HomeMy WebLinkAbout2690 PALA MESA CT - Building PermitsCITY OF COSTA MESA ,� _ � BUILDING DIYISION � DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT J' PERMIT PER NUMBER / �� � M98-00418 (714) 754-5273 • Fax (714) 754-4856 77 FAIR DRNE, COSTA MESA, CA 92626 .lob Address: 2690 PALA MESA CT Suite No Vicinity: Parcel Nunm6er: 93794085 Applicant: WEBB, TIM Address: i'. ' ii. . . owner: HERMANSKI, CLYDE C Address: -HERMANSKI, MARY E ' % � WESTMINSTER,CA - . �= 15592 GARLAND.CIR �- Contracror: , E C SYSTEMS Addressi� .PO BOX 4263 M.V, CA ArchlEng: Address: . : MECHANICAL PERMIT Phone: Zip: Phone: 574-0244 Zip: 92683 Phone:� 949-830-8229 r;,. . . . Zip; -.92690 J License:' 747549 Phone: Zip: License: SCOPE OF PERMIT INSTALL A SPLIT SYSTEM" A/C UNIT & AN EVAPORATOR." �, ISSUE F,EE . ' Inst FAU <100 k BTU ' Inst FAU >100 k BTU � Repair! AI4 Cooling/Heat ' Inst / Rep. Recess Wall Htr .. Refrig Sys <700 k BTU Refrig Sys >700 k BTU Gas Piping � . Factory Fireplace Hood w/Mech Exhaust VAV Boz Vent Fan / Single Dua - Appliance Fire Dampers Smoke Dampers Inst or Relocate Appl Vent Air Handlers < 10000cfm Air Handlers > 10000cfm Floor Furnace Floor or Suspend Heater $22.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $13.25 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Quantity 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 � � FEE SUMMARY _ , . Repair / Alt Absorbtion Unit RepeiC! Alt Refrigeration Unit VentillaliomSystem Evaporative Cooler Com me rcia l I nci nerator Domestic Incinerator Compressors / Absorotion Systems Upto3hp/t00kBTU � 3 To 15 hp / 500'k BTU , �15 To 30 hp / 1,000 k BTU - 30,To 50 hp / 1,750 k BTU . �Over 50 hp / Over 1,750 BTU , Boilers Upto3hp 3To15hp 15 to 30 hp � � 30 to 50 hp Over 50 hp Other Mechanical Fee Investigation Fee Plan Check Fee Reinspection Fee Status: ISSUED Applied: 09/14/1998 Issued: 09/14/1998 TOTAL CALCULATED FEES COMMENTS / SPECIAL CONOITIONS � Quantity $0.00 �- 0'� $0.00 0 ! $0.00 0� $0.00 0 ' $0.00,'� 0 $0.00 , 0 $0.00 0 so.00 0 , $0:00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 0 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 535.25 EXPIRATION: This permit shall automatically expire and become void if work is not commenced within 180 days, or if work is suspended or abandoned for a period of 1 BO days. INSPECTIONS: In order for the work authorized under this permit to be consideretl legal, such work must comply with all applicable codes. and all required inapeetlona and final approval must be obtained. Failure to obtain inspections and tinal approval will result in the expiration of this permit. FOR INSPECTIONS CALL: (714) 754-5626 WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION: � � I �ereby atfirtn untler penalry of perjury one of the Following declaretions: ❑ I heve entl wlll maintain a certiticate of consent [o self-Insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by seCtlon 3700 of ihe Lebor Cotle, lor the pertortnance of ��e work for which thi5 permit is issuea. ❑ I have entl will meintain workers' compensauon insurence, as raquiretl by section 3700 of �he Labor Code, tor the pedortnance of the work for whic� this pertnit is issuetl. My workers' compensation Insurence cartier and poliry number are: Carrier: Policy Number. (lh/s section need not be campleted 1! the peimif /s velued et one hundretl tlollars ($100) or less.) I certity that in ihe pertormence ot the work tor which ihis permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in eny menner so as to bacome suhject to lhe workers' �'on laws oi Calitomia, and egree thet it I should become subject to ihe workers' compensetlon provisions ot Section 3700 of the Lebor Code, I shell forthwith comply with � e rovi ions. ��_ 9p ' ionaNre: �� � �� � �te: � � � WARNING�91LiiRE'TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNL4WFUL AND SMALL SU&IECT PLOYER TO CHIMI IAL PENALTIES AND GVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNORE� TfqUSANDDOILAFE(5100,000),INADDITIIXJTOTHECOSTOFCOMPENSATION,OAMAGESPSPfiOVIOEDFORINSE 9l%O WBORCA�E,IPREHEST,ANDATTORNEVSFEES. LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARA710N: I hereb � licanse nder provisions ot Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 oi th �s��es�@nd Professions Cotle, and my license is in tull 7crce ndeffectLic.p �� �� ? S �—/ �7 lassa �C^ W — /J� �Oy 3 �. �3� �O Contraaofs Signature�� � . >J Date: / 'L %� / �-/ /4 5 __ � CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY: ❑ I hereby alfirm that there is a construction lending agency for the pertortnance of ihe work for which this permit is issued. (Sec. 3097, Civil Coda). Lenders Name: Signature: _ OWNER-BUILDER DECLARA710NS: Lenders Address: Date: I hereby aHirtn that under penelry of perjury ihat I am EXEMPT FROM THE CONTRACTORS LICENSE LAW for the following reason (Sec. 7037.5, Business and Professions Code: Any ciry or counry which requires a permit to construq, alter, improve, aemolish, or repalr eny siructure, prior to iis issuence, also requires the epplicant for such pertnit to file a siBnetl stetement that he or she is licensed pureuent to ihe provisions ot the Gontractors License Lew (Chapter 9(wmmendng with Sectlon 7000) of Divislon 3 of Ihe Business and Protessions Coda) or that he or she is exempt iheretram and the basis for tha alleged e:emption. Any violation oi Section 7037.5 by eny epplicant for a permit subjecls the epplicant to a civil penalry of not more than five hundred dollars �$500).): ❑ I, as owner ot the property, or my amployees wilh wages as their sole compensation, WILL DO 7HE WORK, and ihe structure is not intentled or ottered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does not apply to an owner of property who Duiltls or improves thereon, and who tloes such work himsetl or herself or through his or her own employees, provided ihat such improvements are not iniantletl or offeretl for sala. It, however, the bullGinq or improvement is sold within one year of wmpletion, the owner-6uilder will hava the �urtlen of proving thet he or she did nm build or improve for purpose oi seleJ. ❑ I, es owner of ihe property, am EXCLUSIVELY CONTRACTNG WRH LICENSEO CONTRACTORS (o wnstruct t�e prolect (Sec. 70a4, Business entl Professions Code: The contractors License Law tloes not apply to an owner of property w�o Duiltls or improves thereon, end who contracis tor such project with a contractor(s) licensa pursuant to the Contradors License Laws.). ❑ I am exempt under uc. Business and Professions Code tor ihis reason: SignaNre: Date: Owner ID veniietl by tlnvefs license. ❑ Ves ❑ No Dnvers License No. Eapires: Vedfication of Ownership by (rypa of Cwument, i.e. - property ta�c bill or deed): DIVISION OF INOUSTqIAL SAFE7Y PEHMR CERTIFICATION: � I �areby certify that no excavation five (5) or more leet in depth into which a person is requireC to tlescend, will be mede in wnnection wit� work authodzed by Ihis permit, end that no building 5�ructur0, Sceflolding, fal5ework, or demoli�ion or dismentling Ihereo�, will be mare t�an t�irty-5ix (36) feel high. (Chep. 32, Grp 2, An 2, Sec. 341, Tltle 8, Cellfomia ACminiSVetive Code). ❑ As owner-bullder, I will not employ enyone to do work which would require a pertnit from Ne Division of Industnal Sefery, as noted above, unless such person has e pertnit to do such work trom the divisian. Signeture: Date: Division ot Indusinal Safery Pertnit Number: CER7IFlCATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENRiV: I cenify untler penelty of perjury that I have read ihis epplication