HomeMy WebLinkAbout873 BEAR ST - Building Permits9 PflQIECTRDUHESS: A%j HEAR CREEK OWNEN'SNFME: VILLAGE CREEK HOMEOWNERS nonncss: ASSOCIATION 3429 TIMBER LARE CM VA 92626 UNIT: AflCHIENGINEEH: CHESTER CARVILLE NEG.NO.:CIiJ3OS aoonEss: 7922 ARMOUR ST uxiT: S.D. CA 92111 PEPMITTEE: PHOENIX ENTERPRISES INC. ( 21 3) 690-9559 aooness: 411 COMERCIAL WAY LA AABRA CA 90631 LICENSEU CONTflALTUB OECUIFIITION: 1 hereDy allirm I�at I am lice un D�ovisions o� L�apter 9(commencing wi�h Section 7000� ol Oivision 9 of I�e Business antl Pmtessions Cotle, and my I n is i II brce antl eifec eiTvuc.: � 7I88 r euc.:376639 S B I Oate: � �" � Signamre: _ _ _ _ �� — _ _ — WONNEBS'COMPENSRTIONOECUIMTION: I�ere0ya71irntlutlAaveacetlificateoicansennaself-insureora icateofWorkers' comoensa6on ��cb aj �c�ndieU copy mereol ISecuon 7eoo. �an. �.� j O 1/ 91 POLICY NU.: E%P UATE: omraxr: CA COMP & FIRE � C¢NIieO copy is hereby fumiSheQ ❑ Ceni(ieC copy is fi th y BuilAinp OiNsion. Dale: � � AP�licant: _�'r� EXEMPTION FqOM WOBNEflS' COMPENSFTION OECLAflRT10N: (T�is ser,iion nee0 noi e COmplelea il�he permi� i5 for one hUndretl ($100) or 1e55�. I cetlily Ihal in the pedormance o� �he work for which ��is permil is issuetl. I shall no� employ any pe�son in any manner so as lo become suble�� �o t�e Workers' Compensalion Laws ol Cali�omia. Oa�e: Si9nawre: ' ' NOTICE: If, aller making this tleclaraiion, you s�oula �ecome Su01e�� �o t0e Workers' Gompensation Dmvisions ol the LaDor Coae, you must tonnwith comply witn such pmvisions or �his permit shall be deemetl revokea. CONSTPUCTION LENUING RGENCY: 1 �ereby affirm I�at t�ere i5 a canSimGiiOn I¢nding agenty lOr ��e p¢dOrmante Oi Ihe wark �Or which thi5 permil is i=5ue4 (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENUEX: AODNESS: - ' OWNEB BUILDEP OECLABpTION: i hereby alfirm Ihat I am eKemGt Imm I�e Contracmrs' State License Law Im the I011owinA �eason (Seclion 703L5 Business and Pmfeuianal GOEe: Any tity ol county whic� require5 a Dermi� to cansimct, alter, improve, tlemolish, ar repair any simeture, prior lo its issuance, also requires ihe applica�t lor suc� permit to file a signeU statemeni ihat he/she is Iicensed pursuanl to Ne pmvisions a� �he ConVactors' S�ale Lirense Law (Chap�er 9 �commencing wilh Section 7000) oi Division 3 0� the Business an0 Protessions CoOe) or I�ai �e/she is edemp� tAerelmm anG ihe basis �or Ihe allegetl eKempiion. Pny violation ol Seciion 7031.5 by any applicant lor e Oermit sublects the applican� Io a civil penal�y p� not more ihan �ive hundretl tlollars ($500�. , I, a5 owner ol Ihe properly or my empl0yee5 wilh Wages a5 �heir Sole tompensali0n, will tl0 lhe work, an0 �he '❑ stmcwre is not inten0e0 or oiferetl.for sale (Section 704a, B�siness and Professional Code: The Coniracbrs' State License Law Goes not apply to an owner ol a pmpeny wM buitAs or impmves Iherean, antl w�a tlaes such xrork �imself/herself ar ihmuAh � �is or her own ¢mplayees. D�ovitled t�a� suc� impwvemenl5,are nol in�en0e� or olleretl for sale. Ii, howev¢r l�e builaing.nr imprOvemen� is sold wilhin one year ol complelion, Ihe owqer will have the burden o� prOving Aelshe tli� no� Cuiltl or impmve br �he purpose ol sale). . I, as awnei o� ihe pmpetly. am ercluSNely comracting with licensed contracmrs ta conslmcl Ihe pmlec� (Section 704d, Business ❑ anU Prot¢55i0n5 CoGe: T�e Cantra[tors' S�a�2 LiCenSe Law q0e5 no� appN �4 an owner 0� D�aperiy wtW GuilEs Or impruves �Aereon antl who conirads br SucA prolec�s wilA a conVaclor�s)li�ense pursuant�o ��e Coniractars' Slaie LiCense Law),I am aware I�dt pmol ol Iheir Worker'S CamOensalion insurance stroul� qe pmWCetl �o me. � I am eKemp� un0er SeClion: B. 8 P. f,,; lor �his reason: �a�e: , Ownec I tlo �ere�y cenily tha� i am aware of anU unaerstana ��e reQuiremems ol Calilomia Healt� antl Safery Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, antl 25534 and lhal I or any futUre builtling occupanl willlwill no� ([ir[I¢ one� neetl Io comply wiih saitl S�aie totles antl ��e r¢quiremen�s for a permi� lor consirvaian or motlilication �mm t�e Air uali�y