HomeMy WebLinkAbout601 LASSEN LN - Building Permits,�,�,'�-� , City of Costa Mesa Plam...ig Department Post Office Boz 1200 77 Fair Drive I����`� Costa Mesa, California 92626 o f1 � (714) 556-5245 REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Tract No. �� y/ Date �-/G - 77 The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (be,, she, tFteql�(was w-werel�advised that this tract has not been given tinal inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at ihe time the final trac[ map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. By Representative S7�ai iRVINE BOOLE�ARD, SUITE 2lU CMF 0569-26 TdiSii�, CALIFORNIA 92680 �_ I � M��w - -��•9i,C�_,.��•�:t« Pfl0.1ELTAD08E55: �'jOI I�ASSEN Lti c-Odi:i�,SNRME:BROOKViEW CO`�O'S nooness:HONEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 630 PA[JLARINO ('OSTA N.ESA I AqCNIENGINEEB:�iB 7—� 3 9 9 ADOflE55: flEG.NO.: uNiT: uniT: PEflMITTEE:�L'SA ROOFING (7l4)548-30:2 nooncss: 84 3 W 17TH LICENSEO LONTBPCTOP OECIAPATION: I hereby affirm ��al l am licensetl unAeCr p��roviso � oC O�er 9(commencing wil� Sec�ion 7qp) ol Div.sfon 3 0l Ihe Business an0 Pmiessions LaOe, ana my license is in lull force anJ ell¢c�. CITY LIL.: SiPTE LIL.r CU1 Q�3;68. �6415. ..Oate'. _p�� � Signature: _ _ — WOfiNEPS' COMPENSRTION OECLAHRTION: I hereby atlirm ihai I have a cenificaie ol cons��insure or a certilicate af Workers' Campensalion Insurance. or a certifiee copy Ihereal (Section 3000. Lab. C). POUCYNO.:�JTpj(.' 2QlEj%j�Q E%P.OpTE:O7IOII94 comraxv:GOLDEN EAGi E � Cen/ilie)tl copy is �ereby fumished. � Ceni�ied copy�e-frtL�'wiORlle-ei Buil - an '�Daie: __Ll�L�.[— APVlicanL ���1�� E%EMPTION FBOM WOflNEflS' COMPENSFTION OECLRHATI�N: (ihis section nee� nol be comple�ed il IAe permi� is �or one hunOretl ($1W) or less�. � I cetlify �hat in I�e pedormance o� t�e work br w�ic� �his Oermit is issuetl, I s�all not employ any person in any manner so as lo become sublet� lo ihe Workers' CAmpensalion Wws of Calibm�a. Date' SignaWre: NOTICE: If, a�ter making Ihis Oeclaration, you s�oultl become su0ject lo ��e Warker5' Compensa�ion pmvisions o� Ne labor COAe. you mu51 Iorihwilh mmply wil� Suth pmvision5 or �his Oarmit shall Oe Aeemetl revoketl. CONSTBUCTION LENUING pGENCY: I nereUy affirm ihat inere is a constmction lenaing agenty Ior Ihe pedormance ol Ine work for wNch t�is ue�mit is i5sue0 (Seclian 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEN: PDDflESS: OWNEH BUIWEB OECLANATION: I �ereEy afiirm Ihai I am erempi �mm �he Conlrac�ors' State License Law for tne fonowinA �eason (Seclion 703L5 Business anE Prote55ionalCoee: pny ciiy o�cauniy which reQuires a permit�o con5tmci, alier, improve, Gemolis�, or repair any stmc�ure. prior Io iis issuance, also repuires ��e applicani lor such permit Io file a signe0 siatemenl I�al he/she is licensee Oursuam ta I�e pmvisions ol Ihe Comrac�ors State Licenre Law (C�ap�er 9 �commencing wi�� Section 7000) ol Division 3 oi IM1e Business ana Pmlessions Coae) ar Inat he/she is exemo� Iherelmm anA Ine Easis for ine allegeA eKemption. Any violalion af Section 7031.5 Oy any aDPliwnt �or a perm�i subj¢[t5 Ihe apDlicanl to a civil penalry oi not more Ihan five hunCreO Gollars (E500�. I, as owner ol Ihe pmperly or my employees wilh wages as their 5ole compensa�ion, will tlo ��e work, and Ihe ❑ simcture is nol inientletl or allere0lor sale (Seclion 7044, Business antl PmfeSsional Catle: The