HomeMy WebLinkAbout3503 CADILLAC AVE - Building PermitsPfl0.1ECT ROOHESS: 3 S O 3 CAD I LLAC Al� owaen�sseMe: TELESIS FACILITIES MGMNT nooeess: 3505 CAllILAC 8 C-1 CM CA 92626 714)979-5232 AflLN/ENGINEEP: REG.NO.: nooxess: uxrt: C 1 uxrt: PENMI7TEE: JJS INC. ( 999 ) 999-9999 �oos¢ss: 3750 S. SUSAN S00 SANTA ANA CA 92704 UCENSED COMMCTOP DECUMTION: I �ere aff I IicenseG u Nr-B�eMsqas.at C aD�er 9(commencinq with Section 7000) ol Oivision 3 0l Ne Business anE Prat mTQ10 a aib 71 cm uc.: 0 4 8 0 2 5 sTnte uc.: 718 4 �: Oate: g d 2/�___r_ a qnatur � WOPNENS' COMPENSATION OELIAMTION: 1 � atlir a cenilipte al canunt to ulbinsum or a ceNlicate ol WaBers' Cpmcensatan Insurance, ar a certi11M capy tAereol n 3800, LaO. C1. �� xo.:R123798 exr.oeTe: 06/09/90 axr: FAIRMONT INS. � CerlifiW topy 5 Ire2Ey Iumisl�e0. � rlifi ' h e jte N BWCin ' . 4 ` l � Date: 3�2I � L_� � licant IXFMFfION FHOM WOBIIFAS' CONPENSITION mt Ee mmpeted A rte pnmit ¢ la are AUMrtE (5700) a lessl. I ceniry Itut in the peAormance oi the woM lar wteU Nis perrttlt is iSwM. I shatl not empby airy person in any manner sti az ro Gecome su�ie« �o tne Workers CompensaGon �avrs ot Calitmnu. Oa[e: SiO�turt: NOTICE: II, aiter makinp N's CeUaratbn, you stroNO Eemme su0ject to tM Workers' Compertution provisions dt Urc Labor Code, you musllanMrit� compty vnt� suc� provisions or INs permit s�all Ee EeemeE mwkeA. -• CONSTBIICTION 1EN01N011GENtY: I �ereGy afitrm ttat tAere's a cansfmction IenONq ape�xy lor ehe pedormance al t�e work far whicA this Dermit is issueC (Setqon 3W7, Civ. C). � lENOEfl: i � RODflESS: � � OWNER BUIIDEB OECUMTIOX: 1 �ereGy allirm tlut I am eeempl imm t�e Caniradors' Stala licensa Law tor tAe follovnnp reason (Secimn 7037.5 Business aM Protessional CoOe: My ciry W counry wAkh repuira a Dermlt to cmrstruct, alror, Imprwa, EemolisA, ar repalr any stmcture, O�or to its luuanca, also reQulres tne �p011cant lor such Dermit to lile a sipne0 statement tlut Ae/she Is IicenseA � Dursuant ta Ine provislons of tM Cantnctors State Llcense Uw (Clupter 9(mmmeMinp wit� Sectldn 7000) al Divislon 3 0l tne 9usineu . anE Pmiesslans Cade) or ttut �Nshe Is exem0� ��erelrom anC I�e EavS lor t�e alleOeE exem0tlon, My violatlan ol Section 7P71.5 hy any aDPlicant lor a Oermil su0lecis Ine applipm ro a civA penatry alirot mom IAan live nunareE Oollars �550�). , 'I, as awner ol t�e Droperry or my employees wlf� wapes az Ueir wle compensation, will tla ihe woM, and IAe �, ,❑ stmcwm is not inrenCea or ollereC lor sale (5¢ctWn 70dA, Busmess and Pmlesslonal Code: Tha Conbactors' State Llcense Law � Eaes not appty to an owner al a pmperry wta GutlGs or ImD�oves Nereon, an0 wlro Uoes such woA Mmsell/herull or tArouph his or �er own employees, D�a�0e0 Inat sue� Improvemen45 are not Intende0 or ofiaretl lor sale. If, howaver the Culldinp or impmvement is wIA mt�in ona year ol completlon, IM owner will tuve t�e EurEen of D�odnp he/s�e OiU not Eui10 or impmve -� 101 �I10 pufpOSO 0� Shc¢�. ' .I, as owner of tAe propen9, am exclusively conlraciinp vAtA Ilcense0 contractors lo consiruct t�a prole�� (Saction 7044, Businass ❑ anA Pmlessiwu COCe: iAa Cantactori State Licensa law does rqt appty to an avmer ol Droperry who bmlUs or improves Ihereon anU who cantracis lor suc� pmjecis wilh a cantractor(s) license Dursuant io tAe Contractars' Stale License Law). I am aware that D��� a� ��eir Workar's Campensatlon insurairce sMUU Ge provi0ed to ma. � I am eMempl unaer Sectlon: B. 8 P. C. for Ihis reason: - Dale: I ao hereEy cenity tAat 1 am aware ol a 25531 