HomeMy WebLinkAbout2684 PALA MESA CT - Building PermitsCITY OF, COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA B2828-1200 P.O. BOX 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 17, 1990 To: Building Safety Division Code £nfc�cement Communications Copley-Colony of Costa Mesa County Administration Office County Clerk/Bd. of Supervisors County Registrar of Voters County Tax Assessor Engineering Division (2) Fire Administration Fire Prevention Manager, MIS Mesa Consolidated Water Dist. Newport-Mesa Un. School Dst. (2) Pacific Bell Police Dept. - Ping. & Research Santa Ana Heights Water Company Sanitary District Engineer Southern California Edison Co. Southern California Gas Co. State Board of Equalization Street Division U.S. Post Office - AIS U.S. Post Office, Adams Avenue File (2) The City of Costa Mesa wishes to advise you that the following addresses have been changed or added: OLD ADDRESS 161 "A" Mesa Drive 161 "B" Mesa Drive 161 "C" Mesa Drive 161 "D" Mesa Drive 161 "E" Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive NEW ADDRESS A.P. N0. 2689 Pala Mesa Court 439-221-64 2687 Pala Mesa Court 2685 Pala Mesa Court 2683 Pala Mesa Court 2681 Pala Mesa Court 2682 Pala Mesa Court 439-221-23 2684 Pala Mesa Court 2686 Pala Mesa Court 2688 Pala Mesa Court 2690 Pala Mesa Court For your convenience we are listing the agencies above that we have notified of the change. In addition to those listed, you are advised to notify your correspondents of the change in order to avoid any possible interruption of mail service. 77 FAIR DRIVE . Bulding Division p1a) 75a-5626 • CoOe EntorcemenUBusiness License (J1a) 754-5234 • Planning Division (714) 754-52a5 r � � �� � 2sas 0 � V zes� �o Q W 2sss � Q � u Q L a � I �n MESA DRIVE _ � � � � � � i �,� 2681 � r � 2690 seas � � ssss �� � I d � ,��, t 2682 268a — — —J ��. Go� 9-y'o� � CIT�,OF COSTA MESA DEVELOPM1%cNTS1RVICES/BUI�DINGSAFETY j RE�roRo rAc�a6�'S� �r� �c�°...y�� N.��.z�--�3 23 �r,� � STREET AO�RE55 ,���`�;.-- � � WORKDONE � � �Bufil �ing Permit 933-z �ertificate of Occupancy i �ectrical Release form � L[J"/ s Release Form h _ L \ Sanit ion Fixture Fo m[,� � PyI mbing Permit #Q��1�/'' -Pd' hanipl Permit �, •SI�DJ ��//Z� E.y c9��5 Electripl Permit # J�ra I� � ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Reinspection Pe�mit # Health Department Approval floofing Certification Insulation Certifiration Dry Chemical System Certification Flame Spread Certification Fire Sprinkler Certification ❑ Soils Certification ,\ �❑ S ciallnspe ion"Certification e�: ,�`����_ All Required Documents Included 7 '� Cterk O.K.to Approve C.O. Insplcror O.K. to Release C.O. BuilCin9 Of/icial CMF 1046-30 Ci , OF COSTA CA�IFORNIA 9262 8-7 200 Insulation ertificate � lr �'/- • � v i vsa�- -� Numba erd Saut County ROOF Material 'Ihicirness (inches) MESA v. o. sox tzoo �.i���� �� � /S�.ZS/ Subdivision Description of Installation EXTERIOR WALL r1ateria] l3A�T ThicFTess(inches) ,�� � �� Brand Name 'Ihemial Ruistanct (R-Value) �r Lot Number Brend Narne /7Adlr/�g ThertnalResistance(R-Value) fd�L - THiEk -.2 // CEII.ING Bau or Blanket Type ,j3�bh`T- � Brand Narne ��i,r1 ✓/eL f �/��'Ihiclrnesc(inches) 7fiernialResistance(R-Value) ��na� TN/e� �--x'.-.�d I.00se Fill Type Bru�d Narne Contrac�r's minimum iactalled weighdh Ib Minimum thiclrness irches Manufacuaer's instalied wei�[ p�r square faa to xi�eive 7hem�al Resistance (R-Value) RAiSED FLOOR Malerial �iclrness (inches) SLAB FLOOR Material "Ihiclrness (inches) Widrh (inches) FOUNDATION WALL Material 'Ihiclrness (inches) Brand Narne 'Ihertnal Resistanct (R-Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Va1ue) Brand Name 'Riertnal Resistance (R-Va1ue) Declaration I hereby certify that the above insulation was installed in the building at the above locarion in conformance with the current Building Energy E(Ticiency Standards for new residenaa] buildings contained in Tide 24 of the Califomia Adminisvative Code. . ,a� �_�—� � 3�3�2— Licrnse Number .�/�s % � �Si � � Q , .\ F1NAL GRAI?ING CERTIFICATI01' ' � ., $ ` -�� � �% gi� �a l a Mes� / ��; i� �.�� �'7 Project�,�ddress• z690 Pala Mesa Court I.ot Number: Permit Number. By Civil Engineer: I cettify to the satisfactory completion of grading in accordance w ith the approved plans, specifications, local and state codes. All drainage de�•ices required b�� the grading permit, grading plan and gnding ordinance have been instalied. Adequate pro� isions have been made for draina�e of surface �ater from each building site. The minimums are; 2% Fall from strucmres within 5 feet from exterior walls. 1% Fall for asphalt surfaces and landscaped areas. 0.59 Fall for concrete surfaces to approved disposa] areas. The final monuments as shoun on the recorded tract map Nere set. All final grading ele�•a- tions are within ± 1/]0 of the designed elerations. � Supen�ising Civil Engineer I� '"� Reg. I�'o. 31720 (Signamrr) Date 7/2/91 p40F'ESS/ pN �����N e' Hq2���F,yc' c� J�o. `f' z oWc C���%�Z�Q m E � j�Ni'92 � �� *� TFt��` �OF C AL s-�.� a�a sir� •.FB'<� pqOJEC; A70FE55: : v�- it G� H OWNEfl'S NAME: ;� . i; . l 7 h�� . AOOP[SS: ;7� �VL.[>n �R � __.,:A �_r.;'r>i1.CA ,;:Ei2i UNIT: [i i�l)G 3 Ji qV�l% ARCNIENGMEER'. � `��P •)�. �IGO.iY,R ftEG.N�.: C �i � � L � nooRess: �p0 N >:�WPOnT "R' '�00 a.B. `A 'y::;JJ PEFMITiEE: "':RL J��V�� (�I'!�JUi-�UOSE7 AOOflESS: - �, • -� � --�_ :: ilri::.:i: 0 Jt�IGiA .-1�1N CA iLI��J IICENSEU WNiRFGiOB DECLAflFTION� I �y:eby alfirm ma4 I zn n[znsea unaer pmvisons a C—= .= g �tommennng with Seclion ]�00) ol pn'�son 3 0l:^9 BoimPss =nc ��79s'ions Coae- aotl .T:;;�c=�s= is In fullforce enc ?'35[ � CITY LIG.: (� 4'�; f] SiATE LIC.: °, u? 4', '3 LLASS: [pi��' .(j Da�e �� 3 ���_� Signaiure �� ��� dLU�YLt��"��— WOBNEHS' COMPENSATION OECLAflATION: I ne�e�y alhrm dl I nz�,e i O[a�e o� toa5en; .e Y.d-nSCre o� a cenihcale o� Workers' Compensation I�Surance or a ce:IdieC copY I��ereol (Seciion 3800_ 1a0. C). POLICY NO.: kj I�iL C.R �� i J E%P. OATE' O J� 1 S I 9 i camvaxr i'A:.