptacl6slhlu b. glotrped ln ons (1) encl"o6ure. S!CfIo}{ 718. IIAORAI.I. An eloctrlcal dlagran and cooplete apeslel,catloDr ac66ptabLe to tho erforclng e8€acy shaf.l b€ suhdtted taltb ersh Eet of d.avlr8s. SECIIoN 49. INDERORoU@ CAEIE. If undet?r'lund dl,rect butLal cable 1! to be u8sd, 1t eha1l b€ a ll1niJnu.n of two (2) feet fu the grguDd ald plotocted l}or! dslrsgs talt& a coverl-D8 prlor to backfllll.Dgtll' trenoh. CovsrLag to be trro (2) lnch t5r slx (6) l,nch rodrood orogulyabtrt. Ceble shall not be perdltt€d less than oue (1) foot, ndfu,I dltteoo f,lou rater, ssrBr, or gaa llnes. SEIfoN ?20. h4IIMI. fD eyEry tra116r park, electlLc t.klng .flxtEes lDd 6qultE€Dt shsLl b€ l.trste1Led 1! a Eafe ald E pmved rorl@arllks Esregr, Erd dalntaloed to tho satlslactlon of Ur6 hrlLdlDg fDq,rqto!. SECTION ?21. IfOEIII(} CIICfiTS, Overy cabara shell haye lot less thrtt ons (1) ltght cl.rcult srd tEo (2) epplLsnce receptacl,€a,lstalbd at couGdert locatlona. The outlets shalL be on a soparat€breh clr.cul.t tudopeDd€lt of gttr clrldt supplJrlna a trallsr, or otbr" buUdlt€ or cabdla. EloctdcEl heat(Dg equlpn€nt shs11 be seraBd br lEpalats braEh cfucultg. SErICN 722" Al.JtE:lES. No elactlr-caL outlots shalL be lrlltslledo! urod rdtldr Ery a{rl.Dg ottBr tha! those lIlatelled oE the exterlor of e trlrl'le! coach. SrETIof, 723. IIJ,IIUINAIIoiI" f! evory t!a11er park th6ro sba-llb! lEt ALd ald kept, burnflg l}on sr,lset to -sunrlee su}ttulent eltlflciallt8bt !9 .dequately tlluDl-uate ovory brdldlrg conta1lltlg pubuc toltets!d- pubUo aho,t ors sld tlre grea or tract of land cotrt,r;i;g the tr8lt6rprrk SICItCN 72L. 0Rolll[Dllil]. Dq)osed noncurrent - carqrlng netslpsrtr of all trallers and other equlpr!6n1, shall be glounded. tn-one oftha lollot lDg r€ys, (a) Rf neaas of a g:'outdlr€ conductor ru1 rlth the c1rcultcondutofs 1n csble as8eBbllos or f1e)dble cods, prnvld€d aa apploved@r].t,prolrg plug o! equtvaled la used, one prong- ftr the ptrrpos; ofcoect .!g rtch Erolmdl.Dg colductor to the grounded oetal recerrEr oroabl .rer, tH,s aordrotor E{r be udnlulaIed but lf an fudfrt&"Ioor! .Dg_Ia pr!,!7lded for thls cordueto!, lt sha11 be ftnl.shed to lLor agne oo1c. IIr sddl.tlons.l co@tact oha1l be proelded 1n tle r.eceptaoletbr grlotdlq lrEpolea. (t) l,qf cqu&oeut dloctly coEBcted to s grold€d Eet f.o lrtrlD8 ryrteo tr eocsptabL la llou of lha roqlrt@lrts ot ruHlvlllou (a) of thls sootlon. EPoced amut.rent-can;d.lg netat perts ot rotors, g€osrators ad coDtrol oqdpo€nt (!uoh a,r fracc of Dtolr Elrd aoutFol pBtEbr' oporat'tlg ldv€i!, snd cestnS, of cotttrcll€rs, Erltehe6, etc.) lhrll t€ effectlvely grouDd.d uDder the follol,lng coldl.tlona! (1) Ilf