HomeMy WebLinkAbout3374 MARIGOLD CIR - Building Permitsreo�ecT aooxess: 3 3 7 4 MAR I GOLD C I OWNEfl'SNAME: LEUNG, HAI KING nooaess: LEUNG KAN PUI TONG JUD IT{i 3374 MARIGOLD CIR COSTA MESA,CA AflCN/ENGINEEB: ADOXESS: 2� � / UNIT: Y 92626 flEG.NO.: UNIT: PEPMITTEE: NOCK PLUMBING ( 714 ) 895-1246 nooncss: 11610 SEAHOARD CIR STANTON CA 90680 IICENSED CONTNAC70P UECIABATION: I here�y ai�irm Uut I am 4ten5e0 uMer pmvisi0n5 OI CAaO�er 9(wmmencinq wilA Seciion 7000� ot Orvision 3 al Ihe Business antl Pmtessions Cotle. anG my litense is in tull lorce anE e��¢ci. ciT ic.:� 3 g E� QST�p/T�E LIC.: S S S 9%� cwss: C_� /� le� _ _ y2/� Signa�ure: _ {�_�� �sr BKEH$'C MPENSRTIONOECIANATION: I�ere�yaHirmlha�I�aveacerlititaieolton5¢n�I05e14m5urtofatefii¢ae� � Compensation Insurance. or a cetlified copY thereol (Section 3800, lab. C�. raucvxo.: 1167992-93 EXP.ORTE: O3IOSI9�I comvaNr: STATE ❑^ Cendietl m y is hereEy fumishee. � Cenifiee coD fi1eG ntA ihe city-Bu 'nq Oivision. �y�: Z� � Applkant: E%EMPIION iNOM WOflNENS' COMPENSATION DECUMiION: (ilus sec�on ntttl ro1 Ce mmpletW if Ne permt 5 �o _ 140) or less�. I certily t�al in Ihe peAormance al ��e work lor whic� ��is p¢rmt is iSsueG. I s�all na� employ any person in any manner w a5 to become sub�ect to I�e Workers' Wmpensation LaxS al Califomia. Oate: SignaWre: NOTICE: II. afier mdking Ih5 GGUaratian. you shWIE become suGjttt to Ihe Work¢rS' COmperttati0n D����s of t�e LabOr Caa¢. you muA lon�wn� tomply wiin suc� orovivons or tNs permi� 51w11 Ee UeemeG revoked. CONSTPUCTION LENOING pGENCY: I �¢re0y af�irm t�ai there is a COnS(ruciion IenOinq a0enry �or IAE pe�Ofmante ot �he wOfn �Or wNcn ims permit is issue0 I�tim 3097. Civ. CI. LENOEN: ROOflESS: OWNFfl BUILOEfl OECUBRTION: I �ereUy allirm Ihat I am exempt fmm tl1e Cantraclw5' State LKense �aw for ihe follOwinp rtason (SetliOn 7Q31.5 Business and Pmfeisional CoOe: Any [ily Oi cauniy w�ich r¢QuiRS a Defmil �o tonslmtl, ali¢r, imO�Ove, Uemoli5h, or repaii any siNcture. prior Ioiis issuance, al5o reQuires tne aoW�nt lor sucA permii to lile a sipnea stalemenl inat h¢/she is IicenseJ '. Oursuam m i�e provisions ol the Contractors' Slate License Law (ChaD�er 9(comme�inp wii� Section 7000) oi Oivision 3 0l ihe Business and Piolessions Cotle) or Ihat �elshe is ehempt t�erelmm antl i�e Oasis lot tlle alleAed eeempiiort Any violation al Section 7031.5 Ey any apolicant lor a permil su0leps I�e aOD���n� to a civil penalty o� noi more ttun live �undred dollars (f500). I. as owner ol I�e O�oOeny or rtry employees with waAes as I�eir sole compen5aiion, wlll Oo Ihe work. and Ihe ❑ slruciure is not imendeA or ollere0 �or sale (Seclion 70da, Business an0 Pmlessional Code: TAe Conlrac�ors' State License Law Ooes nol ap01y lo an owner ol a D�openy who �uilQt or improvu tAereon, and who tloes such work �imselllAersell or ihmuAh his or �er own employees. DmviOed Ihat such imD�ovements are not inten4eA or allereA lor sale. II, �owever t0e Uuilding or impmvement is sale within one year ol Completion. Ihe owner will tuve tAe ourAen of o�a�np ne/sne aia not �ui10 or improve lor Ine purpose ol salel. � I, as owner of I�e DmpeilY, am exclusively conlraciinp wit� Iicense0 coniractors to constmcl l�e pmie�� (Sectian 704a, Business ❑ d110 Pf01t551p15 �.OdE: TIIC �AfltldCtOfS State L'ce(ae Law aces no� aOdY �o an wme� ol pmperry wAo omlEs or imprwes tnereon anU who wnlrati5 lar 5ut� prole��s wii� a mnlracior�s) IitenSe pur5uani IO I�e CAntraCiors' Siate License Law�. I am aware Itwl pw01 0� IAEir Wwkei 5 Compensalion in5ufance StqNC Oe prPM¢0 to mB. � I am eeempt unEer Senion: B. d P. C. lar I�is reason: Oa�e: Ovmer. I tla nere0y cenily inat I am awaro ol ana uneerstana tne repuiremenis of Glitomu Healtn an0 Sdfety COOe SeCtionS 25505, 25533, anA 2557A antli�atloranyfulure Ouil�inp occupanivnlVwill not�circle One) nee0lo tompty vfi� saiE 5tale coGes an0i�ereQuiremen�slora peimil lor tOn5lmtlion Or mOCilitaiion Imm I�e Au OuaLly Marugem¢ni Oittn[I. fl¢siG¢nlul wnSimCliOn aOD����i0n5 ar0 exemp� Imm IheS¢ prOviSi0n3. Oa1e: Appticant: I he�e�y t¢tlilylhai I�ave rea0 Ihis applita�ion anE S�a�e Ihatl�e a0ovein�ormaiionis torr¢CI. I agreelo tomply vnih all tiry and Counly oitlinancesantlslaielawsrelainqm0uil0inpconsimclionand�� mhorizerepresp ativeSoflhi5cilytoenieruponlhea�ove�men�ionetl pmDjetly loi mspe Imn Durpc es � /pa}(; �_��"L $ignature: Driver'S Laense oi $ocial SecunlY �I' t6aba6 Whpe—Butldmg', Groon—Co�e Enbrcement: Canary—ApO�icam; Pink—Revenue: GolEonroa—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: P 066157 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTZON TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLO JOB DESCRIPTION : WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT CLAZM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: PERM NO: P 066157 GOVT; N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTI-I SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS; NO OTHER WORK AUTHORI2ED BY THZS PERMIT it**r��tit*+ririririt�tfti�*itit**x�*�t*ftit*w*ir*�rrir**itit***�t**�tit�r�t*xw*�r�-�hfr�rir+r+r*�**�tr****�t***�*� Z O N Z N G R E Q U I R E-M E N T S