HomeMy WebLinkAbout742 WESLEYAN BAY - Building Permits\ i � : ) 75F�/4�2J��iyr'16�Y9 � �S2�sy���„�38��0 6z� . IS IV1t�` `� %O �Z'� rrr COSTAMESABUILDINGSAFETYDEPA T T � �AP�I,IC�TIONFORSTRI1Cr'fl�RdLPERMI'I51%,.i1 TL � P.J.BOX1200 COSTAMESA,CALIFORNIA92626 R C V BV P RMIT ' For AppGcant to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only � N� � eui�owc _ ,___. „ >_, A .NO��//-�Sq/-�09io.//d' �B-l�' �"' C S Q � y '2' F G W F Q C :� Q > � a w c. 0 L Z W S 3 °eNANT�R M.D. Janes Co., ADDRE55 2950 Airway Ave CITV Costa Mesa CONSiRUCT10N LENDER NOY selected BRANCH N/A ADDRESS N�A ARCHITECT _ . _ . Inc. , D-9 TEL. No. 9 TE CONTRACTOR a�er ADDRESS A TEL. CITY e NO. e STATE CITV LIC. NO. e LIC. NO. A SIZE NOW ON 10�T A OFLOT 550' x 334' � USE OF EXISTiNG BLOG. N�A Separate permi[s are required for electric, plumbing and heating work. I �e�eby acknowledpe chet I hevo reatl this application entl naia tnat the ebove information is corrac2 and eB�ae to eomply wit� all laws reBulailnB builtling consvucqon, and 1��ail no[ empiov any person in violation of the workman's compensatian laws of ihe State of California. I hareby certify t�et I am properly Iicensetl as e eanvactor untlar the Sta2e of California B�sinesz antl Protession� Cotla, Division 3, Chapter 9, anE that sucA lieensas are M full forea entl eHect, or I am ezempi fram the rovisions of i�0 State of Cellfornia Bysinass entl Profassions Cotl Divisiyrp 3, Chapter 9. i / SiB^ature ot Permittee � or 8/17/79 Authoriied ABent e 0 UNIT OR SPACE NO. LOT REPAIR OWNER �Rf'N12� (_B- VALUE USE E 3K � Irvoc I r.aniic N,✓ qPPROVED$ETBACKS PLANNING ACTION ' �— � Q / /� PPPROVED �' .�O � nwaWSti �� ' / n .. /[1_� m � � i� m "7 O SQ. FT. j �q� THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR m G� THE PURP�E OF ESTABIISHING A PERMIT FEE ON�Y: � VALVATION PERMITFEE y a � PLANCHECK E Sd�, � o n�7^' S Sd % �Q.. � \ TAX S f-.,- _ : S� TOTAL PAI� S �� � �/ , 7. K, . �, wi;:s- PflOJECTADDNESS: •142 �.j���EY�h k��Y OWNEfl'S NPME: �DShTARD PE 1 ROS nooeess: �q � y�rCSi.EYAN bAY COSTA ,yESA,CA 926'6 AflCM/ENGINEEfl: nooxess: UNIT: NEG.NO.: UNIT: PE"miTTEE' EDWARD PETRUS ( 714 ) 754-5295 aoonEss: �q � y3£SLEYAN BAY CUS:A MESA CA 92676 ' LICFNSEO CONTPACTON OECtABATION: I here�y allirm Ihal I am licensetl unaer pmvisions ol Chapter 9 �commencing wiih Section 7000� oi Div�sion 3 0l Ihe eusiness anJ Pm�essions Coae. antl my license is in �ull �orce antl e��ec�. CITV LIC.: STATE LIC.: CUSS: Date: SignaWre: WOPREBS' COMPENSATION OECLAfll1TI0N: I hereby a��irm Ihal I have a ceni�icate o� consenl �o sel4insure or a cerii�icale ol Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a certifie0 coDY �hereof (Sectian 3800. La�. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. ORTE: COMPANY: ❑ Cerli�ietl copy is hereby �umishetl. ❑ Cenified coOY �s filetl with the ciry 8uiltling Oivision. Date: Ap0licant: E%EMPTI�N FflOM WOflNEflS' COMPENSIITION OECIAflATION: (T�is seclion neetl no� be comple�0 il �he permi '� E700) or lew�. I cerii�y Ihai in I�e pedormance o� ��e work �or which Ihis permit is issuetl, I s � e Af g A son i any nner so > Uecome Sublett lo Ihe WOrkerS' pComDenSaiion Laws of Califomia. Date: � � � � `� SignaWre: NOTICE: I�. af�er making �his Ueclara�ion, you shoul on ub c� to �he Workers' Compensa�ion pmvisions o� �he La�or Cotle, you mus� lotlhwi�h comply with su[� pmvi ons or this Dermi� shall be OeemeO revoke0. CONSTBUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby allirm I�al lhere is a cons�mction lending agency �or �he peAorman[e of Ihe work for which �his permit is issuetl (Seclion 3097. Civ_ C)- LENDEN: ADOflE55: OWNER BUILOEF DECLFflATION: I hereby a��irm Ihal I am exempt imm the Cantrac�ors' Stale License Law for �he �ollowinA �eason (Sec��on 7�3L5 Business