HomeMy WebLinkAbout913 TANANA PL - Building Permitsr October 24, 1994 CITY OF COSTA MESA GLIFORNIA 9262&1200 P.O. 80X 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAFiTMENT Dear Costa Mesa Property Owner: In reviewing past permits, we find that work has been done on your property located at 913 Tanana Place, Permit No. B64468, for a roofing permit. The permit is valid for 180 days from issuance or your last inspection, per Section 303 (d) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. Should we not hear from you within 10 days, your permit will expire as stated herein and additional fees will be required to finalize the permit. Failure to final a Building Permit could possibly impact the future sale of your property. To activate the above permit, please follow these steps: 1. Telephone (714) 754-5626 or 754-562�. 2. Request an inspection; state address, permit number, and type of inspection. 3. Be sure to have working smoke detector's as required per Section 1210(a) of the 1991 Uniform Building Code. 4. Have an adult present at the property at the time of inspection to provide us access. Should you have any questions regarding this process, please contact me at (714) 754-5273. Thank you for your cooperation. ince e�� � o anda Huapaya it Processing Specia ist 77 FAIR DFIVE BuilOing Divisi0n (714) 754-5273 • CoEe Enforcement (714) 754-5623 • Planning Divislon Qla) 75a-52a5 FA% (714) 5567508 • TDD (714) 754�5244 PflQIEtT RODNESS: fj S 3 TANANA PL '• owxeeswnme: MANNING, WILLIAM E • � noonEss: MANNZNG, BONNIE B 110 CALLE ALTA ORANGE CA 92669 � 241-73`I4 FPLX/ENGINEEH: NEG.NU.: AOOHESS: UNIT: uxir: PE"miTTEE: SPECIALTY ROOFING CO, ( 310 ) 692-9902 aooAess: 10503 DEVERON DR WHITTIER CA 90f�01 IJLENSEU CONTHACiOfl OELtANATION: I �¢reEy al�irm I�al I am IicenSeU unGer pmvision5 ul nao�er 9(commencing wilA Sec�ion 7q10� ol Ort-Sion 3 0� Ihe Business an0 Prolessions CaCe. antl my license is in lull �orce antl elfeci. crtruc.: 1{ q sTaTeuc.:329764 /� Daie:_��.--I'(� Signalure:— _ _ ��C� WOflKEflS' COMPENSATION OECNPATION: I he�¢�y allirm Ihal I �ave a te�ilyale oI tansen� Io SeIFinSure or a ceM1ilita�e oi Workers' CAmpensation Insurance. or a ttrtilie0 cooY �nereol (Seclion 3800. Lao. C�. POLILYNO.: 1085Z']�j-92 E%P.DATE: SZIO /93 comaaxv: STATE FUNL�, ❑ Cetliiietl mpY is �¢reUy �umi5�e0. lyt C¢tliliCtl topy i5 iea wit� t�e ' BuilOin OiviSion. Oate: �v-IY-9j pypli�ant: EtEMP110N FNOM WOI�IIEXS' COMPENSITION UECLAH�TION: (i�i5 section � nol �e compkle0 il �he permi i5 fa on! hxdre0 �5100) Or kss). I cetlity I�a� in I�e petlormance ot Ihe work for w�ic� t�is permil is i5sue0. I s�all noi emD�oy any person in arry manner so a5 io become SUDIeci Io the Warkers' ComDensaUon laws af Calilomia. Oate: Signa�ure: NOTICE: If, atler making ihis tleclaralion. you 5�ou10 Decome suhlecl to t�e WaM1erS' Compensation 0«�s af Ihe LaOor CaOe. rou mu5� lotlhwil� comply wil� sut� provisions or IM1is permil sluil Oe Geemed revokeU. LONSTNUCTION LENOINC AGENLY: I �ert�y aliirm �Aat ��ere is a Conilruclion IenOinq aAency br I�e pedOrman[¢ 01 Ihe wafk fOf wNcn inis permit is issuetl (Seciion 3097, Gv. CI. LFNOEfl: RODNESS: OWNEfl BUILDEB OECIABpTION: I AereOy aflirm Iha� I am exempt Imm t�e Conlraciors' Slaie L¢ense Law lar Itre lollowing reason (Seciqn 7031.5 9usines5 an0 Pwiessioiul COGe: Any ury ol counly wNch reQuires a Dermii Io con5truci, alter, impmve. demolish, or repair any Slmclure. piior �o its i55uance, also repuires I�e applicant tor suc� permii Io file a 5igne0 stalemen� �ha� �e/S�e is licensed pursuant �o �he provisions ol Ihe Contractors' State �icense Law �C�apter 9(commencing vn�� Section 7000) ol Oivision 3 of IAe Business antl Pmlessions COde) or Inat he/sne is evemD� Iherelwm ana tne Ga51s IN ine allepM ecemD�ion. Any vioWlion ol Section 7037.5 oy any aODtitdnl lor a oermit wojects ine appliWnl la a civil penalty of not Irore than live hunUreO tlollars lu�). I, as owner ol me pm0erty