HomeMy WebLinkAbout610 ANTON BLVD - Building Permits� 1� PflOJECT AOONESS: 6 S O ANTON BL : _pWp:SgNAME: 6OO ANTON BL ASSOC. FDOflE$$: (OO ANTON HLii 120 C,M. 92626 719) 935-2191 APLNIENGINEEfl: GENSLER 6 ASSOCIATES noos¢ss: 18201 VAN KARMAN AV IR. ; PEpmiTTEE: NEWEST ELECTRIC aooness: q53 CALLE MIGUEL SAN CLEMENTE LILENSEO LONTNALTOfl UFLNflATION: I �ereby aliirm tlui I am Iicense0 m 700U) 0� DIY510� 3 Oi tA¢ BIISIOQ55 d00 P�OfC55f0(IS �,OAE. dfld rtiY IICEf152 i5 li ciTr uc.: 0 3 8 4 4 3 STATE UC.: Q cuss oa�e: — sl - _ uxrt: E flEC.NO.: 0 0 0 � � uxir: Z00 CA 92715 (714)492-4924 CA 92672 v O��sions o� Cliapter 9(commencing wi�� Section W081(E85'LOMPENSATIONOECNHFTION: I�ereUyalfirmihatlnav nificateofconsemtosell-insureoracenificareotWaMers' Compensation InSurance o� a c rtifie0 copy thereol �Sec�ion 3800. La�. voucr xo.: 13 9� 17 �— 9 3 E%P. DRTE: O S I O S I 9 9 LOMPRNY: STAT E ❑ Cenifiea coDY �s �ereby IumisheU. � Certilietl co i y uilai ' ion. Daie: l—� 1"l if"I Q.�^i^�� ( � E%EMPiION FROM WOBKEPS' COMPENSA➢ON OECLNIIATION: Q�iS 5ecii0n n¢e0 iwl �e compl¢IN it �he pttmil is for on¢ �u�re0 (5100� or less�. 1 c¢Nty tha� in I�e petlormance o� ihe work lor which I�is permii is issuetl, I shall not employ any person in any manner so a510 6ecome subj¢tl to I�e Workers' Compensation Laws ol Califomia. Daie: SignaWre: NOTICE: Ii. al�er making Ihis declaraiion, you ihoultl become su�le�� �o Ihe Workers' Compen5aiion Dmvi5ion5 oi t0e Labor CoEe. you must IonAwi�h camO�Y w��� suc� O�avisions or t�is permit shall be Eeemed revokeA. CONSTBUCTION LENOING RGENC7: 1 �ere�y aflirm IAat there is a con5imc�ion lentling agency lar ihe peAarmanre a� t�e vrork �or w�ic� ��is permil is i=_sueE (Senion 309Z Civ. C). LENDEN: AOONESS: OWNEB BWLOEB OECIABATION: I hereby a��irm thal I am eKempl Imm �he Contrac�ors' S�ate License law lor Ihe following reason �Setlion 7Q31.5 Busine55 anU PmteSsional CoOe: Any tity oi toUnty whic� r¢Quires a p¢rmif Io conSlmti, al[er, imD�ove, Aemoli5�, or repair any struclure, prior lo ils iuuan[e, also repuires Ihe apDlicanl for suc� De�mit to lile a signetl Slatem¢n� �hai �e/she is IicenSeE pursuam m t�e pmvisions of Ihe Comractors' Stale License Law (Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) oi DiviSion 3 of the Business and Pmlessions Code) or Ihat he/she is exempt iher¢�mm and Ille basis lor ��e alleged e�emption. Any viola�ion of Sec�ion 7031.5 �y any applicant br a permit SUGlec�s �he applicanl to a civil penalty oi no� more �han live �untlre0 Oollars �5500). ❑ I. as owner ol Ihe pmpetly or my employee5 vnlA wages as Iheir sole compensation, vrill tla �he work. anE �he , simclure is not Intenaetl nr oflereC �or sa@ (Section 70aa. Busineu anA Professional Cotle: T�e Coniractors' State License Law Ooes not apoly to an owner ol a ompeny who builtls or impmves ihereon, and who Ooes such work himself/hersell or Ihrougn his or her own emD�oye¢5. O�ovitled that suc� improvemen�s are noi intended or oflered �or sale. I�, Aowever ��e Uuiltling or improvemeni is sola wiihin one year ol completion, t�e owner will Iwve ��e burEen o� pmvin0 Ae/she ditl na� bui10 