HomeMy WebLinkAbout2446 ORANGE AVE - Building Permits�.' � Pp�cr nooltif,Te 2 4 4 6 ORANG E AC' � OWNEH'SlIAME: G:.AMS, bYRON aooRess: 2 q q 6 ORANGE AV COSTA MESA, CA 646-9199 APCHIENGINEEfl: A�OPESS: uxit: 92626 NEG.NO.: UNIT: PENMITTEE: RIiNDY GRAMS ( 714 ) 6 31— 2 3 9 2 aooeess: 370 LA PERLE nLN C.M. :� CA 92627 LICENSEO CONTHPCTOH DECLAPATION: I �ere�y aliirm that I"am licensetl un�er provisions of C�apter 9(commencing wi�h Seclion 7000) o� Drv�sion 3 0� I�e Business and Pmlessions CoOe, ana mylicense is in �ull farce antl el�ect. pTY LIC.: STATE LIC.: '� C1A55: n� Oaie: Signature: WOBKEBS' COMPENSRTION DECLABRTION: I herehy aifirm thal I have a cehificate o� consent to sel4insure or a cetlilicaie of Workers' ComOensaiion Insurance. or a certifietl copy Ihereoi (Sec�ian 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. DPTE: COMPPNY: „e / * � ❑ Certiliea capy is here�y lumishetl. '� Cetli�ied iopy i5�lile0 wi�h Ihe ti(y Building �ivision. Oate: ADPi EXEMPiIONfflOM WONNENS'COMPENSRTION OECLAI I ceriity ��ai in �he pedormance o� Ihe wark lor w�if sublect lo Ihe Woiker5' Camp¢nsalion Laws.of Ca 0 1-�y s� " 5�9� NOTICE: I�, af�er making ��is Ueclaralion, you CoDe. yau mus� �arthwiih comply with such p CONSTHUCTION LENUING RGENCY: I hereby afli whic� Ihis permn is issuea �Senion 3097?Civ. C�: lENOEN: POOHESS: be completee it the permil is lar one huntlred (510�) ar less�. 9oi employ any pefson in any manner so as to become oul e[om¢ subktl �b Ihe WorkerY Compen5ali0n O�ovisi0n5 Of t�e labOr I f15 Of fi115 p�mit shall be Oeemed revoketl. Ihai there.is a canstmc�ian lentling agency �or ihe Oe�ormance ol �he work for �•. /� OWNEfl BOILOEX OECIAHFTION: I hereby alfirm Ihat I am exempt �mm t�e Contraciars' Staie License Law lor the following reason �Sec�ion 7031.5 Business anA Pmlessional Code: Any ciry oi couniy which repuires a Oarmi� to constmct, alter, impmve, Oemolis�, or re0air any simcture. prior Io iis issuance. also requires �he appli�an� for such permi� ta file a 5igneA Slatement iha� �elshe is licensetl pursuant lo ��e pmvisians o� I�e Convacmrs' State License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wilh Sec�ion 7000) ol DiviSion 3 oi Ue Business antl Pmlessions Cotle� ar Ihat he/she is exempi Iheretmm and �he basis for Ihe alleged exemption. Any violation af Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applicaN for a permi� sublecls the applican� to a civil penalty al nat more ��an five hunOretl tlollars ($500). I, as owner ol ��e D�oDehy or my employees wi�� wages as their sole compensalion, will do Ihe work, antl ��e ❑ stmcmre is not imended or oflere0 for sale (Section 7044, Business ana Pmiessional Cotle' T�e Canlractors' State License Law does nol apDly �o an owner ol a pmperiy who builtls or impwves t�ereon, and who does suc� work himsel�/hersetl or �hmug� his or her awn emplayees. provitletl �ha� such improvemen�s are no� intentletl or aflere0 Por sale. II, however t�e builaing or improvemenl is sold within ane year ol compleiion, the owner will have �he burtlen o� pmving he/she Aia no� Duild or impmve lor Ine ouroose ol sale�. I. as owner of Ihe D�oDetly, am exclusively conirac�ing wi�� licensetl conVac�ors lo constmc� ��e pwle�t (Section 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmtessions Code: The Conlraciors' Sta�e License Law does no� appry �o an awner o� pmpeny wAo bui105 or improv¢5 thereon ana who con�raclsior such pmlecis wi�h a conlracior(5) license pursuanl to Ihe ConVaciors' Stale License Law�. I am aware �hal Dmol ol Iheir Worker's Compensa�ian insurance shoultl be pmvi0etl to me. Dy I am exempt untler Section: B p 7 Q 4 4 B. 8 P. C. m��ms�7reason. [/pWCNER—BUILDER OLe. /-G ` / 7 ' / � ow r. � I da here�y cetlily lhal l am aware o� antl untlerstantl �he requiremeni alifamia eallh ana Sa�ely Code Seclions 25505. 