HomeMy WebLinkAbout280 PACIFIC CREST DR - Building PermitsAugust 6, 1993 To: �:�TY OF COSTA MESIi CALIFORNIA 926284200 P.O. BOX 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building Safety Division Code Enforcement Communications Copley-Colony of Costa Mesa County Administration Office County Clerk/Bd. of Supervisors County Registrar of Voters County Tax Assessor Engineering Division (2) Fire Admin.-Training Officer Fire Prevention File (2) Newport-Mesa Un. School Dst. (2) Pacific Bell Police Dept. - Ping. & Research Santa Ana Heiahts Water C�mpany Sanitary District Engineer Southern California Edison Co. Southern California Gas Co. State Board of Equalization Street Division U.S. Post Office - AIS U.S.. Post Office, Adams Avenue Mesa Consolidated Water Dist. The City of Costa Mesa wishes to advise you that the following address has been changed: OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS 2323 Santa Ana Avenue 292 Pacific Crest Drive 288 Pacific Crest Drive 284 Pacific Crest Drive 280 Pacific Crest Drive 276 Pacific Crest Drive Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, C� �i.(�.T �"ti�. GABRIEL ELLIOTT Associate Planner (23235NTA.ADD) C-15 cc: Kerry Smith Harbinger Homes Inc. 375 Promontory Drive West Newport Beach CA 92660 Builtlmg Division (71G� 754-52J3 77 PA1R DPoVE Code Enforcemenl (71a) 754�5623 FAX (7t4) 556-7508 A.P. NO. 119-133-19 Planning Division (714) 75<�52d5 ,� � r � 276 `P -1—=t -! 280 � 284 ? � """. 288 � ti • i N �.{� 1 Mn� I'AYE `7DYtj' - : �1 � 292 t �—•- .. ; ,• 23?3 S�tK7T+l'+Nr1 /4VENUS �PA CI FI C CRES T HARBINGER HOMES a� CYN'rH� A cou�r � ��� — WILKINSON ASSOCUTES Mw.cru. Rm`p Inyat nw r omiw cno t M,14qiH � , .. , -., , , -MINOR MODIFICATION APPLICATION CASE NUMBER: �"r6� -bi� ' I I PROJECT APPLICANT: � l�nh n. IA r 7 � � PROJECT ADDRESS: �4sr�—��I9_ �rrr�-(�o <�i�-1- ��. PROPOSED MINOR MODIFICATION: i�l�.� ,�� �- �xlcn�in� o� �o i-1 (n��� l-,I�;rl�i�nl� J l)�l :l/� �(� �� L(`�P t.1L! r � RE UIRED FINDINGS: (Y = yes, N= no) Y_ N_ The improvement will not be materially detrimental to the health, safety and general welfaze oFpersons residing or working within the immediate vicinity of the project or to property and improvements within the neighborhood. Y�/ The improvement is compatible and enhances the architecture and design of the existing and anticipated development in the vicinity. This includes the site planning, land coverage, landscaping, appeazance, scale of strvctures, open space and any other applicable features relative to a compatible and attractive development. _ Approved _ Denied / i PROJECT PLANNER: I(1 ��/1 i/i �(t �n�fl��(' I I DATE: I� l 1 NOTES: White - Cue File; Canary - Minor Modification File; Pink - Applicant mny �vyi G ,,5 `�iy t�j t '�' r p', S F�. ... '�� '�� � • . � �t� .-YF: . t s �� : .. � �.�a ) � :. w w ', k��� c- b S ��.y� Z�� � Y� • � : � � t � . 'fi�l� . .:•�_�*��, c . � A�I:��i.. � .i �. (: i t. ..' ,: t . � � i . �i; l� ' f ` m `� 7 ; : r ! '� � ( u PXOJELTFDOflE55: "Tr T T1T ZTV �(A�'f�L 'N'il ��y v�� OWNEfl'SNAME: HARBINGER H6ME5 aooeess: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 ANCHIENGINEEN: �"�ILKINSON E AS$�C nec.xo.: C9829 aoosess: 18002 SKYPARK CI uniT: IRVINE CA 92714 reemineE: HAR&INGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-665'_ nooRess: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 LICENSED CONTFACTOB DECU1flATI0N: I �ere�y a��irm Ihal I am licensetl un0er pmvisions of C�ap�er 9(commencing wit� Section 7000� ol OiNsion 7 0l Ihe Business and Pmtessians Cotle. an0 my license is in lull �o¢e ana eflect. CITY LIC.: STRTE UC.: CLASS: Oa�e: Signalure: WOPNENS' COMPENSRTION UECIAflATION: I her¢by aflirm thal I have a certilitate o� con5ent b 5¢I4insuf¢ or a tertilitat¢ o� WOMefs' Compensalion Insurance. or a cenihea coDY �nereoi (Section 3800. LaO. C). ;�OLICY NO.: EXP. �ATE: :. +LOMPANY: ���L7 Cerlilietl copy Is �ere0y lumishatl. ❑ Cetlified coDY is tileG wii� lhe ciry Builtling �ivision. yl � Date: Apvlicam: E%EMPtION FpOM WORREBS' COMPENSATION OECLABRTION: Qhis semion nee0 not be comDleteA ilihe cermit is farone hunAreA (51W� or less). I cenify Inal in ine oetlormance of the work tor whicn this permil is issued I snal not emDloy�n any manner so as to Oecome Su0lect lo I�je orkers' ComDensalion Laws o� California. � Date�. ( �—�—�� Signalure: NOTICE: I1, af�er making I�is Oeclara�ion. you 5hou10 �ecome suDlect Io Ihe Workers' Compensation pmvisions oi Ihe LaOor Code. you musl lotlhwil� comply wii� such pwvision5 0� this permit shall be EeemeO revokeG. LONSTPUCTION 1EN01NG ACENCY: I here�y allirm Ua� Ihe�e is a con5�mciion lentling agency for �he petlormance o� Ihe work for which Ihis permil is issuetl (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C). " LENOEfl: aoosess: OwNEB BUILOEB DECLABA710N: I hereby atlirm that I am exempt tmm the Contraclors' State license Law for �he 1ollowinA �eason ISection 7031.5 Business antl Protessional Cotlel Nny ciry of coun�y which requires a permi� to conS�Nct, al�er, impmve, tlemolish, or repair any siruclure. prior lo its issuance. also requires ine applicant far such permit to file a signed statement ihat ne/she is licensed pursuant lo�he pmvisions ofihe Caniraclors' Slale license Law�Chapter9�commencing wi�h Section 7000)of0ivision 3 oithe Business and Pmlessions Cade) or Ihal he/s�e is exempt therefmm and the �asis �or Ihe allege0 exemption. Any viala�ion of Seciion 7031.5 by any applicanl tor a permi� suble��s the apPlicani Io a civil penal�y o� not more ��an five hundred Oallars ($500�. I. as owner of ine owoetlY or my employees xtith waAes as iheir sole campen5ation, will tlo the work, anA ihe ❑ simcmre is no� imentletl or oifere0 for sale 15ection 70aa. Business and Pmtessional Code: 7he Contracmrs' State License Law Daes nal apply Io an owner ol a pmDeny who builas or impmves Ihereon, antl who does such work himsel�/hersel/ o� ��mugh his or her own emDloyees. pwvided thal such im0�ovemenl5 are not in�entletl or oflere0 for sale. II, however Ihe 6uiltlinp or impmvemenl is solJ vn�hin one year a� comple�ion, tAe own¢r vnll have the bur�en of pmvin0 he/s�e tlitl not build or imD�ove for ihe purpose af sale�. '/ I, as owner o� the property, am erclusively conVactinA wilh Iicense0 contracrors m cons�mci ��e pwject (Section 7044. Business � ana Prolessbns Cotle: The Coniractors' State License Law Uoes not a0�ly to an owner of pmPeM who GudEs or imD�a�es ��ereon ana who conUads br sucn pmiects witA a coniracmqs)license pursuant m tne Comracmrs' State License Law�. I am aware Iha� pmal of Iheir Worker'S Compensa�ion insurance shauld be OmviUetl �o me. � I am eaempt un0er Seciion: B. 8 P. C. n lor ihis reason: �� oare: � �, —Z �S wme�: � i tlo hereby cemty Ihat 1 am aware ol anU untlerstana ihe requirements ai Calilomia Healtn anA Safety Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, an0 25534 antl that I or any fulure Uuildmg occupanl will/will nol (circle one) neetl lo comply with saitl state co0e5 and the reQuiremen�s lor a permii lor conslmciion or mo0dicatmn Imm �he Nir Ouahry Managemeni Oistric�. flesidential conslmciion apDlica�ions are exemp� Imm inese O�ovisions. Oa�e: NpplicanL 1 hereUy cerldyt�ai I havereaa Ihis ap0licatmn ana 51aie I�ai the a0ovein�ormalionis correct lagree b comply with all city and counry ortlinances antl Slale laws relaiing �o building con5lmciion and hereby aWhoriz�resen��� ��is ' y to enter upon the above-men�ioned pmper�y lor inspeciion purposes. S Oate: � � —�2 1� Signature'. � Orive�'s �icense o� Socia� Securiry x: i64t-46 White—Bwltling; Green—Coee Enlorcemenl; Canary—Applicam: Pmk—Revenue; GaltlenroE—Nssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT YERM NO: !i Ub�vlc PERMIT NO: B 065013 PLAN CHECK NO: 03394-93 A GOVT: N SUYP: N CONSTRUCTION TYFE: PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 1464SF 1ST FL, 1113SF 2ND FL, 4255F GARA SQ FT; 3,002 CLAIM VALUE: 120,000,00 CALC—VALUE: 198,603.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: NEW SFR, PLAN Ji2J iE if if if ifif i� 1e iE if iF'N'!f i('iE')c'X'iF 1E'It'JE iE iE 1f if if ih'M'iE iE iE 1f iF1E1f if j('1i 1! IM1 if jf'iE ih iF if 1E 1f iE iF iE iEif IFi('if Y i�"N'IE i('Y iF 1f if ff'IF ff af if iF K if iFiE i( i4 i4 i�' Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; 41 FT IN REAR: 16 FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: 6 FT IN RGHT: 5 FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZNG REQ • 2.PROV: 2 PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: R1 REF NO: VT-14815 PLANNING NCSTES> SINGLE—FAMILY HOME (280 PACIFIC CREST DRIVE) PART OF A > SUHDIVISION (TRACT 14815) LOT 4. ' *�r�r*�t*�tat�-x�**itr'�+t*****�r*iri�**.*it�rri�*�t�tx-***x**it�-ar******u**at***�*�rir***ir*ria�tit**r.*�t*+t�e D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY ' ��� DATE: \'_� 22��i BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: W��'( �yA— DATE: �� I1-L��,� itiEifififiE*lEiEifif�t�YiFiFiF9fiE�flE�ifiE ��RiFi'x . . .iFiFifiFK9Eif�iE�f7��'�afiF if if % if if iE iF if if if 1E if af iE if iF it iE 3F jE if iE �F if if iE if if If�1E ff if if if iF iF 3f 3f if if if 1fiF i:�?} if if iEiF 1FiE if iF iF Yr iE iF iFiE* iF if�Y iE # iF iE 1F iF iFiF iFk ir. i: iFiR �c if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 986.00 19.86 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 160.23 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 1005.86 0.00 160,23 1166.09 1166.09 ,00 REVENUE DIVI5ION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 1005.86 OVER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECR 986.00 19.86 iE iE 1E IE iE ik if iF if iF iE iF if if if iF if it if iE % if iE if if it iE if it iE ik if iE aF 1E if +f iF iF if iF it iF if iE iE if M iE if iF 1F iF iE if iE if 1E �7E iE if iF if 1F if if iE ik iE iE jf if if fE ic if i6 if af I N D I V I D U A L' F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 2577 DWE—TYPE V—WOOD fRAME —GOOD 74,00 190,698.00 SFR 425 � RES—GARAGES TYPE V. 18.60 7,905.00 END OF FEES o� oo:.i+.a,�-c�e�.,imi �-��� �oa:�.s� �prE: 1..'r3,9"� T�hE: �g�:t CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING P� -& SPA APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector APPflOVAIS Permit# Date Inspector 1. Temporary EYectricai Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soii Pipe�Undrgrnd. � 53. Steel Reinforcement , 3. ElectriCal Conduit Uti�itY-Undrgmd. 54. Forms ' 4. Electrical ConduirUndrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding - 5. Sceel Reinforcemenc 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVALTO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings ��a f f's �� 58. Electrical Conduit-Undryrnd. � - • B. Foundation �2,G � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undryrnd., Test 9. Water PiPe�Undrgrnd. . 60. Backwash Lines, P�Tiap, l Undryrnd. � 70. Strucw�al Floor System � 61. APPROVAL TO 6`cCK � 1 7. Properrv Sewer line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final � - 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Pinal ' ':73. Roof Drains 64. PlumbingSystem-final .14. flough Plumbing ' 65. Electrica6Fir,al i ' 15. Rough Electricai�Conduit 66. Solar System-Fina! 76. