HomeMy WebLinkAbout925 VAN NESS CT - Building Permitst �� PflOJECT AUONESS: 9 2 S ���N NESS �T owNensnamE: CUNNINGHAM, FATRICIA J aooness: 925 VAN NESS CT CO3TA MESA,CA 92626 ABCMIENGINEEfl: aooxess: PEpmiTTEE: gILT—WELL ROOEING aooness: 3310 VERDUGO LOS ANGELES CA 9 IICEN5E0 CONTNACTOP OECtAflATION: I h¢retiY affirm Ihat I am Iiten5e0 Untler prov 7000� ol Oiv�sion 9 0l I�e Business antl Pmles5i0ns Co�e. and my license is in full f e an cirruc�p3407�6q S�T/qTEUC.:4�HO �at '� �—/X% . ' flREflS' COMPENSATION DECLANATION: I h8�eby a��irm Iha� I have a Cerii ita Comoensation Insurance. or a cenilied copy tAereof (Section 3800. Lab. C�. roucvNo.: W937102489 E%P.OATE: O�]/31 � comvaxr: CAL COMP INS. ❑ Cendietl copy is hereDy Nmisned. Q Cenifie0 coDY is file0 with Ih � �_/--r'i,/ UNIT: NEG.NO.: uxir: (714)758-3501 1 CAap�er 9 �com cing wi�h Sec�ion :Bect. �"' ; O1/94 ENEMPTIONFflOMWOflNEflS'LOMPENSATIONOECIANpTiON: (ThissedionneeEnotbecompleteDilthe�de7�eriehunAreU�3100�orless�. I cerli�y Ihal in Ihe pedorman[e ol Ihe work lor which this permit is i55ueQ I shall nof emDloy any person in any manner so as �o become su�lecl lo t�e WorkerY ComOensatian Laws al Califomia. Uale: Signalure: NO710E: If, afier making t�is tleclaralion. yo0 shoWd become su�lett to ihe WOBers' CamDensation pmvisions of ihe La6or CaUe. you musl fotlhvnih comply wi�h suc� P�ovisions or Ihis permii shall be tleemeA revokeA. LONSTflUCTION 1EN01NG AGENCY: I �ereGy a0irm t�at Ihere is a cons�mction lentlinp agency lor ��e pedormance ot Ihe work �or w�ich Ihis permit Is issued �Setlion 3W7. Civ. CI. LENDEN: IIOUflE$$: OWNEB BWLOEB OECLANRTION: I Aere�y a��inn ihal I am eKempt tmm Ihe ConVacto�s' S�a�e License law br the following reason ISec�ian 7031.5 Business antl Pmiessional CoOe: Any city o1 county which repuires a permit m consimct, alter, impmve, demolish, or reDair any Slmclure. O�ior Io ils issuance. also requires Ihe apDlicant for such permil lo file a signetl statement �ha� he/she is licensetl pursuantlot�e O�ovision5 o�l�e Coniraqors'SIa18 ���ense Law�Chapter9(commencing with Seciion 7000� o�Division 3 ol��e Business ana Professions Coeel or Ihat he/she is exempt t0ereimm ana Ihe basis lor Ue allege0 exemption. Fny violation ai Section 7037.5 6y any applicant �or a permit Sublecis �he aOPlicant Io a civil penalry ol no� more lhan live huntlBtl tlollars (55001. I, as owner of ine pmpeny or my smployees with wages as iheir sole compensation, will do ihe work, and ihe ❑ slmtlure is no� inlentleE or ollere7lor SaIE (Secuon 70aa, Business antl Pwfessional Cotle: T�e Caniracrors' $tate License Law tloes not aoPlyto an owner o1 a propeny who builas orimpmves tAereon, antl who Ooes suctl wofk himsell/herseltorinrough his or �er own employees, proNtletl t�a� such improvements are not intended or ottered lor sale. Ii, �owever ihe builaing or impmvemenl is soltl within one year ol cPmplelion, �he owner will have the burden o� Dmving he/she did noi bui10 or impmve lor Ine Durpose ol sale). I, as owner o� t�e pmpeny, am exclusivelq con�rac�ing wiih Iicense0 contraclors to coretmc� IAe O�oject (Section 7044, Business ❑ and Pmlessions Code: The Contracmrs' S�ate License Law Ooes not aDPly to an owner oi Omperry who builtls ur impmves thereon antl who coniracls br such Orojects wilh a conVac�oqs� license pursuant �o �Ae Contractors' Slate License Law),I am aware Ihal pmoi ol �heir Worker'S Compensa�ion insurance shoultl he pmvitled ro me. � I am exempt un0er Section: 0. 