HomeMy WebLinkAbout862 BEAR ST - Building Permitsn PX0.IECT ADOflE$S: 8 6 2 B EAR CREEK OWNEN'S NRME: ��jLLAGE CREEK HOMEOWNERS aooness: ASSOCIATION 3429 TIMHER LARE CM VA 92626 UNIT: ANCHIENGINEEN: CHESTER CARVILLE nec.xo.: C18305 aonness: 7922 ARMOUR ST uxir: �S.D. CA 92111 PEflMITTEE: pHOENIX ENTERPRZSES INC. ( 213 ) 690-9559 aooxcss: 411 COMERCIAL WAY LA HABRA CA 90631 LICENSEO CON7HAC70P UECIANATION: I �ereDy affirm tAat I am lice mAer o sions ot Cnapter 9leommencinp wiiA Semion 7000� o� �ivnion 3 al ine Buvness anU Pmlessions Coae. ana my f e' in hy'�� a"e antl effec/t.� c�Truc.y0�/0��]188��euc.:396639— ��✓tY�/ ��L%/,i� Da1e: _l j-r_1 ` Si naWre: _ % v v r WOflKEflS' COMPENSATION OEC RTION: I �ereby allirm 1�ai l have a t¢rlih�lle oI cOnS¢nI l0 5¢I4in5ure 0r a enilicate oi Workers' ComPensation �sufa�cb a� �cr4ruuea caPy m�reoi �secroo �eoa, tao. �7 � O 1/ 91 9LILY NO.: E%P. ORTE: �OMPANY: CA COMP 6 FIRE CeniliS/ rn� {a AertOy W� -h ❑ Cenilied copy is IileE � e c BuilEin Div¢ron. Oate: r er��� noviicam: E%EMPfION FNOM 140PNEfl5' COMPENSATION OECUPATION: (TN5 5e[Iion necO noI Ge campleteE ii tle permt is tor ane ,nNeA (51U(p or less�. I cendy inat in ine pedormantt o1 Ihe vArk tar wnicn ihis permil is Rsuea. I snall not emDloy any persan in any manner 5a as lo �ecome SUOje[f �o I�¢ Work¢R' CAmDensaGan LawS 01 Cali�Omia. Date: Signawre: ' NOTICE: If, alter making t�is Eedaraiion. you slroula Aewme subjed lo l�e WOMers Comce�tbn provisions oi I�e La�or COee. yW musl IOnlmii� comply wiI11 sucn Dmvisions ar ��is permil s�all Oe Eeem¢E r¢vokeE. CONSTPUCiION LENOINC RGENCY: 1 nereEy allirm ItWt Inere 6 a conslmction IenUing a0enty lor Ine petlormdnce af the vrork for w�it� t�is pCrrtui i5 ¢SulU (SKtiOn 7(197. Civ. C�. lENOEN: RDOflE55: OWNFfl BUIIDEfl OECUMTION: I �ere0y a�lirm Ilut I am eaempi �mm I�e Coniracmri Su�e License Law lor ��e lollowinp reason (Sec�bn 703t.5 BusineA and Pm�essional CoOe: My cily of munty whicn repuires a ce�M� 10 cautmct. alter, improve, aemolish, or �eoair airy slru[Ime. O�b� lo its issuance, also repuires Ihe appliWnt br SucA perrtot ta Ide a 9gne0 statement tlwt �e/s�e is IicenseA pursuam Io I�e O�ovrsions al Ihe Comracmrs' Staie License Law (C�apter 9(wmmencinp wit� Section 7W0) ol Division 3 oi ��e Business ana Pto�es4ons COOe) or tlWi �e/Slie R eKempt I�erefrom and IOe Oa5i5 lor tAe alleqe0 ecem0�ion. My vioWtion ol Section 7031.5 by any apWicam lor a permit w01K�s t�e apWiqnt io a civil penalty ol nai rtrore tAan IHe hunOreO tlallars (5500). I, as awner ol Ine pmveny or rtry em loyees with wapes az tAeir sde ca�ce��. �+o ao me work. antl Ihe � stmcmre 6 nai ime�e0 or ollere0lar sale I�Uon 70a4. Bus�ness anG Protessional CoOe: TAe ContraIXors' State License Law Eces not aoDN ro an owner ol a O�opetiy who UuilOs or improves t�erron, anE xTo Gaes suc� work Mmull/herself ar I�mugll �is or �er Own em0�0yeM. pfovi0¢0 Ihal SUth im0�0u¢m¢nts are noi intlntled or oflertJ �Or 5ale. I�. �ow¢vef Ihe 6vilding Or im0�ovemem i5 solU xit�in one year ol comoletion, I�e ovmer vnll have ihe Gurtlen of D«�9 �uSAe diE noi �uilU or impmve tor the Durpou al 5aie1. . I, as owne� ol t�e procerty, am e�Uusively contrac6nA w��n licensea comracmrs �o consimct the pmject (Secuon 7044, 6usiness ❑ an0 Professims CaOe: TM Contractors' State Lkense Law aces not appty to an awner ol D�opeM � �ml0s or im0�� ���ron an0 who convacts lor sucn pwlects with a cantractoqs�license WrsuanitotAe Comractors' State Licertse Law�.l am aware Itwi praai ol t�eir Worker'S Campensation insuranc¢ shoula G¢ prOviGetl �0 me. � I am e.empi un0er Seclion: B. 8 P. C. tor mis reason: Oa�e: Owner. I do nertCy cenify tnat I am awam af anC un0erstane �ne repuirements af Calibmia Healt� ana Salery Code Sectmrrs 25505, 25533, ane 2553< ana Ihal I or any Iuiure Euil4inB O[tupanl wiA/will nol (tirtle One) nee0lo mmON ��� sai05laie ca0e5 antl Ihe reQuirtmenl5 tor a permp lor conslmclion of mOEilicalion Irom Ihe Ai� Managemen� Oi51rit1, fleSiUenlial con5iruction aDUlicalions are exempi �rom IAese O�ovipons. Oate: p001icanl: _ I OeieOy cetlily��al I �ave rea01�i5 applicalion