HomeMy WebLinkAbout285 OGLE ST - Building Permits� � 1 � '� � Pfl61ECT AOOPESS: Z B S OGLE ST OWNEP'SNRME: CLARN. PERRY A TR nooeess: 77-53� AVE MADRUGADA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 969-6100 qflLMIENGINEEH: flEG.NO.: p00flE55: uxir: UNIT: renmineE: ALPINE ROOF COMPANY (310)437-3282 nooxcss: 712 E ALTA WAY LONG BEACH CA 90802 IICEN5E0 CONiHRL10fl OECUNATION: I �ereOV allirm I�al I am lit¢nSeE unUer D�Ovi5i0n5 0� LtuD�e� m¢ncinp wii� Seciion 70W� ol Orvision 3 0l Ine Business ana Pmlossions f,o0e. an0 my licen ' tull lOrte anU efl cirruc.:059404 �lST�AT,/ELIC.:S9ZiO1 �c}as: C39 '"P. 06/94 Dare�. _�—L,L�""LS� Sipnamre: _ WONREBS'COMPENSpiIONOECLAMTION: I�ereOyatlirmtha�lluvearenilic olconsemmseu-mwreoracertilicateafworkers' ComDenSation InSurance. at a certili¢E fApy Inereol I�ction 3800, La�. C1. POLICY NO.: EXP. OPTE: COMPANY: rJ Cemiiea copY is nemoy Wmisnea. ❑ Cetlilie0 copy is IiteG wilA I�e d�y BuilGinq Divition. Date: MO���ant: F7fEMPfION FBOM WOXIIEHS' COMPENSITION oECIAH/iTION: (ihis secum nee cam�kt ' 7mrA is tw IUMreE (5700) or iess�. I terii�y Itwi in ��e peAormdnte o� Ihe wOrk IOr whit� Illis permi� i5 iss 5� ' oi em a�y6i y manner so a51a beCome Su�le�� �o �he —War'ker^s' ComDensation law5 0� Calilamia. Daie: _��y � �' �� Signamre: NOTICE: It, alter maNinp t�is aeGaraiion, you s�oula �ecome suUject � ��e Wo�ers' ComDemauon prwivons ot t�e La6or COGe. you must IOrihmlh comOty vnl� such pwvi5ion5 ar IM1is permi� shall Oe GC¢me0 remkeC. CONSTNUL710N LENOING �CENLY: I �ere�y allirm t�al ��ere is a constmc�ion IenOinq aqenty for ihe Detlormance ol I�e woB lor weich teis Dermit is issue0 �Sectian 3W7. Civ. C). LENOEN: ROUPESS: OWNEB BUILOEfl OECIABpT10N: I �ere0y aliirm I�a� I am Cxempl Irom I�e CAnitat�ors' Slate License Law for tAe Ioilowinp reason (Section 703t,5 Business ana Pmlesvanal CoOe: Nny city of county whicn reauires a Oermit m consimct, alter, improve, aemolisn, or r¢pai� any Slmtiure. Orior lo i(5 issuante. also re0uire5 Ihe applicanl �Or SutA Dermi� lo lile a Sipn2G Slaiement lhai he/S�e is litensetl pursuanl la Ne provisions ot I�e Conlractors' Staie License Law (ChaO�er 9(cammerrcinA ��h Seclion 7000) oi Oinsion 3 of the Business ane Piolessions CAAe� or Ihat �e/s�e is eremD� Iheielrom and I�e hasis lar t�e allege0 exemptipl. Any vlolation al Section 7031.5 6y any applicant lor a Oermil Suble��5 i�e aOPlicanl �o a civil penally ot noi mora I�an Iive �undrtE Oollars (5500). I. as owner ol I�e Oropetly or my employees wi�h waAes as I�eir sole Compen5aiion, will do �he work, and Ihe ❑ 5lruciure i5 nol inlenAeO Or ollere0lor Sale (Section 7044, Busmess an0 Pmfessional Code: The Cantractors' Sfale LitenSe Law does nol apply to an owner ol a o�openy w�o builtls or impmves ihereon, antl who tloes sucn work nimself/herself or Ihrough nis ar ner own employees, o�oviaetl tnat sucn impmvemen�s are noi imenUed or ofleretl for sale. Ii, however Ne Uuildinq or impmvemem is sold wit�in one year ol completion. I�e owner will �ave t�e Curden ol prodng �e/s�e tliG not �uilA or impmve Im ine ourpose ol Sale�. I, as owner ol �Ae o�oDeny. am exclusively comrac�inp wi1� IicenseG contractors b canslmci t�e D�ole�� ISection 7044, Business ❑ an0 Pmtessims CoGe: The Coniracmrs' Slale LkenSe Law does nol apDly Io an owner of D�operty who Ou'ilOs or improves Nereon antl w�o mniratls br Such pmjetls wiN a toniraclor(S� li[ense OursUan��o ��e Can(ratbr5' Siale LiCenSe Law�.l am aware Uwl Orool ol Iheir Wo�ker'S Compensation insurance 5houlU Ue DroviOetl �o me. I� I am eeempt un0er Seclion: fl. 8 P. C. lor i�is rea50n: Oate: Owner. i ao nereoy cenity �na� I