HomeMy WebLinkAbout3316 MARYLAND CIR - Building Permits� ���� 3316 MARYLAND CI a uxE�F�vr+: SCOTT, THOMAS W ��%% 3316 MARYLAND CIR COSTA MESA,CA 435-1571 °.vv�. Yuiwo wo�ss: LpCXRECTONQ1f�NEFA: JICIL OX FNQ'4 AOONESS: uNr: FLOOD: AE 37 92626 uc wo: UNf: ca+m�crarsru� TOP HAT ROOFING ( 714 ) 586-6978 ca+m�croxs�uuxo 27121 PUEBLO NUEVO DR aoonrss MISSION VIEJO CA ucxo: 648632 92691 urar: UCENSED COMPRCTOXS DEC�AP�TION: I Mreby ell'vm urdx perely d pa�jury Ntl I em Icemed uMm qowioru d CMqar 9 (mnme�M v.i�� Saclion ]000) d Oivbion ] d tha Busrea eM Pmlmams Coda. ud mY fiwnae u in IWl lau mM allae. c.No.: 0581(�18/ uc.cuss: C 39 �>�?� 6� EXP: 00 /00 �tla: / — � '7 O Contreaor. .t � OW N BUILOEH DECIAHATION: 1 hereby �rm unEer penetly d perN�Y �het 1 em e¢empt Iram IM Conlredon Limnee Lew Iw IM Id � 0 revron (Sedion )091.5 Buairova eM Piofeaapna Code: �nY ciY a counlY �� �C�iret a pemil lo MUVuc1. Mer. imyove. deh, w ropv eny suucNre, piar io ila oai�r<, eho requirea �ha eppl'rant In wch pmnN lo fib e eipMA �fetxiwnl tlW M a�he ro liceneed Wnuani to tM powiann d�M Conlrenan Licenm law ICheqm 9(oommmaiq �mA Seabn l(p0) d Ovebn 9 d Ilr Buvinea vM Prdeeeiona Code� or ihet he a aM is avemp iherehom eM IM bati� lor Ne ellepeC naemqion. My vbltlion d Sedion 'lO�t.S by eiry epWi� nt lor e permil wbjw.+ IM epd� b e cvd peeuXy d ml mae ihen Iws huM�ad da0v� �5500�. � I, ea owror d iha peope�y or my empbyeee weh wepea n �hai ede wmpenealon, WI do tM xwk, uM tM et�unuie u roi imeMeE a oMered lar mle (Sec�ion )W�. Bueimv arM Prdeeaons Code: TheConireaore L'cma Lawtloee not apply lo en uxnmd popMy wAo buiE� a inV�+s �heiem. vd v,fio Ooee auM xaklimaetl n heiaetl a Waqh hu a her own emVbr+d. p�� �MI aM impm+emems me iu iMaNed a aflaeE la eW. M. howe�er. the buiHi�q «Ynpwanam e eotl Mithm dr yaer d mmpNlbn. tlr owmr�WiMer xill heve IM WNen d qovirp M w eM DiE M WiM a impow la iM WN�s d veb�. � I. m owror d iM pWtiY. em udAnMY wnt�miq x'vh 4csoeE connecwe m wmue Ns V9� (Sad'vn ]Oa1. &m'vwa and Prol�mau COEa: TM Caurufon Limiw law dom rc� WPN w en axm M Rw�Y who dolN a'vnpws ihaaon and rb convecta Ia wM prqaNa wiU a mmrmor�a) IcemeE punueM ta iM CoMredas liceme lew�. � I un axemq uiMm Senion: 8. d P.C.. tor thia �m�m: Dats: �� I Eo Mraa' �snM Ntl I em ewere d eM udasienE Ne �uiremWs d Cel/mde HseM ud SdMy Gads Saniue T5505. 2SS11. eM T5511. aM Nm I a ury Mun dukvp oa.vpeni xiA / w11 m� (ercb am) ewed to canply M't� aitl pet� mEai W iM �pu'vamoNa b arormnlncanmciionamoE�icmionhan�MAi�6w yTFT�+nepement0ia�riq.ReeiOeMielawmrveioneDV�ionene�wnNlmmiMw „�.. Dele: Md� WONKEP'S CO4VENSATION DKL�HATON: I Mreb� eifirm uMar peroGy d perjuy one d Ne Idbw'uq AMvelum: � I hew vd vril mevuen e nnLicros d connm �o eatlifwve br xwken' wmpmHbn, o praidM In Ey Seion �ro0 d iM Lebar Coda, iw �he pAormenu d iM wA lor wMch ihie pxmn ie iasued. ❑ i n.�..