25533, and 25534 and �hat I or any W�ure builtling occupanl willlwill no� (circle on ed to co ply wilh sai0 s�a�e co0es anJ Ihe repuiremenis �or a permi� for conslmqion or motlificalion irom I�e Air �uahry Management �islricl. Fesiden�ial cons�mclion apPlications are exempt �rom Ihese pmvisions. Oale'. Npplicant: _ I here0y cerli�ythal I have reaa Inis applicalion antl 51alelAai ordinances ane sta�elawsrelatingla �uilding conslmc�ion antll prop¢tly �or inspe`L�ion purposzf5. �ale: �2��'7 —�i Signamre` /�/j//- OriveYs License or Social Secunly t64ba6 Wlute-6uiltling�. Green—Cotle Enbrcemen�', C ma�ion is correcL I agree �a comply wi�h all ti�y an0 cowry representatrves of Ihis ciry to enter upon ihe a�ave�mentionetl Pink—Revenue; Goltlenroa—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERh1IT PERM NO: B 065321 PERMIT NO: B 065321 PLAN CHECK NO: 04406-93 L GOVT: N SUFP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: NEF! JOB DESCRZPTION ; NEW TWO STORY ART STUDIO & GARAGE SQ FT: 1,38� CLAIM VALUE: 20,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 25,779,60 GROUP OCC: M—i / COMMENTS: 693SF 2ND FLR 'NON—HABITABLE 'ART STUUIO & 693 SF 1ST FLR GARAGE **+r***���***�***+��****�*�**�**�**����*****�**+�*�***�***���******�**�+��*�***��+�� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILPING -----�--- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: 42 r^T IN LEFT: FT IN AGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: 5 FT IP7 PARKING REQ: 2 PROV: 2 PAACEL: 11910220 ZNE: RI REF NO: PLANNING NOTES.> DETRCSED TWO—CAR GARAGE WITH ARTIST STUDIO ABOVE (NOT TO BE 4 USED'AS RESIDENCE — LAND USE RESTRICTION PROVIDED) *�r�+���r**�*x*�r*i€�r**ic*se�*�r***�r�r�r�rie*�r****�*�r*�***ie*x+r****xx*��**�r+�**x�*�+�*�r� �*#*�*x D E V E.L O,P M E N T S E R V 2 C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S p ZONING APPROVED BY %— ?_G� �`}fY� C� r% DATE: �2/� �' 13 BUILPING APPROVED B�' : ^ I% �� DATE: _I Zr� � I�� APFLICATIOA] I5SUED�SY;:. � ��'L DATE; IZi( �Q/( �� **�-**�***�tu�***#*****�i�'��.,.�ic���-rt,r�riF*�+r*+r�r** �ri� x���F'�******i�*�f* r���,Fir��*r- iE * 9f if it iE k it iE iE ih it i! iE if iE jE iF jf iE iE f!� iE if iF iE if iE 3E if 3E 1E fE if if it 3c iE iE ik iE it iE �E it 9f if if 1E if iE iE iE iF if if if ff it dE # iE if iE iE 3F aE �f !F iE iF iE iE iF iF if iE iE if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 258.50 2.58 _ SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 168,03 • ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—�HECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 261.08 0.00 ;. 168.03 429.11 429.11 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLZECTED: 261.�' OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC M'ECHANIC FTpT:' SMIP/TOT GRADING FLAN—CAECK 258,50 2,58 �7 iE if if iE it'F iE iE'k iE iE 1f ik iE i! if ### if it iF i! iE if iF #!t if if iE if iE 1fi9F 1flE iF iE it iE iE �E iE !F # 3E 1t ## iF �f iE it if 1E If fE iF if iF iE iE iE if iF?E iE -IE iPlE iE jt 1E 1F !E 9F 1t if� I N D I V I D U A�I, F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I•'"O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 1386 RES—GARAGES TYPE V 18.60 25,779,60 �ND OF FEES % ui �C��"�60-001`23t�i TpT =o1.4E DATt.: 1?/i</93 TT:1E% 1339 t _� r_ _ CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # �� . Temporary Eiectrical Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. -�3. Electrical Conduii Ut��itY-Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. - 5. Steel Reinforcement `� 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. tZ 7. Footings � l.Z, 8. Foundation s�� � •, n' 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 70. Structurai Pioor System 11. Property Seveer Line & House Co��ection 12. Sewer Cap 73. Roof Drains 14. Rough Plumbing 15. Ro�gh Elect�iwl-Condu�t 16. ftough Electric �Viring 77. Rough Wiring Sign 78. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 79. Rough Heating & A�i! Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Firepiace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tast ^ 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing ' 26. T�Bar Ceili�g (Structurail & Mor.ocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 3 28. (athing & Siding �G 29. Insulation 30. Drywall Nailing rj 37. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Pl�mbing 39. �Vater Service-Finai 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic•Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. landscape irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regufations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Q 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date i , FOO. SPA - . Date =lnspettor APPROVALS Permit # � Date � 52. Pool & EquiPment Locatioq - 53. Steel Reinfo�cement 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bonding `��� (� G�� 56. Rough Piumbing & Pressure Test /S_Q� ��y� 57. APPROVAI. TO COVER�GU�ITE 4 �s-l13 �pLv�6[. 56. ElectricalConduit-Undrgrntl. �S_!t3 , 6Lv� 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash lines, P-Trap, O Undrgmd. 67. APPROVALTODECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-finai ' . 63. Heater & VenbFinal � - 64. Plumbing SYstem - Finai 65. Electrical�F+nal � 66. Solar System-Final 67. Fencing & Access ApProval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEMSFINAL FfRE DEPT, REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit # 70. Underground Hydre 77. Product Plping O Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank �7 Gas ❑ Oil ?-�(Y �W N� 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical :�-°fK �fj�� 76. DryStandpipe � Z��L� �.j(,v� 77. FIXEDSYSTENIFINAL �� � ,' � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAI. -L_�L� �(,a�J HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT !•-•R •'� -� 79. FINA� WSPECTION �^T� " � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED �' � "' �� � Notes: �^($'��(�- B� j�g �,,,,(�ira�."j' m Inspector A DECLARATION OF AVTHORITY FOR AGENTS OF PROPERTY OWNER TO APPLY FOR PERMITS Bldg. Permit # 32- This Permit # ��532 � ,c �q S 3 Z 2 �=� �%/6 O�.E �lJE I/� - iaz -� � Siree� Address � AP Number 1. I(we), 8y��� �' ���s , declare that I am the Owner of Title of the above referenced real property, and that I(we) hereby authorize: �,v�Y �- �c�eE 7/� �3/ -23Y� � � Name Telephone No. t3 �v � � � to obtain permits in my behalf, as owner/builder, for �G'P'�� at the above referenced property. 9�G'z7 2. Should any person become an employee engaged in the improvement of the property, I(we) shall im- mediately provide Worker's Compensation Insurance coverage and cause a certificate of that coverage to be filed with the Building Division of the City of Costa Mesa, as required by State of California laws. 3. As ownerlbuilder in fact, I understand and accept that my responsibilities do not transfer to any other per- son, Company or corporation. 4. I agree to indemnify and hold the City of Costa Mesa and its employees or officers harmless from any claim resulting in damage or personal injury to myself or any other parties as a result of work authorized by the permits from the City of Costa Mesa. , 5. I declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this ��J day of ��� 19�, at ��'� , California. V `/iC�O�"I I`/ C�'�j�r�%or5 /O /� �l Printetl Name � Date - Signature NOTE: This authorization does not grant authorization to perform the work as owner, it solely provides for limited power of attorney to secure this permit in any behalf. W79�4fi (Aev. 7J91) NOTARIZATION REQUIRED 1� 4 CITY OF COSTA MESA BUILDING DIVISION OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION A city or county, which is required to give notice pursuant to Section 19830, shall attach to such no[ice, and, as a condi[ion precedent [o issuing a building permit, require the completion and require the return of, an owner-builder verification. Attention Property Owner: An 'owner-builder' building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the pro- posed property impro,vement. f$, Yes ❑ No 2. I(have/have not) /� -rcV� signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction: Name _ Address Phone ( City Contracror's Lic. No.. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work: Name — Address Phone ( City Contractor's Lic. No. _ 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to pro- vide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work I hereby affirm that I have received a copy of the information set forth in Section 19830 of the State of California Health and Safety Code and have completed the above information to the best of my per- sonal knowledge, in ompliance witF} this State law. Signed: �� � Da[e: Name: L>y �/� , U/2�?