HomeMy WebLinkAbout702 VICTORIA ST - Building Permits/ � � PPOJECTP�OPE55: )(}�.9IC1'OkIA $T UWNEfl'S NAME: C j i Y ��: � COSTA MESA ADOflESS: PUBLZC SERVICES 77 FAIR DR 754-5291 pXCMIENGINEEfl: RDOflESS: NEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: �jTY OF COSTA MESA ( 714 ) 759-5291 aoonEss: 77 FATR DR COSTl1 ME5A CA 92626 IICENSED CONTHpCTON OECLAXATION: I here6y alhrm iha� I am licensetl untler pmvisions ol ChaO�er 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000) oi Division 3 0l I�e Business antl Pmlessions Code. and my license is in tull �orce an0 effect. CITV LIG.: STRTE LIC.: CIASS: Oate: Signa�ure: WONREBS' COMPENSpTION OECUflFTION: 1 �ere�y affirm Iha� I �ave a certi�icate ol consen� to self-insure or a ceriiticate ol Workers' Compensatian Insurance, or a certi�ietl copY Ihereol (Seclion 3800, Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. OFTE: COMPANY: � Cenitietl copy is nereby fumisne0. ❑ Cenitied copy is file0 witn Ihe ciry 9uiltling Division. Date'. APDlicanL � E%EMPTIONFBOMWOBREPS'COMPENSpTION�ECLABATION: (Thissectionnee0notbecampletetlil�heDe�mi�is�oronehundretl(5100)orless�. I cetlify tha� in the pedormance ol Ihe work lor which �his permi� is issued. I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as �o hecome sublect �a t�e Workers' Compsen5aiion Laws ot Cahlomia. Daie: ����97�— Signature: .!��lr �� � NOTILE: If, after making Ihis tleclara�io4 you 5hou10 become sublec� to the Workers' ComDensa�ion pwvisions of �he l.abor �. CoOe. you mu5i fOMwi�h Comply wiih 5uth pmvisi0n5 or Ihis permit SAall 6e deemed revoke0. CONSTPUCTION IENUING RGENCY: I herehy ai�irm Ihai �here is a tonsimction 1¢nding agenCy for Ihe perfOrmance Oi �he work �or which Ihis Oermit is issued (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C). LENUEfl: aooRess: OWNEB BWLOEB OECIAHAT10N: 1 here0y allirm Ihal I am exem0� ��om the Contrac�ars' S�a�e License law br Ihe �ollowinp reasnn (Semion 7031.5 Business an0 Professional Cotle: Nny ciry o� counry which requires a permi� m cons�mct, alter, impmve, Uemolish, or repair any S�mcWre, prior Io its issuance, alm requires �he applicant br Such permit �o file a 5igneA sla�ement that he/she is licensed pursuam to t0e D�ovisions of ihe ConVactors' S�a�e License Law (C�aD�er 9(cammencing vn�h Section 7000) oi Oivision 3 01 �he Business and Professions Code) or Iha� he/she is exemD� �here�mm antl I�e basis for the allegetl exemp�ion. Any violation o� Section 7031.5 by any applicant �or a permii sublecis Ihe applican� �o a civil penal�y of no� more �han five hundred Aollars �5500). � I, as owner ol ihe proDeM1y or my employees vnth wages as their sole compensation, will do IAe work, antl ihe s�mcmre is noi intende0 ar oHereO br sale (Secnon 70aa. Busness ana Pmlessional CoOe: ihe Comracmrs' State License Law aoes noi apPly lo an owner ol a Dropetly w�o builtls or impmves IAereon, antl who does such work �imsetl/hersetl or ihmugh his or her own employees, provi0etl Iha� suc� improvements are no� in�en0etl or oifered br sale. I�, however �he building or impmvement is sold within one year af completion, the owner will have ihe hur0en of pmving he/she Uitl not Duild or impmve • for t0e purpose oi sale). � I, as owner ol Ihe pmperty, am excWsively contracling wi�h Iicen5e0 conVac�ars to cons�mct the pmlect (Sec�ion 7044, 8usine55 ❑ antl Proie55ion5 Coae: Th¢ ConlraclOrs' S�ate LiCense Law Oce5 n0� aDPly b an awner o� pmperry wA0 huilds or im0�ove5 �herean ana who contracis lor such pmiecis with a coniractor�s) license pursuant to ihe fAntractors' State License Law). I am aware � Ihat pma� ot Iheir Worker's ComDensa�ion insurance shoWd be pmvi0ed lo me, � I am exempt under Section: B. 8 P. C. i Ior I�i3 Bason: � Daie: �/�G / 9 Z Own ' ��—r --' �� I Go hereC ceniry t�at am aware ol ana unders�antl the requirements ol Calitornia Heallh anU Safely CoOe Sec�ions 2550.5, 25533, antl 25534 anA Ihal I or any Iuiure builtling Ottupan� willlwill noI (arcle one) nee0 io Compty wilh Saitl s�ate coae5 antl Ihe requiremen�s �or a permi� for cons�mction or modilicaiion imm Ihe Air Oualily Managemenl OislricL 8esiden�ial canstruc�ian applica�ions are exemp� from ��ese pmvisions. Da�e'. Applicanl: I �ereby ceriily �hal I �ave reatl ihis applicalion and sta�e ��at �he a0ove inbrmation is cortec�. I agree Io wmply wit� all ci�y an0 ortlinances antl sta�e laws relaiing Io buil0inp construdion ana here�y au�honze represeniatives o� Ihis ciry �o enier uDon Ihe abave-me pmpeny lor inspeciion pi Poses. � � Daie: Q �- Signalure: `�L � Driver's License or