HomeMy WebLinkAbout546 VICTORIA ST - Building Permits� � � PP6IECTROOflFSS: ..S-�}G�VICTORIA ST ' OWNEIYSNRME: CITY OF COSTA MESA aooeess: pUBLIC SERVICES 77 FAIR DR 754-5291 FflCHIENGINEEfl: �DUflESS: PEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PENMIiTEE: CITY OF COSTA MESA ( 714 ) 754-5291 nooaess: 77 FAIR DR COSTA MESA CA 92626 LICENSEo LONTqRLiOB DECUMTION: I nereGy allirm ihat I am ticrosM un0er 0����5 of Chapter 9(wmmencin0 w+�n Section 7000� ot Division 3 0l 1�¢ Busmess an0 Pmlessions Coae, anU my licenu is in lull lorce anJ eifect. CITY LIC.: STRTE LIC.: LU55: Oate: Signalure: WONREXS' COMPENSRTION OECNNPTION: I �ere0y allirm ihat I �ave a certilicaie ol consent to setbinsure or a certilicate ol Workers' Comoensalion Insurance, or a ceniliea coOY �hereoi (Section 3800, LaU. CI. POIICY NO.: EXP. ORTE: comraxr: ' ❑ CeniheG copY �s �ereEy Wmis�e0. ❑ Certifie0 wpy is IileO vntA I�e tiry BuilGing Oivision. ,aie' Applitdn�: E%FA1PfI0N FpOM WONI(ENS' COMPENSAPON OEfAMRTION: (itis sttiion MeG not Oe cmWeteE il Ihe perml6 ta ane AuMfeU (5700) or kss�. I cenity ihdt in ihe petlormance ol t�e wOrk iw wkG1 tNs permil is iSweE, I Sllall not empby any persOn in any manner 5o ds to become 5u0jeti lo the W rkerS' ComDe����On Laws ot Calitornia. �(}j � �) iJ /!/ // ��� Oaie: Siqnature: Y�� � �1 ���T� NO71C + II, aite maNinA ihis tletlaratian. you shoNO Oecome 5u0jat ta l�e Workers' Compensation pmvigons ol t�e LaGor COCe. you musl lart�wit� wmpy wit� suc� prwaion5 w tlr5 p¢rmii Slull Oe GeemeG revokCd. CONSTNIICTION LENOING �GENCY: I �ere0y affirm t�at ihere is a consiruction lentling a0ency for t�e ceMormance al the work for w�i[h IhiS D¢rmit is i55ueA �Seclian 3097. Gv. C�. LENDEX: ROUflESS: OWNEP 6UILOEB OECUBRTION: I nereey alfirm ttut I am exemo� Irom �ne Comractors' State License Law lor Ihe taltowinp reason ISection 7031.5 Business anU Professional CoOe: Airy tilY ol county wMch r¢QViros a oermit Io wminlct. alter, improve, Oemalish, or rtOdif dny S�fUCIU!¢, pfl0f IO IIS ISSudOCC, dIW fCpul!¢5 I11! dpD��� �Of Sutll plfrttii IO IdE d SIA�lE SldltrtlEOi Itldi IIU5�8 i5 IICEOSBE pursuam io i�e O�ovisions ai i�e Coniractors' S�a1e License Law (Chapier 9(mmmendnq wi�h Section 7000) al 0ivision 3 0l ��e Busineu anA Pmlessions CoEe) o� ihal he/she u ezempt t�erefmm antl t�e basis lar i�e aPepM e.emD���� �Y hoWtion al Sectbn 7U71.5 Gy any apDlicant for a permil 5u0j¢Cts ine aoDlitant to a tivil ce���Y ot nol more thdn live nunEreO tlollars (�`��. � I, as owner ol Ine pmperty ar my empIryees wit� wapes as Iheir sde mmpensa�ion, wlll Uo ��e waM, anU Ihe stmcwm is not inten0ed or allere0lor sale (Sectwn 70aa, Business �nE Protessianal Cotle: T�e Cantractors' State License Law Ooes nol apDlyto an Owner ol a praDerty who OuilOs otimprovt5 I�ereOn, an0 wAo d0e5 suth xqrk �im5¢Iil�erseli orlhroup� Ais or ner own emo�oYees. O�otiOeA inat sutn improvemenis are nolinieneetl or oflerea for Sale. If, nowaver tne Cuiltlinp or imD�ov¢ment is 5014 wilAin one year oi com0leiion, I�e Pxner will have �he OurOen o� pmvinp �Us�e Oi0 not Ouild or improve lor t�e Durpose ol sale�. I. as owner ol I�e pmpeny, am erclusiv¢Iy comrattinp wilh litensea comractors lo conslmci Ne D�ole�� (Seclion 70da, Busines5 ❑ antl Pmlessions CoOe; The Caniraclors' Siate licen5e law does nol apPH �o an owner o� pmp¢rry who �utlGs or ImOrove5lhareon and who conVacls lor such prqects vn1A a contradm�s�licensa pursuanit0 �he Conira[tors' $lale Lit¢n50 Law�.l am aware I�al proof ol ��eir Workei 5 Compen5aiion insUfante shoultl Ge proviOeG IO me. � I am ezempt unaer Se[lian: B. b P. C. for lnis rtason: �/ 7 � /y Dare: �//G[//7 Ci Onnei: ��id 6e—"—t I 00 �ereUy [¢rii Ihal I m awar¢ ol and untlerstanE I�e reQuiremenis o� Calilomia,Heatlh and $al¢�y COAe S¢t�ions 25505, 2� 2553a an0 I�a� I or any IUWre Ouiltling acupani mAAviA no (pme onel neea io compry vdm saia s�aee caaes ana me repuiremems lor a permil lor canslNclian ot mOCilitation irom Ine Art OuaO�y Marupemeni DatriCt. fleSiGeniial mrttWction aOV�iWtionS are exempl Irom I�eu provi5ions. Date: MO�kant: I h¢re�y terlily ��al I �ave rea0 i�i5 aDDlicaiion and Siate Iha� Ihe a0ov¢ in�ormatian is caffed. I agree lo mmpty wilA all Ciry anG COUniy orainances ana state laws relalinq lo Ou�Eing crosimclion aM �e�e0y amtarize reO��nlaiiv¢s of t�is tiry to enter upon ihe ahove�mentione0 pmpetly lor inspetlion Ourposes. Date: w Signalure:��.