HomeMy WebLinkAbout927 WILSON ST - Building Permits� PHOIECT ADOHESS: OWNEfl'SNpME: Cj2'7 W WILSON JCT aooaEss: OLLILA, EDWARD OLLILA KAREN 927 W WILSON ST COSTA MESA,CA NflCN/ENGINEEX: qU0pE5S: 92627 HEG.NO.: uxir: UNIT: PEflMITTEE: aooaess: HRISCOE ELECTRIC ( 719 ) 599-957U 810 BAKER ST 109 IICEN5E0 CONTHACTII(y QEj1EABATION: I hereby alfirm that I am IicenseA unAefbAvis6��fC1��(Fyr 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 70 0l �mision 3 0� Ihe Business and Pmfessions Code. an0 my license is in fu77oice an ei%ct ITY �IC.: STATE LIC.: CLASS: �o� 0 7 9 �i�a�r� 3 3 y C— WONREBS' P Ri10 CLABATION: I here0y affirm Ual----- 172� to 5-insu or a cerlilica�e oi Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a cerlifieA copy �hereof (Seclion 3800, La�. C). POLICV NO.: E%P. ORTE: �OMPANY: WCSBOOOS2%—O% 10/O1/99 Cetlifiea �i�eby IumisAed. ❑ Cehi�ietl Gopy is 7i1e0 wiih Ihe t�/i�y �BUiltlinpg Division. Oa1e: ✓ � / `� X ADDlicanl: ( f�L/� .ffl��/e.c�"n_` EIIEMPTION FBOM WUPRENS' COMPENSRTION OECIAflPTION: (T�i55eciion n¢ea natbe campleted il lhe Dermii is far one hundred ($11p) or less�. I cerlily Ihai in I�e perlormance oi the work lor which ihis permit is issuetl. I s�all no� employ any person in any manner so as to become sublec� Io Ihe Workers' Compensa�ion Laws ol Calitomia. �ate� Signature: NOTICE: I�, after making Ihis Declaratmn. you 5hould become sublect b �he Workers' Compensalion pwvisions of ihe LaGor Code. yau musl fotlhwii� comply wilh suc� pmvisions or t�is permi� shall be OeemeO revoketl. CONSTBUCTION LENUING AGENCY: I hereby a�firm Iha� Ihere is a constmc�ion lentling agency for �he Derformance o� �he woB �or whic� i�is permil is issue0 �Section 3097. Civ. C). LENOEX: RODPESS: OWNEfl BWLOEfl OECLAFRTION: I hereby aifirm ��ai I am exemp� Imm tne Contrac�ors' Stale License Law br tAe lollowing reason (Seclion 703L5 Business anU Professional Code: Any ciry ol couniy which reqmres a permii Io conslruct, aller, improve. tlemolish, or repair any slmc�ure. p�ior to iis issuance. also requires I�e applican� lor such permi� �o file a signed s�a�ement Iha� helshe is licensetl pursuanitoihe pmvisions a�ihe ConVacloR' Staie License Law(Chap�er 9(commencing vnlh Section 70110�o�0iNsion 3 ofihe Business and Prolessions Cotle� or that he/she is exemp� therelmm an� I�e basis �ar ��e allegetl exemplion Nny viola�ion of Seclian 7031.5 �y any applicanl lor a Dermil su�le��s Ihe applicani �o a civil penalry o� not more �han live huntlretl Dollars ($500). I, as owner of �he pmpetly ar my employees wi�h wages as their sole compensation, will tlo the work, and I�e ❑ s�mclure is nol intenaed or o��eretl �or 5ale (Sec�ion 70a4, Business an0 Pmiessional Cotle: The ConVactors' S�a�e License Law Does not appty lo an owner of a pmpetly who builds or improves [hereon, anA who Uaes such work himSelV�ersetl or ihmugh his or her own employees. O�ovitled �hat such impmvemen�s are not intentletl or oflered for sale. I�, however Ihe �uiltling or improvemeni is so10 wilhm one year o� complelion. the owner will have �he burtlen of pmving he/she