or impmve for ihe Durpose of salel. I, as owner of the pmpetly, am exclusively conlracting with Iicense0 contraclors to consiNct Ihe pwject (Section 7044, Business ❑ ana Pmiessions CoGe: ihe Coniractors' State License Law Aces not aDPty ro an owner of Droperty w�a builtls or improves thereon dOd w�0 COf1�fdt15 IOf SOLh pf0ICC15 Wit� d COI1�fdLI0f�5) IIC¢OS¢ pYf50df1I �0 IiIP �AfIIfdCI0f5 $IdIP LiCEI15E LdW). I d111 dwdfQ ��ai O�oo� of �heir WorkeYs ComOensation insurance should be provided to me. � I am exempt under Seclion� 8. 8 P. C. for tAis reason: Dale' Owner I Oo here�y ceriify Iha� I am aware ol antl untlerstanG the requiremen�s of Calibmia,Heal�h and Satery Code Sections 25505, 25597, antl 255Ja an4lhai I o� any Iuiure builtling occupan� will/will no� (ci¢le one) neetl la comply wilA saia slaie ca0es anA lhe requiremen�s for a Dermit br con9mclion or moa�ficatmn Iwm I�e Air Oualiry Managemen� Disiricl. Residential cons�mciion applicaiions are eaempl tmm Ihese pmvisions. Oaie: AOPlicant: I �ere�y cetlity ihal I �ave rea0 ihis aOPlitali0n an0 Slaie Iha� �ne above intorma�i0n 75 wrr i�h ail Cily anA Counly ortlinances antl slale laws relating �o builtling consimction antl her en a�ive ' ci y Io enier upan Ihe abave�mentionetl pwpetly for insoec� Oaie: i ` � oriver's �icense or Soaa� Securiry .: 16aL46 W�iie—BuilOing', Green—Cade Eniarcemem; Canary—Apphcam; Pink—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; E 06573 PERMIT NO: E 065731 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: I—FSP PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE: ALT JOH DESCRIPTION : INTERIOR 526SF OFFICE T.Z. SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROOP OCC; B-1 / COMMENTS: INTERIOR 526SF OFFICE T.I., RE:#H65728 �r�it+t**ir�r*+r**�rx x *+r*r*ir�*****��r�rit��r�r*r��**+r�r*�r�*+r*+�****ir**+�*�*x *�*+�+t*+t****��r���r** Z O N I N G R E Q U T A E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAA: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGAT; £T IN LEFT: FT IN RGEIT: FT IN PARKING RE�• PROV; PARCEL: 41047203 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N TES> > iF iE M iE iF it it ik M iE M 1! i! iE 1E i! 1k if 1f 1f 1!!f iElf k iE iF if it 1f iF ff ff 1t i! 1k iF 4 iE ff It iFlf 1E if iE M M iF if if 1f if 1F iF 1f iE iF iF iE 1t %iE it M!t iF ff fE ff iE jk jf if �f 44 iE fE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: KifM�flEffilifiEilififiEfElEiffEiEitM7kiE iFiEkiEfElkfffE�E1f �� ifif iE if iF iE iE if iF k fk iE 1F iF iF iE if M if iE iE if f! 1E if M if if if if 1! if !E if if iElF iE it it it iE iE if if if 1f if iE if iF M iF it If 1E iE 1f if �f If itlf if iF iF iE iE iF it if 9F 1f af if �E M!E 1E iE iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 13,50 ��'„ 502 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE �1"5,00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 13,50 15.00 J� 0,00 28.50 28.