HomeMy WebLinkAbout241 - Mesa No. 2 - Intent to Call Special Election360 REECLUTIOS' DIC. 2141 A r JJfTT'., CT TrL CTTT f CWX-L, CT" PI' C(SiA : r,,SA, LfCLARING ITS INTI,' Y C?I TC CALL A S'tI CTAh iF I C TTC ii, ANI. FTXTPIG TiTE TDIE A?SL FLACL FYR INrIT--T w FPn;-RT] 'VRRS. -. The rit, Cotncil �f the Cit, of Costa Mesa, State of California, does hereb7; res"lve as follows: S,r T-( 1. That it 's the intent;on of the City- Council of the City of Cotta T'esa to call a special election in certain inhabited territory cc -.borons to said Cite, frog -sed to be a-,exed thereto, for the purpose of s-.,bmittini, to the electors resi.dinp in said territory the question of whether or not ccrtai.n territory shall be annexed to the Cit„ of Costa 14esa. Said territory is des- cribed as follows: THeyinning at a point on the Westerly line of Placentia Aven, e and on the existing boundary of the Citv of Costa Mesa, said point benne the Southeasterly ccrner of Lot 812, Newport P'esa Tract, as shown on a man thereof, recorded in Miscellaneous Maps, Boob 5, Pape 1, records of Oran -e County, California; thence Cnrtherly alone the ex -sting boundary of the City of Costa Mesa and alone the Westerly line of Placentia Avenue to the So, theasterly corner of Lot 801 of said Newt ort .'esa Tract; thence Vvesterly alcn�� the Southerly line of Lots 801 and 101 of sal n d Sewort TCesa Tract to the Southwesterly c rner of said Lot o01, said point be- inr on the Easterly line of !r,., 'Via Avenr.e; thence Socther- 1�, along said Ec terly lire of T'nrr via Avenue to the East- erly prolcnrati on of the Sottherly lire of Lots 1002 and 1102 of said iTewnnrt "esa 'Tract; thence v,csterly alone said Easterly prol-nvation of said Sootberly line of Lcts 1002 and 1102 and the 'Westerly proleneation thereof to the 'nest- er1r 14. -ie of l:'hittier Avenue; thence Northerly alone said lesterlar 11r6 of T.I ittier Avem;e to the Southeasterly corner o__` Lot 1201, First Adolf ior, ocij,crt ".esa Tract, as shown on a map hereof, recrreed in scellaneots Naps, Hoot 8, Page 61, Recor(., of 6ranse County, California, said coint also rein= on the existi,, boundary- line of the City of Ncro-_ort Beach; thence kesterly along the Southerly line of saic Lot 1201 to the So. thwesterly corner thereof; thence Northerly along the Easterly- line of Lot 1301 of said +first Addition Newport Iesa 'raet to the Northeasterly corner thereof; thence 'westerly alon, the Northerly line of sale Lot 1301 to the Northwesterly corner thereof; thence Southwesterly and Southeasterly alone the If.esterly lice of said First Addition Newport Mesa Tract and Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of Newport 1 esa Tract to the Southwesterly corner of Lot 1112 of sa'd New, ort Yesa Tract; thence Easterly along the Soy-therly line of said Lot 1112 and along the Southerly line of Lot 1012 of said Newport iesa Tract to the South- easterly corner of said Let 1012; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot 1'12 to the Northeasterly cor- ner thereof; thence Easterly alone the Westerly nrolonration of t' -e Northerly 1-ne of Lot 012 of said Newport oesa Tract. and al— , the Northerly Lie of said Lot 112, to the North- easterly ccrner t%tereof; thence Sot therly alone the Easterly lice of said Lot old to the Southeasterly corner thereof; thence Easterly aloe:: the Sot tlerly line of Lot 812 of said T'rwrrrt T'esa Tract to the point of beginni np." I I SECTKI'l 2. That said territory hereby, is desienated and identified as luesa Annexation No. 2." SECTT"N 3. Notice is herebT 75.ven that on the 6th day of Aucust, lc56, at the hour hour of 7:30 r.''. on sand day, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, at the Council ,:eetinn at the Justice Court of tF_e Newport Beach Judicial Listrict, r67 !,jest Eivhteenth Street, Costa Vera, California, any person owning real prrrerty within said territory s, proposed to be annexed and having any ob- ieet'nn to the nrorr,sed annexation ma^ avpe-r before said City Council and show cause why such territory shoold not be annexed. Such protests must be in writing anc shall state the nave or na es ^.f the owner cf the or-perty affected by such annexation am the location and area cf s^rh prrrerty in ueneral terns. Owner means tl-e o�dner as shown on the laat eosalnzed assessment roll, or the person or persons enttled to be shown as owner cn the last em:alized assessment roll, or, where such land ns subject to a recoraed written agreement to buy, the pur- chaser ncer such agreement to bcy shall be deemed the owner. If it be found that nrotast is not macie by the owners al one-half of the value of the territory pro- posed to be annexed, as shssm b� the last en-alized assessment roll, or by pnblic and private owners eara1 to one-halfthe value of the territory, further nroceed- invs shall be taken in ac rrrbarre with the law for the holding of such special electi,n. STC7T1 4. That the City ClerY shall certify to the adoption Of this 'eselutnon, an( ' ca, se the sae to be P, blished at least once a week for the two weeks wry ,-r to the hearing _r a newspac-er of reneral circulation poblished in the territory pr,I7^sed to he a^Hexed, of if t'nere is pone, in the Costa T esa Olcbe- herald, a nets^aper of ,e,cral cirm lati nr ^'hl -shed In the Cit- of Costa "esa. A" "Ll' t"s 210 da,- of J'11 ,-, 111 6, ATTEST: Q C- �ovw✓S City Clerk of Uhe Ci.t� _ Cesta?-"e sa T zo _�e City of Costa I. esa 361 W .,T4':_. P ClL:_Oa`'I A) )ss Cni T11"CF ODAaGL ) T, A. EI ARTZ, 'it-, Clcrk nr ih- "it, - of 4osta T;esa, do hereb7 certify that the aLove and for ..Dino HES:"L1tion "io. 241 was d-cl.f, anc reoalarly passed and adnntcd at a re��i:lar meeting of the 0.t Council of the Cit,' of Costa Pesa, held on the 2nd cal, o.` duly, 1nr6 tq the followiae roil call vote, to -wit: AYES: rffj' CTLYI:N tdnkley, Smith, Nelson, A,eYers YOLS: Cn-,n.-r rp; L,c! prone Ar.ELTlT CO''TTT^'kN artin 7TI 'ii g`5 T'11Pp1r, T have here=to set c^ hand and seal tM s arc' day of dilly, 11[6. r tr Clerk and ex-off_Vo_ Clerl n` the Ci t,, C,1 nc4.l of £re Cit, of nosta A ,a i i