am aware ol ano unCerstanA ine reQuiremenis oi Catilomia Mealin anU Salety CoEe Sections 25505, 25533, and 2553< antl (tu� I oi any IWWe builCinp ottu0anl will/will not (circle one� nee0 io comON ��� 3aiG state ca0es anOlhe repuirements lOr a permil loi [on51ruc1iM or mo0ihcalion Irom Ine Aii ualiry Management Uislrict, pegUential wnstmction ap0�����ons are exemD� �mm inese o�ovisions. Da1e: Applicanl: I �er¢Oy teridy Ilul I have rBaC IMS apWrca�iOn an0 Slaie Ihal I�e a0ove inlo�r riqm cprral. I a r Co y wi�h all tiiy anA taunty oremancu aM slate laxs relaiing t0 GuiWing consimction anG �ereb/ a n� re0rtse �atives o� dry Io er upon I� Bo �mentwne0 propC�iy �ar mS0epi0n pwpa5ei Wte� � - � — � � Signawre: od�er's lmense oi Saciai Secunry +: t6aba6 Wnne—ButlCmg: Green—CoOe Enbrcemem; Canary—AOplicant; Pink—Revenoe: GOWenroO—Auessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; B 067672 PERMIT NO; B 067672 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: N SOPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION : T/O REROOF FLAT W/B,U, SLOPED W/COMP SH SQ FT: 4,750 CLAIM VALUE: 4,750.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,750,00 GROUP OC�; R-1 / COMMENTS: SMOKE DETCTRS REQRD PER 91 UBC, REROOF 1000SF FLAT, 3200SF SLOPED +c�x��**�******�c**�*ar******�+tiFric*******#****�+t#***x�ac*k*��*****rw�+�*+�*r*itr*ir-*+�*x�***r ZONZNG REQUIREMENTS S�KEDETECTOR S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILD �-��i-J�RED FANT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: . iN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN AGHT: FT IN PARICING AEQ: PROV: PARCEL: 42522209 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > iE iE K tf fF if iF it iE ff if Y fE ff if iE fE iE if 1f if 1(� it if if it iF if i4 if iE if 1E ff iE iE it� 3(- i4 if il� if iE if iF iE ik # if iF �1F R if ik �f +f 1E iE -Y iF iF iR if iR if iF %if iE SE if ih �K- iF V If jf iG iF D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED HY: �— DATE: _�(� � �f�*�r**f�****�r*r�r*****+t*�'iFiFiF��«iF��r�rTr*�i�TF����*�**f�*+�**�r +t*�-*+�***�r** # ���,F?F� iE i! it iE if iE iE it ih iF ic at if if if iF i! iE iE iF iE iF * iF iF i� iF r if ic iF if 1M1 if ic ak iF if-if il� it it iE i: ic iF iE i61f i� iE?f 1f if if iE if� it iM if ib iF?E i: it it ic+F �4+f iF it if iR #+F 3f if it LEGALIZATZON:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIAE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72,00 .50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PERMZT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAZD DUE TOTALS----> 72.50 0.00 0.00 72.50 72,50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 72,50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 HLPG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECFiANZC FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 72,00 ,50 1E 1F if it �lf if iF iE 3f iM1 iF jE if� ic it� iF fE lE if if iF if �1F if if 1f 1F at If # if iF iE if �If it ik i(� iE aF iF iE iE if iF 3F if iE 1F iE fE iE iE iF �k if iE iR 1F 1E �f iE # �f if if i' 1E iE if if� i41f it fi 1E if iF # I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4750 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 4,750.00 END OF FEES 01 00162`76-00162`�77 T C�T 72,gp DATE: 06/2Q/94 TIPf:: OE:57 �� � � . . CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING P��' �PA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit qk Date Insnector 1. Temporary Eiectncal Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Locacion Z, $ai� Pipe�Undrgrnd. � 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Elsctrical Condult Utility•Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Etecvical Condurt-L'ndrgmd. 