HomeMy WebLinkAbout389 19TH ST - Building PermitsPpOJECT PDUflESS: 3$ 9 E 19 TH S T OWNEp'SNRME: MC LERN, JACQUES JUNIOR \p�OflESS: TR t,�;� 389 E 19TH COSTA MESA CA 92627 714) 646-6�69 pq IENGINEEN: HEG.NO.: ' pooness: uxiT: UNIT: Pp"minEE: CALDERON ROOFING, INC. (714)542-7023 pooxess: 10 2 7 N. LOGAN SANTA ANA CA 92703 LICENSEO CONTPACTOH OECNflATION: I hereby aflirm I�at I am licensea unaer pwvisions ol Chapter 9(commencing wiih Seclion 7000� of �ivision 3 0� Ihe Business and Pmlessions Cotle, antl my license is in lull lorce and ellec�. aTruc.:0y34261 STATEUC.:jSSSO�I �`"�' C-39/ ' L�" 9� SignaNre: �� �^� Dale W NEBS' COMPENSPTION DELLAflAiION: I hereby allirm �hat I have a cenilicate ot consenl to sel4insure or a certilicale of Wo�kers' mpen5aiion Insurance. or a certilietl copy thereo� (Secuon 3800. Lab. C�. Poucrxo.: 0430B61-93 E%P.OpTE: SO/OS/99 comrarrv: STATE FUND ❑ Cenilied coOY �s nere�y Wmis�e0. � Certified coDY is file0 �th t�e cily Building Oidsion. 1J�ate ���47 ADPlicanl:�✓ r�L,�`Ci��'1yEs+�1 `E%EMPTION FBOM WONKENS' COMPENSAiION DECLAflATION: Q�is section neea nol �e cample�ee il Ihe permii is lor ane hunared ($100) or less�. I cetlify ih?� in Ihe per�ormance oi the work lor which Ihis permit is issued. I shall no� employ any p¢rson in any manner so a5 io become subiec� �o ihe Workers' Compensaiion Laws oi Califomia. Date: Signature: NO71LE: II. alter making i�is aeclaraiion. you shoula hecome su�ject �o tAe Workers' ComDensation pwdsions of Ihe La�or Code. You mus� lonhwiih comDly wiih such pmvisions or this permii sAall �e aeemed revoked. CONSTBUGTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby aifirm t�a� Ihere is a conslmclion lentling a0ency tor Ihe De�ormance of Ihe work lor w�ich (his Vermit is issued (Seclion 3097. Civ. C�. ' j j� r �j LENDER: .., tr... iJL 1'�V 1 OrT1 p�OflESS � REQUIR�D OWNEB 9UILUEN OECLABATION: I �¢reby a�6rm �hail am exemp�irom Ihe Conirac�ors' S�a�e License Law forihe lollowing �ea5dn (Section 7031.5 Business antl Prolessional CoOe: Any city ol county which requires a permil to canstmct, alter, improve, tlemolisn, or reDair any 9mcWre, prior lo its issuance. also reQuires ��e applicant tor suc� permil to file a sipnetl sta�emeni Ihal he/she is licensea pursuam to tne pmvisions ol the Convacmrs' Slate License Law IChapter 9(commencing vnih Section 7000) oi oivision 3 of the Bus�ness ana Pmfessions Cotle) or ihat nelsne is exempi Ihereimm ana ine basis fot ine allegee exempiian. My violation ol Seclion 7031.5 ey any applic5nl br a permi� subletls the applicant�o a civil penaliy oi nol more ihan �ive hunOretl tlollars (5500). �, as owner ol ihe prop¢tly or my employees wi�h wages as Iheir sole compensa�ion, wiil tlo �he work, anA Ihe ❑ slNCWre is not inlentletl or oltered lor sale (Section 7004, Busmess an0 Prolessional Catle: 1he Coniraclor5' State License Law eoes not apply Io an owner of a D�oPenY wno builtls or impmves inereon, ana w0o does sucA work �imsell/herseli or tnrough ni5 or ner own emoloyees. D�oviUea ihat such imD�ovemenis are nol inlended or offereA lor sale. If, however ine OuilAing or imVrovemenl is 5oi0 vnlhin one year oi compleiion, Ihe owner vnil have Ihe hurden ol pmving he/She tlid nol builtl at impmv¢ loi ��e OurpoSe 01 Saie). I. 8s owner ol Ihe propeny, am exclusively coniractinB w�tn licensea coniractors to tonslmct Ihe proiect (Section 704d, Busine55 ❑ an0 Pmlessions Code: The Contraclors' Slate Lkense Law tloes nol appN lo an awner of proVe�ty who huilQt ar improves [M1er¢on ano wno conuac¢ ior sucn Omlecis wim a comracmqs� iicense pursuant �o ine Comracmrs' Sta�e L¢ense Law). i am aware ��pt proal oi their Worker'S