and stata that the iniortnation given is wrrecl. I egree to wmply with all state laws end ciry ordinances relating to building consWction, and authonze representetives of the Ciry of Coste Mese to enter upon the ebove-tleuribed property for inspection purposes. I egree not to occupy or allow occupency ot any builCing euthorized by thls partnit until final inspedion. CODE L INSPECTONttVE ' 7616 Fixetl System Finel Fire Prevention 7288 Pool Spa Finel 200 Final Re-Roof 201 Final Block/Fletaining Wall 202 Final Factory Fira Placa 203 Final Sign 20d Fnal Demolitlon 2448d0 � I�� LQpE1 INSVECTION TVPE 206 Finel Mechanicel 20B Finel PlumDing 210 Final Electricel 212 Final Fire Prevention 220 Final Planning Approvel 222 Final Site 250 FinalBuilCing/Occupancy �.1 nl. • •c. G11� �Y OF , COSTA MESn CAUFOFlNIA 82628-12D0 P.O. BO% 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPAR7MENT September 17, 1990 To: Building Safety Division Code Enfc�-cement Communications Copley-Colony of Costa Mesa County Administration Office County Clerk/Bd. of Supervisors County Registrar of Voters County Tax Assessor Enqineerinq Division (2) Fire Administration Fire Prevention Manager, MIS Mesa Consolidated Water Dist. Newport-Mesa Un. School Dst. (2) Pacific Bell Police Dept. - Ping. & Research Santa Ana Heights Water Company Sanitary District Engineer Southern California Edison Co. Southern California Gas Co. State Board of Equalization Street Division II.S. Post Office - AIS U.S. Post Office, Adams Avenue File (2) The City of Costa Mesa wishes to advise you that the following addresses have been changed or added: OLD ADDRESS 161 "A" Mesa Drive 161 "B" Mesa Drive 161 "C" Mesa Drive 161 "D" Mesa Drive 161 "E" A;esa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive 165 Mesa Drive NEW ADDRESS 2689 Pala Mesa Court 2687 Pala Mesa Court 2685 Pala Mesa Court 2683 Pala Mesa Court 2681 Pala Mesa Court 2682 Pala Mesa Court 2684 Pala Mesa Court 2686 Pala Mesa Court 2688 Pala Mesa Court 2690 Pala Mesa Court A.P. N0. Q39-221-64 439-221-23 For your convenience we are listing the agencies above that we have notified of the change. In addition to those listed, you are advised to notify your correspondents of the change in order to avoid any possible interruption of mail service. 77 FAIR DRIVE Buldmy O�v�s o:(714) 75a-SE26 . CoCe EnforcemenUB�sir�ess Littnse p18j 75a523a . Pienning Drvision (77a) 7543245 ( r �, \ �A J\ (, �� � �n MESA DRIVE _ I 2689 1 v � zea� �o � I z685 H � � O 2680 U W zaes � � a� Q 2686 �� 1 �, `� Q .-., L__ °' � , � 2683 Qu i �',� 2681 I �� � M L 2682 2684 F � r /oC/^���j �. 067-/�'f� �- } CITY OF COSTA MESA DEVELOPM1IENTSERVICESIBU}�DI GSAFET�`Ve_'� a���r� RECORD PACKAGE FOR: v _'r yG �� 6Y6 ti� � azj.�3 �i �—�TREET HDDR 5 � WORK DONE �ding Permit ?Ny�/ LK Cer ificate of Occupancy Elecyt ��al Release Form L_t� Gas ase Form � $ani 'on Fixture Form Plumbing Permit # � •� � t� Mechanica! Permit #L1sZ�.L��v/ �Electrical Permit c �7� ❑ Reinepection Permit # ❑ Health Department Approval ❑ Roofing Certifiration ❑ Insulation Certifiation ❑ Dry Chemical System Certification ❑ Flame Spread Certifintion ❑ Fire Sprinkler Certification ❑ Soils Certifiqtion ❑ S 'al Ins ion Certification �� ��: �sv 86� All Required Documents Included � a� / perk O.K. to Approve C.O. Inspector O.K. to Release C.O. BUIlOing Official CMF 3046-30 y v rraecTeooeess: + ���.DR y R uxrt:.� OWNER'SNAME: W,D,C DEV �GJm -� AO�flES$: �{i�. ��i _.Z�i� _� 165 MESA DR �:y9 COSTA MESA,CA �Pr�p 92627 A 553-8090 � �\�y� AflCPoE]iINEEB: TODD SCHOOLER NEG.NO.: C 1'J j Z 3 aoaness: 500 N NEWPORT uxn:500 N,B. CA 92700 vERMiTTEE: W,U,C, DEVELPOMENT (714)553-8090 aoon[ss: z CORPORATE PARK 202 IRVINE CA 92714 LICENSEO LOMiqpC70X OELUMTION�. i�=•=�y attirn tnai I am hc?-.sec ���aer pm�:isions ol C�apter 9 �commencing xit� Section '71:Oi �I ]�•�::'� 3 0: ;:�? Busiaess 3ne 7':Yssiens Coee. ana my 6ce^se is in tuil icrte an0 eYecL t� LI7Y LIt.'. STRTE LIC.: LUSS: � Ce;e: Signature: ;PMENS' COMPENSATION UECIARATION: I �ereCy atlirm ��at I �ave a an�fiwte o� consent �o selbinsum or a cen�icare ol WOAers' :mpensy� �-'�. •=nco q� rohoL cpi ��ereot �Seaion 3800. lao. � IUCYN0.:IZZ�U��-1�� E%P.O�TE: �/O1/i1 \� coMv�xr: S TAT E �q A �.: Certd'�et :5�q is h¢r?by Iumisnea '^J Cendied coOY is lilea with 1�¢ cM Buddmg �ivision. \\ --_. Appliwm ` UEMPfION FAOM WONKEflS' LOMiENSA➢ON OEClAl1A➢ON: (iNs secoan reee nct k:cr. pl¢i¢U il me xrml i5 �a arc nunarM �5700� a le ' ce�dy Iral r. ^,? peticrmance ol me work �or xn¢n Inis Dermit is issuea, I snall not emD�oy any Derson in any manne� 5o az to beto s�.ser. !o tr .'^'.ers' Compensauon Laws oi Calitomia. Caie� Signamre: NO'ItE: i�. aM1e� making Inis declaration, you 5�oN4 UCmme suGiM lo tM!'NoMers' Compen5dii0n provisioll5 0l I�t laCar Code. you mu5i lort�wit� camply diill Su[� 0�a`/ision5 0� �his p¢/mrt Slldll pt 4eeme0 RVOk2G. CONSTPUCTION LENOING �CENCY: I nere0y affiim ihat mere is a construnion ienamg aqency fo� tAe perlorm�nce of IAe woM1 for xmrn mis ce�m�� is ��ssuea ISectmn 3097. Cn. CI. lENOER: eooncss: OwNEB BUIIDEP OECUMTIOx: I nereEy affirm �Aat I am evem0� ��am ine Contractors' State Licenu Law la tte foilowinp reasan ISen�on 703 � 5 Busineu ana Pmlessional CaOe: My ciry ol counry •trti rryuires a permit to consiruct. Lter, iiryrove, Oertql�, a �^oar any sin;�iure. Onor io rts issuance, also mpuires tAe applicam lor tuc� permrt m file a signeG statemmt ttut �ds�e it IicenSeE o:,rseam u t�e pmvisionz ol ,ne Contracmrs' State licrose taw ICnapter 9lcommencinq wrtn Section 7000) of bvision 3 of tAe Business � Prolessans Code) or tha� ne/sne is exempt tnerzlmm ana tM Oass la tlm alleqW eKempcion. My violation ol Sec6on 7097.5 Oy �apqiam lor a permn su0iects ine aODlicant to a ciNl penalry af rqt more tlun fne nunUreO Ao�l�rs (f500�. I, 35 owner at Ine oroD��'Y or my em bytbs willl waqes u Iiieir sde compmsdlion. WiA 0o Ve rNM1, NM MC sr.ucturt is not intenae0 ar otleme lor ule I�tion 70M11. Buvness anC Pralessional CoUe'. The Cant2da5' State 4cenx Law . OCPS iol 2DD�Y to an OAner 0� a OrODe�iy w�o �uilUs Or improves :�erron. anG w�o OoeS Sut� wod �im52tl/AGSltl Or IAfOuph nis or ne� own employees, pmvi0ed tnat sucn imorovemenis are not mtenoeE or ottertd lor sale. I( Iqw[ver Ihe ouil4in0 ar im;rm!m¢nt is sold xM1Nn one yeat of mmpletion, IAe awner will �ave ;�e OurOen al pmvinq Ae/sM Ow rqt OviIE or impraae i IOr 7t purDOSt 0� Shc¢� I, as e.vner al lne proDertY. am eaclusnery rAnlracOnp wit� IirenSM co�kactIXs ta co�siruct tAe O�oject �Settqn 7(MI. Busineu I� acc Proleuions Coae ine Contrattod State License Law dces •+ot a�oh ro an owner at pmperry wM OuiWs a imprwes Inereon a�� nno wnVacis 'or zucn Dmiecis wiln a co�tractorls) hcense :u�suant to tne Contractors' State licenX law1� I am awarz Ra! rx� of ;nev v:one(s Camoensatron insuranre snoNa �e ;mna'a ro me. G I an =.�e:�0� under Seaion: B. 8 P. C. for �ms reasan: ,/ Oate �! — 7 _ � % P• . i to nereov �evy ihat i am aware oi ana unaerstana the reauirtment o� C mi ai � nC s i5505, 25533, ana 25534 ano mat � rt any tuNre oml0ing ottupdnl wilVwill not (�rGe o 1 Io tartqly wln SaiO state Ne rEpuiremenis lor a Dermii lor �ansL•utlion or modd¢a1io� �rom Ihe Art Ouahry Mana mMt incL fl¢9Geniial constN a IKatian5 are eaemD� �rom fAoy p�O��LOCS. �3L AD�litan�: � �^e�e9y ceai^� ;�a� I naoe read tnis apo�icano� and s�ate Yiat tee a0ove i�^'�rmahon Is correct. I agree to comD�Y +rtn a�� ciry anC counry '3"3'.?53'".i3:P�dF'S'PIdIm�IppN10�9C�nPNC00fIdllElltfgDY��� M!^�IdIrv15011114[ilyf0lOINIIp011[IIld�Ov!