notom (dretler ftxed or portable) r€garclesr of voltsge LD e1I locstioDs rlEre ergoaed grouaded eurfaces (ruch ea letsf,. f}gcs ol other lacblnBs, ptlrtrt[ug ltxCtrr€E' groodod- plp€ or cordult, 8rd coDductlus fLoor or ral1r) erdst tdthfu ttle reach of porsonr r.tpu toucblttg t'h6 o3t8l Dirta udar coDlldsrat{on ololEdod mrfaccr d.thta flve (r.l6t hot&dtsuy of tho psttB conrldoled alld Yithl-n efcm (8) fEot vertlcaLly ol tbe fl.oor or rotid!8 plrtfom 6!! coraldtl.od at betug Yitbh Fach. (2) -cL portqble elsct c tool, r.hich ar6 hold ltl iti tana iala bet!€ ope!,ated (regarrrlleu of Yolta8o). (3) L,tlen tbs Eoio! ls not otttgltftse offectlvelv rioirnaea aaa uh€n tne voltag! encs€ds 150 volte to ground, a bond rlU bo r€qulrtd bett{esn t}E Eotor Iru"u *a the rLgtd conduit or electrlcal rots.l.l1c tubttg tu caaea tolo t'he r{.gld souduLt or electll.ca]. Eotalllc tubfug do€s not tendrate Ltr a JrlEtloa bo|. flhl.ch ls gtoundod to tho dotor SBe. LtlElr tlle w1t€ge does not e*c€rd 150 volts to g&und, the noto! l}a[e nry be gtoEdsd tbough flodbie rretat cond].lt ljhl'ch fu Prcperly colnected to iho rroto! 8nd to the tlgtd oatsL conduLt' srctroN ?25. riErAIr.ArIoN AIID IrArtlTBMlEE. Lll clectrLcal ,-Dsta11st ,@! Eha11 be Dade tur r Yot'bsDlll(g laEror 6t,d 6ha11 he ao deslgred, conEt!:tct€d, llrttaLlod, .td Eatrtar.led tbst th. h.zotd AU'be rneduced, ia far aa ti 18 reasoalbU porttblc. Ilr- rtsuatlcDs of lsr utlSzatlo!! oqulir.lt od coldnctora, ard extencloE. rspal!! ord ohlngeE ,.tl cd'lttr.rg tlttallrttqrr lhrtl b6 E8de .Bly 6y, -or rmder tue superrlston or dllectb! of qua]jtttcd prltoD!. ABIICI,E V:EX HAI}ITENAIICE .O]ID SA}{ITAITOII SEcrIof 8oo. PLuMBIIE REPIngElGrt. iih4oeE q' plralf{ .flxtur6 b€co[6! ftlaltttuir, tbe BulLdL!8 llslreetor or ti6 ColEtr Bealth olf;lcor Eey rcqukc 1ts leorcval 8!d reElsceEp-qt by e flxtu!6 confortlEg to tha provLslona of thls ordlneDce. sxmxo{ Bo1. 5EPIIC IAXr. rl lt 1s lllpractlcal to c@tact ttle plu4blng fl-xtures eff€cfl.Eg tbe 88nitary dlai.lags ryct€o dth nlnblpsl or gatrLta::r diot!1ot seref, serqgc gr rarte mry bo dkoharBod tu e r€,Etlc talk consi!"osted atd ratutsr.ued to lrh€ Batlsfectlon o.f the otlrorq€deDt ageacy. srcfroll 8o2. SBWAGE UISPGIL No 8€rage, ragtc rrgter or snr Bf,fluent shBLt bo allored to b€ d€po6!,tsd ou tho surfaoe of tll grolld. SECTTON BO3 . 'I"IATM CIOSET, EATfiIltr} AND PLIII{EIItr} FACII^IXIES. Every rrater cfose+. conpartnent or coeartr€nt8 cont!