/%iS (Printed ar Typed) � C.D.L. # or S.S. # �� 109236 754-5273 : COSTA MESA SANITARY DIST 'T P.O. BOX 1200 ' COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92628-1200 ' 1� Application for Sewerage Facilities Use and Connection Permit ., Permit No. �aa�� Ordinance No. 20 Effective 3-28-89 Date �� FIXTURE FEES Applicant to fill in this area only NUMBER FIXTUHE FEE/FIX. FEE Building Addres�7' `7l' "" ""'��� Q�� Bathtub/Shower $ 15.00 �S%A ���� �cf Laundry Tub or Washer 15.00 prJ,�� ,( /^n,� J' ` � Owner ticiy N L��C'*'"v Sink, Bar 7.50 , Sink, Kitchen 15.00 Applicant ���E Wash Basin 7.50 pddress S�C Wash Basin (Set) 75.00 / Water Closet (Toilet) a5.00 � //` aidet �5.00 Telephone Number "� �`�' ��`�9 Dental Units 7.50 � Drinking Fountains 7.50 SPECIAL CONDITIONS . ' Floor Drains 15.00 interceptors for Grease, Oil, Solids, Etc. 22.50 Interceptors for Sand, Auto Wash, Etc. 45.00 � Laundry Tub or Washer (Self Service) 22.50 � Receptors 22.50 Shower, Gang — Per Head 7.50 TOTAL CHARGES Sinks, ear—Gommercial �5.0o Total Fixture Fees $ Sinks, Commercial or Industrial 22.50 �th8f � Sinks, Floor 7.50 Penalties Sinks, Flushing Rim 45.00 TOIHI DUB $ W� • / Sinks, Service 22.50 Swimming Pool 45.00 Penalties: Charges are double if connection is made prior to obtaining permit, plus $70.00 a�day. ($50.00 a day tor a public Urinals, PedeStal 45.00 corporation.) Urinals, Stall � 15.00 � � ,/� Urinals, Wali � 15.00 Processed by_��k�`�"'�' , Urinals, Wali 7rough 22.50 Total Fixture fees $ ��_ _ NOTE: A sewer permit is required at the time of ��'_�:' — ' T;.':'�'' ��;�, �7 �' E � Sewer Hook-up. `-"• E � : :: ' i;.-'; ' 1 ..:v . _. ., PERMIT VALIDATION Q/08-68 rev. 12-90 Original - Applicani: �ellrnv - Sani�ation; Pink - Finance: Golaenrotl - BuilEing PqplECT ROONE55: Z q q 6 VRANGE AV �OWNEP'SNAME: GRAMS, BYRON aooaess: 2 q q 6 ORANGE A�� COSTA MESA, CA 646-9199 AflCH/ENGINEEH: aooR[ss: UNIT: 92626 sec.No.: uxir: PEflMITTEE: RANDY FOR E ( 714 ) 6 31- 2 3 9 2 aooxess: 370 LA PERLE LN C.M. C� 92627 LICENSEO CONTHACTOH OECIABpTION: I hereby allirm �hai 1 am Iicen5e0 unaer provisions of ChaD�e� 9(commencing with Seciion 70001 0l �ivision 3 0l the Business an0 Pmlessions Cotle. antl my license is in full lorce and eifecl. CRY LIC.: STRTE LIC.: ' CLASS: Da�e: Signamre: WOBREBS' COMPENSFTION DECNflATION: I hereby a�hrm �ha� I have a certitica�e o� consent Io sell-insure or a certilicaie oi Workers Compensation Insurance, or a certi�ietl copy thereol (Secnon 3804 Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. OpTE: COMPANY: ❑ Cenifiea copy is hereby Wmishe0. ❑ Ce�ilie0 copy is filetl wi�� I�e ciry Building Oivision. Dale: Applicanl: E%EMPTION FflOM WOBREPS' COMPENSATION OECl�1FRTI0N: Q�is section need n�i be compl¢�ed i� Ihe permit is �or one hundred ($Ilq) or less�. I cetlify Ihai in Ihe pedormance oi �he work for which t�is permii i'r9 ed. I shaW mploy any person in any manner so,as �a became sublect to ihe Workers' Compensation Laws o� Cali�omia. - D '. �� ��i 3 • Signature: t'� NOTICE: II, after inaking I�is Dedaration, you sh I ecome sublep t the Warkers' Compensaiion pmvisions of�the Labar Code. you musi lorthwilh comply wi�h such pr i' ns or this Def'''ii s all be OeemeO revoke0. CONSTBUCTION LENUING RGENCY:• I hereby aliir �h t�ere fs ahons�mc�ion lentling agency �or the pedormance of Ihe wark lar which I�is permi� is issuetl (Seclion3097. Civ C), LENOEfl: J R�OflE55: OWNEH BUILOEB OECIABATION: I hereDy a��irm Iha� I am exempt imm Ihe Conirac�ors S�ate License Law for the lollowing reason (5eclion 7a31.5 Business ana Pmiessional Code: Any cily ol counry wnich reQuires a oermit to constmct. alter, impmve, Aemolisn, or repair any slmciure. Orior �o ils issuance. also reQuires the applicant �ar such permil to �ile a signe0 s�a�emen� �hat he/s�e is licensetl pursuant lo the provisians ol lhe Convaclors' State License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000) ol Division 3 0� the Business antl Pm�essions CoOe) or Ihat he/she is exempt �herelrom antl �he basis lor the alleged exemD�ion. Any violation ol Seclion 7031.5 by any applican� lor a permi� SUElects �he applicani to a civil penalty at no� more �han �ive hunareJ dollars (5500). , as owner