and Professional CoOe'. Any ciiy oi coun�y which tequires a permi� �o constmct, alter, impmve, demolish, or repair any StmcNre. Drior lo i�s issuance. also requires �he applican� lor such permit to �ile a signed sla�emen� �ha� �elshe is Iicen5e0 pursuant m �he provisions of ��e Conlraciors' Stale License Law (Chap�er 9(commencinB wiih Section 7000) of Oivision 3 0� �he Business anA Pmlessions CoOe) m I�al he/s�e is eKemp� Ihere�mm antl ��e basis �or ��e allegeA exemp�ion. Nny violalion ol Sec�ion 7031.5 by any apPlican� lor a permil Suhleci5 Ihe applicani to a civil Denalty o� not more than hve huntlre0 tlollars (5500�. I, as owner oi I�e pmpeny or my employees wit� wages as their sole compensation, will tlo t�e work, an0 the ❑ S�mt�ure is not inlenAed ar ofl¢red for Sale (Seclion 7044, 9USine55 ana Pmte55ional Cotl¢: TAe Contfac�ofs' Slale Litense Law does not appty to an owner ot a D�operty who builtls or imDmves thereon, an0 who Uoes such work himseli/herself or thmugh his or her own employees, proviUeO t�a� such improvemenis are not intenAed or oflered for sale. I�, however the builtling or impmvemen� is soltl within one year of complelion. Ihe awner will have �he hurden o� pmving �e/s�e tlid no� Duiltl or improve for �he purpose ol sale�. I, as owner of ��e DmDerty, am exclusivety conVacting wi�h licensed cnntracmrs to cons�md the prole�� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ an0 Pro�essions Coae: The ConVacmrs' S�aie Lirense Law does no� appty ro an owner o� DmOeM who �uilds o� imDroves �hereon and who conlratls lor such pmlec[s wi�h a conlracioqs�license pursuantto �he Can��ac�ors' Sta�e LicenSe Law�.l am aware Ihat pmo� o� Iheir Worker'S Compensation insurance ShoWd be pmvidetl �o me. � i am eremp� under Sec�ion: BP! O 4 4 B. 8 P. C. mrmisreasnn: ALi. WORK $Y OWNER � -� Daie:�— � —%� Z Ownec I tlo hereby ceni�y ��al I am aware ol ana unders�antl the requlremems of ml eatlh anU Safe�y Code Sections 26fi05, 25533, antl 25534 an� �hal I or any INure �uiltling occupan� willlwill no� (circle on ed to compry with saitl s�a�e co0e5 anA �he �eQui�emen�s for a permii for conslmction or motlificalion �mm the Air Ouality Managemen� DisVic�. flesiUen�ial constmc�ion aDPlications are exempt �mm Ihese pwvisions. '�I Oate: ApplicanC I I �ereby cetliry �Aat I have reaa t�is apPlication antl slate t�at I�e above in�armation is mrrect. I agree to comply vnlh all ci�y an0 'i ortlinances an0 staie laws reiaiing ro builUing canstmction ana �ere6y authonze represematives f tAi e�me I pmper�y for inspectio purpases. ��� Da�e'. � � �� Signa�ura _ Driver's License ar Social Securily M: 16<La6 White—Bmlaing: Green—CoOe Enlo¢ement: Canary—Applican�; Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA NESA - B(lILDItiG PERMIT Fc:kM Nt7; E Q564AE PERMIT hi0; E 056446 PLP.N CHBCK NO; 1� GOVT: N SliPP; \ CO�STRUCTIOh ''YPG; 5-N PERMIT iYPE: ELE PURPOSE; OTH JOB llESCRIPTION : IN5TAiL SIX (6) CAA� iIGHTS IN KITCHEN SQ FT; CLAIN VALOE: CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENT'S: TNS7'AI,iED W3Ti� PERFECTION! if # �f.�iE # k Y. i4 iE # H� } )E �lE �7i 3( d( #f i! # # �k iE if 1E-Y �k if iF Jt �k �}* � SF # 9f �l!� -?f �if �X �YE iF # iE # # lE � le iE M iElF �ic iE'r: lE # df # # �!t df �iE iE # �c 1f �1c �4 �7C # �� lc 9f # #�?'. K 7. O N � N G A E Q U T A F. M E N T S $ E 1 H A C t( $ ------------ MA7N BITZLDING --------- -------- ACCESSORY �Jli,i>ING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT 7N FRNT: FT IN HEAR: FT ZN LEFT: FT IN RGF?T; FT ZN LEFT; F'T IIv RGHT; PT Iv PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL; 9376A002 ZNE; REF NO; PT.ANNING NU'I'ES> % }f # iE!'r # IF iF iF ic iF �k'.E i't'k iE �X� if i( iE # iF 1E iF �E 1c i'r # t if 3E if ic iF�t iF-1E aF iE'lE ib iE 3F if �le # a't ii� #� iF IE'1FlE 3F iE iF i'r iE iE-1F IE IF If�?c 3F ## 3E IE # iE 36 ii* # 3E# Y� # af iF D£ V E L O P,"^. E N T S E. R V I C n S R E�1 J I R c N. E I� T S 20NIi�G APPROVED BY DATE: $UIL'DING APPROVED �Y : _ _ DATE; / APPLZCATI4i7 ISSUED BY• f��l'/.G� ����� DATE: /_t-'—'� iFifieihie#14-%1f1E3E#iFlFieff#�IF�1f1EiEieiFi tCie"iF��F�.