Compensation insurance s�ou10 De OmndeA la me. I� 1 am exempl unde.r Section'. B, d P_ C. loi I�iS reason: Dale: Owner: I ao here�J certily ��al I am aware ol anG unGerstana Ihe requirements a� Cali�Omia Hea�th an0 $ale�y CoOe Sec�ions 25505, 25533, and 25534 and ihal I or any lulure Omlding occupam will/will nol (circle one) nee0 to comply with saia stale cotles and t�e reQuiremenis �or a permi� for canslmction or mo0ilicaiion Imm Ihe Air Ouali�y Managemen� DislricL Residential conslmclion applicalions are exempt �mm IheSe pmvisi0ns. Oa�e: Applicant: I �¢re0y cE��ily ihat I �ave rea01hi5 ap0litalion antl slale Ihal Ihe above inl0rmaiion is tOrreCi. l agre¢ to romply vril0 all City and GOuniy ordinances anU s1a1e laws retaling Io �uiltling conslmciion antl hereby auNorize BpRsenia�ives ol l�is ci�y �o enier uDon Ihe above�mention¢d properly IPrinspection puQiposes. /� /� // a�e' �� � ( 7 SignaNre: �`./-`^' `-fi �� ��ui�'z.— "�" ' �ver'S LicenSe or $ocial Secumy x: �, i64t�a6 W�ile—BuilEmg: Green—COOe Enlorcement: Canary—Applicanl; Pink—Revenuo: Goldenrod—Asseswr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; B 06630: PERMZT NO: B 066302 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF REROOF OVER EXIST, W/COMP. SHINGLE SQ FT: 3,200 CLAIM VALUE: 3,200.00 CALC—VALUE: 3,200.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTOR REQUZRED PER 1991 U.B.C. ******�*�c****�cr**+�******+�**+��-x�x�-��-*�c*****�r�c�r�-**+��*��+�**�c+�*****�********�c*��**�c** Z O N I N GS ERTEBQA�CIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11729412 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > . if iE 9F if iE �E iE if ik iE i: iF iF if jE if iE if iE iE aE if iF iF iF �Y iF iE � iE if �E-lE iE if it If iE iP if Ic if if iF �F iF ac i� af iPlE ic if 1E #E if iE 1E iE il+E jF it *{E {F if iE i4 jE iF i: iF iF if iF iE iF iE D E V E L O P M E N T. S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N��T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: � BUILDING APPROVED HY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: `���� �� ac * iF iF it iF ac M� 1f ic �c r ic+a iF �c iF iF fc �7c �c icYs�'.¢'ii"iFiF'3t'3F'i[:3F7i'i , it.' '�'7F7F7F'?F'iFY�iFiF'ic�Fic�. x+F * iF �c iF x-+t �tEY�`•'r 1�F* iFicxatiFiciciF�FiFiciF9ci4aF%iFiFiFlFiFitic�FN-i�-aF*�)cifaF�cjciFatiFiFjEiFiFiEaciFlFiti�ifiE�:1F?fic+FiPiFiFificif*+fiFac**�c{RaF*M{F ac�+t3FxiFiL LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 63.00 PLAN �� ISSUE FEE � FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING .50 SMIP/NON—RES BUILDING—DI6'—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTAL5 ---> 63.50 0.00 O.OQ 63.50 63.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLI,ECTED: 63.50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECFiANIC FIRE SMIF/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 63.00 .50 1E iF if if if it!! ff iE if iE iF?E fE iE if if iE if it it 1E iF 1E iE i:Y if 1f iF 7E tF # if iE iE it iE # iF iF tE 1E iE it {E iE if r iFic k 1k if if it iE i! it if !f k ff iE i� if iF i! if i! iF iE 1t iE i! if ! iF i� I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I,O N []NIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 3200 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTI'AL NOZONE END OF FEES /` t' SMOKE DETECTC�� �'. REQUdR�D ,{ . , r! i r�' 1.00 3,200.00 �1 DDSSb491-00156492 T C7 T 63,SQ OATE= 03/03/94 TI11E: 13:22 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL `A _ APPP��rtS Permit# • Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit# Date Inspector \ 1. l.