HomeMy WebLinkAbout700 20TH ST - Building PermitsPN0.IECTROOflFSS: 7OO W 20TH ST awNcesxnme: FRANR MANES aoosEss: 10802 DESHIRE PL �—� CAL90230ITY (310)839-2064 ABLN/ENGINEEfl: �DDHE55: flEG.NO.: uxrt: A,B,C uNrt: PEflMITTEF: FRANK MANES ( 310 ) 839-2064 FOONESS: SO8O2 DESHIRE PL CULVER CITY CA 90230 UCENSEO CON7flRtTOfl OFCIAMT10N: I hereCy atlirm Ihdtl am tic¢nSeE un0er provbions olChapter 9(wmmenting wilh Sectial 7000� ol Oivision 3 oi I�e Business an0 PrOfessions CaOe. an0 rtry littme a In fuA torCe an0 eflect. LITY LIL.: STRTE LIC.: ClASS: Uale: 9gnature: (;,�,�NKE85' COMPEN5/1710N UECIAMTION: I hereUy aHum W� I luve a certititate af mnseni to sel6inwre w a urtitiwte oI WorkerS .Sy, mpenulion Insurance. or a cenitie0 copy Ihereof (SetGan 3800. LaO. C). ��OLILY NO.: E%P. D�TE: COMPRNY: ❑ cenu�ea co�y rs nereey m�snea. ❑ CenilieC capy is IileA vnlh the dty ButlCing Division. � Dale: AppfiCant: El(EMPTION FflOM Yl�flNEflS' WMPENSITION OECIAPATION: (ilis stt4on nce0 no10e cm�pkte7 it Ne permt s im one huMred �5100� a kss�. I ceNty Itul in the petlorman[e ol Ihe wor4lor w�i[li thit Dermit is � su s�all not employ any persan in any manner so as to become suDject m t \Yarkeri Compensauon Laws ot CaGtortua. � Oate: SignaWre: `n�'�'�- NOTI E: II, atier making tNs deUaratbn, you sIroNO become su01�< <o Ne WOM1srs Compensation D��ons of Ihe labor COGe. you mu5i Iorlhvni� camDly wi�� suc� piwisions or ttd5 permi� SIIaA Ee deemed revokeU. CONSTNUCTION LENOING RGENCV: I �ereGy aHirm Itut lhere is a constructbn IeMinq agency for tAe pedarmance of ihe waM1 for whicn inis permil is issued (Section 3W7. Civ. CI. LENOEN: RODflES$: OWNEB BWlOEN OELIAMTION: I �erc0y allirm t1a1 I am erempt imm the Convactars' State Lkeme Law tor t�e I011owinA reason (Seciion 7031.5 Business ana Profess�onal Catle: My city ol county which repuirw a permit io consimct, alter, impmve, tlemolisR m re0air any simcmre. O��o� to its issuance, also reQww t�e appEcam lor such per�rvt m lile a vpne0 sWtement ihat hNs�e is IianSeC pursuam to Ihe pwviswns ol t�e Comracmri Stare License Law (Chapter 9(wmmencinq mth Section 70W) ol Division 3 of ihe Busineu ana Pmlessions CaOq oi t�ai �e/s�e is exempt ��emlrom anG t�e Dasis lor the a0epea e.emption. My violation ol Section 7037.5 Ey iny aoDliCanl lor a permit su6jttis Ine appirani to a tivJ pelWty of tqt more itNn liv¢ hurbreE tldlars (5500). I, as awner al Ihe pmcehY or rtry emqoyea vnt� waga az iheir sole campensaUon, wUl tla l�e work. anE tAe ❑ stmcmre is no� imendetl ar ofiere0 for ule (Se�lion 70a4, Business anE Pmfeuianal Cade: TAe Caniractors' State License Law Coes noi appN �o an owner ol a Ompeny wM Eutlas w improves thereon, anG wlq Goes wc0 work �imcelOAersell or thmuph nis or ner own employees. pmviaea mat sucn imprmemenis are noi intenUeE or oflereG for sale. II, �ovrever t�e �uilding or improvemenl is so10 vnlMn ane yWr ol fAmpletion, the owner vn0 tuve tM OUMen of pmwip �Us�e EiG not Eui10 or impmve br Ihe ouroose of sale�. I, az owner ol t�e pmDeny. am eeclusively coniracting wit� IicenseG contracmrs to cansimct tAe O�olect (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ anE Prolessims