HomeMy WebLinkAbout2214 ORANGE AVE - Building Permits� ` �I � PflOJECT p00FE$$: z Z 1 q ORANGE �iV OWNEH'$NAME: FEREZ, ALICE A aooxess: 2 z 19 ORANGE AVE COSTA MESA,CA ANCM/ENGINEEfl: nooeess: UNIT: 92627 NEG.NO.: uxiT: PEflMITTEE: RUSE PEREZ MADRIGAL ( 714 ) 531-1476 noonEss: 2214 ORANGE AV C.M CA 92626 LICENSED CONTBACTOB UECIAflRT10N: I �ere0y a�lirm tMi I am IicenseG unCer provisia�rs ol Ctupt¢r 9(commenting wiih $¢ciion 7000� o� Dmuon 3 0� �Oe Busmess an0 Pmlessiom COGe. ana my ticense is in tuu iwce an0 eflttt. ciTv uc.: sTare uc.: cass: Date: Signamre: WOBKENS' COMPENSATION OECIAPRTION: I Aereoy atlitm �na� 1 nave a cenificate al wnsent to selbinsure or a artilicate oi workers' ComDensdlion Insurance. ot a cendieC copy tnerEOf �Stt6on 380U. LaG. C). POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPANY: ❑ Ceni6eE wpY � �ere6y furnh�e0. ❑ Cenilie0 copy rs IiIM wit� t�e dty BWGing ONisron. Oate: ApDlicanC E%EMPIION FPOM WONNEflS' COMPENSN7ION OECIAflATION: (iltis Setfpn neW mt E� fAmpletd if fhE cemm �s fa one hutqfe0 (510�) a less�. I ceriily I�ai in I�e De�ormante oi l�e wOrk �ar w�iC� Ihis pe i ssuea. I s�all mploy any person iII any man so as Io become subjtct lo e Workers' Camoeqnsaiion Laws ol W4fom' oate: — �3- `-� Siqnamr � �' ��11-( NOTILE: II. aRer makiny ��i5 GetlaraGOn, you Shoultl Demme SUOjeCi lo I�¢ Waf tefs' Compeirs5tqn Dmvisions of the Labor Code. you must lohhvnt� compty wit� suc� provisions ar iNs perimt 51uA te GeemeO rewke0. CONSTPULTION LENDING �GENCY: I �ere�y aflirm t�at t�ere a a eonsvucGon IenGing apency lor Ne pertormance of ihe work for wnicn ihis oermii is issuea ISection 3W7. Civ. CI. LENOEN: FOOflESS: OWNEB BUILDER DECLFNATION: I �ereoy allirm ihat I am e�em0� �mm I�e Contractori State License Law lor �he followinp reason �Seciion 7031.5 Business aM Pmie55ionai COEe: Any ciiy ol wun�y w�K� rEpuires a p¢rmit to conslmci, alter, improve, Eemolish, or iepair any simctum. orior lo ils issuance, alsa repuires ine avo�icant lor sucn permil lo Ii1e a sipneA statement tAat he/sne is licensetl pursuanno t�e pwvisions ol tAe Coniractors' Siaie License Law (CluOter 9(cammencinp wit� Sttiion 7000) al Division 3 ot the Business antl Pmlessions Cotle� or I�at �e/s�e is ezempt I�ereirom anU I�e 6asis br the alle0e4 erem0�ion. Any viotation of Section 7031.5 �y any a001iCan� br a permi� SUDlec�S ��e applicant Io a citil penalty of n0i mOrE Ihan live �unCreO d011ars (5500�. I. as owner ol the Dmperly ar my ¢mploy¢es wilh wapes as t�eir mle campensation, wlll do the waM, ana t�e ❑ slmcture is not intenUeU or allerea lor sale (SecUon 70aa. Business anU Prolessional Cotle: T�e Comracmrs' State License Law Does nol apply to an ownei oi a proDeny wtq EuilGs or im0�oves ihereon, anE w�o Ooes such work himself/herself or NmuAh his or �er own employees. OroviEea t�ai sucn improvemems are noi inlentlea oi ollereE Im sale. II, Aowaver t�e Euilding or impmvement is sol0 wit�in one year ol com0�etion, I�e owner aill luve Ne OurCen of OmvinO he/she Oi0 noi OuiIG or im0�ove tor Ihe purpose ol sale�. I, as owner ol ihe pm0eny. am exclusively coniraclinq with licensea coniraclors to canslruct Ina proiect (Sectlon 704a, Business ❑ antl Pmiwsions COCe: ihe Comractors State Licence Law tices not apply to an avmer al pmperty wla OmIGs or impmves thereon antl w�o contracis br such pmjecls vni� a coNractoqs) license Oursuani Io I�0 Conlraciors' State License Law�. I am aware I�ai 0��� ol I�¢ir Worker'S CAmpenSaiian insunnt0 5ipu10 Ce provked Io me. � i am e�empt unoer SecUon: H p 7 � 4 q B. 6 v. G ` ro/r mis iea�sojn: OW/NyER / B � Daie�. /� d3 ' 7� Owner. ` . I tlo �ere�y cerli�y i�a� l am aware ol ana unGer51an01�e reQuiRmtnis o1 Glilornu Healih anG Shcery CA e Sections 255 , 25533, antl 255� and rtut I or any Wture euiiaing acupant vriNwiil not (drde anel neN to comply vntA sai0 state mEes anA tne reauirzments tor a iDermit lor � nsimction or mo�dicalion imm I�e prt Ouality ManaAemen D{sirict. flesiGenti nsiNction applicatlons are e �� Imm t�Me pmN ions. / I h¢r¢Gy CerUtylAa� Ihdv¢i¢aG tN5 app4Cdiion aM SIaIt or0inances anC sta�elaxrsreldlingio OuilOmg constmclion O�openy lor inspttlion purpo5es Oal�� � � % � Signalure: Oriver's I Icense nr Smial Securirv +� AODLwm: Pink-Pevanua; GOWenroE-Awessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT N0: ZB 065017 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PEAMIT TYPE: OTH STR PERM NO: IB 065017 GOVT: N SUPP: Y PURPOSE: OTH JOH DESCRIPTZON :�RFNFW PFRMIT q8g01 FOR ROOM ADDITION SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: 12,000.00 CALC—VALUE; GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: ADD 400SF ATTACHED FAMILY ROOM TO THE REAR OF THE HOUSE. �*�**+��****�r+��r�+r*******x�x�#***�*******�c�*+��******�+r�+�**+����******�+c**x.