HomeMy WebLinkAbout601 THAMES WAY - Building Permits'""" """""' 601 TrIe�MES WY OWNEn'S NAMF: BROOKVZEW CONDOS aooecss: �OMr:OWNERS ASSUCIATION 630 PAULARINO COSTA MESA CA uxiT: pBGHIENGINEEfl: 7 8'—� 3 9 9 NE .NO.: nooness: uxir: rewminee: MESA ROOFING ( 7i 4) 548-3012 p00flFSS: 8 4 3 W 17TH LICENSEU CONTBACTOX DECUIPATIDN: I hereby allirm Ihai I am licensetl un0e �p�rovison�of Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7U00) al �rv�sion 3 0l ��e Business and Pmlessions Cotle. antl my license is in lull torce antl efleci. CITY LIL.: � � STpTE UC.: �^3�6A93 564i51 C— � Date Signature'. �0 0�!�=� WOflNEPS' COMPENSpTION OECLAPATION: I hereby alfirm ��at I have a cerii�ica�e of consenl ta sel4insure or a certilica�e oi Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a cenilie0 copY �hereoi (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLICVNO.:�]j,.jC 241.b7 i�0 E%P.ORTE: O7�OI �94 comraxr:GOLDEN EAGr E ] Cendietl copy is hereby Iumisnetl. � Cenilietl copy iSJ�eA+eNMk'� 0JuA �''� ' rvision. � �,9_'j ,`c��=-% , • Oa�e: ApDlicanl: E%EMPTION FpOM WOBNEHS' COMPENSATION OECLAflATION: (ihis seclion neea nat be campleted ii Ihe permit is for one hunEred (5100� or less�. I cerlity Ihal in Ihe pedormance oi Ihe work lor which Ihis permil is issuetl. I s�all noi employ any person in any manner so as lo become subjec�to Ihe VJorkers' Compensation Laws ol Califomia. �ate'. S9namre'. NOTICE: II, a�ter making Nis Jeclaralion, you s�oultl become suble�� �o lhe Workers' Compensation O�ovisions of ��e �abor Cotle, yau mu5i lort�wilh comply wiN such pmvisions or Ihis permil shall Ce GeemeA revake0. COhSTNUCTION IENDING AGENCY: I hereby affirm I�at �here is a cansimction lending agency �ar the pedormance ol Ihe w�rk for which �his permil is itsuee (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEP: AO�HESS: OWNEP BUILOEfl OECLl�BpTION: I here�y aHirm �hal I am exemp� �ram �he Coniractors' S�ate License Law for �he �allowing reason �Section 7031.5 Business and Pmiessional Cotle'. Fny ciry of county which requires a permii �o con5imc�, alter, impmve. Oemolish, ar repair any simc�ure. Orior lo its issuance, al5o repuires I�e applicant tor such permii Io �ile a signetl statement �hat he/she is Iicen5e0 pursuam lo ihe pmvisians ol Ihe Comraclors' Stale License Law �Chapter 9(commencing wiih Seclion 7000) of Division 3 of roe Business anU Prolessions Cotle) or lhal he/sAe is exempl therelrom antl �he basis �or Ihe allege0 exemp�ian. Any violalion o� Seciion 7031.5 by any applicant �or a Oermil sublec�s Ihe applican� b a civil penal�y o� noi more than live huntlred dollars ($500). I. as owner o� �he pmpetly ar my employees wi�h wages as �heir sole compensa�ion, will do �he work, and �he ❑ slmcNre is noi imended or o��eretl tor sale (Set�iOn 7044, Busine55 anA Pm�e55i0nal Code: The ConVaclor5' S�ate LiCense Law Ooes not apply �o an owner ol a pmperty who Oui�ds or impmves t�ereon, and who Ooes such work �imsel�/hersel� or Ihmugh his or her own employees, provitletl ��ai such impmvemen�s are not intendetl or o��ere0 lor sale. Ii, however �he builtling or � impmvemenl is soltl within one year ol com0�elion, the owner will have �he burden at pmving he/she Oi0 no� Duila or impmve � �or Ihe Durpose ol sale). I, as owner ai the pwperty, am exclusively contracting with licensetl canlmciors �o constmc� �he pmle�� (Seciion 70a4, Business ❑ and Pmtessions Cotle'. The ConVacto�s' Sia�e License Law tlaes no� apDly Io an owner ol propehy who �uilds or impmves Ihereon