S E T B A C K S �— -------- MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZNG RE � PROV: PARCEL: 14167118 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N TES> � ' i! iE �E iE ff iF iE 1E iP 1t it iF 1f 1E it k iF ih ik iE iE iE iE ff ff fE fE iE if iE iE if iE if if iE ik if fF ik 1E 1f fk it iE if iE if iE iF if 1E if i! 1f if iE iE 1E iF if M 41E �E i! ff if if iF 1E iE �f 7ElE iE iElE jE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 ZONING APPROVED BY . BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: l� -� DATE: �/I Lvl�`{� *x�*r***�lrf�i�*******�f****iF3F3F'iFiFiF�FiFiFiFiFiF�F3F'if rx��3FiF�FiFiFiF�iFiF****+�fr****3F'£iF�3"iF'iFi�3i �cir iE if ik aF iE if if if if if if i! iF 1EfE k iP iE iE 3E iE if � iE 1F iFiE if if if if ik if iF iE M iE ff i! iE�k�Eif 3E 1f ifif if iE iEiF if iF 3f ak �E if iE if if if iE 1E IE 1E iE if if 1k if if 1FiE if af if 1E if aE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIRE SMZP/RES GRADING PERMIT 7,00 25t SMZP/NON—RES PLAN • ISSUE FEE 20,00 BUILDING—DIV—> PEAMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAZD DUE TOTALS----> 7.00 20.00 0.00 27.00 27,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECT6D: 27,00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADZNG PLAN—CAECK 2 % , 0 0 '1! 1E k if 1EfE if il'iE if iE if'If if if if !f ikfF')f !E il'lfif 1E 1f 1F i4 ii'!f fk iFik 1f if ff il'if 1laf i4 M 1! 1f iE iFif iI'ik if if 1E')f iM11! 1F1E 1F iFM1f'* KiE if k 1f 1f iR iF if iE iF i� 3f ib iFif 1f I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY PLU 1 D E S C R I P T I O N WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT END OF FEES UNZT COST 7.00 TOTAL COST 7.00 01 0�15�847-00155847 T O T 27.�0 uATE� 02/23/44 TIPtE: 10�00 CONSTPUCTION AND PLANNING POOL . 'A qPPROVAIS Permit # Date fnspector qppROVALS Permit # Date tnspector 7. Temporary Electncai Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipmen[ Location 2. Soil Pipe�Und�grnd. 53. Steet Reinfo�cement � 3. Elettrical Conduit Ucilrty-Undrgrnd. 54. Porms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Ptumbing & Pretsure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPFOVAL TO COVER�GUN+TE i 7. Footings 58. Electncal Cor.durt�Untl�g:nd. i 8. Foundation 59. Gas P�pe, O Undrgrntl., Test � 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, [7 Undrgmd. 10. 5tructural Floor System 61. APPPOVAL TO DECK ,71, property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final '12. $ewer Cap 63. Heatar & Vent•Final 13. Roof Drains , 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. ftough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final 15. Fough Electrical�Cordwt - 66. Solar SYstem•Finai � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 77. Rou9h Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electricai�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTeMS FINA� 19. ftough Heating & Air CAnditloning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. flough Farory Firepface APPROVALS Permit � 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Und2rground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Protluct Pipin9 Cl Gus ❑ Od 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Fius�� 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergmd. Storaye Tank C Gas � OJ 25. Roof Sheatfiing 74. Overhead Nydro 26. T-Bar Ceilin9 (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27, Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIqE PflEV. FINAL 30. O�Y+vall tVaiting HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. E�ectrical Power Meter-Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � .� P�LQ,kGL��S �-�Z�so� � 35. F�naf Gas Pipe�Test ' �_ 9�., } , '9- �LI�E_�_D� ��., 36. Nood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final P�umbing ��S%� 39. Water Service-final 40. Gas Service�Fina� 47, Solar pomestirFinal _ 42, gackflow Preventer . 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscave Irri.qation Syscem � � 45. Sound Attenuation ' 46. Handicap Regulations � 47. FINAL STpUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINALPLANNING 49. E�ectric Release to Edison 5�. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 5L CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date TRACT N0. r• � � ADDRES C: OF COSTA MESA R.EQUEST FOR OCC NCY DAT The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its st:eets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that e-s e-they were)� advised that this tract has not been given inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied wi[h the conditions of approvai which were imposed by [he City at the time the final tract map was approved. The Ci[y assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or pereonal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. RECEIVED CITY OF COSTA MESA PLaNN1Nt1 Dk?T. MAR :i 1973 A� PM 7i8i9il0illi12i1i2i3i4i5�6 @ � 0 BY �I chas r sY � �� wo �C��.3�� Developer and/or authorized representacive BY .