HomeMy WebLinkAbout908 LOMBARD CT - Building PermitsPHOJELURDONESS: 9 O H LOMBARD C 7 OWNEN'SNAME: MESIA, DOLORIS L' aonaess: 908 LOMBARD CT CO�TA MESA,CA ARCHIENGINEEB: FDOflESS: UNIT: 92626 HEG.NO.: UNIT: PEHMIT7EE: BILT—WELL ROOF AND MATERI (714)739-1288 aooness: 9310 VERDUGG ROAD LOS ANGELES CA 400F,5 �ICENSE� CONTHFCTON UECUIPATION: I �ereby alfirm Ihat I an� licensed untler Dmvisions of Chapter 9 �commencinA wi�h Section 7000) of �ir.sion 3 0� �he Business and Pmlessions CoOe, antl my license i5 in �ull lorce antl eflec�. cirruc.: 0390'6 sTareuc.:qSBU05 C 39 ERP: 05J95 Wte —J�ir/_.��— SignaWre — � WOflNEflS' COMPENSATION OECLABATION: I hereby attirm certitica�e oi consent ro sell-insure or a cenifica�e oi WOBers' Compensaiion InSurance. or a cer�ilieA coDY �hereof (Section 3800. Lab. C). ' Poucr No.: W 9 3 710 2 9 8 9 EXP. OPTE: O%/ 1 3/ 9 9 comraNr: CAL COMP ❑ Cenified caDY is hereby fumishea. 0. Ce�ifietl capy is liled with �he ciry Building Division. Jate: Applicant: E%EMPTIONFNOMWOPHEBS'COMPENSRTIONDECLAPATION: (TAi55eCionneednolhecomple�eOilUepermi�i5�oronehunOrea�5100�nr1e55�. I ce�ity �hal in I�e �etlormance ol �he work �or w�ich this permit is i55ue0. I shal mploy a Derson in any manner so as to became su�lect Io IAe Work s' Co pensaiion Laws oi Calitomia. oa�e: � Signawre: NOTICE: II. alier making �his tleclaration, you shoul0 hecome ib' � WorkeK Compensaiion pmvisions of �he Labor Code. you mus� Iotlhwii� comply wrth such pmvisions or Ihis permrt shall be deemetl revoketl. CONSTflUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereUy aitirm t�at ihere is a consimction lending aAency far ihe perlormance ol the work for which Nis permiiis i�sued (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEX: ROOflESS: OWNEH BUILOEfl UECIAflATION: I �ereby allirm Iha� I am exemp< <mm the CanVactors' Slaie License Law for the fallowing reaSon �Sec�ion 7037.5 Business and Pwlessional Code: Nny ciry ot counlY which requires a permit b constmci, alter, impmve. tlemolis�, or repair any simdure, prior to its issuance, also requires ine apDlicant �or such permit to tile a signed statement Nat he/she is licensetl pursuam m the pmvisions of the Comrac�ors' State License Law (ChJP�er 9(commencing with Section 7000) oi Division 3 oi tAe Business an� Pmfessions Cotle) or ihal he/she is exempt Iherelmm and ihe basis lar ihe alleAQO exemption. Fny violation ol Section 7031.5 by any applicant �ar a permil suble��s Ihe appli[ani Io a civil penal�y ol no� more ��an hve �undred dollars (5500). I. as owner oi Ihe pm0eny or my employees with wages as �heir sole comDensation. will do the work, antl Ihe ❑ stmcmre is nol in�entle0 oro�fere0 for sale ($eclion 70aa. Business an0 Pmfessional Cotle: T�e Contracmrs' S�ate License Law does not aDDly Io an owner oi a pmpe�y who builds or imp�oves Ihereon, antl who tloes such work himSelOhersel� or �hmug� �is or her own employees. pmvided �ha� such impmvemei��s are nol intentled or oiieretl for sale. If, however the builOinA or impmvement is soltl within one year oi complelion, the owner will Aave �he hurden of Dmving he/s�e aitl not build ar imOmve lor the purpose ol sale�. I, as owner of Ihe pmperty, am exclusivel9 coniraming wi�h Iicense0 coniracbrs m constmm the pmled (Sec�ion 7044, 9usiness ❑ and Pmfessions CoUe: The Contractors' State License Law �oes not aDPly lo an owner oi pmperty wAo 6uilOs or impmves ihereon antl w�o [ontrac�s lor such pmlects wilh a coniractoqs�license pursuan� ta �he ConVacbrs' State LicenSe Law),I am awafe Ihai pmof ot their WOBer's Compensa�ion insurance s�oultl be pmvided Io me. � I am exempl under Section: B. 8 P. C. lor this reason'. �aie: Ownec I tlo hereby cetlily Inat I am aware ol and un0ers�antl Ihe reQuirements ol Califomia Health antl Satery CoEe Seciians 25505, 25533, anA 25534 antl that I or any fuiure builtling accupani will/will no� (circle Jne) need to comply with 5ai0 s�a�e codes antl t�e requirements ior a permi� lor canslmction or modibwtion �mm Ihe Air Oualily ManagAment OiSUicL Fesidential con5�mciion ap0licalion5 are e�emp� imm Ihese p�ovisions. Daie: ApplicanP. I hereUy Certitylhai I have reatl�his apPlitaiion ana s�ale Ihali�e atloveintOrmalion is COrreci. I agree lo tomply wi�� all ciiy and tounry ordmances ana slaielawsrelating�o �uil0ing consimction antl here�y authorizerepre5eniative5 of�his ciry�o enierupon�he aboue�men�ione0 pm0erly lonn5pection Ourpase"s�. I' �ate:___,YSr"�'�_"—/-- Si9nat !�.!�� � ✓ `� t641-a6 White—Builtlmg�, Green—Cotle Enlorcement: Canary—Applicanl; Pmk—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT FERM NO; B 067962 PERMIT NO: H 067962 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: N SOPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: C�—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF 5 REROOF WITH COMP. E BUR IN BACK SQ FT: 1,100 CLAIM VALUE; 1,100.00 CALC—VALUE: 1,100,U0 GROUP OCC; R-1 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN EVERY BEDROOM 6 HALLWAY iF fF 3F �M� # iF IF if i(- k• ir it IE K#�h iF iE iE #�f- i(-lF-k� �c N� YE ih iE it #)F A- iF iF fE iElF N� # iE i! 3E if i! iE IE fE lt iE iE if 9E fE ib if �)F fE ih iE # lE iE ## ik iElt jE iE iF �1E 1F iE 3E iE iE #%� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILUING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HCTILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV: PARCEL; 41808237 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NQTES> �._• > �*u-i��*�tx�itx*u�***+tx�it�r#**iE���ic***fr*�t**�x�at�****it*�r+fa:-*�r�*�r�t�ft�+�***�c***xi�iE��:;ir***+F�ir�r*+t D E V E, L'O P M E N T S E R V 2 C E S R E Q U I R E M E N� �T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; � B�ILDING APPROVED HY ; DATE: r' APPLICATION ISSIIED BY: / /�/� PATE: �� �� iEit�it�itiEiEiciEir�it�iriFx��.tE#**ic*iEiE�- :{�liFi ;Ffr�iF3"riFi'r�r�r�r�'iF'i'r+eSFiriFit**ie�Eir�?tlEitx+e�c-��r�?�'�F��3c- iF iF 9F 1E iF �)E 3F iE ��IF i1� ik 3F 1E 3f if iF iE i:� iE �F it i@ if lE iF iE k iE 9f iE iF iE� iF iF iE i4 # iE if iP iE i(� iF iE iE iF iF 1E k-iE jE ih iE if if fE 3E iE iE 3f iE if i' 9F iF iE iF i! # at-jF iF iE %-i(� # ah iM1 LEGALIZATION:N F E E 5 U M M A R Y .STRUCTORAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE 5MIP/RES GRpDING PERMIT 27.00 SO PLAN SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DI��—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 2"7,50 0.00 0.00 27,50 27.50 ,pQ REVENUE DIVISl'ON TOTAL3--> COLLECTED; 27.50 OVER/SHORT: ,UO BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHE�K i%,00 ,so i6 jf # iE if 1F 1E it iE 3E i(� jE iE 1F 1f it iE iF iE iF iE iE iE 1t # it # X� IE iE iE tE iE iE ik iF 3E iE ik �F jE iE it iE iE it ic if 3F 1E 1E ih dF 1t iF iF 1E #-k ir iElE �Yh iE ih jf #E k�1! ik iE iF iF �1E 7F iF if i: iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAI, COST SFR 1100 REROOE BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 1,100.00 END OF FEES �]1 00163754—OQ163755 T�a T DA7E: U7/11195 TIhiE: 1i:13 V 27.5Q CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL .'A t APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspecto. qPPROVAIS Permit?k Date Ins�ector 1. Tempo�ary Etectricat Serv;ce,� Pole �� 52, Poa4 & Equipment Locaiion, :��' 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. . 