ar rtry employees with waqes as thei� sole compensatian, w10 Go 1�e work, antl I�e ❑ stmcmre is noi inteneea ar ollered lor 5aie (Section 70aa. Business anE Prafeuianal Coae: Tne Conirapors' Slaie Licenso Law Eoes nol ap01y Io an owner ol a pmpeny w�o Guilds or imOroves ��ereon. antl who tloes suc� wOM1 �imsell/tRrull or I�roup� his or her Own em0loyee5. pmvitle0 llut SUC� improv¢menls ar¢ no� inteMeO ar oi�¢red lar sale. I1, howev¢r Ihe buil0inp ot PERMIT NO: B CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PEAM NO: B 06446 ' 064468 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ADD JOB DESCRIPTION : REROOF OVER EXIST WOOD SHING W/COMP SQ FT: 3,975 CLAIM VALUE: 3,975.00 CALC—VALUE: 3,975.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTOAS ARE RE�UIRED AS PER U.B.C. 1991 �r**�r*�r*+r�**�rfrr�r�x****rr+t******** *r****�r****fr**ir*���t*�r«**f�***�**+rr*******�*+r+r*r Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDZNG --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN AEAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING.RE�• PROV: PARCEL: 41805217 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING N TES> � i lfkifit�tikififklflfitititifikiEltffkkiflfitk!lkifkkifiFiFitiklfif%ifkfl�lifit%lfMitlfk%M1lMklEfk%iFMitifiEfffEiEiFiFiEifMi6ffifiEiflfMlE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N,�T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: �� BUILDING APPROVED HY : DATE: '� //��/� APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: -.O w�y`J ifiklEifllfFlE�ElFifiEMkltifktfififlfifi! � 1fifMklEifififKiF M-�IE � iliEifjtMllifiFklfiElEifiFiEifkitiElFitititikiEiEifMiEifiPlflFffitififlf4il�E1fMlfiFMMifM%1EMMifiFif�fiFlFititifiFiFififfErtlF ifMMit ifiFifif LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y : STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y /� BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMZP/RES GRADING PERMIT 63.00 • .50 PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE TOTALS----> 63.50 0.00 impwvement is soia vm�in one year ol wmpletion. t�e owner mll twve iAe Euraen ol pmvinq �rJs�e AiA nol �ui10 or impmve R E V ENUE D I V I S I ON TOTAL S—> mnne o�rpose o� sa�e1. BLDG PMT PLUMB ING L i. as owner of the pmoerty, am erclusiveI� wntrac�ing vnih licensetl coni2ctars io conslmct Ihe prqect (Section 70aa. Busines5 6 3. 0 � ❑ aiM Pmtessions Gotle: ine Contractars State License Law Cces �wt apply to an mmer oi O�operty who DWOs w improves I�ereon d110 w110 COfl�fd[�5 IOf SIIC11 DfpiC[IS VA�II d CO�I�d[�O��S) litp(152 pUf5Ud11i 10 ill¢ COIIIfdClO(5' $Iaie license Law). I am aware *„K„� **�,* **,*„� *,*,� *� **,� **„� ** * «� D��� o� ��eir Wo�er's Compenution insurance S�ouIE Ee Orwide0 to me. � i am e�emo� unaer Secnan: B. a P. C. I N D I for inis ieason: TYPE Da�e: O+mer. I ao nertq� cendy inat I am aware ol and unaersianC ine repuiremems al Glimmu Heaun ana Salety Coae Sectians 25505, 255J3, a`k S FR 25534 a�d thal l or any lutWe Ouilamg oCCupdn� wiNwill not (circle one) neM lo Camply wit� SdiO slate COGes artl t�e �equiremenls lor a permi��a can5imction or motli�icalwn imm t�e AirOuahiy Management USiricL Re4�entialconsimqion appliwtions are exempilmm inese provis�ons. Oa�e: Mpticam: I �ereGy cenity ItWi I have reae Ih6 ap01i[aiion anG 5�aie I�ai �he a. e intOrmaiion h tor t. I apre¢ ro mmpy vni� atl tiiy anE cauniy oidma'rces anA s�ate laws relating Io GuiMing cqrsuuclion and here . .. iv ol Ihis diy Io enter upon Ihe above�mentianeG o�oveny lo�insoen/ion� ourposes. � oate: �� f / ��_ Signalure: _ Oiivei s L¢ense oi Social Secunly •: � I6a1-+6 Whpe—Bmltlmg: Green—CoOe Entorcemenl Canary—Appliwm: Pink—qevenue: GalOenroE—Ataessor QTY 3975 D E S C REROOF PLAN—CHECK 0.00 ����10 NS *�r**�t***�'�+$L�**+r**x ***� I P T f 50 N6�6 e E B � or VAI�IIE ��1��J;�IFEESN02 D f0 �i�v�UKt Ut1' ECTC7K REQUIRED , SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL " PAID DUE 63.50 � 63.50 .00 63,50 OVER/SHORT: 00 E SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK .50 �Iff fF 1f it M 1E if � i! if iF iE iF iF if iF if if 1E 1F iE aE 1E k 1f ff if ik if iE 1E IR E A K� D O W N ONLT COST TOTAL COST �: '1.00 3,975.00 ti J• Oi 00143916-00149917 T �"f b�.