Coniractors' Siate License Law tlo¢5 nol apply �o an owner o� a D�operiy who builtls or imDmves thereon, and who does such work himself/hersell or ihmugh his Or her own empl0yee5, pmvided Ihal SutA improvemenl5 are not int¢ntl¢tl or ollereA fat Sale. II, howevef �he UUiltling or imDmvement is sold wi�hin one year ol completion. Ihe awner vnll have Ihe �ur�en oi Dmving he/she ditl not �uilU o� improve lor �he purpase ol sale�. I, as owneroflhe proper�y, am exclusively contraciing wiih Iicen5e0 conlraclorsto cansimct the project (Section 704d, Business ❑ and Pmiessions CoEe: The Coniractors' State License Law tloes no� apD�Y �o an owner al pmperty who 6w105 or imD�oreS ihereon antl who conlracis br suc� D�olec�s wi1� a contractor�s�license pursuanito Ihe ConVactors' Staie License Law�.l am aware Ihat prool ol Iheir Worker'S Compensalion insurance 5�ould be D�oNtled to me. � I am exempt untler Section: B. 8 P. C. lor I�is reason'. oate: Ownec 1 �o here�y cetlily Ihal I am awar¢ al an0 un0er5iantl ��e requirements ol California Health anG Sa�ery COAe $ec�ions 25505, 25537, ana 255Ja ana Iha� I or any INure Guiitling occu0ant will/will no� (circie one) neea to comply with sai0 staie cotles and �he requiremenis lor a Oe�mil �m constmctian o� motlilica�ion Irom I�e Air Ouah�y Management �istrict. Fesidential constmc�ion appliwlions are exempi imm IDese pmvisions. pa�e: ApplicanL IhereEy ceriilylhatl�ave ieaa t�is application anA 5laleihat�he aboveiniormalionis correcL Iagreeio comply with allcily antl county or0inancesanUslalelawsrelalingloGuil�mgcon9mtlionandhere � - resentativesallNsdry�oenteruponiheabove�meniionetl Pmperly �ot inspeQiOn DurOoseS. Q��%'� ! . �a�e'. _(1._(,6L/_�_ Signature:�7 ��/r—A� i � �river'sLicenseor5ocialSecurily+; 16a1-a6 W�i�e—Bmltling', Green—LoEe Enlo¢amenL Canary—Applicant; Pmk—Fevenue; Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA NtSA - HUILI)ING PERMIT PER,'y: NO; B 0639�c PERMIT NO; H 063342 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOV7; n; S;iPI�; N I CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPO5E: A!,T JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/OFF RESHT REROOF W/TZMBERLINR 30YR COM SQ FT; 0,64:> CLAIM VAI,UE: 8,645.00 CALC-VALUE; 8,645.00 GROUP OCC: R-7 / PE�'QT TATJ.[Ei'S IAII'P{� 601i503�6!Kr�17 i'/?3t6�1 L�SSF[7 L��. COMMENTS: SMOK� DETECY'Ox xt�iUiKEil YR1UH 1'U F'1NH #St7F3t1fiEifiEltiFiEfEit#ik#N-iklEiklt3hlFfEi41t1E ifiEif�lFiF#iE#iEiE*if#%)F}ElFM�iFif#I(�#1l1PiElf'7(�#!F#iFiElfiE9E-%-lE1F#f(#!flEi(3f%#if#}:� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E k E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BOILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDINC; --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT It3 FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT ZN LEFT; F'P IN R6HT; FT IN LEFT; F'T IN kGHT; FT LU PARKiNG REQ; PROV; PARCEL; 93405196 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NdTES,> iE it# it k iE % fE lf IF ft t! �+t X�� N� N- # it # ih H� 1t i6 # St rt N� Ik k IE iF ## ib it 36 N� f6 iF # tt� IF lf iE lE ## tF ri ft # lt it # ih iE±t� it� ff iE it # if # ih x� ji �1(�f i6 it M� 3f� # i( # tt 3E ll E V$.'