-III[Oliqlp0 . ...., - - _ecno, auroes=�/ �' .�' / � —. � / - �� _ __ ___. _> .; // // // - _"_`� _" _ ' — �� f�' / � CIiY OF COSTA MESA — 6UILDING P�RMiT PERM NO: B 049331 PERMIT NO: B 049331 PLAN CHECK NO: 06067-90 A GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: FERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: �tEW v-- J06 DESCRIPTION ; BUILD #a'-3 UNITS, 5733SF LIV, 1395SF GAR SQ FT: 7,�128 CLAIM VALUE: 120,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 381,320.10 GROUP OCC; R-1 /�-1 COMMENTS: X �*�r�*«**�r�r*��r�r��xr�*t�r+r�r*�t�rxfr***�r�e�rrx��r��r��r�r+r�r�r�tx*+r*rr�rw��**�t��t�t��t*�*�r***��r�r Z 0 N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S - S E T B A C K S iALD CbR S�P�CW. RdQUIRFJ�NTS ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: 20 FT 8 IN REAR; 45 FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: 12 FT IN AGHT; 3 FT IN LEFT: F'f IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING RE(� • 13 PROV: 14 PARCEL: 43922123 ZNE: R2 REF NO: PA-90-31 PLANNING N6'I'ES> CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING 3, CONTAINING 3 UNITS. i ����r�*ir*��r**�rrr*�t�e��r����r�*��}��r�ti�itit*�r�e�*���+r�ir��*�*�«rr***��t*�r*r�*���t+t'�trt�r****�r� D E V E L 0 P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T,S ZONING APPROVED BY ;� DATE: ��(s BUILDING APPROVED BY : f DATE: APPLICATION ZSSUED HY: ' h�l�~` DATE: ���, kitMMiEi4ifMitKMitiF3fififMiFikiFit* �7F�7Fi:iFiEMKif%%ifk MM iFMikilMMififN±tMMMMMMifMititlFMrkitMMMit%ifMMMiEiFMi�ifiEkiF±fkifMiFMiFiFMKMMiFiF*MMKikIFifMMiF:fifMifitKiFiFiFKi4itk LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTAIC MECHANIC FIRE \SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 1,626.50 26,69 S�7IP/NON—RES PLAN 264.31 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 1653.19 0,00 264,31 1917.50 1917.50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 1917.50 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 1626.50 26.69 264.31 kifkMMifMikiklfifMitMit�flfifitkifikifkMMifMkMififMMMk�flfififlFMMMMMiFrtitM*MYMifitfFMM�iFiF**iF�F�Fifk3flkititMlEiEiE{�{� I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D 0 W N TYPE SFR SFR QTY 5733 1395 D E S C R I P T I O N APT—TYPE V—WOOD FRAME —GOOD APT—TYPE I—BASEMENT GARAGE —AVER END OFL�E ��..—�.._ f �' � �'�- OCT 41990 �'I I �i �il�, —_"___—��` l.i��l Uf ���JJ�P, I�G��1 UNIT COST 59.70 28.00 TOTAL COST 342,260,10 39,060,00 C1� OF COSTA MESA ,�L„DG-- #� CAIIFOHNIA 92628�1200 P.O.80%1200 Insulation Certi(icate aG Fs� � � �6 ."�- �,.� �c�-� i'�_ - Nwnbc end Sacct - Ciry �/5���/ .�-` � Coun Subdirision Lot Number Description of Installation ROOF Matcrial 71tic►sess (inchcs) EX7'ERIOR WALL Material a�T7 'Ihiclrness (inches) ' .� �/� CEII.ING �7 Bau or Blanket'fype pi4 7'-r 'Ihic�ess (inches) // �� I.00se Fill Type Conaactor's minimum installe4 weight/ft Ib Brand Name 'tl�crmal Resiscance (R-Value) Brand Nama /�/A,�/d/LLf Thcrtnal Resistance (R•value)nr'.�i — 3�r �vGL TIil2,E '—,�—/( a�a x�o �9�d✓�c� e '[hemial Resistance (R-value) ��v�fP..d Ttfi�/f— R-�-j Brand Name Minimum thiclrness ircha ManuCacuaer's installed weight per square foa a xheive'Il�amal Resistance (R-Value) RAISED FLOOR Material 7hiclaiess (inchcs) SLAB FLOOR Material 'Ihic►Tess (inches) Widdt (inches) FOUNDATION WALL Matcrial 'Ihic�ess (incAes) Brand Name 71�crmal Resis�ance (R-Value) Brand Name 'Riemial Resistance (R-Value) Brand Name '7T�crtnal Rcsisiancc (R•Valuc) Declaration I hereby cxrtify that the above insuladon was installed in the building at the above location in conformance with the current Building Energy EffiCiency Standards for new residential buildings contained in TiUe 24 0( the Califomia Adminisva[ive Code. . 7 7�8��/ ��9%9i .� , �i��g �c���y��,� 3f�L/9/ —�� PflD1ECT ��OflESS: �NI�: $LDGQ OW::iN'S XAME: JIM WESHQFF ��/ � � � 9L. z L y8 �oowEss: �#Z�ZORPORkTE PARK �✓� � �4a IRVINE CALIF. 714/55�-8090 1PCN/ENGINEEN: HEG.NO.: AOUHESS: UNR: PENMITTEE: BAYSHORE PLUMHING (714)723-0806 aooxess: 2 0 1 E BAY AVE BALBOA CA 92661 ��CENSFG CONiMt70fl OECUMTION: I �¢reov aH��^ ;rs I am bcers>c urCer pwvisior,s cl LcdDter 9 Qommencinq wiih Senion 'p00i ol O�n;oc 3 0� me Business anE Pmtess�ons Cooe. 3C my 6censx �s �.�. tull �orca ann etlecl. ptruc.:0/51337 /s;teteuc.:5847U2 cusr,C/-y/3J�6>/,� 98'.e. �c=��V Sig�aiure- � ��� :HHENS' COMPENSAl10N DECU11AtI0N: I �=re�y afli � �nat i �ave z ce.^,�ecaie et consem m seN-insurz or a cemt¢ate oi Workers' .mpenuno�. �s.�.b p� e�cg;irce� �py ine:eot �sec:ior 3eo0. �a�. �7 / O S/ 91 '� roucr�u: �TATE FUND El(P.D�TE: C6MPANY: ,�( ❑ CeniL=c :p;y is nere�y fumisnea. L' 1 Cenilied :c;y is hl� u:^� In> cAy Buil]up �ni5qn. na;.: /i., J � �O POClican;. I,t /� - EIEMWIONFFJMWOFKEAS'COMPENSAiIONOELUfRTION� (ilussecoo•^.,�e��.;::emr,pleta]ntl�¢cernuforarehumrealStW�arkss�. i_=mry:^s n;:e oenormance ot Ine wa:k for wn�c� m�s ovmn is issued. � soa�l not emOby any person in �ny manner so as m Uecome .�DI°�� �� ;�<',:=:rers' Lampensa!�on Laws oi Caii�omia. � �a'e_ Signature: NOTILE: e xCer r,ukinq mis declaraiion, you s�ould Etten¢ suq?ct m mx Workers' Comcenyoon D�wabns a� IDe La6or iA42. /CU T�JSI �pqtIWIIA CORipIY NAh SIlCO pf0YI5i0115 Of I11:< �IiT1i $h.d�l PC dE!ffiQE RVOiRC. CtlNSTHULT10M L"eFUING AGiNO': I �ere�y aflirm Inai :�ere is a co,�svucnon IenE�p aqenq tp IAe �pMormance ol tAe wod lor wpK� th�s xr.nn is �ssuea 4Sectian 3�97, Ciu. C�. tFNUEX: eooeeu: OWNEB BUR�EF OELUIUr�ON: I �ere�y nfFrm t�zt I am ezem;,; Lcm t�e Lomracmrs' State ik?�se law lor the lol!owinp reason �56cuon i031 5 Business an� Pmiession2i CoCe: Any :iry of riunry wtsc� re�uires a xrmil to WnT:NtL aher, impro�e, Aemoli;h. w ��pai; any sm�nure, onor to rts iss�ance, a�se rea�ires :�e ap,Fcznt lor wrn cernn to file a sigmC sntemeM that �e/s.".x is Ii=enseE pursuam :o Me pro�+�sions al R;e Contractors' Sta:e Ucer.,e Law (CAaDter 9�commencinp wtl� SecUon 7000� ol pivision 3 of tAe Business am' P�olessmcs Ccae) or ;hai ne/sne fs exxmo� 1'e�etrom a�L the GaSii td t�e a!ley2t eyemD��� Mi ��atqn 01 $e[:ian 7031.5 Cy '�y x^.:hca'.t Ur a permit su'�iects Cte aoP�ican! to a nnl pxnahy oi not mof? inan five huMre'J GdUrs (5500�. y„ I, as OwrRr ol ihe propeM or my employees wnn +aqes az t�eir sole comce�s:0or. will Ea tlk wod, antl iM ��J simc:ure �5 noi �menGea or oHereC tor sa�e (SecLon 76:e, d�.s�ness anE?mleszicnal Cooe The Cqniraqars' hate! icense Law � aces ^�ot apoly to an owner o� a property w�o Gu�iCs or impmvec therron, znd w�o Exs suc� •ark Aimsetl/liersett or t�roupl� his or oir own emDloyees. OfoviGco tntt sucll imC��'erkn6 are not inten4M a otle!eG la Sale. If, Mwev!r tAe DuilEinp a in;:o.e�=.nt'�s solG «itnin one y>u ot comDletio,�, roe owM: +nil have t0e ouraen ol pro�n�C �e/she ek not >ui1C or improve lor ;r= ���rcose al sale�. ,� I, a, oener at Ine o�aoeM. am eKdusively coc!racting wi;^ UcenuG mnt;atlors to constN.t Ilrc proiect ($Kipn 7061. Business .� anc Pro'•:vons Coae: Tne Contracmrs' S�a:e L¢ense,a• aaes,rt z:�ry �o an ownei of orop!ry xho �w4; x;mp.;rves inereon an� ..�o co�tracts lor sucn proie��s ;{n a cor.;;atto."„I I¢ense oursuant ro��e Comr;c:ors State License Law),I am aware t�at xoo! �i t�eu W.orker's ComDens:�on irsurance SncW� De pm.iOeE to me. �{ t am =.e�ol uaaer Secnoa: B 6 P C. � �C' 1�5 'i35C•'I' 9aie: P.Ter' 1 pp �ereEy <e^�'; (�2: I am a«aR 9' anE un�?rsiaa� IhB rBpu'.re�"��IS ol C;litomia 9¢ait� an0 $dfe:) WGe Se[Ibns 25rJ05, 25533, anC 2553s anC'�xi :�• ary fuime Omlamg occupxnt wi1V_7f not ib¢�e onq .