HomeMy WebLinkAbout600 LASSEN LN - Building PermitsCity of Costa Mesa Plann�ng Department Post Office Box 1200 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, California 92626 p 14) 55fr5245 Tract No. �� Lot No. Address REQUESTFOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Date �— ��—%7 The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (I�e,-aF�e�they) iL/l.��'/ (was-ec_were) ��fiLC�/ advised that this tract has 4•., ` 4>. �r- not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. �^C�� i� R E C E I V E b BYIC��`�`���1 �. � � CITY OF COSTA MESA cnare� r�;:�,��:;. . . . . �n ., n S c P 1 1977 AM PM 7i8�9il0illil2ili2i3i4i5ig ! CMF 0569-26 sv _��, r.L L A �t"po�. T:�c uOLNEti. COh����Y �:fY31 IRVINE BOULEUARD, SUITE 2i0 Ta;���a� rei oFnRNIA 92680 PflQIEF�R�OflFSi: 6OU LASSFN LN OWNEH'SNRME:�kOOKV1EW CONDO�S aooRess: HOM�:OWNBAS ASSOCIATION 530 PAULARINO COSTA M�;SA RPCHIENGINEEB: �67-0399 FDONESS: NEG.NO.: UNIT: uxir: PEpminEE. MF.SA ROOFING ( 714 ) 548— 301 2 aoonEss: g 4 3 W 17'i H � LICENSEU CONTBACT fl OELLAflATION: I hereGy allirm t�at I am IicenSeA unUeCr p�rovisanzo CAapter 9(commencing wi�� $ection � 7W0� ol Orvision 3 0l I�e Busin¢55 and Prolessions Coae, antl my license is in lull lorce anG efiec�. c�Tr uc.: � 3 5 5 8 7 STATE LIC.:S Fi �; 51 , �'� � Oate: -' � Signaiure: — J /i/�i7— WOflNEBS' COMPENSpTION B CLAflFTION: I here0y aflirm 1 at I�Nlrtai�enfo se�n�sore or a cendicate oi workers• Camoen5ation Insu�ance, or a cer0liee fADY ��ereal (5edion 3800. LaU. q. roucrxo.:pWC 24167500 ExP.oaTE:07/O1/94 comraxr:COi,DEN F.AGT � 7 Cendietl copY �s here�y �umisheA. ❑��CetlilieC copy is ' � � BuilEing Di'� . /�-/2 r Date: ��✓/J/J Applicani' ��� EXEMPTIONFflOMWOflKEBS'fAMPENSRTIONOELUNRTION: (i�i55eclionneeGnotUecomDleleOillAepermtislorone�uMre0�5700�or1e55�. I cetlily Ihat in Ihe Dedoimance al Ihe work tor which I�is permit is iSsueA, I s�all nol employ any person in any manner so a5 io become subleci lo Ihe Workers' fAmpensalion Laws ol Calitomia. Dale: S�g�amrt: NO710E: II. alter making Ihis aeclaration. you shoula Decome subject to ine Workers' Comoensation pmvisions ol ine �abor Caee. yau musl IannwiN compty witn such pmvisions or Inis oermit shall Ee aeemeA revoketl. CONSTNUCTION LENOING RGENCY: I �ereUy allirm ��al Ihere i5 a[onSlmCiion lentling aq¢ncy �or the pedarmante of Ihe woM1 for whic� Ihis permil is i55u¢a (Seqion 3097. Civ. C�. LENUEfl: AOOflESS: OWNEfl BWLOEB OECIABPTION: I �ere0y allirm Iha� I am enempi Imm I�e COnlrat�ors' Siaie License Law for the Iollowing reason (S¢tlion 703L5 BuSiness and Pmi¢SSionai Coae: Any tily oi wunly w�it� re0uire5 a Oermii l0 tons�mtl, ali¢r, impmve, Cem01i5A, or repair any slruclure. prior lo its issuance, also reauires ine applicanl for sucn oermil to file a signeA statement �na� helshe is licensee pursuam to Ihe pmvisions ol lhe Comracmrs' Sta�e License Law (Chap�er 91�ommencinA w��h Section 7000) oi Oivision 3 0l tAe Business an0 Pro�essions Cotle� or Ihai be/s�e is exempi Iherelrom ana Ihe Dasis for I�e alleAetl exempiian. Any viola�ion ol Sec�ion 7Q3L5 by any apo�icanifor a permit subiecis Ihe aoohcant Io a civil penalty of not more inan five hunared Aollars (5500). I. as