HomeMy WebLinkAbout2598 ORANGE AVE - Building PermitsPFOJECT AODflESS: Z S 9� ORANG E, OWNEP'SNAME: !+j�,1[-(A, ldILLI�1' aooRess: G � y L< <>::P ^7(i� CU�TA NIE3A.CA PflCHIENGINEEH: RODflESS: UNIT: 92627 HEG.NO.: UNIT: PEFMITTEE: MORSE CONSTRUCTION ( 310 ) 691-6657 aooaess: 761 CANDELEWOOD DR LA HABRA CA 90631 LICENSEO CONTNACTOP OECIAFFTION: I hereby afiirm iha� I am IicenSeG under D�ovisions ol Chapter 91�ommencing wi�h Seclion 7000) ol Orv�sion 3 ol �he Business antl Pro�essions Gode, an0 my license is in �ull lome an0 el�ecl. �rruc.: 061946 sTaTeuc.:46603�3� cuAss: Cz39��'EQ'XP�/•,.�0�4/95 Date:���`-��— E� ����{Q— Signature:!'41,�1��'�G"—'�"�`^� �YONREFS' COMPENSATION UECIl�BATION: I hereby aHirm �hai I have a ceni�icate of consent lo self�insure or a cetlilicaie of Workers' Compen5aiion Insurance, or a cenifie0 capy thereo� (Section 3800, Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. DFTE: COMPRNY: ❑ Cenifietl copy is hereby lumis�etl. ❑ Cenified coOY �s tile0 wiih ihe ciry Building Division. Dale. AppliCant E%EMPTION FBOM WOBHEBS' COMPENSpTION OECIAHpiION: (ihis section neetl no� be comple�etl il Ihe permi� is for one huntlretl ($100) or less�. I cerlily ihat in I�e pedormance of Ihe work for which �his permil is issuetl, I shall not emDloy any person in any manner so as �o become �ub�ect Io Ihe WorkerY Compensation Laws oi Califomia. � � ,1:a�V � 13 �t4- � u:�— �.l�wJ.7'l�zA. Dare: Signa�ure: � NOTICE: II, after making Ihis Oeclara�ion. you shoultl become 5u�lect �o Ihe WOBers' Compensaiion O�ovisions of Ihe labor Code. you mus� lotl�wit� compty wilh suc� pmvisions or Ihis Dermil shall be tleemeE revoke0. CONSTflUCTION LENUING AGENCY: I hereby affirm Ihat Iher¢ is a constmtii0n lending agency br �he pedDrmanCe o� �he work tOr which this permil is issuetl (Sectian 3097, Civ. C�. LENOEfl: p00PESS: OWNEB BWLUEfl OECLABRTION: I hereby a��irm �hai I am exempl imm Ihe ConVac�ors' State License Law far the following reason (Seclion 7031.5 Business antl Professional Cotle: Any ciiy of coun�y w�ich requires a permit �o constmc�, alter, impmve, demo�ish, or reDair any stmcture. orior lo its issuance. also repuires the applicanl for such permit to iile a signed statement ihat ne/she is licensed pursuam m �he provisions of IAe ConVacmrs' Slaie License Law (Chapler 9(commencinB w��h Section 7000) a� Oivision 3 0� �he Business antl Professons Catle) or Iha� he/she is exempt �herefmm anU Ihe basis br �he allegetl exemp�ion. Nny viola�ion ol Section 7031.5 by any apPlicam �or a Oe�mii suDle��s �he applicanl Io a civil penalty oi nol more than five hundre0 Aollars ($500). I. as owner ol Ihe pro0erty or my employees wi�h wages as �heir sole compen5aiion, will Oo Ihe woB, and Ihe O svucwre is not intended or ollered 1or sale (Section 70aa, Business an0 Professional Coae: The Coniractors' State License Law Ooes nDi apPly io an owner ol a OroOehy who bUiltls or improve5l�ereon. and wh0 tloes SUth work himsel�/her5ell o� ��wUg� his or her own em0loyees. pmvideA I�ai suc� imD�ovements are nal inten0e0 or oilered lor sale. tl, howevet Ihe builtling or impmvemen� is soltl wiNin one year oi com0leiion, the owner will have �he bur0en of pmving he/she tlid noi Uuila or impwve for ine purpose ol sale). I, as owner ol Ihe pmpehy. am eaclusively contrading wiih licensetl con��actors �o constmd �he pmjec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pm�essions Cotle'. The Con�rac�ors' S�a�e License Law Aoes not apply �o an owner oi propehy who builtls or impmves thereon antl who comracts lor such pmle��s wi�� a conVacroqs) license pursuam to lhe ConVac�ors' State License I.aw�. I am aware ��at proo� oi ��eir Worker's Compensalion insurance shoultl Ue O�ovided lo me. � I am exempi unAer Seclion: B. 8 P. C. for this reason: �ITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDIrIG PERMIT PERMIT NO: R 067569 PLAN CHECf: NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PERM NO: H 067569 C.OL�T; N STJPP; N PURPOSE: OTFI JOB PESCRIFTION ; T/OFF 6 REROOF W/COMP. SHIPIGLES SQ FT; 3,80Q CLAIM VALUE: 3,800,00 CALC—VALUE: 3,$00.