53. Steel Reiniorcemeni ��� 3. Etectrical Conduit Utiliry-U �gmd. �' ` 54. Forms r .. 4. Eleciricai Conduii-Undrgrnd. ' S5. Electrical Bonding 5. Steet Reinforcemen: 56. Rough Piumbing & Pressore Test 6. ElectriCal UFER Grnd. 57. APPfiQVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footin9s 58. Electrical Cor.duiFUndrgrnd. �� 8. Foundation ' 59. Gas Pipe. O Untlrgrnd., Test ' � 9. Water P1Pe-Undr9md. ' f •� j S0. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, 6 Urdrgrnd. ' j 10. Structural Floor Svstem �,�' 61. APPROVA�TO DeCK '� 11. Propertv Sewer Line & House Connec.ion 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final !'. „�: l, 72. Sewer Gap � �� 63. Heater & Vent�Final !-' 13. Roof Drains 64. Piumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final " 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit � 66. Solar System-Final � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval j' 17. Rough W«ing Sign 68. APPAOVED FOfl PLASTERING - 18. Rough E�ectrica6T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEi�iS FINAL 19, Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rouyh Pactory Fireplace APPROVAlS Permit # 2}, p��tg,�n Structure � 70. Underground Hyd�o 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping f] Gas �:Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test � 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergmd. Storaye Tank � Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 7 l$-g � 6,(A,�i/ 74. Overhead Ftydro 26. T�Bar Geiling (Structural) & Monocoat . 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry StandpiFe 28. Laihing & Siding � ' � 77. FIXED SYSTEAI FINAL 29. tnsulation ' 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIRENIENT 31. Plaste� Brown Coa[ �9. FINA� INSPECTION � 32. Electrical Power h9eter�F�nal 80, F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finat Etectric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test �- • 36. Hood or Canopy . . 37. Final FBctory Firepiace 38. Final Plumbing ^ 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestirFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. LandscaPe Irrigation System 45. Sound Aitenuation - 46. HandicaP Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUfLDfNG O�qy �;,�. � 48. FINALPLANNING ' 49. Electnc Reiease to Edison _ �� � 50. Gas Reiease to Southern California Gas Co � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No, Date TRACT ";0. /CIYS�S— � LO'i I�O. ,�� %� ADDRESS �� � �i/Lii��.NN%rc�-� �'/JCI�� Development Services Depart�en[ Planninb DiVision City of Costa 2;esa 77 Fair �rive Costa :4esa, CA 92626 Attention: rir. Paul Dudley Dear PSr. Duciley: DATE //��/� TT Please be aware that the undersigned are aware [hat rt certificate of occupancy on the abwe referenced lot and unit is bcing requested prior to the entire tract and its streeis and cor.unon areas beino completed and accepted by the "� _- _ — - -: L� ����261981 �rxncT r:o. %U 4' `/..�'- 2' La: no_ � DATE �� �� /�/%�� ADDRESS �D g C�tJni G%�D�+v �'U U� � Developm^nt Services bepart:�ent Planninb Division City of Costa 4fesa 77 Fair �rive Costa :4esa, CA 92626 Attehtion: Dir. Paul Audley Dear Dir. Dudley: Please be aware that the undersigned are aware that a certificate of occupancy on the abwe referenced lot and unit is bcing requested prior to [he entire tract and its streets and cor.unon areas being completed and accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. sY� D � Ll'�, �1/".O,oiM- sICXIATURE OF P C}L1�SER BY �� C✓ • � �GC� ('S— YCNA�'URIi F DEVELOPCR A�� OR a IiORI'LED REPRESENTAT�IVI'� BY � .LC`-�_ i;l� �V jSIG�:�TURE/0• LEA'llEF) u�Y: C"-�'�``� �� �; :� � 2198U