HomeMy WebLinkAbout2484 ORANGE AVE - Building Permits� PflOJECi AOOflE55: '2 q 8� ORANGE AV OWNEN'SNAME:3EASLEY DOROTHY L � aooeess: 2 y 8 q �R �AtiGE AVE COSTA N.ESA,CA 92627 (7:4)642-7a66 PflCHIENGINEFFl: ROOflESS: NEG.NO.: uxiT: UNIT: PEflMITiEE:C11AaMPTOIv ROOFS (213)898-8600 aooxess: 3257 VERDUGO RD LOS ANGELES CA 90065 ULENSEO CONTBALTOB OECNBATION: I �ereGy alfirm I�al I am licensea unUer provisions of Chapier 9(commencing wilh Section 7000� ol �rvision 3 0l Ihe Business and Pm�essions CoOe. and my license is in full brce antl e��ect. cirruc.:�q2725 STATELIC.42[�481 cu'Qss:C39/`,���,, �a�e: � � .�-'�% � �/ 1 Signaiure: � V � �-+:-""" WONNENS' COMPENSPTION OECIABATION: I �ereGy aHirm �hal I have a ceriiliwle ol cansen� to sel4insure or a ce�ilicate of WOBers' CAmOensalion Insurance. or a[endie0 capY �hereo� (Seclion 3800. Lab. C�. roucrxo.:0257297 E%P.OPTE:OSIOS�93 LOMPFNY:STAlE FUND ❑ CeNIieU Copy is here0y �umiS�eA. [� CeNiied copy is tiled wilh �he ci�y Buiitling Division. Dale: � /��,`7� ApDlicant: � \ (�x,l,� E%EMPTION FflOM WOBNEflS' COMPENSATION �ECIAHRTION: �ihis seciion nee0 nol be campleletl ii �he permit is for ane hunAreO (5100) ar less�. I certily Ihat in the petlormance oi I�e work lor w�icA �his permil is issued. I shall noi employ any person in any manner so as to become subleCl Io Ihe Workers' ComDenSaiion LawS ol CalifOrnia. Oate: Signamre: NOTICE: II, after making IhiS 4eclaraiion, you should hecome subjec� lo l�e WorkeR' Compensalion pmvisions al tlle Labor Cooe. you must fari�wil� cam0ly wil� such pmvisions or Ihis Oarmit s�all he Oeemetl revokeC. WhSTPUCTION LENOING PCENCV: I hereUy a�hrm lhat �here is a conSiNction lentling agency for the p¢tlormance o� IAe work lor wAich this permit is Issued �Seclion 3097. Civ. C�. LENDEP: AODflESS: OWNEP BUILOEfl OECNNpTION: I hereby a��irm Iha� I am exempl fmm Ne Conirac�ors' State License Law �or �he following reason (Sec�ion 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessional COAe'. Nny ciiy at coun�y w�icA requires a Dermil to construc�, aller, impmve, aemolish, or repair any slmclure, O�ior to its issuance, also requires �he appbcani far such permit to file a signed Stalemeni Ihal he/she is licensetl pursuant la ine pmvisions ol �he Comracbrs' Slaie License Law (C�apter 9lcommencing with Sectian 7000) o� Oivision 3 0l the Business ana Pmlessions Coee� or ihat ne/sne is exempt inerefmm ana Ine Oasis lor ine allegea ezemption. Any violalion of Section 703t.5 hy any a001icant br a permi� suble��s ihe applicant lo a civil Denalty of not more I�an five hundre0 Oollars (5500�. I, as ovmer ai ihe D�openy or my employees vnih wages as i�eir sote compenulion, will ao I�e work, an0 Ihe ❑ stmcmre is not intenaeU or oueree lor sale �Section 70a4. Bus�ness ana Pmiessional CaOe: T�e