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 28.50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CfiECK 28,50 iE if M�E if it ff it ib i(� it fE f! iE iE 1f if if k M if M if if If If 1f iF %iF if M ik IE if'iE iE if iF if it M it i! M M iF fF if iE 1f iF iF M M k 1f k if 1E iE if iE if iE iE M if iE iF iE 3E jE 3E �E if 1E iE iE I N D I V I D U A�Ly� F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O%N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 12 FIXTURES LIGHTINGQ 1 ST 20 EA, .75 9.00 ELE 5 RECEPT/O`UTLET n 1 ST 20 EA, ,75 3.75 ELE 1 RECEPT/SWITCH r 1 ST 20 EA. .75 ,75 �:END OF FEES / • �� �, , ai ooi_,3�ra-oois3sao �r.�- � �F:Tc: nl/'i:!vy rTI;4. i5:;1 � � CONSTRUCTION AND PIANNING � 4 APPROVALS Permit �i- �.t. Temporary Electrical Se�viCe or Pole 1- 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. � 3,-EkC!nc�l Cond�.+it Uhlity�U�d�grnd. .` 4. Eiectricai Conduit•Undrgrnd. �b. S[eel A�.inFo.eeme�t 6 Eiect:c::. L'PE� Gr.�d. � I- I7. foot'�ng.� � $. Fourdat-co �otcr ?ip�-Undrgmd. I i0. Str,,ct�r.�� Floor SYsiem 71. P�ope�iy Sewer Line & House Connection � 12. Se:aer G,P , i l- - - 13. Root Dra�ns ' � 14. Ruugh Piumb�ng _ � 75. Fough Electricul•Contlu�t �______ 76. RoughEiectriclNiring �� - - � 17. Rocah':':'�nng$ign 18. Rn��ciLT Bar Ceilinq ' '9 Fi,,,,gh F ;,:i:tg $: A�r Co�dition�ng 2^ � Ro�cr F�ittory Fi.ep'ace 21. D.Qs.'' S!r..�ct�:e � . 22 D_:ts. �'c�t'tatiny . �.,Grs P�a:�Hough & 7est , 24. 9�c° F����n ^3 -- � 2:i. Rnqt Sh^uThmi3 " 26. T�Be� C:•�I�ng IStr�ctural) & J:tonocoat 27. ;'-ramr ai d Flarh�og _ _ �28 Lo!h�n., f4 Sidi:,� . _ __� : _- �_ � <£. �r,SU:L`.W^ _ . . � • 30 D•ywal7Na�ling r----- ---- I 3t Pl.,ste� 2ru:.� ..uyt iT32. F.♦!e�tn�- PC'. rr ii'yAtCr.FiraP ;-33 =:nz t.��r.c � �04. ���-. �i. :.�� &: Mr Covd�tio���nq _�---- - 35. ri�in� G�! P�prT•:st � 3u. H �ry� o� C�nopy 37. "��na1 Futtary F�replace , 38. F�rt;I i'��-noin3 - 39. 1v�tdr S�rvica�Final r 40. Gas Serv�cc�Final �41. Solar pomesuc�Final - � 42. BacKflo�.� Preventer , 43. Bad�Flu:� �rrig.tion I� 44. Landscepe IrriRetion Sys[em 45. Sourd dttenuation ^ 46. Har.dictu RegulaUons � 47. FI?iAL STRUCTU�E & BUILDING I as. r-�;vA��,.drcn:irvc 4�. Electric acicase to Etl�son 50 CasRele�se to Southem Califomia Gas 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY \o. Dnte Date u Inspector POOL a SPA ��� APPROVALS Permit,� I 52. Pool & Equ�pment Loca�ion 53. Steel Feinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical Band�ng 56. Royh Pi�r.b�ng & PrzSsure Test 57. APPPOVAI T^ CQVER�GUNITE 58. Electricdl Cocdu�i•Undrgmtl. 59. Gas P'Re, Q U�drgrr.d., Test i 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Baekviash t4 Receptor-Final 63. Heatar & Vent-Finai 64. Plumbing Systam � Final 65. Elactrical�Final 66. Solar System�Final 67. Fencing & Access ApGroval 68. APPRO�EDFOR?LASTERING 69. POOUSNASVSTEA'SF�NAL FIRE DEI'T. Rt�U1REIVIENT APPROVAl�S Permit ::' _� I 70. Underg-punc HpOro I 1 i 7t. ProductPip,n,:JGr.s �Oil 72. U�dcr{�ro.inJ Flush ' 73. Ucdurgrnd. Storaa�. Taak ^� 74 O�erhead Hydro- � 75. Dry Chemicai � I 76. Dry StarJpipe - i � - �77. FIXEDSYSTE���rINA� Date �Inspector - -a 76J FIRL- PREV. F WAi_ , ��� � �i -_ �__'.__ y • HEALThIDEP7.REQtiIHEMtfi!T I .7�. FINAL I! i$hECTir�,,,,----- -;-i - -- - I- -- - ' _.��-..