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Pencing & Access Approvai 77. Rough Wiring Siyn 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING � 18. Rough Electricai�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL ' 19. Rough Heating & Air Condi[iontng FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firepiace APPROVAIS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hyclro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping Gi Gas � Od 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Tesc 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergmd. Storage Tank u Gas ❑ Oii 25. Roof Sheathing ���p_qy 6e,,,6e_. 7q, pVerhead Hydro � 26. T-Bar Geiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and Flashing �•�!� C� (F �� 76. Dry Scandpipe I 28. Laihing & Siding Z Z� �j'C� � 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. insulation Z,-L�/_�Y �L�{L 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL L(-2 j-Q'�/ L./_f{- 30. DrySvall Nailing � 2.�(� �(�6L HEAITH OEPT. REQUIREI41ENT �„�, G'c..y 31. Plasrer 8rown Coat �-� (, 79. FINAL �NSPECTION 32. ElectriCa� Power MeterFinal • 80. FOOD CERTIF�CA7E ISSUED 33. Final Electrit Notez: 2 ���'L� �� p� �v��� 34. Final Hea[ing & Air Conditioning --_ 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test 36. Hood o� Canopy � 37. Final Factory Fireplace . 38. Final P��mbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service�Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer � 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape irrigation System 45. Sound Aitenuation 46. Handicap iiegulations 47. FINA�STFiUCTURE&BUILDWG -3-CiY �.'411( 48. FINAL PLANNING Y Lz_q[� (y' L ��_ -•r 49. Electric Release to Edison � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CEftTiF�CR7E OF OCCUPANCY No. Date PflOJECT ADOHESS: 2 8 O PAC I F I C CRES T DR uxir: OWNEN'SNAME: HARBINGER HOMES AODPESS: z8O PACIFIC CREST C.M, CA 92626 NHCH/ENGINEEfl: B ERNARD ��S NEG.NO.: C— L O 1 S 3 nooxEss: 11022 ACACIA PKWY �"�T E G.G. CA 92640 PENMITTEE: C e c POOLs ( 909 ) 242-7665 anoeess: 11360 CARAIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 LICENSEO CONTNACTOX DECLAPpTION: I �ere�y alli�m ihat I am licensetl unaer pmvis�ons ol Chapter 9 �commencing wilh Sec�ion 7000� o� Division 9 of the Business and Pto�essions Code, anU my license fs in lull lorce an0 etlec�. �cirr u.: s re uc.: g q 7 c���ss: =_ 5� �� cs-4 � �, �•��_�� � e �,� Signamr� / "fi ONKEFS' LOMPENSATION DELLARATION: I �ere�y aflirm I�ai I have a certitita�e o� tonsen� �o Sell-inSUre or a[ertifi[ate ol WOrkefs' ComOensa�ion Insurance, or a certilied coDY ��e�eo� (5eciion 381p. La�. C). POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPFNY: ❑ Certilied copY is hereGy Iumi5he0. ❑ Certifiea copy is filed vnt� Ihe ciiy BuilOing DiWsion. Oale'. Applicani: E%EMPiION FROM WONREPS' fAMPEN5ATI0N DEIXAMTION: (TNs 5ttiion nee� iwi be ampl¢tetl i� the permi� ii iw one hunAreU (310�) or less). I ceriify that in �he pedormance oi the work lor which �his �1, �5 i5sue0. I s�all not emplo a y Derson in any manner so as to become �sub�ed to he Workers Compe sat(ioJn Laws a� Califor ///j/'��� � � � �� � /. Signatu�V //`�� � � NOTICE: II, aiter making Ihis �eUaration. you snow become subietl to the Workers' CAmpensation pmvivons of tAe Labor Code, you must fonhwith comoly with such D�ovisions or tNs permit sAall be Aeemetl Bvoketl. CONS7BUCTION LENOING AGENLY:' I het¢�y ailirm Ihali�ere is a tOnS�rutii0n lending agenty lof Ne p¢hormant¢ ol �h¢ wOrk lOr wAich ihis permii is issuea (Seclion 3097, Civ. C�. LENOEP: AOOflESS: OWNEP BWLOEP OECIANATION: I �ere6y allirm Iha� I am eKempi Imm the Conirac�ors' $�a�e License Law lor Ihe lollowing reason �SeCiion 70.31.5 Business anA Prolessional COtle: Any Cily ol Coun�y w�iCh repuires a permii �o cons�mtl, alter,impmue, aemolish, or repair any SlmcWre. D�ior lo its issuance. alsa repuires t�e applicanl far such pe�mil to lile a sipnetl slaiemen� Inat he/she is licensetl puRuanl to I�e provisions ol the ComractaR' Slale License Law �Chap�¢r 9(commencing wi1� Seclion 7000) ol �ivisian 3 0l I�e Business antl Pmlessions Code) or I�al he/s�e is e+empt ihere�mm and t�e Dasis lor ihe allegeE erempiion. Any violalion of Sec�ion 7031.5 �y any applicant for a permit sublecis ��e applicant �o a civil penally al no� more Ihan live hunAreO tlollars (5500). I. as owner al ine pwoeny or my employees with wages as tneir sote comDensation, wiil tlo ihe work, and IAe � strumure is not imen0e0 or ollereU for saie (Secuon 705a. Business and Pm�esSional Coae: The Contractors' S�a�e License Law �oes not apply lo an owner ol a o�oDeny wlro builds or im0�oves ihereon, an0 who does sucA work himsell/hersell or thmugh � his or her own em0�oyees. pwviGed rtlat such imprwemems are not inten4e0 or oflereG for sale. II, however t�e building or improvemenl is so10 vnlhin one year o� comple�ion, Ihe owner vnll have Ihe burAen ol pwvinp he/SM1e AiA no1 6uiltl or improve lor Ine purpose oi sale�. I. as owner ol Ihe pr00etly. am e�clusively comracting wiih IicenseA wnlractors to cons�mc� �he Omleci (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmlessions fAtle: The fAnVactors' Siate License Law OoeS nol apDly Io an owner ol propeny who butlds or impmves �hereon antl w�o conlratis lor SUch pmleQS with a toNrattOr�s) licen5e pur5uani l0 I�e Conlfat�DrS' $lale License Law�. I am aware I�al Orool ol ��eir Worker'S ComOensalion insuran[e shaulG Ce pmvitleG Io me. � I am exempt under Seaion: B. 8 P. C. lor �his reason: Oa�e', Owner. I tlo herebV �enity thai I am aware oi an0 unAentantl I�e re0uiremen�s ol Cahbmia Hea11� anJ Sa�e�y Cotle Seciions 25505, 25533, and 255� an�ihallaranyluture Ouiltling acupanlvnlUvnllnoi�circle one) nee0 lo comply vn�h saitl Slale coEes antl Ihe reQuiremen�s�ora permii foi tonSlmtiion or madilitaiion Iwm I�e Pir Oualiiy ManagemeN DiSlriCi. fleSiAential ton5tmt�i0n application5 are eaem0� ��om Ihese pmvisions. Dale: AOP�icanl: I here�y cer�ilythal I have read Ihis ap0lication antl slale I�alt�e aboveinbrmaiionis correct. I agree to comply with allcity an0 county ordinancesaibslaielaws�ela�inglobuildingcon9mctian ere�yaWhorRer Iivesolthiscilyloen�erupon��eabove�menlioned propetly lorinspection purposes. � Signaiu . �',� �� � nver's License ar Sociai Securiry a: t64na6 Whne—euiltlmg', Green—CoOe EnforcemenL Canary—Applicant Pink—Pevenue: Goltlenrotl—Assessor CZTY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: E 066425 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-5 PERMIT TYPE: ELE JOH DESCRIPTION : CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: PERM NO: E 06642`_ GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: NEW SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REF: B-66424 ***�*******�***+�**+�*��**•�r***�******x-****x***�*i�*****+t�r*�r***r�x�*+r-�r**�r�r�r*+�x�*+�**#* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARI(ING RE • PROV; PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N TES> > iE iF 1E it iE iE �f 1E iE iE iE 9E iE # iE iF ic iE 3E 3E iclF iP iE iF tE iF iE if iE iE iE iE fE i� iE 1E if iE iE iF iE �E iE if iE iE iE iE iE �)E af iE iF iE �)f if if iE 3E if #: if iE iF-IE af if iE iE 9E iE if iE 7E iE 1E iE jE D E'V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROC'ED BY . DATE: BOILDING APPP.OVED BY : . DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �� DATE: �_� 14' Q� lfiElElEiEif��7EiEiFKiEiFiF%#iEiflfiFihifiF3F�'Z�'�iFRxiFir�t+'ic �3F3f�Fif�3FiFiF7:��F���ifiEiEiE�IFiFiFfEif:EiFiF riF�tx��iFzir iF?F 9E iF 1f if i4 iE iE if iF iF iF iF %iE i: if if iE if iE iE 3E iF iF %3E 1E if 3f �If � iF iE jE if jE 1E iE if iF if iE �f iF ik iE i4 iF if 9f iF if 9f iF if K iF ik if iE iE±f iE iE iF if jf if 1E if 3F 1E at if 3f {E iF LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTORAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 30.00 50Y SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAZD DUE TOTALS----> 30.00 15.00 0.00 45.00 45.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: /� Y.0� OVER/SHORT: 00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC (FIRE nMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CFIECK �i 5 , o o �---� 1E dE 9E 9E iE iE iE iF i! iE �F iE ihlE iE iE iE 1E iE 1(� 1k if 1E iF iE fElf iE fE iF iF i(-iE iF if if iF 1E iF ik iF if iE iF jE 1FlElE iE 1i 1f 9t �f if 1E if if �f �E iE iF 1E 1E if iE iE iE iF �f ?t jf �K iE 1f iF iF iF 3f iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SWIMMING POOL — IN GROUND — NEW EA. 30.00 30,00 END OF FEES 01 OO1S7282—OO1S72E2 T�7 T 45.00 DA7E: 03/16J94 TIflE: 14:07 CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING F `& SPA ` APPRPVALS Permit �� Date Inspector APPqOVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. TemOorary Electricai Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location . 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. , 53. Steei Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility�Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. E�ect�ical Conduii�Undrgrnd. � �/-p`!/ 55. Electrical Bonding ! 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Presture Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test -. 9. Water Pipe•Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. PropertY Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final ' 12. Sawer CaR 63. Heater & Vent•Final 7 3. Roof Drains 64. Piumbing System - Final 14. Raugh Plumbing 65. Electrical-Finai 15. Ro�gh Eiectrical-Condulc 66. Solar System-Final � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Anproval 77. Rougn4Viring5ign 68. APPROVEDFORPLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS F�NAL 19. Rou9h Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough fattory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. DuctS, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping OGas OOiI 23. Gas PiPe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framin9 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank L� Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T•8ar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Freme and Fiashing 76. Ory Sta�dpipe 28. Lathin9 & Siding 77, FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIREMENT 37. Plaste� 8rown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Merer�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric S O/9 � Notes: � 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning ' 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test '�� 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service�Final 41. So�ar pome:tic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINALPLANNING -' ` " 49. Elect��c Release to Edison � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co '- 51. CER7IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY N0. Date PflOJECiRU0flE55: 2$O PACIFIC CREST DR OWNEP'SNPME: HAABINGER HOMES nooeess: 280 PACIFIC CREST C.M. CA 92626 UNIT: RflCH1ENGINEEX: BERNARD ADAMS nec.xo.: C-10183 aooaess: 11022 ACACIA PKWY 0N1Tt E G.G. CA 92640 PEHMITTEE: C & C POOLS ( 909 ) 242-7665 aooxcss: 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 LILENSEO CONTNACT08 OFLUflATION: I hereEy a0irm Ilul I am IicenSeJ un0er provisions al CtuD�e� 9(rommencing wi�� S¢clion 7000� ol �rvision 3 ollAe Business ana Pmlessions CoOe, anG my li[ense is in lulllorce an0 etlecl. ciTv i _ t s`�rnie uc.: 3 9 7 9^ �,. � �s: C/j_�.