HomeMy WebLinkAbout3320 MARYLAND CIR - Building Permits�I �I noonessaem�dxo: 3320 MARYLAND CI uNr: an*+u+sxu�EiFa'o"T+:LAMOUREUX DAVID R FLOOD: AE-37 "^o"Eu:3320 MARY{�AND CIR COSTA MESA,CA 92626 �cv�.wuw+o �ox�sx � uu wo.: uxr: ca+m�cranwu� COASTRIDGE ROOFING ( 714 ) 557-6048 cam�crom�uiwo 2480 FAIRVIEW RD �ooxess COSTA MESA CA ucra, 541190 92626 uxt: LICENSED COMHRCTONS DECLAP�TION: I heroby eflrm uMx penely d parjury tM I em limued uedx pwtima d Cheqx 9 ccanm.rcuw .an se� 1aoo) a Dimon a a �ne a�neo a�a v�aesaima coae. ana mr umme o in ruu k�c. and dha. cmuc.No.:04'97912 uc.cuss: C039 uc.No�.: /5/411�9/0 EXP: O1 /96 De1e:�'�/ Contrea«: %�/ L��J � � OWNEN BUILDEP DECLARATION: I Iweby elfirm uMx pruly d per'µy IIW I em ezemq han �M WMrapon liwnaa lew la Na Idbx+q �aewn (�ion ]W 1.5 &aias� eM Proleniona Code: A'ry vy a counry whid� ipuiree e paimi �o mmuun. ella. imyova. damWsh, w repai eny Nruclure, prior �o ne uauarim, ebo reyuiree iha epplirant lor euch permn to file e eymE etalemant Ihet he or eM IieeneeC punuent io Ihe proheione d iM Contretlon Lioenae law �Chepr 9(eammerxieq wi�h Seaion )OW) d D'vuion ] d iM uzriew eM Rdeseiov Gode� a Ilw M a ehe is ezemq iheraM1om eM IM betla lor Ne elbpeE memqion. Nry violelon d Setlion iW t.5 Ey eny epplicent f« a parmn aubjetls iho eppl'ran to e tivil panehy d ml mors ihen fve huMred ddlue �55Wj�. � I, es owiwr ol lhe papeny or my empbyaee v.ih wepea es �Mi wla rompeneelbn, xill do IM work, vM IM nrunun u�wt imeMed a oflered br eeb (Seclion )Oad, Busi�wp end Prdeaeiona Code: The Conireclon Licenee lew Eoee �wl epplyto en owner ol propeM who buiEs w inprovee iherean. ena xfio Eoee suM xwk limeell a Mnetl or throuph ha a Mr own emplvyeee, porEeE Ihet wc� impmvanavs me mt imentleE a Wxed la eeb. X.Iwwewr. �M Euiki'p a inpmwneM b adtl wilhin awY� d complNion. iM ownerWikNr vAll heve iM WNan W pwirq he or eM d'k ria WiN w imqme Ia �he pumua d eeb). � 1. es owner d iM propeM. � erduwMy mnlreclinB �Ih IiceneeE wntreclore to consV W ihe prol� (Sedion ]Mi. Bueinms eM PMeadme Cade: The Conlredws licenae lew Eoee iat eppy W en ownar d popeny wta WiNe ar impww IMreon enE v.1w wnvans lar uM Cq�^ wdh e mMroGMs) licenced Wnuw �o �ha Coniretlav Limnea lew). � I em eaemq urder Seciion: B. 8 P.C.. W Nb reamn: Dele: Owrnr: I do MreW cenM �hm I em ewve M ud wdeiaWd �M iW���mb d Cellmve 4MaM end SalatY Code Setlioro YSSOS. RSS�J. aM 2553�. vd ihet I a enY Mun buikinp oawpent xill / wil ria (ticb me) naed ro wmph/ wih seid mte mds erd tM �apuimnaw br apermXlwwnavununamoEifice�ionhwniM�i u3�ly anapement0otritl.FmkeMielmnm�udioneppiratiamenuemqlmmiMw „�:�. Da�s: �GV«� WOFKEP'S COYVEN4�TION DECLARATION: I Mreby elfum uMx pereXy d peejury ms d Me blbwiiq datlermiom: � I M1m enE MI meiNaw e canSr�e d ovromM io �atliwn br xvrken' compemalian. n prwided la by Saeim ])W tl �M leEu c�. i« m. v.��. d m. �t �« .�n w v� e a.�,.d. ❑ i n.,A.�w.i� meime'.�.n.k.r.� om�w�� ���.•, �.mR� M s.aiu, aroo w u» lma. ca.. a. m. c.��m a nr wak /w whidi Nu pa�mit i� ueued. MY warMen' canpeneetbn inwrence fariar erd pdiry wmber ere: c.�».: vaey r�nd Na w� neeE m�! 