-�- �-} �� - --' 80. POOU CERTIFICAT� 195UED ' I -- -- - l- Notes� 2--f ��_ � � ��- ��� J r� . `�E�✓ - -. ��- ---- �---- -- *'-' - - ----- - - � -------- - --. ..- t - ---- --:--- -- � i - - ----- - � ----------- I - -- - ! . . _-_ _---� ---- -- 1 --- � PpOJECT RODPE55: (j 1 O ANTON BL OWNEP'SNFME: (OO ANTON BL ASSOC. aooxess: 600 ANTON BL# 120 C.M. 92626 714) 435-2191 ANCH/ENGINEEP: RDOflESS: NEG.NO.: uxrt: E uxrt: PEHMITTEE: INDICOM INC. (714)731-0920 aooness: 621 B ST H TUSTIN CA 92681 �ICENSEU CONTBRCiOB oECIAflRtION: I nereoy allirm Inat I am IicenseA unAer D�a�sions ai Chapter 9lcommencing vnih Section 7000� LOiNsion 3 of Ihe Business antl Prole55ion5 Code, anA my litense is in tull fatce antl eltect. c uc.: �1��O1}7/� STRTE LIC.: Q% z Q Z 3 cuss: C-16 ryfE1��=1_�._1_f=1_ Signature: � �WO NS' COMPENSATION UECIAPATION: I �ereby ai�irm ��at I have a terti�itate ol ConSent Ia 5¢IbinsUte Or a te�i�iCa�e a� Workers' mpensalion Insurance. or a cerlilied topy ihereaf (Section 3800, laU. C). POLILY NO.: W C 1 � � 2 Q 4 1[ E%P. �RTE: O B/ O I I 9 A �amraxv: N, A. I. C. C. rtilie copy i. �ereby �umisAea. � Ceriifietl coDY is lile with ��e cny Builtlinp �ivision. al ' `� � ` � Applicanl: � E%EMPTION FPOM WONHEBS' COMiENSR110N UECIAHRTION: (T�is seciion nee0 nm �e comOleteA il tlie permit is tar one AunAreO (5100) or leu). I certity IM1a� in Ihe pedormante ol Ihe work lor wAiCh �his permi� i5 iisued. I 5hall no� emDloy any persOn in any manner 5o as �0 become SUGjet� Io Ihe Work¢rs' Compen5aiion LawS ot Calilomia. oaie: SipnaWre: NO710E: I1. alter making Ihis declaralion, you shoul0 become su�iect lo �ne workers' Compensation provisions of Ihe La6or Cotle. you musl lorihwi�h com0ly wi�h such provisions or �his Oermit s�all be Eeemed �evoketl. CONSTBUCTION LENOING AGENLY: I here6y afiirm thai there is a consimclion lentling aqency for the pedormance of ihe work for whicn �nis permit is issued ISection 3097. Civ. C). LENDEB: ADOflESS: OWNEfl BUIL�Efl OECUMTION: I Aere�y allirm I�al I am eremp� irom �he Contractors' Stale Litense Law lor Ihe Pollowinq reason �Seciion 7031.5 Business antl Professional Cotle: Any ciry o� coumy w�ich reQuires a Dermi� �o constmcL al[er, imD�o�e• tlemolish, or repair any stmcWre. D��or lo iis issuance, also repuires I�e ap0�ican� lor such permi� b �ile a 5igneE statement Ihat helS�e is Iicen5e0 pursuam io the O�ovisions oi ihe Coniracmrs' State License Law (Chapier 9(cammencing witA Section 7000) ol 0ivision 3 of the Business ana Pmtesvons Coael or that he/sne is exemo� therefmm antl ihe easis for the allegeA exemption. any violation oi Section 7031.5 Uy any appli[ani lor a Dermi� SUDIe«5 I�e appliwni to a Cinl p¢nalry o� noi mort IAan live hunEred OaIIafS (5500). I, as owner ol Ihe pmperty or rtry employees with wages as t�eir sole compen5ation, will do ihe woM, an0 Ihe ❑ simctureis notintentled orolfere0 brsale(Secuon 70aa, Business anU ProfessionalCoae: The Coniracrors' State License Law does not apOW m an owner al a pmperty who builas or improves t�erean, antl w�o aoes such work himself/herself or tArough his ar �er own employees, D�aviUeO Ihat such impmvemenis are noi inlentleE or allereG lar sale. Ii, however