HomeMy WebLinkAbout257 - Bristol No. 1 - Intention to Annexf 392 p y R- SOLDTIC'd NO. 257 A R, Sr LUTT'11 CL Tar, CT -1 C0 'TCIL CF ']'[It, CT '- CL' McSA OF I ITENTTON TO A`:TEX, AEt C VT_'dC tO-, C. TrrisRaOF. IT -tAS, there ;.s situated outside anti contiguous to the City of Costa "esa a certain uninhaF'ited area as hereinafter rrrc ..0 tirnlarl* described; and uFephAS, the owners of over ne-half of the land and t1.e territory by area ano by asseesed velnation as sherom on the last eonalized assessment roll in the Connt-- of CrasT have expresser, themselves as desiroas of havi---e the same annexed with the Cite- of Costa "esa; and :1 17,i AF, it v,T ld be ror the hest interests cf the City of Costa ;esa to an -ex the said hereinafter descr led pr,i-erty, and I,aa. F.AS, there 'was been s.:hritted on cr an, t the 13th da- rf Aupo_st, 10c6, to the Cranpe County Boundary Commission a legal descr'pt9_on and flat of the said hereinafter cninhabit.ed area, for its aonroval, pors:jant to Section 35002 of the Government Cde of the State of California: and ,hTh IAS, the a.proval of said -ran„e County Boundary Conrissi.on has been sec -.fired and reported apon by the Boundary Coni.ssion with respect to the definite- ness and tse. certaintI -f the ro used bo. n. ares; ■ ^'C , T F_EY'L, ne. S'LVPB, b Vie CiL, Council of the City of Costa �/ °"esa, a C-te =f the Sixth Class, to annex td -e said real iro:erty as hereinafter descr-bed, which saic real property is comb innn,s to the present boundaries of said Citi, of Costa Fees, anti urhid^ or-rert- is, a', £'e nresent tine, uninhallted. '7017n:_ 1:.- ”; V c 7ti'y teat `t is -noosed by the sa'c CAI, of Costa i esa to arnex t,oI`ere7.,after descr_-.ed real frorerty to the Cit,; of Costa Iesa, which sa`d real pr-rert, sIall, in these nroceed4nrs, bear the nave "Bristol X11 Anrex- ation". The srec'f'c desert t"os o' t' -e ce r.c=r os cl' the territory- nrcrosed to be armexed is as frllol "Bevinnlne at an angle ;mini *.n the e:cstiea borncary of the Mt - of t -of Costa I esa, said poi -,t being• the intersection of the norther- ly ;u-olcnpatc on of the -- esterly 'fine of Lot 17, Block B, Berry Tract, as shown on a man recnrdec I n Rook c ape 6, uiscellan- eons Recores of Los An el.s Co tint, oaliform a, ulth the norther- ly line of Baker Street, 30.00 feet in wi-dth, thence easterly alenp said northerly line of Baker Street to the westerly line of Lot 10, -11ock B, of so!, berry- Tract; thence northerly along said westerly line of lot 10 and Lot 1, FlocA B, of said ferry ihact t, a line 330.00 feet southerly of and rarallel to the centerline of Yanlari^.o Aveni�e; thence easterly along said Parallel line to the easterly line of said Lot, l; thenoe soctherly alono the easterly line o£ said Lots 1 and 10 to said nnr£ierly h ne of Raker Street; thence easterly alone 38 -q- Roo I' 'T I T flat -n tt. 111hi day if Oc'ober, 10Cb, at t''.e 'co r rf' 7:10 . nn sa it dap, or as soon t-erce Fl er as t*c natter -a., be heard, at t-, ".c -r4i mce.t:r-- at t^r. .stye rro,rt Hriv, ort ueach Judicial P -strict, CF7 ''lest 19th -treet, rota Piesa, Ca1`fornia, a hearing will be had, at w''sioh he sic- the Cit Coc:� 1 s! at and sass •pin all written protests filed at any to=me 'before said '^clr set, for sac. 'gear' any person owning real property within the territory so 'a rposcd to be annexed, and at ams time before the hour set for sa'_d hearing an, owner of property within the territory -pro-osed to be annexed may file a erittci, protest against tl-,e aonexation. The i�rctest s;all set forth the nage of the owner of the nr- erty affected and pave a descri_rts on o" said rrroerty in general terms. 'i',e C t, 'la'. or th it f rota i-esa is ^erety athorized and direct- ed t cage a c ' t- s c tinr to le --pushed once a wee- for two weeks prInr lc LW, ';e ri,_ in t -e �'c sta ' esa 7c1.je-Herald, a newsraner cf general said nor£^,erly line of Baker Street to the iaesterly line of Lot 4, Block E, Berry 'tract, as shown on a map recorded in book 30, pane 74, In ecellanen ni 3ecorCs of Los Ann-eles Co, nty, California; thence northerly alona said westerly line of Lot ii to a point, said point being 412.