6s mnP'Nb l tM O�t o lur aro hunWM EaMm Isiwl w Ims./ ❑ I oenN Net in ihe w�mrerca a On w«k la xhidi �nu w�*il o ie�rotl. I andi iw emoM aM oa� in em' menMr �o n �o becoms wbjae :o Ilw xakns' oompsmtion Mwe al CeHomie, anE eprta thel C I aMWa becrne a�jed lo iM walan' alaW ednpeeue�on pwuixn d Seeion �]00 d IM lebor Code. I ehe0lonhvmh mmp�y ' prwman. i DNe: /� � � AYdiceM: �//�� Wam/np: FaNun ro wcun rortri ro�awwtlon corenW l� unYiMil, �iq Nsll sW/�cf en .mplqr M eAMntl ps�Wtlu uW mm �n�a w ro m. n�nd..d rroua.w adrn lnaloaoA ����n ro m. co.� o� romp.rwrnn wm.w u povw.e ror �n S�ctlon �105 0l N� Le4or Cotiv. Intwut, erM artomeya l�u. CONSTRUCTION LENDIND AOENCT: I hereby �rm urder pereM1y d perjury �het �here b a coneVuqion bMi�p epenry br tlro Derlameze d iM hak /a whidi ihu D+rm1 u swed (5eaion �OB). C'v. CI. LENDEfl'S NANE: LENDER'S AODPESS: I cenity Ihet I hero read tno epplketian ud pms Ihtl ihe ebwe inlormmion n correq. I eproe io campy wuh all my erd coumy oNirwwee eM atve bxa Meiiq w huiNvp conYrudion vd Mreby eWar¢e repasanimivea d �hia myto entu upon iM ebo+e�meMioned popary brinapeeion Ourpoaes � �Z � �-n- Pnnl �e � Dme:_� Sj�u ed ner/ApanVAppli Contreqa / (5151�IB.WP) Wline-Bu�ldiiq 8 Seldy:0iaen-Fb: Cvwy-A : Pink�ieuwve: Goltlen�otl-As�eaea CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 072756 PLAN CHECK NO: N _� PERM NO: B 072756 GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF 5 REAOOF FLAT PART W/HUILT—UP SQ FT: 1,500 CLAIM VALUE: 1,500.00 CALC—VALUE: 1,500.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED, REROOF lOSOSF FLAT PART OFj� jR�ESjI�DENCE **�*�*�**�r�r**********�*O*N�I�N*G***R*E��*U�i*R*E�rM*E�N+�T*��V��i1� U����� S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BUZLDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY ���I��R E D____ � FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 13961145 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i iF 1F iE iE if if 1E iE iE 1i 1f 1E'IE 1E 1E 1E iE iE iE iE 1E iE IE iE 1E 1E iE 3E �E'IE iE iE iE iE iE 1h iE 1h iE iE iE 1E 1E iE 1E i(' 1E iE K 1E 1E 1E i(' 1E iP if iE 1E if IE If 9F if iE iF if 1E 1E 1f' i(�'li 1E 1E if if 1h 1E 1E Ih D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; lFiFiFiflkililkkiFilillliFit�ifiF1E1liliFi! LEGALIZATION:N E E E S U M M A R Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 35.00 STRUCTLIRAL SEGMENT:Y FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING 50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 35.50 0.00 0.00 35.50 35.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 35.50 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 35.00 .50 iE k k i! i! iF k k k iF i! i! 1f 1E k if k iF iF'k i! iF'lE if i! iF iF iE iE iF'1F iF iF k i! if iE iE iE iE 1E 1E iF i! iF k iE iE iE if iE iE 1E 41E iE 1E iE 1E iE if iE iF iE 1E IE'k iE 1! 1E 1E iE ik 1E if iF it 1E 1E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE (jTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 1500 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 1,500.00 END OF FEES 01 OOlE3.2;-Pr,1.3834 To] T ;5.�� 6ATE: 06ipSiBf: TIt"E: I,::13 \ _ _, CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL PA APPROVALS Permit �f Date Inzpector AppROVAL.S Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temvorary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipme�t Location ; 2. Soil Pipe-Undsgrnd. . ' 53. Steel ReinEorcement - 3.