�c.EG'l'.r� �``�C�'� Lender .. �ooness aF emiara: 3 3 7 4 MAR I GOLD C I unr: avxexswueiFio+avn: LEUNG, HAI KING FLOUD: AH-38 aoo�ss: LEUNG, KAN PUI TONG JUDITH i374 MARIGOLD CIR COSTA MESA,CA �. Yuia«+�oxEss: �xcxrtecr ox �ax�x: uc.ra: 9262E mcx on wa�s iwowess: uxr: caxm�cTarsru� CRYSTAL AZR (714)634-2593 ���o��� 11801 MAC STREET ,�p�; GARDEN GROVE CA ��,; 655036 92641 �M, 110EN5E0 COHffl�RORS OECL�fl�T10N: I lweby ellim �mtlar pmuly d{wjivy Net I am 4mnetl udx pwums W Cheqw 8 (wnmaneiq wnh Seciion )OWl d Oi�ision � W iM Bueiinu ud Pmleevions CoEe. eM mY 6mnea ia in IUA /ace enE atlarl. c.no.:042006 uc.cuss: C-20 u ryyp{�� 655036 EXP: 03/98 Dele: � Cawmu:�LLlll/. ER BUILDEH OECUP�TION: I hereby dRmi uMer parWy N per'Wy thel I un aramq han t!n COMretlm L'cmua lew la Ma IoOowiq remm (Seeion raits &niws md Adenora CoEe: MY dY « cauVV Mhirh nV�drm e pmne �o mrovw. elw. vnYa+. demdsh. a repai eny sweive. pior b is uaeMa, ebo eeQuwse iM epplimM la weh penM to fJe a sipned eWemeN tlut M a sM � IicenseE W�uan� to the prmieime d tM ConlreUme Licenee Law jChapm 9(comme�np xi�h Saeion )(p0) d DH6ion 3 oi �M niroa eM Prdevnns CoCel w ihei he a Me u er.amq �haahan uM ihe bem In tha elk9eE exemqion. My violelion d Sopun .031.5 by eiry epplium lor a prmn abjeUs �M eppliraJ b e cN perelly d nol maa Ihen fwe himdred do0an �5500��. ❑ i.e.e..,bramew�ro�r«mv�pw�•.�n..�eemin.:.oboomo��.++neoubwak.enemeem�rn,�em�amie�dee a ollerad br ceb (Sxtion l0a<, Bininw eM Pmlee+iwreGode: Tha Conlredon Lioensa Law doea ew� eppyto an ownerot piopMy who buids a ino�+a �haroon. eM xtw doee sucA work NmeeM or Mnetl ar Wwpli hb a her awn empbysee. pwNed Ihn eucA impewemdEa ua M inle�dad a eMxed lor veb. tl. Mwmm. IM W iMinp ar inywqneM b sdtl wi1Nn me Y� d mmplNun. IM owner-0uiMx vAll heve IM Eurden d povirp M or ehe d'd � build a impm.a lu IM WT�a d We). � I. ea owner d iM qopaM. � ezduvvNy oonlreUip wM1h limnaed wnVedae b wna�rw ihe pqea (Setlion ]OIi. Buviriees eM PMeeeiom Codo: TM Cantredwe lken» Lew Jwe �M apply ta en owner d papeny xfio buJd+a impww Ihe�eon uM Wo wnvena lar wW prqws wnh e comraeor(e) IiunxE WnueM to iM COMretlore Li�wias Lewl. � I em eaemq unAer Seclion: B. 6 P.C., br ihia reeaon: oma: o«� i ao nareW csnM mm i� a.�.e d ene u�wenw�d ine.eau�r.mem� d c�aome �nn ene se�mr coee seaiom xssos. zssa3..�d 455�1, eM IM1et I«eny Mure Wikiry om�pent will / wil no� (c'ucb ane) r�eed io camply wih eeid ama mdee enE iM nQu'uamenb M a G� laomateuelion a modilmian hantlaA �a�0�� Oinntl. RetiAwa� mM�utlion nVD�aroanaxsnq hom Nua pwmone. Dma: ADd�: WONKEN'S COMPEN4ATON OECLAN�110N: I Irraby NNm undr pe�ely d pxpry one d Ne IoOow'vq Esdvtliom: ❑ inew.�ew�meime:i.wnn�.dconeemm..n;mun�«.on�m:mmv��.ow�r«Wsee:na�aoam.tano. Cade, /or tM p�mronce d tlw wak 1« wFich Nh permn u heueA. ❑ �nm..�a,wmeim.n.ak«.•mnv.�o�i�wve....nyuv.eMsaaiona�oodm.lem.coe..m,uboM«mvcadm. wak la Mw.i� tM1u pwm! u ousd. My walen' eanpanWion inwr+ze mn'w ud po6ry eumEer ua: c�«: Pofiry NumEx: me �a�, �a �a w�o� i m. o«m� o ro, o,�. n��m.e em.,. a,m� d,w..� � I cerlh ��� O�o^^�a d iM work la v.Tich ihu pe'mn u ieweE. I ehell nal ampby arry pe�mn n ury mww w n lo becdne subjeq �o tM �s' mnpwatian laws d CaNO�ias tl�e J I elautl bacare m�bjW lo �M wabn' w�cev �joo wa++on. a s.ao� aroo a m. �en« coe.. �M1 ww can,vM wn mwe o.�n. � ome: nod�u:Hl / 4p: F.uun ro rcun wonFui mnv«uetlon m�nw l. unYrM. •ne Ntl�+ubN�� �n �rrolew ro wM/M o�da �ne cMl nnu iq ro am nuMrM rlwuuM AWI�n lStPqP00A ���n ro M cwt ol wnp,ru�GOR �W u poHJW br In sxHon 91�b e1 tlr� L�Uor Catl�, Im�n��. wrd �ttom�Y's Iwa CONSTFUCf10N LENOINO AOENCY: I hneb/ etf u�kx peneW d perjury Ihet ihse u e muvuuion Wdinp qpiry lor tlr a,nom,� d in. wwk i« wmm me v�i :�«»d �swo� xe�. c:. c). LENDEH'S N?ME: LENOEP'S ADDPESS: I eMih IMt I heva neC t�o epWira�ion uk uNe ihel tM ebova iNoemetbn is cortetl. I epiea �o eanpy with M tlryeM ooumy aGnenm� eM eiete lexs rela�eq io buiMmp mnsWqion eM hereby eWwras repawmativea d thia My lo enler upon iM1e ebove-mentuned popeny �'��'petlpoq1p0t°°' RALPH BELL (5t5N0.WP1 W��a-�+'�bbq 8 SelelY: Hnk-Fevenue: Oddanro�/aamw CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: M 083467 PLAN CHECK NO: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMZT TYPE; MEC JOB DESCRIPTION : ADD A/C G REPLACE FURNACE CLAIM VALOE: CALC—VALUE: W PERM NO: M 083467 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT; GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: X *r*�c******�t�t*�t�t�t***************�t�t�t�t+t*x-*****+�+�*******�t**�**************�c-*****�t*+� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT ZN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; ET IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 41206306 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i �E fE fE 1! 1f 1E �! d! j! 1t �f 1E iF i6 ik if iE �k iE iE if iE iE �E �f �E if ik 1E �E iE �)E 1E k�E �E �)F �E 3E fE jE jE �)E �E 3E iE 1E iF ff df �F �E iE iE fE 1E if i! iE aE iE ik jE iE 3f aE iE jE if �E iE iE iE �)E iE jE ik �E �k D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY BUILDING APPROVED HY : APPLICATION ISSDED BY; if if 3f iE if if iE j4 �f iE ik iE 1f 1f iE iE 1! �! 