HomeMy WebLinkAbout871 BEAR ST - Building Permits..� � � � O / 1 DLAL\ l.I\LLA reaecrnooaess: VILLAGE CREEK H.O.A. OWNEN'SNRME: 34'Z9 TIMBER LAKE noosess: COSTA MESA, CA 92626 553-1876 RflLX1ENGINEEH: nooxess: PETERSON ROOFING PEflMITTEE: 3006 ENTERPRISE nooness: COSTA MESA UNIT: flEG.NO.: uxir: (714>979-7111 CA 92628 LICENSED LONTNAC70P UELIABRTIDN: I nereoy allirm ihat I am IicenseA un0ei provisions ol Cnao�er 9lcommencing wi�h Seclion �000l oi �i�i� j� ye�ugness ana Pml�;7� �A my license is in ��Il lurej afa eueci. CITY IIC.: ST�TE LIC.: C 55: Oa�e: % SignaWre: � _ ,� - — WOHNENS' 041P 10pBE6LARAi1�N: I hereby alfirm Ihal I have a rLli�ateac n`to self-insure or a cenilicate ol Workers' Compensalion Y� d d celRed �bpy inereol �Seciion 3A00, La0.�4 / V 1 �`� POLICY NO.: S ATE FUND ' EXP. ORTE: COMP�NY: X ❑ CenilieA copy is nert�y IumisneE. ❑ Ceniliee copy is IiteA with tne/�ity BUA ' Oivisi7o �a�e: pAVlicant: � �y.,�.L(.�� ✓�� — T / E%EM7fI0N flOM WU NEflS' LOMPENSRTION OECWIATION: (This seclpn neeG not Ee comDletN i� pa�m a lor one huMretl �EiOD) or lest�. I ceNly tlut in ine p¢normance ol tne vrork �or wNcn iNs p¢rrttit is is5ued. I StWI nol employ any per5on in airy manner so as to �ecome SuOj¢[I la Ihe WOrkers' Compmsation �aws al Califomia. Oare: Signa�ure: NOTICE: If, atler rtuYing t�6 GeUaratim. you s�oulE Cecome subiect ta t�e Worker5' Compensatioo D�a'/��ons of tlle LaDor CoOE. y0u musl lorllmil� compty wil� Sut� provisians ar Ilris permii shall Ge G¢¢meE fevokeE. ��� CONSTPUCTION 1EN01NG RGENCY: I �ereUy aliirm t�al ��ete is a mn5lmtlion 1¢n0inq ap¢ncy �or Ihe Detlarmance a� l�e work lor wAic� ihis permit i5 isSuM (��ion 3097. Civ. C�. �xoce: noon[ss: OWNEP BWLUEB OECUPRTION: I �¢r¢by aliirm Ihai I am ea¢mpi IrOm IAe ConVaClors' Sta�e License Law for t�e lollowinp reason �Section 70J7.5 Busineu anG Pmlessional Code: Any cily ol counly wflic� require5 a permil ta tonslNci, alter, improve, Oemalish, or r¢pair any SIrUtlUre. pri0i l0 ils issUance. al5o requires I�e applitani for sucA permii �o lile a 5ipneE 5[alemenl I�al helS�e is licensed pursuant lo Ih¢ piovisions ol lbe ComracmrY Slale License Law (C�apler 9(commencinp vni� Seclion 7000) of Oivision 3 0� t�e Business antl Pmlessions COtle) or Ihdl �elshe is exempt iherefmm antl Ihe basis lor I�e alle0etl eKemption. My vioWtion al Seclion 7031.5 Oy any aoDlicanl lor a permi� su0lecis ihe applicant to a civii oenally ol nat more Ihan Ihe nuntlrN EWlars (E500). I, as ovmet ot Ine pmperty or my employees with wages as ineir sole com0en5atian, win tlo �ne work, ane Ine ❑ strucm�e rs noi intenaeA or atlerea lor sale �Section 70a4, Business ana Prolessional COEe: T�e Coniractors' State License Law COes not aoWY �o dn ovmer of a propeny wlb builds or impmves inereon, anC wtw Goa Sutn work Nmtelf/hers¢If or Nrouqh �is ar �er ovm empoytts, prmdCeG tha� suc� impmvemen�s are no1 in�en0etl ar a1kreG �or ule. If, Mwever ��e buil0ing or imprOvemeni 6 id0 mtNn ane year al wmpletion, I�e owner mll luve Ihe bwEen o� prOvinq �e/5A¢ di0 mi �ui10 or improve lor ine ourp05e ol ulel. 1, as Ow'ner ot I�e D��Verty, am ¢RClusivep comrac�ing vn�h licensed contraclors to conSlruci I�e Drqeci (Section 7044, 6usiness ❑ ana Pmiessbns Caae: The Coniraztors State License Law Coes not apDN lo an ownu of property x1m bu1LLs or impmves t�ereon anC wlw contratls to� suN pml��s wi�h a conVacmr(s) license pursuani Ia I�e CanUactars' Siate License �aw). I am aware rtwt yool ol �li¢ir Woder's Comce��� insurance shouW �e provbe0 to me. CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT F M PERMIT NO: B 063993 PLAN CHECR NO: N r.nvT. N Sf7AP• Al CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V-N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF SHEATH REROOF W/COMP SHINGLES ' SQ FT; 4,600 CLAIM VALUE; 4,600.00 CALC-VALUE: 4,600.