the 6uilAinp ar � impmvemenl is sa10 wilhin one year ol cample�ion, Ihe owner will have �he �urtlen o� praving �e/s�e did not huild or imD�ove lor I�e purpose of Saie�. I. as owner of I�e pmpeny. am eeclu9vely conlractinq with IicenseU coniractors to fAnsimcl ihe Dmject (Section 7044. Business ❑ antl Protesvms CaEe: The Contractars' State License Law Gces not aDPN �o an oxner of pmpeM �o huYAs or improves thereon an0 wno comracts lor sucn pmlects wiin a coniraqorls) license Dursuant m tne Contracmrs' State License Law�. I am awaa IM1aI 0��� of I�eir Worker'S Compensation insurance SMuIG 6e pmvideE Io me. � I am exempt unGei Sec�ion: B. 8 P. C. lor I�is reamn: Date� Ownec 1 Go �ere�y cerlily I�ai I am aware ol and unUers�anOlhe reduirem¢ni5 of Calilamia Neallh an0 Safery Cotle Seciions 25505, 25533, an0 2553d ane Ihat I or any fulure Duilaing occupanl wilVwill not (circle one) nee0 to compty with SaiA state cotles an0 tAe repuirements tor a permn for cons�mc�ion or moEilication �mm Ih¢ Fir Ouali�y Managemeni Distric�. HeSiC¢niial con5tmciion appliwiions are exem0� ��om ��ese Omvisions. Da�e: Fpplican�: I nereby cenilytnat I havereatl inis apolication antl slate inal Ihe a0oveinformalion is correcl. I agreeto comD�Y'A'��h atl city and county or0inances ana statelaws relalingto Uuilaing consimclion ana nereby aulhar¢e representativesoltnis ciryto enteruponihe above�mentioned pmpeny I in7sp�epM n Ourposes. i �Date' \ 7, 1� � Signalure: �� �er's ucente or Soc�ai Securiry x: t6abG6 w�ne—Builtling', Green—Cotlo Enlorcemenl: Canary—Applicam: Pink—Revenue; GOlaenroG—Nssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: F 065873 PLAN CHECK NO: 00268-94 S CONSTRUCTION TYPE: I—FSP PERMIT TYPE: FIR PERM NO; F 06587_ GOVT: N SUPP; N PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION ; INTERIOR 526SF OFFICE T.I. SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: H-1 / COMMENTS: REF: B-65728 atdr*�t�t*�ir+tit+titat��+r*+titat+tiFif*itxit�t*�e�rat*�* rtitx��r�e**+rit�tf�itititit��r+tat**a*ititx***�ar���tat��rit�rar+r* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 41047203 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i *+t+r*�rxi�*�r*�r�r*,r+�**rt�r�r*ir�r�r�r�r*+r+r�r�t+rx�x-**�t**+t*�r+�*�c-+r*x�*x�+�,«*+r�r*�t*�r****�r,ex�+t*«*+r*�r*�e*.+�* D'E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: HUILDING APPROVED HY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: ( � DATE; (y� iF+rit�rx*�rieitiF+tirit�it��r*�r*�eat*�r�tx��r�riFx-r�it �rit��it**�r*�t*�tft�+r**+tit*x�*�+tit*+F*�r* * *vr it*x� ititiElkkit�EitltitiEikitiFfEiEkifikiEifififitifililiflElfitikiEiE1lifiEikif iEiflEiEifiEiEifiFiEiEiflfiflflEiEifiElEiEiEiEifififififiElflf ifiEihikitiEiE LEGALZZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 15 00 PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> TOTALS----> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL 15.00 0.00 9.75 24.75 65t 9.75 SMZP/NON—RES PAID DUE 24.75 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 15.00 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 15.00 if iE if iF iE iE k df iE iE iE iE k if iF * if