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380 18TH ST - Building Permits
�- ADV���ant to fiil in all spaces witnin heavy Eortler lines ane sign all apPropriate aeclara[ions. CITY OF•C6STA MESA - aeR T NO. ' - TRAGT NO. LOT NO. BLDG. NO. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT � �� ����' _ ; Project Address � 0" ��, . � TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Owner PhOnp�y = L ❑'NEW�- O_ADD ❑ALTERATION Addless - - � � � - ❑ REPAIR. O'CONVERSION, ODEMOLISH � , ArchlEng. �- - � License No .0 O7HER � . � AddreSS • - - • - - DESCRIPTION OF WORK Cantractor � - Ph6ne ,3 [ � "TVPE OF PERMIT � � - ' � � " �Addfe55 `J :C_- ' ' ' -❑GRAD�NG;y'O'FOUNDATION OSTRUCTVRqL•- UCENSED CONTRACTOR DECLA!{ ION... ' ' � [] TENANT � ELECTRlCAL �PWMBING� ❑MEGIANIC/ � I hereby affirm t�at I am IlcenSeO Lnder provlalons of Charter 9(tom- - . , rnenUn9-with•sectlon-7000) of'Dlvision 3 of lhe Businais antl :DOTHER � Rotasslons Co a E my Iltense � is In tull force1 an„ ,.,C`- y,ttGtt. -� pROJECT OESCRIPTION � lfcense Ciass � ��� '" '" ' • 1 . � . �}Ic e No "� �y�� -� � - - - --- �bate�� ii-:� -Fi � � 519nature. !_ q ._..Cp� t'r�Gs/�' ' SQ. FT: � ' , '. . 'WORKERS'COMPENSATION.DECLARATION "OCCUPANCV_CONSTRVCTIONTVPE 1 hereby afilrm that 1 have a cartificate ot consenf to se11-insu�e,or a• VALUATION ZONE �certHifat¢�of WorkGrs'� Comp¢nsaliOn--InSurance, pr-a certltie0�.copy. _. .. _ _ . . ..,_ . - - , .thereof ($egtion�} 8qp La.b. CJ. ' ❑ II , GRADING CU. `�DS. �~ AGRES POIicY No.�'O 'l"li➢ 1'� ComPanY J.Lt�C�C ' ' �:;�yartHtetl copy.i5.here0y fumishetl.. . _ _ _ . pEMANKS:.' � _ . . ._ _ � ',��.',1=�«ertifietl coDY I5'filetl with the tlty Bulitling Division. ' v''.r?MPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION'DECCARATION "- ' "' -' - ' ' ' ' - (This section n¢etl not be completee if the permit I5 for, one huntlre�f _ - � . t _ � �(51001 or leul.� � . . ' —' I certlfy t11a1 lfl lh8_pCf(olTanCB Of t110 wofk tOf w111th IhiS p8lrtlll If IssuoC, I shall not emPloy auy person In any manner'so as to betome ' PCUMBING ' PLArv CHECK' �" ' �Subject to the Workers Compensatlon 1_aws of Californla. ' ' '- � �Date � Si9naWre • - ' BATHTUBS � ' - ' SHOWERS ' - �"' - NOTICE: If a(ter making thi5 tleciarallon, yoU shoultl betome SUDject TOILETS_ �� URINHLS '^" - .to [he Workers' Compensatlon provlsi0n5 of t�o Labor Cotle, you must �Yorlhwilh comply vilth suth provisioni or this permit shall be Oeemetl LAVATORIES DOUBIE LAVS - Y' � mvoketl,_ _. j _ _ _ 1 __ . _ _ . � �- - - KIT. SINKS ' " - DISHWASHERS " -- -- �CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCV (I hereby aftlrm Ihat thCre ii a ConStruction IBnCin9 aqenCY lor the per- SE0.VICE SINKS �.