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / +Cr�*�+Er�+Tt*�r***�***D�*�**�+Rr�r**�f�e�r*�+Rr***�t*��*�+Et*�t8**fe�t+8t**�e� 877� ryBqE�ARr CR�}EwEK +j+�J-�+y-� Z O N I N GS ERTEH�AUCIKRSE M E N T�vnC�C� � lJ� ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY aG���IR E D____ FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ • PROV: PARCEL: 93506078 2NE: REF NO: PLANNING N(51'ES> i iE 1E iE if iE if iFif %iE if if fE if iE �f ff iF iFif if it if if ihlE ik if iflf k!f iE iE iE iF iE k iE if iE 1E 1k iE i! 1k iE if �f iE iF 1f fE iF iF ff 1E 1E iF iF iE iE * i! 1E iE iE 1ElP iEiFlF 1F if 1k ik iF iF i! � D E V E.L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N;T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; � BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: �� ifiEiflfiEiEifiEiEitiFiEiliFiEfE1FiE1Eif1Elfifi�lF�iFiFif7FiFiF'iFiF3Fii�7FitiFiF�F£iFM1tlEiflE�ltlEiEiEiE t itif 1E if if if 1f if 1E if 1f iE 1f if iF il7F if it If iE 1f 1E iE if ik M iE if iE If l41F 1E if ik ik')f 1f iF 1E i61E 1E 1E iE if !E if iF�IF if 1E if IF if if if 1Elf if !E iF 1F �1! iE 1E 1E i4 %� 1FiF ik it # iE # iE it # if LEGALI2ATION:N' F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAI;'SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72.00 50 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSDE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 72.50 0.00 0,00 72.50 72.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 72,50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECIC 72.00 .50 ik if if if iE iE if 3E if iE 1f i! iP iE jF iE if i! if iE i! 1E iF if 1E iE IE �f iE 1E iE k if if iE if iE iE it iE iE iE ik it iE iE if!! if iE iF iE iE k if ik * iE if 1Elf if iF iE iE iFiElE iE iE iF it iE i! iE if iE iFlE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N p i am e.empi u�aer secwn: e, s P. c. TYPE QTY D E 5 C R I P T I O N UNI T COST TOTAL COST for mis reamn: oate: p,me�. $ FR I Oo �ere�y cerli�y Itu� I am aware ot anE unAerstana ��e requir¢menis al Calilomia Heait� an0 Saleiy CoOe $e[lions 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl Inal I m any luture �uAAing occupant will/will not �circle one) neea lo tamON w��h ui0 slate ca0es ana ibe reQuiremenis for a permp lor tonslmtiion or mo4�liCdlion bom Ihe Air Oualily ManaAement �isVicl. Fe5i0enlial Conslmclion aDDbcalions are exempt Imm Ihese pmvisrons. Date: Appl¢ant: I �ereGy ceriily �lul l fuve �eaa lhi5 applicaiian antl slale lhal Ihe above in�ormalion is roracl. I a0�ee �a comply wilh all [ity and couniy mainancesanOSla�eWwsreWlinptobmlaingconslmctionandhereUyaulhorit reD��entativesollNsdtylo¢nrerupanlheaUove�memioned proUerlY lor inspetlion Durposes ��J � �ale: ��� �� � �river's LitenSe or $ocial Secunty .: �6aLa6 W��te—BmlGmg: Green—Coae Entorcemenl: Canary—AOP�Kan�: Pink—Reven�e: GdOenroC—Assessor t 9600 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE END OF FEES 1.00 9,600.00 01 OO1;ti842-00146243 T C�T 72.50 DAIE: 04/14/93 TIItE: 10:4i i CONSTRUCTIOR AAtD PLANNING APPROVALS Permit � 1. Temporary Eiectncal Service or Pole 2. Sod Pipe-Und�gmd. 3. EI-c!�iwt Cor,duit Ut:�ity-Undrgrrd. 4. Electric�i Cor.du�bUndrgrnd. 5. St��. Reinfa�crment � 8. EleeVita'. i,FER Grr.d. 7. Foourgs 8. Foundat�on 9. 4"ater P�pe�Undrgrr.d. � 10. Suuctura! Flaor System � , it. Crap-a•ty S^rrer L�ne (4 HouseConnectio� � 12. Saa�er Cap - ' f------ I 13. Roof Dra�ns 14. fiough Fiumb�nq � 15 Rough Eiectriw6Condu4 � 16 oR ugh Elec[ncl'Aring V, Rough!Y�nnpS�an 18. Rocgh E:ect��cal�T Bar CeiLng 19. Rough Hcct�.n? & A�i Cocdiuoning 20. Ro�y`� Fdci�rj� ��rrp'aca , 21. Ducts.'n S:r�cture � • � 22. [Jucts, Vcnt�Wun� -•-'-- za. e>d. Pipa�Rough & Test � 24. Ronf Framing ' ' 25. Roof Shtathing - 26. T�Bar Cciling (Strur,urall $ Monocoat 27. �rarq: ard f-!ashing , Z8. lath�nq �. S�d�nd . . � � _. �9. �^SulOti�n � 3J. .^.�v::ail'.all;rn ' 31. Piast:� Bro:.n Co�; 32 EL�trx.