owner of t�e pmpeny or my employees wi�h waAes as iheir sole compensation, will Oo Ihe work, an0 �he '. ❑ slmciure is nolintentled oro��ereJ forsale (Section 704a, Business anJ Pm�essional Cotle: The Conlraciors' Sia�e License Law �I Aoes no� aOPly �o an owner ol a pmpetly who Uuilds or impmves ��ereon, and who Ooes such work himselflhersell or thmugA his or �er own employees, provitlee Ihal SucA impmvements are not int¢ndeJ or ollereA for sale. If, however �he building or impmvement is sold wilnin one year ol comv�elion, ine owner will have ine burJen of Dmving he/she eitl not Guila or impmve Ior Ihe purpose ol Sale�. I,as owner`ofihe propetly.am exclusively conVaciing wilhlicen5e0 coniractors�o conslmcl�he pmlecl(Section 7044, 6usine55 ❑ antl Prolessions CoCe: T�e Coniractors' Sla�e License Law Ooes noi aDDly to an owner o� pmpeny who huilds or imD�oves Ihereon and who conlracls lor sucn pmiecis wilh a conlractorlsl license pursuanl lo ihe Coniraclors' State License Law�. I am aware I�al pm01 0l I�eir Work¢r'S Compen5aiion in5urante S�oUItl Oe pwvide0 Io me. � I am exemp� untler Semion�. B. 8 P. C. lor Inis reason: CITY OF COS?A Mr:SA — BUI�,il: NG PERX;'i ?F'rtN. ,;0: B Ob�34=� PEkMIT NO; B 063343 PLAN CHt'CK NO; ,` GOVT; N SCPF; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE; STA PURPOSE; ALT JOH DESCRIPTION .'S/OFF R£SHT REROOF W/TiN,BERLINF. 30YR COM S�,i 'r'1; 8,GS5 CLAIM VALUF.�� ���8,�T4L�5� �C� �A�i�TF�.:T�� �$, 645, 00 GROUP OCC; R-3 / CO,HN,ENTS: SMOKE DETECTOR R��UIRED PRIOR TO FINAL 1EiEiE%iEiE#lEiFtEiElF#ifitiE)E#F3kiE##1E#%lEJk ltil�#iF7E#it�M�N�M1E#1E%�iE#H�#if#%#tt�#lFtf#�iFH�#��if#IkiF#i(iE#�F'lfiE#iE%#�#1fYa#?i 2 O N I N GS EATEB�A�CIKRSE N, E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- -------- ACCESSORY BIJILDiNG ------ FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; fiT IN REAR; F"" IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT' IN kGHT; b'T '` � PAkKING REO• PkOV; PARCEL; 93405197 7.hE; RGF 1�0; /' PLANNING N6T'ES> / S�J ' " ##iFiFi(�lElF#if#i!#i��t3F,ifiFiE#1!1liE#lFfFMR�ftfE##�E#1F�flF##iE###if 1FtFlF#fl tt#ifK####fF#:Y##fEit2hk#.".iii(�#{(#�i(# #i(�� D E V E.•G O P M E N T S E R V i C E S R E� U I K F. M E N T S ZONING APPROVED.BY DATE; - BUILAING APPROV�D BY : DATE; - APPLICATION ISSUED BY; �///(/�./�/� DATF.; B�S U 1EiEif'N'#iE1i##'lI'iE#lEIEiE#iF##ffiEK'1�ieA3tA'iT-TF1'�f�i�F�R'�HSE�A'#XR'S'ie�iT��R�3F�FH'.EiEiEi(#fI'##1i�#3i�tT1'if�' ',�''��::k if%�iEk1Ei6K�K�X�)tif�#iF#H#}E!f#jESF###ik#fEft##fEiEiFr.."..#ifih###�i(YcttSflEi6#�ri#!E###SE3hif#ft�!l�ff�R'�#`.E#%####:(X-k :��t LEGALIZATZON:N F E E S U M Ni A R Y STkJCTUAZIL' SEGM,E;v',':Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 2�'i}7E SNIP/RcS GRPJ1: JG PERMIT 108.00 86 SNIP/;�ON—RES PLAN ISSUE PEE BUILDIi�G—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PA7D D[Jr'. 'POTALS----> 108.86 0.00 0.00 10&.f36 108,86 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 108,86 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC NECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GkADING PLAN—CHECIC 108,00 ,86 fE it iF it ## iE iE iF ik �)E iF !F if ff !h !E ## il N� if #!k iF ff iE iF iF fE %� rt iF ih iE %� if i( k ih # i(� ik fE iE K� # iE # il� ## fE 3E il� f!