�' ''.SUMPS' -"' ' '' IfOrmanCG oi the work }or wlllch lhis p0rmit IS i55ueE ($actlo0 3097 �C��' C•) � -. - - ' "� �' "FLOOR SINKS�' —' ' FL'OOR DRAINS'- ' - `LenCer'S Nama I... " ' ' "" "' ' ' ' -" "' ". ' . .`DRINKINGFOUNTAINS ' ' '- ' " ' ' - - -" ' LenCer's AGtlress UWNER BUILOER DECLARATION ' ' ' ' ' '- — INTERCEPTORS -- CLHRIFIERS - "�" - '1 he�¢by a�ti�m thal I drt� ¢xempt trom.the Contractor'S License Law'for the�Pollowin9'reason-(Section-]031-,5 Business an0 �Profassions-Code:� -�SWIMMING POOL^ -^-'P�TRAP^' ' -� - ' �-- -' AnY city or coun[Y wbich raquiras a Permit to consVUCt, dlt¢�, � Improve,-aemolizh-or.epair any sVucture, priortoitsissuance, also re- WATER SERVICE - AL'TERATION ' 1-' '� ' qWlBS lh¢ dp�ll�dp[ fOf SOth pClTit l0 file d Signetl sta[¢TGO[ thdl IIC 'is'IRensetl pursuant to tne provislons of•the Con[raztor's �License�law� �GAS SERV ICE �--'OUT�ETS"- -' (Cnapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business-an0' RWasions-Cotle� ar mat �he is exempt lherefrom antl t�e WqTER"HEATERS ' -' BTU OVTPUT �' -' ( basis lor mc alle9ed �exemption. Any vlolatlon of Sectlon ]031.5 by anV applicant �tOr a permiC sUbjec[r the appllcant to�a Clvil-p0nalty � SEN/ER'CONNECTIONS -- " " ' ' r �t more tban 1{ve huntlrey tlollar5 (E500�. � ,as ownor ol the prBperty, or my employees witn' wa9es as t�elr 'SOLAR TANK '--COLLECTORS o. COR�OensaHo�, avill tl0_ Ihe wO�k. antl tha structure is not Intnntl4tl ' Or �ottlretl lo�-Sal0. (5¢Clbn ]044. Bu5ina55 antl Protesslons Cotla: T�e SOLAR PIPING SVS: ';� �- - � Conlractor'S Ucens¢_Law tloes not apply to an ownar ot a property ,who builUs or imProves tner¢on, antl who tloes such work �imselt or �' ISSUE FEE --�� � �� - - �- -�' 1 Ihrou9h his own oTployoes,prov7Getl thdt suth Imp�ovOments are nol in[enaea or orrerea ror saie. n, nowey�r, me onua�ng or �m� Is soltl within ona year oi completion, the owner will have t • bf proving he tlitl not.builtl or improve IOr lhe purpose � I, as -owne� ol• t�o proparty,-am exclusively_.conlrac licensetl mnVactors to consVuct the oroioct lSectbn J044 an owner o� properry wno owws or improves mereon, ana wno con- tracts (rom-su<h� �proiects with a contractor(s) Ilcesnetl .pursuant to the COnt�aclOr'S Lltense Law). - �' I am exempt untler SetQon ''- - - ' B.-6 P. C: tor t�is fBd50T -- - - - [ Date Owner . 'lily that I hdv¢ reaC this � is correct; 1 a9ree to antl stale laws relatlm t� plicztion antl slate that tna above omply with all'"city dna county JnStruclion, antl hereby authorize e! -upo� ttle dbOv¢ !YI¢lii70netl Date � -1tc � ��'� HEATING SVSTEM 0-100,000�BTU � � ANDDVCTING ' �100,000+BTU T �: REFRIGERATION 0-100,000 BTV � � SVSTEM-- -- - ' � - - . . 