HomeMy WebLinkAbout363 BAY VIEW TERR - Building Permits5 / I i,uxess: 363 � �::� �� �sxnme: NOT AVAILABLE—� FDONESS: SAME RflCMIENGMEEH: POOflESS: v re,w r• uN�,: ti'T-w1ar� Q�o� PEG.NO.: UNIT: PENMITTEF: ADAIR AOOFaNG, INC, ( 714 ) 637-02�39 nooxess: 239U i4MERICAN WAY ORANGE CA 92665 LICENSED LONTBACTOB OECIABRTION: I hereoy aflirm �hat I am IicenseU un0er pmvisions ol ChaD�e� 9 Rommencing with Section 7q10) ol Division 3 of Ihe Business antl Pmlessions Code. and my license is in lull lorce an0 effect. citruc.: 0�6536 STRTEUC:26122I c s: C-39 Aaie: _ f SignaWre: _ _ . WONRE COMPEN TION GECLAHRTION: I �ere0y affirm that i v¢ a cenilicate ol consent to sel4insure ar a cerlilicale ol Workers' Campen alion Ip5 Or a.tp{tifi¢ tp� y iM1ereof �Section . Lab. POLICYNO.: U ��1L7—�7 E .�arE: 5/Oi/92 • comraxr: STATE FUND,�,/ �] Cenilie copy is hereby umishe0. LJ Cenilietl copy is �iled with �Ae ci�y 9uiltling Divisi o _� �— � �aie'. � NpplicanL � E%EMPT N FNOM W NEBS' COMPENSpTION OECLHBATION: (This �ion neea nol 0e comple�ee if �he permi� is for one huntlred ($140) or less�. I cetlily I�al in ihe pedormance of ��e work lor wM1ich Ihis Dermi�' i55ue0, I s�all no� employ any person in any manner so as �o become su6iect lo ine workers' Compensalion Laws ol Calilornia. Dale: Signa�ure: NO710E: II, alter making Ihis Eeclaration, yau shoul0 became su�lecl �o ihe Workers ComDensation Omvivons al the Labor COAe. you musl lahhvnl� Compty wiih 5uch D�ovi5i0n5 or �his permii S�all G2 de¢mea revoked. CONSTflUCTION LENDING pGENCY: I hereby allirm �hat there i5 a con5imc�ion IenUing aqency tor t�e p¢Aormante 0� IAe vrork �or wnicn mis oermii is issuetl (5ection 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: aooness: OWNEB BOILOEB OECLANATION: I hereby afiirm t�at 1 am exempt Imm t�e Comraclors' State License Law br Ihe lollovnng reason �Seclion 7031.5 Business anE Prolessional Coae: Any city o1 county w�ich repuires a permit to mnstmct, alier, imD�ove, Oertrolish. or repair any simcture. Drior to iis issuance. alw requires the apvlicant tor sucA Oermil to lile a signetl stalement Itwt ne/she is licensetl pursuam �o ihe pmvisions ol i�e Convacmrs' 9aie License Law �C�apter 9(commencing vntA Sectian 7000) ol 0ivision 3 al tAe Busineu anG Pmiessions CoOe� ar Ihai he/she is eaempt ihere�mm and t�e �asis la� lhe all¢ge0 ¢xemption. My violation ol $ettion 7031.5 by any applicant for a D¢�M� suEle��s ihe applicant to a civil penairy of not more than live hunEretl Gollars (5500�. I, as awner al Ihe pmpeny or my employees with wages as iheir sole comoen5aiion, will do ine work, and the ❑ nmcmre is nol intentle0 or ollereE lor sale (Secnon 70aa, Business anA Prolessional Cotle: T�e Contractors' State License Law aoes not apoly to an owner of a pmpeny who builtls or impmves Inereon, antl who Oaes sucn work himself/hersell or tnmugh �is or her own employee5, pmviaetl Iha� SUCh impmvemen�s are noi in�enAetl of atlereU tof Sale. II, Aowever Ne OUilding Or improvemenl is sold wilhin one year ol comple�ion. �he owner will have Ihe UurAen oi pmvinA he/s�e Uitl no� Duiltl or improve , br �ne purpose of salel. I. as owner o� Ihe pmpeny. am e�cWsively contracting wi�h licensed contracmrs to cons�mct the pmlect (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmlessians Cotle: The Comraclors' S�ate License Law Uoes noi apDly �o an owner ot property who builas or impmves �hereon and who coniracts lor such projetls wi�A a coniractaqs�licen5e pursuan�lo �he Conirac�ors' Staie License Law). I am aware Ihal O�oo� of IAeir Worker'S Compensation insurance 5houl4 he DmviOetl �o me. � I am exempl un0er Sec�ion: 8. 8 P. C. ' br Inis reason: Daie: Uvner. 1 ao �ereCy cenity itwt I am aware ol and unAerslantl ihe requirements ol Califomia Healt� antl Safery CoOe Sections 25505. 25533. an0 2553a an01na1I or any fuiure builAing occupanl will/will noi (circle one) nee0 �o camply wiih saitl slale cod¢s anA Ihe repuirements �or a permil lor con5lmclion or moddica�ion �mm Ihe Nir Ouali�y Management �i5irict. Fe5i0ential constmc�ion applications are e�emp� imm Ihese pmvisions. Oa�e: ADO�icanl I �ere0y cetldy Ibat I nave rea0l�is aDO����ion and state that the a�ove information is fArrect. I aqree to comply wilh all city antl caunry or0inances ane slate W�iK relaiing lo OuilOing wris�mction an0 �ereby aNtqr¢e represen�atives Of INs " �o enter upOn Ihe a6ove�menfioneG vropetly Io�,iion Our es. Da�e: _ _ Signalwe: I oriver's ense ai ciai secudry a: �6aba6 Whne—Bwltling�, Green—Coae Enlorcemem; Canary—Applicam: Pink—Reven�e; GoltlenroE—Assassor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: H 053440 F'L'AN CHECR NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE; STrZ JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFr REROOF W/BUILT UP .Y�K NV: ti V�j44U liU 1: N SUYY; N PURFUSE: ALT SQ FT; 2,200 CLAIM VALUE: 2,200.00 CALC—VALUE: 2,200.