^.eeC 10 com�ly wnn sak 4ate cw'res aiW Me teouire?!enis bt a �¢r:��l tor ;�ns:rtsiion or mWil¢e�ian Irom I�e Au Queury ManayEme�t p9n[L Res4enUxl constmnm.+ appliwtions a�e e[emC� ��am mese Oronslans Oa�e� Ap;,;¢am. I ne�e�Y c!'Y� tnai r nave Ra01n�i application xnC 51ate L`x; ;te a]ove �^tonalion 5 cmRn. I apRe :e :omn!y'� alt cRy an6 coun;� 0•Qinances an� su a'aws re!annq m Gm�ding cons�mcaon anQ n¢r¢p� ��qrM�2e •epreumavves af mR cCy n enter upon me aoovememloreo J;OM"I kr,.�SYCUon pur�ose5. �/�,/ n �1e � D2�P" �L" �" � 7/i� $isndiCfP: � �� Y� "'/ � l/ (/� - s`:_:'r, ,: � .o- -o .. _-__._. �. �reen-Cqax Enlmce�^^n: C� 3-.-a:c::a�L P�n:-Revenue. G:'Cenrpa-Asseuor � „' `i � % " v u � %�l,�"cor� �j-�� CITY OF COS;P. MESA - HUILD?�1G PERMIT PERMIT NO: P 049346 PLAN CHECY. NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ?L� JOB DESCRIPTION : PLUMBING FOR NEW TRIPi.EX CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE: PERM NO; P 09"346 GOVT: N SUPP; N PURPGSE; OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC: / COMMENTS: _� "--.� :oi- �*�*��*���»�*�x����.* �,�33 ��,��xx��*�*��*����.<»**�x�����»�*�����*�«��**»���«�� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S s e T e a c x s - MAIN BUILDING - FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN - ACCESSORY HUILDING --------- FRNT: FT ?N REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGAT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 43922?23 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i *��r�»*rrr�**x��r*�rrr��+rrr***�*�r��*+r�*�r�rx*�����+e***�x�rrr*�r*�*�**+�*�+��*�«�r+r**�* D E V E L 0 P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING AF+PROVED bY , DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE; i� S�� if if if iF iF �L �E if i't M M iF ff k If if if if ik M M if fk if 1f M if M if iE iF if �7FiFif if 3f ff k ff M iF iP if !f if ifMM ik it iF ff M if k iF M if if it M iE k�t ik ii it it it If iE iE it M if iE if k iF if Y M M iE if iF IF if iE if if M if M ik ik if ik iE if Ik 1f If �E iF +f M if iF iE iE if M ik LEGAL:2ATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SE��MENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMHZNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 107,00 25! SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 3.00 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMiT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TCTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 107,00 3.00 0.00 110,00 110.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> CULLECTED: 110.00 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADZNG PLAN-CHECK ZLQ,QQ �rxitifitx�r�*�rif�r�titx+rrwxxxr*�ritk*�.�eir�t�itxit�r*r�tittt�r�rit�xxr�e�e*�er��r«it**���ritit*+r*�+tit*�ir+t*+t,�+t I N D I V I D 0 A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYF+E (jTY PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU 6 3 3 3 3 6 4 9 3 3 3 U E S C R I P T I 0 N &ATHTUB D I SHWP.SHER LAUNDRY TU5 OR WASAER SHOWER S:NK, KITCHEN WASH BASIN WASH HASIN (SET) WATER CLOSET iTOILET) WATER HEATEk AND/OR VENT WATER SERVICE \ G?�S PIP;NG SXS OF 1 TO 4 OUTLETS UNIT COST 2.�� 2.�0 2.�0 2.00 2.�0 2,00 2.�� 2.00 2.00. 2,OQ ' 2.00- TOTAL CGST 12,00 6,00 6,00 6.00 6.00 12,00 8.00 18.00 . 6.00 � 6,00 6.00 7N0.1ELT AUDFE55: OWNEfl'S MAME: AOOXE55: �XLHIENGINEEX: �OONESS: HEG.MO.: UMtT: uxn: UCENSEO CO MC70N DECLAMTION: i ner=0y allirm I�a� I am Iicense0 ur,e� orovisons of C^�ao; (commencinq wrt� Section %�a70i �i C�nsa ' ol me Busmess ana Pr,:essions Coae. ano my license is c.'u�,; !oru ane eneu CITy IIC.: STRTE IIC.' CU55: '�te - -- _ 9qnamre: IBKENS' LOMPENS ION �ECUIU710N: I nereGy atlrtm t�at I Aave a cenibca�e o� c nt to setl�insure a� a ceNficate ol Wohers' .amvensauon insurance. or a c¢nitieo cooY mereof (Section 3800, lah. C1. POIItY NO.: E7(P. O�TE: �CyOMPqNY: �1 �pfllbpC [90y �5 �E�26y �N511¢�. ❑ Cenniea copy �s �dee vd�n me n BOil0i0{I �inL011. Dd;f. ADP��canP. _ El(EMPfiOXFFOM'NORKfRS'COMPE ➢ONOECUIfATION'. � �ertiry inat v t-e 9enormance ol IDe M lor wnicn Inis p supieci io I�E 'LJnerS Lomppp5al�on L s o� Caldornia �dre: Siqnaturc: _ NO?ICE: i'. ak¢r makinq inis declaralion. au 5�aultl CoOe, ycu musi torl�wii� comply wit� sut O�ovisior CONSTPUCTION LENOING �GENCY: IOereDy a m Itui whicn mis pe��Tn �s issued ISenion 3097, Civ. CI. IENDEX: RDOqE3S: � not F::mpk:[4 d Ne �e'ml is Ia One huNr[d (5100) or kSS�. I Slldll �C' 2rtIpI0y d0y plR00111 dlly Rldtllllf 50 d5I0 �ECOIOC E suDle�� �o Ne Yfor4ers' Compen5aiqn provisions o11�e LaOor iis permit snali oe ;eemee revoMea is a constmcuon ienainp apenry tor p�e perlarmaMe ol tne work br OWNEB BWLOER OECUMTION: I nere�y afhr nat I am empt irom t�e Com:ano¢' State License law for iM followinq mazon ISecum 777� 5 dus�ness and aroiessiortai Code' Any crry ol c nry wMcn rzQuires a permrt m caui�ucl, a7ter. improve. Cemoksh, w �eoart any str,cwr¢, pno� ro ns issuance, aiso auires ine appli t lor sucn permn m file a sq�ea staiement tnat �eJSAe is IicenuC Dbrsuam m �ne pmvisioos ol I�e Contracmrs' S te lianse Law (C� er 9(commencinp xrtn Secuon 7000) of Uivision 3 0� t�e Business `nd Pralessic-s CJCe� or Inal ne/s�e �s e.e t tnereimm anE Ine b� lor 1ne afeqeG e�empfqn. ATy violation ot $et6on 7031.5 Ey 'ry aDD���anl lar a Dermii SUGjecis t�2 aDD ani IO a[itil penally o� n morz t�an �rve �WqreO Odlils (f500�. � I. as owner of t�e O�aDeriy my em IoyeeS wil� wapes Iheir so�e comptn5dtpn, Will Ao the Nrolk. anC ihe svuc:urz is �ot intende0 or otter lor sa�e (�c9on 70U, Buvness an rotessional CoOe'. T1r Conirutors Siate Licenu Law Ooes 'ai aDDly t0 an OwnBf o� D�Operry w�o EuiWs or imprOvtS I�er . atM Mq OOR wCA wolk Nmun/I�Gf5el1 of IhrOuqA his o� �er own emD�oyees. pr iEeE IDat suc� impmvemenis aro nat int ae0 a otlerea la ule. II, nowerer tAe �uildinq or �m�;c.=ment is soia wmm� e year o� completion, t�e owner vnll �ave �� urtlen ol pmnnq pe/s�e GiE nat �uitU or imD�ove lor ¢e 9wDo5¢ ot Sale�. f� I. as cener ol I�e prope , am ertlushel9 conVattinq witll IicenSeO conttaGors Ii U and P�O�pSSionS Coae'. e Conlratlo�5' $IatO LitensB Law Oce5 nolapDlyto an 0� aid wic conLaas for ch pro�ects �'nn a cantracL]qs) license Dursuan! ta the mai a�:n! of ;neu w er's Compensatron inswance snauW Ce pmvieea m me. � i a� t•?mpi under Pdion B. 6 P. C. b� a,; �eason. Dare 6wnec \ � ao ne�eoy reqr� :n � am aware o� ana unaemand �ne reVuiremenis of Calnomia H:ar,n ana Sa�e:y Coae 2551C arC Il+at i G�iy Niure UVACinq o[NDan�'.vilpvnll no� ([irtle on¢� neM �p comply wtt� sak s!aie m0< D?imii lor consPo on or mo0ibcaiion tmm !ne tiir Oualiry Manaqemen� pisinct flescennal Const:uUwn a ��rese orovisiors Da1e _ inereoy tqn 70a4, Business a imD�oves t�tteon e Uw). I am awaa 25505. 25533.an0 repuiremenis lor a is ue exempt Iwm Ap06[dni: � V�xt I nave read Inis aoPliWtion ana slaie I�al I�e aGove informa�ion is cort¢[t. I iqrp! ;o comply wilA all i '�� sta;e iaws re�aunq ro �u��ainq �onsimaion ana Mre�y aut�onm represematrves ot �lib crty ro emer upon tte at ti?Ciion Du�pOSes. - Ca;e Signature' PERMIT NO: P 049346 PLAN CHECK NO: 06098-90 N PAGE: 2 a'ififififMkitkkiFkkkftkiFitkkkkkltMifikkkfF�f�t�t*kifififitMiFkkkitiFitkifMk�kifkikifkk4MkftkllkiFifiEkkMkkfFiFkitMif TYPE QTY D E S C R I p T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 6 GAS PIPING SYS 5+ OUTL-PER OUTLET .50 3.00 PLU 3 GAS SERVICE 2,00 6.00 PLU 3 FLOOR DRAINS 2,00 6.00 END OF FEES .'.t; PflOJFLi ADOFESS: �'�"�� ��'OG8� • Z`���'��� uNiT: BLDG� OWNEfl'SNAME: W D,L' DEV • p�A m6sg C'� nooaess: 1�5 MESA DR � COSTA MESA,CA 92627 553-8090 PRCHIENGINEER: TODD SCHOOLER PfG.NO.: C1%3Z3 nooaess 500 N NEWPORT uNiT 500 N.B, CA 92700 Peemiirce W,D.C. DEVELPOMENT (714)553-8090 aoonEss. 