HomeMy WebLinkAbout611 THAMES WAY - Building Permits� �I � PBOJECT AOUPESS: 6 1 1 THAMES wY OWNEN'$ NFME: FIASCO MANAGEMENT CO aooxEss: p,O.BOX 2968 COSTA MESA, CA 92628 641-0593 PflCHIENGINEEN: FDUPESS: NEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: ORION CONSTRUCTION ( 714 ) 363-0727 RDUNESS: 28 OAKCLIFF llR LAGUNA NIGUEL CA 92677 LICENSEU CONTFACTOP UECIABATION: I hereby aliirm thal I am Iicen5e0 un0er provisions o� C�ap�er 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000� ai �ivisinn 3 al ihe Business and Pm�essians Cotle. and my license is in full force antl el�ect. ciTvuc.:040100 srareuc.:485459 _cuss:B/J � /3 �' � �ale�. �T Signa�ure: �� � �' �-- WOFNEflS'COMPENSATIONOECLAflATION: Iherebya��ir aveafce�rtificateo onsentto t-insureoracenihcateolwoM1ers' POLICY NO.n I�s�rapce, p� ��[p�le�(,pqy �7e���SectiE%P80RTEab �/��1 / 01 / 9 4 V4b y UIV LU.� 4 COMPANY: STATE FUND ] CenilieU capy is �ereby Wmishetl. � Certi�ied capy is lile wii� Ihe ciry Building Division. �a�e: �/3 /�_7 � � ApPlicanL � /� � E%EMPiIONFqOMWORREBS'COMPENSFTIONOFCLANATIU. QH dionneeana�becIXnple�etlil��rmi�i5foranehunOrea�$100�oNess�. I ccrlity iha� in Ihe petlormance o� Ihe w�rk for which Ihi it is issued. I shall noi employ an rson in any manner so as lo become Subleci �o Ihe WorkerY Compensation �aws ol Cali�omia. �ate: Signature'. NOTICE: �f. after making ihis Oeclaration, you shoultl become su�lect �o ihe Workers' Compensation pmvisions of t�e LaOor Cotle. you musl lorihvnih comply wit� suc� pmvi5ions or Ihis permi� shall �e deemed revoked. LONSTRUCTION LENOING PGENCY: I hereby aifirm Ihat �here is a conslmction lentling agency �or �he pedormance at Ne work for which �his permii is i55ued �Sec�ion 30W. Qv. C�. LENOEN: aonness: OWNEB BWLOEB OECIABATION: I �ereby aliirm �ha� I am exemp� tmm t�e Contractors' Sta�e License Law br t�e �ollowing reason (Section 7031.5 Business an� Prolessanal Catle: Any city of counly w�ich requires a permit Io cons�mcl, alier, improve, Oemolish, or repair any slmcture. prior �o i�s issuance. also requires �he applican� tor such permil �o file a signee s�a�emen� �hat he/she is IicenSeU pursuant Io Ihe pmvisions ol ihe Contracmrs' S�a�e License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wi�h Section 7000) o� �ivision 3 0l �he Business antl Pmfessions Cotle) or I�ai hehhe is exemp� �herelrom ane ��e �asis lor Ihe alleged exemp�ion. Any violation ol Section 7031.5 by any apphcan� �or a permit sublec�s Ihe applican� ta a civil penally of no� more Ihan live huntlred dallars ($500). I, as owner o� the pmOerlY or my employees wi�h wages as Ihei� sole compensa�ion, will tlo Ihe work, and ��e ❑ stmc�ure is not imende0 or oHere0lor sale (Sec�ion 7044, eusines5 and Pmtessional CoOe: The Caniracmrs' State License Law does not appty Io an awner o� a Droperiy who bui105 or impwves �hereon, ana who tloes such wo�k himseli/hersel� or Ihmugh his or her own employees. pmvided Iha� such improvemen�s are no� in�endetl or oi�ered tor sale. Ii, �owever �he building or improvemeni is soltl wilhin one year o� comple�ion. �he owner wili have Ihe burtlen ol pmving he/s�e tli0 noi bui10 or impwve tor ihe vurpose ol salel. I, as owner