Managemen� Oislritl. FeSiDeniial conSlmtiion apD�iCaiions are exem0< <<am tnese pmvisions. Oale: 11pplicanC _ I �er¢py ter�i�y I�al I have rea0 IN5 apDlita�ion antl Slai¢ ItWI lhe ordinances and 5laielav5r¢latingto builamg conslmciion ana �e�el pmOe��Y �oi inspeclio purpo e . Dale: _� �" t6ni�a6 Whi�e—Butl�ing; Green—Cotle Enlorcemem: Cenary�Aoplicanl: Pmk—Revenue: Goltlanrod—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING FERMIT PERM NO: PERMIT NO: B 050641 PLAN CiiECK NO: 00071-91 A GOVT: S , CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: REP JOH DESCRIPTION ; REPAIR SETTLEMENT DAMAGE S�i FT: 193 CLAIM VALUE: 14,300,00 CALC—VALUE:• 14,300.00 GROUF OCC: R-3 L COMMENTS: BiIILDING SETTLEMENT REPAIR/FOUNDATION, �x�*�+r**�r�x�*+���r�x**�r*�*��r**��***��x�x*�********��*+�***x��r*�rx�**�***�*�r***xx���*�r 2 O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 S E T B A C K S ' ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDZNG --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARRING REQ • PROV; PARCEL: 93506129 ZNE: R2 REF NO: PLANNING N(51'ES> FOUNUATION REPAIR. i �*+t*���+�*�t���*�*x**�c x�t�t�r� �r*****�t*�x+�*�r�*�r�rx��-�***�+c***x*�**�*�rx�*****u*��t*��r��x �e�r* D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY :� �---�� DATE: p/I �Sf9/ BUILDING APPROVED BY ; w/c>.O/t'+�J _ DATE: � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: jE �t if iE 1F iF iF if if 1E iF if iE iElE if iF iE 3(� iE iF if i(-iF 1F ik ik if iF 1I� iE IF�iFif if iF IFk3EiFiFiFiFi(�1EiEiF1E#'r1FiEiEiE1ElP�EiEfE1F3ElE1EiEiE if3Eif if1E1E1fiEiE�EiEififlFiElE3EiE1fiFlfiEkiFififiElflEifiFif3EififiElEiEiFIFaFiFiElEi� LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y ' STRUCTURAL.SEGMENT:Y - BLDG PMT PLUMBING EL CTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT - 162.00 1.00 PLAN 26.33 SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE � FF..E ' BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT I55UE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID ,DUE TOTALS----> 163,00 0:00 26.33 189.33 1A9.33 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTEDc 189.33 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 162.00 1.00 26.33 ik ii� if iE k�E iE 1(�!E iE iE% iE �EiElf if !f iF 1E k iE �f iE iE if iE 3f 1E 1F iF iF if if ff iE iF if iE if iF ii iE iE iE 1E if kff iF iE iE !E if if iE iElE if iE iE iE Ik iE iF iE !f 3f iE iF IF if iE )f iP �E if jE ik Z N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N ' UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 143 STRUCTURAL BY VALUE FER,S100,00 100.00 14,300.00 END OF fiEES 61 Q�C7g8*E—CfiC78d5;, � a�7 �u- DRtE: Q1/23lPi ,'I��E: Di:�- v : CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING . . POOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. � � 53. Steel Reinforcement �' 3. Electrical �Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. i 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�UndrgrncJ. '` 55. Electrical Bonding , 5. Steel Reinforcement� ' 56. Rou9h Plumbing & Pressure Test � ..6. Electrical UFER Gmd. � 57. APPROVAI TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings � � 56. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 8. Foundation ; �� �l 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test . �� 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. '��� ';:i� 60. Backwash lines, P�Trap, � Undrgmd. '" 10. Struct�rol Floor System l,".. "" y ^'. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK �� _ 17. Property Sewe,�Line & Houso-Connection 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal ' 12. Sewer Cap : ' . � 63. Heater & Vent-Final ' . � 13. Roof Drains ' �i 64. Plumbing System - Final ' 14. Rough Plumbing 4 j �"i_, 65. Electrical-Final . •,' 15. Rough Electrical-CAnduit �•'� .� d � 66. Solar SYstem-Final '' � 76. Rough Electric Wiring '.% �. 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring,Sign , 68. APPfiOVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rou9h Heating & Air Conditioning � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT . 20. Rough Factory Fireplace � _ � '� APPROVALS Permit #• 21. Ducts, in Structure! . -, �70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating ' � . '' , 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough &�Test ' , ,;' 72, Underground Flush " 24.��Roof Framing ' ^ . - - � +73- Undergrnd. Storage Tank'O Gas ❑ Oil � 25. Roof Sheathing '. ' � ',. 74, Overhead Hydro. . 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structurel) & Monocoa[ , �� - 75.Dry Chemical � • - � � � 27. Frame and Flashing . � �_ 76y Dry Standpipe - . . �' � "" 28. �athing & Siding -� ��t �= 77, FIXED SYSTEM FINAL . ' 29. Insulation . .- � I �� ` 78: FIRE PREV. FINAL � . � 30. Drywall Nailing ' l' I HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat . � 79. FINAL INSP,ECTION ; 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final ` . � ��� ` 80.� FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED ' 33. Final Electric ` � � '. - � �I; , Notes: � ,34:-Final Heating & Air Conditioning ,� i j , . ' . � t 35. Final Gas Pipe-TesY ' ..i '� �; � ' 36. Hood or Canopy � . � � I � - �/ 37. Final Factory Fireplace � � � � '• • - 3B. Fina1 Plumbing - . � � ` : . . � (_ 39. Water Service�Final � � - . 40. Gas Service-Final . . _ . I , . . 41. Solar pomesticFinal � i 42. Backflow Preventer � , , j � I; • _ 43. Backflow Irrigation� ' . ' � � 44. Landscape Irrigatidn Sysrem ' � � ,� . , ' 45. Sound Attenuation ' � - � � ' ' �46. Handicap Regulations �, � � , _ 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � � � 48. FINAL PLANNING � � � � . • 49. Electric Release to Edison I � I� , � . 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Cn � ; � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY � , . � No. Date OWNtK gTpTE_4jIDE JOB ADDRESS 73 Bear GENERAL CONTRACTOR Same AP No. - - � OT INSPECTIONS sou C cas WPTER ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE HOUSE CON. SPRINKLING SYSTEM MISCEILANE0U5 ROUGH HEATING qN0 AIR CON�ITIONING iEMPORARY S�RVICE OR POLE UNDERGROUNO � POWER � ROUGN WIRING TRENCMES � FORMS � STEEL REINF. FLOOR SVSTEM BONO BEAM � STEEL REINFORCE �J SHEATNING FRAME ANO FLpSHING/ � LATHING — IN �'� OUT r' PLASTER,BROWN COAT STRUCTURRL, CINRL HERTING. VENT„ REFRIG. AND P.C., FINAL PLUMBING, FINAL AN� GAS TEST r 4"�fj- ELECT0.IC. FINaI. uA�t q BUIIDING SUBCONTRACTOR RMIT .. .a COSTA MESA BUILDING•SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely BUILDING OWNER State-Wide Devel MAIL_._� _ . .. c�Tr �ypress BRANCH ADDRESS ARCHITECT ADDRESS � ]H4H SKVPSZC CONTRACTOR State-Wid ADDRESS g461 Grindta c�rv Cypressg LIC NO. 224J�0 OFLOT �2.093 acres USE OF EXISTING BLDG. vato y. ;ri:•::^ '� t;AY 13-76�M�:00 675� c7_0.„0 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT r i -. � I�jC. A.P.NO. �' O� BUILDING p ADDRESS O 7� N0�826-4550 TRACT Q< CITV LiC. NO. NO. OF BLDGS O NOW ON LOT SIZE OF NO.OF NEW BLDG. ROOMS 5T01 EXTERIOR WALL a5 er ROOF COVERING OOd COVERING S�ake USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED New construction-Condominiums 1 Residencesw/att qar I haraby acknowledBe that I have reetl Mis epplicotion antl cteta thet the above Intormation is cOrrect entl epreo to comply wIM ell lewe repulatlnp bulltlinp conshuctlon, antl I shell not amploy eny Deraon in vlolation of tMe workmen'i compenwtlon lew� of the Steta ot Celifornie. I haraby cerHfy thot I am prOPerly Ilcansetl ea a conttecror untlor tha Stata o1 California Businasa antl Profaulonf Cotle, Divlalcn 3, Chepter 9, end thet such Iicansac ara In full for a and effect, or I am azamOt from tho provifio�s of Me Smta of elHornia Buainen antl Professions Cotle, DNhlon 3, Chapmr . s�o�a��ao at -Wide Devel s, Inc . Permlttae Aut�orizatlApent Vice Preside OWNERd�, US� FIRE ZONE APPROVED BV 20NE cP VARDS/ MAIN E DISTANCE BET. MAIN BLOCS. VAR. Y1E_�� C. V.P. 9S[.C� APPROVED HOLD FOR �K VALUE DATE OF USE OF N f5 2 BUILDING VALUATION 3��� BET. MAIN & � � � J-534 � VN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR � 'ABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: ¢ ♦�/'1 m PERMR FEE $ ��C/ � � m PLAN CHECK $ / O E O �H _ _ LL G