�.:'�GNT ❑ LeNl�ea CaOy is ��P:eJy iumiSAea. �.;� CeNheG topy Is h�ec nlh Ine chy Bu➢�Yig Divison pole: �� ��� ��_ qpplicant '� f ,«' �' I EXEMPTION FPOM WORREBS' COMPENSFiION OECtAflATION'. i hi5 setbpn need oi �e comDle;ea i' R� c>p: c:or one hun4:e0 (5100) or lessl. I cetlib�:nal �n ;nt p?rtO��T�ente o' IM1e woN :or a.hl�h fhls 0°r,nil is issuetl. I s all nol emplo� xny ciEo' n 3ny mtnner so as �o �¢come su�leCt :o ID? ^.!pre�s' Co.nrnSaM1on L2r.s o; Cabtamlz. Da�e. Signalure: NOTILE: If. afto. ii�a��nq i,ryis Oedaralion. yDu S�ou10 become Sn�ed 10 1he Woik¢is' COmoe'Se �On D�ovision5 ot i�¢ LaCOt CoCe. you mus. br�::f,h comOty sf,E sucn pwvlslons or I��s Oermli snall �e deemed revo;ec CONSTFIlCTION LEN�ING AGENCY: I Itere�y aflvm tht� there is a conSlNcNon IenOing agency b� '>'.e pedorman[e cf ihe work �or rRnGA G�iS DEr.�il is i=.Suea f5ECU0n 3097. Gv. C� IENDEF: nooxess: QWNFH BUILOEfl OECLAflAtION: I here9y affirm ihat I am eKempi from I�e Con�ratlors' SIZL l¢ense Law for I�e lollowing reason �Sec�ion iO3t 5 Ausiness and Proiesslonal Goae: Any cny oi couniy which reqwres a permit m consimct. alte�, impmve. tlemolis�. ar reVau any simcmre. on0� ;o ils issu5ace. also reGuires ihe applicanl lor suc� permit to Ide a s y,-�ee sta;ement ihat �elshe is licensetl pursuant to me pmvislons ol ine Comractors' State Gcense Law �Cnaprer 9 �eommencing with Section 7000� of Division 3 at �he 6usiness ana Pm�essions Cotle� or ;nxi n¢Isne is e+emo� �herelmm and tne basis lor Ine allegetl e�emo��cn. an� viotalion of Section 70.3L5 by any aoPiicant tor a pe�mrt suojects the apo�¢ant to a nvil penany of not more man five nuntlretl amiars IS5001. I. as awner o� Ine pmOerlY or my employees wltlt wages as iheir sole Gompensalion. xtll do Ihe worN, and ihe � simcture is nol7ni:ntled or olleretl tor sale �Senion 70aa. Business ana Pmlesslonal Code: The Contranms' Sate Licente Law 4oe5 noi apoP� !a an o.vner oi a pmperiy xha buile5 Or impmve5 Ihereon, and who Ooes Sut� noh himSelflAersel� ar �hmug0 his or hef ovm ?mployees. provitl¢tl Iha� Su[� improvemenis are no� in�entle0 Or oiter?4 lor sale. Ii. �o�xev¢r Ihe building or imD�ovemem is saiC ea�ein one year ot camO�eCon. the owner will �av¢ Ihe 6urUen of pm�;iog cek�e Di� nol Oui10 or impmve lor ine ourpose o� sa'�el. I. as owner at Ine oro0eny. am eTclusrvelp coniraGting vnin hGensed roNraclors to consimcl ihe Oro�eci ISection 7D44, Business ❑ xntl Pro�esson5 Co�e ibe ConVacrors Staie License La+� Oaes nof ap01y �o an owner o� ��ooer,; n,^.o �wl�s or impmve5 i�¢reon dnC xh0 COni:dtl5 b� SOC� 0�01¢CIS 'xilll d CO�[f0t10f(51 IIC205P O��S�d�i ID IhP CO�VdC�OfS� $Id@ LiCE�SE Ldw�. I dlll dwdl¢ inai oroo� ol ;neu !aor4er s Camoensation msuraae snoulo be omvitletl to me. � i am e�emo� under Secuon�. B& P. C. �a, ���� :oa�o�, Daie'. O�Nner I Qo nereby certdv mai I tm a:�are ol ara unaerslan0 ine reeuirements o� Calilorma Heal�� ana SELt� Lur,= Secuans 25505, 2553J, and 2553a antl lha; I o� �ny tutme �uAdinq pccupant v�uVwilt aoi (crzcle onel nr.e� to com0�9 w�thsaid stale t�ces a�a Ihe reQuuamenis lor a oermit ror co�s;:union oi �aan¢auon �rom me Air Oua�iry Pnanagemen: �since Besltlenual ronsa:e� ^ aoo�icauons are exem0� ��om IOFSP ptOviLOnS Da�e- Foolicam I nereLy ce�l`; ��al l nzve �=zd ln6 aopncalmn ano slale Inat lre aDove mio�mauon is corteci. 1 29r°E L^ :oma�)':ntP a�l P�y ana couniy mdinancea�GS;aie�a:s�9',]�c'r�w�An�COnstructlonxndnpr¢bvawltnn reo�eseniatrves Ai.b']P=-;?c^o�l^.z0ov.�meniioned orooenv :a ,.sa.cw: >u�'�:a. /-3/- %� �� �. -� �, oaie s�,�����o ����' `I_ ��� On��e�'s l,e-=_z T Scr= �. . , � :6.i.:5 ,::.._ ���_"' ` _ C.:�_c_",c�,.�o,.: �a�a":_'""F , n,_P....__ �..x".c- a=s... __' " - . . _ — _ ., _ d... CiTY OF �O�:A �uc"SA - �;�I;.DING .-c:nN:T ?cit�li:' PJG: t :'Si)8i�5 I';,AN CHF;�'r: ti0: U72: i-90 S CONSTii�iCTSOV 'i"i-i:: P-ritdIT TYFE; F1R : cFtM :ti0: r' G'-08o GpVT: N S�iPP: � t�iJ;ii'cJJc: i�t^'.W J03 DE�;�::tiP'CI0:5 .�OiLD A�3-3 J�7I;5, '�7J�S:� L�V, 1 i;_.g� Gii-t :;k �T: �,- ,, ?.- �;, C:,Ai�! JA�i;n: 2,Z .' 0 _:�1,C-'�r.:�uc: ,•�_. OC�: �-: /:�:-i C('�:�.i1i'N"�: t47 � SrRiPiK.�::i� .;Y:�T?�;, :tc:8�-+' �;=•1 �'li�±E�. -ff'f+if!ifhM'i:, l-'f�4f'k�F]f1('.Y�Y�f+fr+h+fifliFkki4�fX�llx�r e.hif4'1f3fk.rN-t'Fi'xM1�('�t+fX,!1':+Yy_KX'T v.M'w efifihif L C� �v 1 i� � _< ' Q� i ii t t�`� � � � .i _ _ i' :i %� �C' L� � _ ' " " ___'___'____ I.��..v [)U1L1�11�1 __'_"____ _"__'_-- FiLI'..�- :{ :i� iii%ii�� ""__—'_'_' ?R��' rT _iv rtEAR: ''i iN rilivl :_ J:N ;icAK: F"� iN i,r:`r'�, FT �N �C:c{T: ^T .�i _�h:'r�, "r'; itv rttiriT, r"' �N :'ArtRl,�:v Rc�• PK(JV; t�11KLCL: 4 i'iiL123 'I.Nc; KEF NO: r'i,ANNl:via N TcSi i ''f if k}f if �f if ih !f iF it if if 1f 'E l't .�F N- if if'JF if % Il 'IF X' iF 1i 1f fE ff i�f * t 1f 1f'k �k fi�h �' N- n M� X' 1f )f M' il' if M%' k 1f *( Y' !f �f iF ,Y' 1F 1f �:1' k k!f %' �l )E 1f it ik if 1f Li c V.. � O I? 4i � Cd T :, _ R'J -- �._, H c Q�i i it .. �� � N" 3 zoYitic apPaove-; � t ,�,Ta: BJ i i�DI,iG APPROV�D dY : � �J�Tt ; 3 A?PLICATION IJJ:.GD 3Y; Uhic; L 3E 3E iE+f k it it ff ih!E 1f if if iF ic r!t rt)f ft V� if .. . . . X. - it iE 1E f! iE k M�t E'3�i�1t it 1 �1 � !fiFitfElf+FkM1Elfff3fMk1(�,M!Ertrtitititlf�fEk�E%�kiflfif!E1tiEtflEflifikif. l�+t!f IE*k)EfffF%%1E+FK��Ei4ffififitkifM%x?fk��FiEfF!E�lEitx LEGALIZATION;N F e; c 5 U N Y A R Y STHiiC�uRAL ScG���r,VT:N BLDG ?�Hi P�:;VBiNG EicCTitIC �'.nCnANIC b'=:-(� S'�iP/Rc� Gk��I,iG P�;t,�IT 54.U0 b�� SHIPI:VO:�-R:'S PLAti �=.'0 1� Jr li C. � F. F. ciiiiiill,tiG-UIV-> �EitMIT iSSiiL. PiAiV-�:ic:Cr� 'iUTAL cA�D :)uc ;GTA��----� �4.00 0.00 3�,10 8�'i.10 39.10 ,00 RcVr:Nu�' UIVISION 70"iALS--> COLLLC':ED; 54,00 OVER;SHORT: .00 9LDG PMT :-�:;M.3iNG cLECTRIC N.-CriAyiC FiRE �NIP/'i"-_�T GKAilSNG ;'I.AN Cri�.}; �4.00 �-Y�Yj(klflr*MikiEil3Ek.:rrtr9tltxYNXkikk�IEM1(%kYkitifR3F3fRf41.`f411�iifiEiF�%-..MNYYMakktrkY.k�kMY3ert�Ejtiffii�%k3tk�r i N n I V I D i; A:, F E E D R E A: L'J W N ;��� .��r .. E: s c a r r �: o:� c:;;, ;_�•��i• ro�ti:. ��os: cIR =4 �IRc: EQUIP FEc (FkOM CtiDG Vi1;. ;AAL�:) 1.00 �4,pU END c�P FEE:S - -- , PROJECi AOOFF55: 1 `;L�;, DR � , , uxir: �.�, OYlNEF'S1AME: �ry � � L` ��� � a70fiE55: j�y�E a� 6�p� a- a 6 g y ;`� 3 3 0 9 0 '7 Ca..e�. %!'