CaEe: TAe Comrxtors' State liceme Law Uces no� appN �o an wmu o� Oroperry wAo EuilQs ar improves Rcereon antl who comracis br suc� pmlecis with a wmracmqs) license Oursuanl to t�e Contractors' Siaie L¢ense Law). I am aware inal o�ool ol ineir Work¢r's Compensation insuran[e stroul0 Oe prwiaetl to me. � � am eaemp� untlei Sectian: B P% O 4 4 B. 8 P. C. mrmisreason: ALL WORK BY OWNER J� Da�e: ��/ �Cl 'L Qrmer. „` � '�Y� 1 tlo he�eUy tenily thdt I am aware al an0 un0erstana ine reQuirements of Catiiomu Health antl Safe�y CoEe Sections 25505, 25573, ane 2553A an0 Inal I or any fulure Guiltling o[cupanl willlwill not (circle ane) neea lo compty wit� sai0 stale coUes antl Ne repuirements lor a permit for constmclion o� moCilication f:om the Air OuaOry Management Ustnct. PeSiGentul constmction aDPlirations are exempt irom �hese pmvisions. oate: Apvlicanc � I �er¢by cerlilyt�all haverea01Ai5 aDD���ion antl S�ate�hatlhe a0oveintormaiion ¢ correct lagree�o comply wi�h allciry antl cawry ortlinances antl sia�elawsielating�a �uiltling cons�mction anU �ere�y ut ' ereD�esenlaiives ollhis cirylo enteruponihe a�ove�menlione0 pm0e�ly lor inspection purposes �ale`�/ 9 z Signalure: �� -,��� �.� oriver's �icense ar Sociai Securi�y x: 164L46 W�ile—Builtling; Green—COOe Enio¢ement; Canary—ApO��canC Pink—Revenue; GdaenroC—Asseswr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B U5585_ PERMIT NO: B 055859 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ALT JOH DESCRIPTION : INSTALL GARAGE DOORS SQ FT: 400 CLAIM VALUE: 400.00 CALC—VALUE: 400.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS: REMOVE'MAN DOORS'/REPLACE W/GARAGE DOORS ****�*�r*�**�r�***�*�*****�r�****�r�r�**�r��+�*�r�*�*�**�***�r��***����*�r+t+��r*�x��**�****� Z O N I N G R E(j U I R E M E N T S sETaAcxs ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PLANNINGRN6'�ES> PROV; PARCEL: 42225108 ZNE; REF NO: > *�r��***x�*�**��*x***�r***�rx�*�x**��*****�r***r**�t***�*��**�*�***�t**�c***�**�****�e*�r D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V Z C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY• DATE: �'� iFiEififif�llflfiF�lEiEiEiElEilk�kiFkiEiEik . r iFiFiFiEiflE3FiEiFiEifiE3f / iE1F �EiE1f�EififiE�FiEififitifikiEififlFififikifififiElFil3EilkiliE 1FiEiEiE iFafiF �.If�fiElflEikfk�fiE3f�E3FfE3fiEif�7(��kafifiFjfiFiElEifaFiE3fiE3F�FiFifif LEGALIZATION;Y F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 30.00 50 PLAN SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE BCIILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DIIE TOTALS----> 30,50 0,00 0,00 30.50 30,50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 30.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLD30P00 PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOO GRADING PLAN—CHECK iF if iF iE if if ik if if iE 3f iF if iF iF �E M iE iF M if iE IE fE k �F 3F �E k if �f iF iE �E iE if if iF M if if iE �t iF 3f �t 1E �F ie iF iF if if if i4 jE M�f iF if 1f iE if M k 1f If ii iE iF if iF iE if iF if if iE iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 400 ALTER BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 400,00 END OF FEES ,�: n?��1�` � ' "!