{n{ng batldlg ficl].itl6E Ehal-l b"r (a) rept ctean" (b) feDt ltle fro,[ otqood@! odotts,flles, Eorqultoas, or ot rg! lnrects. _29- . SECTIo 80L. SCnmXS. Hbdoire sl.,slL bE scresued irLth Dot]css thll cfxtesn (f6) Eesh Etal Bcresn. Sfflo 8Or. Dnrl l IAnD. In erery tr.rller p8!k thr8 sn4lLba rct rddc s ct ace comeuteL to 1ellnd4. facflfti,os'for ti;--oooqrolt! ot th6 tr8llsr slte! to dr:r clothes. There sh8ll bo pro_vldsd sdsquste and ussble lim spacJ tor sBch trqller "it" "aA a"drylng of clothBs or LlEs oo trsller slt s Bball *i t p.Jtt"a. SEIION 806. XRIX[Itio VESSDIS. l{o dtpplDs .lr€sssk orq4ra tor cormon ure ere p€rtlsslb}o ln atlr trajier-park. - sErIoN 807. XRIMgm r.ol rAlra. H'ddrg foultatns thauba nalutalned ln a -saalta!:. coldltlon, and shaI1 U.- "fl tl,p-" - qpr.orBd br itle enfort€qent agency. SEffolI 808. OARDIOE CANS. In oeery tlatler park one (I) 9r- o9q ne!a] Sgrtec cans rrlth tfglrt fftH-n! "orer", Lpp*prf"i"iy19*l*, {,.11 b6 provlded for evory grt (6)] or rr..ltri'nar'pqt t, ordr (6), traller coach.,g or trails:, slt€s I{l[,hi.r the park. ' SECTIoI{ 809. ItrSposAi,. .1L11 ger'bo€o, i,-asto, ed nrbbtrb Inov€ry traAl€r psrk ah&Il bo burned, burlea] ir *ro.i=a t o, ttInr€odlar rrd Lay6rf.lJr dl,spoaed of irithout 6reattng a ^rG;;" SECrIOI 8L0" DIsfosAL. Idc person Bho uses, occuples. or0p6ratsa, 9r Ealnt€lrre ar{, tralfer coach shaLl depo;tt or^ A;oee -of €qr gar"bago, rubbLsh oi refirse otherrise thaa Lr- burnl_up oiburyln8 It at a dlstarEe EotE thar gLfty (50) feet froe ari pulttchitlyry or loadroott thaD tro huDd"ed (z'ooj- rl,ei f-; &;r't*:cel.l, Eir6el, Iake re8et'volr, or other soulce of uater supi\y,'' SEItol{ 811,. UAI}.IIEI[1I,ICE, Ihs area or lract of lsld uDoor*llch e traLLEr psrt 1s ng.Lufoill€d shau i)e! (a) l.bll drar-Ed aDd graded. (b) [€pt, ftee rton du,st. (c) fept c18&r sjnd .flee froE aocuaul.at.oD of rofts6.garbsgo, rubb&h, or debrtr, ffiIICIj IX UISCELI,AJIEdTS . SECIIOI 90O. tldIuAIS OB p&tl. t{o d.ogr ehsll be Dello1tt€dto nn at Lerge 1rr ary tredler psrk. llo b".d""d;1,*L';;--poul,try sbau be petrdtted tll ary tralJ.er par'L. STES Tl: ErE-{mON. T}rL8 orflnancs does Et eD\r toary s4srlsed pubDc p8r*,pubJl.c c6!p grlund. or;iqd,;-;;;ow!€q, oDoret d., of Estrtslttsd by ary of the iouortast - (a) tho Fsd€n l Ocmelrl[et.(b) Trre State.(c) Ary ags!ry or polltlca1 aubdlvlsloE of the State. , - . SETfo}I gO2. EIIM]4IO]I. IIo ptovl8lon of thtB ortlnanc€alart Da colatrrsd to rgqulto a structural addttlon. Et cturel f;:'i:m:'nl;"ffL**.iffH: H':lffif"ffiH l"*#t*r,6qu!r€d br lar prdor to ths sffectllE aatu oitfrGlrufnaiie. INTICI,E X flIEE lnMECrION _ - 9EDIIoI{ 1000" ftrDRINIS - EqSE. In erer5, treLl-er p.!k or!:S"l ?I syrry traaler psrk coDtaht € *r" il; i;aioi- .' - ca,Dqllaa thore sh3Ll b€ 1lrst&Il6d and BefutaiBd .pprrovud tt"lydrsats rtth rlouJ$6d bose rack or rreel spaced J;;;h-di;;;., 9: to- r98ch aII