�,Oorary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location ► 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. ' 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electricai Conduit Utility�Undrgrnd. � 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Stee� Reinforcempnc 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Gr�d. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P-7rap, O Undrgmd. � 10. Structural Fioor System ' 61. APPROVAL TO DECK , 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection •@�, gackwash & Receptor-Final 72. Sewer Cap •$$. Heater & Ven[-Final 13. Roof Drains . l..fi�. Piumbing SVsrem � Final 14. Rough Plumbing � � [;�5, Electrical•Final 15. Rough Electrical•Conduic ' �; ~ 6. $olar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring " 67. Fencing & Access Approval 1 77. Rough Wiring Sign '�,� g$, qPPROVED FOR PIASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-7 Bar Ceiling " 69. POOUSPA SYSTEPAS PINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIflEMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping �Gas OOiI �. 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Fl�sh - 24, fioof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storaye Tank O Gas ❑ Oil - 25. Roof Sheathin9 74. Overhead Hydro .. • 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structurel) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical ' 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe .' 28. Lathing & Siding 77, FIXED SYSTEM FlNA� "'• 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL . 3Q. Drywall Naiiing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Bravn Coat ' 79. FINAL INSPECTION • 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICRTE ISSUED 33. Final Electric , Notes: '3 .-(� QCI. Q�l �,N��_ �p,�L 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning _ i 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test "'"' 36. Nood or Canopv � , 37. Pinal Factory Firepiace 38. Final Plumbing 39. LNater Service�Final 40. Gas Service�Final . 4t. Solar pomesiic-Final - 42. Backflow PrevenYer � � 43. Batkflow Irrigation ' � . 44. Landscape Irriyation System -' 45. Sound Attenuation . 46. Handicap Regulations 47, FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING -�..G�S � 48. FINAL PLANNING - . � 49. Electric Release to Edison •� 50. Gas fielease to Southern California Gas Cn �: 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY t__ No. Oate COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 7200 � COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Y2dZ6 for Appilcanf fo Fill In Complerely TYPE OR PRINT i�oiNa�B 9 ,�'. � 9 jz ��. DREBII COSTA ME3A. CALIFORNIA' 'NER �� �• R Q �'.J � Yl �l d}'� JR898 �� I C. �-L i� � ,�' o s�T7 � e 5-19 Ho`S'•1�'� ARGHITECT TB4 DESCRIPTION OR WORK � .,�rn AP1D `— AUG30-66 001210n3*�*�18.00 APPLICATION FOR PERMR BUILDINCi for Offlce Ute Only 11[C[IR NO. /'f� G� Y WT[11[C[IV[D M /f.. Aa_// �!� :./9f�, .S ZONING mn[-�_r wo.o� ' ucaorncw ym U. � d �, ,� �uns —� euactna oair+ ��„� L t 8 T/1 //aS ouc��mon ° A P. NO. �� � � � " � —' � NOTl: NO[AV[OV[RHAN08HALL�[LH88THAN 1 X6R6BY ACRNOWL6D06 TNAT 1 MAVt RGD TMIB A�PLICATION AND 6TAT8 TNAT TN8 AGOV6 1� CORR[R�I1HD /�Oqt[ TO COY. PLY WITX I1LL CRY OpDINANCL AND �TAT{ L11WY R[OYLATINO BIIILCINO CONBiRU ON. ^ 810NATURE OP� . � �[/_ � . _ 1 YAHDB MPROV 6D MAIN BUILOINO 5 VAR. aj YAROSMPROVfiD ' ACGEY80RY BUILDIN6 6 � �. "'� ��- � O ,�.. 30 ?`�. 30 `t � BHT.MAINQ `�f ACCHSi. BLD68. DATH APPROVHD ...T. b' 3u-�� �• -� a 07 � �oa �. �. � 0 TM[ AMOYIIr OXOWM UHDHR VALUATION IB �OR TX6 � �YRPOl6 OP 68TAGLIBNINO A P811MIT I88 ONLY. VALIlAT10N � �.�- PERMIT REE 2/ O D s � 6�� �. 40 k TOTAL FEH S /v ' OO