and slale 1�; orainancesanaslalelawsreWlinqtohw inpconslmclionanU pmpetly I i inspe����on i]poses/A/ �ate: _l^� XJ_7-4- _ Signamre'. _ V ' orivets �icense or saui Secuuty �: ion is corren. I agre�e m�Q' m�pty wit� alt ciry ana esenialives of INS rJYjjqCnlJ� Ihe a�� `� I!' j `% / / i64t�a6 Whno—Building: Green—CoOe Enlorcemenl; Canary—Applicant: Pink—Revenue: GoldenroE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; 8 OS PERMIT NO; B 050653 PLAN CNECK NO: 00057-91 A GOVT; N SUPP: CONSTRUCTION TYPfi: V-N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: REP JOB DESCRIPTION ; REPAIR SETTLEMENT DAMAGE SQ FT: 143 CLAIM VALUE: 14,300.00 CALC-VALUE; 14,300:00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: BUILDING SETTLEMENT REPAIR/FOUNDATION x**************�r**�***�r�r�x���r�*****�**���r***+�x��*�rxx*�:*+��r+��r��******�*��+e�**�**�u* Z O N I N GS ERTEB�AUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --=------ FRNT: FT IN REAA: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV• PARCEL; 93506124 ZNE: R2 REF NO: PLANNING NfSTES> FOUNDATION REPAIR. � . �IE iE 3F it aF iF it jf iE iE iF #E 3E �(-iF af it �R ik it iF it i63t i4 i(� iE �1E �t iE �fE �)f ib if iF iE iE iE if� it if iF �E iE If atif •If %� 1F if 1E # iF iF iE iE i(� iF !F iE 3t if #f 1E 1f aF iE iE 1E iE iE 1'r iE �F if aE if k D E V E L O P.M E N/ T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T.S ZONING APPROVED BY C�p - 7�T DATE: ��/..S-%/ HUILDING APPROVED BY : �-✓ � �--/»`� DATE; � APPLICATZON ISSUED BY• DATE• iE iE if ik fF 1E 1f 1(� iF 3F iE IF if IE iE iE iF j4 if 3E IE if�iFi fE iE if if ik �f if 1F 16 iE�'£if 3F iFiFlf�7E1F3FiE1ElfiElElEi1��1FiFifiFlfiEiFiEiF�IflfiElElE1E1E1EiFfElfififlfiFi E1EIfi4iE%�IflhifiEiflfiFiFlFiEifiElElFlFiEiFIl�iFiFiflflEifif�lElEififlEiFl4�IFIEif LEGALZZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING EL TRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 162.00 1.00 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN 26.33 ISSUE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 163.00 0.00 26.33 189.33 189.33 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 189,33 OVER/SHOR'�: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 162.00 1.00 26.33 3F jE iF af %aF 3f i63F if �f 16 iE IF �E �E iF IE 1f iF *-lE iE �E if iF iE IE if iF 3E iF �f if iF if fF iF iE dR 1f iE i41E iF i6 iFaE if iE ik iE if fF iE jf 3F iE 3f �f iE 3E 1f iF #f IF )f 1f iF iE if if iE If �f �F iE iF iE I N D I V I D U A L F E'E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 143 STRUCTURAL BY,VALUE PER g100,00 100.00 14,300,00 END OF fiEES Oi 60fi?��12-fCfl7EIIl4 F la3 13?.�3 DATE: OI.'23/91 TIfiE: 09=1.`'i V � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING ' ` $ SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspeetor AppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electriwl Service� Pole , 52. Pool & Equipment Location i 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. �. � 53. Steel Reinforcement '�f 3.' Electrical Conduit Utiliry�Undrgrnd. �� 54. Forms ' 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgrnd:- -• �_ 55. Electrical Bonding '�-�_ 5. �Steel Reintorcement• . 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test � 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings ' � 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation. �• �� 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test ,. ,� ` 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. '�� �- �J � 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgmd. " � n 10. Strutturel Floor Syscem :':- ^ 61. APPROVAI TO DECK - �` . � ' 17. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final ��� 12. Sewer Cap �` ^ 63. Heater & VenrFinal � l 13. Roof Drains �•� ^` 64. Plumbing System - Final ��� 14. RoughPlumbing �� �%' _� 65. Electrical�Final � 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit j� • 66. Solar System-Final ��' 16. Rough Electric Wiring ;� �� 67. Fencing & Access ApProval f 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING � � 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling / 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning - FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 20.'Rough Factory Fireplace - APPROVALS Permit # 21. Duets, in Structure. . - .70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating, � � ' 71, Product Piping OGas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough &�Test . � 72. Underground Flush � ' 24: Roof Framing ' ' � �73.