+�**#�r**** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN SUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: Ag EL: 42607103 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES; (�tyr,� (,(�L /eG�.(,��w �yu'j�� �y 1J„�.. D�, i�u�„ v�= /9�9 _ �,�__o__ iE �E fE 3E iF iE iF iE jE iE jE iE ?E it i� iE iE tt iF ie r�e�7f if �f iE if � iE if k iF if if if if if ie if iE 9E iE if iE iF jh iF if �f if # if if ?f iE iF �14 if iE if iE 1F if iE if if if ic if iF 1f iE+l� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R Ci I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N:�T S ZONING APPAOVED BY C%� DATE: ��-2.j-%3 HUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE:� APPLICATION ISSUED BY: L./�d'` DATE: '''11 Z� 1�S x� iE �c iE iE �tt�+t iF ic� ih+t if *+t ih if +t �F it jt it it it it iE * iF �E iF iE �1F?t��Fjr� �3F Tit ac if if �lE if if if ff if if i/� it if if i! ih M iE # fE i! # k 1f iE if If �1F iE it if 11� if iE iE iE fE 1f i4 iE iF 1E if if i! i' dF?E iE'1F iFlh if if k 1f 1E iE iE if iF 1f iF if 1F if if 3F 1f 7F if if �)f K* iE If ### LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 30.00 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BOILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 30,00 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 30.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 30.00 iE iE if 1E 1f'lE V 1F 1F ik 1F if 1E M 1E !f M i! if if if 1f if'k iE if !f ik i! if if 1i'if 1Fit 1F il�lE IE 1f 1E if iE iE if i4 iE if if iF 1f if'7f if if 1f'If if 1f if 1E if 1f iFihiE if'lf a Y jc iE iE iE if if +6 iE ii I N D I V I D 0 A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST INS 1 BUILDING AE-INSPECTZON FEE 30.00 30.00 END OF FEES O1 OQ151720-�C1s122� 3�? S 30.00 �JniE: 1U2�,9� '(IiEs i.£:�;i � � GONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL .?A qPPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit # DaFe inspector 1. Temporary Electriwl Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location � 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reintorcement ' 3. Electrical Conduit Utiliry-Undrgrod. 54. Forms . 4. Elecirical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding . � 5. Sceel Reinforcemen[ 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 8. Foundatiqn 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Wa[er Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash �ines, P�Trap, O U�ulrgrnd. 10. Svucturai Ploor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11, propercy Sewer Line & HoUse'ConneRion � 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final I 12. 5ewer Cap 63. Heater & VenbFinal 73. Roof Orains 64. Plumbin� System - Finai 14. flough Plumbin9 65. Electrical�Final 75. Fough Elec!rical�Condu�t 66. Sofar SVstem•Final 76. Rough Eleciric Wiring 67. Fencin� & Access Approval 17, Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEP4S FINAL ' � 79, fiough Heating & Air Conditioning PIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT I 20. Rough Fattory Firepiate APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Veniilating 77. Product Piping C7 Gas ❑Oil 23. Gas P�pe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Foof Framin9 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathi�g ��- � � 74. Overheed Hydro 26. 7�6ar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoa{ 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and'Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Laihing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 76. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. D�Y�vall Naiting HEALTN DEPT. RE�UiREMEt3T 31. Piaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 3y, Electrical Power Aleter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. F�nal Electric Notes: 34. F�nal Heating & Air Cond�.ioning 35. F�na1 Gas Pipe-Test 36. Nood or Canopy � 37. Final Factorv Fireplace 38. Final P�umbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gai Szrvice-Pinal 41. So�ar Oomestic-Final 42, gackflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Reg�lations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � L� 48. FINAL PLANNING � -. A9, Electric Release to Edison . 