Coniractors' State License Law Ooes not apOW �a an owner ol a pwpehy who builds or imOmves �hereon, and who Ooes such wotk �imseli/hersel� ar Ihmugh �is ar �er own emplayees. O�a�ide0 �hat such impmvemenl5 are no� intentleG or oflered for sale. Ii. �owever ��e Euilaing or impmvemenl is sola wittlin ane year o� com0�e�ion. the owner will have ��e burtlen af pmving he/ihe ditl nol builtl or impmve Im IM1e DurpoSe ol Sal¢�. I. as owner of t�e proDerty, am excNsively coniracting with hcensea coniraclors lo cons�Nc� ihe pmlect (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ antl Prolessions Cotle: T�e Cantracmrs' State License Law Ooes not apply to an owner ol propertp who GutlJs or impmves �hereon and w�o comracts far sut� pmle��s wit� a comracror�s) license Oursuam m ihe Comraciors' State License Law�. I am aware ��al O�ool ollheir Warker'S Compensatian insurance ShoWd be proviaeC �o me. � I am eeempt unGer Section: 8. 8 P_ C. lor Inis reasOn: Da�e: O+mer. I eo nere0y cemly Ihat I am aware ol anU unEers�anA I�e requiremems o� CaliforPia Heal�h anB Safeiy Cotle Seclion5 255Q5. 25533, antl 2553A antl I�a� I or any fuiwe builEing occu0am wilUwill not (circle one) need lo comOry with saitl state coaes anA Ihe repuiremen�s for a permil IOi conslmc�ion or mo0ilicalion Imm I�e Pu �uahty Managemen� DislricL Residen�ial constmtlian aD0lication5 are eKemp� Imm IAese piovisions. Dale: FpP��cant I herehy ceriily I�al I have read l�is applicaiion an� slate that lhe above inlorma�ion is carrecL I agree to comDh ��h all city and counry oramances anG slat¢ lav5 relating to UuilJmg con5lrumm� a`b hereby autlarize reD�esenu�ives o� tNs ciry �o en�er upon Ihe aAove�mentioned o�ooetlY �orinsDectian purposes. ///''' ��� �7 Oale: � l �� ` z � SignaWre: �� � � `-� _, Oriver's License or Social Securiry t6nt�a6 Whi�e—Butlaing', Green—Cotle EnlorcemenL Canary—Applicanf, Pmk—Fevenue; Goldenrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA !�!ESA — BUI�UING P�'RMIT DErtN. �O: B 061899 PERMIT h0: B 061899 PLAN CY.ECK NO: N GOVT: :J SUPP; N CONSTRliCTION TYPE: 5—N P=RMZT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: AL'" JOB DESCRSPTZON : T/O EX�STING, APPLY NEW COM.P 6 HUILT—UP SQ FT: 9,800 C;,AIN. VAiliE: 4,800.00 CA�•C—VALUc: 9,800.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /:✓-1 COM'r':ENTS: SMOxE DETECTORS RE�iUIRED F+ER THE 1991 EUITION OF THE UBC �e*�e�t�+:�*****±rx��+����+r*�*###�ru +�*��e�#*#*��*##*t�#�r#�*##�##�r#*## +�� ���,F����� Z O N I N GS �'PTEB�AUCIKRSE M E N T S�`�O� �C�UIRED ------------ MAIN BUZLDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUi iN• --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR• FT i1V FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN iEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT I,� LEFT: FT SN RGHT: r1 :N PARKiNG REq • PRO�r: PARCEL: 119?0263 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NtSTES> , �� ��rx��t�*+�***�*�aFxi�.