o� the property or my employees wrth wages as their sole compensation, will do Ihe work, an0 the ❑ s�mcture is nol in�enAeO or oileretl lar sale (Sectian 70a4. Business antl Pm�essional Cotle: The ConVacmrs' Slaie License Law Ooes noi aODly lo an owner o� a pmpehy w�o builtls or impmves Ihereon, and who tloes suc� work himself/herseli or ��mugh his or her own emDloyees. Dmvi4e0 iha� sucA improvemen�s are no� inlendetl or oiferea �ar sale. II, however ��e builtlinp or impmvement is sola wiNin one year ol comple�ion, Ihe owner will �ave Ihe �urtlen ol Omving helshe Oi0 no� bui10 or impwve ��tor the purpose of sale�. I, as owner ol Ihe pm0erty. am exclusively contracting with licenred contractors lo consimc� �he prole�� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ antl PmIe55ion5 COAe: The Conlrati0r5' S�ate License Law tloes nol apply �o an owner oi proOehY who builtls or impmves Iher¢on antl who conirams lor suc� pmlems with a contracloqs) license pursuam lo ihe Comracmrs' Slale License law). I am aware ihal proof o� �heir WorkeYs Compensa�ion insumnce shoultl be provitletl �o me. Q I am exempl untler Seciion�. B P 7 � 4 4 B. 8 P. C. mrmisreaso� OWNER-BUILDER oate: / �^ � � ^� 3 Own : 4L � hereby cendy Ihal I am aware of anA undersiand Ihe reQuiremems I omia Heal�� iC alery Cotle Sec�ions 25505. 25533, and 25534 antl I�ai I or any Iuiure building occupanl will/will not (circle one) need Io compty h saitl staie cotles and the requiremen�s �or a permil for conslmciion or mo0ifica�ion �rom ihe Air Ouality Managemenl DisVic�. ResiAential constmc�ion applications are exemp� Imm Ihese D�ovisions. Oaie'. ApphcaN _ I hereby certify��a� I have reatl this aDPlication ane sta�e Ihal I�e ortlinances an� siale laws rela0ng lo �uiltlmg consiroclion antl here pmperry lar inspection purpos?es Date: /� / / — � J SignaNre: � r Driver's License ar Social Securiiy AOPlicanl: Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: E 065322 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE; ELE JOB DESCRIPTION ; NEW TWO STORY ART STUDIO 6 GARAGE CLAIM VALUE: CALC-C'ALUE: PERM NO: E 06532� GOVT; N SIIPP; N PURPOSE; NESd SQ FT: GROUP OCC: M-1 / COMMENTS; REF" B-65321 .%..N..N..M ��k #�%� dE it jE �lh iF iE iF N� 1E ih'X �If- if �IE iE if �%� �fE 9t �%� it �N-9E 1E iP i! if 9f �I! iE',E-1F 9E 9h iF it iE �lE-� �k iF if iF i! i4 df 1E iF iE iF i(� iE if -k �k-9h-0f i(� if �X� 9F �k iE �]!�-lE k�` i'r-1E�1! fP Z 0 N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ----------- MAIN BUILDING ---------- -------- ACCESSORY BUILDING ----�---- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN T.EFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ • PROV; PARCEL; 11910220 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING NbTES> > if iE it it iE 1E it k iE iE 3E �E 3k 3E i! fE !t iE jf !f jt i4-It iE iE 1F 1F iE iE if iE iE it iE 9E iE iE ik-IElE if i4 iE if if 1E iF jf 1E if 9E if iE if 1E jE if iF if iF if 1f iF if ic if #� if if 1E iE �E if * iF iF fE # i(� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ZSSUED BY: ��� DATE: I U` ��''S,• �t******�*�t*ic�*i��-��t****�r�'`T-'x',� �FiF�,.,.. **�r*****�rt�'iF"iF.�'F'�ie�F.e� iE if if iE if it i[� iE iF #�fF jE 9h if iF �lE if it iE iE� if iE 3f if iElE �E �E i(� iE if if �lf ik # iF iE iE iF if ii� �lE iE iF iF iE iE iF iF iF iE �1F if if iE 3f �)f 9E iF iE iF if # if iE iF 3E iE iF i4 iF ib iE 3b K iM1 iE ic� iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 23.75 - 50� SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE ;'1.5.00 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 23.75 15.00 0.00 38.75 38.75 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COL�ECTED: 38.75 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIAF aMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 38.75 ,� -1(� iE iE iE iE jE iE if if if jE iE iE if 1F iF iF iE 1E 9E !E iE 9E if ii # iE ft if if iF iE iE iP jE iE ic 1P 9E �E iE iE 3E �f iF 9E iF 3F jE dF dF iE if 3t iE iE iF iE iE ii�-1f iF 3: if iF iE #t * iF iE i' iP if 9F } iF Y� if if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I b,N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 5 FZXTURES, LIGHTZNG^ 1 ST 20 EA. .75 3 75 ELE ELE ELE 1 ST 20 - 1 ST 20 END OF FEES ,� EA. .75 EA. .75 11.00 ui Up1�,23�i2—ODl`2'0? 