`_ DAiE: 10/1`/4's TIHE: 15�44 ICONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING I APPROVALS Permit ,� i - 1. TemDorary Electrical Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Conduit Utiiity�Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical ConduirUndrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcement 6. Etectriwl UPER Gmd � 7. Footings I - � 8. Foundation 9. 41'ater Pipe�Undrgrnd. T . ' 10. Struetural Floor System i i t. Prope�ty Sewer Line & House Connection 12. Ser:er CaP . 13. Roof Drains i � 74. Rough Plumbing � 15 Rough Electriw6ConduR � � 76. Rough ElectriclNiring 77. Rough Wiring Sign � � � 18. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ced�ng 79. Rough Hea[ing & Air CondiLoning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace ' � 21. Ducts,in Structure 22. Duct., Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ceding IStructural) & Rtonocoat 27. frame and Flashing 28. Lathing & Siding � 29. InsulaUon 30. Drywall Naihng 31. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Elecvical Poever P.72rer�Finat 33. Final Electric� 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Finai 40. Gas Service�Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigetion 44. Landscape Irrigation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Elearic Release to Edison 50. Gas Refease to Sonthem Catifornia Gas 57. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date Date al POOL & SPA Inspector AppROVALS Permit � 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical8onding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical ConduibUndrgmd. 59. Gas P�pe, O Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, ^ Undrnrnd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Back�vash & Recep[or�F�nat 63. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Plumbing Syscem - Final 65. Electrical�Finat 66. Soiar SYstem-Fina� 67. Fencing & Access Apprpval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POOUSPASYSTEA7SFINAL fIREDEPT.REQUIREMENT APPROVALS • Permrt;, 70. Underground Hydra 77. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil � 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd.Smrage Tank O Gas � O�I J4. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEti" FI�AI Date �Inspector 76. FIRE PREV. FIfV'Rt-'- --- --- - r-: HEAL�TKSEPT. REQUIREP.7ENT� 79. FINAL INSPECTI�r 80. POOD CERTIF�CAI.L ISSUED Notes: �� , , n ' ti.; t � �.. ^ � i � ; L.... � 2���0 COSTA MESA BUIIDINGSAFETY DEPARTMEM P.O. 80% it00 COSTA ME9A, CALIFORNIA 92624 For Applisant fo Fill In Complete►y TYPp OR PRINT COSTA MEgp, CALIFORNIA U. S, Financial re� � L[OAL Ave. FEB 17-67Pat�00 712# ***�94.50 LNSA APPLICATION FOR PERMR BUILDING for Office Ute Onfy e�curtno. �i ZONING NO.O� YY[OIN� •IAN� a OYILOINO N0T6: NO [AVQ OV LRHANO BHALL B8 LE88 THAN `a�� s0'T081DRl1NGRP.L swvee NO.O��LGo�. ALLOWiD (U.B.C.RlGUIRHMENT', Now N O yARDOMPROV6D YARDBMPHOVBD MAINBUILDINO ACCHG80RYBUIL,DINO ccrewcK unt rnor c[tmn o� m�eR 5� � RiAR YARD 29 •� 81DQ YARD L[FT J• J� p�pM{ b• 84 � DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW ]L T[R/�7� ADDITI N REPAIR MpVINO D6MOLIHX BG=ELDIN6 il.l8 S.f`tROOMB V RI 1 1µ =XTERIOR WALL �D�d� ROOI Sh3ke-Shinale ttached XX�Y�i 1 Xm16GY ACKHOWL[D06 THAT 1 XAVI R[AD TMIY APILICATON ANO BTATB THAT iN8 AlOy6 1� C011R6R�AND I10RH[ TO COM• PiY WITM ALL CfTY OR0114NC[� 1V(O fTAT{ LAW9 R{OYLATIMO BUILOINO CONBTRY/Gi�ION. �] 61GNATUR80P.!( /.� . /�., _ . _ _ _ . AUTM011IZID AO[M VAR. iI •L\i=/ a m � X eo. ar. ,� � TN[ 11YOUM GMOWM YHOBR VALYATON 18 �OR TX6 � �Yprol6 OI fYTApLIONINO A PEpY1T !68 ONLY. VALUATION ��' � PERMIT FEE si,9��y— �5— w TOTALFEH S �/�JD