�C�- � APLN/ENGINEEq:TL��U tiLiiC�OLER 6 %{j$UC RFC.NO.:CS%�^3 ROOPESS: �O(� t,� n�EWPUkT yL u�fi500 t.,b. CA 92700 PEAm�"FE TUtd bUSiEk CU. (714)692-2431 nooRess, qq; r.EDLANDS N�;WPGRT BEACH CA 92653 LICENSEO GONiqaCiOA DECLARATION' I nere�y aiLrm �ha� I arr, �¢=nsea unee� ->. s;r; ol Cnaoter 9 �commenciog wilh Semlon �OG� - r.: _- 3 a'� mu Busness xna P;afes5ions Cone. ano ,m�; bc�ap is ��''u' r'- ",. _��_:;, ciTruc'pqqp�p srnreuc.:56690 C-10 D'•1.t �b � ,�� ��% S�gnawre'� __ _ �1PxEPS' COMPENSATION DECLAHATION: i nere�y athrm in • .,e a cenihca:e d_s �sem ;o seif Insure or a cenifics�e of Workers' . -_. "'surpn[e. o� a cerfihe0 copy �hereot �Section o 0. La�. C�- �oUcrno.:1137424 90 E%P.OATE: OA/O:: ?1 COMPANY:'�TATE FUNU -_, i�..: _ouy is here�y lumis�etl. � Cendied aapY is fnea wnn ine ci. Bw�cirg Ovnsion. „'"/O_ � �_ S -:. ��—� aovecan�l�_�i��-.� EXFMPiION FflOM WORNEPS' COMPENSAiION OELLAAAiION: ITh6 sen `veeC nG ^E ['-: � 2. �'. :?rm; is Poro� e �undtea �Si00) or leuf. :°^'. �"'.'e oerformance of Ihe r.o�'�. lor ::�hicA Ihis oermit ic-� �,,, , pall coi=-<[/ zny Cerson In any manner so as ta become 5�; EY. _: -} ::pr.ers Comoensaiion Lau.S ol Califomia �/{� --.: $igndNro' ��/�' � NOTICE ' a�:er naking I�is declarali0n. you 5�ou10 Oecome su��e�Y[(e lY:��?'S CompensaVon pfovisions o� Ille LaDor L':F .': -'%esl �anR.,�ln comply �.^iln such provisions o/ itus pe�mil s/N11 De CfrreC �eva?tl. CONS7HULTION LFNOINc AGENCY� I he�e�y affirm inal lhere is a consiruction I=^C:r zgonC: Ar ;ne pedormance ot Ine work tor .,.. -. =_^.a is -�suetl �Senion 7097. Crv. C�. � IENDEP: AOOflES$: OWNEH BUIL�EB �ECIAflPTION: I hereby al5rm �hal I am exempt imm ine Com;�ac'crs' Sia�? license Law for Ihe following reason �5-�:u[- �9e' S BuSiness an� Pmlessipnal Code: Any ciry o� mun�y which reduires a�?rmit ;o consimct. alier, imOmve. Oemoli5h, or '?�xu L�., S�uclwe. o�io� lo As iss�ance. also reduires Ine apvlicanl tor such oermit ;a 'ie a siqnetl slatement inat nelsne is licensed =���sur,'.: [:�e orovisions ol ine Comracmrs' Sta�e license Law (Chap�er 9 �commenci:y :.�m Setlion 7000) o� �ivision 3 of t�e Busineu a'.0 ?':�f55m i Cade) or ��ai h¢Is�e Is e.aemD� �herefmm an0 �ne basls lor I�e allege^ 9�emDiioo. Any violaGon ot Section 7031.5 �y 'n; .yy��-� far a oermit suojecis ine avp�'icanl lo a civil penalry of not more Inan 'r:= purd:ed tlollars (��I. _ I z= o:�ner oi Ihe pmpetly or my employees wiih Wages as I�eir Sa'e campeniali0n, will Do I�e work, antl Ihe -, s� �cmre is not intenaeU or otieretl lor sale �Seclion 70aa. Business and Pmtessicaal Code- ihe Conlraciors' Slaie Lirense Law i =.s �ol apply l0 an awner Of a pmDetly w�o �uilds Or impmves I�ereon, anC ^�hn Ooes SUC� work himselV�¢rself or Ihmug� ' � �°r own employees. proviQeQ thal such fmpmvements are not intenCec or of(ere0 for safe. If, how¢ver the hullUfng or - ::=ment Is so�d ':�ithin on? year of complelion. the o�nner r.tll pave 1�= 7u :?�, of omving nels�e tli0 nol butld or improve . .'= amaose cl salel. � I=,p �:.:!er of ;I:e o�ouetly. am extlusively coNraGing vnih lic?ns?0 conlraqCs'0 mnsl:uci the prolect (Section 704a, Buslness L1 'L �'O�PSS10�5 C442: 111E �OfIIfdCI�fS $IdiE LILQ�S¢ Ld'n pOCS��Cidpplyl0 d'� ic"�2IO�pfOpCRy'bA0 hW145 Oflrtlpl0VC51hCfp00 a-c ano tpnfracfs tor suc� Orole��s 'Mth a cOnt2ttor(5) license pu6uant to :"2 Confractars' S[ate License Law�_ I am aware .-_ � eol o� Ineir WO�ker'S ComOensation Insurance S�ould pe oranpeU Io -� - - p•=mp1 una¢: Setlion�. B. 8 P C � . . 3 '2n5011'. �iR Ov�ner �:o �e�e=, :e-�:p ,nai i am aware o� antl untlersiantl i�e reowremems ot Lahtomw Hoa'.m snn Saieiy Cooe Secfions 25505. 25573, ana 2=�3='_-::-:: i or any �u1u�e budtting otcupant willlwill not (crtcle onel �eea to comp•; :,nn salo siate coaes antl ih¢ reqwremenis lor a ^,err.::> c:-,s:ruci�on oi modi6calm� �mm ��e Art Oualny Managemeni Ois:nu. 9esi-=.�']al toastruclion ao�licaiions are exempl irom ; .ogc � .. . . _ � Dt;e ApP6tanr �^=>[, := ".'^a� � na,e �ead �ms xoo�rta;ion ana stare :�m �ne a6ovo,-,;p-��, �-. ,; -^:-_,� ��q�p9 �p comply :�im all city an0 coumy � '=:8='_>.ie'at5rel3ting;opmld.^gco�S;mclianananerebvauihe'�'��" '^SCm/ICenlerupon�pea�ove-men�i0nea : ... _ ",,,..�m a�rx.se� �",o<„ _ _(4— (/-�0 s,a,,,�:o _ ��iG/ _ -.: ... S�c� S,cu-.; = c. _.- ... __i..,�..�. r,.o.,,�—r..�..F,�b„�o,,,o,�, r.o.,.,,..—.. '_" c'.___. . _�ce�:ce—Assessor CiTY OF COSTA MESA - HL'ii,DING PEaMIT i"tRM NO: ._. Oy )54 I�EkMii NG: E 049495 Fi,A7J CAECK N0: N GOVT: N SLPP: N �UNSTRU�TIUN TYPE: 5-N ?ERMZT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE; OTH J�B LESCkIPTIC�N ; NEW LUPLEX W/ATTACHEU GARAGE SQ FT: CLAIM C�ALUE: CALC-VALUE: GkOUP UCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS; RE; B49332 PRIMAkY bLDG. PERMIT. ,tx��,����,�*�»r��exx x�rr******+r+t�,�*r�*��****�*+����***r*���,���r«�,r*���*+r�e�ex*�r**,t�+��*x 2 O N I N G R E Q U Z R E M E N T 5 S E T b A C K S ------------ MAIN Bi7ZLDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILLING --------- FkNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FkNT: FT IN REP.R: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARICING AEQ• PROV; PARCEL: 43922123 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N6TES. i if if 1E 1f k if k ik if ik iF ik it M k k+k ik k ik ik ih 1f 1E ik 1F �E it it ik �f if ff ik ik if iE ff iF if �E if if jk 1f ik ik if'lE if 1i iE ik if �f 1f k k Y if if iE iE ff iF IF 3f 1E iF ik'k i(� i! iE iF 1E iF iF it D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C 1? S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; HUILDiNG APPROJED HY ; DATE; APPLICATIGN ISSUED &Y:���������r � DATE: !/ l ti Milk�4kiflfifkMlffklfltikitkiFillkklf ikifikftiFkiFilkk iEiE ikfkiFikikif�lfikik�kifMif�k�f�EltfkltifikiElFikif'kifiFikiFikikikiFikifif�fiflfl fkkltlEifMIfMMMiFifkMkitikkifiEiEiE�EiFM�iliFiE�ElkiflfltlFfEik LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 17350t PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 HUILDZNG-DIV-> FERMZT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTALS----> 133.77 15.00 0.00 REVENUE DIVISIUhI TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTAIC MECHANIC 198.77 FIRE SMIP/RES GRADTNG SMIP/NON-RES TOTAL PAID GUE 148.77 148.77 ,00 148,77 O��ER/SHORT; 00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADTNG PLAN-CH$CK kiFifkifikfilflfkAkM##itifik�fifitklFlF�kififM#1f1fMIFifMklFff�kitkllftitk+M�fiFkitififlfMkfkk3fMiFMiF�t3fiFkiEif kfEif�F�Eff#f#�j,'k I N U I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UUIT COST TOTAL CO5T ELE 3822 NEW RES BLDG FOR 1 OR 2 UNITS/ SQ FT .03 133,77 END OF FEES PFOJECT AOOflE55: �$j�bR OWNER'SNPME: W,D,C, DEV . AO�flESS: SAME �� • 553-8090 NALNIENGMEEF: TODD SCHOOLER 6 ASSOC pEc.No.:C17323 aooRess: S00 N NEWPORT BL ux�T: 500 N.B, CA 92700 rEamiTTee W,U,C. DEVELPOMENT (714)553-8090 aoosess: 2 CURPORATE PARK 202 SRVZNE CA 92714 tICENSEO LON7qACi0F OECLAFFTION: ! oe;?