�a »u �i�.An�en� oomo�o� ��wre�... �a��e er s<a:� a�a w u» t.eo. coe.. ro, m. c.no��. a m. wak lar xAich ihie pamil b beued. My waFen' rompanaelbn imurance reriier enE poW.y n�mber ve: Cemec Pdiry NumEu: �This sMion mM na be mmpkroC I tM pemiR u Iw one hunered Eollera (Staa/ w bw.l I mnty thel in tM1a peitarmence d IM work Iw whkh �hie pertnn u ueued, 1 ahall M emplry e�ry peiwn in eny menmr w n �o pecvne eubjse lo IM xwMne' rompevelim 4wa d Celifanu Nm M I NauM abjetl b �M xwken' omD elion p ion d Sedian 3)00 d tM Lebor Catls, I lath h py xjih iMw ' . / �/ da: — �� � A��: I Y �� Irp: F�llw ro wcun woMwi rnmpruetlon eaveraps Is unlewlul, entl Msll.u4/�cf ur rlplonr ta cNm'nl paWtlq uW clvll niro. w ro on. hurerW thouund CW/ar. lSI00,0001. �n etltlltlon ro tln cwr o/ rnmpMueHon �Y� u povMM ror In Ssetlon JlP6 0l N� LaDo� Cotls. /nt�4 �� ��mryi /wa CONSTIIUCTION LENDINO p�ENCY: 1 hereby elfiim uMm penelry d perjny IIW Ilw�e u e oma�ion bnNnp pency M iM pMpmeMa d tM MOA la whidi t�u pwmY n uwed (Smion �09). Crv. C). LENOEN'S NAYE: LENDEN'S RDDNE54: �� I CBII�I' �hm I h0N 1l8E IhC Y4'rCeOM md tlGN �AB11M BbOI! INMM�iOn U CORltl.19�f0e lO fATLA' Ml1A GI fYY Nk CpINY Cldv�Y1W eM etme brn Mm�q b dNdM canwueian md MrebY eWvae �epeaauffiivee d ihu dtY ro wqs uD� IM abors�memiwrd papsry �«�re`��'�"� PAUL WRONSK � � �� ✓/l o�s: l3 "/ /� / Cinw���m ii /MenVA �etln (St51JeWV) Vfi4e-Butld�qBSelelY: Rnk-Rewnue: OddeniaC-Meeaav CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PEAMIT PERM NO: H 079358 PERMIT NO: B 079358 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOH DESCRIPTION : T/O RESTHEATH & REROOF W/COMP. SHINGLES Sg FT: 4,400 CLAIM VALUE: 4,400.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,400.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /U-1 COMMENTS; SMOKE DETECTORS ARE RE�UIRED IN EVERY BEDROOM 6 HALLWAY ***��r*��+�*+��*���*��r*�*+�***x�r**�� �r*+r�****�r*�r*�r***x-****�r***�r**���*+r**�*+�x��+�*�r+��r+r Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S 5 E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PAARZNG REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 13961147 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> � fE iF if fE iF fF fF �ElF if ib 1E iF 1E 1E 1E 1f 1E iE IE 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E 1E fE ff �E 1E �ElE iE IE 1E 1E 1f 1f fE IE IE fE 1E 1F IE 1P iE if 1E iE IE if 1E iE 1f iE IElE iE 1f if iF fF if IE iF IE IE It IE 1E IE 1E iE 1k fF IF IE D E V E�L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q C1 I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY . BUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY; �t�t�t*****�t�t+t��t����**��*���������� �ii�� ��� LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE PERMIT 99.75 PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL TOTALS----> 100.25 0.00 0.00 100.25 DATE: DATE: � DATE: 1f16if7EiFiEiF1E IE1E STRUCTURAL S GM NT:Y SMIP/RSS� GRADING SMIP/NON—RES 100A25 �00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 100.25 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 99.75 .50 if iE if 1E iF iF iE iE 1E 1E IE 1E 1E �E 1E 1E M ik ff 1F ik fF if� if 1E if 1E it ik fF i(� iF iF iF iE �f IF iF iF iF iF if 1f if 1F iF 1f !61(� 1E iF 1! iF if� iE 1! 1F iE 1E 1f iE 1E iF if if 1E If iF 1E If fE IE IE iE 1E iE 1E iE 3E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4400 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 4,400.00 END OF FEES EXPI l� I DA� � L1N SM�KE DETECTpR ::...._._. ���L�l�r�� � a �CM�fSTRUCTION AND PLANNING P�� SPQ� VROVALS Permit# .