300,000 t BT.Vu ' _ BOILERS T BTV SVSTEM REPAIR,HLTERATION EXHAUST SYSTEM MULTIPLE Drivers'Licen5eor55� �� - "' '' ISSUE�FEE- , . -.-I�. _ CMF 0865-46 White-Bulltling; Unary-Hpplitant: Pink-Accounlin9; Goltlenrotl-AsSessor� , � ' � 3851 3/29/82 _,6e00 �, . � ; : __.• � ZONE --- PLNG.REF.� ' - ' " - T(l RI111 fIINC.. . _. . ` . _ .. . REARVARD(TO�P/C) ' , ' "' PKG.SPACE REQ. PROVIDED - " � STREET WIDTH � PHRK FEE E ZONING APPROVED BY' - ' ' DATE - , ' SPECIAL CONDITIONS: '� � - - ' - ;ELECTRICAL� --' -PLAN CHECK - ,� - 50. FT. " -' - . _ _ �GENERATOR-- - 0-1-KW__1-]0 KW' ' - - TRANSFORMER �� _ '•� • APPLIANCE " ' 30-50 KW_50 + KW - - � � 'MOTORS 0-1HP_1-lOHP -- - :i �(INC.,SOLAR). .10-SOMP 50+.HP �FIXTURES �OVTLETS SWITCHES - � - GAS TUBE SIGNS- - - -- - - - - �POIE LIGNTS - ' - . ' — " _ . ' ' �POLES - METERED SUB'� '- ' �PANECS' - MAIN - �-SUB - - '�SERVICE - � - � - - . AMP. � � - _ . _ 1 � " . _ _ ' " ' . . i�. _ . . . _ '" "' " ' ' ICCIIF-FGF �. . ._ - . ��APPLICATION-APVROVED BV- � • �_ '� �_ DATE � � � SUMMARV OF FEES � � � : BUILDING ' ' . . �'_ ' .PERMIT . S ,.SMIP •f ' ' J �PIAN CHECK 5 7ERMIT ' ISSUANCE� 'S� � PLVMBING E •OG , �'GRADING -S" � ' PLAN CHECK S - � - � � � - � ' � 'ELECTRICAL S" " , ' ' ' S - I ' � MICROFILM E'- � PLAN CNECK- 5 - - - - -� -� �MECNANICAL 5 _ _ 70TAL FE@ S � 'Pl-ANCH CK�-; LESS'AD-. . �. �� � -' ' VANCE'PC' E_ " -" '- � � � .}� '� ' � � �n �{, � , GINAL FEE E • �/�'J � I r_� ' : --- � � � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANN G - POOL & SPA � � APPROVALS Permit # ' �� Daie Inspecior qppROVALS Permit # Date -tnspector -- 1. Temporery Electrical Service or Pole , 43. Pool & Equipment �ocation' - ' - � Soi ipe-Undrgrn ` - ' 44. Steel Reinforcement - � - - 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrn . 45. Forms ,. 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgm 46. .Electrical Bonding ' � - - - - tee ein orce � 47. Rou h Plurtibin & Pressure Test� ' - � ,_ 6. Elect[ical UFER.Grn ' _48. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE -- - ._ 7. _ Footings . 49. Electrical Conduit-Undr rn ' � - �8. Foundation � - -- .. ' _ 50. Gas Pipe, ❑ Undr rn, Test ' � - ' -- 9, Water.Bipe-Undrgrn ' 51. Backwash Lines P-Tra ��� ndP rn - � � 10.. _ Structural Floor System 52. APPROVAL TO DECK ' " "- " i l.. Property Sewer.Line &.House Connection y� 53. Backwash.& Rece tor-Final ' ' � ' 12. Street $ewer Conneaion � ' - _ . � _ 54. Heater & Vent-Final . 13. Rovgh Plum6ing . '. .. ' . . . . _ - 14. Rough Electric-Conduit - - - - - -- - 56. �Electrical•Final � - - � 15. Rough Electric-Wiring - 57. SolarSystem-Final - ' ' ' �16. Rougk Heating & Air Conditioning � - - - _ . � � encing & Access Approval . 