�`—_ y_ ��i�i Y- Signamre W�•����v WOflI(ENS' COMPENSRtION OECLANAiION: I nereey alhrm Iha1 I IWve a cenifitdle of consent Io setf-insure or a cenilicale ol workers' Compenution Insurance. ar a cerufied copy t�ereol �Section 3800, la�. C�. 'OLICY NO.: EXP. ORTE: comrnNr: ❑ Cetli�ie0 coOY �5 �ereEy �umisheE. ❑ Certilied w0Y u �ileG vet0 ihe city BWEing Oivaion. �ate: ApDlicani: E%EMPiION FHOM WOflKEPS' COMPENSRTIDN OECIAMTION: (iliit secuon nee0 not Ee mmpleleG il Ilie perm1 is tor On¢ �unEteG (5100) Or kss�. I cerii�y ��al in t�e pedormante o� the wark lor wNc� lNs Oerrttiiyyy' yyy'ssueE. I 5tull n0i em.W.m any permn in any manner so as io �ecome Su�^ lo t�e Workers' Compen5ation Laws ai Calilomia. ///� // f� ` :� 0 t � � ` � � � � $ignalure: � CE: II. ailer making IluS Oetlaraiian, you Slioul0 me 5u01K� �o Ue Workers' fAmpenSdiion D«SionS o� �he LaEor COUe. you mus� IotlAwit� comply wit� su[� prm%ions or �NS permit shall Oe OeemeO fevokeC. CONSTNULTION LENOING AGENLY: I �e�e0y anirm t�ai ��ere is a cons�ruc�ion IenGing agency �or I�e per7ormance al ��e wOrk �or whicn Ihis permit is 6suetl �Seciion 3091. Gv. C�. IENUEP: ROOPESS: OWNEB BOILOEfl DECLABRTION: I Oer¢�y allirm Itwt I am exemp� �mm ttce Conttaciors $taie lic¢nse Law �or ��e I011wnng reason (Section 7Q3L5 Business antl Proles5ianal CoEe: Any Gty al fAunty wnich repuires a cermil to consimct. alter, imorove, Oemalish, or �2pdil 311y S�NLWR. 0�0f �0 I�5 ISSWfItl, d150 RQNlCS IIIC dppllCdll� IOf SULII PGfrtYI IO IAC d$IqOCE SIdICfIItOI IIWI IIHS�! IS IiCC11SCU pursuanl to Ihe pmvisions ol ine fAninctors' Slate LicMse Law (Chapter 9lwmme�np with $ectian 7000) of Oivision 7 of Ine Busineu ana Piolessions CoUe�ar I�al tle/s�e 5 exemp� ��erelrom anG Ille Gasis lor Ihe alleq¢O eeemplion. Fny violaiion of S¢c�ion 7031.5 by any apWicani foi a perrtot suEl��s I�e apWicani to a pvil Denalry o� �wi more llun live �uMreG AWars (5500�. � I. as owner ol ��e OmOerty or rtry emybyea wiN wages az t�eir sde wmpensation, vnll tlo �ne wark. anG t�e slmmure is not inlen0ea or ollereU lo� sale (Secimn 70aa. 8usiness ana Proleuional LoGe: T�e Contractars' State License Law aoes noi aDDN �o an ovmer ot a pmpeny wtn Ouiltls ar imprwes t�ereon, anE w1ro Oces wc� work Nmull/hersell or tAraug� �i5 ar he� own em0loyee5, pi0vi0eE I�al 5ut� improv¢menis are nol inlenAeG ot oflere0 loi ule. I1, howev¢r l�e Ouilding ar im0�ovement is sdU vnt�in one year ol comde�b^. �ne owner vriA have t�e �urGen al OrwinB ���e Ob �ro� Guik or impmve ' lor ihe purOOSe ol Saie�. I. as owner ot ihe pwpeny. am excluvveIy wntracun0 ��� tittnse0 contractors to wnstmct t�e pmject (Section 704<, Business ❑ ana Professions CoOe: T�e Contractors State Lkense Law Eces ro� aODN �o an ovmer al praperty wlp WdGs or improves iheaw ana w�o [Onlratis fOr SUC� prqetls wii� a wnUa[IoqS�li[enu Our5uanl�o Ihe ConVattors' $�a�e LicenSe Law�. I am aware Iha� prool oi I�eii Worker'S Compen5aiian insurance 5�oultl De D�A+4� ro me. � I am exem0� unaer Seciion: B. 8 P. C. for inis ieasOn: Oaie: Mmer. I Oo nereoy cenily Ridt 1 am aware al an0 unaerstdnE the reQuiremen6 af Ca0lamu HWlin ana Sdtery CaOe SettiOns 25505, 25537, ana 2553i ana inal I or any luture owltling ocGupant vnlVwill nol (urGe one) neeA lo compry vnln Saia state coaes ana ihe reauiremenls lor a permil lo� consimciion or moAilrca�ion tmm ��e !u� OuaLry Mmapemrnt Oi5tncl. ReSiUen�ul construciion appliwiions are eeempl imm Ihese U�ovisians. Da�e: Appliwm: I �ere0y cetlily tlul I Iwve teaG I�R application antl state itutlM a0ove inlarmation 6[orrttt. I agre� to tOmpty vnl� all ciry antl county orCinan[esand5lalelawsrelalingloDUAdingwn5tmciiona96�byauttqr¢er ntalivesall�isulylaemerupon��eaGov¢�meniionee pmDe�iY lot insp¢cUon ourposes. �/ /�/ �� �� zte: ` Signaim�/'�(/U%., � nver'SLicenseor5aialSecurily,: �' ' - 164Fa6 Wnne—BuilCmg; Green—CoOe Enlo¢emenL Canary—qpplicam: Pink—Revenue: GolOenroC—Asseswr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; M 06692E PERMIT NO: M 066426 PLAN CHECK N0: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-5 PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE; GROOP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REF: B-66424 s*****�t�**#****+��*�r**�c***r+��rr******x-*�**��t*�x-***�*r**�***+�+r�c*�#�*r*#**�*x�***+t** Z O N Z N G R E Q 0 Z R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSOAY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGiIT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > it if it if iE iE iE iE iE fE iF if # 1E {c iE 1E if if it iE iE iE i4 iE if iF+f it iF i! 1f+r. fE iE r# 1E iF it if # iE iE if 1E iE iF M iE iE if IE iE if iF 1E iF iE if tF # iE if iF 3E 1E iF iE if 1f iE �E iE M# if it iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED HY , BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: DATE: ***�****��*�r**isrx��»*B*���iF'i�""",�iF..4wxx ft*it+[��#iAi�iTt*ieatr-.I�P ��_ iFi3F Fi�Fiflk+E if if i6 it iE it iE 1f iF ft iE iE iE it ic if if k it+E aE iE iE fE i4 fE fE it k iE iE iF K it iE i6 if it ik 1f iE if if 1E M if it iR iE iE iE iE iF 1t if it iE k k ir it iE iF iE it if it if iE �f iF if at iE iP iE it it iF LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PEAMIT 3.00 25t SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.OU BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 3.00 15.00 0,00 18.00 18.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: v OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC F2R�—� MIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 18.00 1f iE il� if iE if iE if iF iE IE 1F fF 161f i41f af iF if i4 ff if iF if # fE iM1 if 11� iE if ff jE 1f 1E if-K iE iE if �lE if� iE iM1 if if if �E %1f ik 1F �M iE ik 1f � 1E M if 1F iF if i(� iF iE �F iE iF # ff �E af iF iF iE+' # I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 GAS PIPING SYS 1— 4 OUTLETS 3.00 3.00 END OF FEES 01 ODiS7278-00157278 TO T 18.00 DATE: 03/16/94 7IttE: 14:06 C¢NSTRUCTION AND PLANNING � ` & SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date � Inspector APpROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment location � 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcemen[ � 3. Electrical Conduit Utihry�Undrgmd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduii�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrital Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test ✓��Z- y� � 6. Electrical UFEF1 Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE ./ 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. $. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgmd., Test ✓S�z.�jT �Q. 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. � 60. Backwash Lines, P•Trap, O Undrgrnd. ✓_rZ �•#� 10. Structural Floor System • 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final ^� z,c:� 12. Sewer Cap ' 63. Heater & Vent-Final � ' y4_�/ 13. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System � Final ��...�� y�,,} 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Final 15. Rough Electriwl-Condu�t 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric W�ring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval I 17. Raugh Wiring Sign 68. qPPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrica��T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rou9h Heating & Air Conditioning FiRE DEPT. RE�UIREMENT 20. Aough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 27. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Produc2 Pipinc� �Gas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test �2, Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro � 26. T•Bar Ceiling IStr�cturall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Laihing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 7g, FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing NEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown CAat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Hea[ing & Air Conditioning � . 35. Final Gas Pipe-7est "- 36. Hood or Canopy j 37. Final Factory F�replace _ _f 38. Final Plumbing � 39. Water Service-Final 40, Gas Se�vice-Find� 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backfiow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigat�on 44. Landscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING �� 48. FINAL PLANNING � � 49. Electric Release to Edison �""' 50. Gas Release to 5outhern California Gas Co -� 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date PBOJECTAOONESS: Z8O PACIFIC CREST DR ow�EesName: HARBINGER HOMES :y nooAess: Zg0 PACIFIC CREST % C,M. CA 92626 UNIT: NflCN/ENGINEEP: $ERNARD ADAMS PEG.NO.: C—Z O L S 3 AOOHE55: SIOZZ ACACIA PKWY 0N1T� E G.G. CA 92690 PEBMITTEF. C & C POOLS ( 909 ) 242-7665 anoRess: 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 LICENSEO CONTBACTOfl DECLAflNTION: I here�y a�iirm ��at I am licensetl untler pmvisions ol C�apter 9(commencin0 wi�h Section 7000� oi �rvision 3 0l the Busine55 antl Pmiessions CoOe. anA my license is in fuli lorce antl elfect. cirr � s rEuc.:3q7��, cuss •—�3 %� � � ' 1 s�9�a�� : _ �L_�-�¢� ' WOHKEPS' COMPENSRTION oECIAflFTION: I hereby aftirm that 1 have a cenificate of consent to setl-insure or a cehifitate of Worker5' Compensation Insurance. or a certifietl copy ihereoi (Seciion 3800, Lab. C�. I POIICY NO.: EXP. DATE: COMPANY: I ❑ Certiliea copy is hereby �umished. ❑ Certified copY is fileA with ��e city Builtling Division. Oaie: NpplicanP. EREMPTION FBOM WOflNEPS' fAM7ENSRTION OECLAPATION: (This sedmn neea no� be compleleA if ihe permit is for ane hundre0 ($100) ar less). I cerlity Ihat in IDe pedormance ai Ihe work tor which Ihis p ' is issued. I shall no ', loy any person in any manner so as to become su�le�-� ��e Workers' Com/p9e�nsation Laws ol Caliform .,P P ~ f �� Z � Signatur NOTICE: II, alter making this tleclaraiioq you s�oultl become SuGject to lhe Workers' Compensation provisions ot ihe Labor Cotle. you mus� �otlhwilh compty wiih such pmvisians or �his permit s�all be tleemea revoked. CONSTflI1CTI0N LENOING AGENCY: I �ereby affirm Iha� Ih¢re is a conslmCiion lending agency �or �Ae peAormanCe ol �he work �or whlch �his permlt'q lssuetl (Semian 3097, Civ. C)- LENOEfl: FOOHESS: OWNEH BUIlOEfl DECLABATION: I hereby aflirm thatl am exemp� Irom the Contractors' State License Law torthe Iollowin8 reason (Seciion 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessional Code: Any city of county which requires a