and w�o canlracts lor such pmle��s with a coniractor�s) license pursuant Io �he Conirac�ors' S�ate License Law). I am aware Ihat pmal o� Iheir Worke(s Compensalion insurance shoula be pmvitletl Io me. � I am ecemp� unaer Section: B. 8 P. C. for this reason: Oaie: Ownec I ao here�y cenily I�a� I am aware af antl unaerstantl Ihe requiremenls ol Califomia Heal�h and Sa�ery Coae Semions 25505, 25533, and 25534 ana I�al I or any �ulure building occupanl willlwill not �cucle one) neetl ta comply wilh sai0 stale coaes antl �he requiremenis for a permi� �ai conslmciion ar mo4iticaiion Imm Ihe Air �ualiiy Management �istric�. flesiden�ial conslmction apP6cations are exemp� �mm ihese provrsians. Oate: Fpplicanl: I hereby ceriity ��at I �ave rea4 ihls appllca�ion antl sla�e Iha� the a�ove Inlormalion is correcL I agree �o comply wiih all ciry antl coonry oitlmances antl s�aie laws relaiing to buil0mg conslmction antl hereby aNhorize representaiives of Ihis ciiy Io enter upan I�e above-mentionetl pmperty /l�ar ins/peciion purposes. %�/��y/J� ' �a�e: T7 YO�/� Signai� / — _.���I' !/JiC�—!`ri �nver's License or Social Security Pink—Rgvenue: Goldenrotl—Nsseswr `\ CITY OE COSTA N.�.SA - BUILDING PERMIT PEkM NO; H 053359 PERMIT NO; B 063359 PLAN CHE�K NO: N GOVT; iV SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N PEI2MIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: AI�T JOB DESCRIPTION ,'T/OFF RESHT REROOF W/TIMBERLINE 30YR CON 5Q FT; 8�595 CLAIM VALUE: 8,645,00 CALC-VALUE: 8,645,00 GROUP OCC; R-3 / �����x*xi�#PxR'*�*�x�*��D#�r���k���f�60*#���k#��frb*�*�*�**�w���x���x-xx�t*x�***�*#�-* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILUING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDlNG --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: PT IN FRNT: FT IN RfiAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKtNG REQ • PROV: PARCEL; 43405143 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING NCST'ES> , � •, #��*�*�*###�##**�*+�**#�*�#�,�*,�,�##�#*�*#������,�#��-����#�#�#�*�##*#*���#*�*�����#� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R CT I C E S R E Q U i R E M E N.T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; HUILDING APPROV�D HY ; DATE:,�, '• APPLICATION ISSUED BY• ' DATE; O'S-/� fFlEklEiFlEik3EiEiE#k!t#iE?f3fiflfiF)tlk3ri[—iF3rti'iF3F3t'iF+t#if�t3F �. �3fa-#left3tiFfriF'R�3FiF3F'£'it#iEiEifiE3Fifififit#�i: �£�'�i'r�it'�ziF�If ff iF 1E %ik ft iF iE iF iF 1E 1E � 3E iE%�lE if 1F iF if iE iE 1F if # i(-# 3E� iE ib 1F 1F iF �f if 1F 3E �H� iF IF it �7F iE 1F iE fE iF 7�F# lE iE iF il� 1F iF 1! iE iE i(�!F fE �lE �f !t iE 1}' # 3F 1(� 3F iE if iE i( %• if #� �!� LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL� SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLpMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 108.00 86 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE: BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 108.86 0.00 0,00 108,86 10A,86 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 108,86 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLD08p00 pLi)MBING ELECTitIC NECHANIC FIRE SMIP/T86 GRADING PLAN-CHECK 7f iE �F ff iE iE # if iF IE �t fk iE 1l� ff !E ff� iE iE 16 it iE !f i(� It it ik )k ff iF it iE ikiF �7F 1k �f fElE 3E iF !f it 1(� iF itr if iFlF If� IF iE!