3E iE 1f it��iF LEGALZZATION:N HLDG PMT PLUMBING PERMIT PLAN ISSOE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> TOTALS----> F E E S U M M A R Y ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE 26.50 253 22.00 DATE: DATE: DATE: S iFiFiEffifiEit?Eif 3fi(�� STRUCTURAL •GMENT:N SMIP/RES GRADING SMZP/NON—RES PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE 26.50 22.00 0.00 48.50 48.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 48.50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 48.50 �f iE if 3E iE iE �k iE'1i 1F 1F il� 3E iM1 i£ �lf -%it'1f ik iE iE')E if �E')E �)E iE'1E jf if if iE �f �E iE �l(-iE 1f fE �E �E fE �E 3E fE 1E iE 3E iE if iE if iE 7E iE if ff�iE�;f if iF ��N-1E?E if �E �f-'IF iE # iF iE �)E iE iE iF iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C A I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 INST FORC—AIR/GRAV FURN <= 100 K HTU 13.25 13.25 MEC i REFRIGERATION SYSTEM <= 100 K HTU/H 13,25 13.25 END OF FEES EXPI�.�� DATE I � «' 17J 86-25-1997/81:49 DM/fM.SB RCPTtaBI� PERMITa683467 • CC}NSTNUCTION AND PLANNING POOL �A qPPROVALS Perm'vt# � Date Inspecto� AppftOVAIS Permit# Date Inspector i. Temporary Electrica� Serviceor Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location•, 2, $oil Pipe•Undrgmd. �. - 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility•Undrgrnd. 54. Forms � 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgmd. 55. Electricai Bonding ' 5. Steel Reintorcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE ' 7. Footings 58. Electrical ConduirUndrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undr9rnd., Test 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, RTrap,�0 Undrgrnd. 10. Svuctural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK J-� 11. Property Sewer Line & 4ouse Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final �2. Se�^'e' C�P 63. Heater & Vent�Finai 13. fioof Drains . 64. Plum6ing System • Final 14. Rough Ptumbing fi5. E1e�tricabFinal 15. Rough Electrical•Conduit - 66. Solar SYstem�Final 16. Rough Elearic Wiring , 67. Pencing & Access Approval � i7. flougfi Wiring Sign 68. AP�ROVED FOA PLASTERING � ' 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling ' � � 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Raugh Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Struaure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventiiatin9 • 71. Product Pipin9 O Gas � Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tesc 72. UndergrounA Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank G Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Scructural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. �8thing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH �EPT. REQUIREMENT � 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. F1NAl tNSPECTION ��� '+ 32. Electrical Power Mecer�Final 80. FOOD CEFTIFICATE ISSUED � .� 33. Final Electric Notes: � 34. Finaf Heating & Air Conditioning 1� 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test - 36. Hood or CanopY 37. Final Fattory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 47. Solar pomestic-Final 42, gackflow Preventer .� 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound A[tenuation ,� tri 46. Handicap Regulations � � 47�. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING :n�`+�' ...- �� 48. FfNALPlANN4NG °"" o�m 49. Electric Release to Edison 4� ,.�,a 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Co ���:. � �.>V 5L CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date �oonrssaew�wa: 3374 MARIGOLD CI unr: ownexaxweiFiwwm: LEUNG, HAI iCING FLOOD: AH-3i3 �ooaeu LEUNG, KAN PUI TONG JUDZTH 3374 MARIGOLD CIR COSTA MESA,CA 926 �rr�. �mwo wo�ss: AfICXRECT OF ENtlNEEN: 114 M0.: 1PCIl Ofl EHLL91WNF59: VIlT: ��,��aru� CRYSTAL AIR (714)634-2593 CQlfNACfOR4Y�M10 11801 MAC STREET �oo�sa GARDEN GROVE CA ��, 655036 92691 �: LJCENSED COMR�CTON9 DKLAN�TON: I Iwsby elltm �vMr pruly d pejry Ntl I em frwmd iadr pwuiw d Cheqw B (ovrvneMsq Nu� SecYm ]000) M Oivuion � d Ihe Bmneu erd Pmla�'vu COAe. erd mY fmne u in fu0law end sMatl. No.:0/42006 uc.cuss: C-20 uc.r+o.: 655036 EXP: 03/98 D : fJ � ��I Cartrwor.���/ OW NEP BUILDEP OECLAfl�TON: I Iwaby affifm ivdar prWy d prjry Ne I em axrnq han Ns Cmt�etlm Licame Lew la Uro Idbw+q �mmn (SeCion 10JtS Biv'�eas eM Rdenim� COM: My W n mwY Mui� npwm e D�i Io mabua. eEx.'vnWo-re. demdv�. a �epei erry �tturSva. pv b b eviencs. ebo �pww Na epp6mN fa �ud� pxmi b fib e ayd sWameN Nel M a tM i�.ae wm+w �o m. w�• a m. cw�ma. uo.�.. �.. �cn.w« e c�,�,«�w ..nn s.ao� �000l a a.n�, a a me �o .m vroiwo�, coal> �nm i. «.n. 4.�a �naa� .w m. �e ior m. ee�w �.«�a:„. Nn �a, a swo� . J]t.5 by ury epqieem lar e pmmi� aibpqe �M epp(rsM �o e dri psutly d np mwe then fm huMeed do0an �5500�. � I.mor.nard�MPW�YamV�wl�waP�aNwnbmmW�.w�dotlrxakmdNeamwvmuna"vaeMed v dlaredM eeb (SaeWn ]OM. Bu�ea�eed PrdeationsCOM: The Comredm lieaue lew dow M WdYto an owrerd qopany w�M W Wa a inpwe� Raean. rd wfio Aom wN wk Innsetl n Aa+d a tlrou� Ae a Mr am m�pb�me. qw'iEeE thet ach imM��ems v. ra imeMeU a dlsed I« ub. tl. Mwwa. lhs dntlinp a inV��em u eold wnhin ons vmr a aomNMion. Ne aw�wbuikr �w0 naw the WNen d pw'vp M a 4r d'tl ml dvla a'vnryas la Ns qvpow d aelel. � I. m oxner d iM V�WeM. am a�dunroll owretln0 wN Imneed ca4rxlaa b mnmue Ne pMa (Seaon )WI. &n'vim� md m VWm�iwa Gade: Ths CaaraCm l'csiw lar Eom no1 eooN b em m�w d PW�Y vfio dnlds a imVa'm Ihsean uM Ma mnvecta la ac� pqaae wnh e aMrepa(e) �emW punuem io IM Cani�mae Littnee Lew�. � I em uemq uMs Sztim: B. 8 P.G.. br Nu rae�on: Dete: �: �IW I em ewus d smar cae. s.ao�. zsms. zssaa. ene seb aele coEm eM iM nauimnarcs for i�w��cm�.d.