HomeMy WebLinkAbout3320 FAIRVIEW RD - Building Permits�_i PXOJECTR�OflE55:�33�0 FAIRVIEW RD owxea•s xamE: WZMHLEDO,V HOME OWNERS . nooness:3320 FAIRVIEW RD COSTA MESA • CA 92626 AflLNIENGMEEB: ROOHESS: PEPMITTEE:SIM JENNINGS aoosess: 170 EAST 17TH STRFE7' r��Tn ME�SI� C LICENSEO CONiflACTOP UE LAPFTION: �here y ailirm I�al I icensed un er 7000) of �ivision 3 of the Business and Pro�essions Code. my i se � n CITY LIC.: STRTE LIC.: SS: 024�47 3927 7 Da�e: Signamre- WOflRENS' COMPENSATION OECLABATION: I hereby a�hrm a a e a cenilical[ Campensation Insurance. or a certifie� covY �nereaf (SecUon 3800. LaU. C aoucvxo.:1182768-9Zp �EXP'OFTE: SI� � camraxv:STATE FUND ] Wtlilied copy is hereby furnished. Ce ihetl copY is til wrt� I cily UNIT: flEC.NO.: UNIT: (714)64520612 p�rovisoo15 Y Chapier 9(commencing wit� Section lorce an0 of consen� to self-Insure or a cenlfi� e of Workers' 1/93� uiElin rvi n. 1 n--_ Oate: �PV��cam:— - EXEMPTIONFBOMWOP6FflS'LOMPENSIITIONOECtAilATION: �Thi55ectionn¢eEip�GetomDleteOillMperrttiti5foro�hmkreE�5100�a1e55�. I certily I�ai in ��e pedormance o� t�e work br whic� 1�is permil is issueG. I s�all not employ any person in any manner so as to become suGien lo tAe Workers' Compen5aiion Laws ol Cafifornia. Oaie: Signawre: NOTICE: II. aflee makinq ihis tleclaration, you snaultl betome suEiect ta ine warker5' Comoensation provisians of ihe Labar Cotle. yrou mu5i lahhvn�� tomply vnlh sut� pmN5ion5 or tNs Oermi� S�all G¢ 4eemeU revOkeG. CONSTflUCTION LENOING RGENCY: 1 �er¢�y a��irm I�ai Ihere is a conSimtlion IenEing a0ency lo� ihe peAormante ol ihe vrork �or w�ich this Dermil is i55ue0 (Seclion 3497. Civ. C�- LENOEfl: A�ONE$$: OWNEN BOILOEfl DECLAN�TION: 1 her¢by allirm thal I am ¢xempt Irom Ihe Conlraclor5' Slaie License Law lor Ihe following reason (Section 7031.5 Business and Pro�essional CoOe: Nny ciry ol counly w�ic� requires a permit �o con5lmci, alter, impmve, Aemolish, or re0air any simcNre. prior to its issuance. also requires the apphcant for such permit to lile a signea stalement inat helshe is licensed pursuam io the pmvisions ol the Convaaors S�a�e License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wii� Section 7000) ol �ivision 3 0l ihe Business anU Pmlessions Cotle) or Ihal �e/s�e is exemp� Iherefwm and the basis lor ��e alleAeO exemp�ion. Hny violation o� $ection 7031.5 6y any aoG�icanl lor a permit suble��s ihe apDlicanl to a civil penalty ol not more Nan live huntlred Jollaf5 (SSIp�. I, as owner of lhe pmperty or my ¢mployees with wages as IAeir sale compensatian, wiil do t�e woM, and �he ❑ slmciure is not imenaed nr ollereG lor sale (Sec�ian 70a4, Business antl Professional CaEe: Tbe Contrac�ors' Siate license Law tloes noi ap01y to an owner o� a pmperty who 6w1tl5 or impmves Ihereon, antl who Ooes suc� work himseli/herself or �OmugA bis or �er awn emDloyees. O�oviGetl �hat such impwvemenis are nui inientletl or ollered lor sale. I�, Mwever �he builtling or improvemenl is sol0 wrt�in one year oi compleiioq I�e owner vnll have Ihe burden oi Dmving he/s�e did no� builtl or impmve lor ine Duroose ol sale). I, as owner ol Ine pmpeny. am exclusively contracting wit� Iicense0 conlractors to constmct ihe Dmlect (Section 7064. Business ❑ an0 Pmlessiais CaOe: T�e Comraclors' Stare License Law Uces noi aODN �a an ovme� ol pmpefry who bWds anmDrwes �herean an0 w�o ConVaCIS lo� such prOjEc�s vn�� a cOnVaclOt(5) lic¢n5¢ O��SUani �0 I�¢ COOIrdt�0�5 $Iai¢ Lit¢�5¢ Ldw�. I am awd�¢ �hat D�ool o�l�eir Worker's Compensaiion insurance shoNA he provitlea to me. � I am exempl unGer Seciion: B. 8 P. C. �. lor I�is reason: CITY OF COSTA NESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO; B 061975 PLAN CHECR NO: 00954-93 S CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR JOB DESCRIPTION ; 12 LIN FT OF RCMU WALL @ 6' HIGH CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: 240.00 PERM NO; B 061475 GOVT; N SUPr•—:��— � PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT; 12 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS; * %� %iE 1E iE If� IF � if iE iE �F if lE iE iE iF�1f it 1E ih iE 1E dF 7F 3F 3E If 141f !E!f iF �)h!E iF at N� 3E IF if iE iF f6 iE �lE �1ElE i(� iE1E # 3f� IF )f if Ik iElE if 1E iF iEi4 )EiE ik )f #i[��FlE iF �E 3F# i(� # 1F Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCjKxSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSOkY BUILUING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT ZN RGHT: FT IN — LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT ZN PARKING RE(� • PftOV; PARCEL; 41208314 ZNE; PDR— REF NO; PLANNING N(ST'ES> 12LF 6' HIGH WALL 'I'O CLOSE OFF PRIVATE WALKWAY BETWEEN 3381 > 6 33�5 SOMMEASET CIRCLE —+�ALL ON COMMON LC1T, ' x*�r�-*�r�t*�r*�r�*�e*�*�***�r*�r*****�K�rx�***��rx��r�rx ��*�*���x*�r� �**�*�*��x�x#x *x•���r� x �*x�� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E�IV �7' "S ZONING APPROVED HY :/i!