�L6 �� orrve� s ucense o� ocin security R: 16a1-a6 WM¢—BoilEiig; Green—CaEe Enfarremem: Canary—ApplicanC Pink—Revenue: Gdtlenrotl—Assessor �� CITY OF COSTA MESA — B[1ILDING PERMIT PERM NO: E 058235 PERMIT NO:"-E '058235 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: Y SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; nLE PURPOSE; OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : McTER FOR R.O.WAY LANDSCAPINGTIMER S� FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: / COMMENTS: VICTORIA STREET WIDENING *+€� rxx*x��e*+r*�e+t#�r�r*�r�e* �r*�**��e �t�e�rr.**�x�**�r�t*�r•x�r���r*�x**�r***�*��r*+���t***x*****+r**K Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K 5 ------------ MAIN BUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSURY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: PT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTESi i *�***�**�*�*����***��**���***��*+�:,���e**��,�*�**�,����*+��*�*���«�*�+�*+�,�*�*���*�*r��* D E V E L O P M E N T — S'E R V I C n S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY ' DATE: HUZLDING AFPROVED BY : =� DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY• ��� DATE- 'L,e //��l #f i(� iF i4 iE if If iF if iE iF if %� if if iE if iE iE iE if if iFiFil'��iFiF 1E IE i(� # 1F if 1F ik 1f��iF�iP'R *� if iF 3E �E iE if jE iE if if it �IF 1E if 1ElE iE If iF M ff +if aF ik ik 1E 3k �f 3F iFiF iE it iElE it fE iFfFlE IFlf ik �k iP 1k iF if iE i? 3F it iP �FiF ii� iF 1f iF ik iF iF iE k k IE ik 1E iE 3E if )f iE 1FiF if 3f it LE:GALI2ATION;N F E E S li M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERN,IT 18 . 50 508 SMIP/NON—RLS PLAN ISSUE FEE 15,00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 ,00 ,00 REVENUE DIVZSION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: .00 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK !E if 1f iE If k iE if !f 1FlE i!�iF iE if IF 1F 3F iE if if �f iE iF iE if if #F if If 1E �E ik 1E iE iE iE iE 1E 1S� 1F ik if �E if iP IE i(• iE i(� if iF iE if 1E Y 1F if �f {f� iE k it iF iF iF IE �41Fi4 if iE if 1f If ae if iE 3f I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE [1TY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600 V 6 BELOW 201 AMP 18,50 18.50 END OF FEES I 1 f.n 1�j`• - T � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOI A APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # Date inspector � , i, Temporary Electrical Service or Pole � 52. Pool & Equipment Location % 2. Soi1 Pipe•Undrgrnd. 53. Steol Reinforcement . ; ' 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms. • � 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgmd. 55. Electriwl Bonding . ' � � 5. Steel Reintorcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Eiectrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Fooxings 58. Etectricat Condult•Undrgrnd. -$, Foandation ' 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Test . 9. Water Pipe•Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System ' 61. APPHOVAL TO DECK , 11. Property Sewer line & House Conneaio� 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final i 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Pinal � 13. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final , 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Elettricai-Final • 15. Rough Electriwl-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final ' ' 16. Rough Electric Wiring ,� 67. Fencing & Access ApProval ' )7, Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTER�NG 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL ��� 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 20. Rough Factory Fireplace � APPROVALS Permit # 21: DuCts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Produci Pipin9 OGas OOiI 23. �Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush Zq, Roof Framing 73. Unde�grnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25� Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and fiashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. I�sulation 78. FIRE PpEV. FINAI 30. Drywall Nailing ' HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIflEMENT 31, Plaster Brown Coat , i 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final � ' 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED i - 33. Final Electric � Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � 35. Finai Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factorv Fireplace ' 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water $ervice�Final 40. Gas Service-Final � 41, Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer ' 43. 6ackflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation SYstem 45. 5ound A[tenuation 46. Nandicap Regulations 47. FINA� STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINALPLANNING "` 49. E�ectric fielease to Edison � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co i< 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date �