areas rltztr seventy-ft6 (?S) i""t ;i ;;;;;ftru tralrnt shau be rct lasa rltirr ;; ;;'";L; Oii'r*'fiI -30- U 1n d!.aBotsr' 'uerrd1r{;l1ry i,.L;h :,. shutFoff vafre. tsoso rqaks ed ros1! ahsLl be eorr:-],pcrl ylth soyenty-ltve (?5) fe{* of oE rd oa6-ha1f (li, llreh .ilsEetEr hore slth l1!r trozr.los d.ti or-hsU(l/2) 1rcb tlps" Iiot .'r-6se than tldrty-flre (lr) pounde Eeter preasure ahrll be eu!,pu.ed, prwlCed that i! tbe oyE!$ such rrter pacslunB 1r lot avai.lable, a"lieltate f::.rsrtatd flm-ffgbc,rlg equtFotrt Eqf b€ Bubstl'iutad upo! approval of tho local tllt dspd.tEstt, h.lyl.rog J'rrl'sdlo'utorL SICTIO| 101.1, P"j.tPoRf,ItE EIROS" EverT omFr or opsrstop cr otbar perso! ,.D cha1?o of 8E/ trsl.ler park rho b€c,oBe6 axare Jf artrr llre or ssro L.-rartr,g co blstlq,r of sn ur1, rrr{rted or i.oaldlolr! 'iatu:!o rhtch 1s noL 'tanfl..re(l !.ltlrtir equ$nerrl toglgnsC f,o, flra atd drl.ch la a hazil,:l to the cd}alra,s or str,rct-r.ice! dthfur tlo,lle! :?arlm shsD rrlport ,rc :rrti.'. irlthcut Celqy Lo tlr Loc€]. f,Lr6 lEpdrllr€rt ke!,ng j'-rrlEdiettor, silll&ll tc]Z, f'IR1t [)iriiJ'itrrslgps. rt ,ro shall b8 [BetsAleC an.l rialntal-i-1ac] !: s. sorL.llcuous .nd rceooll.bl-6 locatlonh qverj t!'6af€" pe:'l crnLr!::- l{l tlrlee (3) or rore cabaDa! at 1€ast oEs (1) Tpr.ol ed tro aId one-b&Lf (el) r_ florg po"trbls tirrstrrgullhor or equlvalent" -Addl-tlona]. approl.d €xtLlgufubE shau be lnatalled aL dl.etsrce3 oI Eot, [ore tl ea tr.o hE dri.d (?00) feot apat" SfCffcir 1m3" IIIE fEPlnTUmA AP!RoVAL. A]l rqulpalt requfued by ttd.t rbtlci.e aha1l d€et the approial of th. 1oc&lflre ciepartucnt ierir€ jurtFitctlcn. lltet.trateo to tha !sql,.:3- nents of lrhLE A!,ticla q4, be .,uthcrlzed U tn. bc&1 fu."g dcpqr.tr!€t* hrvlt€ JrL-1Bdi-ctlcn" Sl)crION -l.mL" FIRE II\ZA-[IJS- Nelt}or arv artlok t}at 1r! d6ogsmu! or dGftn{'rostal to lr,Je o! to th8 biltb of, tb. occulrantg of a atru(:-^)ui'(r, Do:.' dt(f .0^tsrtaL tn! fire depatt{gEt rlotcmlrloE q4r cresls : .flrr harrrd, ahaal bs krpt, ftorld, )r hsld].ed ln 6qr lro-.1 of e Etnrcturs, or o! tla 6trL o! rblch +,ha strirctrEe ia s!:'rat Ed. S1ETIoU 1005" FIA}II{ABIE I,IQUIff}. rtrn ble l&dd! .rhaIl noC b6 stored or u!5d h sx0r ltmc hre ilt qu^Ertlu,es ln Lrxcesa of oDe (1) gslla, ard 6lL such flaotr€.l 6 llqulda ehal1 be kBpt t! unhr.6kebL end tlghi or aEprqyBd raf6br-!6a1od cont&hors nt3tr not l,r sctEal u36. AI.ICI,N E FEiVILIIES ITID T IOI,ATIOI{S SEmoN 1100, PENAUE. Alg prrEqr nto ylolatas a{tr D.f th6 prvLElonB of th16 0rdln6!c6 tE gu![h ot a rlsderautor anci aball, rpon coErlctlo! theroofr -be puDltt abl.6 by a f,18 not exceciLLng Flve }luriJ\ed Dolla.s (!l5m.0o) o! V fupr'r.!o!