2 CORPORATE PARK 202 IRVINE CA 92714 LICENSE� LONiflAL70F OECLAPFiION: -:.? d.. ^ .: �' " :'+sf: c""<' :.'h�=ro'' _ :'?CY 9 �::--5'o"q :�n� $ec!m-. -n••;. •. - ,.. 3 ��.,q i�.5in>5s :-r o._.:.__" __"" '_' .". ..-�. . ' .. . .s _ . - :.. LItY LIC.. . . S7AiE UL.: � '�,. .. LLASS: Dz�, c:: a'.r` - - ----------- WOFNEPS'COMP�E{N�SyATID�N(UE�LyIAflATION: - . �^L�:=a�tj�'.'c�=7�[on5e^�1'i5?��+�Su'ec�?:?^M;aleo�Wor4er5 POULY�NO. S�L L 2 V� O.-� O',^E;pt`^'�f'�E%P.�UAiF "% I O 1 I 9 S comvaNv: S TATE � Cp^� �pc �coy is �erea; :unrsnea. � Cer:�F. m_ ip2 :r�:,-3>!Cr'E�rncc� / ��L)i�G(iWtr %�� �,_ e —�_ /� z �'9 % .�:� ��-� �/ EMEMPiIONiPDAWOflMEfldLOMPENSAiIONOECL1RAi10���-'e" '! �r:SbrG'-�_'°C�51W�oi�tssl . x�� i� c o� .^_ -o � '��-. s i�s�=7 el e�. .: �y ;� a.. �n ar ^�r��er so as to eecome >... _ :a'�e5 C�. �_r.sx;a�.. . r.,c.: , o�:= s ��n,��e NOTRE: � ats=� ma��+y ;ms aecia�auo�+. ;oc s�ou'�C 7e:��= s�oiect to :ne �:'orvea Lomo=-sauo� prp.�ismns oi ine la�o� C:-5 "c �nu9 10^G::f.r Ca�T���i '.�In Sur" : a'�'.ii0'.s ?' :"is 9efmil S41I ]< �mc;Ed :¢v.cC CONSTRUCTION IEN�ING AGENCV_ I �o�pp/ ��(,..T ^.a::re'x �5 2 tOnst'urnon'�enoinq ag2��c/ for L�e Derlornaote ol I�e work for ..'�sc `�> :i-.T�; ¢ issu=c �Secua� 309i_ Lrv Q LENOEF' _ AOOPE55: OWNEP BWLOEP OECLAflATION: I oer=Y� a."¢��.!t.:: t- ieT,C �:o^.:re Cc.i:2[;,rs' S[z1e L¢ense ! an :or Ine following re35on �5«'ie" -73' S dus��ess a�d Pro�es9o�d' Lotlf Fr,y p::.' :obii; +ddtc'>tuues a pe'mil ic :o^,sVucl. alleL iTpmve. demofisn. or _. . PLO Wc. DnO� :0 f5 �SSu29G?. 3 cC'o:L^ii i-i ?=n v2^,! ;m SG<o Jprnii I� eIQ e 9�cp�; AdiPIn20: IPdi �EISIIP 4 hC205Pd c"9tf��¢pfOn5i0��50�IM12�anC2Ci��5 $i?I2L22�SP'_2r•'�C�2�lP�9iL0'��TC�OngV:iltl$E[fi0n7000�0�Drv5i0n3011tIEBOSIIC55 '"'�-� s_<.m'= Cneei m�ia; :�='sn= �s e - ...�e a!@g=c e-e:a�. A+y uioiaimn ci Secuon 703t.5 hy _ ... .��.��. a _ :^e , c;� �� _ _ a�, 'c �_a-• tcr a oe�mn ;uoiecis tne xeo'��x�'.ica oe' pe'a::� o� �o�.noe .�an'ive �ura�=.� d�liars i5500�. '� as o.vner o� Ine o�ooen/ or my emp�qee; a[n xages as Ineu so@ comF°^saLon. will eo ine work, antl Ine �- iPpSlpm i5 �Oi ��IfnGPd 0: O��e�od �p� SdIP I$PC:iLn ;:l:. B09�P55 d'IC 7t0�?590nd1 COCP. i hf �Onifd[I0�5 $td@ �itE11S2ldW :OQS nGl 2'JpIV 19 d0 OWfIPI 01 d pf0p2Cy ':.�L BN�']5 J� "�C�OVP$ I�P�PO�, dnG �'it10 00�$ $JL� w0li LITSPIII'i2!$plf 0! IIIf00Gi1 �;�� ^e; o:,r =moiev==s a�ov�G=: m=; sec^ �mo,:,=-=�;s z�> -„-,! �nienae; or o"=�=a'or saie. li Ao.�e�e� t�e Dwlding ar _...�,p.npr. �5 5; •:.pmn c'? y`d• )'. co.•...E1��� '-p c::�o• enl -.L.f Ine Bur?n .]' :':-:�g n�lsne [ic to; ]m10 or imoro�e .. -^- o��on<o ,� sa'" jE . a; �n^¢r o't'e ��oo=ny an e•d�s��.>'�y aor'��c. �_ �� :?nsee o��rzcm�s m so'>:�.a t�e ao�ect �Secno� 704a. 6usness - ":�'0'SSiOncC^Cf RPC:af:3C:Or�j�.=_'[5:ir,=:C:ii:0:2�^:103'.9:.�^P]']':l/:.h0]cirS�timpfOv25I�2�POn !"c +�9 m�Ved?'m sbG". � G,2ct5 xrn �::^I':::]'�s '�c'.^zf BL'i:an! �p I�e r�. � r-;'.y'> S;a:e LrtenSe iawl. I am a+:are - ,.:']01 0l 1'b .k'Ic.'i i]"2^Sa90r. cc�r�-..- 5_. _ 5'. ]....��.0 A Ga - o.;mn: o:oe� car�e-. 3.= e — � �:: _�_ ��� 4/ ' �,.�� �' �'�� r:� -� ; m . : a = c' . e - ' s ^.. C ' . ir :.+" S.' .. G �'s bi05. 25533. '<, .: . �r,� �:-�ur.�,� c., - ..Y.- ,.o��-�n�3¢�.:=•^� z ne-=cuiremen�sia�z � s��uu�or �r aa�ba:,c•� :��... _ � ;' . ' _' _ ; D�: �c! ;es[s,;�a' :c'sr �:�c::an[s.o"s are e.emy :ro-, .'-s> � .. �. _ . nz" . .. , �e.>_ .,_, .� �a:e �,.,,: ;n: _:: r,•i:. --:..._ "'.._. ... --::'.:�. is co..p�� i ;� _, �� �o^o': :.�:r a�; o14' ane cow:r . .. . .. - . n.f f . . - _ : ?^mc me�LC"e" l /. % -_ .—�����9i---- s... --- .�y�-� ��-_�.�/' . CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; M 051121 PERMIT NO: M 051121 PLAN CHECK N0: N GOVT: N SUPP: Y CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: UTH JOB DESCRIPTION ; INSTALL 3 FACTORY FIREPLACES SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC; R-1 /M-1 COMMENTS: RE: B49331 PRIMARY BLDG, PERMIT. lEMiFlfkiFit3FkMifMMifMMMlf�ifYMififififKMlfIFlfM1fMK�fMMIF�fIfkMlfkkM4kfEitlFkkif�flfifiFklfiF�fM7flE%iFkatlfMkififM*** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAiN BUILDING ---------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN --------- ACCESSORY BUILDINC- --------- FANT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING RE{� • PROV: PARCEL: 43922123 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING Nbl'ES> i *�*,«»*»��**.**�,��»�*�*�����»�**�«**�,�*»**�*�**�������*,���*��*�,��,�****�***��**�� D E V E L 0 P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY , BUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED HY: r*�e***rr*r***rrr**r�r�* ifMKiFMifififMMlf3fMlfIfYMMlkififklf1f1F1FIfM1f 1FiFif M if LEGALIZATION:N F E BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC DATE; / DATE; � DATE; ,R. 11 *rr�r�e�r*�r*�t�r' ** kififkMMifkkkltkifMiFitkkMififklfMifkMiflflEMkMMMlfNlfkk U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADIN�_ PERMIT 19�5= SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 9.50 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 19.50 4.50 0.00 24,00 24.00 _ .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 24.00 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 24.00 ififM'lE1fIfIfMMkM3fififklfk*ffMkiFitififlF7tIE)flfiFNMlffflfiflElfkMifif�YM4ifkifMkkkMkkltMkMifkkMlflfKMMMMIfkMMIfkM I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 3 FACTORY FIREPLACE 6.50 19.50 END OF FEES � PflOJECiq0UflE5S. �-�'� ��a`���ao`�`/.� UNIT: -•='liv� OW4Ffl'S N41AE -• �� � � L �� FOOPESS. ' C' � 'f �'a !:t � ��� �• _•�S:A ......;F;.•:h , .�7 �3-3u'J;, AFCXIENGINEEP: "�'+� :ii.:'..IV:,Gri flEG.N0.:�1/JcJ aooacss: � � � : .� �::^I 'Jri i _ J uNiT . U J �.V.". .. _:J PEflMIiTEE: - ••'r•��•� Gn:�:\v . ��li�,'.. �.�iU ADOflF55: �V>� ..n�,':':f�:�L ... �vrti.�:�i�\ ..-, i 1 %.:J ULENSFO CONiFAL10fl OECLAppiION: � "-aoltr 91CoT�"�e .' Se' "" -. _ -. = a.;-.ss �. � _ . �,,r -� i - . ... . . GTY LIC � S7ATE UC f' "' -, �S]/�9/ �(,� �t��- YOflHFFSCOtdP SAiEN IONOFCtAqAiION - , I.�- e1 -.- ,.�in5ure0�3,; ...0'.:'.' �' - . I tt.'il(j t i �,'L"_ . _- 3c00 ..,' C � i i _ , . 70LICYNO. -J.�y`h,�_ ESP OATE: LOMPANY: y _ '. _ �; n=�e�, :/um�snea. � � �:�_: ;;�� s ���ec �/�g D��ns � nr :-. � �e:e "I ( .�o.�.�i c :'Y//ZC--L(.t.e.S�J 1T EXEMoiION FFOM W0 �NERS' LOMPENSATION OFCtAFAiION� �'-�s scs"'-e�. ---[,:ti!'^a � v'.t I5 bi one �unC•=_a iSt001 rtr ie>si - _2'0 "�'3'.- � �hP �'/0�� ^ . �C� .' � ,. 5 :_v: , _ _ ?'i0�in dfly Td�n¢r50 35I0 b2C0�'�P .-.. _ . . ... : , �.' 21S;10� i:: c r' C2 'C'r. 1. 5� _. NOTICF ' a'.;:y tLs ce9ar�:c^. :Go =�CV, peCO-=.5u;�eG L 0[ C.:'�_ 9 G;.'r:'csatm� Omvisions o� Ioe LaOor C . _ .- � r�. emoty ��i ucn .:��� .,,.ms:�" �- - 5 " CONSTBULTION LENOINC pGENCY: I �e T����ai 'er+ ¢ �'-'S' , hr Ine peAorman�e Of Ine v.�Ork :or ,:-c .- - _ :�ec >ec io� 3097. C+ Li LENDER. A�OflES$: ' OWNEB BOIL�EP OECIABAiION_ i ner=Jy at:rtm =,a; i z:n>�empi R.� ��e ncac'crs S�a�e L�:ense Law tor t�e toilowing �eason .5?oor rp3�� 5 ecs�� �¢ss ant c�o�essionai Coae 6n; c�p� c� coumy v�r.�r- -o� es a�e�mn �c rn�,simct. alter, impmve. tlemoiish. or -. - svr,�a ���or �o us �ssuance. a�so �eo�.��=s me zoe'icant io� a� � �,: w'�'= s e;'ee sia�ement that oe�sne is i¢ensea - -.�s�rs c!:se Comracmrs' S�xie ! rz=�se La:. �Lhao:e� 9•c�-� -' ':.�,m Se:��m�• 7000) ol0�vision 3 cf t�e Busiress .s,...,....,": :ir, . .. P�.'=r, ;'::el m�na� ,e�sne is e.em;; c.<,.,:-om a'c ;�e azs<;._..•, �,- _- ., cw v�oiauon af Senioa 703t 5 oy _ �-. _ r.