�, P�: �i ?.:sterPinai 33. F�nal �Itctnc � • i 34. Final Hcat�ng 3i Air Cond:tioning � 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood Or Canapy 37. F�na� Fccto.y F�replace 38. F�nal Plumbing • 39. lVater $ervice-Firal 40. G�: Suc:cz�Final I41. Solar pomestic•Final 42. Gackflow Pre�onter A3. B.dcflom� Irrigat�on 4C. Landscapa Irriqa?ion : �.�. Sound Attenuation 46, Hendicap Reguiations Dote n 0 4). FINAL STaUCTtiftE & BUILDING 3'_L 46 FINAL PLARhIP1G_ 49. E�.ectr�c Release to'Edison 50. Gas Retease to 5.^,u[hern California Gas Co Date P�JL & SPA I Inspector AppROVALS Permit;� 52. Pool & Eqwpment Locauon 53. Steel Reinforcement _ 54. Forms 55. E�ectrical Bonding 56. Raugh Plumb�ng & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 56. Electrical Conduit�Unargrntl. 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., T¢St ' 60. Baclavash �ines, P-Trap, � Undrgmd. 67. APPROVAITODECK 62. Baekc+ash t4 Ree.+;ror•P�nal u3. Heater & VanbFinal 64. Plumbing Systum � Final _ 65. Elactrical�Final 6fi. So�ar System�Final 67. Fencing & Access Approval 68. APPROVEO FOR PLASTERIhG 69. POOUSPASYSTE:.75F1^JAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ' APP�lOVA�.S' P�ermit ir�_ 70. Undergr6and Hytlra 71. Product Pipin9 f-: Gas OOiI 72. Underground Fiuth � 73. Undergr,nd. Sror2�c 7ank Q Gas �: Ou � W� 74. Overhead Hydro V 75. Dry Chemiwi 76. Dry Standpipe � 77. FIXED SVSTE'�.9 FIPJAL 78. HRE PREV. r�I�JAL ' HEAL'i H DEPT. REQUIRE?:�ENT :� . Date �Inspector 0 79. FINAt.`>1SPECTiON � � I - _'_-{-- _ � -_--� BC. FDOD CEHTIF ICATE ISSUED � --i fVotes: -' -� �f - -J i ����a� d71 BEAR CREER wrsxaru�eir�ww�xHILL ROBERT .ua�ss fl71 �h`AR CREEK COSTA MESA,CA 92626 241-38G7 �vw. w�nmo �s4 1RCXR�f OX EN(@lEFA: APCX.OfI Elq.'4 MONE59: ca�m�cTars�•�. tdllylttpf4 Yi1111N0 �OONESS uMr: FL�OOD: AO-7f1 a�- K L1G N0: UNT: 11C Iq: uxr: ucQaEn corrtaacroas oEcuaarroH: � n�r .T uWar pmWy d pmjuy tlw 1 em Gceemtl �mder pwiome M Cheqm 9 (mmmw�q xilh Seclian ]000) d Oimion 3 d iM Busimq enJ Vml»duu CoEe. and my 4cerma n F 1u01aw md aflW. cmuc.No.: uc.cuss: uc.No.: EXP: ow: co�vaaa: OWNEF BUILDEN DECIAXATON: I hrtly dfirm uMx psiWy d parjury ihet I em vamq Iran iM CMrenm linros law fa tlr IoOwip �um (Swun ]W t 3&onxs eM RWmdone God�: �mW n adaoY nhiN mPma� s V�Y �o mmNJ. Mx. vnpwe. MmMeh, a repei mr/ slruqun. pna n b'sw'm, eho rpwp tM eppYUN fa wdi peniu lo fiM e dpn�d ppw�ei� Nq M a�M a coe,wa w�.� m me wo,e�. a m. comna«. uoa,,. i.. ICNa« e(wmm.�a Mnn s.ao� roro) a o�.e6� a a in. BimNn W Aden"orro Codsl a tM M a tlr u exemq Ihsehum md �M Eam tar iM dbped �wry�ion. Np'violYcn d Swion 1N1.5 by mry epp4rem la e permC �Ejev Ihs appfceea to e wi penety d nd mas Nm (xe huMntl EoYvf �SSaap. �] I.moxiwtl�haVW�YnmYambMewhwapeeotheiwbmm0a�mtim.radoNer.M.Wtlr�mrdmenol'vtleMeA a MenE lar ab (SeNan ]w,. &�sa eM PMeasms Code: Ths Caamf m lioeme Lew does m1 e00b to m ower d peaperty »ro aai. «maaw m.�..,d.ro me. r�n wM+:m.sn«iw.x a m,o� ns or n� o�m «�Wonm. o�w mm wcn impwammYa ero mt intardeE a dland la eeb. tl. howa�wr. IM ddEi�p a inpamneM ie wIC whhm pw yaer d comqstion. Me pwnar-0utlCw will Aeve IM dadan d poviiq M a Nie did m� buiN a'unpon la �he q�ryms d qk). ❑ I. n ownar d Iha propeily. un utliewtly wmreaiq xilh IicNnad contractas b rmwutl Ihe M%aG (Swfion ]Ou. Bwiim� ud Prdeaeim� Code: TM Wurrfm L'canw leM Aom nal en wnw U pW Y who Cu11d� a YnPa'a �Ivson W wM caNrecb lor a�N MM� WN e m�meM�) licenssd W w e CaNr w� w �. ❑ I em a�emq uMm SM'v�: B. 8 P.G. lor n: o.i.: �D ��'{-1—Ci� o.,,.,: I Ao I�apy pntly tIW I un ewen d ad uiCentxid Ihs �aVwmn ol CeOaris Nselh ud S M/ COCs 9afiom AS505.15.41t. xd 255�t. eM tlu� 1 v em/ N�va dnlJuiO omq�� M4 / wil rwl (drcb ) neaE b camqy wih ' ans mM� eM th nWi�snerN br •DKmLtnmroi�uqonMmodifim�ionlromlMA4�ly ar�MnMDolritl.hsdetlielmnlMnn�44�iauenavmPltmnNws a�. om.; nyd�v: WOflKEF'S COMPENS�TION DEC WI�TON: I Mreby dllrm uq�r prupy el prpry ono W IM IdbNnp btlret'av: ❑ CoM.1dM DM ^'amenca W Yw M lor wtirh��Ne D� e Musd. ,�M�ion. n Ca+ded ta M 9�ebn �1W d �M lebar ❑ �n....newm�nun.o�k..