�«�ui�m� Oete: MO��� W OflKEfl'9 COYFEN9�T10N DECUN�TON: I Mr�by tlPom uNr prWly d pxjwy ar d Ns bGowinp Mdvetioro: ❑ IhewxMxilmdnien.centliuleamneiu�o.aq�munloryakaimmpaiumian.mo��edlnM9arfbna]oodtMleEn Code. la IM pafomwies d IM wA lu wl'rl� Nro peemY o iouetl. ❑ �n...enewmei�u.n.afw.•mnmemmiburem....na�.eMswionarooame�.e«coa..am.w�«m.medm. wak la xl�ieh Me G� b eaued. MY warken' ewnM�ion'vmnentw artW vd O�Y eumbar ms: c.m«: Pd'ry NumDer: !A'v seCim neM M Ds cwnpNW Y fM G>mi u b aw hv�ed EaW� �SIOOf> Mv.) � I cMh � In tM peAamerce d tM vak la wl�icA thb pmnY w impd. I NeA m ampby eiry ps�an n a�ry mervw o ro m becoma aEjed lo IM xMx�' m'Dwaibn Iew d CaNmie. eM pp�s tlW / I dvdd bacarc abjw to Ne wvFan' �� wm/penw:m pv.'viom d 6�eion �100 tl iM leEa Cods. I� on�' A mmp�y� wN IMw pwvms. �1i�m.f H oZs�l? ro�w+:�ILth,�sd \M'�mMp: F�N�n ro ucun noR�n'ronpru�tlon cw�r�p l� unhrM, �nd�lWl wE}ct �n w�plonr b cMIIr/pxultlpW GHI flirs �p ro om ��nNM tMuunO CtlM (tI0qOP0A h�tlEllbn ro IM ewf al eonqwwtbM1 Q�nrp,� u provMM br In s.cnon aros or m.l�eo, coe5 �m...c w.rtomN. �.... coNsrnucnoN iv�ara �aexcr. i ti.er .�, �.d.� oa+.h a oaiw ��+r u.. e. odm�a� r�o ro�r w m. paAameere M iM xvk la xfiitli ihe V�I e euwd (Swun ]0�. CH. CI. LENDEA'S NAYE LENUEN'S �OONES9: I cenity �het 1 hew �eed Nu eppliWion uk aea iM tln �Ewa'vtlwmelbn b cantl. I prw to mnpy w4n N cy xd owvay adiienoe� ard �Ws lewe �dpM ro dutliq mmnrim cN Iwsb/eiaM¢a repmrueii.v tl Ne mYm arer upon �M aEwe�mWiurE V�W�H �°`��°pB°�0�`D°'°°' RALPH BELL (St51de.WP) WhusB�ik'vq85elary;��aemFJe:Canery-Appkant:Rnk-Rewnus:(ialdenroJ-Iusvar CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: E 083468 PERMIT NO: E 083968 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : ADD A/C 6 REPLACE FURNACE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: X �f iE �f if iE K iE if if aElk iF aE iF if iF 3t If �t 3F k�f �k iE i! 1F iE i! ik M if iF 1f i! iE fE IE 1E ik if 1F iE iE iF iE if 1F �E �t �E 3! if� fE ft 1E �f fk 1E k ff fE 1! �E iE ff iF fE 1E iE iE if iE M!f iF df if iE if Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S 5 E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BOILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAA: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT ZN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT ZN PARRING REQ: PROV: PARCEi: 91206306 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > 3t iE iP it if il±E �f iE iE if if �E iE iE �E it k iP if it i! dt If iE iE it it it it it it jt i! iF 3f if i! iE it dE 3E jt 3E it it it iE it itr it 3E if k if if It if it M it it ik it dt it iF iE i! iE aE 3E 14 iE iE if if iE iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 20NING APPROVED BY . BUILDING APPROVED BY : ����%f�������� �� LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U t�-'F7 A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMBZNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 11.00 508 PLAN ISSUE FEE 22.00 HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 11.00 22.00 0.00 DATE: DATE: ������ STRUCTURAL ��51 T:N FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL PAID DUE 33.00 33.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 33.00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECR 33,00 1f �f 3f if iE if if k ik ik ik ik if �f iElk if !k �k �f �! if �E if * ff fE �f it 1f 1f if jt ik it if i!?t ff it 1E �ElE iE 1f iE iF if if 3k M if �f iElf if if �E � if 1f iE �E if if !k !t iF 1f iE iE fE it 1E �f 1f # �f jt I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE {jTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 MOTOR/POWR APPARATUS 1,1 — 10.0 HP 11.00 END OF FEES EX�'��:�1� DATE�_Z� � a 11.00 86-PS-1997/Bta41 DN/f33.B9 RCDT1s81-6BBA26S PERMITa08346B .. CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL lA APPROVi1LS Permit # Date inspector APPROVALS Permit 3k Date Inspector 1, Temporary Electrical Service or Poie 52. Pool & Equipmeht Location 2, Soil Pipe•Undrgmd. 53. Steel Reintorcement 3. Electrical Conduit UtilityUndrgrnd. 54. Forms ' 4. Electrical Cond�it�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Relnfo.cement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test ' 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7, Footings 58. Electrical Cond�it�Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrqrnd. 10. Struciural Floor Svstem � 67, APPROVAL 70 DECK • 11. Property Sewer Line & House Conhection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. fioof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final 14, Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar Svstem�Final 76. ftough Electric Wiring . 