^; a"��- -=' - := �Sea wiaer oro:isions ol Cnapter 9 �commencing �ann $eaioi ]000� o' �1v,sc� 3 o� �a Busmess ano Professons Coc_ �.'. ='se is in tull inrre .no e:tecL CIiY LIC.: SiATE LIC.: C1A55: �e s�a�2w�e — -- 1FNEN5' COMPENSATION �ECIAflATION: I nereb; a::rr� :'a: I n&= l cetlihcaie ot con5eni ;o sel4insure or a certibcate oI WorAers' 1 Lomce�sal�on'�s� �^�� r r;ihe^ ��p•; I�ereof (SeG� id00. L I Poucrna.: 1��22���-90 ezv oarE� 7J01191 comvaxv. S TATE ,y ❑ CenAiee wor �s nere�y Iumisnea. L^� Cendiec c"-; �;'; ". y-6ur19lwg-BivSi �. Date '�" � � }'— �� aoPlicxn; ' EAEMPiION FflOM WORNEFS' COMPENSATION OECLi1FAiIQN: �se:?,9' ^ee0 nDi b¢ complE�ea JSI e py rtIs lor on¢ hunCreO (5100) or lessl I c?mV �n-r.1 �n _ee �erlormance of Ihe eiork tor :vhlch •,L �'`: �s isscec. I shall nol employ �ny p€rson m any manner so as �o Oecome Sc��,EC :0 Pf `.'!O��f!5 CO�IDEl1521i0� L2:'.5 0� Lali�? Oz:t SignaNr?� NOTICE: i;. al�er ma4mg inis aeclarauoa You shoulc r:='.�'�e sc�i?�� �o the lvorYers Compensaiion pmvisions of Ine Labor Cotle 7ou Tus� lonhvni� compty �inih ma� omvisor.s �� ��is cer.Til sAall �e deemea rewked. CONSTNUCTION LENOING AGENCYt I hereby afir.m lh?; I9e'? is a mnsimqion IenOing agency lor I�e pedormance o� �he work lor e:Nt� ;nis oe�,^�� is i55wd �Section J09i. Civ. C�. LENOEA: A�OXESS: OWNEP 9UILOEB DECLABA7ION: I nereh9 aihrm ihat I am'�emo� �mm ��e Comracmrs' S�are L¢ense Law lor ihe lol�oviing reason ISenion iO3t 5 Business and Pmtessional CoOe: Any cn; c cou��y xhic� repuires a permi� lo con5im[t. al�e�. impmve. Oemolish. ar �e0au an�� 5lmciure. pnor �o As issuante. alsa reduires I�e :ooi;cani lor such permit ta lile a sigoed 5ialemenl I�a� belshe is licensed Du4uan;I01A¢ p:Ovi5i0n5 oll�e ConlraGforS $lai¢ LicenS¢ L��� (��d0t?r9�COmmenting wiih $¢tlidn 700010tDivi5i0n 3 0��11¢ 9USIn¢55 'ne Prolesvons COJe� ar Inat helshe is exemol iher?tmm 3�� t�e Sasis lor I�e alleged exemo�ian. Any violation of Seclian 703L5 by ry a9ol¢am lo: a Oerm2 suhle�� IDe ap0��c2nt to a ciml pea211'1 0� noi more Inan hve hunered tlallaR (55001. I. as owne� ai Ihe properiy or my employees "'�t� v:ages as ��eir sole compensa�mn, will ao �he wark, antl the ❑ s�mcwre is no� imen�ea or offereU for sale �Secuon i�<. Business ana Pmiessional Code: T�e Conlrac�ors' Sta�e license Law Ooes noi apply to an owner o� a pmpetly who �mlos or im0�ove5 Ihereon, and wlro Ooes such work himsel�lh¢r5etl or Ihmugh hi5 0: Aer Own emDl0yee5. pmvitle0 thal SUth ImprC'�en¢nfs are nol in�ende0 or oflered lor 5ale. II, howev¢r Ihe OuilOinq or i;�prov?menl is sal0 wi�hin ane year ot comple:mn. �'�e o:mer rail nave I�e �uraen of pmving nels�e Di0 no� �uild or im0�ove mr ;ae ouroose of salel I. as orvner of �he pmpetly. am extlusivePy conVa4���; .:6n bc=nsee contraclors lo consimct ine o�oie�� ISection 7044, Business � ano Prof?ssions Catle'. ihe Conlractors Slai? Lrt? S� Lx:: do=5 �oi apPly lo an oe:ner of 0mperty who DUA05 or impmves �hereon xna eho GonVacB for such prolecls wp� a conlrnci�ns� hcense puRuantlo Ihe CoNractor5' Slaie License law�.l am aware I�at �rpot ol I�eir lHo�ker's Compensalion msu�a:cd ����Gc ;= proiiced to me. U i �in =remo� unaer Seciion: B s P C �—�� �o� mis reason (� � ' /' _� c_ �aie ��i "9� _ O�nn��/�r�i � I co �ew�� rpr,ify inat I am aviare ol anQ u�ce5ianc R'?'ec��remgn;�omia Heall� and Safety Cotle SeC ns 505. 25573. an� 25i7� ar.0 ;^tllo� any luime building occuwn;�dillF;:LI nce 10'C�' o I', cto comply wiih said sia�e codes Olh reQuiremenB �or a oermnlor c0��s�mciion or ino4ihcaiion I�om tne Art Oua'�iiv 11=��ag=- O51ncC Fes�eniial con5lruciion applicalions are evem0� ���m �nese pra�esions Oale Apphtao: _ i nere�; :ro:; ;aa; i naee reaa in�s aoo���m�on anc s�a=.:-:'.:" 3 mmnxtt=s � r gP�p le::s reiallnq Io Ow'amc crn<;vCm' l^": =^' ��OOP��'; �0' �'S:4LIi0n pU�➢OSCS '� pz;e �il � %iA--�� 6.cr...��. ,..�.:_....;_,.��,_,�,:.���„�.= is canecl I agree �o comply ^:iN all ciiy ana coun;�; �]iy�ees al iMscHyl�eoter upon tho,above-menlio�eC "' �3 _ - -9ud�nn�� f„ucn—Can.r � ��>"e—� ' �-'- .—__ "� �n.—Pevenne. Goi�!apmd--ssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMI'P NO: M 051120 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTZON TYpE; PERMIT TYPE; MEC PERM NO: M 05112 GOVT; N SUPP: Y PURPOSE; OTH JOB DESCRIPTION ; INSTALL 2 FACTORY FIREPLACES SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALDE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: RE: 849332 PRIMARY BLDG. PERMZT, **r*�+r+����*�e*�r����e**+r**��r+�*****�r**��*��r*****r*�e***w�r�*��r�r��r�r*�x�r*��r+��r�r*��*�**�r�r Z O N Z N G R E Q U T R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HU1i,DING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING RHp • PROV; PARCEL: 43922123 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N(51'ES> i iFMitMif%iF3titIflEMMiEkMlfMMafMMifMMiEififiFitlkifiF4lflFiFiflfifkMkiF1EMMMIflfrtkkkiEififififkiEiElffFffifkiEiElEklflfiF3f1f1FiFM D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � DATE� �F1��2�Q *MftifMifkififkifitiEiflfifkkMiEM4 F�'1F7F'�'�iFltiflflflE�fiElfil�k 1fk �t***�t*�*r*�r***�**�*�r*�**��r**r�r** t�r�t** xi ��r��r�rrrr*****�t�r�r�*r�r+t+t**�*�r*�r**+��+t*�* LEGALIZATION:N F E E S M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/RES GRApING PERMIT 13 00 �5! SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 4,50 HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 13,00 4,50 0.00 17.50 1'7.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVZSION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 17.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 17.50 iF1EiFifMlfakKMlfifif3f�FlfifMlfifiFMMafififMiFiFkiEl�ifMffififitiflfiEkMlEkK1f1f1EiflfM7kMifklfMkiFiEif1FIFIfiFiE�fiEiFiFMkiflfiFlFMifM I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R& A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 2 FACTORY FIREPLACE 6.50 13,00 END OF FEES \� \ PflOJECT ROOflE55: - �„� / -p ,{ �p UNIT:� OWNFfl'SNAME: �•'�.'