� Date Inspector AppROVALS PermiC# � Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Poie 52. Pool & Equipment Location " . r 2. $oil Pipe•Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Rei�forcement 3. Electrical Conduit Ur;lity•Un�rgrnd. 54. Forms �`4. Elecirical Co�duit�Ufldrgrnd.� 55. Electrical Bonding 5; Steel Reinforcem`ent, 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test - �-6.` Electrical UFER;Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE . : 7; Footinqs � ' 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. �Foundation .' �� � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Test 9. Water PIpe�Undrgrnd, � ' 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, ;.7 Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor Svscem ' . 61. APPROVAI TO DECK; � 17. Property Sewer Line & Hou:e:Con�ection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap ' �' 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains �� ' 64. Plumbing SYstem � Finai ' 14. Aough Plumbing 65. Electrica6Final . , 15. Rough Electrical�CoPduit 66. Solar System-Finai 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access AnProval 17. Rough Wiring Sign � 68, APPROVtcD FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling � 69. POOUSPA SYSTE�AS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Condi[ioning FIRE DEPT, REQUIREMENT 20. �Rough Factory Fi�place - � • - . - - �. APPROVALS= _ Permit # � ~ - - m a 21.�Ducts,in.Structuce•` .' _ , � _� ' 70.`UndecgroundHydro ,' 22. Ducts, Ventilating ' - � � 71. ProduCtYiping'OGas �Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Roug-h &'Test � _ _ `"'� ` 7p, Underground Fiush � _'� :� 24. �Roof-Praming � �- - - �• _ + ; - - � = 73: Undergrnd. Stor�aye�Tank t7 Gas ❑Dil - � 25. RooYSheathing - �� y_ �l��� _ �; ..Overhead Hydro`-� � 26. T-Bar-Ceiling ISiructurall & Monncoat � - - _,. 75.�Dry Chemicai - � _ � 27. Frame and Flashing - r,y r 76. Dry Standj�ipe- = - � �""� i- - ' _ 28. Lathing&Siding�., � ? • • • 77�. FIXED�SI'STEMFINAL � 29. Insulatio� � " - ' " ` �' ,r 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL ' - . �� 30. Drywall Nailing �� � ^ r -HEAL'TN DEPT REQUIREMENT . 31. Plaster Brpwn Coar �� - � _ ' _ 79: FINAL iNiPECT,�ON y' - - _ .� 32. Electrica4-Power NfetEr�Final � . ., 80. FOOD CEiiTIFICATE ISSUED 33.'FinafElectric - � ' ' � Nqtes: ` - _ �' _ _ _ � 34. Final Heating�& Air��onditioniqg- "' ; ' �� � �1 =' - ' _ - - 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test � ' ' • . � - � _ ... 36. Hooc�_or Canopy '- -' - _ _ - - � . � . 37. Fina! Factory Pireplace _ -�' � - �` ` _ � i 38. Final Plumbing - _ .. .• " . � _ - � , --- � 39. Water Service-Fina� +� ' iR ^ � � Y fi 4 •. '� . 40. Gas Service-Final _ _ _ � _ ^, , ' �- 41. Solarpomestto-Pinal = �- � _ ' - - r - r - 42. Backflow Preventer ' �� . - ' - _ . _. 43. Backflow Irrigatidn" "s' ' ' ' �' = � � _ r 44. Landscape Ircipatioq Syscem . : - _ - - . „ . . , ' _ - : - - . 45. Sound AitenUation � - a�. = . '. + - - - . ` V T. - 46. Handicap Regulations _ ' " _ , '- _ _ ; 47.FINALSTRUCTURE&BUI,LDWG • � _ 48. FINAL PLANNING � . 