��Electrical Condult�Utility-Unittgmd. 54. Forms • .� '- 4. �lectrical Conduit•Undr9rnd. 55. Electrical Bonding ' 5. Steel Reinforcemeni _ � 56. Rouqh Plumbing & Pressure Test '-6: �6lectrical UFER �rt�d. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER•GUNiTE : 7; Footi�gs - � 58. Electricat Conduit-Undrg�nd. ��_'8. Foundation - 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Test �� 9. Water Pi e-Undr rnd.� � P 9 60. Backwash Lines, RTrap, C1 Undryrnd. 10. Structural Floor SVstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK � 11.'Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 72. Sewer Cap � _ 63. Heater & Vent-Final . . 13. Roof Drains � 64. Plumbing SYstem � Final .74. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Fina� �15. Rou9h ElectricahCtlrtduit 66. Solar Systam-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring .. 67. Fencing & Access Approval 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVE:D FOR PLASTEFING - 78. Rough EleCtrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Hea:ing & Air Conditioning ,� _ FIRE_DEPT, REQUIREMENT t 20. Rough Faciory Fireplace � : ; _ - ` ; �. AppROVpIS � Permit # � � 21. Ducts, iri Structure �• � - - " - � �� � 70. Underground F.Lydro , �i -� - � � � 22. �utts, Ve�tilatiny�:, ' ., .r t, 77. Product�PipingLrJ�Gas C]Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test ' �'^ ;�� 72, Underground Fiush ' "' 24. `Roof�Framinj _ ' ,. 73. Undergmd. Storage Tank O Gas �'Oil 25. Roof Sheathing K r , G ��s �j�, 74.-Overhead Hydro � 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Str;ucturali & iVlonocoat ' , - _ 7b. Dry Chemical ,_..^ ' ' _ 27. Frame and Plashing. - - _ � c � .- . 76. Dry Standpipe:� - � � ` �' ' 28. Lathing & Siding` r • _ ' ' ` 77. FIXED S1'STEM"FINAL 29. Insula[ion - � _ � 7$. FIRE PREV. FINAL ' 30. Drywall Nailing .� ` � �. HEALTH DEP,T: REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster 8rown;CoatF •, . �, 79. FINAL I.N1iPECTION I 32..Eiearical F'ower Me,�er-Finai • � -'` 80. FOOD CEHTIFICATE ISSUED .� ^L `; 33. Final.Elgctric -. :.i .. � Notes: -� _ ' �� 34. Fina�Heatinj&Air'Coriditioning � • �� �' .. --- , 35. Final�Gas Pipe:TesY�. , - .-. , �.. .� ' �- . � . ," 36. Hood or CanoPY -'- ' _ ' r' � . - 37. EinAl.PactOryFir�i'ace.- _- _ • .. : '� 38. Final Plumbing "��' � ' � � 39. Water Se7'vice�Final, - ' - . . �. "' = 40. GasService�F�nal ,a �� �r,: � � ' - . ' �. c- - • � 41. Solar Oomestic-Fina� 1 � ' _ _ 42. Backflow Preventer, . � ' - • •� � 43. Backflow Irr'�gation; : � ' � ; � °'r ` , ; 44. Landscape Irrigatfon SYstem. � � • ' � � � _ : _ , � - �45. Sound A[tenuation,` � , � .' - '` - � � . ^ . �, � . . r� ., - �46. Handicap.Regulations � a '_ _ ' 47. FINAL STROCTURE & BUILDING /�- �ti" � � , ; � 48.'fiNALPLANNING�� .- � - . - � .