'g'Y�aT �AiE� 12I14193 TIME: i's:v9 6,00 3.00 11.00 3°.?a , --� + CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING u APPROVALS Permit # � 7. Temporary Electricai Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgmd. < 3. E�ectrical Conduit UtilitY�Undrgrnd. . 4. Electrital Conduit-Und�grnd. '' 5. Steel Reinforcement 6. Electricai UFER Grnd. 7. Footings 8. Foundation 9. Vt'ater P�pe-Undrgmd. 10. Structural Floor System i i. Property Se�ver Line & House Connection 72. Sewer Cap 73. Roof Drains 14. fiough Plumbing 15 Rouyh Electrica6Conduit i6. Rough Eleciric Wirin9 17. Rough lYiring Sign . 19. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceilmg 79. Rough Heating & kir Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Siructurali & Monocoat 27. Frame and Fiashing 28. Lathing & Siding 29. Insulation 30. Orywail Nailing 31. Plaster 8rown Coat 32. Electrica� Power MeterFinat 33. Final Efectric 34. Final Heating & Air Condi;ioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or CanopY 37. Final Factory Firepiace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Serwce-Final 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUI LDllJG 48. FINALPLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas 51. CEftTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date ` - � . POOL AA �' Date �Inspector AppftOVAIS Permit# - - 52. Pool & Equipme�t Location 53. Steel Reinforcement - 54. �Forms �s _y,/�� 55. Electrical @onding -/ 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Tezt 57. APPROVRL TO COVER-GUNITE . " 58. Electrical Conduii-Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, Q Undrgrnd., Test � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgmd. . �' 67. APPROVAL TO DECK , � 62. Backwash & Receptor�Finai � I 63. Heater & Vent-Flnal . 64. Plumbing System - Pinal ' . 65. Efectrical-Final �66. Solar System�Final 'f,l�d ���y"�"_ 67. Fertcing & Accese APproval «7 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. PO4L/SPASYSTEM1�ISFINAL � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit # 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑ Oi! 74. Overhead Hydro . 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 1 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. fOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED , , Notes: (.%-/X-9y lU6 nAA �,. �� � � � Oate �Inspector � �� PXOJECT p00PESS: 2 4 a 6'(]RANGE AV owxEa•sxame: GRAMS, BYRON nooxess: 2 y 4 6 ORANGE AV COSTA MESA, CA^ AflCH1ENGINEEB: 6 9 6— 9 1� 9 ADOPESS: S� UNIT: 92626 FEG.NO.: UNIT: PEPMITTEE: RANDY FORE (714)631-2992 aoosess: 370 LA PERLE LN C.M. CA 92627 UCENSEO CONTflACTOP OECUIXATION: I hereby a�firm t�ai I am licensed wder provisions oi Chapter 9(commencing wiih Seciion 7000�'0� Div��sion 3 0l Ihe Business and Pmiessions Code, and my license is in lull force antl el�ect. CITY LIC.: STqTE LIC.: CUISS: Oaie'. Signature: WOflNEHS' COMPENSATION OECLAFRTION: I hereby a��irm Iha� I have a cerlificaie of consen� Io setl�insure or a cetlifica�e o� Workers' Compensalion Insurance. or a cer�i�iea copy I�ereol (Sec�ion 380�. La�. C�. POIICY NO.: E%P. OFTE: COMPANY: � Cenifietl copy i5 hereby Wmished. ❑ CeniLea copy is file0 wiih lhe city Builtlmg Division. Oale'. Ap0licant: E%EMPTIONFFOMWOBREBS'COMPENSRTIONOECLAMTION: (ihi55ec1ionnee0notbecomple�etlil�hepermili5foronehuntlre0�S100�oNe55) I terti�y I�al in ��e pP�btman[¢ 01 IhE work IOr w�ich ��i5 p¢�mit i5 i55 hall not emplpy.yai erson in any manner so as to become Subleci to I�e Workers[/' Compe/nsation Laws oi Cah�omia. �ate: %Z � / � Y � SignaNre'. � / NOTILE: Ii, atler making ��is tleclaration, you shoul0 b e SUDIec� �o ih Work rs' Compensation provisions oi ihe Labor Cotle. you must Iorthwiih comply wiih such pmvisions or this permi� shal be tleeme0 revoke0. � CONSTflULTION LEN�ING pGENCY: I hereby altirm Iha� Ihere is a con5iruction lendmg aqency �ar �he. peAormance oi Ihe work for wAich this Oermit is issued (Section 3097. Civ. C�. - �'- LENUEfl: � � � RDOHESS: OWNEP BUILOEB OECIAHRTION: I �ereby allirm Ihai I am exemp� irom ��e Coniractors' $Iate License Law far Ihe