49. Electric Release to Edison - � - - • � 50. Gas Release to Soutbern California Gas Co : ' - 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY- ' = , - - No. Date Pfl0.lECTAOOHESS: 3'j1Et MARYI�.��ND GS OWNEP'SNRME: �HUDES, DAVID PAUL aooRess: RHODES SUSAN fiIM 3316 M`ARYLAND CIR COSTA ;KESA CA 92625 (714)957-8360 AflCHIENGMEEN: nooeess: uxiT: HEG.NO.: uNiT: PEHMITTEE: GEORGE BRAZIL ( 719 ) 535-7905 nooeess: 3022 N. AESPERZAN WY SO1 SANTA ANA CA 92706 LICENSED CONTBqCT�O�IpHATION: I hereby aifirm ��at 1 am licensetl 1ntler pmvisions of ChaD�er 9(commencing with Section 7000 0l Oivis^ + t �{pqss antl Prolessions Code. 6cense is n full force antl eitecl. v CITY �IC: Y� sTaTe uc.:44 30 � A cu�ss: C� /7� / � v oa�e / - signawre: -( WOPKENS' COMPENSP7ION oECLAB11T10N: I hereby affir that I have a cehificate af consent to selbinsure or a cenificate of Workers' Compensa�ion Inmrance, or a certilie0 coDY Ihereof (Sec�ion 3800. Lab. C�. POLICYNO.: �R029A489—01 EXP.OpTE: OS �OS �93 comraxv: ELIANCE INS,CO �Cenilied copY is ere� lumishetl. � Cenifie0 co is file0% �h tne ciry Buil 'ngDyvisio�'V Oaie: � � /� AP�IicanC A �� � E%EMPTION FPOM WOPKEflS' COMPENSRTION DECUBATION: Rhis sectian neetl na� be campleleU iI the permi� is ior one huntlretl (51W) or less�. I cetlily �hat in �he petlormance oi the work for which Ihis permit is issued. I s�all no� employ any Oeaon in any manner so as �o become sublect to ihe Worker5' Compensa�ion Laws ol Califomia. �ate'. Signa�ure: NOTILE: if, alier making this declaration, you s�oula become subject to the WOMers' Compensation pmvisions ol ihe Labor Co�e. you musl larthwil� compiy vnt� such pmvisions or Ihis permi� shall Ge deemed revoke0. CONSTBUCTION LENOING pGENCY: I here�y a��irm Iha� there is a cons�mction lending agency far the pedarmance o� Ihe wark for w�ich I�is Dermil is iuuetl (Section 3097. Civ. C). LENDEfl: ADOflE55: OWNEB BUILOEfl UECLRflATION: I hereby affirm Ihat I am eeemp� �mm [he Contractors' S�a�e License law for the �ollowing reason (Sec�ion 7031 5 Business antl Pmtessional Code: Any ciry ol counry which requires a permii �o conSimc�, alter, imDmve. OemolisR or repair any stmcWre, pnor ta its issuance. also requires �he applicant tor sucn permit to file a signetl statemen� ihat he/sne is licensetl pursuam Io Ihe pmvisions ol Ihe Comracmrs' State License Law (Chapler 9(commencing wi�h Seclion 7000) ol 0ivision 3 oi (he eusiness antl Pmfessions CoOe� or ��al he/she is exempi Iheretrom antl the basis lor Ihe allege0 eKemp�ion. Any violation o� Section 7031.5 hy any aDPlican� �or a permit subjecis Ihe applicanl to a civil penaliy of nol more lhan five hunOretl aollars (5500). I, as owner ot Ihe pmperly ar my employees wiih wages as Iheir sole compensation, will tlo �he work, antl the ❑ slmmure is not mlentletl or offeretl tor sale (Sec�ion 7�aa, Business an0 Pmfeuional CoOe: The ConVaciors' $la�e License Law tloes nol apply �o an owner of a O�operlY w�o DUAtls or impmves �hereon, anA who Ooes suc11 woA �imself/herself or ��roug� his ar her own employees. pmvi0e0 that such impwuemen�s are not intentletl or oifere0 lor sale. Ii, however Ne building or