permit �o constmci. alter, impmve. Oemolish, or repair any 51mcWre. prior ro i�s issuance, also repuires Ihe applicant br such permi� Io lile a 5igneU s�a�emen� �ha� �elshe is licensed pur5uani lo Ihe pmvisions o� ��e Contracmrs' Slale License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wilh Section 7000) at �ivision 3 oi �he Business antl Pro�essions Cotle) or I�ai he/s�e is exempi I�erelmm anA Ihe basis tor t�e allege0 exemption. Nny violatian ot Seciion 7031.5 by any applmant �or e permit 6ubjecls the appllwnl �o a clvll penalry of no� more Ihan flve hunOred tlollars ($500�. I, as awner of ihe prooeny ar my employees with wages as their sole compensalion, will do the work antl the ❑ Slmclure is nai in�enaetl or ���eretl �or sale (Seclion 7044, Business and Prolessional Code: The CanVac�ors' Slaie License Law Ooes no� apply to an owner of a D�openy who builOs or improves �hereon, and w�o does such work himsel�/hersel� or Ihrough his or her own employees, pmvi0etl thal sucn imvmvemenis are not intentlea or oflered for sale. If, however tne buileing or improvement is sold wilhin ane year ot wmpletian. �he owner will have the Ourtlen of pmving he/5he Oid no� buila or impmve for Ihe putpose of salel. I.as owneroil�e propeny,am exclusively conirac�ing wiih licensed contrac�orsto cons�md [he D�ole��ISec�ion 7044, Business ❑ ana Pmlessions CoOe: The ConUactors' State License Law Ooes not apPly to an owner of D�opeM who builds or im0�oves ��ereon and w�o conirads for suc� pmle��s wilh a contrac�or(s) license pmsuant lo �he ConVac�ors' Sia�e License Law). I am aware Ina� pmo� o� Iheii Worker's Compensation in,urance should be pmvidetl to me. � I am exempl untler Seclion: B. 8 P. C. for Ihis reason'. Da�e: Owner: I tlo nere�y cenify inat I am aware ai and uneerstantl Ihe requiremenis of California Health and Safery Coee Sections 25505, 25533, anA 25594 antl t�a� I or any WWre builtling occupan� willlwill no� (circle one) need Io comply wi�� saitl siate codes and ihe requiremen�s �or a permii for conslmciion or motlihcalion from��he Nu Ouality M2nagemen� Oi5lricL Fe5i0ential con5iruc�ion applica�ions are exemp� �mm I�ese pmviSons. � Date: ,� ApP�icanC I heiehy [etlifythal I haverea0 IhiS application antl state�ha� Ihe aboveinlorma�ionis correct. I agreeio comply wilh all city antl counly orainance5and5�alelaw5relatinglobuiltlingcons�mciionantlherebyautharizerep� Ialive5ofthiscilyioenteruponlheabove�menlionetl pmpetly fai inspecllaFn purpases.' f y� �a'1� � / e�—�_7 '� r � { �� ' y5ignalure: � �` 164Le6 Wbi�e—Bwlding: Grecn—Cade Enlorremenl: Canary—ApplicanL Pmk—Revenue: Goltlenrad—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 06642i PERMIT NO: P 066427 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: C�-5 PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: NEW JOH DESCRIPTION ; CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REF; B-66424 �-*x�x�*****�-****+�***x�x�x�*#*****+t********�r*****�t*�+�:��***+��t*�rf�*�rx�*+c�*�t�*+rx�****+t�t#*#*� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL; 00000000 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NaTES> i �r***+�+r***��t�**+c**x-**+�**+�********�x-+c�t�****+����*��r*+�**i��r*i�***x�*x��u*+r*i�*x-�t-***�r�t+�*�:?�** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R C� I C E S R E Q U S R E M E N T S ZONING APFROVEP BY . DATE: BUILDING APPROVEn BY : DATE: t p APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: � I'9� \� if#iEiE3EiEjElEiFjf*iEiEK#iFiF9FdE3E#iE ;'�. H�.. . iEiE3c�lEifififiFiEifiFiie�iE3'-iF3F�F'-N�if dF iF iF jE 3F iE?E if?E iF 1F 3E iE �E iF jF #' iE 1f if fF iE �E iF;ElElf �MlE i� 1R iE iF iF 3F iF if �f iE if iF i' 3E iE iE iE 9E jF iF if 1E K iE if 9E if 1E iE 9E 3E iE iF� it iE iF �7F :<3E iE �- iF iE iF af iF iE �1f-iF LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLL�G PMT PLUMBING ELEGTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GAAUING PERMIT 7.00 25� PLAN ISSUE FEE 20.00 SMIP/NON—RES BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 7.00 20,00 0,00 2�.00 "17,00 ,00 RE�ENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTEU: �'i.�0 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANZC F"'."�SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 2%,�� iE iE iE 1F iE 1f iE 1E dE if 9F 3E jF 3E iE?E iE �ElF 1f %1E �If iF aE 1E iE aE ik 1E 1E ik iE if iF jE �t i: iflf iE iE iE iE?E 1E iF j! if 1f if !E 9E If �E 9E 1E iF iF *�E iF iE-1f if df iE iF iE iE iF if if !E!F iE �F iE jt I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UAJIT COST TOTAL COST PLO 1 SWIMMING POOL 7,00 7,00 END OF FEES 01 OO1S7277-00157277 T�� T 27.00 DATE: 03/16/94 TIttE: 14:�5 :� CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POv� $ SPA � M'.PPR4VALS Permit #_. Date � Inspector qPpROVAIS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electricai Service,or Pole 52. Poo! & Equipment Location • 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgmd. ' S3. Stcel Reinforcement . 3. Electricai Conduit Utiiity-Undrgrnd. � 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrn'd. 55. Electrical Bonding � 5. Sieel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test �� � S�'� �Q�) vrc� 6. Electrical UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVALTO COVER�GUNlTE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. &. Foundation . � 59. Gas Pipe, _. U�drgrnd., Test ��Z-�.4. -f�y4{� 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, C Undrgrnd, f1 Z, c�, l� J � 10. Structural Floor System � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK � , 11. Property Sewer line & Housg Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-final • 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & VenFFinal 13. Roof Drains 64. Piumbing System - Final 14. Rough Piumbing 65. Elecirical-Final 75. Rough Etearicai-Condo�t 66. Soiar SYstem-Fina1 16. Rough EleMric Wiring 67. Fencing & Accese ApProval � 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electricai-T Bar Ceiling 69. POO VSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning fIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 2C. Rou9h Factory rirepiace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Struciure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Oucts, Venfilating 77. Product Piping O Gas CI Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Fiush 24. Roof Frami�g 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank C�Gas OOii 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Structuraq & Ntonocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 2fi. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FhVAL 34. Drywali Nailing HEALTN DEPT. REQUIREMEN7 31. Plasrnr Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finai Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Condhioning "_ �� ���4_ � � /�� ., : 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test - 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Fir.al Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Finai 40. Gas Service�Pina� � 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer � 43. Backfiow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation � 46. Handicap Regulations - � 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING i . 49. Electric Release to Edison '-_ 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTlFICATE OP OCCUPANCY _ • No. Date PflOJEtT AOOHESS: O) b�V, �� �"v�(,l"�Vl,i,,. f�` VN � f . UNR: q awNensNnme: HARBINGER HOMES 'A(IJHE55: 37S PROMONTORY DR WEST N.B., CA 675-6653 ,� ANCHIENGINEEH: WILKINSON $ .D,$S�C nEc.xo.: C9a�9 aooness: 18002 SKYPARK CI ""n' PEHMITTEE: IRVINE CA 92714 � BILL HELFER PLUMBING (714)298-0845 � aooeess: 2�522 SILVER CREEK DR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA__92675 ❑CENSEU CONTflALTOfl DECIAPATION: I here6y allirm �Aat I am licensed unAer pmnsions oi ChaD�er 9(commencing m�� SetliOn 1000� ol Oivision 3 0l ��e Busineu antl Prolessions CaGe, antl my license is in lull brte and ellecl. CITY UC.: STRTE L1C.: 4 4 3 4 7 O �� ]�'�C�JSS� C 3 6 �Oaie' _`�2� ��� Signaiu�e: _�j/!'� - WONREflS' COMPENSATION OECIAflATION: I �ere0y aliirm Iha� I have a[erlili[ale consenl �o sell�insure or a c¢rlilicate ol Workers' Comoen5alion Insurance. or a certiliee copy Inereai ISection 3800. Lae. CI. POLICY NO.: E%P. DATE: COMPRNY: ❑ Cetlitietl copy is �ereGy lumis�ed. ❑ C¢rti�i¢E COpy i5 �il¢U vnl� Ihe ciiy Building Division. Oate: Appliwnl: E%EMPfION FPOM WOBKEHS' COMPENSATION DECUPPTION: (This secuddnee0 iw10e wmqelCd il tAe permil is for we hunOrea (5100) or kss�. I ceNiy Ihal in Ihe pedormance ol Ihe work lor w�ich Ihis Oermil is i55ueC. I s�all nol emDloy any person in any manner so as to Oecome subjec� to Ihe Worker5' Compensation Laws al Calilomia. �r�� � Oate: l/^ 2 3-S3 Signalure: �� ✓/' NOTitE: il. alter maWng �his tletlaration, you s�ouid Uecome su�ject tO t�e Wor Compenution Drwisions ol t�e laDor COUe. you must fotinmin compry with sucn prOvisions or Inis ce(mi� slull be emea retrokea. CORSiNUCTION LENDING pGENCY: I �ere�y aliirm ihai ihere is a conslmcli entling ap¢nCy br the pedOrmanCe 01 Ihe wOrk lOr wnich I�is oermn is issue0 (Sectian 3097. Gv. C�. �'Y LENOEN� � AUOPE55: OWNEB BUILUEP DECLABRTION: 1 hereby atlirm Ihai I am exempl Irom Ihe CanVactors' Siate LicenST the followinp reason (Sec�ion 7Q31.5 Buvne55 anA Pmiessional CaGe: Any cily ol cauniy w�ich reQuirzs a permil to conSim[I, ali¢r, i mv¢, demolish, or repau any stmnure. prior �o ils issuan[e. also re0uires l�e applicani lor suc� permii Io lile a 5igneE statemenl ihal �rJshe is Iicen5e0 pursuam Io I�e provisions o� I�e Comracmrs' Slale License Law �Chapter 9(cammencing wit0 Sec�ion 7000) of �ivisi 3 0l tAe Business anG Pmlessions Coae� or Ihal he/she is enempt IherelrOm anA Ihe ba45lor �he atlepetl eMemplion. Any violaiion Section 7031.5 by any applicani lor a Oermii su0lects t�e applicani �a a civil penaliy ol not more Ihan Irve IlunAreA Oollars �5500�. I, as owner ol Ihe propeny or my employees wilh wa9es as Iheir sole compensation, will Uo Ihe work, ane ine ❑ stmnure is no� inten0e0 ar offereE lor sale (Secbon 70aa. Business an0 Prolessional COAe: The Contractors' State license Law Goes not appty to an axner of a D�apetly wlq �uiltls orimpmves t�ereon, antl who does such wofk himselV�ersetl orlhroug� his or �er own employees, pmvidetl �hat suc� impmvemems are not inlenUetl or otlerea lor sale. II, however IAe buil4inA or im0�ovement is sold wi�hin one year ol complelion. �he owner will have Ihe Uurtl¢n ol pmving he/sh¢ GiJ not �uila or impmve �or Ihe pw0o3e oi Sale�. I, as owner of Ihe pmpehy, am exclusively comraciing wil� Iicense0 conVacmrs m conslmcl the D�oleci (Section 7044, eusiness ❑ ana Pmfeuions Cade: T�e Cqniractors' Sfa�e Li[ense Law Uoes no� appiy ta an owner ol pmperiy w�a 6uild5 0! improves ��er¢on antl w�o conVac�s lor such pmle��s vn�� a[ontracior(5) license Oursuant ta Ihe Coniractor5' State License Law�. I am aware IAat pmof ot Iheir Workefs Compensa�ian insurance 5hou10 be pmvitletl to me. � I am eRemp� un0er Seclion: B. 8 P. C. Ia! IhiS lCd50R Oale: Owner. I tlo nemAy cenily ihat I am aware of antl un0erslantl Ihe reQuiremems ol Calilomia Healt� antl Saleiy Code Seciions 25505. 