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 17. Rouc�h Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING ' 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling � 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL ig. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Dutts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Tesc 72. Unde�ground Fl�sh 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank C] Gas OOiI 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T•Bar Ceiling IStructural) & Monocoac 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAI 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electriwl Power Meter-Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED �- - � 33. Final Electric Notes: �� " ! 34, Final Heating & Air Conditioni�g 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy ,y 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. final Plumbin9 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service•Final 41, Solar pomesiic•Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 4A. Landscape IniGation SYstem � 45. Sound Attenuation � R � 4fi. Handicap Regulations 1�, a 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � � m 48. FINALP�ANNING ::'.Y-�0 �� 49: Efearic Release to Edison ..m<C 50. Gas fielease to Southem California Gas Co •`_��� 51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY �2 No. Date PflOJELT AUOflESS: 3 3'� 4 MAR I GOLD C I OWNEH'SNpME: LEUNG, AAI—SING r aooxess: LEUNG, CHIN,CHIN � 1080 VALLEJO CIR , COSTA MESA,CA ' 650-1668 A�LHIENGINEEN: nooness: �N�T: 92626 flEG.NO.: uxiT: PEXMITTEE: CENTURY ROOFING COMPANY (714)722-1964 aooness: z531 ALDER LN C.M. CA 92627 LICENSED CONTBRCTOP OECIAPFTION: I �ereDy atlpm IMI I am licensetl unaer pmvi5iM5 0l CAapier 9(commen[ing wil� S¢c�ion 7000� of Oivision 3 ol Ine Business ana Pmlessions Code, an0 my license is in lull lorce anE efieci. cirruc^.: 059 04 STATELIC.:('�qOS cuss: C39 Dale: =1'� Signalure: _ _ WOBKEfl$' COMPENSA7fON OECIARATION: I here0y dffirm fliat I fuve a[ertififate of [on5ent to Selbin5are ar a certdiwie ot WrnkerS' Compensaiion Insurante. or a cerulied cnpy I�ereaf ($¢�tion 38p1. lab. C�. VOIICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPANY: 7 Cenniee copy is nereUy furnisnea. ❑ CertifieG popY a���� ��� ��e dh BuilGinp Oivaian. Oaie: AODlicant: E%EMPIION FPOM WOXKEF$' COMPEN511TION OECLAXATI�N: (ilrtt 5ettan neeU nd Ee cOmplelM i� Ne permi is �a ale ImnORE (5700� a less�. I cetlity Ilw� in ��e pedormantt of the work lor wNch tNs Dermii is issue0, I 5ha0 nol em0loy arry person in any manner m a5 io become Su�l�� lo t�� Work,rs' Compenution Laws ot faiilomia. � Oate: � � Si9��ure: �NO710E: If, atter making I�is Geclaratian. yrou shopla Oetome su01e�� �o t0e Warkers' fAmpenSdtion provisions of ihe Laba� Code. you musllontrrnin Compry with suth provrojons or iks perrtut sIWA De OeemeE revakea. CONSTflUCTION LENOING RGENCY: I �ereGy allirm ��� t�ere is a canslruclion lenainq agency lor Ihe Oedormance ol ��e work for w�ic� Ihis permit is i55ueA (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C�. LENDEfl: POOPESS: OwNEP BUILOEP OECUBA7lON: I AereOy atlitm ihdl I am eRempt Irom ine fAnttactor5' State lkense Law fot the lollowing reason (Section 70J7.5 Business an0 Pmlessional Code: Any �j�y ol counly w�ic� repuires a Dermit to con9Nc�, alter, impmve, demolish, or �epair any simcture, D�ior to its iuuance. al5o repuiresihe apDtiqnt for wGl perrttil �o file a 90neU slafertleN tnat nplshe is licensed pursuam �o t�e piovisions ol Ne Contracmrs' State License Law �C�aO�er 9(commencing vnt� Sec�ion 7000) ol �ivisian 3 oi iAe Business an0 Pmfe55ions CaOe) ar tlWt IMls�e ¢ e.emoi �tierelrom atb t�e Oa5i5 lor Ilie aileqeG eKemO�wn. Any vi01ati0n ol 5¢[tipn 70JL5 Dy any apolitant lor a oermit suDie��s Ine aDoliWnt lo a civil p¢nally ol nat more t�an live hunOreO Oollars (551101. I, as owner ol I�e DroDerlY ot my em loy¢es wit� wdges as I�eir Sole comDenSation, wi0 Co ihe wark, an0 t�e ❑ suucWre is nat intenCee or otlereC lar sate (�tion 70aa, Business anE Mafessional COAe: T�e Cantractors' State License law Ooes not appry io an owner ol a pmperty w�o Ouilas or imprwes t�erron, an0 w�o Uoes suc� work himseli/�ersell or tAmup� n4 0� �er own emdW�s, proviEeG tlul SUCh jmDrOv¢men6 are not intenUea or ollete0 lor Sate. �l �ma'ever ihe Ouilainp or imD�a�emem is so�G wltltin one year af wmpte�ion, i�e owne� vn0 have t�e GurGen ol prwin0 he/s�e di0 no� builQ or imDmve loi Ne ourpose ol salel. I, a5 Owner o� I�e D�oOetly, am eKtlusivep cam�aninq with IicenseG comraclors lo wnstmct t�e pmject (Seciion 7044, Business ❑ anG Pmfessian CaUe: Tlre Comrxtors Siate lkense Law nces rot apdy ro an owner af pmpeM � �uilas or imD�wes inereon ana wha ConlraCis lar SUCh pmlecis vnl� a COntrat(aqsllitense OurSuantio 1�0 Canitatlors' SIaIe L¢en5e Law�. I am aware t�at Ornnt ol i�eir Worke�'s Compensatiw inspeance 5tqW0 Oe Droviae0 Io me. � I am e�empt unAer Seclion: B. 8 P. C. for I�is ieason: �a1e'. OwneC I do nereCV �enily ihal I am aware of an0 un0erstanE