HomeMy WebLinkAbout385 OGLE ST - Building Permits� Appllcant to fill in all CITY OF COSTA MESA v�gnni� ` CONSTRUCTION PERMIT i� wilnin heavy DorEer Iines antl slgn all aOY�opriata tleclarallor TRACT NO. - LOT NO. � BLDG. NO. rro�eci naaress � ; j TVPE OF CONSTRUCTION � Ownef L PhOne ❑ NEW ❑ ADD ❑ ALTERATION AddfCa O l NQ. -� p - ❑ REPAIR ❑ CONVERSION ❑DEMOLISH _ _ Arch/Eng. - Licenie No. ❑ o7HER _ DE CRIPTION OF WORK Address .... '�. l �f�-t ` Contrector p u � T Phone S 3 TVPE O PERMIT . - . ' AddfeSt p ❑ GHADING ❑ FOUNDATION ❑ STRUCTURAL �LICENSED CONTRACTOR ECLARATION � O TENANT ❑ ELECTRICAL OPLUMBING ❑MECHAN 1 hereby a((Irm that I am Ilcansetl untler provis�ons of Charter 9(com- . mencing wlth section -]000) of Olvislon - 3 of.. the Business a ❑.OTHER ' Protesslons Cotle, ntl my Iicense is in full for an f� ' -License Class ��3 � - Llc6ns No Z � O�ECT DESCRIPTION . ' _ Date �Q - \,. —�C �t9natu�e ""�'r� _.�.� � SQ. FT. � . ' . WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION OCCUPANCV_CONSTRVCTION TVPE '1 hereby affirm that I have a certl(icata of tonsent to selNnsure or a yqLUAT10fY ZONE certiilfale of Workers' ComDensalion Iniuran�, or a certiBed copy .. theraof (Section 3800, lab, C.). GRADING CU. VDS. � ACRES Polity No. Company ❑ CertNieU copy Is hereby turnisheO. REMARKS: • . ❑ Certified <opy Is filetl with Ihe <ity Builtlin9 Divi5lon. . E%EMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION • (T�IS SeCtion n¢etl not Ge compl¢ted if the permit I5 for one Ountlr¢tl ,- ' . - (E1001 or less). ' ` " I<ertlfy tnat in the�p¢rformance o/ Ihe work fp� whlch tn15 permit is ISSuatl, I Shall not emPloy any p¢r50n In any r�dnnBr so as to become -'PLUMBING PLA_N CHECK � SUbj¢Ct to l�e Worker5 CompensaHon Laws o CaiI nia. Da[e � �� �L���9nature ���^�-� �� BATHTVBS - ' SHOWERS' NOTICE: If after makinq thls tleclaratlOn, you s�oultl becoma Subject TOILET$ -�Z . URINAC$ • to the Workers' ComOensalion provlsions of the �ybor Cotle, you must �VATORIES DOUBLE LAVS - forthwlth comO�Y �'��n sucn provl5ion5 Or this pe�mit snall b0 tle¢metl - ravOk¢tl. , � CONSTRUGTION LENDING AGENCV ' KIT. SINKS DISHWASHERS - I hereby aftirm [naLthere is a. constructlon lentling agency for Ne perv SERV ICE SINKS - SUMPS • ' ' . formantt Of lhe work fOr which this p¢rmil j5 ISsuetl (SeGtlon 309] Civ: C.). � � - .: -� � ' FLOOR SINKS " FL00f2"DRAINS'� ' - ' l.entler's Name � �'" Lentler's Atltlress '� DRINKIfJG FOVNTAINS . . OWNER BUILDER DEClAqA710N - � INTERCEPTORS. - - CIARIFIERS ' ' 1 h¢�¢Dy a�ll�mRndt I am exempt�froin th¢ Cont�acto�'s License law tor th¢ following reason (Settlon 7031.5 BuSiness antl Professlons Cotle: SWIMMING POOL . ' PTRAP � � - � Any Nry pr county-which requires.a.permit to construct, alteq - improve, tlemolizh or repair any ztructure, prior to i[s issuante, also re- y,�qTER SERVICE ��ALTERATION ' L� qWreS the appliwnt for suth permit to file a slgneA statement tM1a[ he is Iicensetl pursuant to the provisions of the Contraclor's Llcense�Law GAS SERV ICE �OVTLETS ' ' (Cbapter 9(tommencinq with Section ]000) of Olvision 3 of the Bu51ne55 antl Prdessions Cotle) or that he Isexpm0� lheretrom antl the yyqTER HEATERS BTV OUTPUT . basls lor the allegetl exemption. Any violation of Settlon 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit sub�ects the appli�an[ [o a clvil-penalty � SEWER CONNECTIONS' . � ' - - ot not mor¢ than five huntlr¢tl tlollars ($500). ❑ I, as owner o/lbe'property, or my'employees wlth'wa9es as their SOLAR TANK �-� COLLECTORS � sol¢ CompensaHon, will tlo the wo�k, antl the srructu�e I5 not Intentletl or otferatl for sale. (Section 7044, Business antl Pro(essions Cotle: The ' SOLAR PIPING SVS. � \Con[rac[or's Li<ense Law tloes�not apply to an owner of a property . who builtls or Improves thereon, antl