HomeMy WebLinkAbout3233 OREGON AVE - Building Permits�ooxEssaFem�nc�c: � 2 3 3 OP.EGO^] AV uNT: OWNEIfSN41EIFq10WN: HSGUEHA, RONALD J £LOOD: X 37 �oo�u 25102 SLEEPYHOLLOW TEP. " EL TORO,CA 92630 768-3263 AVPL.WJWlG WOPE55: /iPCXRECT ON FNCdlEEA: 11CN.ONFHG.'S�ppNES3: caxmncTars rw�: CRfIR�CTOHSMMUNO ADDRESS ue: rw.: IJG H�.: UNT: urar: LICENSED COMPACTONS DECUINITION: 1 Mreby ellim under Po�A' d perjury UW I em IicenmE undm pwisbnv d Cheqx 9 (cammanong xvlh Senion ]OW) ��+eion 3 d tM Buaineae vM Pmleeeiane Cade, eM my licenae ie in full lorce end elleq. �uc.No.: uc.cuss: uc.xo.: EXP: com�aan: NEN BUILDEN DECIANAT�ON: I hemby effirm uMer pmely d parp�ry ihe� 1 am eRemq Iran IM Convepwe Liceree Lew Iv Iha lolbxip �eeeon (�� ]031.5 Buairona eM Ra/eaione Code: AnY «Y a aoumy xAidi reQuim e pe�mil to mnwc�. eller. impro.e. demolah, a ropeir eny aVuc1u�e, pna lo its owarim, ebo raquirw the eppl'rent Ior wch peimA �o file e apned etelement Iliet M or ahe o licensad W��� to �M p�s d IM ConiteGm licenie law �Gheqm 9(oomme�o�q xilh Sequn ]000) d Diveon 3 d IM BYSIM99 Blld PIO�B99KK19 CiV'�� q 1iA1 �'9 q 8hB 1H Bl.OT{4 t�IHB�IdT Po141�10 bBS18 }Gf 1h! B�IY�M� BRlT{AI011. Afl/ VU�O{FM C� $BCFM1 )03t.5 b/ ary eppliceni lar e perm� wbpCe �he ePd�� lo e tivil pendiy d ewl more Ihen Me huMred dollve �5500��. � I,enownerdlMproper�YamyempbyenwlhweyeaeetMiaobmmpenWion,willEolMwak.eMtMnruciunerwin�ended a dlered irc eele (Sectio� l0aa. B�srbsa eM Proima'v�s Cotla: The Contrmwe Licenae lewdros iwt npplyto en owner W properly W1q b11aE9IX �IIp10VBe I����. � Mf0 40!! Bllt�l WJIN. hITBBM IX�IB�BB� IX I�1fWQ�l �1B IX�IM ONT BIII�'BB�. pfWldld I� 911C�1 impmvemenia ere rot iMeMed or diered for eele. X, however, the buikin0 or impovemeM ie eoN w�hin aw yeer d complMbn, tM owiwrbuilder �.ill heve IM Eurden d prwinp M or ahe Etl M buiW « imprwe la IM WN�e d eab). � I, ea owrrer d ihe propeM. em exdueively mntrmip wilh limued contrectwa to conavup IM o�qea (Sedion'roM, Buai�es eiW Prdemwu Gode: The �Iradon Licenae lew does nol npply to en owrcr d popMy x1w Wilde a impwes IMreon enE who conlrecis br auM O�M�°1^'�h e mmreaa(e) licenaed punuem �o ihe Canlrenon Lioeme lew�. {:] i„�,.,�,a�„n„s,"�:9P?099 B.dP.C.,blhoieexm:Oj�I`IER HU LDEP �'' Z —•-=/� „ °� / ��' Owner.�� / i"iA� T� � i ao ne�W cewy mv i.m aw�e d.na u�de��e me.eQu�rememe d ce�ao Heem, ar,d sete�y coae seaime zssos, zssaa, a�e 2ts�a. eM tnei I n em M1nure WiNim omioanl will / wll na Itlrcb mel reed b canW wYn eeb atat• mdo erd the reauiremmd br oe�e: avvi�� WORKER'S COMPENSATIOM OECLAPATION: I MreEy etfirm uMer penelly d parjury one d IM Idbwi�p detleieiom: ❑ � neva ene wi� meim.n a�enn�. a om.em m..rc,�m,n m, wo,�cen• comw�mion. m wo.wed �w M s.a�m a�oo d m. �eno. COEa, la iM pMame'Fe M Ne waA la whieh thia peemn ie muad. � I heve uM wil meintan �e'a' oompenietc� iwraMe, m mQu'vaE by Saaim 3)00 d �he lebor Code. br Ihe pa�lormence d �M work la wfiich Mia parm� n iseueE. My waken' wmpeneetion inwrvice femer enE pdiry number ara: c��: f PdeyNumber. ��rn; eoa;��e.d,wree vnWmedirn.w�raro.orrewnereeeawslsim�orka..