[0 feet northerly of the set therly line of Lot $ of said Block E, Berry fract, thence westerly along a line parallel to said scctherl,r line of Lot s, 3.80 feet; thence northerly parallel to said westerly line of Lit 4 to the southerly line of Pa- lariro Avenne; thence easterly alp a`d en therll li e of Fan larino Avenge to the easterly line the west one acre n the n rtherly one-half of lot 3, "Inch E, n a c '.1"act; thence southerly along said east lane of the west one acre it the northerly one-half of Lot 3, tb the sri,therly line of the northerly one-half of T.ot 3; thence westerly at cg said s- therly line -f' the north - e -1,,, one-half on Lot 3 to the, easterly line of said Lot 4; t'�ence so-:t}erlp alone said easterly line o, Lni, It and the smfotnirly nrolor=-at*on thereif to the so, t',erly line of said Bnher qtreet; t'',erce wesiarly al-,; said sol,tticrll, Line of ^al-er Ftreet to the easterly line of t rest for acres of Lot o, Plock E, of sa+a merry iraet; thence southerly alone said east line of b.e west fo-.r acres and the so,itherly pro - lo -at 'r, t-ercof to t'oc centerline of the road between ,.� Blocl = and Tlocl iof sad lerr, 'tract; thence easterly alone said centerline of the read to tie northerly nr olom-ati on of the eas-.--.erly line of Lot 2, llcc, h of said ;errs Bract; thence sotherlg alone said northerly prolorgat_on and said easterly line of Lot 2 and the sor.therly prolongation there- of to the centerline cf the road so,.frerly cf said Lot 2; thence easterly alorr, said centerline o-" t',e read arc the easterly nrolonFat;.on thereof to the soi t'icasterly line of Mew ort ?c levard; thence so�thwcsterly alon., sa'd so- th- easterly hue of i1rni ort 9oilsvard to tle easterly prolonga- tior of the sa.tlerly line of clock N o;' said -err, 'Tract, said ,o nt also being an an;1e point in the ex sting bo•.nd- ar, of t'ne Cit- of Costa 'esa; therce westerl alone said easterl, nrol n at'en a c „aid sol.tlerly line Sock P to the sol-theasterlp corner there,-£; thence northerly along the ires9:er17 line of said ,lock F t: the suitherly line cf said rlocl- B, --err,, 'ract; thence westerly alone sa=d a,,therly lo-eof Plnc'.- a to the i,esterly line rf Lot 17, -_^ said Elock 7; thence nx U-e•ly it-, sa'd westerly line of Let 17 and the nortierl• nr-lr,-at on t'icre�f to t'^e point of beEinninF. -q- Roo I' 'T I T flat -n tt. 111hi day if Oc'ober, 10Cb, at t''.e 'co r rf' 7:10 . nn sa it dap, or as soon t-erce Fl er as t*c natter -a., be heard, at t-, ".c -r4i mce.t:r-- at t^r. .stye rro,rt Hriv, ort ueach Judicial P -strict, CF7 ''lest 19th -treet, rota Piesa, Ca1`fornia, a hearing will be had, at w''sioh he sic- the Cit Coc:� 1 s! at and sass •pin all written protests filed at any to=me 'before said '^clr set, for sac. 'gear' any person owning real property within the territory so 'a rposcd to be annexed, and at ams time before the hour set for sa'_d hearing an, owner of property within the territory -pro-osed to be annexed may file a erittci, protest against tl-,e aonexation. The i�rctest s;all set forth the nage of the owner of the nr- erty affected and pave a descri_rts on o" said rrroerty in general terms. 'i',e C t, 'la'. or th it f rota i-esa is ^erety athorized and direct- ed t cage a c ' t- s c tinr to le --pushed once a wee- for two weeks prInr lc LW, ';e ri,_ in t -e �'c sta ' esa 7c1.je-Herald, a newsraner cf general c=rculatTon, p-blish&: in the Cltof Costa lesa, an(, also in UT- Vai;oort Harbor Tnsion, a revsC=aper of Tere rat cine, lati on n': blishec inti Cen. nt, of oranra and re_tside the lit, of Costa ".esa. The Cit, Clerk is frtber a.thorized and directed to mail a written notice of te prorosed anncxat`.on to all persons to whom Is d prcrosed to be annexed is assessed in the last avali nle eo"alized assessn'ent 1017. at the add- ress sT>.nwn th-nor or as bnorom to sa'I :'it,T Cierk. A^Ti S'i': /e: fig t f C t '_esa n. -f. Corte P:e sa 3"4Tr iI CA?I,( T!TA) )ss COi.'d9'Y CT 10ASCP ) -, A. C. S..A"iz,, Cit., Clerl of the City of Costa iesa, uo hereby certify t�a th- above and fo encing T,e LA! on �0 211 las d,lr ane re,, laxly -assed aro ac'ofted at a rei- I= c etm o` the `atr Council of the (it- of Costa F.esa, held on the LtT,. da- of Serteirber, 1056., by the following roll call vote, to -wit: Avi,S: Connc�17cn - 7 artin, Yinllel°, Telson, Fevers -._o. Cocnc'1l-en - 'one k-, 1 -TT: "ocncil^en - 5^,! th TIT TT TP FIT, 1' ave here, to set ry hand aid seal :.'9 s b ii da-, of fopte-'oer, 1006.. Cit- clor, ane t, Ca.;nril ;f the- C+t7. of Costa 1Resa i