� X� if # SFlf� if # If dE k# iE if 3F X� if # 3f ## �# 1F I N D I V I D 0 A L F E E N R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST iOTAL CUST Date: Ownec I do here�y cetlily iha� I am aware of and untlerstan4 ihe requiremenis ol Calilornia Heallh anE Saiery COJe Seclions 25505, 25533, antl SFR 2553d and ��at I or any lulure �uiltling occupanl will/wlll not (circle one) neetl to comply wiih SaiU 6�ate catles ana Ihe reQuirement5 for a permil lor conslmclion or moDAication irom t�e Air Qualily Management Oistrict. Fesitlenlial constmction ap0lications are exemp� �mm ��ese pmvisions. �aie: Applicanl: I hereby ceridy Ihal I have reatl ��is ap0licalion and stale Ihat I�e a0ove inbrmation is carre[L I aA�¢e �o compty wilh all ci�y an0 county ortlinance5anU5tatelaw5relalingtoEuilOingcon51mc1ionanUhereh aNhorrzerepresentativeSaf�Nscily�a¢nteruponi�eabove-mentione0 propeiiy lorinspec�ion purposes. p i Oate: � �lG� Signa��� �G'�—�' i �nver's license oi Saial Security x.� ���_ �-� _� 1641-a6 Whae—BmlOing; Green—Cotle Enbrcemem: Canary—Applicanl; Pink—Revenua; Golaenroa—Assessor 8645 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 8,045,00 END OF FEES vi nn�;�sn.—nn+,4<sn4 -rr7'� '.�JE.36 �,P„� �i!��!�. ,i?"f; i='S�3 CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING i�i APPROVALS Permit;r � 1, Temporary Elettncal Service or Poie �.� Z. Sc'PIce�U�drgmd. � 3. E�..C:ncal Cond�,t UtditV�l:ndc9md. � -- - - - � 4. c, :�;�ral Co,,du.t-U^•i,g•�d. 5. 5!r�. Re�nsn�rarne�t ' a. rt• - ... :R Grrd � � -�-- � 7. Foat�ngs �----- 8. Fc�^dati�n 9. :Lat.r ?ipe�Undrgrnd, � 10. S• uctura� Flaor $Ysten , 1 i. f=nper:y S�r+er 4�nF & Ho�co C'nnnechon 72.�-�-�Sc�`-cr CaP i--- - 13. Ru'.1 D�a�ns r-_ _ _ -' _ -' � 'w. Ro�.r+��?�u���ing i_ � _-__ '� P� �q- Eicct��a:'.Condu�; '.6. Rn„r,h EIeNr-c!Yirinn � ? R:,.^'�'::�:.�_�$�gn 18 Pau�h El�ctrcai�T Bar Cril �,p- i'� ,'i Nc.. :$t A�r C�i d'po^. nq �:7 . ,�.�n Ftctnn� pin;•n'ace --- I 2i. � ,c'. :. . ctu'� - - I ?2 Cuci;, Vint�l,rting � 73 r,; ' , ?.o.�qh 6 TeSI �---- ~- - 74. 7ooi Framing 25, auc' S^..,.thing r76. 7�Bar Ce�hng (St�uctu�all & ietonocoat � 27. �r.:rare::� F:a:ninq _ i 28. Lath,ng � Sidng_ _ � 2�3. '--�lai,on I3_. _,_dll Jia l�n9 - - ' 31 ? :i,ccr B�c:.n .^.:z: i 3z E__:tr�G� Pp•.Yer-�.�Llcr F r.e; ___-_-_ 33 p,�: � �-� - � 34. F���I Heat r.y & A�� Co•,a�t v���,���y � ----- � 35. F ���' Gas R���Test 'I 3u. Hnoti or Canopy _ - ' J/. Fi�'a' FL'tUry Filepl3Ce ��___ _.. _ _ _ _ _�- ---' i "'8. F'n�� I'��.nlung 39. IVa!e� S�rv�ctFinal d0. Gas Sarvice�Final � 41. 5oiar pomestic-�ina1 C4�6VA�.1�:��fMlU:i�:t�:l�l��/)„�[il �- -�-�C -�.-�iCF,L "LANNIiVU i 48. _iactr ic Release to Edison POG SPA Date Inspector ? � APPROVALS Permit ,� 52. Poni & Equipment Locat.on 53. Ster' R:���nfo�eement � 5v. Fa,ms---- -- `-- --*------- I55. E'�t�cir�.c�! Brnu n3 �5Q. Ro�.;'i'I�rib�na & �uvure Tes! .�Oy;1i. � C' CO\��R�G�':"� '�_-___ _- _ 58. Elrctriwl Cordd�t�u^�rgrntl. 5° G.:s P Ge, �. L��d�grrd , Test 60. &,crcr:ash I-�ncs, P�Trcp, -' 0��."•n-rd. � 61. APPROVAI TO DEC'< G2. E�ck•..ashtSi7t�ap!or�fmal fi3. Hea+�r & Venl�Fina; 64. Plurrm�ng Systrin � Finoi 65. E:cctr.cal�F���.,1 GG. Sot„� S;st.rn�r �io�. 