� I can/y ihet in I�e paRO�ence d tM waM lor which t�ie pa�mX is ievueE, I ehdl ml empby any pa�wn in any memror eo n to n� w4� m me ��x<,.• �w�.m� V.re d ce�imm�e. .�d m� uw n i.nwb exane wqw m �ne won�em• ompeeuetion pwiaueA d Se{aion 3]00 ot iM Lebor Code. I eM1eA IMh ' ��/�ry/ py xilh Owe Dme: ')-� � CY l ADWi�au: �/J��✓'�'r+/���C ., / am/ny: F�Nun ro��eun Mo�ken' compxwtlon eovsip� l� un1�Wlu( antl •/�ubJ�ct m�mploy�r fo cr/Mn�IOM�lflu �ntl dvll Arwi �q h wro hundrM fhouanM oolNn (SfOqOWA ��l�n ro IM cwf ol rompwvetbn, Wnups� u povMM br In Ssetlon 9]O6 0/ the Le6o� CeM, Inbroaq enJ attomsy4 ls��. CONST(iUCl10N LENDIN� pGENCY: I hereby effi�m uMer peneAy d PorNrY �� ihen u e oonmivaion Wdirp epe�y br �he peAoemerim M Ihs wark la wAieh ihe pem�1 ie esued (Satlbn 309'!. Ci+. C�. LENOEN'g NAME: LENOEfl'S ADDPE54: I cenity the� l heve reed thisapplce�ian eM eleta thet ihe ebove inlwmetion ia cortea. l ep�ea to rompy wilh eII tlry eM caunry adinencea eM steta lexa rdeiip to build'eq �v�� eM Mreby einhoriie ieyasenietivee d ihn tlry io enmr upon the ebwe�memuned papeM Dme: / �L ('J (5151d6 WP) While-BwN�q 8 SdelY: GreeMFb; Cenery-Appirenl; Pink-qevenue; Goltlamoabeeaeor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO; B 071248 PLAP7 CHECK NO; N 1'L..1'7 :VV: ., VlLG9C bVVl: iV �VYY: �� CONSTRUCTIOAI TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PUAFOSE: OTH 30B DESCP.IPTIGPI ; T/UFF RG.^F; RCOF S P.EROOF W/20YR COMP. SQ FT; 1,700 CLAIDI �'ALUE; 1,700.00 CALC—VALUE; 1,700,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE vETECTORS RAE REQUIRED IN EVERY BEDP.OGM & HALLWAY,199i UHC saF*�ciFifaF�4ac�Eaca:�caFiF+tiFat+c�it9crF�}Caf+Fi�iE+EaFif�uaEaciFar��r'+fafiF 1�iFac+Fxaa{c*aF«ar-*xic*�cacaF.�-�(.x�xiFx+cx�sxu�+aEiEacrF%;*"X� Z O N I C7 G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILUI[dG ---- ----- --------- ACCESSOP.Y bUILDING -------- FRNT; FT IN REAP.; FT IP7 FRNT: FT I^] REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IA7 LEFT: FT IP] P.GHT: FT ID] F+ARKING REQ; FROV; PARCEL: 139094Q3 ZNE; REF NO: FLAA7NING NUTES> i. • L i4+F 1E 4�f iF Y k�f ik jE iF iE i� iF iF +F+t'k #if iF �f iE il-.h'lF iE�f �4 iF iE iF'i # iE iE Y it iF 4 a Y ib iF i41f'F N-iF±f iL i(- iF M+i 4 i• iF i4 4 14 aF iF aL M�+�4 ic j4 al- if Y� �N'+F i4 if iF U E V E'L O P M E N T S E R L' I C E S R E Q U I R E P1 E N'T S ZONIA7G APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDIPIG APPRUVED HY ; DATE; f APPLICATIOTI ISSUED BY; >�///]� � Q/�\^ ;ci����rritiF#iEi+�iE+if�*ie*.F�tr*�+4iZiTit�'"iF�iFiF�ii313S���s�i����.F�iiF�iF��+�L�«+�*+*a�Dur+�c�* � � ix" at;er�i�it+���t**�*�r'�v,��ir+Frr*��-�r**�r�k*r***��*et�ic**+�ir**a�+�.cv�.�rx�ru*r*;F*u+��*u*+E+i �*ac-*a�i **�; LEGALIZATIUN:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGP9ENT:Y � $LDG Ff^1T PLCSMBING ELECTP.IC MECHAI3ZC FZRE SMIP/RES GRADING F'ERAIIT 39 , QO , �0 SMZP/NON—RES pr.ar� I5SUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE nLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUc TOTALS----> 39.50 0,00 0.00 39,50 39.50 ,00 REPEIdUE DIC'ISIOA] TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 39,50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLUG FMT