�-' "`�• '����(� :�tG�Y � S�� AO�HESS: �"�"�" � ' - �-,.:� ?7"b7.�.=�. � f �. � �•:�_1-2'J�� :�iUJ :;�:i:Uu.,nfi o aSSt��' C:7�?; ARLHIENGINEEF: � � � „ flEG.NO.: - - ADOflESS � :VO •. ..:irPC'.l-� 'i... - UNIT. �.iVJ �v. i./�. ..;�ll% � PEFMITiEE: 1�,�.,t.:Ji! -h^1'r,•J ?ri.. l i 1 S i i j= -.- .� POOflE55: 1��-�U ._..i'i[.k�l.L �•- i:� . .,; _.. _ .i0 LICENSFO CONiHpCiOF OECLAHaT10N: -�ro5;• afhrn ;ntt I zn lic¢nsea mCer pm:�isiors , Cnao�er 9(commencing vni� Secno�� ]OOOi o� ���:.iiog 3 p;,w. &�siness x-c =' - :� Cor=. r'+C ;^v �rte�se is in fu::o¢e ;r a;, v � . � ) _ � .: � J � , `�;. CITY LIL.: STATE LIC.' � � 5. �t � �a�e �ynawre�.� _ —_ �7�--� � aHRENS' OMPE SATION UECLAFPTION: I npreby al6rm Inai I �ave a cetldicate ol Wnserd to selbinsure or a ceNliWte oi Warkers' .:orn�ensabo� f�s(�taMQoi �c�;u>�yccay;a=:=ot (Secnon 3soo. Lao. fy1.i / U: i=3 _ POLICY ND.: � V:`.z:.� i: E%P. UATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cerlih�cop IS �E EOy�umishetl. � CortiheC copy is hl wit� � B tity ilding �vl5,�n� 1T � Daie � -auecanr _ ��W :� E%EMPiION FflOM flRERS' GOMPENSATION OECIABAT10N'. �im5 SecuOn n¢e0 not b¢ CanD..c '� ;r� p=rm � is br ono hunared �S1W� ar 1¢551. i ce�9ily I�aUn �no Aedomiance o� �he ::o^ �a� :.hicy Inis oer:nit is issued. I shall noi emp�o; any person in any manner so as Io beGome su�le�� m ihe qor4er5' Comoeosa�ro�� La:s o7 Cxldomix. Da;e. S�gr.am�>: NOTILF I; aher making iMs a=ci?�a�io:.. gou s�ONd �=come 5u0jecl �o Ihe Wor4¢rs' Com�ensation O�o�isions o� Ihe Labor Coae. you mu51 lotlh:nl� com�b� :.qr such provisions Or IhIS Dermil 5hall 6e tleeme� revoieC. CONSiflOLTION LENOING AGENCV: I^er��y aHr.m inat fhere is a constmction lenaing tgency for Ibe pedormance ol ��e work tor v.�ich ;�is Germil is i=.Suetl ISecfian 709i Gi. C� LENOEN: AOOflE55: �, OWNEP BUILOEP �ECLARFTION: I ��e:?.ty athrm �hal l am exempt lrom the Coniractors' Si2ie License Law Ior ihe tollowing reason ISecuon iO3t.5 Business ana Pwtession3; CoCe. An; nly oi county whicA requires a Permit!o conslmc�. alter, improve. demolish, or R'Jau any Slmciure, p�ior to iis i55uan�5 a�so r¢Quires i�e 2?Olitani �or Such permii io hle a signed 5latement ihal hplshe is Iicen5e4 oursuam m Ine pmvis�ons of Ihe Comraaors' Sia,e Gcense Law (ChaO�er B f�ommencing with Seclion 7000� of Division 3 ot ihe Business ano P;p�essions Coae� or Ihal hels�e is 9•'_mpt [herefrom and ihe basis lor Ihe alleged e+emo��on. Any violation af Section 7�31 5 �y •ny aPDhcant for a permil subleci517e aGa6canl lo a civil OBnally ot nol more than irve huntlre0 tlolla6 (SSCO). I. as oviner of ine pmoem; or my employees +'ith wages as Iheir so�e compensation, wilt ao Ihe �xork, and �he � simcwre �s no� imenned or oL'ereC lo� sa��e ISecuon 7IWe. Business and Pwlessional Code: i�e Contracrors' Stale License Law does nol ap01y Io an awner al a omptny w�o Duiltls or improves t�ereon, an0 who aoes suc� work himsetllhersell or Ihmug� his or her own emoloyees. OmviDetl ma� sucn Impmvemems are not intentletl or offered lor saie. It, however �he builamg or improvemeni 15 sold �niNln on? ^?ar m complgllon, �ne owner v�ill have Ihe bur�en of �mving helshe Oid not build or impwve �0( Ihp 00Ip052 01 SdIEI I, a5 Owner 01 I�P O��Oefly, afP �4lusivoly CO�ItaGling'%%�ih li<¢n5¢4 COntratlOR IO CO��iJu[i IhE prOj¢Ct ($eCiiOn 7U4d. Bu5inE55 ❑ ano Pmlessi0n5 GODe T�e Cor:; attors Slai? GtPnse �a�v doe5 noi apply to an Oc:ne: o� p:operty who �wld5 or im0�ove5 ihereon an0 wM10 canlracls �o: sucn p;ciecis r.rth a wnlraLto�ls) license pursuant to Ihe Cen;raclo6' Siale Gcense Law�. I am aware �Oai proo� 0� IIIEu VJOrkE:�S CO'npEn5a�i0n in5urance sh0u10 0¢ OrOviO¢tl IO m¢. � I am e+empt unde� Secuo:. B_ 8 P- C- m� a¢ reason Oaie' Owner i �o ne�e�y cetlify I�dl I am aaar? o' nC u�cerStnG Ihe reCW�emenis ol Cabfarma Heall� anC Saf>ty Code Seciions 25505, 25533. and 2557<ana ;n;� i or amy lumre eude�nc occe�m, :�.diP;.ni noi Icircie onel need m comoiy �:��;h svie sta:e coees ane �he reeuirements �ar a �ermn tor constmction or moml¢zuo� ��om !�_ .rt CuaM,y 1,lanagemem Disuict. Fesiden;ial cor�stmclion aDPlicalions are e+em.t imm mese omvisans oate �,,��car., _ I 2�eb/ cerpf�;hat I ndve �eao IEis :e] 4=>:'�'�E SI��2ICat �b0 a�ove inlarmatmn is corr?c; I��r?e la mmoly vntn all �ip/ �ntl coun;y cia-�25:�c�1 elA:6'e�x'.iny;c�Jt�;:::"ucuc'lnent:°��:duinonlei?ar?sen;atr:esa':r.Go;;Aen;erupcntnex9ov?.menl�c-�?a �a-coe�:'o��ci� ou��cse< �. /_� �%� _ � _._ , : �Q�.� �.�: . _ s„�„ s-,-. . _ �- - � ""� �� _; . , ,, , ,,,,,,,,,,, _ _ �.,,:,._.:,,�„�� �:,._aa .:- � - ��_...o.��. l _lY V: �V.i:H i':.:�l�l ' ...:�L�' � _ _ " - _ �i:�� �•;:.:�.iT _.:� . . . ,. rr:iti?il 'GJ: i4 �)1�G� c;�AiV Cc1G•=: :V(�: Di ... .,. .. ^t11VJ :�.v�.,a:�Jii �...-_, . .. �L.:\:'.i1 :k�:. iNLC i�i.::;'li[iL': n�W ,;Vu =i�_..._:tir��i�J%: . ,;,;i„D A4-� �.iP.i'i'ci, i$2_._. __V, �?)`-.._ Giv^-.r R - -• 1.:��11'� �l:lU�� �/lLl. ��/1:��J�� '��lt:'J_ _�._ • _\—� /:. � ''urIM:N:�: -( -:i C �Ui.,il:>iG : c:<VI: xN9i.i�1 <ffxrit�4rrtwaF.tM�Eitif....rEr.,r�tMrt!FrtkY�E4irkitittfitn't,F±EicFi.iK�iEiEiEitkte�.r�r�tti��..:...,a;,t�,.t , ...-..,.......Tr L L) n t �\ 1� !t �� � IZ G :�� — :\ 1 ] ., � . _ .1 _ ` r. � "_._____'__ ' '.:i_v ,3' �:.,i).�l'� _______"' ' ___'_ �.�'.,r..� Ui, d�,�.� . :�io ""_.__'_ -'�t:vT: '� .r rt_.4r1: r i i:\ r:t:s. • - �.� :i_.rit: iIV i,t::..i: F'I :�ti �GK�C: t i :iG ,�cc'['. ��' _ti :iGii��-: �'!' iN �riritCiPiv ri_: Prti)V: r�Aitl.�:.,: �iJ�;::.:iZ3 'L��:.: anr :��J: r'Lr�h���11i�V :`i��-c��> kM*%iEM�IE�lfM'1fK'!fkr..k4i-�AihittkMA?fkEa-XiklF{-'�l(:`!'fFN-EM�i..4tkkkkkMx.F1kR'R•.�.tN aiai'.4i>;\.�it'if.l��tX< �� � J.. � u r M c iti T �_ i1 V i.. .. � ri c Q li .;t ,_ . n�b _ "' _ LVIYIIV�J �Cf�l\�V�.:/ '�"j � i.hli::• BU=:,uING APP�iCG1�.D dY : ;�A, c; A?PLi�Ai1uN iJf...G:J dY; uA'_ � ol•I.3' x-Ritx�it�E�-xft+EftftrtM�xnx-.�tx�xfEf��x. �rx"'�f � r+f��FTr .r-#TrZi'7f3FIF�C���7F<.�trx<xrn.<.�. rk irx tE1F.`Fff1ER%-RlfkfifFikR��.r�Ek<\%lE)(fEl("kkfF<A't1f4fEifit!t%'lf`it.-%A({klElfif%'!1RM.ti�t�i.V'.-<�.:iAXn.�.'. [%A.t.