who tlOQs such wo�k hims¢It or ISSUE FEE through his Own <mployees, p�ovltletl tha[ suc� Improvemtnts are not intentletl or oi/eretl for sale. If, however, fhe bulltling or Impmvement MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK Is soltl wlthin ona year oi compietion, the owner will have tne burden ot provin9 he tlitl not builA or improve for �he purpose of sale�. HEATING SVSTEM 0-100,000 BTU �❑ I, a5 own¢r o/ the property, am excWSivaly copVacting.with �qNODVCTING - IlcenSeG contracton to consVuct the project (5¢�(ion 7044, Business 100,000+8TU antl Professions Cotle: The Contractor's Licensq �w does not apply to . an owner oi property who builtls or improves inereon, antl who ton- REFRIGERATION 0-300,000 BTU tracis Irom sucb projects with a con[ractor(5) Ilcesne0 pursuant ro SVSTEM - - the ConlraCtor'S LlcenSe Law). 100,000.+BTU ❑ I am exempt unCer Sectlon 8. 6 P: C. �or [his ' - BOILERS BTU r¢ason `q� Dale Owner ' SVSTEMREPAIR,ALTERATION v I h¢reby CCrtify lhal I have �eaE thi5 applicafion 8ntl State that th¢ above EXHAUST $VSTEM MULTIPLE ^, intormation is correct 1 aqree to comply wiph all city antl county � v ortlinances antl state laws relating [o construction, antl hereby aut�orize reple5entatWeS Of [bis tlly o en[er upon Ibe abOvO T<ntlonetl - property lor Inspection pu po es. ' Slgnature �✓����� �'� '' � ISSUE FEE -- CMF 0865�46 White-Builtling; Gnary-Applicant: Pink-Atcounting; Goltlenrotl-Assessor " . T\ e�.�., �- �� :',�- � , . ` oc� 12 �sa� > . . , 1 • ' � - 20NING REGULATIONS ' � A.P.$', -- . (`��:, ..���- . ZONE LII � `� ' PLNG. REF. $ T3�I�H'T...••.• , , � REAR VARD (TO P/L) � � '- 'PKG.SPACERE�. ' PROVIDED STREET WI�TH - ' PARK FEE'E ZONING APPROVED BV ' ' DATE - 'SPECIAL CONDITIONS: . . . ': • � ECECTRICAL - PLAN CHECK � TRANSFORMER 04KW_1-lOKW -" APPLIANCE � 30-50 KW_�50 f KW MOTORS Od HP_1-lO�HP - QNC.SOLAR) ]0-SOHP SO+HP � . FIXTURES' -� OVTLETS SWITCHES� � -� - GAS TUBE SIGNS ' ' � - � POLE LIGHTS � - - PANELS• � -� • MAIN — SUB - $ERVICE-- - � -� AMP APPLICATION APPROVED BV �� r � DATE/D � SUMMARV OF FEES BUILDING PERMIT S SMIP. E PLAN CH@CK 5 PERMIT OD JSSUANCE E PLUMBING § GRADING S� PLAN CHECK $ � . ELECTRICAL '$ E • MICROFILM�$ � PLAN CHECK S MECHANICAL E 'TOTAL FEE E ' PIAN�CHECK E � - VANCEPC E FINALFEE E.Sl✓QO �J - - . . „ ,. , . OWNER KIfiKWWD� MAtiVSN �. DATE O/Cj/Oj JOB ADDRESS �85 Oale Street, A, B, C BUILDING PERMIT N0. SUBCONTRACTOR DATE �i^� � 20405 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFEfY DEPARTMEMT P.O.BO1[!11 CO9Tp MEBA,CALIFORNIA For Applicant to Fill In Compietely TYPE OR PRINT ADDRESS 38S ABc S�. COSTA MESq, CALIFORNIA MAIL ��� . O/1pAi1 ��` ADDR 88 L L.�• N c�n C. o I-� A rTio � ARCHITECT � V N TEL OR ENGINEfiR E NO. ADDRE53 CONTRACTOR �QN�IC C � IC AODRESS ���Sb c, w N! / z,C CITY wN:� r�z Cnl: � STATE 1/:: / %'-'1 �THL. - v✓�b�i/� 1� Y NO. OP BLOOl�vG ��C OFLOT �Q /`� �� � useoF �pN� EXISTIN6 BLD6. 6ETBACK LINE FPOM � �+lY...e � DESCRIPTIQN OF WORK AND BTRT6 THAT TH[ PLY WITH ALL CITY� BUILOINO CONST 1 SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEF AUTHORIZED AGENT BE av,.w v —ZS"92. � s�� TX�T � M�Vt H XIB APpLICATION >V6 IB COFHECT ANO AOREQ TO COM. \ Cgp Ap�pj�` uWe aHOuuTlxo t1 J FE� 1��EIVED rIl\LA��IlBIN6. PERMR C�T1F�F�U�PI�i�hESA��Y R[c[IPT N4 � PI BUILDINO 0 ZONING NO.OR UYHOPNHW rune �],� em�oina/, G >. no. — o� J � fE: NOHAVEOVERHAN68HALLBELE59TH N ' TO 81 DE Q REAR p. L. �E8 _OWEO (ll. B. C. R6QUIREMENT] YARDSAPPROVE� YAR�SAPPROVfiD MAIN BUILDING AGGESSORY BUILDIN6 20M C/L BTREET> JNT _FT. FT. � VAR. JC BET. MAIN R ACCESS. 9L[ OATE G "�/w --sa.—Fr: �7/ / -- � TH8 M1MOUNT 6HOWN UNDER VALUATION �6 POH TXH F PUflPO3H O! 8YT/�BL18H�N6 A PEflMIT FE6 ONLY. � VALUATION �� '�j O m � PERMITFEE j $z��'rrs � y�'� _ a /pJ z5 LL TOTALPEE �/�`