following �eason (Section 703L5 Business antl Prolessianal Catle'. Nny city oi couniy which repuires a Dermil to con5�mci, alter, impmve, aemolish, ar repair any slmciure, prior to i�s issuance. also requires I�e applican� lor such permi� �o tile a signetl slaiemen� iha� he/she is licensetl pursuam to �he pmvisions o� the ConVac�ors' Slaie License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000� o� Oivision 3 ot �he Business antl Pmlessions Cotle) or Ihat �e/s�e is exempi Ihere�mm antl Ihe �asis �or ihe allegetl eMemption. Any violaiion oi Sec�ion 7Q31.5 by any applicani for a permil sublec�s Ihe applicani �o a civil penalty oi not more �han five �untlred aollars (8500�. I, as owner ol Ihe propetlY or my employees with wages as �heir sole compensa�ioq will tlo I�e woB, and Ihe ❑ 5lmciure is noi inlentle0 or olfered for sale (Section 7044, Business and Pmtessional CoOe: The Coniractors' Sta�e License Law Does na� apDly lo an owner al a pmDerty who builtls or improves thereon. and who Aoes such work �imsell/hersell or Ihmugh his or her own employees, provided thal such impmvemenls are not in�ended or oifere0 �or sale. If, however �he builtling or improvement is soltl wilhin one year o� campleiion. �he owner wtll have Ihe burtlen a� pmving he/she tlitl noi builtl or improve � for Ihe purpose of sale�. I. as owner of Ihe Oroperty, am exclusively canVac�ing wi�h Iicense0 conlroc�ors lo cons�mct ihe pmject (Section 704A. Business ❑ antl Pmiessions Cotle' The ConVac�ars' Sta�e License Law tloes no� aDPly lo an owner of propetly who Ouilds or impmves Ihereon and wha conlracts for such Orolec�s with a conlrac�or(s) license pursuani �o ihe ConVac�ors' S�a�e License Law�. I am aware ihat pmot oi Iheir Warker's Compensation msurance shaultl be pmvitletl to me. Q I am exemp� untler Semia¢ $ P 7 O q 4 B. 8 P. C. �or mis reasan:�/ OWN ER — B U I LD ER e: / 2 ��'7 � � 3 Owner I ao here�y cenity Ihal I am aware ol ana untlers�antl �he reQuiremenls ot Ca nia Healt� Sa ely Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 an0 �hal I ar any fuWre building occupant willlwill nal (circle one) neetl lo compty wii saitl s�a�e codes antl �he requiremen�s tor a permii fo� constmciwn or moei�ica�ion imm Ihe Nu Ouali�y Management �isVicl. flesideniial cons�mction applica�ions are exempi �mm �Aese pravisions. �aie / �_ � /� � � Appl¢anl'. I here�y cer�ify Nal I �averead �his ap0lica�ion and slalelhaithe a0ove- alion is carrect. la ree lo camply wilh all cily and counly or�inances and sia�e laws rela�ing lo builtling consimc�ion antl �ereby a o� e represenlativ ' to enier upon Ihe above�mentioned pmpeny for inspeclian purposes aie: � 2 � �� —�� SignaWre: � Driver's License or Social Securiiy ant: Pmk—qevenue: Goltlenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILPING FERMIT PERMIT NC�: P 065323 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: PLU JOB DESCRIPTION : NEW TWO STORY AAT STUDIO & GARAGE CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: FEF,M NO; P 065323 GOVT; N SUPP: N PURPOSE: NEW SQ FT: GROUP OCC: M-1 / COMMENTS: REF" D--65321 ���**�*+��r**+�*��*�r*���*+����*�*�*xx�x�****x+�*��x*#**��*+r���*�v��**u�**��r��*x�*��u Z O N I N GS ERTEBQ�UCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUSLDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN E'RNT: FT IPd REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV: PARCEL; 11910220 7.NE; kEF N0: PLANNING NOTES> > it j(- i! if fF k')E iF 1E 1f iE if iE # if �lE if jElf �lE if if iF 9E 1E # iE iE #'lE if if ft iE iE ik iE iE iFl1� iE iE 1F iE it iE if ib K iE �F if iE iE �E if if iE �E 1E iF IF iE iF if #-F It ff # dk if if iE jE �k-IF if iE� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R Cr I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY . BUILDING APPROC�ED BY : DATE; DATE: APF'LICATICJN ISSUED BY: � �/y(� L_ DATE: I Z� � � �EitiliEieihititiEiEifiFiEiEilkildEit#iE�1E it �tifx�iF�iF��EiF�FifTEif�3FiEififiEiEiFiEifiliF�iE�FiF�%ifit if # iE if ±f if iE if 9E i! iE'lE if iE ik 1k iE iElf 1f 1E iF 1E iE if iE if fE if ik 1E if iE #'i iE 3ElE �lE iE 1! iE iE �E 1f !E if� if iF if if 9c iE if �1F iE �IE if 1E ii* iE iE iFlF+c iE �1E iF if iE if Yr iE fE iE 3E if iE