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN EVERY BE�ROOM & HALLWAY **�r************�*�**��**�****�*�**+r****��+��**�*��*�**�**u�***�**+���*+��c�*�*�*+��** 2 O N I N G P. E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILPING ---------- --------- ACCESS[?RY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRPdT: FT IN REAR: FT Itv LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT ID7 LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV; PARCEL; 43918129 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNIDIG NOTE6> 7 ' iF iE iE iE if if �F iE 1f if 1F i! iF 1E if iE iE i! iE iE if if if aF iE jF if 1E iE iF �lf if if iP iF iF iF if iE iF iE V k iF iP iE �t 3k �F i�'-1f if 1E iE aE iF 3F iE iF iF if �f fF it #� if iP ��E 1f if if-iF � aF K iF M i! D E V E L O P M E N T S E R �T I C E S P. E{�l U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPRO�'ED BY PATE: BUILDING APPROC'ED BY ; nrmr_ BLDG PMT PERMIT 63.00 F E E U M M A R Y PLUMBING ELECTP,IC MECHANIC FIRE PLAra ISSIIE FEE BUILDING—DIC�—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 63.50 0.00 0.00 REVENUE DII�ISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHP.NIC 63.00 SMIP/RES GRADING 50 SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL PAID DUE 63,50 63.50 .00 63.50 OC'ER/SHORT; ,00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK .50 Y 1f i4 x ik M iE it it if # Y-1E iF iE if if iF i4 iF iE if iE iE # k it if iE if iE iE if iE 1F if iE iF iE iE+E M if if k�Y f-i'-iF iF if if it if if %if iF iE ih iF iE x iF i( #� if if �E if iE if iE'+' iE+b N� iE iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE oaie: ow�e�: I SFR do �erebY certi�y I�al I am aware af an0 untlersiantl Ihe requiremenis ol Calilomia Health an0 Safeiy CoOe Sec�ions 25505, 25533, antl 25534 and ��al I or any futwe builtling occupanl willlwill not (circle one� neetl �o comply with saitl state cotles and �he reQuirements tor a permii for cons�mc�ion or motlilication imm t�e Air Ouality Managemenl �isVicl Residen�ial constmc�ion applicatians are exemp� �mm ��ese pmvisions. �ate� ADPlicam: I hereby cer�ify Ihai I Aave read Ihis applica�ion and s�ale tha� �he above inbrmatian is correcl. I agree �o comply with all ci�y ana counry ordlnancos antl staie laws relating Io building consimction and here�y au��orize represenla�lves o� Ihis cIty �a enter upon �he abovt men�loned prapetly larinspection purposes. I , I /Oaie:"yUI�� 1j ILSqQ- 1641-a6 Whi�e—Bmldmg', Green—Cotle Enlorcement Canary—Ap0licant; Pink—Revenue; GOICenrod—Assessor QTY D E S C R I F T I O N UNIT COST 3800 REROOF BY VALU ���E��,y.TjC�!�{�ry�C I 1.00 arc�� i �i �� ECTOR �N�� �QUIR�p R C/��l 754-5626 754-5627 TOTAL COST 3,840,00 21�1 T O T 6;.50 TIME: 10:32 \ � �, ` CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNTNG POOL & SPA - ' APPROVAIS Permit# �ate inspector APPROVALS Permit?� Date Inspector I 1. Temporary Electrica! Service.or Pole 52. Pool & EGuipment Locatlon _ 2. Soii Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steel fleinforcement i 3. Hectrical Conduit Utitity•Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduii-Undrgrnd. . 55. Electrical Bonding � 5. Stee! Reinforcement 56. Rough Pium6ing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. FooUngs 58, Electricai Conduit•Undrgrnd. �'aundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test Wa:er Pipe-Undrgmd. � 6Q. 8ackwash lines, P-Trap. u Undrgrnd. ' 10. Structural Floor SYstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK I 11. ProQerty Sewer �ine & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Fooi Drains 64. Plumbing System - Finai 14. Rouah Plumbing 65. Electrical�rinal 15. Rough Electrical�Conduit � 66. Solar SYstem-Finai 16. Rough Electric 4Viring 67. Fencing & Access Approval � 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPASYSTEb15 FINAL 19. Rou^yh Heating & Air Condi[ioning PIRE DEPT. HEQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firep?ace APPROVALS Permit # 27. Duc.s, in Structure 70. Underground Hyclro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oii 'k . _3 23. Gas Pipa�Rough & 7es[ 72. Underground Flush �_� 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd, jtoraye Tank � Gas ❑ Oii '' �-� :r" 25. Fooi Sheathing �-�j_ qC{ ��..