PLUMBID7G ELECTRIC MECHAAIIC FIP.E SMIP/TOT GRAUING PLAA7—CHECF: 39,00 .50 * ii if aE �it ir ft iF 3f �k it if ik af it �x- x iE �)t iF jf rt iE it if tt-N ��! iP if ah if aE �E it iF 1E iE �IE r iF+E * if if 1F r it af �it� •4 iE �N +r� it �rt iE iE iF ir at u 1f v- x r-+r iF �E.F �N-iF aF+i ac it iE a I Pd D I C' I D U A L F E E b R E A H D O W N TYPE QTY D E 5 C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL CUST SFR 1700 RERQOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL PdOZ6NE'� 1.00 1,7QO.00 ENU OF FEES �'i n��17?145-00177185 T��T 3q,5r� DATE: 02/�3/SS TiI9c: 2-:3i . ;CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNI(�G,' � � POOL & SPA Date Inspector � � Date lnspector '��4PPROVALS Permit# • APPROVALS . Permit# t. Temporary E�ectrical Service or Pole �� 52. Pool & Equipment Location �, t'' 2. Soil PiDe�Undrgrnd. � 53. Steel Reinforcemeni � � 3. Elec[rical Conduit Utility-Undrgmd. 54. Forms ' 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. � 55. Electrical Bonding � . !% 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 'f:' 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE �, ' 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 1 8. Poundation 59. Gas Pipe, �7 Undrgmd., Test � 9. �Vater Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 6p. 8ackwash �ines, P-TraR. � yndrgrnd. 10. Structurai Floor SYstem ; 67. APPROVAL TO DECK ' 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection � 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final �! 12. Sewer Cap �. 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains -( 64. Piumbing System - Final . 14. Rough Plumbing . � 65. Electrical-Final � 15. Rough ElectricabConduii • � • 66. Solar System-Final � i 6. Rough Electric Wiring _ � 67. Fencing & Access ApProval - � 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68: APPROVED FOR PLASTERING , 78. Rough ElectriCabT Bar Ceiling - 69. POOLrSPA SYSTEMS PINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning' FIRE OEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure . - 70. Underground Nydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating " 71. Product Piping rJ Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Ffush 24. Roof Framing ' � 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 2 Z�/�" �rLtJ�[, 7q, pverhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocoat ' 75. Dry Chemicat . 27. Frame and Flashing J6. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding ' 77. FIXEO SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation • 78. F�RE PAEV. FINAL � 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Piaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Fina� Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test • � 36. Hood or CanoPY 37. Final Factory Firepiace � ' � � 38. Final Plumbi�9 39. Water Service�Final � 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Fi�al 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System - 45. Sound Attenpation , � 46. Handicap Reguiations 47. fINAI STRUC7URE & BUlLDING ���4 ��jL L 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Retease