50. Gas Release to Southern CaliFornia Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY _ No. Date nw.�rn rrv��nn n�n�� ....� PflOJECT POUPE55: 2 2 S 4 ORANGE AV awN[n•sxame: pEREZ ALICE A nooness: Z21q (jRANGE AVE COSTA MESA,CA AflCN/ENGINEEH: POOflESS: UNIT: 92627 flEG.NO.: UNIT: PFflMITTEE: ALICE A. PEREZ (714)642-9363 noosess: zz14 ORANGE AV COSTA MESA CA 92627 LICENSEO CONTNACTOP OECLGflRTION: I �ere0y atlirm ttwl I am IianseA unaer provisions ol CMpt¢r 9(cammencing wil� Section 7000) ol Oivision 9 0l IAe Business ana Prolessions Coee. ana my license is in full lo¢e anG offect. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: ClASS: �a�e: Signalure: WOPRENS' COMPENSRtION DECIANaiION: I hereUy allirm tna� I nave a cenificate al cansent b selbinsure or a cenilicate ol workers' Comoensalion Insurance. or a cerlilied topy tnereof (�ction 9800. Lab. CI. IPOUCY NO.: EXP. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cemliee wpY is nere�y Wmisnea. ❑ C¢tliiietl copy a tiled wi�h Ihe ciry Builtlinp DiviS�on. Daie: Applicant: E%EMPTIONfNOMWOHKEflS'COMPENSIIiIONOEClA11ATI0N: �TlisuctlonneeOnolGeWmpltleGilUiepemoi¢�aone�unOreG�5100�a1e55�. I ce�ity I�al in ihe Uedormance ol ��e work for whic� th5 Oermit is i55ueC. I slull not emDloy any person in any manner so as Io bewme subleci la IAe Workers' CA�mp�¢n5yalion Laws oi CdtifomN.^^ �_ ^ - - y�'')^ w p� Oa�e: � �� S (� Si9naWre•� v n_ w �� Sf�.�C_ .i�—Y/ W NOTItE: II, a�l¢r makinq IIliS DeGa�aliOn. you Shou 0 �¢Wme Subje[� �o �he Workers' fAmpenSaiio 0«s�Ons ol the �— Cade. yau mus� �Orihu+l� compty wi�� such D��hs��s or ttus perrtn� slull Oe OremeU revakeG. CORSTBUL710N LENOINC �GENLY: I �ere0y aflum rtut t�ere is a cons�mc�bn IenGinp agency tor t�e Oedormance ol t�e work lor whi[� ��is permil is iSSUM �Sttiion 3097. Gv. C�. LENOEfl: ROUXESS: OWNEP BWIUEfl OECUfl�TION: I �er¢Gy allirm Ihat 1 am e�empi iram t�e ConVaciors' State License Law lor ttre lollowing reason (Sectian 7031.5 Business ana Professional Code: Any cily o� county wAic� reQuireS a permii �o consimct, alier, im0�ove, demolish, or ie0au any stmcture, Drior Io iis isSuance. also ropuires I�e appAwnt �or SucA Derrtn� �o lile a 5ipne0 statemenl IM1ai AGshe is licensed pursuanl to i�e pmvisions ol ttle Comracmrs' Slale License Law (Cnapler 9(commencing with Section 7000� of �iuision 3 0l Ine Business and Pmtessions CoOe) ar I�at hrJsne is ezempt Inerefmm antl t�e Gasis lor t�e allepeG ehem0�ion. Any violation ol Seclion 70.71.5 by � any applicanl lor a permi� su�lec�s Ihe applicant lo a civil penally ol nol more Ihan Irve �undre0 tlollars �5500�. � I, as owner ol IOe properiy or my employees wilh wages as tAeir Sole compensalian, will do I�e work, ana ihe ❑ sbucwre is not intenaea or oflere0 tor sale (SecUon 70aa, Business an0 Pmfessional CoOe: Tne Comraclors' Sta�e License Law Uoes nol aDPly lo an Owner ol a pwperlY w� Duilas ar improve5lhBreon, anU w�o GoeS suc� worN �ims¢II/Oersell or t�roug� �is or ne� own ¢mploye¢s, pmviUeO ��a� suc� improvemenls are nol intenUeO or ollered lar sale. Ii, �owever Ine huil0inp or impmvemenl is so10 vnt�in one yea� al complelim. IOe ovmer vnll �ave IOe UurOen ol prOvinA �e/s�e Uitl nol Guild or impwve lor Ihe Durpose ol sale�. 1, as owner ot Ine pmDeny, am emlusiveiy comractinp wit� IicenseA contracmrs io consiruct t�e pmject (Section 70aa, Business ❑ a� Pwlessions CaEe: TAe Cantractors' Stare Lkenu Law Eors mt appty to an ovmer ol O�ocerry �o EuiWs w impmva �hereon anA w�o comrac�s bi suc� prqec�s vnt� a comracmqs) ticense pursuant io ��e Convactors' Slate L¢ense Law�.l am aware Itui 0��� a� ��eit Warke�'S CAmpen5ali0n inwqnte StqNtl Oe O�a+d� �0 m!. � I am exempl unUer sen�o�: B P � � q 4 B. d r. C. mr mrs reason: NO WAGED EMPLOYEES//�/ (//� � �� �ale: � � ��� Owner V/ ! JC.