�f. 74. Overhead Hydro r: ^'```j w ,. � 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Struct�re�) & Monocozt 75. Dry Chemical ':��"';` �-» 27. Frame and Flashi�9 76. Dry Standpipe �„y �. ;R 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL � '{ j<,�, 29. insulzt�on "-� 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL � 30. Orywall Nailing -- � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT Z^� 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION _ � _....__ ._ .... 32. Electrical Power h4ete;�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 7 33. Fina� Elec;ric Notes: � ! �"" � I 34. Finai Heating & Air Conditioning " � ""' 1 I 35. Fina! Gas Pipe-Test •� r�^� i ..,s;. 36. Hood or Canopy , �`�'°" .' ''' - � :j 37. Final Factory Firepiace ; �'��� '- .�;, � : ; �, 38. Finai Plum6ing � �"" � 39. Water Service�Final ��-* 40. Gas Szrvice�Final � ;b;t . 47. Soiar �omesticFina! -._____ _ ._ __ __ _ 42. Backfiow Preventer �, 43. Backflow Irrigati0n 44. Landscape Irrigation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations , 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � -3�-A �(,�j ____ [ 48. FINAL P�ANNING ,. 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Cn '- 5L CERTIFICATE OF dCCUPANCY No. Date OWNER SMALL� Herb DATE �—ZO-58 _ JOB ADDRESS ��q$ �.angP p�p BU[LDING PERMIT NO. 6593 GENERAL CONTRACTOR RNR3T BUl1deIB VALllE $ 9.�.60.00 LOT K9 TRACT �6 PIRE ZONE DESCRIPT[ON OP WORK RE GROIIP I& J TYpE V ZONE R�} PLAN NO. INSPECTIONS Trcnches Forms coat Final Gas Test DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR I DATE I NUMBER SPECiAL REQUIREMENTS i �,-,.r ir.� — 7- 3 i./ � . : ✓ - •''� �y� " - ��.7� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 31� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN MAIL ADDRE55 � QTY V ARCHITECT OR ENGINE! ADORE55 7 a Cr�i�'N�� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA `N�I 8- LIC. NO. CITY LIC. o NO. �EGn� LOT C(� �ESCAIPiIOrv NO. J7 BLOCK TRACT! A.P. NO. � � O T SIZE [ CX��L NO. OF BLDGS. � OF lOT O� O NOW ON LOT usE oF �81�.�71R EXISTING BLDG. SET9F<K LINE FROM � ccrvren or sin[er � �� REAR YARD � SIDE YARD � RIGHT � LEFT � � � DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW X ALTERATION ADDITION REPAIR _ IMOVING I DEMOLISN BUILDING �O S FIPOOMS 6 STORIES SIZE EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING COVERING USE OF NEW eui�oiNc T}irwn RaAnnnm 71vc1 l i nu . STATE TH4T TME ABO 1 CITV OHOINRNCE$ AN TION. SIGNAT R PERMIT E AUTHORIZED AG� �;. cosrn303a *d�*36.n0 APR -9•58POtlE5A APPLICATION FOR PERMIT • BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NO. pERN'IT NO. BUILDING � � � �% C�/y� d �Z C ADORE55 d ✓l COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA � FIRE _ BY �� ATE C/ CITY O!= COSTA NESA RRECT^�ND^1GREE TO COMPLV WI?M <LL /O Q J H� � / � LnWS REGULntING BUILDING CONSTRVG �� � VALUATION PERMIT FEE S / $ / � O � PLAN CHECK $ f TOTAL FEE B r'.G � �— VOMf OWNCR ��, HERB D DATE 8-27-58 JOB ADDRESS 2598 Oranee Ave. BUILDING PERMIT NO. 7j�Qb GCNERAL CONTRACTOR Ot4fleP VALUE $ (�0.00 11 P. -o. LOT TRACI' FIRE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK WOOd FeRC@ GROUP TYPE ZONE . PLAN NO. INSPECTIONS Trenches Forms coat Final Gas Test DATE � SUBCONTRACTOR� NUMBER 0 COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT D fl fiflY A17 MAXIMUM 4 FT. FENCE MAY BE PLACED ON DOTTED LINES------ MAXIMUM 6 FT. FENCE MAY BE PLACED ON SOLID LINES I`• l�N' � I •v �b Y Y h�'LI V Y V L� �'6� ���i, � , FOR APPLICANT TO;�TLL'; ,t DEPT. BUILDING . .y—J:(I I�IY�oJ�� . / — . ��.-�' L �I: ' r •. �. u. ' City Lic. No. State Lic. No. Size of Lot � pJ a 6 AP No. ���'�� D— �� - / Setbacks: C/L Stree � Rear� / Side Yard - RighG�' �' �' Lef �� L�i`�--d _ / � Type of Fence � , I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application ancistate that the above is correct and agree to comply with all City Ord- inances and State Laws regulating building S,Qnstruction. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY �—� � � �?% ��'� d' -d 7—�S VALUATION ���L�,t . -, a.p Permit Fee $� ) B-O — . Plan Check $ ITOTAL FEE $���� USE REVERSE SIDE FOR DETAILS