@l ljr th€ clty or. cor1nl!,- Jaj-1 lrot excaedhg ar: (6) qo|ltba, or by both ruch 1llle rmd Jrprlson rcDt" SIErIoN 1lol., vioI-Aflrnl$ .. Uirlin STIiITCImES" ir0- structure tha0 baa becolE lrnflt fo1'hrnan lirbil,atlon or occr{raDcy ag detLEod tulrel'l ts lEr€b, decLelcd a rtul.BaDce lhe Bulfdl,la Ijrspdctor &fter so detellllrrlry: sha.L1 notl{y ,ha omrcr or qporator of a tral:Ler patk irlrln s[ch 8'r'roi]ir.e :ts foui rd to bo un-flt for lrunal oocupanoy. :;[ch !ro?j.,:6 9h6-tl set fort:i the cordltlona th&t rador tho stru,lture urflt foi o.cupancy ard lhall otdor th€ cotrectLon or abaf.saEut thercof elthEr b6. de.rolltloa or repslr Httlu.! tldlty (3o) dcys of, s,r:h ad4ltr.o[at t{-q6 a! l! reaaonable. gECTroN lIO2. IEOAL.iCTIoNS, If aq/ bulldtJlg, cabala, or Sruoture ts cotr.9tr1]ct6d, altered, coEErtgd, u!€d, or qatrltaLE8d ln vlolatlql gf aqf plovl-llo! ,l tblB oidltlece or of atlr older or notlco l8Eued by the Butldltrg IEp€ctor or tho County Ee8].tb offlcer pursuant to thl! Nl[rt!e, or Lf 8 lutueaG Gilts ltt qf ttloGlct a la rV *ndE! dlpotlE trdlor Blte on rhioh tt 1! dtr.t d, tb hlldtDg In&6ator or tho Collly [ealth of;lloor 6ry ,Etttutc qr approprlda actlo! ot proosedlr€ to prsGat, !!st!81rr, corrcatt or abeio ttr€ ylolstl@ or !tri!a.!ce. -.31- SECIIOI ]l03" !I. r.i.i1.i:. il/il'[, 'irr,.. . ], ..i.r!,!rr s,'ol-ll jisk6 €f,f,eoi eDd bs 1! folEs t)-1ri, (r0) iayr lr.c.. pr.l .it,ei jts lesesge,qDd prlor to tIE @1r8ii.r- cf l!.ji;.:en (li) deyr Er-i'te-" t)re pAsse8e ther,eof, thla ordfuqnce, to6oth€,r irii:i: tho r,trEns o.f Ll,€, diebers of t,lle C1tr Cqu2cu votJBg for' Ird ate-lJst tlx) seo.:,, 5tai.1 be pubii8lEd @co 1It tlD Cosls, Hesa Olobe HsraJ.d, a rrl3rspaFe" oi ir(,rera1 circulatlongrrlt€d 8d. pub1l8hed ln the Ctty of Costa l[e8a, C(runitr" of o'..args, Stste of C8,:lfol:!La. ArIIJS'I, tTIFiiI'e?li SIATE 0F CALIroiinUl )corMr oF oRL\&E crIT 0!' cosr}- liEsA SS) ) I, A. G. ShhElZ, (li.'{ Cleir t':"{ @(-oflJ,ct{) rj:l.r}!ii of, lhf, Ctty Coruxtll of tho Clty ol C.sla:.rca4, do helel1. c,:,i{g iJr,t at a !€gulsr Eeet$.!g of, tho Cltl iou;clJL of tJle CitJ of Cr,.ttl lilera, heldqr tfla :.6t1- dry of Uey, U,l, tta fcrcgo! ! axdl-DAnce rao qonirldar.ed s€ctd.oE br soctlon arld tlt,ri lai.:l o!'iLEirce rrx 'i.lv:n p;issed and adopted as a lrtvrlc bgr tbe follonljg ;otor Ar&Sl_ , -oourE1l.!rr[ i'l3r.i,j-q, ]hil'6, -idt\ Telfutdo arl Pl.Dkl1!. N(EEI . .cr>,!5{Lneu - No}':s .ILBSddt 'l('JiElhrrn - :i3Be the of$cl.eI Bsrf. of +,he CttJ. cf Costa Mesa .uhl.s 2 I]{ I,trtttESS'rlR 0F I havE hBD:iu$o sct l\,iraad rIC 5tb .r47 rffIx.Jd te55 " C16rk of the gltf Coursll af the Cltyof Costa Issa, Caljl'olala -12.- N ix-cltfclo M