•mmowronnwre�c....nw�dMs.eo„arooam.temcod..wu.w�«�wc.ain. wwk la wM1id� Mo v� b mwA. M'.abY oomW�bn inwrtrc� m�wr .d paWy mmbr.n: Certw: PNry Mvnbr f7Au asdion roW rot de mnNMed 1 rtwWm+] o fa aro hwMM doAan If100� 41mJ ❑ I canh tM u Ne ox�omwiu a �h wMc ror whkn th'v pe�mn u ewwE. I tlW na emqw aM o«nn n enY meniwr m o to Mcaro wblb �o iM v.nrken' m�ymwion Mvn d CelLmie. vd V�M tlW E I ehould bcoms aillb lo �M xvrlw' mnpemmian Vmrisiom W SWbn 2/00 G ihs lebor COEe. l MeA IaNxilh wmDN wN� Nou pioviebne. om.� nooi�w: ' w�^WY: F�Yun ro ucun wilr�ri eenp�nraon eov�nW l� wMY'M �rMWII uON�r �n �'Mlonr ro u4Niul Vwltlu uM clY9 niw �p m on. nindnd tMuuN dolhn fi104aWA m Mfldon ro tlr� cmr or rompmuUon � n prvNbtl ror In �tlan 11G6 0l IM Ltlor COA, IN.rnt W�ftamn"� fwa CONSTNUCIION LENWNO �GENCY: I Aseb� elfvm uMs pmuYy d perjW iM IMn u e amuvaion InEip prY.y la IM W�Mmnw d tM Mak la r.fiitl� tM1"s prmA u'swod (Swion Josl. Cwi. C). IENpEX'S NYIE: LENUEN'S ADDPESS: I cMiFy ihel l lwe iaad thia epplee4m and apa tAea Ne ebove inlamYion o conee. I piee to mmply Mth N tiry �nd mumy ad'mema� end �W� Iew� nitl�q lo dnMM tmmuuion entl hxsbY aulharss nAe��+a d �hu dly b�Mer uP� IM OEave�meNonod peopMy �� �'°�°��iRQB�RT H I L L ! � / !L a /1 �.: `i"- ( -�Z (SIS1Jq.WP) WhYsB�ikiq8SalMy,O�asr�FJa:Cenery-�ppimq:PinkJiwanus:(bWsnep�Asw�sar Cl'1'Y OF COS'CA MESA - BUILD'iNC FERtdIT PERMIT NO: M 082'267 PLAN CHECK NO: N PERM P10: M OD'2"167 GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; ��-N PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: OTA JOH DESCRIPTION ; LEGALIZE A/C UNIT INSTALLATION S{j FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS; NO OTHER WORK AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT 1f� 1E fF iElE 1E if'1F i(� 1E if 1F fE fE 1E ff IE 7f # If 1E �(' IE Ik 1F 1F 1F 1E 1F 1f 1E �1F iF 1E fE 1t if� if it 1E i(� iF 1E fE �E 1E 1E fk i4 ik if If Ik 1E if 1F iE 1E 1E if 1E if� if iE 1E 1E if ik if iE iE 1E IE 1E �lE 1E iE 1E if 2 O N I N G 12 E Q U Z R E M E N T S S E T B A C H S ----------- MAIN BOILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING ------ FRNT: F7' IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 93506078 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> , > � iE 1E iFlf if !E 1f 1E iF iF 1f �f if 1k 1E 1E 1E fE iE If iE 1E iF 1E 1E if 1E 1E 1E iE 1E iE 1F If 1E iE 1k 1f 1E iE iE it if !E iElElE fE iE k IElE IElf 1E 16 jE ik 1k iE 1E 1F if if iE iF if 1E k 1f 1f iE 1f ik iE if 1F 1E iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S� R E Q U I It E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY • DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY ; APPLICATION ISSUED HY; �(qr +ric *�ftx ft*it**�+��+tx�*�*t��fe LEGALIZATION:Y F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRdC MECHANIC PERMIT 26.50 PLAN ',. r, 25t ISSUE FEE 22 00 FIRE DATE: DATE; � �*x*�*�r� ** STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON-RES BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK � TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 26.50 22.00 _- 0.00 48.50 48.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 48.50 OVER/SAOR'(': .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECR 4 8 .".5 0 !E M iE 1P iE if 1f 1E iE 1F 1E IE IE fE 1f 7f 1ElE fE fE iE iE iE if iE 1k M� 1E iF 1F 1E iF iE!(�l61f fE fE fE iE iF iF 1F 1F 1E iF 1f Ib 1E iE iE If fE 1f iE IF 1E iE iF 1E k �t 1f 1f IE fk ib 1k 1E 1E iE 1E 1E 1E iE if if iE iE I N D Z V I D U A L `.'F E E B R E A K D D W tJ TYPE (�TY D E S C R I P T I O N`; UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC ] REFRIGERATION SYSTEM <= 100 K BTU/H 13,25 END OF FEES � � .'