�m; ;�a-c•, �ne aoo�ca� e a ci•n ,e�a0� oi no� - .u.> c�na�s I5500�. 1= t; o � r�„ery or my ecpic,e iln waees , 6 s rc�. will Uo I�e xork. an0 I�e .� P�C � a 0�'P�PL 0 SdIP fGiO �/O-< BOS n•55 � � J''t[C � COOIIdL1015 $IdiP LiCE�SP �dw 0 3�I'�0 d,� 0 nE� D� d J�Op¢fly � �0 �U145 0� im �OVPS . 2 d9 ,� ^9 5 Ch NOlF hlffiSPI�l026E11 Of III�D�QII n m�ioy.e5. prouoed �al �C im ro �enen s a�o . cf �� " �r sa�e. I1. no'xe'uer tne �uilding or -�P 5 504 "� INn OnE �Gd' pl C0�'�.'IEVO'.'�° Ou'12� . Y � ., �,n .I .,^G p2I5�C Eid �OI h�ilC Of iRlp�OrP - - _ ... C�SP Oi 52�21 - _ " _ .•^CER� T ErC1u5n2b. r.OYazLqC :.CG bC�T:iC =l": S1C'i ^ :i�i:'. � :0� p�012C1 �$aLbat170d.'. 6u5inEi5 --- _-'S'LOCB 1��2 COnI:dCI0r5 �i%�= L¢on5f La:: CCEs "' =" . b 2' :.+'2' �i:'-:2^� :��0 �w105 0� improve5 ��P'2^'� '"IS `J' SLL� p'O�PCIS N"I d:0".'d� 0' SI G�'cc :'_ ,I IC ._-, _, -$Idl¢ UCCfISE Ld:•�i I 2Ri d':.3fE [ ., . _ . . ^�;e- � c��nn.n r; on ,s..,, ",. n..um �z a_ . ro - - - - --:� .',ae. Szn�c�. 9 's 7 C __ p"-e _ -- 3T = ar� �: ana u�ce s�.-; ��.c..���e�men:s o=C -_- 3N., �.- �- � �. Goae Seauons 25i05. 25i33 =� ': „ cvn : �... , ....unn,,coccuorm,::,,..; ., ..�i o,:�-�. � _no,,::-�._-�'.�-c�oesana�^ero.,��om¢��s��-. - ¢::iu.� I o � --_. 2ms.. = : ?es.;'I � :_ _ ..:er ao0l¢ato^�'•• �.=mm•.. � ,.. 6T. _:": . _�.c..... . __. . ,:. nJObr.'l " -. _ � .� e�;^'Sle..=,�5._e'.9e.e�:>-":"�5O'4:: �-''_ c:Om0lyvnlnaPc�tYa'OC9b"'.r .. ._ :�:'s : .': au�! n„ co . ��:"� .. , . ;.mrce �_ �..•ntz. �; ... . . �: emer uoon mo abo�e -e�•� .-_• ' . _:,.,�"� ��-- <.. ,, ,-_-Q�%L'��'..�i�`QQ.�f,/.� r .'�.'?: i .V,J: }i \li } IJ= _ .�: �SG.�r1 - .�.�...� � . . LRi�_. �� i Vii-: t'..riV �u.:.i=h �li: �. "" i . i . i : . . ., _ .>, .�. . _ ,: ��. . _.:...:�.�;-::J;� 'i'yr:.: : r� ��:.��;:7 :z2�: :+.". ri;,:r;,_,E: :«n ./VJ i.�IJi.fllt'tl)I\ . Dlil:.al., AJ'i U:v::J� J/j�J!' ..iV� IJYJJ:' Vl1f� :�k� .. -Lf11.'. Yl1LUG: 1.M1:1. :�ALJi:. =.titl.:i .)i,� : :t . / �'. - '.i�:L'�\1D: :tC[L1'.�'.'_:. :JU_�ili?. r::t�Y:��1' =';ti''�J�1 �z������x�*l!flfMhr.n-.lfif�M�wt.�Ax�trt:nww.vtRYk�F��r . .-xka��.n.t�.�e-.1�tn�re.�l-<.�;(.+{-•.e� L �� Ib _ ;V V :i :� tJ 1 ,1 .. i V . � _ _ " � r1 �. .. _. � � � M _ J ' J V . '� l: J C �.. � . "� .�. J " . �l � �i L' - . . .. � � � .. -t=H:�: � V .^:-1�:: cT - "":l, _ _ r.. F1 v _ii�_: _ ::J �_..., rT � .<��I.. . _ _.. PA�1:��v (lf(}�� i�:1VV: L�fi1ZCL'u: '•5�7.:..'_� L:VC: :l_' .`ilJ: c':.H.v.�1�.v .vViGJ> EIFRI{11f4-AfihlflElflfAAt!fif<.<1EA'<ikkftif�Elf1lwffilERM,1(klflEiffEilXM�-nh4hiElE�ffi..nfik!FK.fEM�4)t)k}F4.4-xR1t�ElfR t+f� Li a V E,. O�'' M c N i :; c it V i C n., n c� � i:t �.. .= N_� ::i ulilVi�VLt r1t'I�I�i:��Cti ] ( _ :�n . � � �Ui�i%i�Vv .iF'Piii�J'c�::i :i'i JA,�c': Ai'i':.:�=ti:iVN ISS�c�J �'1: � ,1q�i'c: 3 t%lfkMlflk.Mf�lflfiflfll'?., i!F.t%'TR 1 Rf'. f X:h ft !:X<A �.A .�k�1 ftt l:4tri:!%<AJ�'l.tlkll .♦ l. kf .. �. . y �R.FRY�kiEi)fsfMlflfifll!!A�.'f} Vfi%'lfklflflkA�fh!t!f1f%hl(k1f.f.1fMAR!k<�AfCJffflfhk�.tfYill')f+tXlfw.R%�.�khYl�� \1ks :+LGAi.iLA:1VV:N Y' L G J J i�i i� M rl 2 JiHU�.a::riAL .��L�N::V1:(V dLDG r'i'il PuJM}jiNG cycl"1ti�C ��.::Lnn:.:� titt: �:d.Ylt{L':J V:((1jJ_;yV k�tHlVll _ .liV 1 �J; J1':al'i�lV�:v _l�J t� i� t� �/ _ ��iJC ^h= ..,.5'v �J_�D_�r-DiV-> rcrt,�i: I�Suc ��:..Ay-Cric:'rC 'i'O'fA� t'ACL� .,,�= :U�Ai.:;---> ,4.v"Q :`,.v� O.UO oi.Gi, �3,V'v .�v kc:l%c:;J:.iL ilIViSIG,V 1v��Ai.:i -> CU:,i�tC-�c"L; b7.00 1���:��.;nu:ii: ��j 3i.DG PMT -�..vdi,iG e:Lc.C1d�� ''scCrinivil' .-�= SH_: i�-Oi ��;1i.il�:vG t�'_•H��-L:IG_t: J�J.J� <f1�+ftktkf'%EK�iE% • �t!� r!tft.. �FkfE+f M�<4ftieK RXrtlitRl�n.kk!t'.: <�t <A-�ER�•. �. <.t+.+<ttn4.sk--: k � . . t.. -. � ..t� _ . _1 i V i : � ;) n :. c .- - -' � E A r, �; ��� >v \ ,`'^u _;�_,f :� _ D l. :� a i' i . L3 V :�[�t "J:IL'111:'(%'�--.H: .JItIV �- ili�., ��:u' tCf�iVG(tt�.1L�JN �i�.]iL'4: �- avv . J:J%il n:v11 Cir r r �.:, '.,iv:. �.�vJl , li � >.U�) 11u -.�J • . � � ,: 'i , � U AOOFESS. iv'� :••--�n :::1 ' - "'. ' _•�s:a >t_..rti, _A _ ..:7 p_ (,. _ �SU�' �:3-3u7;i ��� C(},k�'� 1!L-,��'r(` APCH�ENGINEEP: '�' �K �' i'-'�+�� � flEG.NO.: C 1 / J< J " • A�OPESS'. �;��.' v� .�.-.tI �iJti. I1NIT: -'iv v . - i', J i 7ERMIiiEE ' •� '•r� : • - ' . � � 1 � � , . . - J Y V AOOflE55: c �,' � . �•L�/. i'i�_':. ... �_1, �A j172V LICENSE�CONiFNC70F�ECLAflAiION: -_.- ....._.'.. ' '-�g:�_":-.... )-;o:C'�� �� ..�'.:_-... ' � 9'cl Ci_ :".'� . '.�'" -. _ _ -:5-"= -._ ___ _ _ _ " _" _' . 1 . . _ . . /� 2 f ' 1 I ��' CRY LIC. " J�J�- SiATE LIL ' //� �l�$ /1 J� ,�, 7 � �/ / / //o rA�A./' ... `4/ ��•��•t (/� 4� 'lUHNEPS C�MP S0.SI�N�[CIAflAi10 ." tsi1' .�:�.�.�o5e �nsu�?,., .. .. , . .. �:.__.._..._i'�a�1�P[(�.i f;.: . .-.:�. ' -� :`i'.' _' � POLICY NO' — EX7. OAiE. � ' \ 1'..1� t COMPANY C r s�^= eo�, .urr,is ea_ � _p^ ��g O���is�on�,,._. _, e R � .- — . ��/4ZCGCCc'L—� FFEMPiIQN FFOM W REflS' COMPENSAiION OECUflAT10N�, -- -:--��q�pp tl the 9e:m�.;'u br ca>': �� 2' S1001 �r?;n - ,q yn0•axr.� �t ;bp y:r:. +).:.r: r- _" -.-. _ i_..-. .' .--G'oV any oerson in aoy aaon�: 5o a5 io �eco��p ._._. . : . ...r . o .. C�li`::iG 1�... )' �" " " -... 3¢': �_�_ . N0710E:: =.ly: o - ;;is :ec'arx:r ;,� -- '. �_::-- ;.;_:' ': � ;, .?-5 Com;,ensalmn prc•:isions a� ;ae La�or L: ��si'o^ . rc- oi ��� � , s T=C revaKetl. C�NSTRUCTION �ENUING AGENCY 1 u? r... 5 1'.:� :r; yg¢nCi �a� N¢ �¢�b�narc= o� tne no�4 ;qr �� :.^.Cn _ . . � �s 'w.c i5euiai 3W7 � , r - LENOEfl: ' aooness: • OWNEN BUIIUEH oECLAFAiION: I ner=a; athrm �n?; i a�-� =,.¢T,�'�:-, :-_ :��:c;ms' Stale Lirense Lax to� u�e'onpxing reason �Seu�on iO3t 5 Ausmess anU Pm�essiore Coa= 6m ot; ct counry :.: :' �_= es a�e�mii lo ronstruct. alier, improve. aemolisn or '?03�� e^� SPUCfO�P. p/�Of b� GS i55W�[P. :KO 'P6.�'c5 !�+� e9.^'R2n! �J' i_:' ^ii t� IJe d Si90Q0 512'RrtiPnl tlldi Lp15�P i5 6[P�SPC D.'S�d"I ii L�e p0�i5i0�5 0� I�P CO�IfdCiL6- $12I2:iQ+5P L3s If�dO'°�' �:^- 'CInS :.iih $PCti0f17�II) 01 �IviSiO� 30� tIIP 6U5inP55 :-� &o�=�sro�.s Codel or ;nat ee!s�e is e�e,r�p, :��e�a�nm a,;c ;ne :�s�s':� re 'e;eC erempnon. Any no�ation of Sec�mn 703t.i by :'� '-00 cam to• a p?rmit ,u5lecfs Ine ap0 Ra ic a c v oenal � o .a .= n'�,e nunareU tloilars (55001. — � 5 0 ^e' o� ;n? �rGpert� or y ecpi ¢� �In �2 e-' sc'' compen5aiion. xAI do I'�e Mork, antl I�e _ _ u u is io� mte�ceo o� o�'ere, e saie :ox o��0.+ Bus- s � i=s o�al Lotle� ihe Convacbd Saie Lianse La,v � oes oi +e�iy io a o� rrer of a o o ry o o'�as or �� u : a�c � ho does suc� r ori �imseiY�orsell or ��ro�gn �s o. r o'on>mp�o�?e�. c�om�^6 at 9�o eren. - cE. o� otleted tot sz�e N, nove',?� ;'�¢ buil6mq or mp OUP Pn� i5 SOIC'. ifh � Onp ,Cd 0� -.0 �. fI �n. ;C, „� Z� -�., purQPfl 0� pfOvi�9 h2I5t@ did tlCi �WIO 4� IlnpfOv2 0' �^�e pulpOSe ol S:PI !+s ;aner oi m= o�oceny' nm e+ciusn=_�y r.n, acbcq :.r.^.::c�-ea_ :r-atc•s w consimc� t�e O�olect i5edmn 70ea. Business '� 'J °�Nfssions Lo�o ine COnCacle'S SL:' L'�ce^se La:. C:?'.':' E:: . b 2r T:.ner oi or00erty'�vAo �m�ds m irprove5 tber20� ':.h0 C��d:3CI5 �0� SOL� plp�pLB A'R d CO�.C'_�b'151 1G'�i` L"S.l'I IG Tp CO�IIdCI0f5� $IdiC LIC?�SP 13�.1 I d01 3.'H[y .., :�.af ot ;neir c:o�',els Cnmoenszt:on ^._... .. ,..:�ic :: _ . ._: m'_ — i a.^ =.o�: under Secoar, d L 7 C .� _ i_ �od50� ', ;nai i em a:.ut �t ano u�ae.s�az :�� =cw�=�.er: -- ..- 3 H=.eqn ac0 SatetY CoUe Secbons 2iiCi. 2ii33 s L•i3�Va�al:'.imam::u!u,eom�ancoccuoe.�;:.:... -�^.,�ieo�e�'s:-':::�'np'.;.:.�ihsaias�atecodesanare'�:mremenis�o�=. ��il :g� P;^.sL'uciwn a� mocil¢al�on t�c�'� Ino ;r n,,: ,-� y-. _ 9gi;="'i31 consimtt�an a0D14aimns ?C-?+erno� �:0' '959 G ..