ipe reQuiremenis al Calilomu Heall� anG Safety CoOe Sections 2550.5, 25597, anA 255�4 antl tnal I or any lulure Dudding acupant wilUvrip not (circle one) neetl lo comO�Y ��� sai0 stale WAes antl t�e requirements lor a permit lor ronslmclion Or m0ailicalion trom I�e Fir 0'uabty Managemeni Dislnct. Pes0enl¢I tonsimctiM applicatians are eRemO� �rom I�ese provisions. Daie: ApdKam: I �¢re�y reNty I�a� I �ave reatl Iltis aOClica�ion ana sta�¢ �tui ��e aGove inl0�mation i5 correct. I agree to comO�Y �th all ciiy and county orAinall[¢5 anG siaie Wv5 r¢IdiYlgloDuilOingC0115tM�iw�aMtttr¢pyauihNlletepl6l11UInR5a��h5uryloenier upOn�he aEpve-men�iMtd pmpetly lor insp¢tiion Durposes. ox�e: �'I �� siqwwre: • Driver's �icense or Saiai Security a: t6at�46 Whi�a—BmlOing; Green—Cotle Enbrcement; Canary—Appl¢ant; Pink—Rnvenue; Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 064172 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF SHEATH REROOF SLOPED AOOF W/ICBO# � PERM NO; B 069172 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: 10,000 CLAIM VALUE: 10,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 10,000.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: ICBOA4660 PSF S,SLHS PER SQ MAXIUM WEIGHT x*�*rc**■****�rrr�**�rw*** ******�t�t*�r*************�r*******+t*r*****r**+rr*+��r«*x�**�r*r 2 N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGI{T: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 41218225 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N6'1'ES> � � iF M k if M 1F if %it iF iE it iElf !! M ff it �f 1t iE if iE ik if ff !f ik it if 1f if if iF it iE if k fF if if %�f if %M if 1f if it it 1F %%!E %if if iE M%if 1f If if fE iF ff fF 1f iE {E iF iE iE if iE 1E iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; - BUILDING APPROVED HY : DATE; ,. APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � DATE; ��7 ����L����(���i��*+��t+rit it+riririiiii�###�Ei'�iE�#iei:�it�it�tit�rir�*�it�ttt�iki4��i�#i�i��3�����,U�*A�L*�S�GMENT*Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES� GRADING PERMIT 117.00 1.00 SMIP/NON`—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE '. BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSOE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PATD DUE TOTALS----> 118.00 0.00 0.00 118.00 118.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 118.00 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 11%.OQ 1.�� IFififftifMifkit4iEif1fff7fMMlfilMifif4M1FfflfiFkMifiEiEiliEfEfEiF7fifMlffflfiFM�FltlfiFMMilfFiEifitMifllffiflElflflfiklEMifffMKiflFffafiffE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N ' . + TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 10000 REROOF BY VALOE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 10,000.00 END OF FEES T Ol Q014776D—OQ347761 T� �T 1?8.5�0 DATE: US/?7/93 TIItE: 13�27 I CQ.IST�R�UCTION AND PLANtJING c A°DROVALS Pcrmit=r 7. 7ernpora�f' Eirctncal S:�dca or Po.e ' 2. So�' Pin��U-.drr•cd. ' 3� �C,-:. , C•� � i ;-...c•�;�a. �,.�._ ` �--'-- -�-� - - 4.�_'v�CL C„� COnO�ut�flU�y"h- � `` $,ur'TR�i.�;a�c.�ment _ - ; r - �"`�!2.`�"Y _ _ _ _ -.� _.. _ _' .1/ cl[�:ni :' l:F E: ::•rd S Foutmm, - ----- I �1 �'f �,,�,d..� o�, --- I.t--____ _ _`- _ - - . 9. �i:.itu, Pipa�Undrarr.d. I�_ __ _�_ ___ ?0. `.; i _t� ' � ..n- SVs:t�^ . ,,. - - i'. ° ar.: �; S :.r�Lr�.6-'� .;-Cannccto^ �'i SL. GP . �--- - - - � 'T - 1 3. N.:at Or �� . 14. Reunn F9um:�',^.-n " � � � t�: u �a�., Flcc!.'r,I�C�rd�•�---_ -_� � 13 Ao�„qn Fle[!r:c=.,iring I 17. Nuuqh'.V�ring S�gn 18. Rn�qh Ficc!�ical�T Btr Ce:l�,ng 75. Rrc�ti N.:ri:�^� � A'r C_��':�.O��r,g � POOL 6+ SPA --- T I- -}-� Date Incper.tor I Ap�aOVALS Permrt : I Date , Inspector --� -- � '�� 52. Pool & Equ�pment LocaUon � ,' ! �_�� _ '� 53. c•� ! Rcrrfn�c•�rm•..• -�j---- ; ----- - ---- ----i---� -- 5�� '-c �- i � - �_.___.�.__'__ ____�-__ I 55. Gectr,Cdl6�nti�nq i � .-_- -_-t-_--i _--, 5i7 i�uuah Plunb�.na 8� Prus.�rc Tu�.t � --- - -- --- -- - ------- ---� -a-- -- � 57. /��'PRO`!!�I TO �.0A�'-H Cl..�"c � � - - +------ - ----- -� --�----=� - --�56. Elcctrical Co� dw���i•aryarnd. � ------- - - ---�--G- - - � � � S�J. Gas Pipi, f; lmtJrqri�d.. irsl I -I __ -_.-__,.�. __ - _ _- __'- �. _ _ ____- � -- L ' ; 8�. Flack�ti�ashl��ms.P�7r.�p. -'Unn�a��n -� �----' -_-___}._ __ ___._____ _ _ _ ___�__.____t_"_ _" Gl. P?PROV�LTD')EC( , -----+-- I ---- --------'t----'- i- -� ' fJ�. E.3C�{:'J.�l �_ !�'L' � � .�� . "_+�1 _____�_ '______._,-_�- I __'-_' � C3. Hc.�t�r % �'�nt�Fina. � -- - ---r- - - G4. Plumhing Sys'cm �( n.�l I -- I G5. E::cwiral.F." --- -------� ---- ,-�---. _ _' __'._' __- _ _ '--- _-_ --�_ __ -__. 66. Sa�ar S;e;.m�l-��,;, ' _ 67. Fencinq f4 Accr.�,� An��ro�.ai __ ! ~ _ I 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERI0.�G �- G9. POOUSPA SYSTEL�S FINAL FIR� DEPT. HE�UIREN.E�U1 �� .��, . c:.c -,-., �': _ � - . � ' �o r ,-r n, . . _ . _. �:a PClt„ P,'rn�rt - --, - - -- ' �- -- _� -- ' -^'--- - '- ---- 21_UJ:t�,�.rvS'��.�ctcr7 .. , i' , � , , . � . , . � `/Q. i.k:derq[o5nd•HYd.o � �. �-1 � � 1 3 � 1���- _ 72. D� r \ rnt.��.: nn7� ��.. � 71. Pr�:loct`��J�rq ... -' 0,�. ��-��I I- ----�_ �� - ' � - - �= -- i - -- .