- , � 49. Electric Release to Edison � ' : _ _ ; � ' .50. �Gas Release ro Southem California Gas Co ' • � � 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date CTiY OF COSTA MESA REQUEST FOR OCCUPANCY TRACT N0. (� �r � � IAT N0, � % � �D�SS 3 3 za ` G �/ DATE J",� �- � � The developer oi the above entitled tract desires to sell the above set forth lot prior to the time that the tract has been completed and its streets accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. The undersigned, by executing this agreement, acknowledges that (he-she-they) (was or were) advised that this tract has not been given final inspection nor has it been accepted by the City of Costa Mesa as having camplied with the conditions of approval which were imposed by the City at the time the final tract map was approved._ The City assumes no liability for the enforcement of the conditions necessary for approval other than those conditions protected by sutety bond. The undersigned agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to the undersigned by reason of the aforementioned uncompleted condition. RECEIVED CITY OF COSTA MESq PIANNING DEP1. APR 3 1972 � PM '7i8i9�l0ill�12i1�2�3i4�5�6 ! BY .�•c� 1T7. ��--'^P Pu aser BY Developer and/or a tho ed representative Lender PHOJECTPUOflE55: 33ZO MARYLAND CI OWNEP'S NAME: LAMOUREUX, DAVID R aooness: 3320 MARYLAND CIR COSTA MESA,CA 92626 AflCHIENCMEEB: AOONESS: XEG.NO.: uNiT: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 063821 PLAN CHECR NO: N , , UNIT: resminec: COASTFiIDGE KOOFING ( 714 ) 557-6048 PDONE55: ?q8O FAIRVIEW RD COSTA MESA CA 92626 LICENSEO CONTNACTOH UECIAflATION: I �ere�y allirm ihat I am li[enSeU unaer pmvisions ol C�apter 9(cammencing with Section 7000� ol �ivision 3 0l lhe Busine55 antl Pmlessions Cotle, and my license is in lull force antl ellec�. c�,v uc.: 0 4 9 912 srare uc.:5 41190 c�nss: C� Daie: � � � �� Signa�ure: i�`�� WOBKEHS' COMPENSATION OECIAPATION: I �ere�y a��i m thal I hav¢ a cetlili fAnsen or a[erliliWle oi Workers' ComOensa�ion Insurance. or a[etlilie0 copY ��ereol �Sec�ion 3800. LaG. C�. POLICY NO.: ESP. ORTE: LOMPPNV: ❑ Cenilietl copy is nerebV �umisne0. ❑ Cenilie0 copy is litea with ine city BuilUing Division. �aie: ApDlicanC E%EMPTIONFNOMWOBNEBS'COMPENSATIONOECIAflRT10N: (IDi55eclionnee4nol�ecampleiedi�t�epermitisloronehuneretl(5100�arless�. I cetlify Ihal in I�e pedormance al Ihe work far whic� Ihis permi� is i55ueQ I s�all noi employ ny person in any manner so as lo �ecame sublect la t9e Workers' Cpompensation Laws ol Calilpmia. (�/,. � /��� (7 oaie: __ � _ -% � / � Signalure: , `� L� I, � � NOTICE: I�. a�ter making ��is declara�ion. you sAou10 ecame SUGjeci y orkers' Compp,psaF pwvisions o� I�e Labor Cotle. you musi fonhwi�h compry wiN sucn Omvisions or t�is permit5l al �e UeemeA rev�ketl. WNSiflUC71oN IENDING AGENCY: I hereby affirm inat ihere is a tonsiNction IenainA agency lor Ihe petlormance oi tne work lor w�ich ihis oermil is i=sue0 (Section 3097. Civ. q. LENOEH: noosEss: OWNEN BUILOEB DECLAXRTION: I hereby aliirm �hat I am exempt Imm ihe Conlraclors' Stale License Law lor Ihe lollowing reason (Section ]031.5 Business and Pmiessional Code: Any ci�y of caunty which requires a permi� Io cons�mct, alter, impmve, aemolish, or repav any slmclure. prior Io its issuance. also reQuires �he applicant for SucA permil to �ile a 5igne0 Sla�emenl lha� helshe is licensetl pursuanl io Ihe pmvisions ol Ihe Convacmrs' Slate License Law (Chapler 9(commencinp wit� Section 7000) ol Division 3 ol ihe Business and Prolessions Cotle) or tha� he/she is eremp� Iherefmm anA ihe basis lor ��e a�leBed eKempiion. Any violation ol Section 7031.5 �y any applicant