anG tAat I or any Mum 6uilUinp � permi� �or canslmRwn or modiflta0on t�eu Dmvisions. Date: I �ereby certiTy tAat l lwve reaE t�a apDliwfi oNirances and sute laws reUtmO ta Eu00inp i D�DO¢nY �or inspeciion pury05E5. -0dl¢: � �� {—I�� oriver's License ar Sacial Seariry »: Owner. the reQwremenis of Califomia Heatt� anU Safety Code Sections 25505, 25539, ana ri0 no� (cirde me) neeG ta compy wi coGes ana Ilie requiremenis lar a luali aoe OVAIittrA ' u(ial COn�[ plications are axemOt fmm CITY OE COS1'A MESA -- AUILDITIC PERMIT PERM NO: HE 046339 PERMIT NO: BE 046339 PLAN CHECK NO: 02985-90 S GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: pE12MIT TYPE: ELF. STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRTPTION : T.I. OFFICE/WEARHOUSE SQ FT: 6,000 CLAIM VALUE: 3,000.00 CALC-VALUE: 6,000.00 GROUP OCC: B-2 / COMMENTS: EXTEND WAREHOUSE INTO OFFICE SFACE *�tft�t+r�ti�itrx-�t�err+�rrie+��r+�+�*�c�r+e�t�r�e�r�r�e*�e�t***�t�r**�rx*+t�r�r�r*ir*�r�rrit***�r*�r�r*�r*******�ex���t�x�* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S --------- -- MAIN BUILDING �---------- --------- IiCCESSORY BUZLDING --------- FRNT: F1' IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: E'T IN PARICING RE(�: PROV: PARCEL: 13966117 ZNE: PDI REF D10: PLANNING NOTES> TENANT ZMPROVEMENTS, ONLY. RELOCATING EXISTING INTERIOR > WALLS. 1E �f �IF if iE iE k if k iE fk iE 1E iE iF iFlE 3k k fE iE iE 1E 1E if 1E iE if k iF k k if if iF"iF if it iE iF iE iE iF 1F 1E it Ik ikik 1E if iE ff iE k 1E 1F iE 1E k iE k 1F iE iE k i! iE iF jE iF it iE iE ik iE iP iE 1F D E V E L O P M E N T S E,R V I C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S ZONZNG APPROVED BY ; G'l� �R+-�= �____ DATE: G3'UZ- 1Q HUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY; •� �t�t�t�itft��t�e*�t�t�t�r��r*�t�t**�t itikifiElFikiEiEMiEiFiFifik�FlkiFitiFiflEiEiFitltlEiklEiFkiFlfifiFi i! LEGALIZATION:N F,F. E S U HLDG PMT PLUMBING EI�ECTRIC/ PERMIT 81.00 75( SOt DATE: DATE i! ik ik iF iF 1E ih iE it ik �t iF it iF iF i! ik 1k ff i! fE k 3f if If iE iF ik ff )F ikik k 1E i! ik if M A 2 Y STRUCTURAL S�:GMENT:Y MECHANIC FSAG SMIP/RES GRADING PLAN 52.65 ZSSUE FF.E 15.00 BUILDING—DIV�—> PENMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK •roTALs-----> a2.6s is.00 52.65 REVENUE DIVISION TOTAI.S--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING F.LF,CTRIC MECIiANTC 81.00 15.75 SMIP/NON-RES � . '.90 TOTAL PAID'� DUE 150.30 150.30, '.00 150.30 OVF.R/SHORTi� � .00 FIRE SMIP/'COT GRADING P.LAN-CHECK .90 ' . 57.65 if if )h iF IE 1F if iF IE 1E IE 1E IE 3E iE If IE iE 1F M it 1E iE if �E iE iF IE iE iE K if iE 1E if iF ik k 7E if ik iE ik 1E iE iE it 1EK k iE 1E iF iE K 1E 1E 1! ibit M it iE IF iE iE 1f M IF 1E If K 1Elf if iE it iE if i N D L V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N ONTT COST . TOTAI� COST . .r SFC 6000 ALTER BY VAI,UE COMMERCIAL NOZONE 1.00 , -,6,000.00 ELE 1 2ECEPT/SWITCH 1 ST 20 GA. .75 -." .75 END OF FEES I apree to Camq un�ll ciry and counry I ris rin to enter uoon tice ahove�mentimea ' 16a1<e W�ita—BuiMiiw: Green—Coae Enbrcamam; Canarv—AODlicanl: Plnk—Ravenue; GOIEenroE—lwesaor 1 0! 00055284-OOQS52E7 Y U T DATE: D3/02/90 iIi4E: 1i:50 150.3U t ; � s , CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING . ' • ?O SPA APPROVALS Permit � Date Inspector qPPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector n. 