/�� DATE: 3/i3/J�3 BUILDING APPROVED BY : � APPLICATION ISSUED BY; � (, r itat*iF�c�tt-rtir*�r�i6*ie�ieiEit*iex�*�Irx�Fn-i �r.: r��iFiF',r �. R+ri ■ �r �iF7F �x3F3F3FiFiF��r�� iE 1k fk-%iE IE if iE iE if il�1! 1E k�% 3f'lE 1(� !F iFiE # 1f�il� iF it if itlf 1h 1t ih 1f ff iE if 1Fll� �1E 1! 1E k" if -0E ifif !E`%iF�)f !E if !t !h 3f 11� If LEGALI'LATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTAIC MECHANIC FIRE DATE:, lEiF3EiFihiE]bn•.�-it�Fi KriFiF3t/TiE� iF iF rt if� 1f iE iF"�(� iE �E #� if� if if- lk-0E �!E RUCT�UI�AI; SEGMENT;Y SMIP/RfiS GRAUING PEkMIT 15.00 50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 9.75 ISSIJE FEE BUILUING—DIV—> PER,NIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECIC TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 15,50 0,00 9.75 25,25 25,25 ,00 REVENUE DIVTSION T'OTALS--> COLLECTED; 25.25 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 15,00 .50 9,/5 if iF ih fF ik fF it it if it iE iE if iE if iE If iE iE jE ik 3E iF 9E iF ff iFl4 3f iE iE iE �1(�?E 1E IE if�iE �1F �1E N-iE iE iF �E # fE .Y� if if 3f # IF iF'1E 3f IF aE iF 3F 1E iF 1E )E IE,f i(� iF �F iF �1(� #!f i(� iE 1f� It )k iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST Oate: Umer. I tlo heieby cemly t�at I am awaie o� and undersland ��e reQuiremenls o� Calitomia Heallh anU Salery Code Seclions 25505, 25533, anU SFR 2557E ana �tul I or any Iuiure building occuDani vnlVwill not (cittle one) ne¢4 to [omply with Saia Slaie co0e5 anE Ihe requirements br a peimil loi tons�mtlion or modihca�i0n �mm Ihe Nir Ouality Managemen� Oi5iritl. Re5i0ential ConS�mtiion appliw�ions are eKempt �mm 10¢5¢ pf0Vi5i0115. Oale I hereby [etlily Ihal I have reae I�is ap ortlinances and slate laws relaling to Gui pmpetly for inspeclion Durpose6. Dale: Drivefs License or $ocial Seanly M: to comply with all city an0 counly to enlerupanihe above-mentione0 t6at-46 Whne—Builtling; Grean—CODe EnlorcemenL Canary—Ap0licanl: Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl— ssesmr 12 RES—CONCRETE BLOCK WALL / FT, 20,00 END OF FEES 290,00 .��_. CONSTRUCTION AND PIANNING 1PPROVALS Permit v t. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole � - 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3. Electricaf Condoic Uti4ity-Und�grnd. 4. Electrical Condwt�Undrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcement � - 6. Electrica� UFER Grnd. 7. Footings 8. Foundation 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. . 10. Structural Floor Svstem 71. Property Sewer Line &�HouseConnection 12. Sewer Cap � 13. Roof Orains � 74. Rough Plumbing 15. Rough Eiectriwl-Conduit • ' - 16. Rough Electric W��ing ' 17. Rou9h Wiring Sign 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 21. Duct:, in Svuccure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe•Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Foof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ceiling IStructurall & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. tathing & Siding 29. Insulation 30. Drywall Nailing 31. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electrital Power Meter-Final 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. F�nal Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbi�g 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service•Final 41. Solar pomestic-Fina� 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation SYsrem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Nandicap Regul�tions 47. FINAL STRUC7URE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Ed(son 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co Date Date . A � � 1g e P0� . SPA Inspector APPROVAIS Permit# 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Eiect�ical6onding 56, Rough Piumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas P�pe, O Undrgmd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P-Tcap, O Undrgrnd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finai 63. Heater & Vent•Final 64. Plumbing SYstem - Final 65. ElectricabFinal 66. Solar System-Final 67. Fencing & Access Appruval 68. APPAOVED FOR P�ASTERING 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL FtRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit �' 70. Underground Hytlro 71. Product Piping O Gat � Od 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storaye Tank � Gas ❑ Oil 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Siandpipe � 77. FIXEO SYSTEM FINAL • � �� � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL � � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT � . J9. FINAL INSPECTION � . 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED -r-�- - ' ' NOteS: 0 Date � Inspector c