/• � �� ;1 � 13.25 84-81-1997/88;44 pM/f4A.58 PERMI TPT082267 CONSTflUCTION ANO PLANNING -- _ PO�� & SPA ' APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service o� Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location ' 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. ' 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrital Conduit Utility•Undrgmd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgrnd. 55. Eiectrical Bonding � �. Steel Relnforcement ' 56, Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test �6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVALTO COVER�GUNITE �7. Footings 58. Electrica� Conduit-Undr9rnd. 8. Foundation • 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. . 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgmd. 10. Structural Floor System 61: APPROVAI TO DECK i t. PropertY Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap ' . 63. Heater & Vent•Final 13. Roof D�ains 64. Plumbing SYstem - Finai �� 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final • 15. Rough Electrical•Conduit . 66. Solar SYstem-final 16. Rouqh Electric Wiring � � � 67. Fencing & Access Approval . 17. qough Wiring Si9n 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Raugh E�ectrical•7 Bar Ce�ling � 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FiNAL 19. Rough Heating & Ai. Cpnditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace . APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure � 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71, Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test � 72. Underground Fiush 24. Roof Framing - . 73. Undergrnd.Stora9e Tank Q Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathin9 • 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Struccural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical - 27. Frame and Fiashing - 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Wthing & Siding _ � � 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation • 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Naiting , HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster 9rown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final . 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric � Notes: _��c�.�CQR_Q.C�.TfQN �_ _ �f.Y 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � . °L�% �Gifz_ _ _ . 35. Final Gas PiOe�Test ����� - - 36. Hood orCanopy 37. Final FeCtory Fireplace - 38. Final Plumbing _ /�/ _ \39. Water $ervice-Final� . 40. Gas Service-Final � ' 41. Solar Oomestic•Final 42. BackfloW P�eventer _ 43. Back4loW lrrigation . 44. LandscaPe Irripation System ' � - _ . 45. Sound Attenuation . . 46. Handicap Regulations - 47. FINALSTRl1CTURE&BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison � � � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No Oate reaecTaooeEss: 871 HEAR CREEK owxEs•snnme: VILLAGE CREEK HOMEOWNERS noneess: ASSOCIATION 3429 TIMBER LAKE CM VA 92626 uxit: APCN/ENGINEEH: CHESTER CARVZLLE flEG.NO.: CSA3OS aooxess: 7922 ARMOUR ST p, uxir: PEflMITTEE: PHOENSX ENTERPRISES INC.921(213)690-9559 aooness: 411 COMERCIAL WAY LA HABRA CA 90631 LICENSEU CONTRACTOP OECNBIITION: I herehy ailirm I�al I am �. ' tl unAer provisions al Ctupter 9(commencinp wil� Sec�ion 70001 0l OiviSion 3 0l Ine Business antl Pmlessions Cod¢, antl m ic se is in lull force antl elle c��ruc.: 507�8/8 s Te ic.:376639 ss/: B�� �^� �' Uate; _� � `t � �-r SignaWre: _ - - V —'{�//���� WOXREB$' COMPENSRTION OECLABATION: I �ere0y at�in that i have a cenilicate af consenl ta selbinsure or a c' etl111Caie OI Workers' ComOensalion LtSu{3�'KQ� o( ycPj�ilietl coDY Ihereol �Seclion 3000. Lab. CI � O 1� 9 1 POLICY NO.: W/ 1/ V.7 7 4 E%P. DFTE: lJ �OMPpNY: CA COMP 6 FIRE Cenilie0 copy is nereEy tumisne0. ❑ Cenilie0 copy is til uitding 9Nision. /f �� Daie: _y� PpplitanL � /v L � EXEMPfION FBOM WOBKEBS' COMPENSATION OELUNAPON: �This sed�on neeC nu� be canpleleC