(� if� ih 3f )f # 1f iF N-�%� �1E �!E %� �Y� ih if -lE if lE iF ###-)f iE ik-,`4 I N D I V I D U A L F E fi B R E A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N IJNIT COS'T TOTAL C05T SFR 864� REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE END OF F'EES 1.00 8,695,00 01 D014;423-001;4424 T�� T lO8.S6 DRTE: 07/Cb/93 TIrE: 1•4:5� CO\STRUC7IDNf AND PLA�lII{NG a APPROVALS Permit# � 1, 7empo•a�4 E��ctncal Service ot Pole e: - 2, $oil Piprr Undrgrnd. , 3 E!:rtr�a.' Conrluit Ut��ity�Undigmd. jai F...r c�, Cano�:.•.�J.•.:lrgn*d. �r5.�.�.�� .��o�r:me�t �- - -- _� � C L_n ._ iiF: H G�r.d. �-Pc_ot r,�__- - - - � G Fa-,�c.hoi �. r,.ita�P�P'��U��drarnd. -' i 10. S[ructural Fluor Sys[em ' _ 11, Froperty S+�c:e� Line. & Houce Connect�nn �_- - - '2. 5;.-..,., „i� t------� --- - �3 i�C:}�rD,nS � 'i '<,. �.�,qnPiumbing ' ` �:M1_ , _ F �� .a.: e u��i� c,.LCond.," ~lt. :ir.., :cb'c�:�if'n� . ' �. a��;, �,s,�, 18. Ro�ah �IrCtrir���T Bar Ceil�ng 19. n� uNh V'�_ai���q & Air Cqndit�oninq - . �. i;c ..,-. �. .:o•v F-�reP'.ace f 71. D,r• Stn:-ture 72. f_�_r.s-\�,�n'eting _ _ � %3. G�s 7�a::-flo�.,�h & Test �__ ___ __ __ I�4. :.:L' , i . -� �,5- _,--n., - - L?6�'� 9:-C--.'_n515tructu�a�V E: �.��o:�oc�.�c _ '77, ��,.rnr.r.� Fldthing �-_-_ _- J8. L:,tl', r.g 6: Siding .'.J. wcf on-- 3J. C: y,:.z � ' ?:!��q i1 ra•te� Eru:•:n COst -- - �3___:�'_c Pdt•.�•• i.:etCr Ftnai ` ._ �, :i3. F "- _ ."c �.?�+ F^. F! [ nC �' A�� COrt0�Y0^��rq - �____-_-� -_ _ �35. F�nai G.�s P�p^ Test --------- - � 36�H�oti or CanopY 37. Firal Futor�• Fireplace- 33 F�n,l Fumb�rg I 33. 1'l;ter 5_rwCB�Final ~40. G�s Se��.�.cr�inal -- F- ----- - I_ 4; So ar �,. ^est��rFinal � �2. Erc�if - � P�c:.nte: 3. P:dcfio, � I�r�ga:ion �-__- _ I d4. Landscepc Irnqation SYstem 45. Soimd Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations !7. FI`.'ALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING �8 FI�AL PLANNING 4?. Elutrm Aulease to Edison b0. Ges Re!ezse to Southem Califom�a Gas 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Ro. Date a Data � Inspector 0 � 1 PO S SPA -- -� - AP?ROVALS Perm�t :� 52. Pool 8� Eqwpment LocaCon 53. Steat Reinforcement 54. Forms _ 55. Electrical Ennd�nq 56. Rough Plumb�ng C4 Pr�ssure Test 57. APPROVAi. TO C.OV[R�GUNiTE �8. Electrica�G.rdubJrdrgrntl. 59. Gas P�p;:,�-: L��crprro.. Test 60. Baekc��sh Lines, P�Tr�p, � U�:d�g�rd 67. APPt20VAL TO DECK _ 62. GackwJ,h i4 �aL�c��^or�F�nai G3. Hea�cr & V:nbFinal � -- _--- Date I Inspector I � ---i 64. Plumh�ng Sys:em Fn,�i i - - ------ -�'--- � ---� G5. Elecvical�Fi�al I � -'----�- -- GG. So�ur Systcm•F�n, � ' I I - --- - � --- `- -- s�. Fe�o,.�.� a: n�� �s a��.o.ai ; i -�-----� a8. .�PPROVE'J FOft P:ASTERI?,G 69. POOUSPA:;YSiE;�9S F iNAL FIRE DEPI". IitQUIHEiVIEiV7 APPRUVAI..S Pcri��rt �r 70. Undi.^g:ow�c� Hy_ra 71. Product P,���ng "_Gas .:Oil 72. UndergrOun�i Fiu.h _-_ � T3. Und�rnrnh. Sor,:,. Ta-�.� l: Gas � j � t - - I � - I __ .- �_ -�I J_ �.-__ - I _ __ � 74 o�.rrhi a0 H^dro � ___-. _.__ _--_ _-i _ - -__ _-_, 75. !l.Y C�rom�� �' .�,�_ 76. Dry$WnuP.,�e ____-____ ___.I __"__ i_'..____', -__ __ -___ __ _ i..-_ __ .I _ - 77. FIXEC SNSTE':: �u`:AL - I.-- -----_� 78. FIRE PFeV. FINAL � � . ------ --L-- ---1--1 HFALTN DEPT. RE�UIR'tP,:E"dT 79. FINAL IR'LT�CCII�N.--- ---�-. ._. .�-------'� ---- - -- - --- - '- -. _. .i . _ � 30. FOODCEN_�_iFiC_+1L-S-L�� -- -_ - -- I- --- Note.: __- -__._ __ _ _ _ _. .-____ __.� ' -1 '--__ -- _..____-_'___ ' -___- '__'1 _.