impwvemenl is soltl wi�hin one year ot complelion, Ihe owner will have the �urden o� pmving he/she did no� bui10 or impmve lor Ihe purpose o� Sale�. I, as owner ol �he prope�y, am exclusively conirac�ing wilh licensetl conUac�ors �o cons�mct the Orolect (Sec�ion 7044, fiusiness ❑ and Protessions CoOe: The Coniractors State License Law Does not apply Io an owner oi proDehY who butlUs or impmves ihereon antl who mntract5lor suCM1 pmletis wiih a tantratbr(S� litense pUrsuanl t0 the ConVactor5' S�aie License Law). I am aware Ihal pmol o� lheir Workei 5 ComDensa�ion insurante S�oultl be pmvitletl to me. I� I am exempt un0er Section: B. 8 P. C. , lor Ihis reason: Da�e: Owner I tlo hereby cenily Ihal I am aware oi an0 untlers�an0lhe reQuiremenis ol Califomia Heallh an0 Sately Code Sections 25505, 25533, antl 25534 and ��a� I or any future builtling occupanl will/will not (circle one) neetl �o comply wi�h said s�a�e codes and �he �eQuiremen�s for a permi� lar consimt�ion or modifica�ion �mm �he Air Oualiry Management Disirict. flesidential cons�mction aDPlicaiions are exempl tmm ��ese pmvisions. Oale: ApplicanL I hereby cerlify I�at I �ave reatl �his apPhcalion and Slate �hat t bove information is carrect. I agree �o comply wi�h all ciiy and couniy ordinancesandslalelawsrelatingtoDuiltlingconsimc�ionandh ebyautharizerepresent '�sol��iscityloenterupon��eabove-memioneA D�oDerty lo inspecli. purp ses. " �'i-L�"`�L� Dale. � Signaiure: Driver's �icense or Socia� Secunty 16<I-o6 White—Bwitling; Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl; Canary—Applicanq Pink—Revenue; Goldenroa—Assessor CITY OF COS'1'A MESA — BUILDING PcRMIT FERM NO; P 05719� PERMIT NO; P 057192 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT; N SUFP: N C0IJSTRIICT.ION TYPE: S—N PERMIT TYPE; PLU PURPOSE: OTH TOH DESCRIPTION ; WATER HEA'IER CHANG�'—OUT 5Q FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: NO 'B' PERMIT INVOLVED �fE iF 1(• �%�dkiE iE �%iEiF M� iE �K� i6 jf- if 3E jf K� -0E i(� iE �7f j! iF-� 9E iE iE �%�% if if if �%�% �iF Ih dE �YciEiE�9f �f iE�K �YF if �%�k dE iF.x..N..1F d(..k..)f iE �lE N� 3F�lE�f •1(��M� 1f 3E #� # if dE �k� iE iE �%�N� if 3E� 'L O N I N G R E� U I R E M E N T S S E T A I� C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDIhG --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN AEAR; FT TN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN L�FT: FT IN RGHT: rT IN FARKING REQ• PROV: PA.�iCEL: 13961147 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NG7'ES> i �*��*�**���x�**,�x,�,������cx*��,x���*�**x��,�x+�***���e—�*�*',E��*���*��*��,���*+�**�-���c�*��+� U E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S: R E Q U I R E M E N T S Ir ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; BUILDING AFPROVED BY : DATE; iAE*iPEi�EiFiCE*iE�iUEiNfiE��i$f3UEi�F3nFk�klF .. Fii. . . -x . f r/ �.Ti-3E�tfEiEpk1TF*ifiEY�ii#7!:7f�.