lor a Oermit su�jecis I�e apDlicanllo a civil penal�y ol nol more Ihan five huntlretl tlollars (5500�. I. as owner of Ihe pmpeny or my emyloyees witn wages as Meir sole comDensation, wiil Oo Ihe wark, ana Ihe ❑ s�mclure is noi intended ar ollereE lor sale (Seclion 704d, 9usiness ana Pm�essional Co�e: i�e Conlracbrs' Siate License Law tloes no� apPry �o an owner ol a O�opetly who builds or improves �hereon, ana who does SucA wo�k himSelllAerseli or �hmugh his or Aer own employees, D�ovidetl Ihat sucA impmvemen�s are nol intenaetl or oflered �or sale. II, however ��e 6uiltling or im0�ovemen� is sold within one year o� completion. Ihe owner will �ave I�e burden o� pmving helshe Oid not builU or impmve lor Ihe purpose ol sale). I. as owner ol �he pmpetly, am exclusively coniracling with licensed coniraclars lo conslmct Ihe pmlecl (Seciion 7p4d, Business ❑ ana Pmfe55i0n5 CoOe'. The ConVatlors' Slaie License Law AoeS noi apPly �o an own¢r o� properly who buil�5 or impmves thereon ana wha conirac�s br such pmlecis wii� a contracloqs�license pursuanito ihe Contractors' State License Law�.l am aware ihal pmof al �heir Worker'S Compensalion insurance s0ou10 Ue pmvitle0 lo me. � 1 am exempt unAer Sec�ion: 8. 8 P. C. lor I�fs reason: Oaie: Avner. i Uo �er¢�y cenily �ha� I am aware ol ana unaemand the reQuiremems oi Calilomia Health antl Salery Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, antl 2559G antl thal I or any fuWre builaing occupanl will/will noi (circle one� neetl la compty with saia s�ate co0e5 ana tne requirement5 tor a peimit lor conslmclion or madification Iwm I�e Air Ouality ManaAemem Oislric�. ReSiGenlial cons�mc�ion appliwlion5 are eKemp� �mm IIIeSe provisions. Dale: pODlicani: 1 hereby c¢riily �ha� I �ave reatl I�is aOV�Kaiion and S�ale Ihal �he aDove ortlinan[es ane 9a�e lav+s relaling Ia OuilOing cons�mction and he�eGy auR propetly Ia6rin50eclion purpp5e5. oate: —! ' 3 � S3 Signawre: � orivers �¢ense or Sac�a� Securiiy r: � i6ot.46 whne—Builaing�, Green—Cotle Enlo¢emem: Canary—ApOhcant; to tomply wil� allciiy anA coun�y !o emerupOni�eabove-mentwned Golaenroa—Assesmr CONSTRUCTION TYPE: 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : INSTALL 30 YR COMP O/WOOD SHINGLE SQ FT: 2,000 CLAIM VALUE: 2,000.00 CALC—VALUE; 2,000,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS• SMORE DETECTORS RE�UIRED PER THE 1991 EDITION OF THE UBC ��.*��*����.�**������«.����**�� ���.���������*������������.��*��.�.�,�*�*��*,��� �����R 2 O N I N GS_ERTEHQA�CIHRSE M E N T S c, ,^�c D,� �7Nf�� �' `��j'� ------------ MAIN BUILDING ------ --- --------- ACCESSORY BUI�i�( �+F%1�••u-- FRNT: FT ZN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR, T IN LEFT; FT IN RGFIT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARRING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 13961195 2NE: REF NO: PLANNING Nf51'ES> i � �t*�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r�r+r�r�t��r�r�r�r�e�r�r�r+r�t�t�t�r�tx�rx��r�r�r�r�r�r���r�r�r�r*+t�r**�r�r�r�r�r�r�e�r�r�r*�r�r*�r�t�r�r**�t+t�r*x ***�r�r D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N�T•S 20NING APPROVED BY DATE; � BUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY; 1F if if �E k if iE iE�E 1E it if if if if 1f ikiF k 1E if 