tlid not builtl or improve for ihe Ourpase of sale�. I.as ownero�ihe propetly.am exclusivety con�racting wi�hlicensed conVactors�o conslruct�he pmlect(Section 7046, Business ❑ antl Pmlessions Code: The ConVadors' Staie License Law tloes not apply �o an owner of propetly wha builds or impmves thereon and who comraas for sucn pmiems with a commcmrlsl license pursuant io the Convaclors' Slaie License Law�. I am aware �hat prooi ol Iheir Worker s Compensaiion lnmrance shoultl �e pmvitled ro me. � I am exempl untler Semion: 8. 8 P. C. lor I�is reason: �aie: Owner I do heieby cenily �hai I am aware oi antl unders�antl Ihe repuiremenis of Cali�omia Healih and Safery Code Sedions 25505. 25533. antl 2553a ana I�at I ar any Iuiure building occupani willlwill not (circle one) need lo comply with saia s�ate cotles and the requirements for a permit for con5lmciion or motlificalion imm �he Art Ouality Managemen� �isVicl. Residenlial constmction applications are exemp� �mm Ihese pmvisions. Daie'. Applicani'. IhereDy <ertify Ihal I �avereatl t�is applica�ion and slale Ihali�e abovein7ormaiion oreinances and slate laws relaling �o bwltling consimction antl hereby auihorize represi Unvefs License or Social Secunry p: 16<La6 Wbi�e—Bmldmg�, SignaWre: I agree Io comply vnth all cily an0 county Ihis ciry to enier upon the abave-mentioned Pink—Revenue; Goldenrotl—Assessor ' • CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT ,, � ,^� PERMIT NO: E 067056 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ELE PORPOSE; ADD JOB DESCRIPTION ; OPGRADE FROM SOAMP TO 100 AMP SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: UPGRADE SERVICE TO 100 AMP 9E iE iF ik iE iE 9E if it iE iE iE iE jE if �E iE it iE iE iF if 9E jt if iE it iE iE af iE if �F jE jF if iE if if iE jf jf �F i�-iE iE if if if iE-1f iE iE af iE iE iE if iF-lE if jF jE iF 9f jf dE if if iE-1E±f iE iE if iE #-k M- Z O N I N GS ERTEB�AUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDZNG ------=--- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN FtGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 42420108 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> �„ �- > � ****+���t+�*�r�r**�**�***�r**+�*+�x�**+r-�ie:it:��-*****rt**�-**�*�****+t�it�x�*******�r*+��r*+t*+e***+t+�* D E V E L O P P1 E N T Si'E" R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S �� ZONING APPROVED BY �� DATE: .'/_ BUILDING APPROVED BY : ��,� DATE: (: ' �..,,/� � / p�] APPLICATION ISSUED BY; l'� IJ1._Y� DATE: 1 1` ihiEiFiEiE*ieie*1EiE*iEit*ieic�FieiEiEifieifiEie�riEi�i�iFit*rEiFT�r��b€�r***�r��F��*�**��**�c-**x-**�r***** ** *r **� if iE af jf 3f 1f it iE aE �E iE �f iE a4 9E **�F jE iE iE iE jE iE 1E 1E iF iE iE iE iE if iE iE iE �E �E it iE if iE iF if if iE ih 1E iF if if iE if iF �E if iE iE ik if iE if iF if iF 1E iE 3f iE 3f iF iE �E 3E iF iE iE IE if iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E "S U M M A R Y STR[JCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTR'IC MECAANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT ,18.50 508 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE �,15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PI,AN=CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 18,50 15.00 0.00 33.50 33.