i: LEGALIZATIONcN F E E ;S�G M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC,- MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GAADING PERMIT 19.00 �, 25� � � SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ' .. � ISSUE FEE 20,00 - &UILDING—DIV—> PEkMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 14.00 20.00 ,' 0.00 ae nn 34.00 .00 REC�ENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COL•LEe+ E�: '� 34.00 :C�ER/SHORT: 00 HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MEQfir�NI'C � Fi:," .,�-�1P/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 34,�� ;-'}ly' ^ i(� iE if k i(� iE')f �E i(� jf iF �lf if it �f it �E �E �lE iE �lE iE If if'lE iE iE �)k jE fE it i! if iF dE iE�#' iT if if if iE �1E 1h ik i(� if iF iE if',E 1F iE �?f iF ff !E �F iE �1F iE iE if jf if ik # iF iF if� iE iE'F #�lt iF iE?E'F.� I N D I V I D U A L� �`I F-E iE B R E A K D O W N .- ' "'1 .. r1 TYFE QTY D E 5 C R I F T I O�,N� � �% UNIT COST TOTAL C05T FLU 1 WATER CLOSET (TOILET;)- �, 7,00 7,00 PLU 1 SINKS, SERVICE / MOP ' ' 7.00 7.00 �E�1D'OF FEES �I ED - � '� �'i EX ,, ,. / ��\ I .:�1 I+ DATE _��� r'� � ��,i�- � JI Ol}15';SQ3-OfJE`.�2;Q3 �i�t�T 's4.0�� %; h-.,..:'� C�ATE� 1:llb/93 TI17E: i3:4�] =� CONSTRUCTION AND P�ANNING P00. ;PA �' � APPROVAIS �Permit�_- Dat@ inspector AppROVALS Permit �F Oate inspector � 1. Temporary Elearical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment �ocatio� � � 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. /��f-/SS .��/J� 53. Steel Reinforcement � � // / 3. Electrical Conduit Utdi�y�Undrgrpd. `� 54, Forms 4. Electrical ConduiFUndrgrnd. _ 55. ElecFrical Bonding � , � 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure'Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footi�.gs 58. Electrica( ConduirUndrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, 0 Untlrgrnd., Test • 9. Waier Pipe-Undrgrnd. 1/�S/S� �� 60. 8ackwash Lines, P-Trafi.,� Undrgrnd. 7� 70. Structural Ploor System 67. APPROVAL TO DECK � it. Property Sewer Line & HouseConnection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finai '� � 72. Sewer Cap ' 63. Heaier & Vent-Final . 13. Roof DrainS ' ." 6A. Plumbing SYstem � Pinal ' 74. Rough Plumbing �._�1 L' �.%��' 65. Electricai-Final ' `.._Ti. �T,�P�`r' 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit ` 66. Solar System-Final . 76. Rough EleMric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApP�uval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING ( 18. Rough Elecvical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPASYSTEMS PIfVAI {{ 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMEM1lT I 20. Rough Facxory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit � I 27. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping dGas �70i� 23. Gas PiAe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing _ 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oii � 25. Roof Sheathing � 74. Overhead Nydro ' i 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chem"rcal 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe �-� I 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEN7 FINAL i t.»..,; �r 29. Insulation 76. FIRE PREV. FINAL (j � 30. Drywall Nai�ing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT� I �,� a 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION jjj � - �- --j 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED • �_ {�-- � 33. Final Electric Notes: ��-�'G�" _ �� �--� � ���_�"�� 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning � _ •' ..�' � '��"�-Z71R( ^ q�.� � � L> ��� /•v�J'L Lc". _ (�� 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test � ' �• t • -4- %'�� L�N.t��Yl�i'�.tdq_5o?ci• a��. 36. Hood or Canopy �-� Sj�- h, a T ��z..a'�%Y-� _ �� 37. Final FactorY Firepiace ' 38. Final Plumbing - 39. Water Service-Final ! 40. Gas Service-Flnal 41. Solar pomestic-Finai 42. Backflow Preventer I 43. Backflow irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation � 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUtLDING _-- . 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to $outhern California Gas Co . 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date