- -' -�---� - - .. 13..G. ' p�.R�•..�h '�t 7es: . - �'Z. � � �ro i f'�i � i �- -- - "` . +- - � - i - -�-+^- - - - - � - - ---�-- ' I24 �'a:,� F7,r �g " . .. -' . I . I . }-,73.� J-.�:,�rn';•$!:;r:.�1:�fi„ . G. - � �_ ---- -- - -= --- � - ; _ ,.,:c � , _.1- � %5 fioat 5!:•dtninq ,� �C/�� �74. (�vuh �du iiy<trn ' _• _ _____ - _-i_- ___' i , .. -,-- -- ---r- _--'--� --'�� +1'��/ ��_ � -. - . -." - -- - - ---� - - -} - - �. ' b. � Fi..r Crdinn (SVUctu��.l, �5 iu:rnroco rt =� � I � 7h. llry (`icmiial � I zi.r..T,�.�..a�w-n���`- -� i. -� F-- ,-.; -� -iI -� - -�- ���,', s.;�-�w=--:- -- --- -----; -- --+- C!� + -�� �- Y� - . _ - _ i ?'; . :h,r.�':�SHV., .. ,, ,-_-�= .. . .. �� 77.,�FI�EJ=V47F:-'F;Gf�i.---'-- - � -. � - - - -'--- - -'- - - ��� -' - -{ = --- - - - -� . � .. . � ' i- -t- - �. I�i u �„� . , ti • f 78 FIRE PFlI V Fli�'.:i • � . _ '_ -. r___ _ _ ' _ _ _ . _' __•_ ___. i 3! U f'.:�,�..�a : . � -�-^ , � _���� ^ H�.ALTH�7cPi iE�L1,HF_.c"'T . � 3 --= i---..�. ��.c.,��- ---�--.- - -'- - -_;-�!. F! .�al �i�,'�L'= ::+. , - -, --- - -- - � - ' �_-- ' -�.._ -�-- - ---�--t- - ' ----1---- -. ' --- - • - - � . � 3"'-L�.. P, ,., C., =�.i i . � � ��.?FGGU.:L�.-iFi,..'�,.. S3l,EJ ' � 33. F�r,i E��.ctr c _ ��-----�: fi • + . i'Nott�s: - - -- - -- - - - - -L--- - - �- - - � 34. �f,o21 �icatmq 9: H�r Cc�ra�t�onrR4 . .. - '-I -� - � �- `-�--T - - -- -- -- -- - -- - -- _� _`- - � -- - - � ,_ �,35.'Fm,;1 G�, P�,;,;�Teit. , : --- - -- -I -i - ;-:{- - -- -- -- • - - - - - ! -- - --- - --- + ! T, --^'__ - t�.`t� -.�--{-- --- -: •_-- �-,---- -- - ---- -- + 3G. Ho�1 of�CaroPY . ,. ., , i � � 3�� - - - _ � �; - l _-__�� . 1 -" _- _ _- �,' � �- = , -�- - - - - - - �� - - - - � 37 ��nb� FdGYoiy Fimp�ace �:, � I. � ! �• .1. I �3a. F�not P:umn�,�g r---r- ---'-'_�----- - -y -- -' - - -- _----- --- ; 1 - 39. !'!..ter S':1vic.�Fini1• � -�-I'�--_ __--i -_-_ __- _ _____ _1 r---�- . - - = - ---�--�-- --- - -- : �4�. (¢�5 $:'{'iCe���^il � . . � , • I _� -�__ ____� �- _ -_-____"__ � � 41. 5::. Dn,nr:��c�Ficsi _ �i _ ' r ---- - . ---r -------------- - ----- ---- � 42. B.idcflo�:' Pre�/`nter -� � „ . � 4f 3. p;C;.flcc; Im3nto�, , . -_-i -_.__-_ - _-- . __ _ -_ - r_- _._- _ _- _-_ __-__ ___--- . ____ .f - _. _____. . .4!. ! a�dae�?pa Irnqacioc SVstem . �. . . • - . . --�- � '-----'-- -- � --- ----------------- --- - --- ' d5. �und Attenuation ;- �• � ' - • � , � , , . .. �, •. ��. . . -= ------- - - - T .. ----��- � --- ---------{ --- Q�..Hand�o-+p Rcgulations ; • � • � . � � - --- - --- - �- � - -- -- � �-^-- --'---- -- /� - ` - / - --- -- - - - - - - -I 47, f-ItJAL STRI�CTURE & BUILDI`:G ��B :(�'�'3i_G �"+ � ' S�'�G� � y-[ : ,,,_ ��"� __ __ __ ' ��---�- - -� ��B (-I�;^.' PLAfii\I(RG - � i. • i . ,- -_- - -- --�-- �� ---- ------ - ---- �,�. Eec;��,c A�•.�nie to Eo�son .. '. ' � � ---� ,� 50. Gas R�!e�.s^ to Souttern Cahfoc ia Gas Co : - T i �---- -- - ---- - ------------------ -- 51. C[R i IFICATC OF 9CCUPA��CY . i No._ Date Z . o- U Z Z Q O v~i n. m �� J N Q W p� J J m a U N Z a W � aw wz J � m z J � W w o= Z �- w � N � � � � z Q U J a a Q � F y Z � H U � � H y Z 137 F� n COSTA MESA BUILDING�SAFETY DEPARTMENT ,p P.O. BOX 7200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 ForApplicant to Fillin Completely REc iv s BUILDING �� L ADORESS OWNER Larwin Southern California lnc. A�P•NO. � MAI L BUILDING ADORE55 � AODRESS arv Encino, California No�986-8890 TFACT 7 CANSTRUCTION W ADD A �ENDER a in Southern alif nia n BRANCH 16255 V entura Boulevard OWNEP L f ADDRESS ' ARCHITECT TEL. �� � ORENGINEER LARWIN Np 273-4464 ADORESS 9100 Wilshire Blvd. Bev. Hills CONTIiACTOp Larwin Southem Califomia, Inc. aooRess 16255 Ventura Boulevard cirv Encino, California No�'986-8890 LIC. No. 191311 UCYNO. p�l S12E NO.OF BLDGS. OF LOT (O X LOO NOW ON LOT O USE OF EXISTING BLDG_ NEW BIOG. 1�40 NO.OF 1 ROOMS STOftIES EXTEFIOftWA�L StUCCO ROOF y�/ood Shingle COVEIiING COVERING USE OF BUILOING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED I hereby acknOwledge that 1 have reatl this appliwtion antl state that the above information is correct antl aeree to comply wi[h all laws regula[ing builtling consttuction, antl I shall not employ any person in viola[ion of the wo�kman's compensation laws of the State ot Celifornia. I hereby certify �hai I am properly licensetl az a contracmr untler the Stata ot California eusiness antl Piotessions Cotle, Divisicn 3, Chapter 9, antl that such licenses are in tull force antl effect, or I am exempt irom the provisions of the State of California Business antl Professiong Code, Division 3, Chapter 9. Signatureo �. �OWnS Permittee��s��/G%E����.D � � � All[IIOl1E¢tl A92l1S ZONE AUG 15-7?PA�D001085+� +`•** ^ cr,sa 142.05 N FOR BUILDING PERMIT DATE RECEIVED pATE ISSUED � �_ „�� PERMIT NO. % J � U 7/ Q LOT BIOCK P .W/N S-C'. �iuG VALVE / � �B'CJ $ f0 ll�J TVPE GFOUP �� ,._.__,_ .,,,r�i�FT 77. OF VAFOS APPROVED VAR. #E C.U.P. # ovPFOVED ��D THEAMOUNTS THE PURPOSE OF VALUATION � / � $ Y� USE Of NEW 5/.L/ % �JU BUILOING r YAROS APPROVED ACCESSORV BUILDING BET. MAIN & ACCESS.BLD DATE APPROVED UNDER VA�UATION IS FOR LISHING A PERMIT FEE pNIV: b 0 'a ¢ N � m 0 LL