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 33.50 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC 61ECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 33,50 !. 'r 1f iF if if iE iE iE iE iE if 1E ik if iF if if 1E 3F iE iE 1ElE it fE aE if !! 1E iE if #° 9f jE 1E�E iE iElk if it iE iF iElF iE iE iE iE if if if iE iE if if i! iF if iE jE iE iE 3E if ik iE if iF if iE iE �i 1f iE if M 9E iE ik I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I�O N: UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVZCES BELOW 600.V'S BELOW 201 AMP 1f3.50 18.50 END' OF FEES Gi OO1b�075-0016��7` T f_�T 33,5p DATE: 05/O5!94 TI19E: 14:4$ � -�_----� - � I CONSTRUCTION AhD PLANNING APPROVALS Permit; t. Temporary Eler:nw' Ser:icr o��Pole 2. 5� I P�pe-Urd�gmd. ' --3. £'.sc;��a� Co�du�t lh�!�fY�Ur:i.grnd. 4. E�ectr�Cai Condu:!�Undrg�r:d. 5. Stee! ReinforcemenY o. E:=ct caI U�ER Gmd �. �nJUnos - ---' $. Fo�ndaUon . 9. '.�,ater P�pe�Undrgrd. � 70. St�utt�re� Floo• Systen I it. Property Se�+e� line & Ho� �e^.,nnnec�=on 12. Se:ier C,ap 13. Roo' Diains -_ - - _ � 14. �ou�^ Pwmb�ng �- r;5. Ro•Jgh EfeCt��ca��Con�u,t 16. Ro.:Sh EIeUr.c!'!,ring � 77. Ra�gh!V�nrgS�gn 18 Rough Elect�ica!�T Ba� Ce''��-.g I19. Ruugh 'iearing & A,r Cord�c�en��g --- j 2G. Ro�3n Facmry Flrep:3ce 2L D�Cts, in Sir�ctute . , �'<2. D��cts, Vert�!aLng - 23. G�s P�n�-ROu�n € Tes: -- 24. Roof f-•am�^g - ' . 25. RocF Sneach�ng - - - -� 26. T•Bar Ce�hng (Struct�raU 2� N;p-ocoat �� 27. Frzneand Fldshing � _ 28. l.ath;�g & S��d�nq ' J ' 25. Insu;at�on . 3J. D�r:.a�l ha:'�.ing -�- 31. ?,astrr 3•�an Coat . _ 32. E!cctrical P�••:e� ':.eter �Fi�., F-- --- I 33. �i�ai Eiec!rc . 3r4. Final Heafng & Air Conort�onm�, � 5 Final Ge5 P�pe�Tesi _ __ _ 3b. Hood or Canopy 37. F�nal Factorv F�rep�acc � 38. Final P'umuing � 39. t'� �'ater $ervwe-Final 40. Gas Serv+ce�Final . � 41. Solar pomestic-Finai � <2. Eacrcflow Preventer 43. Backf;ow Irrigation ~44, LandscaRe Irnqation Systcm _ t � 45. Sound Attenuation � 46. Hand;wp Regu'at�ons 47. HNALSTRUCTUREII+BUILDING � 48. FINALPLANNING - � 45. Electric Release te Ed�son �50. Gas Retease to $outhern CaYifomia Gas G Date Noui aa - - - --- Date � Inspetfor APPROV!!LS ?erm�t=: _� Date � I^s�pectn� � -tI- � � 1 5?. Pool B, E4..: ..��c L....c c�� � � � � 53. Stre� Rei, f�.ce^-:�t � , � � 54. Fnrm�; .____ ___ _ __ _ � '_ __. � 55. Fiect-ical Bo� d��q � � ' - �--- � I 56. Rough Plumh nc, & P�,scuro Tatt � 'i � --- - ----------'-- --i------- � 57. APPflOV�! �nCO��ERG�_:� Tf i � � ----+- ------------ -� --- ---+----; � 58. c ect���ce� C�r,c'��� d�c�•.o. --�----�- ---- --- - -' --- � --- . . 'I 59. GasP,pe. � �J+:.:r- . .' ,; �� - L � G0. Dac��._s_L� .P� .c�_ ��u.--__* .-' -_ � -7 , , -f --- �- ; GL APPftOi�'�'_`OL`E"C � ^ � G2. O.N�o..