61. f-ene�^3 & Aco,as Apmo_al _ �, 68. APPROVED FC4 °�A;TER:'�:G i G£. PODL�SPASYSTE^.1SFINAL _ FIi9E �cPT, REQUINE.V Ei� I I I APPRQVAIS Prrrnrt , � iG. U�_..,;�o•.., �,.,�.-o ----- �71. Pru�uct P'���ny (� G.n .:Oil _-_ __ __,._ - � 72. U: te�,�o� ��� ��uv�. Date � inspector I � 73. Under�ma.5ioranc Tank CG��; 0�- J � �' . 74. Oc_rh-ad Hvcuo-_ ___ � __ ~i 75. ❑ry Chemi�al I 70. Dry S!ar.dPiu:..-- - - -� -- - �- -- 7 77. FIXED SYST[M. FiP�AL --�-- ---_.-y . 78. �°jR� PREV, F'NA� --- - � � � --- ---- -- - '--- � --y-- � . • j hF.qLTH DEP7. REOUIRE�,iEi��T � -- - -�- ---- - -- -- - - -- - ----� - - --� '� 7�. FI':.>I '�'Fl-. C'IG'`_ � , ' � �- � ��. i=OCL7 ,^.EN-fi� �C,: �_ iSSUFU -I - - � - - �- -� _+_-'-__ _ _ _ - - _ _-_ -__-- _ _ _ ! ' nletec: - �- -______-__.-_ __�-___.--. _ __ _t "" " LLiL1Lli1� 1i1Y11i1�CL�lVI'+J "' V-LV-/V 10B ADDRESS 600-608 Lassen Lane BUILDING PERMIT N0. 42516 i� SOIL /4 ROUGH PLUMBI MISCELLANEOUS "h,�.{' � ROUGH MEATING FNO AI CONOITIONING TEMPORARY SERVICE OR POLE UNDERGROUND [] POWER � FOIIGH WIRING F REI FRAME ANO FLASHING LATNING - IN OUT PLASTER, BROWN COAT 5" -URRL, FINRL HE. .AG. VENT., REFRIG. AND A.C., FINAL PLUMBING, FINAL ANO GRS TEST E�ECTRIC, FINPL BUILOING, FINAL SPECIAL flE0111REMENiS SUBCONTRACTOR ��i . ; � . • ' ' I �� 4251.6 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only ADORE55 �� �0 60¢ �� bo8 L,asSE�cl OWNER/,�ECflE2 - f,�?/Joar[ f+ MAIL � AE ADDRESS �C CITV L'/L �dO70 NOL. BRANCH Y � � ADDFESS ARCHITECT TEL. CONTRACTOR TEL. CITV N�. �� L C NO. Z�� i�S LICyNO. SIZE NO.OF BLDGS 0. OF lOT NOW �N LpT a USE OF .�. EXISTING BLDG. N � � Separate permits ar0 required for � electric, plumbing and hea[ing work. (.�. USE OF BU�LDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED a � a UN/ O�i/ 7 � x w a Pk?� ��r, �0•76,��, 001537r- �**77?.33 APPLtCA7'ION POR STRUCTURAL PERMIT FECEIVED BV p7A='=�EIyED DATE ISSUEL / 7� (7 AA 7 A.P. NO. �f / V�(/// �" BVIIDING �_�� ' AODRESS TRACT W A D A P x OWNER FLfZE LOT YI BLOCK ��I � IaO NIJCI AW 5 FIFE ZONE APPROVED rlE � NO.OF USE OF NEW ��C PL4NS 2 BUILDING VARDSAPPqOVED YARDSAf MAIN BUILDING ACCESSOR' DISTANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDCS. ACCF�, BLDGS. VAR.# � � OATE C.U.P.SY� APPROVED APPROVE �OLD FOR SPECI L REQJl:: Q I heruby acknowledBe that I ha�a reatl thb appllca[ion and stnte y� that [ho above informetion is correct entl eprea to comply with a ell lews roguleHnB builtllnp conftruction, anA I shell not amploy Z any person in vlolation of tha workman't eompenrotion lews of � the State of Celifornie. 3 1 heroDy cartify Nat I am proparly Iicansetl as a contrector untler SQ. FT. [he Stnte ot Callfornia Buzinecs antl Profasslons Catle, DIv(sion 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALU Chnptar 9, antl thet such IlcancoB oro In full tarc0 nntl Bffect, or I THE PUflPO6E OF ESfABLISHING A PEFI am e�empt from the provisions 0� the Stato of California Buslnesa VALUATION ontl Protocslona Cotla, Division 3, Chopter 9. PERMIT FEE E $Ipnaturool � �((�'}�LA 6� /y<J $/�/�DD� TAX CHECK E Pnrmlttee �y � � � L �� � / Aut�orizatl Apont TOTAL PAID 5 n n m i m m IS FOF m ONLV: e v / O N n � � • o ' S � u