� �� . .. . LOL.:':. �-�•�od'-e�::. '-au nave •e,,: ;r,n �oobrx:.°� -' e�z:r c-ic.-e ,;c.c -•r_ s— is o��=_cl � aqree m compiy-„rtn a5 0,; ana m�.^'.: :^�a.c - .ff 'a:.s y�G'�mlCi^�G c� L � ^ .--�.,nta".acOti�ioCitYio?'1� PII�pOninoa9o�o.-ienl�p•�i P I . if pL � -S � , �� y _ ,��(�...C�'�«' % =; ° —�-- : �s,,:,�.. _.__._ .. r r(.'! i :VJ: }i V; iJii-3 Y:.,r.:, �u=�'!� ��11i: ,� � �:� . .. _ . , ,--�—� -�J;�....,.:,C::,�1v ';�k"r-.: `i- i: i'c:lN:��i iY2c: :{a�_ r`��ir;,Gc: :�cn .�vU ...�.Jl.:t1Y=1tJi� , D�.y'vL, iJ'i uIc1:J. -'ijJJr _,�C, l]jJJ.'� vn:1 .-:�ci . , -�A--. JA�.,_. �A��-JA�J�. _-.J.:: ,)��=; :� - '� -- �.-��.��iGi�:' [1tCL:1G�. - �O_�:Iyi:v ['�:ltV:�I ?�;i�J�l .zt-r+'�te�wtitifx�..t�-..��.H�.'rtatA�fwinx�:tt.<ffh�.� . .xx�n�.. .- � � � • -..� .. . ..<. ., 6 �J i� _ �`i v :i .xl ii 1 ,l � . .:. .� . i - ' _ " � .ti l, .. _. ' _' _" _, J� J �•v _ _ ^ ' _ -_ ':Cl_... l ..� . . . . '_"_ _ _: - t 1: :V ^ 1:�:, =T ;• , _ .. ,: -� . ._. - -tv �_.. . rT . �- - � .n.. - - '.. P.4.�1_��G :�r r:1v1r: YAl1Cc..: i�y ��'-, :.:�,'e.: -ic: :��;: �:_-. b.�KiV.�114Ca �:U�CD/ MM!11fi1f1lXfiftk�ElfMllAiEk!E.ff�:<kkx�fkikfEftfJFfEAfiMkfFiflflEAAR.���r'kRlf�iitfi��nRk!1-Ntay�k)tlFffl(�ilxX1F� t1F� U n V E.. " c M c ti i .; c R J i C n o ;i c: u_ i_� n:�? ,i V_ 3 (.�7iVl�vV nri�ttQ�1c�, �i Jn.=: �ui��%��Vv �.PPRG'd=.; :;�' ur%,�'�: ���r�:..=„:�o,� zs.;,._:� ��r: - ,,r,�,:: 3. <x�t.x�tirw�.+fxififfc-�i: +x<'C7 �� kk x ��i�iE3f"+i .,c.�.r<x.v.��� . . �a.ri..,.a.. . �R.tit.+,-IEiE%�fffirtifiFltR�nc.<..rwxlrlt)fifx�(�Ex4!ffE�ExMnit.e. it�fx�!t.�AitlflEkkfr..�ftxai{�xrtrt,fa.�x..rk�tk.r..�r�+f> Lr,GAi.i�A;�OV:N F �; c � � 2� N, r; �1 r „rt�J�.�::nAL �c:C;M::�T:^i i�`.DG r'i'�1 ?:,UMf1ING ci.c:llii_C �,::(:ar.::« rii(c �:4�t'/rtc:i v�:ii�::vi:. k�t.ti�,! i i � . li v ��1 `1JX JI•:�f�iiVV�v :t�J ?i,AN i.`i.�iiL ^t.h t�.J'v 3J_�DI.VG-DIV-> P�dKi: i:;S�E �•i,A� Cric:'ri O'fA� PAiU ,,,;, �UiAi,.,----> �ti.�J i�.00 �.UO ui.GU ,�3.OU .�v �LVCiV:1C UIViSIU� G��Ai,:i--> CV:.,LE.C�c.1J: b3,OO U�^::t/�nUili: ,UO 3i,DG PMT -�„�di�G ELtC'idI� '�ic:Cri�NiC �:�� :;,4i: /�'u: G�F,il�:�G "�M��-l:tCi_!1 `J�J.J� tft3RfifkiffiftElfifll � ..i�+Fkl�t.kRMlfX�tkfFkY�kftlA�k)F�i t.fk::�cht.4kltw..: <.f.(:EifX%:t%�:�: t�.,..t�.n�:..,fr _'� i� i?� i U J�.� c __ _ c( E A n,� U: i :� 'Ir:, r1:Y '� � � 3 ':=� S :, _ �� ii i i' �' _ i1 �\ �.v'�"� =�J:�C-A.:t/�:-i��; F���"<iG < - iV.: , tl�iu ..G[':i1VCf�H1j��1�: �[hiL'i�: <- .vV I. Jl'J�(i ctvi� Ct . �G� .. �. , . �.'U.� i �.00 ,UU (1..a � rJJ i CI�V� ,.7,Cp reaccraooacss. _, c��� PR u"�T HLDG'S' 9WNEF-5':aME:h D,C UEV � � acuaess: 16� MESA UR . , -�- . •LG$G'•�.LBF CGS�A MESA,CA '2527 ���'�/�/�lI1A�Bs� qRCM�EhG�4EEF 553-8090 REG.NO: 'TUDD SrHOULER C1732] aoc�[ss 5�0 Y NEWPVkT IINIT: SOO N.�. =A 92700 PEPUifiEE'^Gi"I B�?�ER CU. (714)6.42-2431 +:�oEss: q y S rEDLANDS NEWPi�RT BEACH CA 92663 LICENSEC C^.V?FFQOR OECLABAiION. -o.=p,; ,;•; ^. .r,� ,- _= t:: . : ' :':�. 5�:"5 T ::.'.: "• o Ka.^..c�?na�y ^:iln Sear' ... _ ' "' " . . -: _ : 5 :': °': � b.;:P :. ._-., . .. _ ..._.. _ : -.. ciTruc 04907C srareuc.�,o6902 �'=-10 ;: _rd -i�g� :.-,,�.�� -- - - -- VOFNEfl5L01dPEN5AilON�ECIAflAiION'. IR�p�;albrminatir .' -'tc[oni?^.:[isE�'-m5.reo�acerti:ita1to147orFgrS . --u�ar.�e ;- � ce�ofie0 coD/ t�e:eW i5ecnon 380 ' � , rnucrna 1137424-90 EXP.DATE: O4/OiI91 I COMPANY jTA�:E FUND _ _ _. :; rs �er=.o� �um�snea. �'� Cendiec cooy i�� 3::�mng Drviva�� ''� _ � � �� �� ( � uoa'rtan; EMEMVi104��'q;4pqMERS'COMPENSAilONOECLAFAiION. -- "- " "'"'t's2"c:s'�r�r?ter,C�ed�5100�JNe55� - ,-�,sse:�:--::- .:. .-«•.-,...-.��..�.re.:s�':'=::.x'.•:.::'ictv.�soerm:�<i;s." "°_=^r_'f-`-,en�n;i�Imxnnersaasto0em-.� ""'_ . ... - , .,.':zi���a', L�•.5 M L�bfo:^�., ' _ " . ;_ S���amre 'NOiRF ' � myb^ �ms cenx�z;�on. �;ou shcuid 5eccme sci`:".= "= '.' �s' Co�^c?r.sanon ;mvismns of ine La�or S'.e - `:s! :acr:.-,;. ccnyy �:.cn surn orowsians ar �ois :>"..'--t =- :- e->C .q:c�.=a, � CaNSTFUL7lON LENOING AGENCY: I.�e�e�y aPrtm'nat ;nero �5 a;,'�s'.:CY E':t, ?gfr.c/ lor fG? pedorman[e o� fhe work lor :.s�cn "; :;-' c i551=c �ienmr 309;. Crv CI �. LENOEN: RODRESS: � OWNEP BWlOEF OECIAPAiION: I h¢re0y athrm that I am e�=met if=- "t ^_'n.'-'.orz Stat license �aw lor the lollowing reasoo �52GC �E' i 3u9�ess a^c °mfesSOna� COOe. Am; c0y ot cowtv n"S' 2--i" -+P'nii b ConsiNQ. alter, implove. �emolis�. or �e�a,� ;-, :-._ := o�ioi �, �:; �ssuanc=.. aiso reQui:es ine aoo!icao; �o� s�.:- -e' ��;'; `i',e a si;ned siaiement mai ne�she is licenseo ou:s�__ ": -- c�ns�ons r�� ;re Coni;acmrs' State L¢ense Law iC�aa'e� 5�::�—�aio'; :.�m Sea,on 70p0� al �rvis�on 3 ot the Business a-c �':'=_='-s insel o� Ta; `,e!sne ¢=_Aer�oi Ineref:om ano me 9as�� `."-' :°9'= °`a,T,�iion Am� viola0o� ol Sec�ion 703L5 by ,___ __ :� a;Nan , oieps tne a0o'ia�i m a civil pena�ry� o:'C -c'=',?o'.e'undre0 �ollars (5500�- ::.^e; o� ;na proDeny or my =mployees �nin Na;es 3s :-e' SCe co�oer5ation, wtll �o Ine work. and the 'J li 6 �OI �nip�9p4 01 O��PlPU IOfShcp 1$PC�1011 %�44. BC9n255 e'C ��:'PSi�O�dIC00P. ihE CONfdC10R' $IdIP LICEfISE LdW -c[ 3oo�y to a� 9wner ol a ompeny wno �uilas or improues t�?�e2� anc :,no Coes such work himselllherseli or inmugn - -„ own ¢m;'�py¢es. pmviCea Inat sucn imo�ovem?ms ='° �=: "".�Ge^. or oH¢reU for sale. II. ncwever ihe Euilaing or --i-enl is so'�L :.i�nin on? year o� coTplPb9q [n= nv,r4� :. `-d.'. '-° :'.'r?� p; _ g�nng p?Isne did no: 7uA4 or improve . . :emase o� s=e� z�oi;re ac:en�.am e,dusi�eiy rnneanina :.ca�e��se: :""-:'o�s:. co��s!'ud ine omie��ISeUian 70aa. 0usiness � '=:`:i5ior,5 LoG= ine LOnlrttto�s SIaR l¢e^�ie L3:. c:=3'=' ==' .': a":.'�?� }'-�[?�/ :.n0 bmld5 or improve5l�ereon -.- co�:raus �,: sucn oreiers .mn a comecmnv'�r:�se _: ss-�.'o �.-e Cc^�:a:'os' S�a!e License Law). I am aware '. _ : � oI I�eu ",: i•'Rr'S Com'.en5ai�on msura� c? SY.0.IC := :'-. :-: ',` -' i"'� : e•�Toi unae� i=�.�c� B fl P C J ; zasor. oxre c.-: : cc -:�;'. :s-': ina; i am. z:.3r¢ o� ana unne�s�zne me recwreme^:s :' �='='" _�E� �'. =re 5- =ry Coce Sectm�s 25505. 25533. ane 259= s" "s' r an, ;ui. e�pdCmq ctD.oan�::.ill��_oi nel lo•c'o or5� =2 �G'i :,':'__�� =�3@ coa?s an0!�e �ecuirements for a -. ".cmn o� -'oa�i�c3;;on hom �hg ar Oealn; t.1an,�e-e" =-c ": ="s�c=+:3':e-,� �ecb,n �pplica;wns aie ewem0� Irom nes=�:':.':�'_: Dap _ Ao�5o.n1 .I p,�vf � J.iC�V09 3 .7d: ' .0 I;�•e C CO"1p1� I:fY dll GiIY dn0 C011"�'� '-''S �:�C�." n ^F � . �.. �.f�ucOnf�?2b,�omentiaro^ . -f„ ]6 � . /� . �o _cL-�� 5. CITY UF COSTA MESA - bUIL'uZNG PERMIT ?ERM NO: E, 0q3446 PEP,MiT NO: E 049446 Pi,hN CHECK NO: tJ GUVT: N SCPF; N CONSTkUCTION TYPE: 5-N � PERMIT TYPE: EiE PUkPOSE: OTf� JOb UESCRIPTION : NEW TRIPLEX W/ATTACHED GARAGE SQ FT: CLniM VALUE: CALC'VALUE: / GROUP pCC: R-1� /M-: COMMENTS: RE: d49331 PAiMAhY BLDG. PEkMIT. '� �E if iE k fF rt�k k k M 1f iF �E tE �! rt ff f! ff fk k it k M it fk if i i� if ik �f ir i1 �k M k it k k it 1E ik 1l�lk ic if tf M k lfif WSk k 4 M M M k 1f M ik if 1f 1f iF if iE il-iE 3F 1f i! iF if tf ii �t Z 0 N i N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ Mi�.IN &UILDING ---------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN - ACCE�SOAY &UZLDiNG - FRNT: FT IN kEAR: �- IN LEFT; FT IN GHT: FY IN PARI�ING REQ• ROV; PARCEL: 43922123 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NbTES> ' � > Mff�fifitMMMkkMikfffif iffkkifkMkMififksfMififMMkihifiFikMififitifkikkkffifK1f1f1FkifkifM�fiflfiFlfKiffEkiFiliElf�fMiEj4iEKM D E V E O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZUNING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED HY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED HY; � DATE: d// if�fitMifkYMNMkMk1E+f�FifiFMMifk � �FMk�lifkiFkiflkik KM ffMiFMMifififMKitMifMiEkR%%MitKlfifikK�fififMKif�fkMMiFlFitMikMffft MiFifMNlfifiEifMMM%MKKMrt�1fliitif3kjFafMMiEMaF%{Eit LEGALI2ATION;N F E E 5 U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC PERMIT 171.99 502 PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 HUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTALS----> 171.99 15,00 0,00 FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON-RES TOTAL PAID DUE 186.99 186.99 .00 REVENUE DIVISIUN TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 186.99 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG F�MT Pi.UMBZNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SM;P/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 1G6.99 h if 1e 1E > 1f if �f -0! 