{tiFft�t .,cGA:,IZATiON:,� .� r. :.i u �: u H d Y :iTit.;::'��,iit:i;.. �cG:`/iu`v�;:A: BL�'Jli t!?�'= Pui:�V'd1:VCu ��L'c'�C:'i':iiC ...'_:C:nniVjC r'iit_ Si�-�i�ri=::.: ��;±r:ji�:\� e�citNiT ;o.UO L7i �:.ilii'/iVli��'fl�J t�- LtiiV ���U�' :'�E :,00 b:;!.i,bliVi�-DiJ-> rcKN;1T i�SOc, ?i.,AN-�i1r:CK 'i���CriL :�.y�D =i.�c TV'_'ALS----> >o.OU i:,.00 O,UO ;i.00 .,UU ,Uii �EVt:N:ic U:'JISiG?i .'U��AL:i--> LULLP.l�1GD; SS�VV V'JcR/:;:tU;t:'; .OU ��i�l� �V: r...�.�Vii�V('i �.�.����S:ill uL.L:1FiiVil. . L1iL" �i!:t1��:��J�: =ilfil�i.iv(� r�:.h�v—l_:it•.Lt1 Jl,U�/ �:<!1�<n!liYtt.t�fYffikn i..?tX!!41f.�Fktkk<fftK-1f1tM4%ktltlEf.�FitM..i.lflflflk'!;kkt •*kRks�:.. .. y:x.Kv: e \�K�R,.-.: �yf.: . iJ L) j V i L i.1 A � _ _ c � 1i [: ri i\ il v rv 2� " ^ :�Yf�t. 11lY � �� .J L :t � L 1 1 V .. �:i`�L: ��I_�:i. ��%:N:� • _.Jl t!�C 2 :V�T �ORC-AIRJGKAV c'Urlti : l0U K B'I'U 7.uU ;,,�p }1cC 2 riLr�iIvGHATiON Si�'Cr:M <- .OG n d`i'U/ii 9,U0 ic,00 rifJJ J'r' r at� ' . P90.1ELT AODflE53: i v o i-ii.-�-DR � OWNE9'SNAME; JIM WESHOFF • noonEss; #2 CORPORATE PARK tt202 IRVINE CALIF. 714/55'3-8090 uxR: HLDG3 AHLH/ENGINEEX: pEG.MO.: ADOHf55: • UN17: PEXMITTEE: BAYSHORE PLUMHING (719)723-0 06 nooness: 201 E BAY AVE HALBOA CA 92661 LILENSEC CONiMCTOB OECIAMTION: I hereEy alfirm ��atlam IicenseU unaer D�ovisions of C�apter 9(commencing with Sectian %P70� of Oruvon 3 0l Ine Business antl Pmfeuions Code ano my license is in full force and ettect. �cmuc.:051397 /,$)TRTEIIC.:S847�2 c]u)s�s:�—%36 Oaie, /G 5 - Y�/ SignaNre: �//V ///�C'1L. '�^NI(EIIS' LOMPENSRTION OELUMTION: I �erehy aifir at I have a cenificate of consem to selbinsure ar a certificate oi Workers' �unsana� isi�s� �%�t'ti� �pv thereof f5eciron 3&cn. ta�. �rI / O 1/ 9 1 icr No.: STATE FUND E1P. UpTE: COMPANY: ,y ❑ Certitiea copy is �ereEy fumished. L] Cenitietl capy is hle0 with me ciry Builtling �ivision. � �).�) � � ///� Sa:e'. �C'S � ! V APPIIcanC �� / �`� E%EMPiIOX FPOM WOBKEHS' fAMPENSATION OECIAMTION: ¢ secuon neeG not �e comD'�tc9 il Ihe permit is iw one �unOreE (5100) or kss�. I:e.ryily;tat in tne OeAormant¢ of �he work �ol WhiCh Nis permii is iuued, I ShVI nof ¢mpl0y any pefson in any manner 5o aS fo Uecome sual°ct m�he'Norkers' ComDensation Laws oi Califomia. , Oa[e� Signamre: NOTItE: If. after making t�is Oeclaration, you s�aWd hecome suUlect to t�e Woheri ComOensaGan D�ovisions oi the Labor Caaz. you must fo4hwit� comDty wiN suc� pmvisions or i�is permit slwll he UeemeG revoke0. LONSTPULTION LENOINC �GENCY: I �ere0y af6rm tnat I�ere is a construction IenOing agency for the pertormance oi t�e work br �.,,rch Ims oe�mn is issuen (Section 3097, Civ. C{ - LENUEq: �ooeess: i] � '� BUILOEB OECUMiION: I hereUy affirm i�at I am exemD� �mm the Contactors' Slate license Law for the followinp reason i 703t.5 Business anC Profeuional CoEe: Any ciry oi counry w�ic� requires a ce�mit to construct. alter, imD�we, dertrolish, w ny simcture, pnor m ds issuance, also requires t�e aD�licam for suc� pertnd to M1ie a siqnea statemen� that he/sAe i5license0 n m[he pmvisions oi the Cantracmrs' State Licenu Law (CAaO�er 9 �commtticinq wR� Section 7000) of Didvan 3 oi the Business �iess�ons Code) or thal he/s�e is eKempt therelmm an0 the �asis lor the alleqea ecemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 Dy �hcam lar a permi� SUDlecis ihe aDP�icant m a ciNl Denalry af not more ifun five �unUred Eotlars (y'SW�. I. as owner of Ihe pmperry or my employees wit� v2Aes as tAeir sde compensaGon, will Oo tAe wark, anE tne s[rutlurz is not intenAeO ar aHereO for sale (Section 70E4, Busineu aip Pml�ssional CoDe: T�e Contractars' Sute License Law �ces noi apDN to an owner of a pmpeM who builds or im0�ove5 iher¢an, aM wtio daes suc� wark himselllhersell ar t�muq� nls ar ner own employees, o�ovideA ihat sucn ImDmv¢meNs are noi inimEeE or oMereU for sale. If, however Ihe �uilOinO or imorovement is solo wit�in ane year of completion, tAe owner will �ave IM OurEen ol pmvinA �e�she Oid not build or improve br tAe purpose of sale). I, as cxner oi the pm0erry. am eKclusively contracting with Iicense0 coniradors io consimd t�e D�olea� (Sectan 7041, Busines anU PmfesSions CoGe: TAe Coniractor5' State License Law Does not app�y to an awner of pmperty wM 6uilOs or imDroves tlie2m ino �etw comracis Ia sucn p�o�ecis :�!n a contracta�s) �kense vursuant to t0e Connactas' State License Law). 1 am aware :hai O�oof of Iheir Workef'S Compens:i;on insurance S�oWU �e DroviEeG IO rtre. I am eremp� un�er Section: B. 8 P, C. tcr this reason: �aie: Ownec �'Jo nereD/ ceNty Ihat I am aware of an0 uneerstan0lhe reduiremenis ol Lalifomia Meatln anU Safery Code Sections 25505, 25533, and 2553a anE ➢�at I or any IUWre DuilUing occuDant will/will not (circle one) neeG lo campry wnn said state co0es an0 i�e Rpuirtmenis for a pe�ma lor canstmction or motlification from [�e Au Oualiry Managemeni Oistnci. flesi0emial constructmn applicalions are exempl irom :��eya pmhsiws. Oa:¢� Applicanl: ":'^.i.'/ f�a; I have rea� I�is ap0licalion anG state tnal the a0ove inbrr�aUon is correq I aqree Io comply wi�h all ciry antl counry � c�rances ann sate iaws reiating to �uilGing consimnion an0 �ere�y amnanze renreuntanves oi t�is cM �o en�er upan the a0ovrmenWneG ; :[e2 ':: � ;:etlmn ourpases. i� � rc' ;tii%l �//1����' - ._ _ S�gnamre� =.: .... se o� sonai sec�rny .. � � �3 -� �' �y���-�-- CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO; P 049345 PLAN CHECK NO; N \ CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; PLU JOB DESCRIPTION : PLUMHING FOR NEW DUPLEX CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: PERM NO: P 049745 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC: / COMMENTS: �D-4933�.. ***�t*x��t**�t*****�x�tt�t*�f*��**-��t�t�t�t*x�r**�t**�t�t**s�r��*r�c*rt�*x���**�t*��t�t**�r*-�*x*z+r�r**�t�t � Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- FRNT: FT IN REAA: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING — — — ---- FRNT; PT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL; 43922123 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> � k if af if it if 3f M it it if !f iF �t M 3f 3E fE M if if ft k �f fFlt 1f at It M M jt if �F It #�t �F �f if it �t it iE if it M it itk 1F iF if M it %�f iE 3f �t if iE iE iE iE if ff fE if �f k if af ff if iE if !f iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S, R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED HY -- DATE: BUILDING APPAOVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: ��� 3f % if if it 3F if M M 3t 3t iF% �F iE iF if iE 3f if k if iF iF if3M 3F 3f It if 1f IF iF# 1t iF iE If if M if k ik jf �k IF iF �k if iE it iE if iF if ik M �k if it it if 1f ff it iF �F if it ff i! 7E ii it iE it if 3f if ik it it N M M!k M if iE ik iE if iF iE it 3f 1E iE jF ik iE it M iE iP ik if iF �E if M ik iE LEGALIZATZON:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 70.00 25t SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 3,00 HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 70.00 3,00 0,00 73.00 73.