25533, antl 25534 anU Ihat I or any future builtling occupanl willlwill nol (circle one) nee0 b comply wilh said slale w0e5 antl ihe requiremenis lor a permil loi conSlmciian or modi�icalion Irom �he Aii Ouaiiry Managemenl Disincl. Fesidenlial conslmclion applications are e�emp� �mm IhQSC pfOV1510115. Daie: NpP�icanC I hereby ceriity Ihal I have rea0 ih'ts apphcaiinn and stula Ihal Iho abovo inlarmaiion is correel. I egreo In eomply wlih all elly antl counry ortlinances ana 51alelaw5relalingio building canslmclion antl �ereby aulhorizerepie5enlaiive5 oi��is cityto enleruponthe above-mentionetl pmpeny lar inspectian pwposes. � Oate: ��� Signature: Orivefs License or Social Seari�y x: �641-a6 Whrte-Builtlmg: Green-Cotle Enlo¢emem; Canery-Ap ant; Pmk-Rovenue; Gol�enrod-Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 065042 PERMIT NO; P 065042 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 1464SF 1ST FL, 1113SF 2ND FL, 425SF GARA SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE; CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: NEW SFR, PLAN #2J, RE:#B65013 *�r*�*+t*********�t�r**�-***+trt�***x��r*�+�x�***+�*i�+��*****�***+r***��c**��c�****�«.�***r�*�-r** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARFtING REQ: PROV: PARCEL; 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > ' 1E 1f if iE if M 1f ftlE iE iE iE if iE jE M jE aE iE af jE 1E iE %?E iE ff iE iE fE af iE iE �lf tf iF if ik fE iE if af ii iE fE if 1f 1f fE ff 1E iF iE if if iE iE if 1E iF if i4 fF if ii iE if * if iF if 1E x-iF iF if �K M if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S� R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY ; DATE: BUILDZNG APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: ��Pr- DATE: III�3l�l�i jE af �f 3Fif iE ifiFiE if 1E it {f �E l�if if iF if iE ik iE �N�A��"R'iF 1fiF i4 3E if If 3E M 3f�it�rjf iE iF1E iEiF�f 1E�Fif ff3f iE if if 1f �f if if 1f iE iE iE fFiEif iE if 3E iE i! if �E jf �f if if iE 1f iE !E iE iE iE iE if if if MiEitiF 1f �f if jE j: iP if iF If if If *if ff iF iE 1f iE If iF 1f K ikif�f iE iFiE LEGALZZATION:N F E E S.0 M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECfiA.NIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 140.00 25R SMIP/NON-RES PLAN , ISSUE FEE 20.00 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 190.00 20.00 0.00 160.00 160.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISZON TOTALS--> COLLECTED;' 160.00 OVER/SHORT: .UO HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMI�Pl/�T��'i`1G.p�,���11G P�L�CHEC� �� 160.OU C1pTE: :li?4/9� TIhfE: 1`:2� !f iElE fE fE iE if iE if !f 1! 1ElE 1f if fE jE k it iE ik 1E it ik �E jF if 1E jE �E IE 1P jE 1E if iE 1f iE iE iF iE if if iE if iE k 4 if !f if if if 1Elf if iF iF if �1!K iE 14lf �f if 1f iFlk if iE if if if if if 9f i!?F iE I N D I V I D 0 A L F E E� B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY PLU FLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU 3 1 2 1 1 5 4 1 i 2 1 D E S C R I P T I O N BATHTUB DISHWASHER ' LAUNDRY TUB OR WASAER SHOWER �� SINK, KITCHEN WASH BASIN � WATER CLOSET (TOILET) WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT GAS PIPING SYS OF 1 TO 4 OUTLETS GAS PIPING SYS 5+ OUTL-PER OUTLET GAS SERVICE UNIT COST 7.00 7.00 7.00 7,00 7,00 7.00 7,U0 7.00 5.00 1.00 7.00 TOTAL COST 21,00 %,00 14.00 7.00 7.00 35.00 28.00 7.00 5.00 2.00 7.00 � , CGiVSTRUCTION AND PLANNfNG AF'PROVALS Permii r _� �- 1,`Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. ' 3. Electrical Conduit UnhtY�Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcement � 6. Elecvicai UFER Grnd 7. Footings � 8. Foundation 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd, � 10. Structurgl Floor System 11. Property Sewer Line & House'Connecti 12. Sewer Cap ' 73. Roof Drains 14. Rough Plumbing 75. Rough Electriwl-Condu�t 76. Rough ElBctric4`:iring 17. Rough Wiring Sign 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 19. Rou9h Heati�g & Air Condiuomng 20. Rough Factory Firep�ace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tes[ 24. Roaf Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & fdonocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. Laihing & Siding 29. Insulation � 30. Dryv�,�all Nailing 37. Plaster Bro�vn Coat 32. Electncal ?ow•er Meter�F�nal 33. Finai Electric 34. Final HeSting & Ah Conditioring 35. Final Ga5 Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Fina� FaGtory Firepiace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Serwce-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backfiow Preventer 43. Backflow �rrigation 44. l.andscape Irngation System 45. Sound A[tenua:ion 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48, FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Date Date � Inspector A POOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit � 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electricel Bard��rtg 56. Rough Plum6ing & Pressure Test 57. APPROUAL TO COVER-GUNITE 58. ElQctncai Conduit�Undrgmd. 59. Gas P�pe, O Urdrgmd., Te,t 60. Backwash L��nes, P-Trap,'� Undrgrnd. 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. 3ack�vash 7L RecepmrFrial 63. lieater & Vznt-Finai 64. Plum6ing SYsiem - Final 65. Electrical�F�nal 66. Solar SV;ten�.�Finai 67. Feccing & Accuss Apwuval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POOL/SPqSYSTEPIISFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit # 70. UndergrounC Hvdro 77. Product P;n�ng � Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank,�Gas :7G�1 74. Overhead Hvdro 75. Dry Chemical I6. Dry Standpipe 77. F1XED SVSTE'•.1 FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FI\AL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION_ _. l 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: 'T _ Date � Inspector � -�' - - I I � --'� � i �-- 1 ----� Pfl0.1ECT RO�XESS: OWNEP'S NAME: liODNESS: . ANCH/ENGINEEH: "' aooness: 1 PEflMITiEE: \ aooness: flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: LICENSED CONTNACTON oECIABATION: I hereby affirm ihat I am Iicense0 un�er Drovisions ot Chapter 9(commencinp wilh Seciion 7000� of �ivision 3 ot ihe Business ane Pmlessions Code. and my license is in lutl lorce an0 ellec�. QTY UC.: STATE IIC.: CNSS: �aie'. Signaiur¢: WOBNEBS' COMPENSATION OELIAFPTION: I hereby aflirm �hai I have a cetli�iwt¢ ol consenl �o sell�insure or a cetlilicale ol WOBerS' Compensauon Inmrance. or a certifiea copy t�ereof (Seclion 3800, La�. q. POLICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPpNY: ❑ Cenifi¢a capY is �ereby Wmis�etl. ❑ Ceni�ietl copY �s �ileU wi�h �he ciiy BuilUing Division. �a�e: Ap0licanl: E%EMPTION FflOM WOPNEBS' fAMPENSRTION OECUflATION: Qhis setlion nee0 noi Ge complelcd il ��e p¢rmit is �arone hunAred �E10D) or less�, I cerlify Ihai in the pedormance o� �he work lor which IM1is Oermi� is issuetl, I SAall nol em0loy any Oerson in any manner so as lo become suble�� �o �Ae Warkers' Compensalion Laws o� Califomia. �ate: Signaiurt'. NOTILE: tl, afler making IhiS tletlaralion, you s�oWd UetOme Su�letl IO IAe Warkers' CAmp¢n5diion provisions o� Ihe LaUor Code. you mu51 fortOvnlh wmDly wi�h such pmvisions or this Dermi� shall be OeemeO revoke0. CONSTPOCTION LENOING RGENLY: I �ereby afiirm Iha� ��ere is a COnSirutlion lending aqency for Ihe petlOrmante a� �he wOrk br w�ich Nis permit is i=5vea (Seclion 3097. Crv. C�. LENDEN: ADOPESS: OWNEB BWlOEB OECIANATION: I here�y allirm Ihal I am eKempt Imm Ihe Contracbrs' $Iale LicenSe Law lor Ihe lollowing reason (Seclion 7031.5 Buvness ana Pmleuional Cotle: My city ol county whic� 2puire5 a Dermi� lo conSWct, alter, imprme, Eemoli5h, or r¢pair any Slmtmre. O��or l0 i6 issuance. also requirei the aODlitani lor SUC� permit t01i1¢ a SigneA Slalemeni �ha� he/5h¢ is litens¢tl pursuam to I�e pmvivons of Ihe Comractars' Stale License Law (Chapter 9(commencinp wi�� Setlion 7000) 0� DiviSion 9 oi Ihe Busineu anC Piofessfons Coae� or ��a� �e/s�e is eeempl I�erelrom an0 ihe Easis lor t�e allepeE exempiion. Any tiolaiion al S¢clion 70JL5 Gy any apP�icant for a permit 5ubjeci5 Ihe apPlicani lo a ciNl Oanalry ol noi more I�an five �undretl tlollars (5500�. I. as owner o� I�e Dmpeny or my employees vnt� waAes as IAeir mle campensalio0. vnll tlo lhe xrork, anU t�e ❑ s�mtlUreiS nolin�entleA oro��ere0 br5ale (SettiOn 70E4, BuSineSS an0 Pm�¢55ionalCoAe: The ConVat�OrS' State License Law Does not apply to an owner oi a pmpeny wtq builtls ar improves thereon, anE wlw does such work Aimsell/�ersell ar Ihrough his or her own employees, pmviae0 Ihai suc� impmvements are noi intendetl or allereG lor sale. II, �owever the �NlAing or impmvemenl is soltl wilhin one year ol completion, I�e ownei will have �he Ourtlen o� proving �e/she Ditl not �uild or impmve tor t�e Durpose ot sale�. � I. as owner ol the properly. am exclusively conlracUng wiih licensetl coniracmrs m conslmcl ihe D�alecl (Sec�ion 70d4. Business I�, ❑ anC Profe55ions Code: Tne Caniractors' State LicenSe Law tices no� appry to an owner of propeM � DmIQt or ImprOveS inereon '� and who coniracis for such pmle��s wi�� a coNraclor(s) license Dursuant lo Ihe Conlra[lors' $taie Lit¢n5¢ Law�. I am aware Ihal D�ool ol their Worker'S Compensation insurance 5Aou10 be O�ovitletl �o me. � I am exemp� untler Section: 8, d P. C. for I�is reason: �aie: Owner. I do Aere�y tenily I�at I am aware ol and wders�antl I�e re0uirements ol Calilomia Hea�N ana Sdfe�y Cotle Sec�ions 25505, 255J3, and 25534 and Ihat I or any luture builaing occupani willlwill not (circle one� need to comply wi�� saitl stale codes and �he repuirem¢nis for a permit for consim[tion or motlilica�ion imm Ih¢ pir Ouabry Management OiSirict. flesidential con5lruciion appli[alions are exempi Imm ihese provisions. Ua�e: FOV�icanl: I herehy [er�ifyihal I have rea0 �his applicaiion antl slale I�at��e above inlormationis correcl. I aA�ee �o comDly wil� all ciry an0 counly ordinances an0 s�ale laws relating Io building consuucuon and hereEy au1Mr@e r¢pre5enla�ive5 0l Ihis c�ty to enter upon Ihe a0ove-menlioneG pmpetly lor inspeclion purpases. Oa�e'. Signature: Orivefs License oi Social Seari�y >: i6aba6 Whi�e—Bmltllnq; Green—Cotle Enlorcemem: Canary—Pppllcam: Plnk—Rovanue: Goltlmrotl—Asseswr PERMIT NO: P 065042 PLAN CHECK NO: 04617-93 N PAGE: 2 *+t+tir****�r*��*�rttx�-*�t***�t*x**�r+c�***+c-+�i�+t*+r*******+r**�**i��c****+r*********i�**i�****�r*�� TYPE QTY D E S C R Z P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST END OF FEES FDe..���y�.AT� Y�t4..�gF�Y"# �r qUi �1Gt7-ii0161't?7 Y+:a� ;nJ:00 D(+7E: 11!24/43 rrnF: i:,:z; CUiVSTRUCTION AND PLANNWG APPRQVALS Permit � _�, i. Temporery Electricai Service or Poie 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgmd. 3. Electricai Conduit Utiliiy�Undrgmd. 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. E. Steel Reinforcement �� Electical UFER Grnd. 7. fooungs (i. Fou^daUon 9. 