Social Security #: t641-a6 WM1ne—Buildm¢ Green—Code Enlomemenl: Canarv—Aoplicant Pmk—Revenue; GolOenrotl—Assessor . C.,7TY Or COSTA MESA - HUILDING PEF ZT PEkM NO; E 058234 PERMIT NO: E 058239 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: Y SI)PP: N COiJSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRSPTION : NETER FOR R,O.WAY I�ANDSCAPING2IMER SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE; CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: / COMMBN'I'S; VICTORIR S'TREET WIDENING 3E 1E%-�iE # if iE iE i(-�k �If �1E #if 3FiE if �lE ff * IE iE 9Eif �K �lE �%-0E �E iE If iF dE �E dE �%iE �K �K �%dE �lE �IF1E iE iFdf �k iE iE �IEiE �)f �f 3E df iF K� iE #�lE #�IF if �lE �lEiE �K if iF�%�# �IF�IE �3k�lf iE if # 7, O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S s E r H A c x s ------------ MAIN BIJZLDING ---------- FRNT: FT iN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN --------- ACCESSORY BU7LD3NG -------- F'RNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEET: FT TN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL; OU000000 7NE: REF' NO: PI,ANNING Nt7TES> ? iE 1E 1F iF if iF iF �lE !f i(� if iE ii� if iF iE iP iF i(� iE �7F iE it �t iE iF iE 1E i'r �lF if iFif�iF if 3E-IE 3h iE if iE iE if if if iF 1F-1c i(� ih ik-IflElE j't iE �1F !E i! iFlE iF 3F if iF �IkiE 1E it } if ie iElF iE if if ih If D E V E L O P M E N T •S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M c N T S 20NING APPROVED BY - � DA1E: HUILDING AFPROVEU BY ; DATE: � - �- DATF• % it iF iFiFlE iE iF �lE iE # iE iE if� iE iE iE ic iE 1f if iE iE �1F if �If iF if IE iF if 34if 3F#` if iF k if IF i(� �)f if �1E ic 1f iF if jf iF-1E iE-k if iFii it if ic �)k it�+f i4 iEli �F *-jF iE jF ie if iF ii� iF 3f �1F �?E 1'r LEGAL22ATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y ST'RUCTURAL SEGMaNT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECiiANIC FIRE SMZP/R�5 GRADING PERMIT 18,50 503 SMIP/iJON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 B[JILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PI,AN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DilE TOTALS----> 0,00 0,00 0.00 O,OU .00 ,00 AEVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: .00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 HLDG PMT PLUNBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK ff !F 1f �1F if if jf 3F iE 1E fE iF if ir iE ic iF if !f iF ih iF ik i! 1f ic iE k ii-3E iE iE iE IE iE if if iF iF if iE iF i! iP ii� 3E iF iE iF it k it iE iF ik dF Ik 3(�ib iF 3f i4 iE iF iE it iF 3k iP 3t�if � IF i!�iF IF if iE iE I N D I V I D L7 A L F E E B R E A H D O W iv TYPE QTY D E 5 C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600 V& Hni.�OW 201 AMP 18.50 18.50 END OF FEES �I �,,i.�._s'-�.�r:'°°',.; - -•— i;' Gai;_. :� . �� .. � .. _ CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNWG POOI _ SPA APPROVALS Permit #.- Date Inspector qpPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector i. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location � � 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement , • ' 3. Electricai Conduit Utitity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms �.4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. . 55. Eiectrical Bonding ��5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. �� 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation ' S9. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 70. Structural Floor System ��� 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap � 63. Heater & Vent-Final ' �+ 13. Roof Drains 64. Piumbing Sysiem - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Finai 15. Rough Electrical•Conduit 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electriral-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace � APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hyd� o 22. Dutts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping OGas OOiI 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tes[ 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas � Oil 25. Roof Sheathin9 74. Overhead Hydro ;�6. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 18. Lathing & Siding . 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINA� 29. Insulation 76. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat � , � 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final /'� 80. FO00 CERTIFtCATE ISSUED ��G-1� � �`�cL 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � ' . 