�C� �— I Qo nereDy cenity i�at I am awaie ol an0 unGerstana ine repuirements af Calilomu Healt� an0 Satery CoOe Sections 25505, 2 , ana 2557E an01Aa1 I or any IUWte Guilding acupanl vniVwill not (urUe one) neeG to W mpty vni� SaiC state fAOes antl lhe ieQuiremenls lor a permit lor [onsimclion or moGificalion Irom t�e N� Ouality Management US�nci. flesidentidl con5imclian aDVlications are ee¢mpi �mm I�ese O�ovisions. Dale: ApDlicani: I hereby ceitify Ihal I M1ave r¢atl ��is applicalion and slale tha� I�e a0ove inbrmation is cortect. I agree to comply with a0 ci�y an0 counry orainan[es anU stale laws �elaling Ia OmlCmg conslNctian antl �ereby autlbrRe �e0�esen�atives ol t�i5 cily lo enier upOn ��e abOve-mentionetl pmperly �oi in eclio Ourposes. � � p � `�. �ate: �O (3 Signalure:� �ii e Onver's License or Social Security � i6at�a6 W�ite—BuilOing; Green—LaCe Enlo¢emenl: Canary—AOOlicant: Pink—Revenue: GOldenroE—Assessor ` CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PEAMIT PERM NO: B 06432 PERMIT NO: B 064320 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; DEM JOB DESCRIPTION : RESTORE CONVERTED GARAGE TO ORIGINAL(Z��"�SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: 1,000,00 CALC—VALUE: 1,000,00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REMOVE KITCHEN, BATHAOOM 6 SLIDING GLASS DOOR/RESTORE GARAGE DOOR *�*��rx�+�***�r*�**�r+t�t�t***********�rr�r***r**r******�r*+t�r**�r**+t*+r*+�*rtrt************�*** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT ZN PARKING REQ: PROV:— PARCE 607103 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> gptp FOR SPECIAL REQUIR� ,��e �����, Q 1 �� iEirfFiriEititiEiEkikkkititlfitikiliFiliEiEifiEil�ifiEitititiEitiEiEilit+�iFMitititirMiEiEiklEifiEit%iE1E {iFifiQk�*+r*+r+r**i��i-.�-***+t*i�* D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY l%J/ DATE: LO/�S/9.3 BUILDING APPROVED HY : DATE': APPLZCATION ISSUED BY; DATE:, 4�I � kitififiElfillllElflfifitif41f1tififlfMlf iEiEiFfFiF1fMM1Fit ifit kkitifkkflltiEMfflfififitlFitklFkiflllfiElf7EiEifiFffitMkifftlkMltMlfiflfrlfk M1EkitifitiEllflllkffkklfifltiFifilitiElEiEiFlfriEifkiejf LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y ,- � BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES :•GRADING PERMIT 25.00 SMIP/NON—R65 PLAN ,50 ISSUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID ' DUE TOTALS----> 25.50 0.00 0.00 25.50 25,50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 25.50 OVEA/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 25,00 ,50 k ff 1f it ikif if k 1! if if if if it fflf !t k k k it ik !k k ff 1! k k if i! if k it k it 1! tf M k 1t 1f !h if M k 1f M k 1E kitk i! M if k if i! !k M if 1f 1f ff ff M 1! if !f if !f k M!f M if if kif Z N D Z V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C A I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST NO FEES WERE SELECTED FOR THIS PERMIT � � C . D �� �OCT 0 5 1993 CITY OF COSTA MESA i � CONSTRUCTION AN�PLANNING APPROVALS Permit -"r 1. TemDorary Electrical Service or Pole 2. Soii Pipe•Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Gonduit UtilitY-Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgrnd. � 5. $teei Reinforcement 6. Electrical UFER firnd. � 7. Footings 8. Poundation 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 10. Structuraf Floor System 1 t. Pmperry Sewer line & Housa Connection 72. Sewer CaP . 13. Roof Drains 14. Rough Plumbing � 75. Rough Electrical-Condu;t 16. Rough Eleccric Wiring 17. Rough Wiring Sign 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireptace _ 21. OuctS, in Structure 22. Oucts, Ventilating � � 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tes[ 24. �Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing � 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing , 28. Lathing 8� Siding - 29. Insulati0n � � 30. Drywail Na���ng • ' 31 . Plaster Brb�vn Coat - 32. Electncal ?ower Meter•Pinal ' 33. Finai Electric .. �4. Final Heating& Air Conditioning - 35.'Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy a 37. Fina1 FactOry Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing . 39. Water Secvice-Finnl 40. Gas Service-Final . " .41, Solar pomestic-Final 42. $ackfioiy'Preventer 43. Backflow, Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation Sysrem . 45. Sound Atienuation � - 46. Handiwp Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING !, 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Q 51. CERTIFICATE OP OCCUPANCY Oate Date POOL iPA Inspeetor pppqOVALS Permit # 52. Pool & Equipment Location , 53. Steel Reiniorcement ' . 