6'�:ater Rpe�Untlrgrnd. 10. Struct�rai Floor System 11. Prope�ty Sevaer �ine & HouSe ConneCtion 72. Sea-er Cap 13 Roof Dra.ns 14. Houq� P'�mb�ng 15 Rough Electrlwl-Condurt � tu. Ro�qh Electric'A�irin9 17. flou9h!Y�.ringSign 18. Ro�gh Electrica6T Bar Ceiling 79. Rouyh Heating & Air Conditioning 20. qo�gh Faaory Firep!ace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilatin9 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 24. fioof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T•Bar CeJing {Struc±urall & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. �athing & Siding 29. Insulaaon 30. Drywall Naihng 31. Piaster Brown Coat 32. Electnwl Power Meter�Finai 33. Finai Electnc 34. F��nai HeaUng & Air Condrtioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Nood or Cannpy 37. Final FactorY Fireplace 38. Final Piumbing 39. 1'Jater Service-Final 40. Gas Serv�ce-Final 47. Salar pomest�c-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landswpe Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUIL�ING 48. FINALPLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date \ POOL & SPA Date Inspector APPROVALS Permit � Date Inspector . 52. Pool & Equipment Location � � 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bond�ng 56. Rough Plumbing & Pres�ure Test 57. APPROVAI. TO COVER GUNiTE 56. Electrical Condurt�Urtlrgmtl. 59. Gas P�pe, G Urdrgrnd.,lest 60. Bac;avash Linns, P-Trap, -: Ur,drg�^d 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. F1dck:rash & Rece�t�r-Pina! 63. Haater & VenbFinai 64. P�umbfng Systrin � F nal � 65. ElcctricaLFinal 66. Sfllar SyStcm�Findl 67. Fencing & Ar.cess Approval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING .69. POOL/SPASYSTEPr7SFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIqEMENT APPROVALS Permit i:� 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product Pipinc� C7 Gas ❑ Od 72. Undergrouncl Flust� 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gus ❑ O:i 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical � 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH OEPT, REQUIREPAENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION � 80. FOODCEHTIFiCATEISSUED Noter. ._ -- -yI - -- - 1 PHOJECT AOONESS: z 3 Z 3 SANTA ANA AV u"�T: 4 OWNEP'SNAME: HARBINGER HOMES aoonEss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 PPCMIENGINEEP: flEG.NO.: nooxess: WILKINSON ASSOC C9uxii9 18002 SKYPARK CI PENMIREE; IRVINE CA 92714 aooness: HARBINGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT HEACH CA..92660 110EN5E0 CONTPRCTOB OECIAflATION: I hereDy allirm Ihal I am licensetl untler O�ovisions ol Chapter 9(commencing with Section ]000� ol Orv�sion 3 0l ��e Business ane Professians Code, an0 my license is in full lo¢e anA efieci. CITY LIC.: $TATE LIC.: LU1SS: Date: Signamre: WONNEH$' COMPENSRTION DECUIPATION: I �ere�y allirm ��ai I have a ceriifica�e ai consenl to sell�insure or a certilicale o� Workers' Compen5aiion Insurance. or a ttrlilieU copy ihereol �Seclion 3800, LaE. C�. PO�ICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ CenilieG Copy i5 �ereUy �umi5he0. ❑ Certilied coOY is IileG vni� the city Builtling aNsion. Dale: Appli[ani: E%EMPTION FBOM WOBI(EPS' fAMPENSATION �ECIABATION: (This 5ec6an nee0 noI be completeE i� Ihe permil i51or one hunaie4 (E100) or 1e55�. I[etlily I�al in Ih¢ DetlatmanCe ol l�e xrork bt whith I�is permi� i�ue0. I 11 not empio y permn in any manner so as to uecome �/i5�t-wy��e Workers' Compeqns�ation Laws o� Caiilomia. p t' e' �/_�� � i�— (= Signature: �OTICE: II. alter making this Oeclaralion. you s�ould �ecome sublect �o Ihe Wotkers' Compensation Oiovisions of ��e Labor otle, you musl Ionhvnih compty with sucn provisions ar ihis permit shall be Ueemee revakea. CONSTPIIC710N LENOING RGENCY: I here�y aifirm t�at ihere is a constmction lending aAency br t�e pertormance ol t�e work lor which Ihis permit is i55ueA (Seciion 3097. Civ. C�. ,�� LENDEH: RUOPE$$: OWNEN BUILOEB OECLRBATION: I here0y aifum tAa� I am exempl Imm �he Contraclors' State License Law for Ihe I011owinB reason (Senian 703L5 Business an0 Pmlessional Code: Any ciiy ol counry whic� requires a De�mi� b cons�mc�, al�er, impmve. Oemolish, or repair any SimcWre. prior lo i�s issuance, also requires t�¢ applicant for such permi� �o tile a signeU Slatement Nai hels�e is lic¢nsed pursuanl Io Ihe pmvisions of �he Contraciors' Siate License Law (C�apter 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000) o� Oivision 3 oi Ihe Business antl Prolessions Code) or ihat he/she is exempl ��erelrom and ihe basis lor the allegetl exemption. Nny violation of Section 7037.5 6y any applicanl �or a permil suhlecis Ihe applicani to a civil penalry ot no� more Ihan live hundred tlollars (5500�. I, as owner ol I�e D�oDeny or my employees wit� wages as iheir sole compensdlion, will tlo t�e woM1, antl ihe ❑ s�mclure is no� imenaeU or oifered for sale �Section 7044, Busness and Pmtessional Code: The Comractars' Slate License Law Ooes nol apoly �o an awner ol a pmpeny who �uilds or imo�oves tnereon, anA who Ooes such work himself/herself or ihrouAh �is or �er own em0loyee5, provitleC �hat SucA impmvemenis are no� in�enJetl or alfereU for sale. If, however the �uildinp or impmvement is sold within one year of completion, ihe owner will have the burden o1 pwving nelshe aitl not Euild or impmve lor Ihe purpose ol 5ate�. I, as owner o� the prooetly. am excluvvely conVa[ting wiih Iicense0 coniractors �o cons�mcl lhe Dmjec� (Section 7044, 0usine55 C� ana vmiesvons Caae: tne Comractors' S�ate License Law aces not aODN �o an wmer of Dmpeny who �uilas or impmves t�ereon ana who coniracis foi such pioleds wit� a coniractor�s) license pursuant to Ihe Coniractors' Stale L¢ense Law�. I am aware ��al prool 01 IAei� Worke�'S ComOanSaiion in5urante s�ould be pmvi0e0 �o me. � I am exemD� un0er Seciion: B. 8 P. C. Da�o� is �earw�n: / Q�7 �� L—'1,� — iJ Uvner. � I Oo hereny cetlily Ihal I am aware ol and underSlanA Ihe reQuirements ol Calibmia Heal�h antl Salery CoOe Seclions 25505, 25533, antl 2557E and I�ai I or any Iuiure OuilEing occupant wilVmll noi (circle one) neea to comDN �^�h saitl s�ate cOCes antl the r¢puir¢men�5 �or a permit Im mnsimc�ion or modilication irom the Fu Oualily Managemeni UisVici. FesiQeniial consimclian applications ar¢ exemp� Imm I�ese Dmvisi0n5. Da�e: FpPlicanl: I �ere�y cer�ilyt�at I �avereatl I�is applicalion ana Sla�eihal��e aboveinformaiionis correct. I agree�a [omply witA alltiiy anG counly ordinances antl slatelav�srelalingto builtlmg constmtlion anC hereby aul�orize represenia�ive Ithis cilyto enier upon Ne aDove�mentioned p�n�y lor inspection pjurposes. � � p e: ��'�b^� Signalure: river's License oi Sociai Security +: i6at�46 Whno—Bulltling�, Green—Code Enlomement�, Canary—A001¢anC Pink—Rwenue', Goltlonmtl—Assessor z ��-94 CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUZLDING PERMIT PEAM NO: P 06536E PERMIT NO: P 065366 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 9575F 15T FL, 907SF 2ND FL, 461SF GARAGE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC; R-3 /M—i COMMENTS: REF: B-65013 **fr�r�*�r#�r*#*#�rir*�r��ru��*�r*�r#�e+rir+�+r+���rir�r�r**�*�r��#�r*�u�*�r*u#**+�*****+r*********�**** 2 O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILPING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: £T IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: PT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGFiT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROI/; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > iE iElk �If if if iF if it it iF if if IE if iE #?f 1F 1F iE # k 1f if !t 1f fE if if 1E # if� if iE iE f! i! 1E iF IE iE f4lt iF # ik iF fE if ## if iE if if ## iF iF 1E Y� �f # if ii 1F 1F if # if fF iE �N #*�f # M• D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E 5 R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY _ DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; ��'� DATE: � Z�tr�� �fikiEifiFififlFifiEiEihiEiFfEiE�EiEiFfljElEiFi��FTF�i�3F'iF;f�F�iFiF i�F�#rt ;FTh3F�F�Fif�+3F'i�3ijF�1:1FiEiF#iEiFiFiE ��4 - iEK if 3F jk iF #% iE iE iE ik jE iE iE i! �E K if �IE if -0f iE if if iE if iE iE ih iF iM1 if if jE jf # iE if �1E �1F if # if iF rt if # iE i� # iF aE iF iE if 1h if iE 1f iF iF �Ic 3F # iE if iF iE �lf if # iF # u�tc K K## K� LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGFSENT:N BLPG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PEAMIT 15.00 25R SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 20,00 bUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 15.00 20.00 0.00 35.00 35.00 .00 REC�ENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 35,00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 35.00 if iE iE if iE i(�if ifiE if iFil�k iF iE iE iE ifiE iE# ik if if if�IE ifiFif iF1E if ih 1E 9E 3f�If�lE 1f if iE iE if if �f iF iF } iF iF 1f ?f iEif Yr 3f iE �E iF iE iE 1FiE iF�lf 3f fM1iF # if iE ii if il�# ih iF # if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T Z O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 S£WER, CONNECTION TO EUILDING EACH 15.00 15.00 END OF FEES �1 rp15.;{n—�OiS?40h 1C+7 � 35.OG UA'_. 1'i',E.4' fI",�� C`:0� I CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING � APPROVALS Permit-i� 1, Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 2. So�l Pipe�Undrgrnd. 3. Elcctricai Conduit Ut;lity-Undrgrnd. � 4. E�ectncal Conduit-Undrgmd. I5. St�cl Relnfo.cement 6. Elcctnca' L+FER G:nd ' 7. f-oot�ngs I8. Foundati0� � 9. :�'ater Pipe�Untirgrnd. �-- ; 70. Structural Floor System ,} 7. Prope�ty Sewer f_ine & House Connenion I 12. Se�vcr Cap �- .. ._._ ._ _.. ......... I 13. Ro�f Drains i ?4. Ro�gh ulumh�,ng I 15 Raugn Eiectncai•Condwt 16. Fiough ElectricVViring 77. Rough lNiring Sign 18. Rough Electriral-T Bar Ce�lmg 19. Ro.:gh Hsaung & Alr Co�dinonmg 20. Roi.gr. Pactory Firepltce 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gxs PiRa-Rough & Test 24. Root Framieg 25. Roor Sheath�ing 26. T-Ber Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 27. Frameand�Flashing �� 28. Lath r.g & Sitlin3 29. I�;ulat�on 30. Dryv:all Nailing 31. Plaster Bro�vn Coat 32. EleclriWl Power M,eter Final 33. P'.nai Elactric 34. Final Heatmg & Air Contlrtioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Firal Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Ser�ice-Final 40. Gas Sernu:e�Rnal 41. Solar pomestic•Final 42. Backflo�•; Preventer ---_.. _..__. 