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 73,00 OVER/SHURT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 73,00 ik ik if 1k ik iF 1f If if M k IF if ik k 1f ik ik if if 1! !t k Mik itlf ik it ik 1k 1k !k * ff it iE if fk it if k ft if if tf ik ik if 14 fk !f )f 1E if k ik k if �t it % ik ff 1f i! if ik it ft ik if ft iF k k iE 4 if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYP$ QTY PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 6 2 2 2 U E S C A I P T I O N HATHTUB DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TUB OR WASHER SHOWER SINK, KITCHEN WASH HASIN WASH BASIN (SET) WATER CLOSET (TOILET) WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT WATER SERVICE GAS PIPING SYS OF 1 TO 4 OUTLETS UNIT COST �0 2, 0 2. 0 2.00 Z.00 2.00 2.0�0 �. 00 2.00 2,00 TOTAL COST S,Op 4,00 4.00 4.00 4.00 a.00 4.00 12.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 � GWXEfl'S N�ME: PDDflE55: RFCNIENGINEEfl: AOOXE55: ��1 ot [ cm uc.: Oate. _ UNIT: PEG.NO.: UNR: OECUMTION: I �ereby atfirm Ihat I am I¢ense0 un0er provisions of C�apter 9 Business and Pmiessions Catle, an0 my license ¢ in full fo¢e an0 eflect. STRTE LIC.: CU58: Signdture: witA Sectian 1 OECUMTION: I�erebyaffirmihatlhaveaceNficateotw mtosel4inmaoraurtificateofWOIXers' �� �TnpenSalian Insurance. or cenitiee mpy tnere0t (Section 3800, LaC. C�. RICY NO.: E%P. UATF: COMPRMY: ❑ CertilieG coDY �s nere6y tur �ea. ❑ Certiry¢d copY �s fled witA t cilY Builainp Division. Oate: pUD��cani: E%EMFfI0NFA0MWONNEflS'fAMPENSA ON01 I certity Ihat in ��e petlormance o� IAe wo ior sub�ect to ��e Warkers' Compensation La � Date: NOTICE: It, aM1er maMing this 4eclaraiion, Code. yau must �ortAwit� cpmply wi�h si CONSTHUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I her w�icn t�is cermn is issueU �Sectan 3W7 h LFNUER: �OOPESS: xmn ntt0 nd Ce compkteU il IAe permil is la ane hurqreC �f700� a less). i55ueG, I sllall nol employ any person in any matlnet w a5I0 b0tame wIU become SUGject to tM Workers' ComDensatian pmvisions af the LaCor isions orthis permit shall Oe OeemeE revokeA. Ihat I�ere is a construction IenOing aqency lor tAe pedormance ol Ne wad lor OWNEB BUILDEB OECUMT N: I hereby affirm that I am emD� ��am t�e Coniratlors Siate Licenu Law fa it�e followinA reason (Section 7031.5 Business a Pwfeuianal Code: My ciry oi c nry w�ich rcquires a permit to construd, alter, improve, dertwlisA, or repair any stmtture. pnor a rts issuance,�also reppires t�e apDli nt far such pemut to file a signea statement Ihat Atlshe i5licenseE pursuam ro Ine D�ovisio ol tlie Cantractors' State �icenu law (C ter 9(commencing wii� Secuan 7000) af OiWypn 3 of the Business anA Pmfessbn5 Code f Ihal h¢/S�e is erempl fhefefrom anE t�e Sis fOr I�e alkyW exem0�i0n. Any n0latian 01 SectlOn 7031.5 Oy pny applicam for a rmit subletis tne applicant to a civil penalry o ot more than five hun4RA Oallars (5500). �. � I, az ow r ot t�e pmperry or my employees witll waqe stmcwr s nol intende� ar offere0 fa sale (Section 7D44, Busines. Oces n aDD�Y �o an owner of a pmpeM who builGs or improves his or r own employees, providetl t�at suc� im0�ovemenis are imp ement is mIA witAin oire year of campleGon. the awner wil fo� ne purvose of sale). n ,�� � ....�.,�.��� .�����a�����v ..�,�� ��.���.,�....,�..� ❑ n0 Pmfessions CoOe: T�e Cqnlrattofs' qte License Law dces not apply t anG wlw conttacts �or such pmjects wit� d contra:ior(5) licenu pursuant I� Ihat proot ot t�eir Worke!'s Compensation ipsurdnce 51rouIE �e provi4eU lo � I am exempt unGer Section: B. d P. C. lor Inis reason'. an0 me �nse Law ar to conslNct the proletl �52cti0n 7044, Business owner oi praperty wtq UuilOs a imprwes qiere0n M Lonvactors' Staro Liuhu Law�.l am aware �are�. Owner: i ao nereoy cenM mai i am aware ol anC unaerstanU ine repuiremems o� Caii�omu HeattA ana tery Coee Sections 25505, 25533, anE 2553C anU mat i or arry luture �mlEing acu0ant wilVwill nm (circle one) nee0 to mmpy waA uid te coAes anE �he rcyuirements for a permit for consimction or moUdicalion Irom the Air pualiry Manaqemeni �istnci. flevtlen�ial Cansir ion aDD����s aa exem0� <<om inese pmvivons. Ua�e: ApDlitant I nere6y certiry tAat I nave reaU tAis aODlication and state t�at tAe aGove information is correcC I agree to comD�Y �� all ciry anE counry ordinances an0 s;3ie laws relaung to builtling conslNClion an0 �ere�y aut�oAze reprz5emativ¢s ol ��is cM to en�er upOn Ihe abovtrmen�ione0 omoerry lor inscenion ourpaus. Daie� SignaNre: Orivo�'s ! i..e�s? or Sot�al SzcunN •; �6eFa6 VJn �e-3utlamg�, Graen—Cqde EnlorcemenC Canary—AOPlicant; Pink—Revenue', Goldenrod—Assessor PERMIT NO; P 049345 PLAN CHECK NO; 06097-90 N PAGE: 2 ifkifiFitkk�fffitifikM**�4kikififkMkitk�kkikik4kilifikkitifkkkilifktfkkkffit*kftififikififkifkitiEitiElEMifitiliFiFiEiE�t3fkitit TYPE (JTY U E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 4 GAS PIPING SYS 5+ OUTL—PER OUTLET ,50 2,00 PLU 2 GAS SERVICE 2.00 4.00 �PLU 2 FLOOR DRAINS 2.00 4.00 END OF FEES ' ... � i:�.: . ' . . .. - . b� �J 0 4 b � A ° �3i.