�r*�r#*x�*#�r#�#*�*�****####�ir#��x���###*�#x*#+r#�tce�#xw#zxM##��*#*+�� D E V E.L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R£ M E"N••T—S / ZONING APPROVED'BY , DATE: '._ BUILDING APPROVED BY ; APPLICATZON ISSUED BY; /� ifiElfifit3f'iElEifif3EitifiEi�iE)fififlEiflE ,c '!th !!,. . C *�r**?��*�*��*at,*rtz+r*##�*�*�u*�**#**+r#�tr�#�####!�**�i LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M,M�.A R BLDG PMT PLUMBT_NG ELECTRSC . FtECF3'ANIC PERMIT 72.00 , " • _ .'' DATE: DATE• '�� �e #iE1(�iF�)fif####tt•.<x S.: #iE � ��*#*#**�r*u#�*##��{tEu#�c##*#�** � STRIICTU&71L.� SEGNENT: Y FIRE SMIP%RES� GRADING 50 � , � SMIP/NON—RES PLAN - � ISSDE FEE � ' . . BIIILDZNG—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PiAN=CFi�ECif . TOTAL PAID �� DUE TOTALS----> 72,50 0,00 �� 0,00�'. ` 72,50 72,50 : .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLL^CTEU �� �•�72,50 OVER/SHORT; 00 HLDG PMT PLUMBiNG ELcCTRIC MrCHANIC ''xIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING�,,PLAN—CHECR 72.00 ' . . � .50 ' �e**�r�r�t�t*�*�r****t��r*�*� x xx*�r�rx *x x#�r�'��***�r�ri�'�*�ti�*ig.#�t*#x rt#*��e�x��rt#�t*�tr�#i�•sr�� �r*�#�� I N D I V I D U A L� +F �£ E� ' H- R E A K D O W N . :'� •� TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N _. UNIT COST TOTAL COST r�, � SFR 9800 REROOF BY VAiUE RESiDENT,iAL N020NE 1.00 ' 4,300.00 END Ofi'F•EES /'`. ' j� '� �'�� � � � `� :;/ ' �,• i f ,, J' :1 y � , �. j , ` , '_: l. . . � O1 DD1380U7—�0133008 T C�T , DATE: 04/27/93 TINE: 12:54 72.4p � �O�STRUCTION AND PLANNING Naoi ,, sPA Data Inspe,:ior I Date I Inspero�- APPROVALS Permit;T i � APPRG\'ALS Pirnrt �= i 1, Tempa�ary Electncal Serv�o�pr Poie 2. So�i Pipe-U�dryrnd. 3. E�r.ctncal Condu:! U!�4tv�Unc-grnrJ. 4. Elactr�ca! Condu��t�U^d�9��r!. 5. Sce' R:irfio�c2mzc• 6 E.cc:�.ca�. UFE' G�..;i 7. ,'-ootings 8. �oundaLon °. Cvater P�pe-UndrgmJ. 10. Sc-�etu*a� Floor Svs!en 1 i. Prvperty Scr•er Lirc 8� H�,,,^ �n� �C,'�an 12. S¢�.ver Cap - �T-- 13. Root �ra�ns ' 14. Rough PIum41n� 75. Rough Electrica�,-Cor;iurt i6. Rouc�h ElectriC':Piting 17. Rough lVinng S�gn 18. Ro�igh Eleutrical�T Bar Ce�lirg ^ 19. Rouyh HeSt�ng &t A�r �'�cdiLenin9 20. Rouqh Factory Fkep:ace � 21. Du[ts,in Str�Cturc 52. ?aol f', Eq..:u^�. ���t Lucat �^ I 53. Stral Reinforcer�e��t "-----J_5Q. Farm, ------- I � � 55. t'.ccbic..18o�;lri�� I'__ __ �-_ �_-_ . -. � � - ___ . __ _ - _.- ', ---• I . �G. Rnu-� �'.u:-h � , t: _ _ -,re T:st ; ; - ---�'----' -- -- --- - ----t---- � 57. APPROVAL i(� C"�'F'� '3i�':�`r �. -- --- ---�--- - -�_ - '- -- , 58. E'�actncal Coruu � L���J� � a. {' �- '_- _-_�59. G��; P�pa. G Ur�'n� �d . -,� _I -__-� -' T- --+-----� ------ -- -.