-� -- - - ---- - - - - - � - - � ---+IIr i - - ----- - -- - -- -- - -- 1 -- �--�-�--� - ---- '--� --- ------ - -___- __. _.,_-� c sGa�c a� � City of Costa Mesa Planning Department Pon Office Box 1200 -77 Fair Drive Costa Meu, California 92626 (714155G5245 REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Tract No. ��'�� — � Date �r � — � / � � Lot No. ��3 . The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City ot Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he, she, they)�_�was or were)�Qadvised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncomple �kC�IVED c: � • �, c:� �-.� t,�iEsr, ,:,�.�;�,,,.: �,��- .-.. :,:... , _., . AUG 5 1977 nn� 7i8i9il0illi12ili2i3i4i5 6 � 11731 IRVINE 40ULEVARD, SUITE 210 ; � CMF 0569•26 T�STIN. CAUFORNIA 9268A � e ' ` City of Costa Meu Planning Department Post Office Box 1200 77 Fair Drive (� Costa �Aesa, California 92626 I �� o �DJ o (7�q) 556-5245 REQUESTFOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Tract No. �'S.�? ��� �— Lot No. /f�!� Address Date �— �— 7% The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he,-ebe,—theya_��Iwas er—wwere) ��-%G�/advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcementof the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. Deve�oper and/or Authorized Representative BY Lender CMF 0569-26 CMF 05fi9-26 � City of Costa Mesa Plamm�g Department Port Office Box 1200 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, California 92626 (714) 556-5245 REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Tract No. g � � � — � Date �— � � / � Lot No, l -`i '� Address �L l_i •:� ��lG. f/����/ The developer of the above entitled trect desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he, , ) -��+.. (was —werEi'��advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by wrety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. By .., /3 i �-�l41UtE1fARD, SUIiE 210 TUSTifd, CALIFOR�lA 92680 CMF 0569-26 City of Costa Mesa Planning Department Post Office Box 1200 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, California 92626 (714) 55Cr5265 REQUESTFOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Tract No. Q �J' Y' ��� Lot No. J '7` �J Address Date � ^ T / � The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its sireets accepted by the City ot Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that �(ber�c they) ( ere ��,advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any ciaim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted RrCEiVED ��?,� ^c C��^7d 6.qESA �,I np,.':!:. . , � i'�. n,� � � � ;g77 nr� � PM 'ii8i9i10�11i12i1i2�3�4iSi6 � G� C• 17731 ik2V�EiE BOlILE��.RD, SUITE 210 TlDSTIN, CALIFORPdIA 92690 CMF 0569-26 City of Costa Mesa Plannfng Oepartment Port Office Box 7200 77 Fair Drive Costa Meu, California 92626 p 14) 556-5245 REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) TractNo. ���— � Lot No. l l �r Date '" <� The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sefl the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he-sh , they) were Li� ad ised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resuliing in damage or persona! injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted By 17738 ttRV9PdE BOULEVARD, SUITE 210 TUST9N, CALIFORIdIA 92680 Gt.:F 0569-20 City of Costa Mesa Plann )epartment Part Office Box 1200 77 Fair Drive Costa R�esa, California 92626 (714) 55&5245 REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY (Singte Family Residential or Condominium Units) . i Tract No. � N � � Date �_� � / Lot No. / Address The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been compieted and its streeis accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he, , )�i�(was ZL��dvised that this tract has not been given