--Q'Pt �` uxrt:�i ' . �: W,D,C. DEV ¢�f�,,,,�� ��:�s�,�,E z6g2�2,68y. � � �,(ct MaSR C�. / 553-8090 �j�q�WENCIMEER: TODD SCHOOLER S ASSOC pec.xo.: C17323 �ooecu: 500 N NEWPORT BL �NR� 500 N.B. CA 92700 PEnn�RTEE: W,D.C, DEVELPOMENT l714)553-8090 � ROOHESS: 2 CORPORATE PARK 202 IRVINE CA 92714 110ENSEU CONTMCTOH OECLAMTION: I AereGy ailirm Ihal I am IicenmU u�er Drovicions ol C�aO�er 9(�ommencinq with Section 7000) o� Orvision 3 0l Ne Business and Pmfeumns Cade, anA my licensa is i� fuii h� and etlect. CITY IIC.: ST�TE 11C.: ClABf: Oate: Signature: .u�9NKE115' COMPENSRTION UECIAMTION: I heieby attirm mat I �ave a certificate oi wnsem to selbinsure or a certificate at WOM1ers hDenution IQs�{a �ry�( cj�ifie DY t�ereof (Section 3800, La�. �1CYN0.: •`�`v�V—�� E%P.D1TE: �7IOSIi1 iMv�xr: STATE Certifiee wpy is hereGy Wmished. C� Cenifiea copy is tiled wim tAe ciry BiilOnq Division. Oate'. FDD�icant . � � E%EMPfION FHOM VNflNEHS' fAMPEXSITIOX OECWU�OW. (11tis section nee0 not he cpnpkteA d ihe permn is for one �unOreA (510� a ka�. I rertiry t�at in ��e Derlarmance oi the work br wAic� Nis permit is issued, I stWl not emDby any person in any manner m az to hewme Su�le[f Io ��e Ylorkers' COmpensation LawS o� Calitamia. �ate: Siqnature: NOTICE: II, atler making ihis Oeclaration, you ShoWU �ecome suhlect to tlm Wa�Mea' ComDensxGon provisions ot the LaEor CoAe, yrou must �on�w�t� cam0ly wilA suc� Orovisions ar t�is Dermtt shall Oe Oeemea revokeA. CON37BUCfION IFNUING AGENCY: I hereby aBirm that t�ere is a consimction ImEmp aAency lor Ihe pedarmance al [he woh lor whic� I�is permit is issuetl �Section 3097, Civ. C). LENOEfl: .. - ROOflESS: OWNEB BUIIDEfl OECUILITION: I �ereEy affirm t�at I am exem0� �rom tAe Contacrors Stah License Law for IAe followinp reason (Section 7031.5 Business an0 Pmfessional COEe: My ciry of counry wluc� requias a permit ro consimct, atter, improve. aertalis�, m repair any simtlure, D�or to ils issuance, also requires t�e apD��� for sucA permil to file a signeC statemem that he/she is IkenuE pursuant to t�e D�ovisions ol ihe Contracrors' State License Law (Chapta 9(commenunq witn Secuon 70W) of Oivisian 3 ot Ihe Business anG Pmfessions Coae) or t�at �e/s�e is exempl tAerefrom anE Ne Easis for tM allepe0 pemption. Any violatlon ol Sectlan 7031.5 Ey any apDlicant lar a Dermit subletls ihe aDDliwnt to a civil penalry o1 irot mom tlon fire hun4reA Ooltars (SSW�. l I, as owner ol t�e OmDerry or my employees witA wa0es az tAeir sde compenunon, will Eo [M xrork, an0 Ne / s�mcWre is not intenUed or attereA lor sale (Sectian 7WC, Business anE Protessional CaOe' The Contractors State License Law aoes not aDDN�a an owner ofa properry who builOs or�mproves ihereon, mE wtq Eoes such woA �imsett/I�ersett ort�rouph Ais or �er own employees, provitle0 fAat suc� Impmvements aa nat intdWeU a o11erzG br sale. tl, Mwever tM buil0irp or improvement is w10 wit�in one Year ot complelion, Me awner xill �avB the WNen oi pmvinq �e/sAe OiE not 6viIE or improve lor t�e Durpose of salq. SR I, as owner oi the proDanY. am e�cWsively wntractinp wit� Iicense0 coMractas Io conswct the Drojen (Section 7041, Business L•7 anE Pwfessions CoOe: ihe Coniractors' Siafe License Law Oces no� appy �o an ormer o� 0�o7erry who huil0.s a imprwes Mereon ana wlw coatracts for sucn pmiects :i!n a contrac;or(s) license Dursuant to Ne Contractors' State L¢enu law). 1 am awam t�ai proof of t�eir Worker's Compens:lian Insurance sAou10 �e D�ovitleC M me. � I am exempt unaer Section: B. 8 P. C. for I�is reason: / � Oa�e: �C / � / � �� (0 ner ���� I I do nereEy ceni tlu I aware of an0 unaerstand tAe reaviremerrts anU Sa�ery COAe Y 25505. 25533, anC 25534 antl t�at I or any Imure GuilGinO acupant wilVwill not (circle an neetl co wn� saiE state coG ttm reQuirements far a permit far constmction or mo0ification irom ihe Air �ualiry ManaAe nt ' IncL HesiOential consimction plications are e�empt Imm t�ese pmvisions. Oafe: Applitani: � �ere6y ttrtity t�at I �ave rea0 t�is appiitation anU stat ordinances an0 statelax5 relatinqta Eviltlin9 CopS�mRion pmperry lor in5pection purpo5es. / / �ate: ',6 " / '� l `✓ � Signai� ori�er's ucense or Sociai Securiry .; 1Wb<6 wnne—Builaing;Green—Gooe to compty witn all ciiy an0 counry Io eqkr upon Ille aEOM-menlionlA Canary—ApPlicanf, Pink—Pevanue: Golde��od—Assessor �'• CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: H 049332 PLAN CHECiC NO: 06069-90 A PERMIT TYPE: STR ' PERM NO: B 049332 GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PURPOSE: NEW JOH DESCRIPTION : BUZLD It�4,-2 UNITS, 3822SF LIV, 930SF GARA SQ FT; 4,752 CLAIM.VALUE: 100,000.00 CALC—VALUEp�� 279,807.00 GROUP OCC: R-3� /M-1 COMMENTS: X if it 1f if M iE 3f k ik 4 if !f fk 3k if k k it M k iE iE it iE fE ff M jE k 7f �E 4 if !k if �F 1t iF M if k M If k 3f iE M iE ff iE iFM !f iFif 3F if iEk 3f iF if iF iE ff iE if dt if 3F If aF�if * iE if )E iE iE Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C I( S �� ���� ���jy� ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; 45 FT IN REAR: 20 FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT_ IN LEFT: 5 FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT, IN PARKING AEQ: 13 PROV; 14 PARCEL; 43922123 ZNE: R2 REF NO: PA903Y-- __ PLANNING NOTES> ADD TWO UNITS TO A PROJECT WITH A TOTAL OF 5 UNITS UNDER > PLANNING ACTION PA-90-31, i ****�r+r�r*�**�r�r��r**���r�*�r*****�xx����r�rx*��r���w*+�*��r�*�x*�r*r�r����***��*�r�r*****�* D E V E L O P M E N T S' E R V � C E S F� E Q U I R E M E N T; S" ZONING APPROVED BY G9 .' DATE; L"C =' ��o BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: �� ^�r � ik1kMMM1k1�k�FiEiFikltfFMftMkitMikk iFiFfEM%1EiFifiEif it if if 3F 1t if iE it 3f iF it if if i! �F M iF if it iF if 3! iE it ik 3F iF if ik at iE iE ik ik ik 1f ik %if if jf iF if iF ik iE M M k if it iE iF iFif iE ik iE iE M if iE it iF iE M if iE 3f iF"if it it ik it if 3E if 3E k LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 1,269,50 19.59 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 206,30 ISSUE FEE ' BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL. PAID DUE TOTALS----> 1289.09 0.00 206.30 1495,39 1495,39 .00 REVENUHLDGVPMT PLUMB NG ELECTRIC�MECHAND� FIRES�SNIPYTOT/SGRADING PLAN—CFiECK 1269,50 19.59 206.30 1fil�FihihitihMiFkiflfltitififik*�k**iEjfiFilikMifikifiFiflflfiflfif�FfFfEifkifMMiFititiEifkiElki4ifkMifkiFltiEiFMitiE�FififlEifitMiFifif3fiF3t I N D I V I D U A L F E£ B R E A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 3822 DWE—TYPE V—WOOD FAAME —GOOD 69.00 263,718,00 SFR 930 RES—GARAGES TYPE V : 17.30 16,089.00 END OF FEES �. p�, OCT 41990 Ci i Y OF COSTA MESA