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test ' 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Piumbing , 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Finai "41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer , 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Hegulations 41. FitVALSTRUCTURE & BUVLDtNG 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY No. Date PflOJELTR0UHE5S �VC V1C1�VIt1H OWNEfl'SNAME: CITY OF COSTA M nooeess: PUHLIC SERVICES 77 FAIR I)R 754-5291 UNIT: RNCN/ENGINEEN: qEG.NO.: RODflESS: UNIT: PEflMITTEF: CITY OF COSTA MESA ( 714 ) 754-5291 aonness: �� FAIR DR COSTA MESA CA 92626 LICENSED CONTBRCTOB OECNBATION: I hereby al�irm tha� I am licensetl unGer Dmvisions ol C�ap�er 9(commencing with Section 7000� ol Division 9 0l I�e Business anA PmfesSions Cotle. anE my license is in lull fo¢e anE eflect. CITY llt.: STRTE L1G.: CLASS: Oa�e: SignaWre: W08NE85' COMPENSRiION OEClAM710N: I hereby affirm tAat I have a certilicate of consent to setl�insure or a cenilicate oi Workers' Camoensa�ion Insurance, or a cenilied capy t�ertal (Section 3800. La�. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: comraNr: r] Cetlilietl capy is hereby fumishetl. ❑ Cenifietl copy is filed with ihe ciry Builtling Division. .ie: ApO�ican�: EXfMYfION FNOM W08REN5' fAMPEN5RTI0N OECLRNATION: QNs section neea no� De completeE il ihe permit is lor one AuMreG (5f00� w less�. I t¢Nty Ihai in I�e DeAormanCe oi I�e wOrk lor whic� Ihis permil is i55ue0. I 5�all nol emDloy any De�son in any manner 5o a5 io becom¢ suble�� �0 I�e Work¢rs' ComOensalion Laws ol Califomu. Date: Sipnarore: NOTICE: Ii, aller making �his Geclaration. you stlould become 5u61eci lo Ihe WOYners' Compensation pmvisions ol the Labor Cude, you mus� lotlhwilh comply wiih such pmvisions or �his permil s�all Ue Oeemed revoked. CONSTflUtTION LENOING FGENCY: I hereGy allirm that ��ere is a cons�mciion lentling agency �or Ihe peAormance ol ��e work for w�ith IhiS Oermii i5 i55ue0 (Seaion 3W7, Civ. C�. LFNOEP: aooxess: OWNEfl BUILOEB OECIABRTION: I here0y aflirm IIIdi I am eeemD� ��om Ille fAntratlors' State License Law for the lonowing reawn �Seclion 7031.5 Business anG Pmtessional CoOe: Any ciry of coun�y whic� reQuires a Dermit to consiruct, alter, impmve, Aemolish, or repair any sirutture. prior to its issuance, also requires ihe apDlicant for such permil to file a siAnea statement ihat he/she is ficensetl puuuam �o Ihe pmvisions o� Ihe Contracmrs' Sta�e License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Sectian 7000) ol 0ivision 3 oi Ihe Business anG Pm�es5ion5 CoA¢) Or that he/s�e is exem0� Iherelwm and Ihe basis lOr Ihe all¢peU exemp�i0n. Fny vi01ali0n of Secfion 7037.5 Gy any appli[anl �or 2 Dermit subletls Ihe applicant Io a cihl penalty ol not more tlwn �ive �untlre0 Oollars (5500). � I, as owner ol ihe propeny or my employees with waAes as Iheir sole compensation, will tla the work, and t�e siruclureis nolinteneetl orotferetltor sale(Section 7044, Business anU ProfeuionalCoOe: The Caniractor5' State License Law Ooes nal apDN to an owner of a pmDeny who 6uilAs ar impmves Iherean, anA wha Uaes such work himseltl�ersell ar through his or �er own employees. O�w+d� iha� such impmvemenis are nol intenaM ar oHerea for sale. If, however the builtling or impmvemem is solA vnihin one year of completion. ihe ovmer vnll have �he Durden of Dmving �e/s�e OiE not Oui10 or improve ' , loe I�e Ourpose o� sale). I, as owner o� lhe pmpetly, am exclusively coniracfing wi�� licensed conlrac�ors [o consimct �he D�olec� (Seclian 70a4, Business ❑ an0 Pwlessions Code: The Caniractors' State License Law Ooes nol aDDly to an owner of proDetly who EuilEs or impmves thereon antl who coniracts br such pmjects with a contracroqs) licens 'pursuant io Ihe Comractors' State License Law�. I am awa�e thal pmol ol i�eir Worker's Compensation insurance shoWA e pmvi0e0 to me. I � I am eremD� unAer Section: B. 8 P. . j lor ihis reason; y � / Date: � l Z 3� L Owner: t7"W� � ! I Ao �ere0y Cetli�y ��al I am aware ol anG unE¢rsland �he requiremenis ai Calilomia Healih anG $afery Cotle ciions 25505, 25533, a� 255�a antl Ihai I or any IUWre �uiltling occupan� will/will no� (circle one) neeU lo comply wiih sai0 siate co0es an� ��e Bquiremen�s �or a permit lor conslmciion or modilication Imm ihe Air Oualiry ManaAemen� Oisiriq. ReSideniial constmciion applications are exemD� ��om tnese pmvisions. Oate: A/pplicanl: I �ere0y cer�i�y Ihai I have reatl �his appliCal�and sta�e �ha� �he above iniormaiion is correci. I agree to comply wit�all ti�y an0 wUnty or0inanres anG stalelavrs relatingio OuilGing on9rudion and herebyau�honzerepresen�alives aithis Gryto enleruDoni e a�ove�mentionetl pwpetlY �or inspecii0n purpases. l oa�e: /— Z 3— 5 z. sy� �a���e: P-� i?ilcr.