if �he perml is Iw one hunEreO (5100) or less�. I certity inal in ine p¢Aormance of ihe work for which �nis permit is issuee. I shall tmt empl0y am PQrSan in any manner so as to Oecome subie�� �o �ne Warkers' ComDensa�ion Laws ol Calibmia. Oa�e: Signawre- NOTICE: II, alter maiting iNs Ceclaration. you shoul� Eecame subiect to t�e WaM1ers' CAmpeia2iqn pmvi9ons of Ihe LabOr CoOe. you musl Iarihwit� comDN ��IA suc� Dmvisions at Ihis Oe�mi� s�all Oe CeemeC revOkeG. CONSTPUCTION LENOING PCENCY: I nere�y allirm inat ihere is 8 constNction lentlinq a0ency lor ine petlormance ol ine work lor w�ich Ihis permil u i55uM (Sttiiw 3097. Gv. C�. LENOEN: aonncss: OWNEB BUIL�EB DELUBRTION: I hereby affirm ��at 1 am exemp� imm t�e Contractors State Lkense Law lor �he lallowinp reason � �Senion 103t.5 Buvness an0 Prole55ional CoEe; Any city oi counry which repuires a Dermit ta consimct, alter, improve, Cemolis�, or repdit any SlruGlute. D�b� �oilS i55Wn[e. a150 reQuires Ihe appliCan� �Or Sut� ptriltil Io lile a 90�e4 51a1e(li¢ni tlldl hP15h� IS IitCnSeA pursuanl to tne pwvaians o� the Contracmri S�ate License Law (Chap�er 9(wmmeircifp witn Section 7000) ol Division 3 0l ihe Business anG Pmfessbns CaAe) o� Rwt �e/s�e is exempt t�ereimm ana t�e Gasis lar �Ae allegeE eaemDtian. My vioWtiw ol Secliun 7IXi1.5 by any apolitanl lor a oerrtnt subletls the avPli6ant to a tivil Denalry o� �� �re rtWn ilve �unOrtA OdWrs (55001. I, as awner oi ine prop¢rty or my employees wilh wages as Iheir Sole CompeiRation, win Uo Itre vrork, and Ihe ❑ slmciure ¢ no1 intenGeG or oltereE lor ule (Secuon 70a4. Business anA Pmfessional Cotle: T�e Contraclars' Slale License Law aoes nol aDoN ta an ownet of a propeny who builas or improves inereon. and wilo Oce5 suN work nim5¢Ifinersell or IhrouOh nis or ner own employees. O�wiCeO tiut such impmvemenR are nol inlentlM or otter¢O lar Sale. If, Mwever I�e builtling ot improvement is SOIC wilhN One year ol completion. t�e owner Nd�l have the �ur0en af pmvulg �Plslle NU na� OuilU ar imD�ove tor tAe Durpose ol sate). I. as ownu ai Ihe pwp¢rty. am exclusively rontracbng vnth IicenseC contraciws Io con5wct the prOjttl �Seciion 7Daa, Bu5ine5s ❑ aM Pra�e55iartt CoOe: The ContratlOrs S�ate LeenSe Law d0es not appty la an wmer ai prope�ywM Gwl0.s w improvu IherCon and wM mnira[Is lor such prqecis wi�� a contra[tar�s) lic¢nSe puriwnt Io Ne Canl�actars' Sute License Law�. I am awam ��� 0��� ot I�eir Worker's Compensation insurance s�oulG �e prariaed to me. � I am e�empl un0er $eCtiOn: B. 8 P. C. lor t�is reason: CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B U PERMIT NO: B 050642 PLAN CHECK NO: 00070-91 A GOVT: N S P: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N FERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: REP JOB DESCRIFTION : REPAIR SETTLEMENT DAMAGE SQ FT; 193 CLAIM VALUE: 14,300,00 CALC—VALUE; 14,300,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: HUILDING SETTLEMENT REPAIR/FOUNDATION *x**�*�t**�**��r*�***�t�t**�t��t*�tx*�r**�t�r**+t*�t*�t**�r**x�**�t�*�t**�r�*�r**�rit�tf�u��-x���t**�t*�**�t Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- ------=-- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REp � PROV; PARCEL: 93506124 2NE: R2 AEF NO: PLANNING N(ST'ES> FOUNDATION REPAIR, i �k iE 1E 3f IF iE �f �E ii 1E If iF if iE If iF Ik iE if lFiE 1f if �7F if iP IE if if iE �f Ik iE 1E iE iF iE �F 1ElF if iF ff if 3E 3b iE iF if 3E 1f iF iF )f iE 1E iE if iE 1F iF il� If If iE fE iE If iE 1E 1E iE iE iE � if 1f if �f D E V E L O P M E N T 5 E R V I C E S R E Q�U I R E M E N-T S ZONING APPROVED BY �i�• �--�� �� DATE; O i i,� � BUILDING APPROVED BY : U'��A�' DATE; � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE; iE k If if if k M iE if if iF iE IE aE iE 1E ik iE iE if iFlf � . 