iF 1E 1E iF iF if if iF jF iF iE iE 3k iE iE iE 1E it iE it iE i(� iE i6 iE it if iFit if k it iE iE IF at it jF it if iF it iF it iE %aE-lf iF iF iE iF iP iE if� aF at iE if if ir iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST FIR 15 FIRE EQUIP FEE (FROM BLDG VAL TABLE) 1.00 15.00 END OF FEES EXPIRED . Ir�mplete Ins�ctioIns ,,,j �/� •�_�. �at6ll_I�_��-�— Si� . :Il � V CS1 OO15b552-00154?S2 T O T 15.i70 DA7E: �i/31/94 TIf1E: 1D:54 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING PG .SPA � APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit# Date Inspector t. Temporary Electrical Serviceor Pote "� 52. Pool & Equipme�t Location � 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. '-� � --. 53. Steel fleinforcement - 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. � 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 55. Electricai Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbin9 & Pressure Test 6. E�ectrica�UFERGrnd. 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Urdrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test - 9. Water Pipe�Undrgmd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, L� Undrgmd. - 10. Structurzl Floor SYstem � 67. APPROVAL TO DECK � i i. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Recepior�Final 12. Sewer CaP 63. Heaxer & Vent�Final 73. Roof Dra�ns 64. Plumbiny SYstem � Final 14. flough Piumbing 65. Electricaf�Final 75. Rough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough E�ectric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rou9h Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electrica�-T Bar Cei�ing 69. POOL(SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19, Rough Heating & Air Conditioni�g FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 20. Rough Fectory Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducis, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Oucts, Ventiiating , 77. Product Piping OGas ❑Oii 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush � 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storaye Tank O Gas ❑ Oil � 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead�..���•o - ,��� 26. T-Bar Ceifing (Svuctural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding . 77. FIXED SYSTEA4 FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIflE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIREMENT 31. Plasrer Brown Coat � 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinel , 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric � Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test ' 36. Hood or Canopy ' 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Se�vice-Final 4�. Gas Sxrvice�Final � 41. Solar pomestic-Final � 42, Backflow P�eventer 43. Backflow Irrigation � 44. Landscape Irrigation System � 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Reg�lations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 46, FINAL PLANNING . . _ 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to $outhem Caltfomia Gas Co - 51. CEATIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY _ No. Dace