to Edison - 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co - 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date CITY OF COSTA MESA BUILDING DIVISION OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION A city or county, which is required to give notice pursuant to Section 19830, shall attach to such notice, and, as a condition precedent to issuing a building permit, require the completion and require the return of, an owner-builder verification. Attention Property Owner: An 'owner-builder' building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to provide the m�a'or labor and materials for construction of the pro- posed property improvement. p'Yes ❑ No 2. I(have/have not) '� �, � signed an application for a building permit for the proposed wark. 3. I have contracted with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction: Name _ Address City Phone ( ) Contractor'S Lic. No.. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work: Name _ Address City Phone ( ) Contractor's Lic. No. _ 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to pro- vide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work I hereby affirm that I have received a copy of the information set forth in Section 19830 of the State of California Health and Safety Code and have completed the above information to the best of my per- sonal knowledge��in comp,�lican-ca�e with this State law. Signed�/Er -���/`��f��:l F -� � Date: f `%� ' "/� � � . Name: �n✓���{7 G� c� . _� oi i��? ✓ l,cl . (Printed or T ped) C.D.L # or S.S. # 754-5273 ����� COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 917 COBTA ME8A. CALIFORNIA For Applicant fo Fill In Complefely TYPE OR PRINT ADDRESS 3233 Oregon Avenue COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA OWNER Trojan Land Co. ADDRE55 1533 Baker St. ����, _.__. n'_y' 'R'_' TEL. ��Tnt�t� BUILOING APPROVEO FEE RECEIVED OCF 1:� 1Sv� /�'�yNAiVCE OEPT. APPLICATION FDR' P�vA�STA ME$p BUILDING For Offiee Use Onl y RECEIM NO. P6RMIT NO. BY COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 1533 Baker st. ZONING CDJta Mesa V0.L�.1 • ZONE NO.OF U86 OF ! � R�1 PLAN9 2 BUILDING 3 NO. LEOAL KI. 9-11 �. oeecx�rr�on Ot Tr. 8� 1Q� I NOW ONBLOT 1QOI78 .., .,,, nnno "'� "" none E%16T1 6 BLDG 6¢TBACK LINB FROM CENTER OP BiAEBT �� REAR YARD SIOE YARD I LEFT S� I RIGHT 7� DESCRIPTION OF WORK - NEW I IL II ALTERATION I II ADDITI�N YAROS EVES APPROVED AlLO ' (CBMHR LINH 6T.] ��JI FRONT �� FT. R.SIDE FT. L. SIDE FT. REAR FT. APPROVED I SIZE DING 1�C7 SQ. f' WOOMS V STORIES 1 V en�ema�n w rt��r COVERING CCO COVERING rOC � USE OF BUILDING AND WORK TO BE PERFORMED �• � _ Single family residence with ' � attached garage. Plan 11CR 1 HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE READ TH18 MPLJGTION THE AMOUNT SHOWN UNOER VALUATION I6 FOR THE AND 6TATE THAT THE ABOVE IS COPNEGT AND AGRE6 TO COM- pURP08E OP EBTABLI9HINa /� PERMIT FEE ONLY. PLY WITH ALL CITY ORDINANCEB AND BTATE lAW6 pBGULATINO Bu1LDINo CONeTRucT1oN.� VALUATION 3S�OO SIGNATURE OF .�I%f PERMIT FEE $ PERMITTE ��" }�' 1� � 50 ' $ �;139• PLAN CHECK $ AUTHORIZED.AGENT Dike ole�rove, Inc. . 2• t 0 n