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS: HLDG. 1 BAY VIEW TERRACE �t�**�x*�***��x�tx�*�**x*�x��*�r��*����x�+rxxu**#xxr.���x�+��x�**���x��***�*#���t��rx*�t Z O N I N GS ERTEB�AUCI�CRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN HU�LDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY_BU3i,DING --------- FRNT; FT IN R.,AR: FT IN FRtdT; FT FN rtEAR• FT IN LEFT: FT ZN RGAT; rT IN LEFT; FT ZN RGHT; cT IN PARKING RE • PROV; PARCEL: 00000000 2NE: RE? NO; PLANNING N '1'ES> i if iE iP iE ik iE 3E-IF iF if if ir iE �lE iE iF iF�)f if� lf iE iE # if it iF�i6'k iF iF iE iF iE if� 1F ie if ik iE if� # IF 3e 1E iE iE 1E iE if k 1F 1f 3E !!' if #f k 1(� 3E if iF iF iE if IF i4lF i(��li;ii� 1E 1F ii� if #E iE k if� a(� D E V••�- L. O F N E N T S E R V S C E S R E Q U I R E M E�,:T 5 5_ J 20NING AFPROV�I)• BY DATc; BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION I$$UED BY• �YIr1 �?firu DATE; ����'� iF ic iE if iE if iE if IE iE iE iE ie> 3F if iE �E ic iE iE iF�FiFiF3F3e iF �r%3F r. ir i� �iF3Fi'� iF'ir�3F3FiFiF3FiF£TriF�F lE ic �k?F if ie �i'r ii iE iE . fe >: 3E ie if�iEiF�lFifieif�lfiEi!�jEifkifiiif�elElElFifiEiEikiFifiFifif�lEiE-Y.�ilitiFieif��jjfiFifiFiFiflkiEiflf�iiiF�7FMiEifiFaF}'.Ri!�iE3eiE�ciF*ifif�. iFK�leiE3(�3Eif�3EiFiF LEGALIZATZON;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/R�� GRADTNG PERMIT 59.00 ,5p SMIP/NOTi—RaS PLAN iSSUE FEE BtiiLUING—DIV—> PERMIT ZSSUE PLAN—CHECR TOTAL PAID ;• DUE TOTALS----> 54,50 O.OU 0.00 SS,50 54.50 ' ,00 REVENliB DIVISION TOTALS--> CQLLECTED: 54.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMHFNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING',PLAN—CHBCK 59.00 ,50 •� ik 3E � iF if if �1E t iF k�1f� if k if if it� M� 1!� iE 1f 1f iF ?f �lf i4 k if iF i! iE iE'�Y.� ie if if�1E 3e iE iF 1E iF if� i't i'r if k�1E lE iE f't iE i4 i4 lf iF 1E 1i� if iE 3ei(� if iF if iE 1E if iFlf ii' if ii� ff if ih i'r if le 1E I N D I V I b U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N !� TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N � ONIT COST TOTAL COST S'FR 2200 REROOF BY VALUE RESZDc^NTIAL NOZONE 1.00, . 2,200,00 END OF FEES ;, ,_ .i � [' ' ' r� 1 � � (_ ty, ��� �.n�e��a°�Si�i�fOS4985 �'a� � �4.SQ TIftE: IG: js � CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING POG _SPA _ APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector � �- ..� / i..Temporary Electrical Serviee,oi Pole � . 52. Pool & Equipment Location ��' 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. � j �� ,/,- •" � 53. Steel Reinforcement �� - 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-lJndrgrnd. �� 54. Forms� � 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrndi' � �r � 55. Electrical Bonding � •f, 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. ElectricalUFERGrnd. 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE 7. Footings � 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. :8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test "� ;9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. '��' �/� 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. �c 10. Structural Floor System �' �;� 61. APPROVAL TO DECK '/r�� 11. Property Sewer Line & House`h',onnection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final � - n 12. Sewer Cap ��'� r� 63. Heater & Vent-Final ���� J,' , +1 t3. Roof Drains - !�;t 64. PlumbingSystem-Final �;�- 14. Rough Plumbing j 65. Electrical-Final . 75. Rough Electrical�Conduit � 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR P�ASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19: Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FfRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rouqh Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Dutts, Ventilating 71 . Product Pipin9 O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underg�o�nd Flush 24. Roof Freming 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 8 � 74. Overhead Hydro � 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing , 76. Dry Staniipipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing !, I. HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat � � 79. FINAL WSPECTION 32. Electrical PowerMeterFinal �..� 80. FOOD CERTIPICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric � � '� Notes: 34. Final Heating & F,ir Conditioning �• ' 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test - ' � 36. Hood or Canopy . . 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing . 39. Water Service�Final � 40. Gas Service�Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer . i 43. Backflow Irrigation � 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation � 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINALSTRUCTURE & BUILDING g.��� �u�� �Z� �r�� s^�^e!7`� d%P . 6 48. FINALPLANNING � � � 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Co � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date