�' . :n`:c: D_/?:, . . COti!.'.•�TRUCTION AND PLANN,,_. _ OOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector qPPROVAIS Permit# Date Inspector 1. Te�.iporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location � 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steei Reinforcement �. ' 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Eiectrical Conduit•Undrgrnd. 55. Electriwl Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. B. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. , 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Scructural Floor System 61. APPROVAI TO DECK 71. Property Sewer Line & House Conneciion 62. Backwash & Receptor�final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Roof Orains 64. Plumbing System - Final � 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrica�-Final 75. Rough Electriwl-Conduit 66. So�ar System�Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rough Wirin9 Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electriral�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rouqh Factory Fireplace APPROVALS� Permit # - 21. DuCts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Produc[ Piping O Gas � Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush- 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas OOiI 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lath�ng & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation . 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat . 79. F�NAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final � 80. F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Eleciric � Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning _ 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test , 36. Hood or Canopy � � 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing � - 39. Water Service�Final � � � 40. Gas Service�Final 41. Solar pomeStic�Fina1 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation System 45. Sound Atcenuation 46. Handicap Regulations _ � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING ���� � 46. FINALPLANNING 49. Elec[ric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to $outhem California Gas Co . � 51. CERTIFICA7E OF OCCUPANCY No. Date OWNER �� DATE JOB ADDRESS 700 West 20th Street (C� BllILDING PERMIT NO. AP. No. L-7—J41Sptj7 TRACT (�12 PIRE ZONE PLAN NO. �!ECTIONS � DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR I DATE P�RMITSNUMBER ! � wu[ Test �.�o���.��i'�.-f��i�/ST'�19i�fS`l�ror.rrn. ..�_'"'_ � �e M1 � ��� ��� �915 COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT .a.o.eox 3i7 COSTA MESA. CA6IFORNIA eui�owc AODRE55 OWNER FOR APPLICANT 70 FILL IN 'p� ��p7,�'�Sr,cr6'T' i COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA \ �r� tY,t�/�e.21/ ARCHITECT OP 'GINEER AOLnE55 coNrRnqtIIM1lAR BUILDER3, INC 2430 NE P . ADDRE55 COSTA MESA. CAIIF, LEGAL LOT�-��p/ 8��— oESCaIPiIOrv NO��Y' �� BLOCK A.P.NO. f /S �' �y/ OF LOT /OOC /..7 % � �4� TEL. NO. LIC. No �IC. NO. TEL. NO. TRACT `'�a rvO.OF BL�GS. �IOW ON LOT SE:Bf^K^f NE FROM� ' �� � ���/ N E�' REPAiR _Ei Q j REAR YARO � RIGHT �O LEFT � DESCRIPTION OF WORK � ALTERATION A�DITION MOVI G DEMOLISH � ' NO.OF �J.7�3i' ROOMS '� STORIES� EXTERIOR WALL COVERING LISE OF NEW BUILDING � 1 ROOF COVERING , '�nrJA"J � /K �Gc? u'�1�� ���E���D 3-3o_s�t y� Fl�i�f��E DEPi. APPLICATION�F R �RMIT �BUILDIN�G�� FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ,� � I �� scY> > I �—�i - G COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA �-_ NO.OF (%� TVPE GROY P % NS / % � �J � t [o /.7..