�� odve�'s �icense or Socui securny x: t64na6 WM1ita—Buildinp: Green—Cotle Enlorcemem: Canarv—Aoolicanl: Pink—Revenue Goldenrod—Assessnr �L—� _ . _ . _ . �_. CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: E 055919 PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ELE s � � PURPOSE; OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : SIGNAL FOR TRAFFIC LIGHT SIGNAL SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: / COMMENTS: VICTORIA STREET WIDENING *�+��**x�***x ��rx*a�+� �� u*�*�xx***�+�**�x*x �x�**x xx**�**�*a��c+�*�+�**+e+�**+��+�***�t+�**�r�**�t I O N I N GS ERTEB�AUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN I.EFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARK.T.NG REQ• PROV: PARCEL: OU000000 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NZSTES> � !f 1F if If iE aE iE 1E if iF If �f 1F 1f fE 1E if 1E )F iE if iF iF iF k�ElE if iE iE iF iElE iE �f IE if if if iF iE iF if iF iE iE if k iF 3f ik iElf if 1E if If iF 1F�F iE if iF iF IE iE it �f fE 1E iE if iE 3f if iF iE! iF D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED HY ; DATE; ,.,,�, r,.,.��,,., � .......... .... . C� r � --- . I _., i � _ ic x�c x��c+c � ir ic �c � x x ic sc sr x x x �e ir fr x te tt m ie tt te tt x ft x fe x it it x itYE 1t it itit iF it iF it it iF it iE it ie i! iF iE iF if iE iE if if iE±F �7F ie i( k' if7�'if4'r 3F 3Fi�r 1F i! if �E k 1F iE jE 1E !E 1E 1f if iF )F if 3E 1F 3f 7E if 1E if if if if 1E if iF �E IE iE �E iE if if iE iE if iE ik 1E iE iF if 1F 1f iF IE if �E 1! 3E iE 3E 1E 1E �E iE ic �Eif 1E if 3Fii� iE iF if iE iE iF 3f 3F af �F ie iF iE IE iE LEGALIZATION;N F E E� S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 18,50 50Y SMIP/NON—RES I�LAN ISSUE FEE 15,00 BfJILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAII) DUE TOTALS----> 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS—'—> COLLECTED; .04 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK ik if if 7E �lE iE 3F iF i@ 1F if iE iE iE iF 1E iE iE if iE 1E 3F iF if 11� iFlk �F iF iE if iE it iF iFif iF �)f �E if iF if i! i!!f iE 1E if 1E �F if iF iF i(� if if if iE iE iEif iF 3f �F ie 1E �1e If jf 1F IF 1E i'r �F it ie iE iE jt 3 N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600 V 6 HELOW 201 AMP 18,50 18.50 END OF FEES . r � , n -� ,� - -- . - .. -I _ . � . . . ' ;' �p:^,PTIOP! VERIFIED� ./' CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING P��� - "�'�' APPROVAL$ Permit # Dete Inspector p�ppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector ). Tempo�ary Electrical Service or Pole _ 52. Pool & Equipment Location � 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement -, • 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgmd. 54. Forms �� . 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding ' 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test , 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test . 9. Water Pipe�Undrgmd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. • , 10. Structural Floor SYstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK � 11. Property Sewer Line & House Co�nection 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal � y 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final ' 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final " 75. Rough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar System•Final � 16. Rough Efectric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval ' 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. DuCts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating � 77. Produc[ Piping � Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oii 25. Root Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Slructura0 & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Freme and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insu�ation ' 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Piaster Brown Coat ' 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Pinal �/ � � 80. FOOD CERTIPICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric �Z � ..otes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioni�g 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test . 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Piumbing . 39. Water Service•Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING ; 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . No. Date