ol �he pmpetly. am exclusively coniracling with licensed con[raclors Io cons�mc� �he pmlect (Section 7044, Business ❑ and Prolession5 Coae: The Con�roc�ors' S�a�e License Law does nol appty lo an owner ol Droperty w�o builds or impmve5 �hereon antl who comracis �or suc� pmlecls wieh a contractoqs) license pursuani to Ihe Comrac�ors' Stale License Law). I am aware �hal proof oi �heir Worker's Compensation insurance shoultl be provitletl lo me. � I am exempt under Seclion�. B. 8 P. C. lor Ihis rea5on: Oate: Ownec � ao hereby cenify ina� I am aware ol ane unaerstan0 �he reqwrements ol Catitomia Healtn ana Satery Coae Sections 25505, 25533, an0 25534 antl ihai I or any Iuiure bmltling occupanl willlwill no� (circle one) neetl �o compty wi�� saitl sla�e codes antl �he requirements �or a permit for tonslmc�ion ar modifiwiion imm Ihe Au Ouahry Management OiSlrici. Re5i0en�ial tOnS�mC�ion apDliCalions are exemp� from IhPSP P�Ovi5i0n5. Daie'. Npplicanl: I hereby cetlily �hai I �ave read lhis applicalion antl siate that the above inlormation is correcL I agree to comply wil� all ciry antl county ortlinances an0 slate laws rela�ing to builtling conslmciion and hereby authorize represenlatives o� tAis cily io enler u0on i�e above�mentionetl praperty �or inspecli0n pmpose5. /'� / oate: 3 �.� Signai ����++�� oriver's Lmense or Socia� securiry ApplicanC Pink—Revenoe; Goldenma—Auessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 063799 PLAN CHECK�NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR SOB DESCRIPTION : REMOVE SIDING REPLACE W/STUCCO CLAIM VALUE: 2,600.00 CALC—VALUE: 2,600.00 PERM NO: H GOVT: N SUPP: PURPOSE: REP SQ FT; 2,600 GROUP OCC; R-1 / COMMENTS: � +�+��r�r*�r�r*�r�r*�r�r�r�r�r+��r�r�r*�r�r�r�r�rx�+r*�r�r���r�r�r*�r�r�rx��r+�***�*�xx�r�*�***x�****�r�r�r*�r*�r*� *��r**�r Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 93405148 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING Nt5'I'ES> � if if if iF iE k if if if k 1E iE 1f iE iE if af iE if if if �Eif i! if iF iF if iF iEiF iE iF if it-)f iEik 3f if 1E 3E if 1E iE ik 1E iE iE if if iE 1E iF iE if iE if iE iF if iF if iE 3E iE fE iF iF'1FiE iE iE iE iE iE iE 3E iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V 2 C E S R E Q U I R E M E'N T� S 20NING APPROVED BY DATE: �'— BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE:.' . APPLICATION ISSUED BY; �.-�� DATE: ��'i%G1 �EiEiEiEiEiEiEiliE�EiEjEifiElFiE3EiEif�3EifiEiFif7F3f7fif�FiFiFif7F 7FiF7F�FaFiFifiFiF'if7FiiiFiFif7FifiFiF�7f�F�1(�ikiE�Mif3f3fiFiE3f�iF�1PiF 1E k iE iE iE iE ik iE if ik 1E jf iE it 3F iE iE If iE if iE iE ik iE if iFif if iP 3E iF iE if iEiE iE iE iE i! it iE IE iE iEiE i! iF iEk if fE iE iE if 3E iE if ik iE 3f iE if iE jE �E iF iF.�E aE if if 3E iE 1E 1E if iE if �E LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTUI2AL� SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 54.00 ,50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN . ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 54.50 0.00 0.00 54.50 54.