-__ � - � C7. B_Gc:•..sh L�� . P .f, . , r:. - ^d ' I i - -__ ___ __ ___ __ _ __ -�.______ 6'- APPROVAL TO U! �'C ' � -�--'- -- I ---t--- 02. B�cx:.csh1�' �iacaP•..-_-------=-j--- . - '_-� _.______ _._ ___ __-.__�_I � 63. Fleater & Venbl=�.nc� I ---- - --- --1 �-_ . G4. PI�m6ing SYst.�m f�.�izl ---- -- G5. c'ert�ical.� ^a� --- - ------ ---'. _____ __._- __-�-- 66. Snlar SVsta�-i�F�n,. ___ __ � 67. Fenr.nc� & Aec.�:�, Anp�o. J� -Ij- __ 68. APPROVFD;°ORPLl�S�ER�NG � l 69. PODL/SPnSYS'EA�ItiFIiJNL ... - -----� ----� -- -- -�-----I --- . __ FIZE DFP7. HEOUTAFfwEi�T ! I -� -- APPRUVA�_3 � :���n , --- , I ----i -- - --- ------ --- ----'---- ----- 70. Unticrgrp�,no H�,.ro � ___ ____ __ ___ ______ -_ _ I. _ 22. Oucb,, \hnt�iahrp, I 71. Prud.iC P�p�nci ��'.;'. �, ' O�� I - .r_ _ _--. ___ �-'_ ._ - _�._ __ -._ _. 23. Gas Pipe-ftough & Tesi 72. Undurground f-i,is.� � 2h fleof �rart+ing -- --•--_ - _ __ I %3 Undcrgtn� `inr...�:� T.:�Ir ':..is J... �__� __ _._-_' i _ _ _ _� C/ �� _ _ � . 25. Pno�S�.:tF�q J/�j�! _ii,�j(/ 74. C`.�. ,�dti �, . __ ' - ,-_ ___�_ _ -%�-� ' k - } - , 2G. T�9�r Ce�4ng ISI�.�".. .. g. �r c •orn:t � � i 7G `� v Ch�cm c,._ _ _ . . _. _ _ � . I � ' -- -- � 1/.F�er'edrdF'ESh.,,.,-_---___----}-_-'- � 76.Ory$tar,:,,.,; � _t-__�� I - --- 28. L�thi� �+Sd�ny --------- I - I --- �- - - -- I � g 17. F'�X�D St: T�: "i � �NA:_ - � -- - - - - - ` �-- -- Z9. Insulat�:.n _---- I /8. FIRGPREV.P�_....- ---_I,-----�-- I 3� O�q�:.a' .,,gi�.�ro �- �� � ��EAL'Ii.JEP'i.f����`?U�FI-::.�Ll�r r-- - -- � - �-=- � - -I- -- - -- -- - j'. �.asLi 8�0:� w.' ' _"_ __ '_ __. . ,_' '� �.�� ' _ �i i � ' '__ __ ' . _ ' _ � ?l. t'c�t _,.'?o -e '. �... � .. �, � � 3]. FCLJ �Er . , .. F � ,.�� . �- - �--- -- - -- - ---- - - --� --' - t - -- - - - - --- - -- _ � I �/ p /% (� �p �% - 33. ���. � ��,�.r�c � I���u�_�:��.• �T/.7.!_CL]✓__ L(/'�Y_ • • � � o� �t'u T � 3�4 =ir_I He3bnp & :', � Ca� . t on :•n . � G--- --- - --- - `i ---i- aY -�� C�2�/-- - - - - � 35. F���I Gcz P�p=-7c�t -}--- /� � � / -- - -- - � - �- - � S �r_ _G-- Ca ✓..� .��' /�/ZLl�`�'�iJ i 3�. Hcc_ ar Csr�oy . • /• i,��(/b ��4pp �.Ct Si �-- ------ -- --- -I- - -� r__- - - W' � ' 37. f �..I F_ct�'; F. � .�. � I � / "1 i----�--- ----r --- - {°�'-`�-���/0'�)�F�w�.�,-�/- q�G �_BfF�i� � 38. Fin�l P���nbing � _'-�r��/._ _�a/ C. - •� i - - ------ - -- ---� --' � --t ---- --� 3�. 1:'at�_• Sen•ice�Ffn�l � ' � - - ------ ----- - � - ------- - - � --- - -- - -- 4' D. j:; Ser. [R'-:nd� I �_- _-- __-_- _ ___i " � 4i. 5: �� Dome?t�[�F�r � t,7.. 3eccf�a:: Precer:�r -------- � . i __ I 1 I�BEC.(�iJY.' �fl.Qi:�O� . . I r__ -_-______-1____�- ' � A4 L,r.d'>c;,pe Irriqat�.on Sv_trv.-----I- --- �----- - i `+5. Saurd Attenu3tior � � ! 46. Ha -d:cap �ie3uial.., �. - -- -----�- - � �--�--- - � �i!. tI;,ALSTRUCTUaE �v F,: �_DI :G � !e q I � �- . - ��( i` 1.