�ff�3t�� iEiEiEif34ibiFjkN��1P�IE3fiEiFib3flkiEiF-)Ej(-iE�1E1t7ElE#f1Eif3kifiEjEiliF3EfF3E)E#iC�FfE 'r^iEiEiEiFjEiFjEiFi(�3F�lFiFiEiFiEi4ifiE3EifiE�iflfiFifiF±E3FiFie3%# LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M,i A R Y STRT]CTURAL SEGMENT;N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC F.IRE SMIP/RES GRP.IIING PERMIT 2.00 � 258 �;;. .;. SMIP/NON—RES PI.AN -� ; , ISSUE FEE 3,00 y• . BUSLDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE P;LAN�CHEC_K TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 2,00 3,00 •1 , 0,00 ;,00 5,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 5,00 OVER/5HORT; ,00 BLDG P�T PLUMBING ELnCTRIC MECHANIC FIRfi SN.IP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 5,�� `� , if iF iF 3E if �e �E 3F 3f �Jf if aF N� �lE iF %�16 N� 3E 3E iE if iE ik%iF 3E If if 3E iE 1E � 3E if 3E jt iE # fE 1f lE 3F iF �l(� �lf iF �If if if 3E 3E iE iF iE 1E if iE iE 3E fE iE iE 1E 1E-1E if �If ?E 3E �1F ff iE Ih if IE iP 3F N� I N D I V I D U A L�' F E E B R F. A R D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R S P T Z.O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 WATER HEATER AND/OR V,ENT 2,00 2,00 fiND OF F�ES r �} . J f•1 C,�.'(1"�ti _ �1..1'..1�]` ' _ r, , � CONSTRUCTION,�AND P�ANNING � POO ;PA APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit# Oate Inspector i. Temporary Electcical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. � Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. '' ' 53. Steel Reinforcement i 3. Electrical Conduit Utilk�.:Undrgrnd. . 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel fteinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � . 7. Footings 58. Electrisaf ;onduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, (� Undrgrnd., Test _: 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 70. Structurel Fioor System, � 61. APPROVF.L TO DECK 7 7. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap _ 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Roof Droins 64. Plumbing'iystem � Fina� 14. flough Plumbing , 65. Electrical�f�inal 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final � 76. Rough Electric Wiring 6�. Fencing & Access Approval 77. Rough Wirinq Sign . 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrira6T Bar Ceiling 69. POOLlSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DE:PT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping OGas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72, Undergrourid Fiush 24. Roof Framing 73. Under9rnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oii 25. Root Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � 78, FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywail Nailing ' HL•ALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINA� INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal 8Q. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric ,+� Notes:'t/Lt�q,G �J On� �i0��.- C.�TGFl�1 �0 l 34. Pinal Heating & Air Conditioning - jf� (O'�{Z a`(t� ON,E,btiOMQ �[,iu�T CqlLO � LE�C 35. Finai Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy - . 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumbing y/`��� (�� 39. Water Service�Final ' , 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic�Final � 42. 8ackflow Preventer ' � 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING /. 