�sh tL A��c_:- ----- - ---j -----�--_- _. �-�i- � 63. Hvater 23: V�•ri�F -u. ------ -- � -�----�-� - � -- - � j --- -- - �, -- - - . �_._ I 64. ?lumbin9 Sistr�m _ � _ �� -__ _ - . � -- - _ _ " j 65. E.ectrica,-F.ra: � --- � -- -�' --, - - ��-- E6. S��ar Sys'_� ,-f�r,;' � --� - - - --- - - ---� -- - -!-- - . . � (l) FeOCing F1 Arr:'� Ho; ��. � _ - _--i. -. ___ ._' � G8. APPRDVe'J FOR °L�STERI'CG �' I^ � n p _ _ _ - __ _ _ t _ - _ _ _ �s. eo� s,a svsT�•.•s F�n.�� ' ' fIRE DF.PT. REOUIREIY1Ei�T � ', --'� --'. nnoROVF1L5 P.:m�l :. f= --i- - -�---.. __. __ _.L_" �C. Underyr�u"d H+__ -_ __ __-'��._ _ _ I l -.� - i i. Prca�ct ? m.-,: - G�� :_ 0� ---t- I -�----�-- - - �---- i2. '� J���d�;gro� � � ,.,. ' I ---j-----f----- --- - -- --- - � --- - j - - /J. u^.d,:m�mLE:^.�.r-...., .ri.� _ �.. --_'�__�__ '____-_ ___-' _ --I __" _ _. -_ _ i 7�J. O e�n::pC'+•.c�n � .-+--_____ -.'-_ _-. _ _ _ i. _ _ � _ _ t ( 75. Ury Chem,r.a� I �, ----------F----------- -------' -- �- - I 76. Jry Standn�ne � � _ � -'--- - .i --- �-�� � /7. � IXLD SVS !.� ", � i�,AL--- � - - - - - I --I-- - �I � 78. FIRE PRE\�. FI'�.HL ; --�-- - -- - �-------- - -- - - - i- - HE<.Ll'-I DcPT REQU:H[t.i';e�: �J �+>9. '=!�.ALI?:��,�`-....-------- � -i -- ----�. _ ��¢ 3�. °00� C�� P f;f"I;...' L' �c5�-- - --j-- � - �3/q�GV�`_ � -- - - - - -- = -" - - - --�---�_Nflt�s: �-s->7__pY_ _����� ��� -�w !� C� rc�oivs_ G��.� - - - - ,-,-. -- -- - - - -- - -.. ---h---- - -- OWNER � HUNSAKF�., S. P. & SONS DATE 5_3�-57 )OB ADDRESS 927 W. W1190R St. BlI1LDING PERMIT NO. �{51C2 GENERAL CONTRACTOR nymPr B� ��. VALUE S 9.90L1.00 AP. No. LOT � TRACT �KFIRE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK Res. w�att. gar. G�"`lIP I& J TYPE V ZONE R PLAN NO. 1 ' ' PERMITSISSUED INoPECTIONS DATE SUBCONTRACTOR ,,,�� ,,,,,,,,_„ Tut _ ..* 5�5� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 31� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING Ii ADDRE55 ( OWNER J. V �/'J MA�� �y`�G ADDRE55 (1G CITY � � ARCHITECT OR E�;^1NEER ADDii..�.3 2'�� !-�iL�'o,t> .ST. COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FEE RECEIVED 1����� v ` �y 21 1957 \�.-1 `` FINANCE DEPT. �tT��F COSTA MESA APPLI ON FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ' FECEIpT NO, pE�111j1�('7 J1V�; eceivEo ev nn�[ weceiveo onre issueo �f� S—.�� i 7 M11V o y �nc� TEL./�� BUILDING NO./rI�7`�'��5� ADORE55 �;n' COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA LEGAL ILOT n I I �{ � DESCRIPTION NO � 6LOCK TRACTJ�t A.P. NO. SIZE /_� /✓/y�+J 2`�f1 � NO.OF BLOGS. T OF LOT (O /l «L •� u now om �or L/ USE OF EXISTING BLDG. SETBnCH L NE FROM CENTER OF STPEET SIOE YARD '''a'� BUILDING SIZE EXTERIOR W. COVERING USE OF NEW BUILDING S� / REAR YARD � / RIGHT / / LEFT /L/ / DESCRIPTION OF WORK ALTERATION ADOITION MOVING OEMOLISH I�j' � �I ROOMS � STORIES ��T/ICGb COVOERING ,(�nL'// ia�:r= APPROVED CORRECTIONS � , f � I HEREBV ACKNOWLEOGE TXPT I MAVE REAO THIS FPPLICATION PNp ST�1TE THAT TME ABOVE IS CORRECT PNO FGREE TO COMPLY W!TH ALL CITV OR�INANCES ANO STATE LPWS FEGULATING BVILOI CONSTRVC� iiorv. n � � / � VALUATION L� PERMIT FEE � SIGNATURE OF ��� ' PERMITTEE Y� //�� ry /�'� 9 /D� PLAN CHECK � /OC —' ( // $ �/ / AUTHORIZED AGENT �G TOTAL FEE S -3E — �°'"s