17. Ducts, in Structure � - APPROVEO FOR PLASTERING ' � ' -18. DuctS,�Ventilating � - - - _ _ . , _ . . _ ._ _ , 19. GazPipe-Rough&Test ' - - -- _. _ 60.. POOUSPASYSTEMSFINAL - , � - 20.- Roof Framing - � � _ _ . ' � ' � - " 21. Roof-Sheaihin - - - - - - - - � : ,r � ,. ,. ZZ• Frame and Fiashin NOTES: ' - ' 23. Insulation - - - - ' - ' 24, lathing & Siding - � � - ' - - � - - - . ' - 25. Drywall Nailing � - � . . - � . -- _ __ . � - � � . ' ' .. • 26. Plaster Brown Coat � � ' - ' • - 27. Electrical Power MeterFinal � - - - � � � � � r , - - � � � 28. - Final Electric - - -� -- - -- - - - � � � 29. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � - - � - ^ ' 30. Final Gas Pipe-Test -- ' � - � � � 31. Final Plumbing - J„e _ .� � �'; 2L. _ � � � � y � 32. Water Service-Final - � - � � - � ' �� � 33. - Gas Service�Final - - � � � � � 34. $olar pomesticFinal � ' ' � ' � � . . _ . - . . . . � � � 35. Landsca e S rinklin S stem � �-- � � ' 36. Sound Attenuation - � � � � � ' ' '� � ' , 37. Handicap Regulations -- � �' � '' � ' � ' �' ' ' • � 38. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING - ; 39. , Special Requirements Completed � � � � ' 40. Electric Release to Edison - " - � � � � � r 41. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co. - ' 42. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY * - -- - - - ' . � No Date ' - - . � _ i ��__-' �_ _ . y��� . --� _, _ � r�. � " .� 644`� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT C P. O. BO% 31] �� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN 6UILDING � vO E / ��/_J[� ( �'q/�.^ � ADDRE55 O � �/ COSTA MES�+. CALIFORNIA MAIL ADDRE55 ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER ADDI. . N� LIC. NO. GTV LIC. j? �ADORE55 1 � Liy�� �� S. NL ' IEGPL LOT DESCRIPTION NO. BLOCK TRAC A.P.NO. / �' Z!/ � SIZE k /��{ F-� No.or aiocs. OF LOT �('.� �S, X I`� '� rvow ON LOi USE OF .__ EXISTING BLDG. �sEtancrc L�rv ,CENTER OF 5 ISIDE YARD NEW REP�. BUILDING :[iM �Y� / REAR YAR� �c,CS / ' RIGHT ' LEFT // � �• DESCRIPTION OF WORK ALTERAT�ON ADDITION MOVING DEMOLISH �L- a ��°-�— NO. OF / ROOMS �` STORIES J by L�-�' � ROOF %.' _ . � r� ��� C lJ � �-� r�. .�-ao_sk �w. �.� �. �JbV Q3 �� .� � APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NO. �PERMIT NO. L � RECEIVlD BV OntE RECEIVE� OtTE ISSUED �+ -ao �� - � -.rs BUILIJING � ]� G ` / �`_ ADORE55 U COSTA MESA. GALIFORNIA FIRE � , ZONE 3 � �/iX�4 J DATE CORRECTIONS PLAN TECH. DEPT. 2 / �/ i ' " !�i L I MEREBY <CKNOWLE�GE TNAT I HtVE READ iH15 4PPLIC/�TION sNp . STnTE THAT TME /�BOVE IS CORRECT AND /�GREE TO COMPLV WITM ALl CITY ORDINANCES AND $T4TE L�WS REGULATING BU�LOING CONSTNUC- T���' VALUATION l • SIGNATURE OF / j�1jC PERMIT FEE $ ` -� PERMITTEE . � N n / /O/� PLAN CHECK S � � $ � U ' AUTHORI2ED AGENT TOTAL FEE 5 ��- �µ