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 54.50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 59.00 .50 if iE iE 1E iF iE iE 1E iE �E iE 1f if iE 1E if iE 1F ik if if iE iElE iE * iE 1E iF 1F iE if iEif i! iE iE aE iE 1E if iE iE if k iF �lE 1EiE 1E 1E 1E iE ik ik 1E IF if iE if iE iF iE * iE iEiE if iE if iF iE iE iE iE iE 1F iE if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 2600 ALTER HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 2,600.00 END OF FEES 01 0014629&—On1452?9 T�J T 54.:G DATE: 09/03/93 TIISE: 04:C8 CONSiRUCTiON ANDPLANNING APPROVALS Permit /`r i. Temporary Elecvical Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. � _3. �iect�iwl Conduit khi�ity•Undrgrnd. 4. EFectrkat Conduii-Undrgrnd. L. Sieef Faln+o�cement � E.�Eectntai UFER Grnd. � ' 7. fqonrgs - , �.. � :8. Fourdatio�i I, 9. IM&t.r Pipe�Ur,dtgrnd. 10. Sttuctura� Fiuor System 77, Prope�ry Se�^rer Line & HouseConnect�on ; 72. Se�ier Cap l �3. Roat Orains ' 4. Roun� Plumbing 15 Rouyi� Electrical-Conduit � 16. Rough ElactricVViring 17. Rough lVinng Sign 78� Rough Electricai�T Bar Ceil�r.g 79. Rough Heating & Air Condiuoninq r •r 26: �Ro�yl, �ractoFy F,rep;ace . � .` ; 21. Ductc,itrStructure� � �•• � � I 22 Ducts, 4ent��,tinp' � "�- 23. Gzs�'�a=��q��gh & Test 24. Foo! Fhdminq " � " ' 25. Roof Sheathing � Zfi. -�:�� CeiLnq (Strutturall & i�,ionocoat 27 F�z;netnd f-lashin9 ', , . 28. Ls;hme� & SiUing ` �-L ' ; . I ' - 29. i^Suiation .. ' 30. D�Y�•.alr�aifing - 31. Fiaster Bro�vn Coat � i. r�- 37 ,E�ecv�tsi Pov�rer .Set2r-F�na, ' 33� Fi��al ElectnG - � � �� .�--�---- - � 34 �Finul Heating 8: Air Conditlbniny �- f L � � • � 35.' Final Ga4 ?1pp-Tesf ,� . 36. Hood or.Canopy � � � i � 37.�Finpi FBctory Firenlace � ` � 38. Fin:.t PWmbina 39. 1l'atcr Sermce�Fi�at , 40. Gas Service�Final -- i 41. Soiar pomeStic-Final � ' 42, Backflow Preventer � :3. Backflow IrYtyation " 44. Landsc�Pe Irrigation System . 45.'Sound Atte:ivation ' ' 4G. Na�dicap Regulations - 47. FINA� STRUCTURE & BUILDING 4R FINALPLANNING A9. Electric Release to E�iison 50. Gas Re{Qase to Southem California Gas C ��o. Date Date i I PO(. y SPA Inspector qppROVAIS Permi2 # Date 52. Pool & Equipment Locatlon 53. Steel Rein(orcement 54. Forms 55. Eiectrical Bond;ng � 56. Rouqh Ptumbing f� Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL 70 COVER-GUNtTE 56. Electrical Conduit�Undr�md. 59. Gas P�pe, O Undrgrnd., Test � � 60. Bacl�wash Lines, P�Trap, C Undrgrrd. 61. APPROVALTO DECK 62. Backtvash � Receptor-P�nal 83. Heater & Vent�Final 84. Plumbing System � Final � 65. Electricai-Fi�al ' 66. Solar SVstem�Finai 67. Fencing & Access An�roval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTEPING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEI:7SFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMEIVI' � V . . . ; . . r4PPR�U' VALS. ': 'Petrl�it ��_ .y�_�_ __..._.�.�_.._,.�_-..r-� �'�+ - � 70. ilndergrourni Hydro � �,F � - 71. Producti �'in�n� [`j�,�is UOii s, � � � 7z, Undergrtlund Ficgh� � � �;_:� . _ .73.' Undergrnd� Storag't� Tank � Gas ❑ (7',! - � 74.�Overhea� Hydro . ' 75. Q;ry Chemical ' � - � � 76. Dry Standpipe � �� �- r , '�` 77:� FIXE� SYSTEOdi.�iNAI, , .. �- 78. FIRE PREV. FIN�I _l � i � HFAITW DEPT.'REtiUIREfYENT I - �r------- j_ � 79. �INAL INSf'ECTIOR , i I I-) • ,�80:'FOOD CERTIF�CATE ISSUED I .� �.. Inspector ! I