fina� inspection nor has it been accepted by tlie City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no tiability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. : ��I`��� � ���,��I � �� _ , L� � Tustin, California 92680 CMF 0569-2fi City of Costa Mesa Planning Department Post Office Box 1200 77 Fair Drive Costa ��esa, California 92626 (714) 556-5245 REQUESTFOR OCCUPANCY (Single Family Residential or Condominium Units) Tract No. � rJ' �/ '� � Date ��� Lot No. / "T �1 The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he,-she-tkey1�,_(was orwereF_��dvised that this tract has not been given tinal inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. i� ��- �_ liiii� . ' � @ 3 i3 � P�#ViN� BOidLEVARD, SUITE 210 il35Ti3�, CAIIFORNIA 92680 .. .. M N.I.L . .K N. JOB ADDRESS 601-61: GENERAL CONTRACTOR A _ 4I8-071_p� L IN�rECT10N5 SOIL GRS WATER �G � I ROUGH PLUMBIN PROP. SWR. LINE � NOUSE CI SPRINKLING SYSTEM MISCELLANEOUS ROUGM HEATING ANO RIR LONO TEMPORARY SEFVICE OR POLE UNDERGROUND � POWER [ ROUGM WIRING TRENCHES FOFMS FLOOR SVSTEM BONO BEAM � STEEL FEII SHERTMING FqAME ANO iLr15NING �ATHING — IN OUT� PL' "ER, BROWN COAT 5' fURAI, FINAL MEATING, VENT., REFRIG. ANO PLUMBING. FINAL nND G�5 TE ELECTRIC, FIHRL BUILOING, FINnL CPGCI>I RGf1111fiFMGYTG � SUBCONTRACTOR IT Go (p b �'r' l0.3 /�// � %��ieo 7"�:��o G. 0 � ,...�.... -, ,,/ �� 'P.�'e' ���%% i � 0 '�. ��o�j� F�+ C W a Q y h S F �� 4250� COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFOHNIA 92626 •�'r�n-7FPF10dOts�s7" t�•�8?_1.58 � ��,�<r APPLIC:ITION POR STRUCTURAL PERMIT For Applicant to Fi0 in Completely — Use lnk Only RECEIVED BV DATE RECEIVED Df9�T�E ISSUED ADIDRE55 O� O3 0 �WI �� II GJ ✓�O� �(� A.P.NO. �� �'D7 �O� PEF OWNER�EC�2E2ExlrE•t W� MAII � BUILDING _ � '�` ADDRESS �+DDRES w TEL. TRACT B��/ LOT {� BIOCK CITV OQ NO. CANSiFUCiION EW ADD AL R P LENDER BRANCM A�I� pWNER GG/ L�` ADDRESS y� VALUE �J ARCHITECY TEL. 5 U�� ��/� $` DDO OR ENGINEEfl F�qE ADORESS ZONE T E GROU APPROVED �O � CONTRACTOFl BV DATE '� ADDRESS TEL. E NO.OF USE OF NEW UN T CITV N�• � PLAN$ 2 BUILDING STATE ?)�D � � CITV YARDSAPPROVED VAROSAPPROVED LIC. NO. G LIC. NO. MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORV BVIIDING SIZE NO.OF BLDGS. (FROM C/L STqEET) OF �OT NOW ON LOT RONT FT. FT. VSE OF EXISTING BLOG. FT Separate permits are required for �. SIDE FT. FT. electric, plumbing and heating work. - FEAR FT. FT. • USE OF 8U14DING ANO WORK TO 8E PERFORMED DISTANCE BET. BEf. MAIN & MAIN BLDGS. ACCFSS. BLOGS. � (/��/ O�ilO C VRP,qW // � APPROVED APPROVE O � _�/ O lD /� p� ,i. p � � r�rn..�.. .�-� �r V'L:J i V� 7a�'.�.I -1 �i��..(N'.�i:CS:d: I hereby acknowletlpe that 1 have reotl thia appllcaHon antl staro '^ n that the ebova (niormation Is corract and apree to comply with m ell laws regulatinB bulltlinp eonciruetion, end I shell not amploy i any Oerwn IP ��olation of Ne workman's eompenfation Iaws ot v the Stata ot Galifornie. m I hereby certify that 1 am properly Ilcansatl as a controcmr under SQ. FT. �v Ma State of Gelitornia Businesa antl Profossionf Cotlo, Division 3, THE AMOUNTSHOWN VNDER VALVATION IS FOR m C�epter 9, antl that zuch Iicen»s ere In tull torca antl aifact, or I THE PURPOSE OF 6TABLISMING A PERMR FEE ONIV: � am axampt }Vom the provlsions of the Stete of Celifornia Businass � p VALUATION PERMIT FEE S entl Profeasions Cotle, Dlviai n 3, Chapter 9. � 0 �+ m StB^ot�ra of ,) P�AN CHECK y 3/ . 2� o Parmlttea � �t �" (�.�_ $ �,3, �O(/ TAX S � U Authorizatl A9ant TOTAL PAI D y S