43. Backflow Irrigation 4C. Laodscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 4G. Hand�cap Regulations 47. FIR'AL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINALPLAtdtVI�VG 49. Electric Release [o Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Cn 51. CERTIPICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date POOL & SPA Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # 52. Pool & E4u�pm¢nt locat�on 53. Steel Rn�Fo�cement � 54. Forms •' _ - 55. Electrical Bnnding � 56. Rough Plumbing & Presswe Test 57. APPRQyA�. TO COVFR�GU�iTE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgmtl. 59. Gax PiRe, O Undrgrnd., Test ' 60. Backevash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrq.rd � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK �/�f/��� 62. Backr�as��.i 1L Recpnto�-F�na� 63. Heater & Vent-Fina� 64. Plumbing System - Final 65. Eiectrical�Final 66. So�ar Sy�tem�F�:nal 67. Fencing !4 Acc^r's Anproval 68. APPROVED FOR P�ASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEti75PINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMEN f � APPROVALS Permrt�F 70. Underg��ound Hydro 77. Product Piping C7 G�s � OJ 72. Underg�ound Fiush 73. Undergrntl. Storaoe Tank "Gac "�� 0.; 74. Ovenc�ad Hydro 75. Ory Chemiwl 76. Dry Star,dpiPe 77. FIXED SVSTEn7 FWAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL ttEALTH DEP7. REQUIREh1ER�T 79. FINAL INSPECTIO'V -� 8D. r00U CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: Date � inspector Pfl0.1ECT RODflESS: " � �' L'" - '' V owxea�sname: HARBINGERTHOMES aooness: 375 PROMONTORY DA WEST N.B., CA 675-6653 AflLH/ENGINEEN: WILKINSON $ i�JCs�C noowess: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxir: q HEG.NO.: C98z9 UNIT: I IRVINE CA 92714 � PEPMITTEE: BERNER ELECTRIC� INC. (714)734-3171 aooeess: 75 E. GRAND BLVD. CORONA CA 91719 CITY POLICY NO.: COMPFNY' pLTDd���TION: I hereby alfirm Iha� I am licensetl untler pmvi5ions ot ChaO�e� 9(cOmmencing wi�� Seclion tpiy�e�yrmess anG Pmiessions Code, and my license is in �ull torce and ¢tle[�. � STFTE LIC.: 9 8 S 3 2 SS: C— I O — Signaiure' — ENS�TION 0 CIABRTION: 1 hereby ' �ha� I Iwve a cenili If-insure or a ce�ilicate al Workers' yaqc� y�rgM1Jirb �npy tfiereof (Sec�ion 3800. lab. C)2 / 1 5/ 9 q VA I NS 1��, exr. onTe: 1 ❑ Cetlifietl [opY is hereGy fu nished. L'] Certifietl coOY is liletl �ii .U+ i y Builtling ivisio . atif e: /// � � Applican�: ' ! E%EMPfIONFflUMWORKEB COMPENSRTIONOECIAPRTIO . rsstt�onnCe olGem ����e7� �S�OrmehuMreNd��S100�orless�. I cerlify Ihat in ��e p¢�brmance ol lhe work for w�ich t�is permit is i55ueA. I sha no employ any person m y manner so as'ro become sublec� to Ihe Work¢rs' Compensation Lavn al Calilamia. :• Oate: Signalure: NOTICE: Il. ailer makinq ihis detlaration, you s�ouitl become subjetl to Ihe Wo�ke�3' Compensafion p�ovisions of the LaDOr Code. you mus� �orlhwilh comply with suc� provi5ion5 or this permi� shall be tleemed revoked. � CONSTBUCTION LENDING RGENLY: I here�y allirm ihat there is a consimction IenOing agency lor Ihe DeAorma�ce'fif ihe work lor wAich Ihii permil i5 issued (SetliOn 3097. Civ. C�. « � LENOEH: � aoonEss: OWNEP BUILOEfl OECIAflATIDN: I here6y ailirm �hal � am exemp� imm I�e Contracmri State License Law �or the �ollowing reason (Sec�mn 7031.5 Buslness and Pmlessional Cotle: Any city ol counly whic� reQuires a permi� to consimc�, alter, imOrove, tlemolis�, or repair any s�mcture. P�ior Io its issuance, also requires the apD�icani lor such permii Io lile a signe0 slatemeni �hal helshe is licensed Oursuant lo ihe provisions ol Ihe Conirac�ors' State license Law (Chap�er 91�ommencing wilh Sec�ion 7000) ol Oivision 3 0� �he 6usine55 and Pmlessions Coae� or that he/she is exempt therelrom and the hasis for tne allegeU exemption. Any vialation of Section 703t5 Uy any applicanl for a permit sublecis ihe apDlicant lo a civil Oenalty ol not more I�an live huntlre0 dollars (5500). I. as ovme� ol t�e pmpeny or my employees vnth wages as tAeir sole compensatan, wiA Oo the work, an0 tAe ❑ slmcWre is not inlentletl or ollerea lor sale (Section 70aa, Business an4 Vmiessional Cotle: The Coniracmrs' Staie License Law Oo¢5 nol apOW �o an owner ol a pmpetly who builtls or improves l�ereon, antl who tloes su[� work himulf/herself or �hmu0h his or Aer own emD�oyees, pmvl0¢U Ihal 5ut� impmvemenfs ar¢ noi in�¢nAeU Or offeretl br sale. It, haw¢vef lhe Ou�ltling ar impmvement is 5o10 wilhin one year oi complelion, the owner will �ave Ih¢ 6urden ol pmvinp he/s�e Oid nol �ui10 or impmve tor Ihe ouroose ol sale�. I, as owner 0� the pmperty, am excWsively conl�acting wi�h licensed conlraclors ta cans�mc� the pmlecl (Section 7044, 6usine55 ❑ an0 Pmlessipns CoUe: T�e Coniratlors' S�a�e License Law Ooes noi apDly to an owner ol pmpeny wM CuilCs or im0�ave5 thereon antl wha coP��acis lor such pwlecls wi�� a contractor(s) license pursuanl lo �he ConVac�ors' Siate License Law�. I am aware Ihat pr0ol o� ��eir Workei 5 Compensalion insuranre shoula be pmviJed to me. � I am exemp� unaer Seaian: B. 8 P. C. loi t�is reasa�: Oate: Owner. I ao �ereby cenily Iba1 I am aware ol an0 un0erstan0lhe requiremenis ol Caiilamia Health an0 Salery CoOe Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl iha� I or 2nyfuture builAing occupanlwilllwill nol (circle one) neetlto comply wil� saitl s�a�e catles and the reQuirementslora permit �o� con5lmciion or motlilica�ian Iwm I�e Air Ou2bty Managemenl Disiricl. FeSiEenlial con5imciion applica�ions are exemp� imm I�ese pmvisions. Uaie.- AppliCanl: I�p120y CCIIVIVihdll�dvQ�Pd4 511i2 3ppliCdiiDO d110 SIdiC 111diih¢ diroV¢ip�q111311011K WrtCtl Id9 EID CMi1Ply w1 dN Clty d06 or0inances ana 5latelaw5ielaiingto OuilOing consim[tionan0 nereby au rize lives o�IAis iryla enterupa he above�me prOperiy IofinSpCG�JOn purpo;LS A Q �/ ry /N� Si9nalur '. _�_A_l�JC1 � « Oriver's License or Social Secun�y +: , �64t-c6 wnne—emlaing: Green—Cotle Enlorcement; Canary—AOPlicanl: Pink—Revenue; CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: E 065718 PERMIT NO: E 065718 pLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; ELE PURPOSE; NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 9575F 1ST FL, 907SF 2ND FL, 461SF GARAGE SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B-65013 x x�*+r**�*+r*�r�r*�*��r*�r�r*��rx�*�r*��r+��r�r�rx�*�r**�r+ex��r*x x�**x+r**�e+r+r��r+r�r*�r*�e��r*�r*x��r***��r*��r+�* Z O N I N GS ERTEBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT ZN RGHT; FT IN LEET: E'T IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > 1E 1E fE 1E 1f 1F if 1E ik 1! 1ElE 1ElE k if iE 1E 1E 1f if iE it 1F iE k 1! if 1f if 1f 1f 1E 1E �E ff 7k ik k ff if i!!E 1t iE iE 1F iE 1t if 4 it iR if iE i! 1! df if %ff 7F It M 1ElF if 1E ik 1E iElk if if iE 1f If iE 1f D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U Z R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY � DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY ; � DATE; �^ APPLICATION IS3UED BY• "� DATE• 'F� l� 1FifiEitiflfilMiFiFitifiElEiEkiflfiliflff! IE1f�fiFlfiEif4itif 1f1F if if if iE iE if if 1f 1t iF iE i! 1E fElE iF if 1F 1E 1f 1f if if if if if IElf iE iE if iF iE fF iE it * k 1f iF iF if 1k 1f if iE if it k ff iE if �E 1E iF iE if df 1F i! if 1E iF fF iF iE fE M if iElE fk iF if iE if i! �f if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 18.50 SOR SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PEAMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 18.50 15.00 0.00 33.50 33.50 .00 AEVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 33.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLOMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 33.50 it 1E iE ff ff f! �f 1F iE iE 1! �E 1E ff 1f 1f M iE 1! if iElf �f iE i! 1! fk if fE ff !f iFlf fE jF iE M iE 1E M 1F iF if iE 1E iF iE M iE ff iF iF iE ff 1E �f iF IF 1E iE 1t 1E 1E ih if if if iE If �f iF if iF 1E iF 1t iE 1f iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A 4C D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNZT COST TOTAL COST ELE i SERVZCES BELOW 600 V& BELOW 201 AMP 18.50 18.50 END OF FEES �1 D��J�1/li'�� ��d'�Q �%iiT e�.°L CpTE: 0't�14i9, T?I1G ll:d4 COlS' AUCTIOid ARD VLAIA:ING A7PRObP.LS Permii=` ?emnorary E�ectrieal &cv�cr or Vole �. [p.i p'Fv.Undrmnd. , _ --I o �_IQ��u;tLY.�,;;'.L'_r;rg�^d-- ..'��.c..�Cr„c.it�L�d�, �d -- .l� `_� S'�.e_ R, ��'o,...,�e�t -- ---- � i E Ele::r .":FCR Grnd. ----' r' � 7 : Foct-ngw '. -- -- -� - - - .-7 �� 0. �ourd;:"�n � �T-- ---- -- 9. �J.a:i- P�pe�UnUrprnd. _-_--- � �' ', 70. 5[ruct�'.:' F!onr SVStem � r . �: _.-_. __. _ _-_ , 11, Froperty S��.v+•r LinP & HouSe ConnecUon '---� -- ---- -- '2. Se�t:r C,N ' � "3. i+u�' pi-' __ -_ ___'-' - � Ro�, ' ,imi�,rg T--- I �5 ' �_ ��. �c� ;n�cci-Condu t ------- i 16. �ou��r cltctnclViring ----' 11. Sc;.j .. -�.r' Sign Date InspPttor POO L � SPA APPROVkLS Permit ='> 52. Puoi � Equ�pmc nt LucaLon -i ---;- -� � Date ;fn�pector � I53. $tr,�: 9eir�f0'crmr:rt . ' _ __ -_ __y -_-� 54. =n' �. � ___ j __ -_ -_ -1-- � _-_-'. � 55- � ,_.lr�cyi B^c.. �� �I i ���- -55 P�ui 4ti °���`.b-�rQ & Pi._S�,ure T�Si � -�---� 57-ncapC�rn�_ 70 COVER GUMTE -- ----� _-_�5A F.I;ctrical Cpi:d�IUUrd�y�n� -�- � -_-_ -_ 't__ +-___ -• I 59. C.:a P Fa. '_I l."�'gr ,d .-�it I ( _ __ -J ' EO�:�Ct.�.-sh 1=m:�, P�TnP. -' Und�arn!+ � --_� ._ _-� � 61, A�PHOVAL TO DFCK _ i �--�- -- --; �6?. FloCk�vash Ri �rcAPtni.F.inal f � F� 63. Hcatc� t� Vmi1-Fmo�--_- � I � 6i. Plumt:rg Systurn � Firo. l ___-a- -_- _ _ � 65. 6�:ctnca:�Fi��l -t-- -- ----� ----- �i6. SO�Gr ��;'SitT-i ^��• .�+-_- __._-- � 6i. P.nc,:i� & Access Apurocal i � GE. AI'p;�ObED FCR PLHSTERi.vG _ _�� _ _I . _-" - _ - T- 1 _. _ _�I � ta c:c ;" E rc•.�c. �.T Bar Ce:l ru i � 6�. VOO! ��PA SY�TE'.��5 F INAL � . ro n� � - -� �-, C A�r C:.rd'.t o�� �.c - --� ..--T---- - --------- - i -- �-1---- -- � -- - -- --- _ IiiE UC�T. NEQUINE�I-t'VT � � i i -J• � I --� : r, F r�i�:aca ' • - � �, �� ��15 `, cmit -,� _ '- ' - � - - i � - '---�-- 1 - � 7t D_t_ °:•, [ture . I . 7U l. -C �!„h , 'F: n - , - -- �2. �.:*,` - .:,�,. -F . !-7". '-...�... 'p . 1G. _.O: -�-- - - � -- -- t---- �13. F..: - . -oy3 E, re5 -- ----� '� --- i?. C -. .,.-- <h --------�-- -. F _ .' a Fr ^- -- -,-w-=_T-.-,.-t--- � � - - -- ---7- ----j - --�. .. „ I i 7: L. r.;, �rn„ 5..,, c�,. .G.c - 0 r------- - - -.-}---�---� -------- --�-- -� _ _ � '_ .G-_,.h'�,� _- _-� ___ �_' __ �I 7C. 0�.�.-F, J_ HVc�n' _ _ --- � _ _ _ -, � «"i I���. , P' C� i.� IiSr�L.U!d�) C.. ���'C^ i r ._. i� _.' CC' __I. _ - � ` ' ______ _. -- -_.__-_ ____--- ___ _ --__ ___.. __ ___ __ __ _ ' _.__^' ____ _ _. ' e. . . �1. i _ "lu � � I . � � I �.. � �.'. �� -_ -�-_ I .. _ ____ ____�_ _�...-_'_t-_' __� r- __- _ __. _� _____ ._'. -�-___ _ _"__ __ . _ _ _- _' ' . i .1 '-. . _<.� ' C�� _- . I .. . , l�i " i•. . � _ :1'� .'�� i . �_ ___ _ "__ �__ _-__- �_____-__- ___ _ __- _ _-_ __ . _-___-_ -� ��� i; . ' i � � I �I �.. '• - yI �Q. � li� �'fit�� �''�11• __� - r30 C�v�.a'I i�'a�li��� --- - --- I� . �`� --- � �!CAL?i-:�U�PT R=�QUIRr : E �'i � � �1 . Pld . .r ..n :.o,:. . - __- _-�_ __-- �n t- ..� i_ _ ij pF.. -"1 . _ ' _ __ _' ' _ . _ _ - ' _ ' i � - - ��- . �tr F., - - - - I - - - �r���/) '�/ l 3: -� ..� ' -' _ �L --7 - t - ri _�� ����..T _,� � . ,� , � - - - ----,�. . y�- .� I Note�. - - -- - - -- '- -- - - -�--- - - --- - -- - i '3�. ��nd�� Na.t��u`$:.4c CD��diLoi�;nn'__- � I r'._`__ __..__- -. -_� __ j-}__'_. - .� �. - . -- ____ _ _ .__ __-.. _ � I 35. �-iri�� G�s Pipa�Tast I • - � -�� _'. I� 'Jo. i"i0a�,;Y"::^pPY --� � _� _ _� _._Y ___ _._ '_'._ _ __ '_ ___.- _ ' ___-_ j_,1. � .