��� /J � Gf�%f� DATE J � S CORRECTIONS � CI"CY OF r:,-- r sue�cci io Tn r.aEsa, z�� 3. DEPT. REG. � i: �xi.i I�i�/Lt���-' y✓ %�i4G/`�trY% iJ1-11 F V �4 � � VA1i. I'JG. NY'i"v �L' �- [J O�o�� i'..tn? c..S'Yrr. I HEREBV wCKNOWLEOGE THAT I HPVE fl6/O THIS FPPLICATION AN� �/ STFTE TN<T TXE ABOVE I$ CORRECT FND pGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL purpose of esiabiisning a permit fe° 0�')� CITY OF�INANCE$ INO $TATE �P�N$ REGULAT�NG BVIL�ING CONSTRUC� ?1ON. VALUATION SIGNATURE OF ��� ��0�� PERMiT FEE $ � � PERMITTEE � . $ ��p� PLAN CHECK S I� : AUTHORiZED AGENT p/'D 0�' � TOTAL FEE S 33 • OWNER HICKEY� RUTH DATE 3-31-59 ]OB ADDRESS �nn A r".� R Wr.st ?(lt.h Sb. BUILDING PERMIT NO. $916 GHNERALCONTRACTOR R.,,,��r fl�,�r� VALUES ' 1L.L�A9 DESCRIPTION GROUP J TYPE V ZONE � ?ECTIONS . DATE SUBCONTRACTOR md ✓ coot tn rixtures, t�inal 7-� ' f' GasTest/r^IS' /1%�'/'S 7�/�Sfi SPECIAL REQUIR�MENTS � . ' ���� � : , COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 31� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN eui�owc nooRess p �� r o'T/�% T.c'.�i COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA OWNER /� �TftT �.: .f���i/ CITY( ✓s�.a ///Ii<.Yf " /,.r '�No: b�� �/a /.f� ARCHITECT LIC. � OR FNGINEER NO. AOL _�5 coHrRncroROMAR BUILDERS, ����c. N o. 2430 NEWPORT BLV � nooeEss COSTA MESA. CALIG, � Ho. LEGwL LOT p + OESCaIPTION NO.� / ¢ �� BLOCK � TRACT �P A.P. NO. �'� � — � SIZE /�j 1 NO.OF BLOCS. �( OF LOT /Q ii� � 7 7 , NOW ON LOT S�� USE OF ' EXISTING BLDG. �iSEiBiCK LINE FROM � �/T NEW iET J �. REAR VARD �Q' RIGHT �� LEFT ��} DESCRIPTION OF WORK A�TERATION ADDITION MOVING OEMOLISH BUILDING `�-��,(`�'�"� NO.OF Q SIZE d� ROOMS (J STORIES EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING COVERING USE OF NEW :` � Cl �°�� ����Q�E� ,3— �30 - S`�( FipANCE OFPT. �`� A P P L I�G?A T I;O:N�F�O'RSP E R M I T BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NO. pERM!I,T NO � 7 �� ECEIVE� BV �<TE RECEIVEO O.�TE I65UE ,.__ 3_3v—s�i 3, �, - L1� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA R CITY O�'' C' �"T a nstSA ����� . SUBJECf TO B G. DEPT. REG. r r a�a u r,� .-, l� e.l .� �`. _. � ��✓ ?� �� •�•� "� � 2 .,.) .r.� t�.'e �' : :'. i .... �.v ... .� � .�,1 .✓ BUIL�ING �! � 7J / L�"U.�Y�o % ---__._...__ r �� p _� '� �j�p .'i:'('�:::�`�:_I� O_ � � e� � i�✓ Vi�n'. i•i0.�_ The Amount shown under valuation is for the I NEPEBY AC1(NOWLE�GE THAT I NiVE READ TXIS APPIICATION 1NO STnTE TNRT THE aBOVE IS CORRECT RNp FGREE TO COMPLY WITX RLL purpose of es�abfshing a permit i2a on;y. CITY OR�IN�NCE$ ANO $ThTE ��W$ REGUL�TING 9UILOING CONSTRUC- TiON. VALUATION SIGNATURE O PERMiT FEE S 3/rC PERMITTEE • o+ /.//�/L�3�� $ � 7� PLAN CHECK $ AUTHORIZED AGENT TOTAL FEE $ �/ / �Mr �