1f 1f 1f 1f 1f if iF �t 1f 1f IF if if if 1F ff if M if M if !E if if �f if 1f if if tf jf ik if ii ii' 7f i! f if if if if i1 M 1f �f IF 1f if 1f !f 111f if 1i M'!! 1f if'N' h 1F # 1F * w 1' ff M it I N D I V I U U A L F E E B R E A K D 0 W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I 0 N uNiT CGST TOTAL COS; ELE 5733 NEW tZES BLDG FOR 7+ UNZTS / SQ FT .03 i71.99 END OF FEES Pfl01ECT AOGflF;S: �'G _ V� ��� � I1NI7: - _ - -' � ' ' - _ awNen�sName�.�- -. - -�.����Ga Ci�.. U:' �OS:A M:S:i al._�Ji�;," rc.7,vi:. t'.:%t:'+. Nii: . U;U3� AOOPESS: 'r� 1 `i , L . 'i L �� � _ .. � . ;h�:� �,:�tx:': �0: = : Jd65 P:..i�V =ci:_i_K :VU: J7�_.a-30 .. _r�.�?: ;� :������: :. AaLXiENGINEEF: �=-'J�J-- -- .,....,- PEG.NO.: � y� , n�_ �L: L nJ:��i� �.' [ i AOOPESS. � � U � ��. .. J.v F' . � :) L ' G . .. .. ✓ PEBMITiEE'. iV.b; '.-� '�2%Ol% . aDOflESS'. �-��' ' 1! I �: i .,'D ±-LO:O `,: ., l:d,::'-. 0 �:r1��T ,l•if1 ri ���/_ � L�CENSEO [�NiFaL70B OECLARAi�ON. ....- ._ . . _ ]; •0['P � . ^ ' . � . .:nh Secio. -f.[ ..., a -Ss,.�,= S / ��. CItY uC.. . .: SiAiE LIC (��( J/ �/ fj^55 �+ . 1 �'` _�-�-Lf%— `!=.!" `��/!J �LCI�� �.��i ��t�, WORNEFS COMPENSAiIONOECIAPATION -� I _.Cart'y�� �2 �m5ei� �Sareo�aCee txleolNOrkerS Con_•��, mn !,surarce ^ �e,nlieo ceo.� .^ '�5=:.�o-'P00 Lz� CI POLICYNO..�,�j��i_;�.i�:}'� E%P.OATE: �JI_�I`�1 COMPANY: �A_;:!!(�`,;? ,- ._ . .: mov �s �;«:. 'um�snetl. .�j, Ce^r..c cccy� �.s +.rec :.�u me oir 9�� �y ��ris�an. �e^-(=s�.L-�/-�- - �� fu ' CC .x'�' px E1fEMPiIONiqOMWOflNEFS'COMPENSAilONOECLAPAiION'. � - [:'�.ct::-:=-."^�t9'�'� ';i:^�'crCreCIS1001aUe5L - . . - - - ;a ot!ne nm� �v :.^,:..-: ^° s o.' o ; s�=�, -;: '-'. +.n9 Personk, ;rv; canner so as to become ,�a..._' :__.. . _ r �:IOr.t.g f:-:>�saVon l'u.:s :' G.'C-': ,. s,,,,,:� , cNOiICE'. " aCe -aa-;'ois aeciara!�c� ,oc sr�dc �?cone su:,=t� to :�_':: i'•e5 Caroer.5t]on pmm5�on5 a� !�e Labor C^ce ."-'�us; Ir,'r:.+! to'�ply ::i:'. Su.^, "c:•.S.'�s :' ;nis :=•�il snall :_ :o=_,- ,D�;o;aC LONSiPULiION LENOING AGENCY: I np2;y a"eT. :n�l u2r= i; a 9o��snuc;mr,'e'�G��; :;ency b� :np Detlarnance ot the vwrk tor :r..cr �r.s �e.'-n �� �ss.�c •Sec!ion 3097. G�. C� LENOEP: AODPE55: pWNEB BUIlOEP OELLAFATION: I �ere�� nl'rtr.� :�zF I am e.Empi :rG�r ;�e Co^d'iGOG Sfai? L¢ense Law tor tAe lollowing reason �5?Cio.: %97: i 9us�ness a'C �ro�?ssional LoEe 4c; �i;; et c0unt� ul`.irn;ecurt�s a oe'-.i; Io conslmcl alip�, imptove. aemolis�. or 'EW�f d"'� i;fOGS:�E pn0�'J 65 650dnLP_ d�59 fppprtc5 itE ip64CdB; 69 SLCA pE'Rf IO �'iQ 3 S9fIQU Sldi¢mQpi I�di �EIS�p IS IILPf1520 pwmar �o �ne prons�o�s o: �re Comracmrs 9are L�c=_�s= la:� 6:�xo!e� 9 immn=� ong :.i;n Sec;mn 7000) ot Drvision 3 0l ine Busness F�C �';;'3G^s G�IDeI o�' =t'e'sne is e�a."�o:;,�.elOm ,�t ;.^? ;255:a' Ehe d�3;?c'.•'. atien. ?n� vio�ation ol Stcimn 703L5 �y ,.-...: [ �0' d OfP'+: i.C�2[6 I�E dpp°i[2n� �9 d riN1 Dpndliy ;I';t TOR Ub� �np �ut'C'=_tl QOIL"5155�01. x; c:.ner o� ^e o�openy or my e�a�:Iees n�nn .ayes 3s Inert so�e somoensanon. wtll do ine work, ana tne � s'rucmre �s not mL=vCetl or olfereo mr sale t5ec!ior, 70<4. Bus�r,ess ana Prctessmoai Cooe. Tne Camracmrs Slale License Law 'ie; nol apoly lo d^ o:mer ol a a�eper,y wnc 7mlds or imoroves t�erean. 3�C v.r,p Coes sucn xork nlmsd�lnersell or thmugh �� rer �xn ert:'r,eei pmvideL f�2i sucA inprnvomo�rs =". ^�e! �nL^-�?: o'v��erzo b� sa�e I� ^,oncie� t�e �uildmg or '_e,' ,5 5,: , -.,'-�n one �,ea � c. ..' e�. c �� ,. .: ^av . ... _ . ,:'S'g.:�= C C �oi �ml� or imPmve - -: .��.as= o' :_.� n � as �+�t� al •^., --��=rtr am ercWsv=q er!�acs�nr, :n;n:�:=,;;eC mnfraems;t carucl'��e o'op.e iSecuon 70aa, Business ;.�7ssmns Lcc[ rne Gomracm�s S;x3l¢e�se L=:. c�o; �e: appiy;o z� o: -':'� �woen; e-o _vi'cs a� imomves mereon e e cnc co�Rac6 `.' iucn Jmiec6 �.��� a Co'�l�aclo��si hL°.^.se oursbLnl :� tne Cc-�;�3cM�s' 4aL= L[e-5e lav:1. � am aware ... Tuot ol !rpr'::^�ti s Comoe�sa0on �tSWa^ce snaalc GE'.'c+ieea ;: ^_ :. =,zTo� �,tle� :zcuo� B ;, o C ^ . -.'=aso�. Da;e O.ce� i ao �e�=c: -<,; i;nx� i a� •.:.3r= of ane u�a=�;�a^s �-_ �?cw�eT�en�� ; C;'��o,n�z ��a'[- .ac Saiety Coae Sec�cns 25505. 25533. ana Ziil: E.].�:.• T p-:: Ic:.'f'c�C,:c oG'..C`.,,. a:" e;' -•• q��c': C°� -ao;'^.:c"c'( c;' �Nc sl?t? c9res x^9IPe reC�.�rteTenis Ior z - �., c.�s:'uc:�on 9- ,' . lio� I:0 ..r ��:��.� i. a_e. -[ ?�sl'�c ? c^Lal O5'�uC:�o^ app %: ons are evemol IroT mese p,>.�se-s L�a;e .. ... I pe.p:. - i ..,.. - ' �r ; a���i:z.. _ _ .^,il • a �C^.- � . .:T' � , Ic :Gn'.' .rn : � ot�i zn0 mun; � •.JLif'�_ . •.�S ..l .I'. 'WUP-TPnUp^?; -,�.e L 3 I _�� — c ��L��,��e-� -� , co�;::--..,�-.c:, rr- . ��.i��;:. :v��: =:,� ::.ri��;_;��. :c�:c JlJ_� ���._�.�.C.��� , aC!..�i 7r'i-.. .:��riJr �3_....� �_�', y�CiJ[^ .ii•./i .:�! r1. �..:�.Y ..�.�„�. 1, ���O.OIi i:ALC-'v�i:.,:c: .::i�7,i:' OCC: 1--3 /:f- i '_ .�:C�: .�L _�.-ii�ill.,�:lti :�Y:Siii�'i tiL'�J^.�'�3�i t i � � M 1 � � Y % 1E +F � . a� �� rt t �F < f V �. 1f < W ?E !f !f �f '�f k .Y� k < ( i r � � � � i ! � � . K �- X 1E if !« < t � . .: t � a. C� t � 4 f k .Y "( � 1 1 �. �: ! � e w L .� N _ V lJ .i ^ f !l :� C Ib � C ., _ � � _ . � ----------- i�'.H� u.iii.,7_�:G ------- -- - - ACL��� �l1' .i� :,ll '�i� - --- --- r'RNT: : T �:v r�cArl: c': :I�, 'Rh': : r'T ' \ �..Ail: ^ : iN vGPT: C 1 _iJ �{G�i : c i -_iti .,,_: .. FT ::� �C:i:. . . .P: PARk�:�G R�Q: PRUV: ?AicCc;.�: 4'i«:23 'LNE: xEr ti0; P:.AtiVIVG �0'iES> > if!f[�ffffi!F4Y1flfi4lf%ar`tV!t+Fif)tifM!FfElffirA�M±l�f<!fifrtxfWY rV�s..vu�IfkifiFFi�!'tMi �.it1F�fFl�EY.. iY'� v,.1:4rt+� il c J E_ q:' M c N: � n:( V:� �� :l E Q.. � �i � �. _.,� ZOV���'v' APPROVED 3Y ul�':_� aUi:.i.�ING APPftC'v-=� 3Y • Dn�c; -!/� APPi:CA.:C� ISG:;cD 3Y: DATE: 1f ')f if if 1f if �f 1f f if K 1f 1f �f M< h If If r if if M '/ R 1 A it 1F {!f 1E ff !f iF 1f K�Q��f'E�f� if 1f tf %!F ±f 3f iE tf +f f k i! 1f 1k ?F 4 fi N� Ik lf If 1f l' If if if 1k 1F +i 1F 1f 1f 1f V% if fE 1 if if if h k+f K� Ik ik if if k if h R if !k 1f �f 1F if 1F 1!!k V'k 'f IF Y�F k IF lE h M<:f +` s i�GALIZA::ON:N F c E S J M F; R Y :;;RJCTURA� SEGt?;:N;;ti aLDG �.'4'C P:,G'MBING cLLC'fRIC ucCH:,F:IC c.iRc `_;MIF/3E5 Gi(r'�L�;��� PExMIT l?,OJ FJ�1� ..��i♦-�.���V(.i�ti':'l�..i PL11N ::? . G , zssuE Fr.�. aUii,DIVG-DiV-> PcRMIT ISSUE ?LAN-CricCK TUTAL �'AID u�p, TO'i'ALS----> 37,OU 0,00 24.05 61.0� ni3O� .OU ��v,.��� �����.szc�� ;�;A:.s--> ccL:,�r��:n: 3�,ao Oi_k/.,riOK:; ,vV b�:�G PM: :.,JMiiIVG t`:LtC;�IC Mt�Hr,Vi� r":ilE S�v:. ,_v: �it:ill�\:; :�At� _..�Ci: ?�,00 +rt�I(1Fifk'itYiks�iFifR��4MikkifMVFY.kiE�EHi11fHk1!ilMhiflfakYitMY�tlr�lfiflfM%%YkYYkkMlt�i�FX%itY.if':YYii�yxtKiiR� : � n� v �:� u n:, ; r. � ., x e�� ;: r, o�,� :Y�E �K:Y J c: 5� R i P', I 0:� i;N�': COS'C TO":'i�;. CU: ; e_R 37 EiRE EQUIP FEE (chGM Bi,DG Vc�.L :AHi.E) :,GO +1.uu :::'v OF FEE