8 P. C. br �liis iee5an: Oa�e: Ownec I tlo here�y cetli�y I�at I am aware ol antl untlersl9ntl Ihe requiremen�s ol Califomia Heal�h and $afety Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, antl 2559a an0 ihal I or anytuture builtling occupaniwill/will not (circle one) need to comDly with said state codes and ihe requiremenisfor a permii lor consimction or matlilicaiion irom Ihe Air Oualiry Managemenl District. Resitlen�ial constmciion applica�ians are exempt fmm Ihese pmvisions. Ddi¢: Applitdnl'. I hereby ceriily Ihal I have reatl Ihis applica�ian antl s�ate Iha� Ihe above informalion arainances antl sia�elawsrelalingto builUing conSiNc�ion and hereby authorizerepres� properiy lor inspeclion /p7ur.po/se�s. Oat � �'7 f� Sigtla�ure: Oriver's �icense or Socia� Securiry a: �II ci�y antl munty ihe above-mentioned �GCLa6 While—BUAtling�, Green—Cotle Enloicemenl', Canary—Applmant; Pink—Revenue: Goldenmtl—Assessor CITY GF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO; B 067789 PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR JOH DESCRSPTION ; T/OFF & REROOF WITH COMP. E HUR IN BACK PERM NO; B 06778� GOVT: N SUPP; N PURPOSE; OTH SQ FT: 1,100 CLAIM VALUE: 1,1U0,00 CALC—VALUE; 1,100,00 GROUP OCC: R-1 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTOR5 ARE REC�UIRED IN EVERY BEDROOM 6 HALLWAY *i��c-�*�**x�#*f�**�-�r+r****�r#**�+��t+r**� **�t*��r**+t+�*+c�*x�*ir#*f�+rx�*x�*x�r*#i�#�**#�r�t�t-x-x�***��** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSQRY BUILDING --------- FRNT: ET IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN FARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL; 41808353 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING D70TE5> i, ,***u�*���***��c�r+��**x�rx��r�r��*�r�rx��x��r�a��*+r+r*�****��rx��r+��*�+�*�r*�r�**+r***�*+rx**�r**t�***** D E�� E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q IJ I R E ht E N T S ZUNING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILPING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: � � �4— ifje3f3tiEifiEiFif�lEifiEiPiFit�FiEiEifififi@ » if3EiEif9EiF1f3tii3ETr�Fir' ?FxxkT 9E iE iE jE iE iE �E iE 3E iElE iE if 1f jF 1E iE iF iE 1f �lf if iE 3h if �E iE # 9k iF if IE 1f i4 if -%9E 1E if if� iE iF 3f 9f if iE 1E # iE if iF fF ih if iF if 1E 1E #�E iF i! 1E iF if iE iE if if �IE iE M R- * jE �c i�' iE iE iE iE LEGALI2ATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGM'NT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 27.00 ,50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSOE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 27,50 Q.QO O,OQ 27.50 27,50 ,00 REVENUE DI�'ISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 27,50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CAECK 2�,�� .5� 'k iE iE 1E fE iE 1f iE if iE iE iE iF 1E iE iE iE �IE if ik 1! fE 1f fE 5F if lE i! if iE iE iE jElf if')E fE jE iE iElf iElt iE 9ElE # 1f iE 1E if iF 1E if iFlE iE iE 1E if iE # iE 1F')E # jE iF 1f # iE iF iE iE i(� 3F iFiF iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 1100 REROOF BY VALDE RESIDENTZAL N020NE 1.00 1,100,00 END OF FEES t�l �0163287-00163285 T OT 27.`0 6ATE: 07/01/94 TItiE: 08:46 _ �. CONSTRUCTtON AND PLRNNWG POOL . .'A APPROVALS Permit#"� Date Inspector APPROVAIS Permit� Date Inspector 1 i. Temporary Electrica{ Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location ( 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinfarcement � 3. Electrical Conduft UtiGty-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms � 4. Etectrical Conduit-Undrg: nd. 55. Electrical Bonding ! 5. Steel Reinfo�cemen; 56. Rough Plumbing & PresSure Test � 6. Eiectrical UFER Grnd_ 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � 7. Pootings 5$. Electrical Conduit�Undrgmd. S. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, 0 Undrgrnd., Test ' 9. VJater Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, RTrap, � Undrgmd. � 10. Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK i 7 t. Property Sewer line & House Conneciion 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer CaR . 63. Heater & Vent-Final i 13. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. Rough Pfumbing 65. Electrical-Final � 15. Rough Electrica6Conduit 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough ElectricVdiring � 67. Fencing & Access Approval � 77. Rough Wiring Siy� 68. APPROVED FOR PIASTERING � 78. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. P00�(SPA SYSTEMS FINAL { 19. Rough Heating & Air Ccnditioning ' FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ( 20. Rouqh Factory Firepiace APPROVAIS Permit � � I 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro � 22. Ducts, Ventilating J1. Product Pipiny flGas ❑Oii 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Tes 72. Underground Fiush 24. Roof Framing 73. Underyrnd. Storaye Tank O Gas ❑ Oil i 25. Roof Sheathin9 '7i�..a(L� �lr(p 74. Overhead Hydro � 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural} & P.4onocoet 75. Dry Chernical I 2�. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXEp SYSTEM PINAL 29. Insulation 7$. FIRE PREV. FINA� � 30. Dry�vall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUfREN7ENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION ! i 32. Electrical Power Meter-Pina! 80. POOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED j -� 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy - •, 37. Final far.orV Firepiace ' ' 38. Finai Plumbing 39. Water Service�FinaV 40. Gas Service-Finai 41. Solar �omestic-Final i 42. Backflow Preventer i 43. Backtlow Irrigation � 44. Landscape Irri9ation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Reguiations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & EUILDING � f'.�' �w�[. ' 48. FINAL PLANNING - 49. Electric Release to Edison '' 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co � 51. CERT�FICATE OF OCCUPANCY ' '� No. Dacr. �' , � • CITY OF CCISTA MESA � \� �, .��J RE)[IUFST FOR OCQJPANC?' � �c��..Vtl� TRACP NO. �(���:-� IIBTE: C!r�, r� ���A S.^. LOT NO. IC?� ADnRFSS ��.`i \�(il� 11�(��i i�/Y��" ("1��.��1�F�.U��n�l��li�'��z�:t�a.�Pa "'-T �'t�7'�r �--�-r-� � r+•i�l� � The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the tune that the tract has been �leted and its streets accepted b� the City of Costa Mesa. By execvting this agreement', the undersigned acknaaledges that he/she/they �ras/�.ere advised that this tract has not been given fi.nal inspection nor has it been accepted b� the City of Costa Mesa as having carQlied with the oonditions of approval which were urposed b� the City at the time the Final Tract tk3p �ras approved. The City ass�nnes no liability for the enforceirent of the oonditions necessazy for approval other than those oonditions protected b� surety bond. The undersigned agrees to irx3emnify and hold the City harmless fn-am any claim resulting in dam3ge or personal injuty to the undersigned ty reason of the aforerentioned uncacpleted corrlition(s). �'-�' sY �,Q;� f_'�G.����� (Si ature of Deve r arxl or authorized representative Bl' (Signature of Lender) a/�9 . �.' CUS �1C 1RACT N0, Ii�U��`� LOT No. �r�p. DATE .� �/ �/�J ADDRESS ��.ti �(il'1 �F�`> �!)1!r�. (�(lS�il. t1�F5C� Development Services DeparCment Planning Division City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Dfr. Paul Dudley Dear Mr. Dudley; Please be aware that the undersigned are aware that a certificate of occupancy on the above referenced lot and unit is being requested prior to the entire tract and its streets and co�on areas being completed and accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. BY✓�s�-1.��7/%//��i.,. . � (SIGNATURE OF PURCHASER) iF DEVELOPCR� AND REPRESENTATIVE)