1E if iF i(� If k 1E 1E k if��if 1f jE iE1flEiflElfifiElfiFiF1l�f�1EiE1EiFIfIfiFlEiFlEifff ffflflEk�Elf�7flfiflklfiflElfif�IFfEil�kfElfiEififlffEkiEiElflfaf�#kIFMlfibiElElflfiFjF LEGALIZATION;N F E S U M M A R Y STRUCTUfiAI, SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING 'LECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 162:00 1.00 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 26.33 ISSUE FEE ' BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 163,00 0.00 26.33 189.33 1A9.33 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> 'COLLECTED; 189.33 OVER/SHORT; ,00 HiDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 162,00 ' 1,00 26.33 1E fEif if if If if iF iE 1f iF if 1E if IF 3E k if *!F IF iE IE ik IE iF iE 1E !E iF iE 4E 3E fE iE k iE iE �E aE IE iF iF If If if M 1P iE iE 1f iE iE j(� if iF IF if If IE IF it iF 1ElF iE 1E iE IFiE iF ie if 1k Ik if IE 1f if I N D I V I D U A L F E.E B R E A K D O W N TYFE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST Oate: �'^e�� I SFR I tle AereGy cenily itut I am aware ol an0 unAerstantl the repuiremen�s al Calilomia Healih aztl $dtety COde Stttions 25505. 25533, antl 25534 ana tlui I or any luture buil0ing acupant vnlVvnll not (circle one) neea m compty witn saiE state wAes and Ne requiremems lor a Oermii loi consimction ot mo0ilicaiion irom ihe Air u� Managemenl DisMc�. flesiGential consiruttion aDD�iWlions are exempl trom inese orovisions. Dale'. Applitan�; I �¢rtby c¢tlify Ihal I have r¢aa IAiS aDPliWlion anU Slale IAai Ihe a � ntOrm- n is mrrKL I aA� "'o Camply vn�h all Cily anJ orGinances anU slaie laws relaling Io builUing consimclion and �er Aze r es¢nta�ive501 �M iiy em r upon IAe aEove-me propetly Ia/�in50,e.d�ion ur0ose� � Dale: _��f!��� Signalure: �� _ od�ers ucense or saiai secudiv �� i6ai�a6 Wnne—Bvittling; Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl; Canary�AOPlican�; Pmk—Revenue; GolOenrotl—Assessor ' � _ � � ' 143 STRUCTURAL BY VALUE PER 5100,00 END OF fiEES 100.00 14,300.00 Oi ;,Q{77oa'L—� �C7�353 'i o:o'�" lt:9.33 aA1E: 0!/2:/91 ?Ii�E: u?:23 CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING POu SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector p�ppROVALS Permit �k Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electricat Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location �� � 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. �. 53. Steel Reinforcement ;,,_ 3: Electrical Conduit Utility-UnCrgrnd. 54. Forms r-� 4. Electricel Conduit�Undrgrn� : 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforceme�t , 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test � 6. Electriwi �UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVE�R�GUNITE 7. Footingi ' 58. Electriral Conduit-Undrgrnd. ��' . 8. Foundatiom _� t � Y `% 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test ,��'+ 9. Water Pipe-Untlrgrnd. � 9% � ,�� � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. ���. � 10. Structurol Floor System � _� � 67. APPROVAL TO DECK ' �'- „ �. 17. Property Sewer Line & House Connedion � 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final ��� 72. Sewer Cap ,, ' � ' "� 63. Heater & Vent-Final „'1 13. Roof Drains ��J� %\ 64. Plumbing System � Final �d 14. Rough Plumbing � �� 65. Electrical-Final � ��� � 15. Rough Electriwl-Conduit �i ; i' 66. Solar SYstem-Final �� 16. Rough Electric Wiring �' �� 67. Fencing & Access ApProval � 77. Rou9h Wiring Sign ' 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING � 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceilin9 69. POOVSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning �FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT �� . . � 20..Rough Factory Fireplace � = - APPROVALS • Permit # 21. Ducts,in Structure�, ' . . � _ �, . .70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating ' �� �' ';71. Product Piping �Gas OOiI 23. Gas Pipe�Rough &�Tes[ . � .., 72, Underground Flush rr� 24' Roof Praming . ' • ; • '^73. Undergrnd.SrorageTank OGas OOiI 25. Roof Sheathing ', � ' "' ' . '74; Overhead�Hydro � . 