. �, O P M E N T 5 E R V I C E S r2 E Q U I R E M � N T. S ZOiUZNG APPROVED BY DATE; - HUILDING APPRO}%ED BY : _ DA1'E; ' � APPLICATION I55UED HY• - DATE:' �_��3 iE1f#%ifiFfE1E#!F1liE1Ff('1E7Elf1fiflf%�1f 1 i- F R% eiE •1t 9tft P H ef r - Rif!f#3l'ibif'}fiiiE# � R�eiF{j'�f #±E-lt fE it ik iE k## ik it it /F fF ft iE# k# iE # 1E iF )F iE 1! if i(� 1E fF iE iF ir w�t %#� ik # tF %� 1F iF iF 1t M ib if 36 if 1f # i! # k iF K� #!k iE iE !F iF it iE if jY 3f �!F M# 3F it # i(• ## jE i.EGALIZATION;N F L' E S U M M A R Y ST'RUCTURAL SEGN.EN'C:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC F1xE SN.IP/RES GRAI�.'NG PERMIT 108,00 ,$6 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ZSSUE f'EE HUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTALS----> 108,86 0,00 0,00 REVENUE DIVZSION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC SO8.00 TOTAI, PAID DUE 108.86 108,86 .00 108,86 OVER/SHORT; ,00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK .86 #kiE1E1F#IE%ikfEfEik#1kll�kiEiC#EiFiEifiEitN�lEitiEihlFihiEi4iE#kiEi(iPfF#ftffiEiEfk##if###ffiE##iPiE#iEiE%iEiEN-3E#itiE9EfF%�iEiE##%�#+k I N D I V i D U A L F E E H R t: A K D O W N T'YPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 8645 REROOF BY VALU�: RESIUENTiAL N07.ONF: 1,00 8,645,00 END OF F�.ES 01 OO1S4447-DQ144443 T�C�T 30�.86 DATE: 07/U6/43 TIMf: 15:04 i � -- - --��--- CONSTRUCTION AND PLANA9NG � L APPROVLILS Permit �'> ,7, Temporary ElectnCal Service ar Pole 2. So�l PiRe�Undrgrnd. 3. Elcctrical Conduii Utihty•Undrgrnd. 4. Elect*�cal Condwt�U�tlr�md. 5. St..'- Rainfarcement , 6. t . :�����.w"JFER G•rd 7. Facr�ngs --- B. Fou^ddt�On �J. V�eter Pipe�Undramd. _ _ T. 70. 5-�ucturai Floor Sys'en ���_ �11. Prop-*ty Scr.er L�re & 1'��,0 ;annection ll 2, 5��.•iBr CaP --- L - : '�3. RoatDra��ns 14. R�ugh Plumbing 15. Rough Electnwl-Co^a.-t T i6. Rouyh Electric�Afiring i-.._ _ � 1%. li�;h�::'n�g5gn � 78 R�;.gh Elecrica�-T Bar C_.;��� +'^. R��..g� Hect;ng & A.r G-d�t�o^. ng i - � 20. Rough Factory Fire�lace � 21. D�Cts, in Structme i2 D rt.^�s, Vont�lating _ IZ�. G_ r=e�Rc.:g'� &: 7.9: �24. ilaof Framing --- - -- ` 75. Rco� Sheati�ing ' r26. T�Bar Ceihng (Structurall $ Nmnomat r 27. F�: n: ar.d F!ash'^., i--- --- � 7.D. ;J.t.i;ng ;x S'tl r.g - I 29. �n�ulat o^. �' ?�, D�v�.a�� Na:�,�ng _ -_- � 3' P�,dsu� Bro�:n Coat ---- �----32 EL cincal Pov.er �liexr F�.^e�, --- --- ---- � 33. �: •: t'ecb c �'- -3a F �w! Heat�rc � <„� Co-d :�cr,r.:, 3' 5. F��rcl Gas P�pe�Test �-- -- -- 3u. Hccd or Canopy 37. F���.cl Fsctory Frep'acc-- - � 38. Pin��,l P�umbing I 39. lYa!er S�n�iee�Final - �- i I:,0. GdsS^.'c.c,.F�,na� ----- �41. So!a• DomestioF�,ral ��D�CKfloyv Preventer ad�flow lrrigation ��4. �,,;dseaFe Irngauon Syst�.r � 45. So�nd Attenuatior '` 46. Hard�wP Reyulauo:•.s _-� - I 47. FINAL STRUCTURE � BUILDING � 48. f-INAL PLANNING 4I 9• Electric Release to Edison ' 50. Ga: Peiease to Soutnern CaliforniaGasG 51. C�RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Oat: -r-- Date Inspector a !I I ' POC SPA I � � APPROVALS Permit'= Date I In�pector i 52. Poolik Equlpmeni Locaton I �, I 53. Stecl Reinforcement � . 54. Forn,s - �--� 55. EVectrical6onding 5G. Rough Plum6ir.g & Pres•ure iest I �~ +-- - 57. APPFlOVAL l0 COVEP�G' �`,'-E � ' 58. Electrical Car�.amt�urd�gma. � 59. Gas P�pe. � UrU�gr�,d . T.St i � 4.-i'� 60. Bachwash Lines, P-Trap, C' Ur.drq�nd. j- I -�'- i-----i 67. APPFOVAL TO DECK I � --- ----- - -L -�-- --r � 62. 8scic:.�s� & Reeap;c � � .. ; � �- , - _ �'-' _ . � 6' 3. He..tm i4 Ve�t-Fin�' - ----� � � 04. Piumbing Sysem _F �•..: -_- __� ___ __ � , 65. Electrical�F�r.al � 66. Solar SYst�m�Pinal _ __ �_ _ 67. Per.cing & Acczss Ap^�oval � _-_ ___' � _ _ .