1f . kMiFitkifiEiF�fiEiElfiFifkkiElFiF�fk�EifiE�EiE1E�EkkifiFififiElE�fiEififlfiEklFkifiElE iE LEGALI2ATION:N �F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 45,00 DATE: iF it k ik k if �f ff jf if�iFif'iFif if iE iF iF ik tE iE �! iE if IE 1F iF �F iF ik 1F if ff i! iE ik iF if iE 1F iE 1f iE 1E STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING - SMIP/NON—RES PLAN • , ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID � DUE TOTALS----> 45,50 0,00 0.00 95,50 95.50 ' .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 45.50 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/,TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 45.00 ''; 50 ,, 1f �E k if if iE 1E iF i! 1E 3E if k �E 1E 3f iF �f If if 1f 1E if iF if if iF iF iE if if if 1E i! iE fE if �tlE iE ff iE 1f if k if if iE i! 1f if !f 1Eif if if �E if ik If ikik 1E iF iE if iF 1Eif'if if if !f iF 1E ik if iF iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D'O W N • TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST 'POTAL COST SFR 2000 REROOF HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE ,.1.00 2,000,00 END OF FEES �� � . . �. �i- �j.. / 01 bb146347-00146348 T G T DATEj OS/03/93 TIME: 11::7 /, 4g.5Q �. �« CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING APPROVALS Permit �;? 1. Temporary EIeCVical Servicu'or Pole 2. Sod Pipe�Undrgmd. � 3.. �i¢c[ncal Conduit UhhtY•Und�gmd. 4. Electr,cal Condu:t�U�d�9•�d. 5. S*ce, Re�nfo�cemen• 6. Elcctncal UFER Gind 7..'rooi�ngs . 8. PoundaUon 9. '.4ate� Pipe-Ur.drgmd. iC. St�uctural Fioor Sys`em 1i. Property Se�ver L�neR� Howe:r.nr.ecton 12. $C•.ver Cap ' 13 Roof Drains 1J. Ro�.gh P�umb'�g -- -- 15 Rough Eieancai-Cony�.i�� 16. Rough Elec!r�C!4hring ll. Ra�,.yh'i:Ir�.ngSign 18. Rough Etectrical-T Bar Ceil�rq 19. Ro�gh Heating & A�r Candi;.oning 4' 26: Ro�'�h Factory Firap'aca " ' i 27. DuC.s, in Structu'a �.• • � 22.,Dur.Ts,'vzn:latin� � ' 23..Gas•Pipe�Rqy'gh $� Sest ; ' -I_Yfm_._�r�_ 24�'Rouf Praming - � �� � 7.5. Roo� Siseath�ng',' 26. T�Bar Ce�ling (Structu�al� &.`.:onocoat 27."Frame and Flashjng _„- •_.�,-.T- 28. Lathiny & Sid�ng � 29. Insulation '. � �� � . -r 3�. D'V�'.a�l NaiRng . � _1 1. a�. P�u�ti�� II�acin c'a..f ' . ------r�---r-^- 37. Elcctnwl FO:+ei hSat:r4��r,.t 33, Fi�al Eleciric ' � �. -T 34. FinJl Hrating & Av Co':j�t�oning . T�y 35: Pii�ai Gas PIpz�Tea � ' � .. 36. Hood or �r.opy � -- � -- '--i - 37;'F,r.ai Facto�V Fireoiace i i t -r--.� 38. FiCi� P�umb�ng 39. 14'ater Sl+rvice-Fi%+al � 40. Gas Sery�.ce-F�nal � 41. Sa'�- Domest;cF�n;.i ' 42. BacxflOw Preventer ^ 43. Backflow Irrigation '�- - 44. Landscape Iiriqn�pn $�,tur �' -^-�-�.--r'•---- - 45. Sound A[tenuaiibn � ' - � -•--," '.�.. . 46. F'ar.dicap F�eguiat�ons•-: � : � 47. FIi�AL STRUCTUP.k$ E�::ILDING � 48. F�fNAL PLANNIR�G�' � 49. Electric Release to EdnoA�`' 50, Gas Retease to Souttiern �alifornia Gas Q 51. CERTIFICATEOF,OCCUPA�CY lo. ;. Oatc Date � Inspector POOL oPA APPROVALS Permit'.� Date Inspector �, 52. Pool & Eq�ipm2nt Lorat'�on J 53. Steel Reinforcement � � 54. Forms I , 55. Electriwl @ord:ng I 56. Rouyti "1utn6irg $i Pi,;scu�e .Test -�� � 57. APPROVAL 1p COVER-G� "'�TE ' I � � 5$. Elec[nwl Condu�l�Undrq.rr,i. -I--- - 59. Gas P�pe, Cl U�o�,...d . T�s: � � � - ----- - - --+--- � 60. Badcc.