26. T�Bar Ceiling �Structurall & Monocoat - '- 75: Dry Chemical 27.�Frame and Flashing � ' 76. Dry Standpipe ' . � 28. Lathing & Siding . -� - �� 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation I �� 78, FIRE PREV. FINAL � 30. Drywall Nailing � � �• ' HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT •31. Plaster Brown Coat � � ;� , 79. FiNAL INSPECTION , 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final . � � i- . 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED . � _ 33. Final Electric � ' ' ., Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning. � I � �� � . 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test �; i -- 36. Hood or Canopy �, _ � I � 37. Final Factory Fireplace � '' i � �- , 38. Final Plumbing .- � �� ( � • � i 39. Water Service�Final� , � ; i 40. Gas Service-Final . � � '� � 47. Solar pomesticFinal • � i � , ' - � ' 42. Backflow Preventer , � I . �- � I 43. Backflow Irrigation �� ' ' 44. L.andscape Irripation System - _ � 45. Sound Attenuation • • ' i � 46. Handicap Regulations , � ,. 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING 2 � •- � 48. FINAL PLANNING � �' I '�� 49: Electric Release to Edison � � 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Co I � i . ' : ' � � 51. CERTIFICATE OF.00CUPANCY , . � . No. Date OWNER gT JOB ADDRESS GENER 0 N R T AP No. ' ' INSPECTIONS SOIL cns WRTEH ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE HOUSE SPRINKLING SYSTEM MISCELLRNEOUS NOUGM HEATING ANO AIR C0� TEMPORARY SERVICE OR POL UN�ERGROUNO � POWER FOIIGH WIFING TRENCHES � FOflMS FLOOR SVSTEM ' BOND BEAM ❑ STEEL RE SHEATHING FRAME AND FLASMING LATHING - IN � � OUT f PUSTEP, BHOWN COAT STRUCTURAI, FINAL MEATING. VENT.. REFRIG. A� UAIt 4- 1:191 TRACT RRSA FIRE ZONE SUBCONTRACTOR Z . ww a U Z Z � am J 7 J � Q W Q] J -m J Q U � Za W � aw w Z J � m Z J � W W � _ z� W � � � F Z ¢ U J a a Q 0 H Z O F U 7 � H h Z � ' _ .., .J � COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely BUILDING___ _ _ . OWNER MAIL ADDRE CITY BRANCH ADDRES ADORESS � �� CONTRACTOR ADDRE55 94E cirr RCv� STATE LIC. NO. 2'L4 SIZE OF LOT �'L USE OF ExISTING BLDG. SIZE OF NEW BLDG. EXTERIOR WALI COVERING USE OF BUILDI $$ NO. OF ROOMS ter ROOF COVERI ID WORK TO BE No 826-4550 � �. � TE TEL. No. 826- CITV LIC. NO. NO.OF BLDGS. NOW ON LOT 1 Residence with att MA.Y 13-76PnIuOO 744*� ***Z10.i,� cr,�, APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED 8V DATE RECEIVED p TE ISSUEI 1 �il� ^ZI/-OI�OZ •PER N •' A.P. NO. b - - U �' BUILDING � //{�,, /� / ADDRESS .�7� "�'r� ✓�" TFACT �S�S� LOT BLOCK FIRE ZONE APPROVED- NE INO.OF I USE OF NEW �Z�P ' PLAN$ Z BUILDING a VARDS APPROVED VARDS Af l. JIOt FT FT. REAR � FT. FT. � DISfANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDCaS. ACCE55. BLDC:S. C U v, •,�c..� � APPROVED �5�� APPROVED ✓ � i i �if <( i�o FiOLD FOR S ECIAL RLQUIRE:IEi�"� I hereby acknowledBe that I hava reatl this aDP�icallon antl stete ��� that tha ebove intormation is corract antl e0�ea ta comply with all laws regulating builtlin8 �oncVucNon, antl I shell not employ eny Oerwn in violetion of the workman'� compenaation laws of the Staie of Californle. m�q I hereby certify that I em properly licensetl asa conveciar under 1254 sn. Fr. J-655 d tha State ot Celifornle Business entl Professions Cotla, Divisicn 3, TNE AMOUNT SHpWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR ; Chapter 9, antl Met suth lieenws are in full toree entl effxt, or I THE PURP06E OF ESTABL6HING A PEfiMR FEE ONLV: Q em exempt irom Me prov(sions of the State of Cal ornie Buslness VALUATION � /� antl Professi C de, iyi ion Cha ter 9. � pERMIT FEE $ � a""CJ m �aie �li�e �'eve�o�s inc. � ; Slpnature o( m Permittea PLAN CHECK $ � O E A�thotliadABent Vice President � 0. � � TOTAL FEE O LL