`SxY•'R�)F'±FTf�iFieFiF'S�� �$�'£�,.'���iFiFif�kiiX-if*#3E3ei���[��iFi,it�ir )f# if iE i(• if 3f ik iE if if iF fE # iF �E it li� If if iE �1F 1E X� aF iF 7F �EjF 3c Y: i+ iE iE if 3f 3F.N� iE iE iE }�; iFit ;' * iE N� k �F if !E'f ?F k�)f ii� ic?F # iF � iP IE 3F iE ��k iF i• ii k�:. df� 3: ii�'r; jF ie if LEGALIZATION;N F E E S G M M A R Y STRtJCTi7RAL �EGuEA�T:N BLbG Pi`�T PLU,`�HING ELECTRIC MECAANIC rZRE SMIP/RES GRADI\G PEAMIT q 5p �Og 5�IP/NON-RES PLAN ISS[Ic FEE 15,00 BUILDiNG-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE Fi,AN-CHECK TOTAL PAID D'JE io�ars----> 4,50 15.00 0.00 1:=.so is.so .00 REVENUE DIV.ISIGD: TUTALS--> COLI,ECTED• 19.50 OVER/SHOkT; UO BI;DG FMT PL'�MEING ELEC_TkIC MECHANIC F'IRE SryIt�/TOT GRAD?NG PLAN-CHECK � 19,SU 3F # 1f if �F 3F�i �lE 7'r ie �F If iE iF 1! if iE k iE if 3i iF iF iE �J'r If if R 3F _u ii iE't(� iF �lF �3'r i'r iF �IE# 3F i't dF 3t iF i'r �1F 1E iF?c li �li #-%3E �IE N� n� tF �R!(� iF k-?e if iE ai if ie 3f iF #� �t iF i' �7k 3E iF �li� I N D I V I D U A L F E E B k E A K D O W N TYPE �TY U B S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST 6 FIXTURES, LIGHTING 1 ST 20 cA, .'15 END OF rEES � .����,.� c �}` � �::5 MAR 1 2 C'T'f OF COSTA M�S� 4.�0 , CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # t. Temporary Electri�yl Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcement 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. - 7. Fooxings 8. Fo�ndation 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System t t. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 72. Sewer Cap 73. floof Dreins 14. Rou9h Plumbing 15. iiough Electrica�-Conduit 16. r�ough Electric Wiring 17. Rough Wiring Sign 18. fiough Electrical-7 Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Faciory Fireplace 21. Dutts,in Structure 22. DuMs, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Praming 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 27. Frameand Flashing 28. Lathing & Siding 29. Insuiation 30. Orywali Nailing 37. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final ___ 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & qir Conditioning 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final FactorY Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Finai 40. Gas Service�Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation r 44. Landscape Irripation Sysiem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regutations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL P�ANNING 49. Elec[ric Release to Edison 50. Gas Reiease to Southern California Gas G 57. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date Date A Inspector i POOI 2A APPROVALS Permit # ��, 52. Pool & Equipment Location ' 53. Steel Reinforcement ' 54. Forms 55. Electrlcal Bonding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 63. Heater & Vent-Final � 64. Plumbing System � Final � : 65. Electrical-Fina� 66. Solar System-Final 67. Fencing & Access ApP�oval � 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 7 69. POOLlSPASYSTEMSFINAL FIRE DEPT, REQUIREMENT � APPROVALS Permit # Date ( Inspector 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product Pipin� O Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank�Gas ❑Oil 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FIIVAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION � �. FO00 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 0 a �