•ash (_'^,e�.. P�'�af-. � �� u.o, ^o I i Y�___- ___-. G7. AFPROVAL TD CECK � , 62. 3�e<�.ash & fteec;:�cr-f-.��: �� � � 63. Heater & Vent•F�,na' � � G4. Plumb�ng S;'stem � F��aI � - G5. Elecirica6F�ral � � - � 66. Sofar Svs:en�Fin�' � � - --___..... .._ .. i. � 67. Fencing & 4ttess Ai�u�u�. il i 68. APPROVE� FOR PLl;STERI\G 69. POOUSPA SYSTEPAS FINAL _ � FIRE DEPT. REQU�FEh^.NT I . i . 4PPROV;�L3 Pe�mit -,_' , I 70. �Uidergro�nd H�:;�o � 71. ProdutlPiK+ing:}G.is �:Od -�� - .1'�- . 72. Undergrtr.cnd Fiush ' • .�.__ - %3. Undergm�'.SmiageTank`C]Gas `��I -^---- 74. Overhead Fyd�o y_�_- --{- 7y. Ory Chemical ' 76. �ry Standp'pe � 7�: FIXED�SY.$TEt;'FINAC � 78. FIRE PRE'J. FINAI � _ � H=ALTH DEPT. REQUIRE�.iER�T r I 79:� f-��:AL IiVSpEC�'C': - � � -�-- -- i -,'� `_._ '_"Y.___'- "-_ -- so: F000 cEF ,: � caTE ;ss�:E� -- ----- �---- ' I . � No�es: � . � 0 e�` 6c`�- - OWNER JOB AC Gr -R A, � INSPEC SOIL MODULAR Technology, Inc. , :SS 332� Maryland Circle ROUGH PLUMBING PftOP. SWR. LINE �HOUSE CON. � SPRINKLING SVSTEM M ISCELLANEOl15 ROUGH HEATING AN� AIR CONOITIONING UNDERGROUND ROUGM WIRING TRENCHES PL BON� BEAM SHEATHING POWER FORMS �(�/ STEEL REINF. STEEL REINFORCE I� FRAME ANO FLASHING LATHING — IN � OUT I 'ER, BROWN COAT S...dCTURAL, FINAL HEATING, VENT., REFRIG. AN� A.0 F INAL DATE 7-15-71 BUILDING PERMIT N0. RIPTION of WORK Res.w att.� ZONE VALUE$29.300.00 )UP I& J TYPE V 2 SUBCONTRACTOR PER z . W W a U 2Q O v~i am J � J N Q W 0] J • CI J Q U Q Z� aw WZ J Q m Z J � w W � _ Z � w � 70 � Z Q U J a a Q 0 F N z � F U � � F N z COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETV DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Completely BUILDING OWNEq MAIL CITV �,�`.anta CONSTRUCrION ADDR CONTqqCTOR ADDRESS CITY STATE LIC. Np, 'Z� SIZE OF LOT 58 USE OF 1 E. 17th Street TEL. NO. PA10 y � 15?.25 JUI.20-�lcns•,��17 6�' APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT ^EIVED BV D TE RECE�VED DATE ISSUED X � . . � Z ..% � %/� %� A.P. NO. BUILDING ADDRESS rRacr mit Dorius, AIA No b44-7111 FI 2nd Ave., Corona Del Mar z� ai e` Same TEI. Z� �'arpe NO. 4 CITY uc. No. 16 0 NO.OF BLIX'aS. (F ]_1`L NOW ON LOT F ,,,-, NO.OF ,� � tr11NG rer r.�cui� �c OF BUILDING AND WORK X ROVED NO.OF � PLANS � VAROS APPFOVEO MAIN BUILDING iJ OISTANCE BET MAIN BLOGi. VAR.aW _ C.U.P. # APPROVED % � I he�eby acknowletlg0 Mat I hav¢ reatl [his applicetion antl state NOLD FOR that thB above Intormation iz correct entl aBree to comply with oll lawg regulatlnB builtling consvuction, antl I shall nol employ �� any peYson in vlolation ot tho workmon's tompensetiOn laws of che State of Californie. � 1 hereby certify that I am properly licensetl as a conbactor untler SQ. Fl the Sta[a of California Business nntl Profeuions Cotle, Divisicn 3, THE AMOUNT: Chap[e� 9, ontl t�at such ' enses ere In full force antl af(ect, or I THE PURPOSE OI em exampt irom the v ionsot NeState ornla Business VALUATION ontl Prq�osslone Cotl D' �slon 3, Cha ter . Slpnatura ot Permittee $ �j I� Author7ietl Apent 9� �✓D/ LOT VSE OF NEw l BNLDING � VARDS APP ACCESSORV BET. MAIN & BLOCK � I .. �0 � ° O �WN UNDER V%1LUATION IS FOR ' iTABlISHING A PERMIT FEE ON(LV: ¢ PEFiM1T FEE $ / � �� J�� "' �5 � PLAN CHECK S S�// � E � `o LL TOTAL FEE 5 � .