55. Electrical Bonding ; 5. Sceel Relnfwcement 56. Rough Plumhing & Press�re Test 6. Et¢ctrical UFER Grnd_ 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd„ Tesc 9. Water Pipe•Undrgmd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgmd. 10. Structural Fioor SYstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 17, p�operty Sewer Li�e & HouseConnection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Flnal � 72. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System - F�nal 14. Rough P�umbing 65. Electrical�Final 15. fiough Electrical-Condu�t 66. Solar System-Final 18. Rough E�ectric Wiring 67. Fenci�g & Access ApProval 77. Fough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEP,iS F�NAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditionmg FlRE DEPT. REQUIREMEN7 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVAIS Permit # 21. Duccs,in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Venulating 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Ga5 p�Pe•Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Underymcl.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing ������/� (,�,� 74. Overhead Hydro L 26. T�9ar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Freme and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Laching & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEh1 FINAL 29. Insulation 78, fIRE PREV. �INAL 30. Ory�vall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat � 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Condition�ng 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbin9 ' 39, Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Pinal 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. BaCkflow Preventer 6�L 2�//� [/�( �,�! � �� � �_ i .�- L - 43. BaGkflow Irrigation /��y Q.Cru � /, � I lp- ({ �v �-(�y_ 44. Landscape IrriAation System 45. Sound Attenuation 1�: 46. Handicap Regulations e�} t_�„ 47. FINAL STRUCTURE ' t.. ING 7_2A(, f��t� I t � 46, FINAL PIANNING - - 49. Electric Release zo Ed�oi+ '- 50. Gas Release co Souchern CaG(q'rnia Gas Co 51. CEflTIFICATE OF OECUPfiNCv No. aece V � 9 s�� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT a. o. eox 3 n COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN =5 ��gle St., A� B� C COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA OWNER MAIL 1555 Placentia, ADDRE55 CITV ARCHITECT g�e OR ENGINEER ADORE55 LEGAL oescvivnorv A.P. NO. USE OF EXISTING BLOG. . U81.. NO.MI V� , LIC. NO. same n� . CO. QTV LIG ZC.1 NO. TEL. NO. S8II19 BLOCK TRACT NO.OF BLOGS. SETBACK LINE FPOM f, rf cenrcw o ra[Er p��p��� REAR YARD]_ tO SIDE VARD RIGHT 7�-6° �eFi 5 DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW x ALTEFATION ADDITION REPAIft MOVING DEMOLISH SZIEDING �� ROOMS 16 STORIES 2 EXTERIOR WALL ROOF i COVERING StUCCO COVERINGhO1rIROP USE OF NEW , Bl11LDING :� _.P� „e�t��s � L� �n �""'� MAY 21 i959 FINANCE DEPT. �ir, ��: �n�?n, M1�G�q APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NO. ERMIT NO. � 6.z- C EO BY DATE FECEIVF.D -OnnTE `ISS�UEO / C � �C� J _DING RE55 COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA /ON: «.�( onTE CORRECTIONS c� Triplex residence emd att. arage Plan 4-gD I HERE�V ACKNOWLEDGE TMTT I MRVE RERO TNIS APPLIGATION 4NO STATE TMAT TXE ABOVE IS CORRECT wND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH nLL CITY ORDINRNCES �1 $TRTE LwWS REGULwTING BUILOING CONSTNUC� riorv. VALUATI ON SIGNATURE OF / PERMIT FEE $ 4��00 PEFMITTEE S 26�378 OQ PIAN GHECK $ z3�Q0 AUTHORIZE� AGENT TOTAL FEE $ 69�QQ �e.xi