54. Forms " 55. Electrical Bonding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNiTE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgmd. 67. APPROVAL TO DECK - 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final , 63. Heater & Vent•Final 64. Plumbing Syscem � Final 65. Elactrical�Final 66. Solar SYstem-Final 67. Fencing & Access AnPruval 68. APPftOVED FOR PLASTEf±ING ' � 69. POOL/SPASYSTE�ASfINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ' APPROVALS� Permit# � 70. Underground:Hy�rp • 71. ProductPipingOGas ❑Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergmd. Stora{7a Tank O Gas C Oil 74. Overhead Hydro J5. Dry Chemical � 76. Dry Standpipe - 77. fIXED SYSTEN FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAI • � HEALTH DEPT: REQUIRE:`/IENT . 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. FOOD CEF2TIFICATE ISSUED � � NotAs: u a n Date �inspector 0 CITY OF COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA 92628-1200 P.O. BO% 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 30, 1993 Ms. Alice A. Perez 2214 Orange Avenue Costa Mesa, CA 92627 RE: GARAGE CONVERSION 2214 ORANGE AVENUE, COSTA MESA Dear Ms. Perez: A complaint has been received and verified that the garage at your residence has been illegally converted to habitable living space. On September 27, 1993, I inspected the garage and explained to you that the garage could not be used as a dwelling. To bring the garage into compliance, a demolition permit must be obtained for the removal of the kitchen, bathroom, sliding glass door and any other alterations made in the conversion. You may apply for the permit Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (We are closed for lunch between noon and 1:00 p.m.; therefore you should be here by 11:00 a.m. in the morning or by 4:00 p.m, in the afternoon.) in the Building Division on the second floor of City Hall. Corrections must be made by October 31, 1993. Zf you have any questions, please feel free to call me at (714) 754-5628, Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 4:0o p.m. Sincerely, JUD NES Cod Enforcement Officer bkQ214oren. ge ) 2 77 FAIR DRIVE Builtling Division pt4) 75d-5273 • Cotle Enlorcemenl (714) 75d.5623 • Planning �ivision (714) 754-52a5 FA% (714) 556-7508 �' F � OW. Q � � S F � Lil F Q � r a z � a � �. O. Z Lc7 S 3 �=��._ �::.F.•-. CO oT soxE,zoo C�OD�n na SaFcaii ORN�IA 9 626 T APPLICATi01�Fg�,S�TR1�1C�'�UR�� PERMIT 9� 8� REC BV PERMIT N� 4 8 8 0 1 For Applicant to Fill in Completely — Use Ink Only ADDPESS ` � �T A.P. NO. , ' ��-�� I � BUILDING OWNER OR_(-( � �J ADDRE55 2 / O A/C� TENANT C.CLu��� /�q � UNIT OR ADDRE S/� e�/ QAP,Q� � SPACE NO. CITY L/ �"�/ NO.�yjZ SJ' 9' ' TR:f�fO. . LOJ�Or lOL �R� BLK. TEL, �� � ( / CONSTRUCTION NEW ADO ALTER REPAIft MOVING DEMOLISH LENDER BRANCH pWNE I�Q[pJ — ' ADDRESS USE � VALUE$/� � ORENGIN ER "� � NEL�� 'rj?f ` ADDRESS ZONE � TVPE � GROUP � ¢� � APPROVED / `J CONTRACTOR /�/ BV DATE ( ( ADDRESS {,��o N TE�. cirr No. j 38 STATE CITV APPROVEDSETBACKS �ic. No.3,� 3 y�S � LIC, NO. SIZE NO.OF BLDCS. (FROM C L E OF LOT ��L� ��Sr NOW ON LOT 2 ROM USE OF /J � � �O' —� EXISTING BIDG. /Gcy� Separate permits are required for �. sioe � FT. �� electric, plumbing and heating work: I i \ REAR USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PEFFORMED PLANNING ACTION DATE APPROVED APPROVE /p�� �. ��' I heraby acknowledge thet I have reatl this apPlication entl stata � that tha ebove information is correct and ag�ae to comply wlth all lews regulating builtling construction, antl 1 shell not employ � any person In violatlon ot ihe workman's compensation laws of � the State ot Calitornie. ' I hareb certlf ihax I am ODSQ. FT. � y y properly licensed as a conttactor untler � the State of California Business and Protessions Cotle, Division 3, THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR m Chaptar 9, and that such licensas ere In full force and etfect, o� I THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLV: � am axempt from the provisians of the Staie of CelifOrnla 8usine55 V AIUATI ON PERMIT FEE $ q and Profassions Cotle, Division 3, Chaptar 9. �Ei m Sig^etura of - DO PLAN CHECK $ O'�Q a Perm�lttee � $ �2, �O �� TAX § � ji u v � Authorizetl Agent Date TOTAL PAI D $ TL �I � r � aoosess: 2219 ORANGE AV rsr+ame: PEREZ, ALICE A ROUFESS: Z Z i Q ORANGE AL�E COSTA MESA,CA AflCH/ENGINEEH: AOOHESS: uxiT: 92627 flEG.NO.: UNIT: PEFMITTEE: ALICE A. PEREZ (719)642-9383 aooxcss: 2219 ORANGE AV COSTA MESA CA 92627 LICENSEU CONTBACTOfl DECLAflATION: I hereby aHirm thal I am licensed unAer D�ovisions ol Chapter 9(commmcinA wilh Section 70001 0l OiNsion 3 of Ihe Business ana Pmfessions Code. ane my license is in lull lorte and effect. CITY llt.: STRTE LIL.: ClASS: �ale: SignaWre: WOflKEPS' COMPENSATION �ECIANATION: I nereCy aHirm ina� I have a cenilicate af consent to sell-insure or a cenifiWte ol Worker5' Comoensaiion insurance, or a cenilieA copy tnereol (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY N�.: E%P. DRTE: COMPPNY: ❑ Cetlilietl copY is hereby fumi5Ae4. ❑ Certilie0 copy is liled wi�h Ihe cily Builtling DiviSion. Oate: Ap0licani: EREMPTIONFBOMWOPHEPS'COMPENSFTIONOECLAPRTION: QhissectionneetlnotbecompleteUilthepermuisloronehunUre0�5t00�arless�. I teitily Ihai in Ihe OedOrmante o� the work for which Ihis permi� i5 issuetl, I shall no� employ any OersOn in any manner 5o as to beCOme subletl �o I�e Workersp' Compen5aiion Laws ol Califomia. //�, Date: �� O��'� Signawre: ���f� �� g� J NOTICE: II, alter making Ihis Cetlara�ion, you shoula hecome sublect �o t�e Wo�Cers' CamOen ai n provisions OI ��e or Cotle. you mu5i lorihwi�h comply wil� such pmvisions or Ihis Oermit shall be deemetl revoke CONSTBUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I �ereby a�lirm �ha� lhere is a cOnstmtlion 1¢ntling a0e�ty faf �he pedormante al lh¢ wnrk �Or wNc� t�is oermit is issue0 (Section 3097. Gv. C�. LEN�Efl: aooxEss: OWNEB BIIILOEB DECLANR710N: I �ereby allirm ihat I am exemD� ��om the Coniracmri State License Law for t�e follawing reazon �Seciion 70.31.5 Business anE Pmtessianal CoGe: Any ciiy ai coun�y whic� r¢quires a Oe�mi� lo COnSiruct, alRt, impmve, OEmoliSh, or repair any Slmc�ure. pri0r lo ils issuanCe. also �¢Quires the applitani fDr Sut� p¢rmi� t0lile a Sipned Sla�¢meni l�ai Ae/SAe i5litens¢tl pursuanl lo I�e pmui5ion5011M1e COnlrat�ors' Siate License law ICnapter 9lcommencing wilh Section 7000) oi Division 3 0l the Business antl ProleSsianS Cotle� or I�ai �e/she i5 exempt Ihetelrom anA ihe basis for ihe allegeG exemption. Fny viola�ion o� Sec�ian 7031.5 Gy any appli[anl for a permil SubleCtS I�e a001icant to a civil Oenat�y of no� mor¢ ttun �ive hunOreG Gollars (5500�. I, as owner ol Ihe pmDertY or my employees vrith wages as �neir sole comvensation, will tlo ine work, and tAe ❑ s�mcture is not imenaea or olferetl for sale (Section 7044, Busness and Pmiessional CaCe: T�e Coniracrors' Stata License Law UDes noi apply Io an owner ai a property wha huilds Or impmves �hereon, and who tloes SUth work Aimseli/her5ell or �hrouAh �i5 ar her own employees, O�avitled Ihai Such impmvement5 are no� ini¢nAeA a! offeretl lOr sal¢. II, however �he bUiltling Or imDmvemen� is 501d wii�in ane year of completion. Ihe owner vnil have Ihe OurAen ol Oroving he/5�¢ Ai0 not huilC or impmve for t�e purpose ol sale�. I.as owneroflhe propetly,am exclusively conirac�ing wi�hlicensed conlrac�ors�o cons�mc�ihe prolec�(Section 7044, Business ❑ and Pm�es5ion5 Cotle: The COniractOrs' Slaie LiCense Law does noi apply Io an Own¢r o� pwperty wh0 6ulltl5 or improves ��er2on antl who coniract5 �or such pmlec�s wi�� a contracmr(s��icense pursuam m �he Contraclors' Stat¢ License Law�. I am aware Ihal pmol ol IAeir Worker's Compensation insurance s�oultl Ue pmvidea to me. � I am ezempt untler Section: B p 7 � 4 4 B. 8 P. C. �or mis reason: NO WAGED EMPLOYEE/S/�)''/n/'-' �7��� Ua�e:_,/�J� Owner li1 �NC�� �•—ri w� '� I Oo nere�y cenity tnal l am aware ol ana un4ersland Ihe repuirements oi Calilomia HealtA ana Satety CoOe Sections 25505, 25533, antl 25534 ana I�at I or any IUWre OuilOing occupan� wilVwill not (circle one) neetl �o comply wi�h saitl slate wUes antl ��e requiremenis far a permi� �ar consimction o� moCilicalion Irom �he Air Ouabry Managemen� �isVicl. ResiAen�ial conslruciion apDlications are eKempi Imm ��ese provisions. Date: Applicant: I �ere�y cetlily t�at I �ave rea0 inis aOPlicalion antl Slate �hat Ihe above inbrma�ion is corr¢cl. I aAree lo camplY wi�h all city and counly oitlinances ana sia�e Wws reWting to OmlEing crosimc�ion an0 hereby autlronze reD�esenia�ives o� Iks cily �o enler upon I�e aUove�mentioneE pmpetly lOrJ'�S etiion