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole� - -" 52. Pool & Equipment Location � � 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgmd. '• � - _ 53. Steel Reinforcemen[ j ' �'3�=Electrical Conduit Ulility�Undrgmd. '_ 54. Forms " 4.. Electri'cal ConduiYUndrgrnd. - 55. Electrical Bonding <: �5._Steel Reinforcement, - 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test _ -; _ _ ^;6.�ElecvicalUFERGrnd� : �� 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE _�-7. Footings '- . ,� � 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. . � - _ _ ��S..Founda[ion - 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test �"' ` `� 9,. Water Pipe�Undrgmd. • � ' 60. Backwash Lines, P•Trap, O Undrgmd. ' . 70. Structural Floor Systerii �� 61. APPROVAL TO DECK � ,'. 1'1. Property Sewer Line°&,House Connection � 62. Backwash & Receptor-Firial 12. Sewer Cap � c:' �� 63. Heater & Vent-Final • . 13. Roof Drains � 64. Plumbing System - Final ' 74. Rough Plumbing � 65. Electrical-Final � 15. Rough Electrica�-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric;Wiring • ap � 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPflOVED FOR PLASTEFING � 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL � � 19_ Rough Heating & Air Conditioning �_ � ri. � _ FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ._ 20.=Rough Factory Fiieplace ; y c; =�< _EIPPROVALSC.�Permit # Y - 21rDucts,inStructule* � ' ' - � - :�a¢ =70. UndergioundHydro ' 22.-Ducts,Ventiiating�; �'{ �. _ � ' �.. �i _71. product-PipingOGas O�.OiI 23.�GarPipe•Rough & Test _ - � ^ � • -72. Under round Flu'sh '- ' J �. - � � . 9 _ r ; .. . �'i _ .. .._ o � � -. p . - rr .. Y . 24.. Roof F�aming _ �,� , . _ J3= Undergrnd. Storage-Tank �Q Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing �_ ' ��., -' T =� 74- Overhead Hydror,., 26;'T-Bar Ceilin (Stwctural) &-Monocoat ' � ' Y - - 9 T,�; . `'; ;, 75=0ry Chemical _ 27.. Prame and Flashmg� ' = ' i: ' >� �+ 76. Dry Standpipe - ' " . - _28. Lathing'& Siding^.� `�� .-; ° ` - ' �� � s. 77f. FIXED SY3TEM;F,INAL - • .- 29. Insulation `• - �i ' E< 7g5.FIRE PREV. FINF�L � ' 30. Drywall_Nailing ���' . ' _ ''� ,,, � �9 ;HEALTH^QEPT.. REDUIREMENT . = 31. Plaster Brown Coet� _^ ' • ' � + � ^79.V FINAL INSPECTION • "'. �.32�,Electrical Power Meter-Final - } v �. � �.` �� -%FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED_ i ^33.�Final Electric - -*! �. Notes: - - - � - - �34S,Final Hea[ing&AilCortditioning� �. � � . : � �' y T�_ _ - - : - ^�_ 35._ Final Gae Pipe-Test. • • = - '. �v�xc = %" r � . - �._. ..-...� � �, i I'. ' IJ l%s�'� rv� �t - 36. Hood or Canopy� ' _ , i- _ - . l + ••iy: m zn . . _ _ : . . � . . .- .�. . _ _ _ , ^-37.-Final Factory Piieplace� -� :,c . . - � ��+ T _38=Fin`al Plumbing " 4 �� - ', , ` 7- -- � - _ " � r .-; � C - z ' 39. Water Service;Final, g ��; ,: C- � � .- _ � =- '.40. GarService-Final x 'T' � ^" 5- ' ;c _ -.,- , • x :T� � ' � _ . � T41. �Solar pomesticFinal- � x " � � -� . % , 42. Backflow Preventer� �� ��: i � 'r ' �- ' '� � - > - 43. Backflow Irrigation� -` ; ^ i� k �� � � ^ . �"44. Landscape IRigation System: � _ ` _ . � � L ` "' -•- ` < - c r:. „a � - - ' � . - - • � -� .. �. �. �45,� Sound Attenuation -, . .. _ " -� . _ _ ? - .� �. _ - �46. �Handicap Regulations � , . -° ' = ; � � � -� � z 47rFINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING ^ . % ', ; ' ' �'i� ` � G- �48�FINAL PLANNING • -' - � ^� ' � �' ' - - " '� 1 � i,��: � - r. � � 49: .Electric Release to Edison �, � i''.' ; ;, y ' ` � 50._Gas Reiease to Southem Calitornia Gas Co ' _ ir'� * - � • �• �: • ° � ' � Y' �^ f �' . 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ` "�'-� �� • ' �- " No. Date