� I 48. FIP!ALPLANi�!ING ----- I i I ----- --- ^�--- 49. Electrlc Re�ease to Etl�son 50. Gas Release to Soutnern G.Irforma Gas 51. C[RTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY D�ta i]� � _ . �.. y�- ------ --- -- - -- - - - ---- 7 � � c;��� -- ------ - --- . , , � , FEE RECEIVED _ ,;, �.. ;�. ;. 4565 3-.r- .r�� �. i,�� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT FlNANCE DEPT. P. O. BOx 3I� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA CITY OF COSTA MESA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN APPLICATION, FOR PERMIT BUILDING - �� BUILDING ADORE55 COSTA MESA. LIFORNIA FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NO. PE MIT /NO. OWNER '..y�- /Hj, , �p RE E E� BY Df�TE RECEIVEO OiTE ISSU � MAIL � /— i / � ADDRE55 J �J TEL't' 8^fSii BUILfJING CITV NO. ADDRE55 ARCHITECT ��c. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA OR �";INEER NO. FIRE ADL.._�5 ZON � 20N NO.OF iYpE� GROUP' CITY LIC. P�nHs � CONTRACTOR NO. /� ADDRE55 D/�I ;. TN�' ' y(� BPPROVED ,(J�.1�DATE� Il./� / v � r• LEGAL LOT A i� � ' DESCaivnON NO. D BLOCK TRACT✓� � A.P. NO. � Q � .� ; s�zE Fc��. ��SX•� o. oF a�o�s. p(,pNNIN DEPT. OF LOT ��Ow ON Loi use oF SUBJECT TO OG. OEPT. REG. EXISTING BLDG. SET04CN LINE FPOM � G,� �` f�%' j'-C_C� CENTER OF STREET �O REAR VARD J.Y � a ' y�� /l ' j[Ci�Y /' SIOE VARD RIGHT LEFT -p(�iF' O" DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEN' ALTERATION ADDITION REPPiK Y MOVING DEMOLISH BUILDING�/ , NO.OF �( / SIZE � ROOMS y STORIES / E%TERIOR W � ROOF �^ ��� 7� COVERING COVERING • y� o� ..L_ e5E OF.,N nl � I T Il. w�...Q �l�J/.dW Q/ _ 1 �` I MEREBY nCNNOWIEDGE TX4T 1 H4VE REnD TMIS RPGLIC>TION 5 STPTE THST TME �BOVE IS CORRECT 1N� aGREE TO COMPLV WITN wLl , CITV OR�INANCES RND $TATE L 5 R VL.�TING BIlILO1NG CONSiRU<- iioN. ^ VALUATION • � � � PERMIT FEE S SIGNATURE� . � PERMITTEE ` _ �/, $ /L/ (� C � PLAN CHECK S � T 6 a S AUTHORIZED AG NT TOTAI FEE S �OM! 0 0 b:z-6. S A n n• t c .. 4— un� • OW NER WOODY� DAN�& WM. M• DATE 3-11-57 JOBADDRESS 2(�81�-B Oran�e Ave, BUILDINGPERMITNO. #(15(�9 ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR lAT7RdC1�@. II1C, VALUE $ ��SS6.00 �.ii). l GROUP j INSPECTIONS Foundation Forms and Rough Framing Plumbing, Rough to SI: Plumbing, Raugh Com� Temporary Pole Wirinq, Rough Sewer, House C./ Si Septic Tank or Cesspool i ng, In i Pio tering Plumbing, Final, Fixtures Plumbing, Final Gas Test Wirin4. Final FOflM 210 3M 10�'JS St. I BLOCK TRACT � DATE Y1-�(' K(� FIRE DISTRICT LlS6S PERMITS ISSUED 'RACTOR �� — DATe NUMBER � ��% � �-/�-s7 f�/oS 79✓ 'Y-i/-.s`7 �v7.9 �% l %��"`""i"` - a -S S�y</S'— ✓ , 3-i.iv'7 fsio,5 ✓ ' ��/> 9 v is1 ` s' s 98a/ / � �^ /• � � � / i � � / / p b �•/ � � - ., v � , - ' ✓� t � ^ �,; �� � 1,� ..cT' a • r '\��� / I 1569