Du OSes. (�p+ (^/ � Q . _ Oale: / �'� ` � Signalure: � � x�� � �`-'� �-- odvers ucense o� sociai Securi� t6ai-46 W�ite—Budding; Grean—Coae Enbrcement; Canary—ApPlicanl; Pink—Revewe; GolOeneoE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PEFM NO: B 064814 PERMIT NO: H 064814 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: ALT JOH DESCRIPTION : LEGALIZE WINDOWS ENLARGEMENT IN GARAGE SQ FT: 300 CLAIM VALUE; 30U,00 CALC—VALUE: 300.00 GROUP OCC: M-1 / COMMENTS: NO OTHER WORK AUTfiORZZED BY THIS PERMIT **********�r+t****+��-«�**�***�x-*+��r�r**�-+r***���**�t�c***�cr�*x-********�c*�**a�**�c+�+�x*�**** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUZLDING --------- FRNT: FT IN AEAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZNG REQ: PRO�': PARCEL: 92607103 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> , 1 # iE if iP iF iE iE it ik it iE i! * iE if 1f iE k%M if ik k if iE 1F iE iE 1E 3F iE ff iF iE 4 if !E iF 1f if ik if 1f if 1f if iE 1f if if if k iR {F if k iE if jE �f 3E #� iE fE iF M iE k if iE if 1f K iFlE if 1E iF iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONZNG APPROVED BY PATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : _ DAT£; APPLICATION ISSUED HY: DATE: �� 0 L�4 �E iE 9E jE iF iE af if if if if if if if 1F if iE iE M i! iF ik 1E if �f if if iE ik if iE if if if iE iF fE iE iE jf iE if iE if if iF iF if if iE if if iF iF iF if R if tE if iF iE 9E iE iE iF if iF i! iE if if 161t f. �E �if jE i! iE jf iF iE iE iE iF 1E iE if iE �E if k iE 1E+f if ik iF it k k if if it ik iF if it ic jE iF?E 1F k �E iE 1t iE %if ii if iE 1F M�t if aF if iF M iE iE iE iF # jf 1t iPlf if if at if iF aE M if �! iF if it % iE k iF LEGALIZATION:Y F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 30.00 .50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDIPdG—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 30,50 0.00 0.00 30.50 30,50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 30.50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 30,00 ,SO iE iElE iF M if 1f !f 1f !f ik iF i! if 11� ff iE ik i! if !f ik k if if iE ik if 1c if if iE % iElF !E iE iE it k if if iE iF iE 1f ik k if 1E iF iE iE if iF ih iE if iE if iE ic iE iE fF if M if if iE iE iE if 1E iE jf �)f if !h Z N D I V I D 0 A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N � UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 300 ALTER BY VALUE RESIL�ENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 300,00 END OF FEES oi oo�s�2zs-oa�sa2zb ro-r aa:o oFrE: i:ioaiy� iII7E: 09:U7 ,CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 2, 5oi1 Pipe�Undrgmd. � 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 4. E�ectrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. '��. 5. S2eel Reinforcement ''�, 6. �lectrical UPER Grnd. 7. Footings B. Foundation �� 4. Water Pipe�Und�grnd. 10. StrucWral Floor System 1 t. Wope�ty Sewer Line & Hause Connection 72. Sewer Cap 73. Roof Drains 14. Rough Plumbing 15. Rough Electriral�Conduit 76. Rough Electric Wiring 77. Rough Wi�ing Sign 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 19, Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, VentiVati�g 23. Gas Pipe•Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. floof Sheathing � 26. T-6ar Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocoat 27. Ffame and Flashing 28. Lathing & Sid�ng 29. insulation 30. Drywail Nailing 37. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electrical Power A�eterFinal 33. Finat Elecvic 34. Final Heati�g & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Pirepiace 38. Final Plum6ing 39. Water Service-Finat 40. GSs Service-Final 41. $olar pomeS[ic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. l5ndscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. HBndicap Regu�ations 47. FINAL STRUC7URE & BUILDING / 48. FINAL P�ANNING ' 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date Oate • �d POOI � aPA Inspector APPROVALS Permit �k Date inspector 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Stee� Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical6ondin9 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER-GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, l7 Undsgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgmd. 67. APPROVALTODECK' ' � ' �' � 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 63. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Plumbing System - Final 65. Electrical�Final 66. So�ar System�Final 67. Pendng & Access Approvai 68. APPROVED FOR P�ASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEnASFINAL FIRE DEPT, REQUIREN7ENT APPROVALS Permit � 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product Piping O Gas � OII 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd.SrorageTank �Gas ❑Oii 74. Overhead Hydro � 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINA� 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION I 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED � / Noces: � �}�b ��,j /'�+^--•-, �s.v�Gvc(/ ii _ . _ • � //- 9- P'3 October 21, 1993 ZZI�{ O�(��- CITY OF COSTA MESA G+LIFORNIA 92fi284200 PO. BOX 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Rose Madrigal " 9516 Andover Circle Fountain Valley, CA 92708 RE: CODE VIOLATIONS AT 2214 ORANGE AVENIIE Dear Mrs. Madrigal: Thank you for contacting me regarding the Municipal and Building Code violations at your mother's property. As we discussed, it is the City's intention to obtain compliance on this site and we will work with you and your mother to achieve that objective. The following list reiterates the points I mentioned during our telephone conversation of October 20, 1993. Keep in mind that you will be coordinating most of this with Judy Jones, Code Enforcement Officer and Ed Petros, Structural Inspector, as well as the Building Plan Check Division. 1. The original building permit (#48801) for the addition to the residence was not finaled. The addition needs a final structural inspection, according to City records. You should contact Ed Petros at 754-5295, 7:00-7:30 a.m. or 3:00-4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, concerning how you will need to go about obtaining the final for the addition. .As we discussed, the addition was drawn on plans that indicated a 37' separation between it and the detached garage. Unfortunately, a 17' separation exists, which greatly constricts vehicular access to the left side of the garage. The patio cover attached to the garage was illegally constructed and cannot remain due to location. Zt must be comoletelv removed. The detached garage has many violations which shall be addressed as follows: a. Remove the illegal extension on the northerly side of the 2-car garage in its entirety (including all kitchen, bathroom and hall/doorway areas and the water heater "closet"). 77 FAIR DRIVE Builping Division (7ta� 75a-5273 • Cotle Enlortemem pla) 754-5623 • Plamm�g Division pta) 75<�52a5 b. Replace the slider door and one-car garage door with a 2-car garage door (minimum 16' width). c. Obtain permits for windows installed on the easterly side of the qarage (and any other windows). d. Removal all partitions inside the garage, except for the two walls that enclose the original wash basin and clothes' �washer area. (I have received your letter which states that these two walls are original). 4. Z will prepare a Land Use Restriction Agreement which will stipulate that the garage shall be used only for. vehicle parking and storage. Once it has been prepared, the agreement will include the notarized signature of the property owner of record (your mother) and be recorded against the property at the County of Orange Recorder's Office by you or your mother. The document will ensure that the garage will be used as originally intended, even though maneuverability into the qarage has been diminished because of the addition. Compliance deadline dates shall be determined by Ms. Jones and Mr. Petros. Please contact Ms. Jones at 754-5628, between 7:30 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. to obtain this information. Once all items have been properly addressed and resolved, Buildiny and Code Enforcement/Planning inspections shall be conducted foT� the garage. A separate building inspection is required for the addition. Again, I want to thank you for assisting us in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact me at 754-5611 Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-12 noon. Sincerely, �`z:�.(� L° � �'���'� -- CAROL C. PROCTOR Associate Planner cc: ✓Judy Jones, Code Enforcement Officer Ed Petos, Structural Inspector Burt Morqan, Acting Plan Check Engineer