-- _ - 68. AP�ROVED �OR P:.�S7ER�`.G I ; G9. POOL�SPASYSTE'J;Ff�Ht i i ` FIRE DFPT. RE�U�REA�_!cT ;' APPROVALS Perm!t .: _- � __---- �__ _--, 70, Undergiou^� Htiu o 71. Pruduct P�P�ng ,: i G.�s �.] Oil _ � _____ -_ _ ._ _, �__ - � 72. Undmu•o..'.. ..., � '-- - -- -- --- -- +------ - --- I 73. Undcrgrno. Storac. T.:•�Ic "' Ge:� :� Od I L F------ ------ --- -----�----- 74. O�mnc�a:; H��c.- ' i J 75. Dry Chemicai ' I 76. DryStanc^,n---- ----� ---�-'- - -- � 77. FIXED SY_r,-�\" f���IAL� 78. FI�E PRE\' F'��A,- ----- � .� ..-. HEALTH DEPT. FlE�UIREC7ENT 7' 9. FIf:AL I^i5": CTI;:'� -..'- � - - --- -�-- � ----- --. . 1- - ---. 90. POODCERTIF�GnTF �SSU�D ------- ---I---- L-- - - � Not,.s: -�---- �--- ------- ------- ------- - --� - - -- - _-� . _-+ -_-_____ -1 "" " CIGLLL6R 6lV1Gt(Ci(1JGJ "' O-GV-/V ,�JOB ADDRESS 601-611 Lassen Lane BUILDING PERMIT N0. 42505 m.Fi�x���.sE� G W ATER ROUGH PL MISCELLANE005 iVOUGH MErITING NND FI0. CONOITIONING TEMPORARV SEFWCE OR POLE ' � UNOERGROUNO [� POWER � FOUGH WIRING TRENCHES � FORMS � STEEI REINF. FLOOR SYSTEM FRAME AND fLASHING LATHING - IN OUT PLASTER,BROWN COAT STRI/CTURAL, FINAL HEATING, VENT., FEFRIG. AN� F.0 P� 'ING. FINAL ANO GAS TEST � EL lilC, FINAL BUILDING, FINAL F INAL SUBCONTRACTOR ✓ ./ � / � � �/ / � .� / I � � ' / � � � , ' � � / ' i� • / / i � � / F� � a Q y h .'C F G W F Q A � Q 7 i .� x w 0. 0 ir. n. Z W x 3 42505 COS7A MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COS7A MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applican[ to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only cnlnacSS �d_brb'.GoS_ Go7Lo9L// SSE OWNER! MAIL ADDRE?' CITY CONSTRU LENOEP BRANCH ADDRE3 ARCHIYE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS CITY STATE � LIC. NO, SIZE OF LOT TEL. NO. i� a,r, �r�-�����.,'0(�ts�B>r �,�.,�g,2�.5� APPLICA7�fON POR STRUCTURAL PERMIT FECENED BV DATE RECEIVEfJ DATE ISSUEC � o .4-�O. % A.P. NO. �'(p" (��� � BUIL�ING ADDRES TRACT Q � NEW ADD ALT R P X OWNER GCI �E �SE �` vn,/ir- o� FIRE ZONE TV E APPROVED 2G TEL. � NO.OF USE OF NEW (p V� NO. PLANS 2 BUILDING CITV YAR�SAPPROVED VARDSAPPROVEO LIC. NO. MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORV BUILDIN INO.OF BLDGS. (FqOM C/LSTREET) NOW ON LOT FRnNT FT. FT. EXISTING BLDG. Separate permits are required for electric, plumbing and heating work. USE OF BUILOING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED rJ I hereby acknowletl8e that I hava reatl this application antl state ihat the above informailon fs co�rect and agree to comply with all laws fe8ulating buildinp construction, and 1 shall not employ any perso� in violation of th¢ workman's compensation laws of th¢ StaSe of California. I hereby certify that I am properlV licensetl as a contractor under the State of California Business antl Professions Code, Diviston 3, Chapter 9, and that such licenses are in tull torca and affect, or I am exemPt from the provisions of the State of California Business antl Profpssions Cotla, Division 3, Chapter 9. Signatura of 1 Permittee �• ��TZE� �y �� Authorizad Agent DISiANCE BET. MAIN BLDGS. VAR. �` - C.U.P. # APPROVEDi�I1 �C BEf. MAIN & APPROVED THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDEq VALUATI THE PURPOSE OF E5TAeL4SHING A PERMIT VALUATION PERMIT FEE $ PLAN CHECK $ 3 $ 23�aOD TAX $ TOTALPAID $ � n m i x m N IS FOR m ONLV: � •�Q �n %m .Lo B LL ..3d' �