-Undergmd'StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25. ftoof Sheathing . � '., 74, Overhead Hydro � 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat � 75. D.ry Chemical ' 27. Frame and Flashing _ 76: D'ry Standpipe . 28. Lathing & Siding . t i � 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL' 29. Insulation � � � � ! 7g; FIRE PREV. FINAL � � 30. Drywall Nailing I I HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Platter Brown Coat . � I �' _ 79: FINAL INSPECTION � � 32. Electriwl Power Meter�Final � � �- � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE �SSUED 33. Final Electric I I, 'Notes: � , , 34. Final Heating & Air• Conditioning � (: . 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test ' ' I �, ; 36. Hood or Canopy. � � I'` � 37. Final Fattory Fireplace -• � �: � ' 38. Final Plumbing , . . � ! I � 39. Water Service�Final � � � 40. Gas Service-Final � , . , . � . 41. Solar pomesticFinal � � � 42.'Backflow Preventer - � � i, ' . 43. Backflow Irrigation� � � • � 44. Landscape Irrigation System , . 45. Sound Attenuation � ' • 46. Handicap Regulations ' . 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING g � • • 48. FINAI PLANNING ( � ' � . � . t 49. Elearic Release to Edison ; � � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co � � � ' 51. CERTIFICATEOF,OCCUPANCY , , . � No. Date muu�a GENER AP No. GFS PROP. SWR. LINE � I HOtISE CON. UNDERGROUNO I� POWE0. REINFORCE SHEATHING FRAME FN� FLASHING LATHING - IN � i PLPSTER, BROWN CORT UAIt TRACT 8858 FIRE ZONE SUBCONTRACTOR Z . Wa cwj za ON am J � J N Q W m J J m Q U N Za w� aW wZ J Q m Z J � W W O z� W � �O F z Q U J a a Q � y Z O F U � � �"' N Z 41746 COSTA MESA BUtLDING-SAF�TY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 Fo� Applicant ta Fill in Completely BVILOING _ . _ . OwNER State-Wide Developers, Inc. ADORESS 9461 Grindlay TEL. cirv C ress No. 826 CONSTFUCTION LENDER BRANCH ADDRESS ARCHITECT TEL. ����� LohrbaehT4�ulaslei NO�536 AooRess17848 SkyPark Blvd, Irvine CONTRACTOR S'CfitB-W� CIe D ADDRESS 9461 Grindla c�rv Cypress STATE uc. No. 224710 OF�OT 12.093 acres SIZE OF OF No'"826-4550 CITY LIC. NO. INO. OF BL�OGS O NOW ON LOT NFio�Q �38r< ftku238.23 RAY 13-76c���r APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED BV DATE RECEIVED nnrc icc�u ¢iZ-Zi/--vi oZ I A.P. NO. !�✓b -OD�-G/ AODRE S S�2 �L�[ L�lP�Qk TRAC? {��� LOT Att qar VALUg OVED NE NO.OF USE OF NEWi %2 �'%� FLANS 2 BUIIDING YARDS AP7ROV ED YAFDS API MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORV WAIL riaszer ROOF G COVERING FE/>R JILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED DSTANCE BET. MAIN BLDGS. New construction-Condominiums cuP�wZG 1 Residence w/att gar �4PPROVED HOLD FOR � FT. BEf. MAIN & ACCE'S. BLDGS. / DATE � APPROVED — ./ Cl %%_� 1 �eraby acknowletlpe Met I have raotl thif eppllcetion antl itata that tha abova Informetion is corraet antl eprae to eomply wiN all lews re0��etinp builtlinp eonnrueUon, antl I shell not amploy nny parson In vlolntion of Me workman'f companfatlon law� of `�e S"" o` `'�'�°."�'. 1480 J-645 I haroby eertify thet 1 em proparly Iieensetl ea e eontreetor untlar SQ. FT. tha Stete of CeII(or�la Builness antl Prolasslona Code, Divisicn 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER Chaptar 9, antl tha[ sueh Iicenws ero in full foree antl affeet, or 1 THE PURGOSE OF ESTABLISHING am exampt from Ma provlibns ot tha Siete ot Catft nla eudnass VALUATIO� entl Profeasiona Cotla, Olviiion 3, Chepter 9. � PERMR FE State-Wide Develop r Inc. � Q Q� ste�emre o Parmlttae $ PLAN CHEI Aut�oNzatl ABent Vi ce Pres i dent rorA� Fe� � 1 IS FOR a E ONLV: Q 1 � �� N � m � E . � o , O LL