49. Etec[ric Release to Edison �' ' 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co , ' 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date CI'�. OF COSTA MESA REQUEST FOR OCCUYANCY G Z-- DATE � TRACT N0, r S p Z— `� IAT N0. � v ' n �% �, . � ADDRES � �V/ The developer of the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he-she-they) Cwas or were) advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having complied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved. The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by surety bond. The undersigned agrees to'indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted conditi� RECEIVED CITY OF COSTA MESA PLANNING DEPT. F�a s �g�2 �— AM op� Lender 7i8,9�11�II 8, 6,�:3�4,5,6 � OWNER MOIAJLAR Technology, Inc. DATE 7_1 -71 JOB ADDRESS 331 D'18iyland Circle BUILDING PERMIT N0. / 'o. Ih„�ECTIONS SOIL GAS W ATER ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. SWR. LINE � SPRINKLING SYSTEM MISCELLFNEOUS ROUGH HEATING FND AIR CONOITIONING TEMPORARV SERVICE OR POLE UNOERGROUNO � POWER ❑ ROUGH WIRING TRENCHES FORMS STEEL ftE1NF. FLOOR SYSTEM BONO BEAM � STEEL REINFORCE � SNEATNING FqAME ANO FLASHING LATNING — IN r- OUT PI "�TER, BROwN COAT TURAL, FINAL T., REFRIG. AN NAL AND GAS T awi niur, ciuei TRACT b5t32 F UBCONTRACTOR 33289 COSTA M�SA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 Fo� Applicant to Fill in Completely BUI IDING nooREss qq�fi Marrn,lanrl ('inrlP OWNEF Modular Technology, Inc. MAIL ADORESS 1104 E. 17th Street TEL. GTV $an}.a Qna. NO. �j�y7-Q BRANCH A�DRESS APCHITECT __ .. _ . ._. TE ADDRESS jlll zna t�ve., c;orona llel riar CONTFACTOR Owner ADDRESS S2Ii12 TEL. CITV Samp NO. ��� No. 252549 u�YNo. i690 S I 2 E I NO. OF BLDGS. OF LOT SO X ZOO NOW ON lOT USE OF __ EXI5TING BIDR. SIZE OF 1�I� NO.OF NEW9LOG.14µO SF ROOMS 5 STOF EXTERIOR WA46eY, P1ans ROOF COVERING L' COVERING WOO(I S USE OF BUILpING AND WOflK TO BE PERFORMED Jlil. 20-71�M<<��1728 * �` 120 �� APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT �i'�1 /� h A ZR^C/v/ /i�'�I Ei A.P. NO. BUILDING ADOflESS TRACT 6 s%E� FIRE ZONE APPROVED LOT 2O NO.OF USE OF NEW/� PIANS 7/ BUI�DING YARDSAPPflOVED YARDSAPP MAIN BUILDING ACCESSORY G REAR � FT. FT. DISTANCE BET. BET. MAIN & MAIN BLDGS. ACCE�i. BLDGi. C URP # V 5-10 AP ROVED �J �'D APPROVED �JIN/ .."__ �,-�� / � 0 VY/ I hereby acknOwledge ffia[ I have reatl this apPlication antl sta[e R SPECIA REQpII2EMENTS Mat Ne above info�mation is cOrrect antl agree to comply with all laws regulaeing building construction, antl 1 shall not emplay � I ' any person in viplation of the workman's compensation laws ot the State of Califomia. �i/�D L'jo � m � 1 hereby certify'ihat 1 am properly licensetl as a contractor unticr 7 SQ. FT. 7 O che S[a[a of Californio Buziness entl Professions Cotle, Oivisicn 3, THE AMOUNT SMOWN UNDER VALUATION IS FOR � Chap[er 9, antl �hat such licanses are in full force anC affact, or I THE PURPOSE OF ESTABLISMING A PERMIT FEE ONLY: ¢ am exempt bom the pro `t�ions of the Stare ot California Businesi entl ProtessionsCotle, rv�61on 3, Chapter VALUATION �O /�^I_ ry PERMIT FEE $ � ] Slpnature of J� � m Permlitee $ PLAN CHECK $ 7 �/ E � �� `o � n AuihorizedAg��t ��/ � $%/. /� �"�� u TOTA�FEE /-U