�i � _�,n� F�rev�acr --- . ---i �-- - j�- ' - -- ----- -� -----�-- - - ___. __ __ _ __- - _ __- -� -`i- _ - _ _._ _ _ '_ _ . �� _ _ � - I � .iv . �nli 1''i.,�;,hinq �.'_____ ____-__-_---- __,._' ___ ___. _ __.._'_. . ____'_'__'__. _. _ __ -- _ I39. Vra[er .:zrvia:-f-inal .. I ., I . � ' _-__-_ __-_-__-._ - _. --� - __'_ -�- ' ___ "_- _'_ __ __ _ .iC, lias S�r cc�F�nal I' _ I i.-_S�,a, Co�...-t c�F rai --_ -_-� � _ _ . TI _ _' _-_--- __-_ - ._. _ _ _. -___ __ I ��__-_- - _ � ._.ii- _.T______. _ __-__- _ _- E ��t.:",.: °�...ntar . I---=-- -------- --1- --�_-_� ------- ---- ---- - L�� _�:�,,��: ,��:,:�t_°�----- � ___J---- --- ---- --- -- - '; 4. �an.'rct,,:� Ir; iqatinn Sy<_cem - ' ' i__ ____'-___ .,__�_ ...-_.�.�_ __----____-_ _ _ _____ -_ � .` SG'�',1 r.!',n.��3LOr � i . �' �" _-_- -' -_'_' _L___'�___ ' .___.____ -_-__- -_ ___'- __ _' � = F�.rr. �t, REpubt.c�s . . .. �.,1. P'�.,-� ,T?.JCiU�E&B.:IL:��'�C �------ -- , !9 .�!V^.L'-'.0:�'�I^'G r--- - - - I 44. E=_c.� �c Re!c.,e to Etl�son � --- �:i�. Gzs :,�!:..e t� $outhern Cal�.fom�a Gr L---- � 51 CERTIF,^,>icUi OCCUPA^lCY Ii\'o _____ Date L� - -- - 0 i -- �-- --- -- � �� -- -*- -- - ----- - ---------� I --- ---- - ------ --I v,w � - -- - ...--�i v� . PflOJEtT A0DHE55: ev1 �s�v—i.Ts.�'Tss'rm rii i n v IINI7: Q awNexsxame: HARBINGER HOMES aooaess: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N.B., CA 675-6653 APCHIENGINEEN: WILKINSON I�.CJ$�C xec.xo.: C9829 nooeess: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxiT: IRVINE CA 92714 PEPMITTEE: HARBINGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 aoonEss: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT HEACH CA 92660 UCENSED LONTBACTOB OECIABATION: I here0y af�irm IAaI I am licensea untler pmvisions ol Chapter 9 �commencinp wii� Seclion 7000� ol Oivision 9 al the Business ana Professions Cotle. anG my license is in full force antl ellecl. CITV LIL.: STRTE LIC.: CLASS: Dale: Signalufc'. wOBxEAS' COMPEroSAT1oN DEClABA710N: 1 hereby aHi�m inai I nave a cerliticate ot conseni to sNt-inswe o� a ceniticate of Wo�keR' Camoensa�ion Insurance. o� a cenihetl cooY thereol (Section 380U, La6. CI. POLICY NO.: E%P. OATE: LOMPRNY: ' 0 Cehilie0 co�y is �ereby fumished. ❑ CeNIieO coOY is �ile Ih � ciry Bui�tli Oivision. '.i�. � � ! � Applicanl: � E%EMPTIONIflOMWOBNEBS'COMPENSATIONOECIAPRT�ON: (ihi55ec1ionneeOnotUecampleleUil�hepermi�i5lorone�un4retl�5100�orless�. I certify Ihai in Ihe peAormance o� the wark �ar which Nis permii is issued. I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as �o become subleC� �o ihe Workers' CAmpensation Laws ol Caliloinia. Daie; Signaiule: NOTICE: II, al�er making Ihis Oeclaration, you sh�ultl become Subleci to the Workers' Compensation pwvisions o� Ihe Labar Cotle, you mus� lort�with comply with such pmNsionS or ihis permi� shall be deemed revokea. CONSTBUCTION IENUING AGENCY: I �ere�y aflirm Ihat there is a cansimction lending aAency lor �he petlormance o� �he wark lor whic� I�is Oeimit is isiuea (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENDEfl: nooRess: OWNEH BWLOEH oECuflPTION: I nereby affirm 114�1 I am eaemo� ��om ihe CAniractors' State License Law tar ihe following reasOn (Seclion 7031.5 Business and Professional Cotle: Any �ily ol couniy w�ic� reQutres a Oermit �o consimct, aller, impmve. Eemalis0, or reoair any simc�ure, priar ta its issuance. also requires tne applicant 5or sucA permil to iile a siBned statemeM Ihat �elshe is licensetl pursuam lo ihe provisions ol ihe ConVacrors' Slaie Licsnse Law (ChaO�er 9lcammencing with Seclion 7000) ol Division 3 0� I�e Business ana Prolessions Code) or Inal he/she rs exempt iheref�om ana Ine oasis for ihe allege0 eremo��on. Any violalion of Section 703L5 by any applicanifar a peimii subjects t�e applicant Io a civil Denally oi noi more �han live �untlrea dollars (5500�. I. as owner ol Ihe pmpetly or my empIOYees wiih wages as I�eir sole compensation, will tlo �he waB, and Ihe ❑ slmclureis naiinlentletl oro�fered �orsale�Sec�ion 70a4, Busmess and ProfessionalCoeel The Coniraclars' S�ate License law does not ap01y to an owner ol a propetly w�o builas or impmves therean, ana w�o tloes 5uch work himself/hersell or Ihrough �is or her own emDloyees. pmvide0 tha� sucn improvemenis are not intended or oller¢d lor sate. I�, however ��e �uii0ing or imOmvement is so10 vnthin one y¢ar ol completion, �he owner will have I�e 6urAen ol Dronng he/5Ae tli0 noi builA or impmve lor ine purpose of salel. � I, as owner 0� Ihe pmperty, am excWsively coni�aciinp with license� contracmrs m constmq the pmlect (Sectian 70aa, Business an0 Pm�euions CoCe: The Comracmrs' Siate License Law does �wt appN to an avmer 01 propeny who Ouilds or impmves thereon ana w�o wniracis lar suc� pmjects wi�� a cOnlracior(5) license pur5uani to ��e Contra[lors' $tate License Law). I am aware Itwi pmol ol I�eir Worker'S Compensation insuranre s�oula Ue Orovitletl to me. � I am eeempl untler Section: B. 8 P. C. br I�is rcason', Q ��Bate �_� ��/ � Owner. ereby certify Ihai I am aware ol and unaerslantl Ihe requiremenls of Calibmia Heallh anU Salery CoOe Sec�ions 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl Ihat I or any IUWre �uilding occupani willlwill nol (circle one) nee0lo comply wiih saitl state codes antl the requiremen�s for a permil lor conslmclion or motlifica�ion �mm the Fir �Pabty Managemen� DisVici. Residenlial constmclion applica�ions aB exempt �mm mese provisions. �aie�, ApDlicanc I hereEy cetlifyl�at I have reatlt�is applicatian and sla�e Ihat��e abovein�ormationis correcl. g�ee lo comply vnih allciiy and coun�y ordinances an0 slale lavrs reWting Io DuilOing conslmcliM anC �ere0y aulMrixe presemames ol s ury to enter upon Ne a0we�men�onea pm0etly loi inspecl1iorn�Ourposesd. (V ' �l` � 1 Signature: „ ori' .r's ��cense o� sociai secu�ny a: . �6abu6 WOiie—Bulltling; Green—Cotle Enlo¢emenL Canary—Applicant: Pink—Ravenuo; Goldonro�—Assesso� CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO; M 065685 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N PERMIT TYPE: MEC PERM NO; M 06568 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION ; ADD FACTORU FIRE PLACE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B-6Sm.LU.. � rJ O �� ***rtx�*�r*x�r*�-***�t�t*r*+r*�r* *�**+r *r+r*+�x�*****�x��t+r*r�rx�*******�c*****+t**+tr�*****r�xitx� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGtIT: FT ZN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PAAKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i +r*�*x*�r�x��x�e��*+r�r�r�rx�r�r*x**�r�r�rx*�rx*�r*�r�r+r�r�r�r**+rx**��rr****r*��r***x�z�r**+�**�**x�r�** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED HY , DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; L� � DATE: C i, �. if iliklf if iF 1f if lfff 1fltlf 1f 1f !f lfif ikif fllf ff !f iE 1E1F !E !E 1f 7f 1f fEfE iE 1t k ff ff k it if it it it 1t it it if iF M 4!t �!!f it 1f it it M iE f! ff if k iF �f if it 1f k 1F 1E 1t 7t iE if 1f iE if k M!f tf iElf fE if M ff !E iE iE iE f!!! 1E 1t iF M iE 1f iElE 1E 1t k iE iE if it if iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 6.50 252 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 HUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 6,50 15,00 0.00 21,50 21.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 21.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 �T��1�3 �i93` fli,UM�gTN�3 ELECTRIC MECHANZC FIAE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECR 21,5� 1k it if if if i! if ft iF it if if it 1E i! it M 1f M ff k it it �k 1t k it it iE iE fE iE 7f if if iE 1E iE 1E iElE %�E M M it iE fE iF iF iE 1F iE iE ff 1f iE if iE if i! iE if ff iElf iE iF if iE iF if iE iE %if if iE �E I N D I V I D U A L F•E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 FACTORY FIREPLACE 6.50 6.50 END OF FEES " QO':,'-.,,_�1r,,y3��I 'e oa �,' :1.5�' fiPTe='ui%�::r�:�� �iIrIE; 14:59 I CONSTRUCTION A11D PLANNING i � APPROVALS Permii -.= I 1. Temporary Electncal $ervice o� Poie ' � So�i Pipe�U�drqrnd. 3. Eiec'.'ri,oa'�Conc�uit`t7nlity�Undrgmd. �z . � __„} � ' • � 4' Er2;.',:'C01 Q?u�,dt7':-Urdryrnd. � � 5:-S'.�e• Rein*orcement _ •�l �I 6 `_c!�.e' JFEftG•�d . m ' -- � � J:_Foot�r.gs �-_ _ �1. 1 8. Fou^daUpr. � - ) .� 9. V�ater Pipe�Undrgmd� ';� , lO.Sructural Flaor System Datc --h� �L 2L SVI� Inspector I Z�p�OVALS Per.�rc �.-_ 52. ?uoi & Equ:pment Lor?�on - i - - -, OatP I Insp_r.t;�: � 53. Stael 4;einforce-^rr,t � I � . - - �-- ----- --`-+---�---� 54. Forms I 1 � j5� �i.ct��cal Bur���.��--- --- i I -, ___ I 5G-Rouq'n'Iumh•ng 8� '��•-ure T_cst _ __ _ � -'i � - = '-- - � � ' 57 Aaf RGVAL �^ CC". �--� G'�,. , F I c . ---% - - - ----------- - - -'-- ---�-- --'- ' S6. Elrctncal Cord��t W cliaintl. ! �' _ _ _ __ .___ -__-� 'f___ _ ._' 5£. Gcs P,�e. �. U� _m.. 1, T�st j � i � - ---- --- --- - --- i - � 60. Dac!cv.�ash f.inCc. P�Trap. L Unorn���n. I :' ------ --- � - � --� _ � 61. API'ROVAL'iOCECK-----�--- �, - - � G2. 6::C�.._>,� a H� cc,r�.� F.n�l "� I --- -- -- _ �GZ.!'_tcr 8. \;r•,t��.ca'- - � --�-- - �, 04. ; ❑m���.r.g 5/s:cm . F,�� � ; I - �__` _- _ __- � _.. _ __• i 65. Electrical�F.n�l � --- 66. Soltr S45tem�f!na! _--' -_ �- � � -I ��� - - - _ _ __ y__ _ _" G7. Fr�cing & Aco•t�� Ann.,:, �! -- � � - _ _ -_ _ ___ __�_ _ ._ u$. A7?RCV:O �CR '; %-SY�R�SS I . - - ---L-- - -- - -- - ' - - - - � �GS. °DCL�SP45vS�t.'.'SFii;AL � �, - I i '_- FIA"L- DE^T. AE.7l:if-iE'.'•. � '- _ --'___ , _ "_ - ,. 1I�'�,I FI I/aPPR�OVA\� ?,•mit � - -- � �', �J� . ---- - - - - � -- � - - - - - -_�� 70. l..^.drrp'GL_�y H:._-__ --__ � _ � _ �r _ _ _". �. 71. I�',od��ttP'omq"�r,.. op�� � �-�- -- - �., # o �.- � -- -- -- ---- - -- --. ..- 1-- --. � _ _ , " �' !:_ Li , : � i __ ' `i` 4 7J L!. t .r�, rr^c � _ �I . � . Y. _ ' -_- � i _ ' �--- ��- �--- � -- ---- .--- - -- �--- - -� -_ . ' ' . .. ... _.o . , - --i� :.-_ . --- - - -- - - - - - - - . � ' /:; J�v 11,em,c�.� - ' I li I ---`'� lfi_J,,, Sta._-'�'�� �_- - �_ �. _-- -i -- I_ � ���_-���{1 77�F!XFDSY�TE"r1Fii�!A-�---- �- I-- _ ---, _' iS Preperty Se�vr.'_Sn� R� House Conrec.^.on . � 1 Z. Sr :�er Cap ✓ __ � , ' �3. Roof Dra,n, r_____-_-_ _ 14. Pau�h Plumt,�ng �� 15. Rough E.octrlwl-Cortl�rt " I i6. RoughEiectrclN+nnq 17. Ro,:3ti l'1�,•��g S�gn � 78 Ro�gh Eleetricil�T R.�� Cei;.rq 9 �u..jhHc.t��,�R,A,('.�Btc^�-�g _-_ �2P. Rouyh Factory Firep'sce �- ^ - - ' 27.,DuCs.inSn�.ctu-: ' 22. Durts, Ventil,tti6q _ � 2J.Ge��.P�Pe�R��7n$.T�.;t . 24. Rwf Framinp � ! -- 'S. ,.,��' Sh.�.,. . 26. '�Sir Ce�'�nq ;Str;,�:c. �,ii 3� 'J�c.�.oco,it.. 27 r;;.•...c zru F�[.�^,•.7 __ _ I �2&. l.athing8:5,d�ng . , .. . r i . �'7.9 I��a�:a!in---- I i 7;i �- . Rt'! �' --- -- --� -- ' - � .37_J � � p:��-r`., --- --_---- - I -TI- --IiFO,LT`i10L1�-..-. REQUIRE�:i[1-'i-. . � -. .� ..� Li�o .r C...' ---�-- ---�- � '� _.. . .:`"_..� h, . • _ -__ - - - - - - - -'- --- -1--�- ` �� - - - ' - � i3? ��ec �-._.C�� P��_e lr., . F� .,.I __- � _ � 1�'' 90i f G:..� C�r� . � .. IS_� l "_.____ __ �L . �' 3��5. F:n�; �'2C1' ' ' . � � � . � �iJt:S. . _ �,34. F�n�i He3t�Cg St A�r L,.,:�i;t�onmy -� 2;-- _ • � ,,�� f•�,�- --.-�_.x: ----- - -� �-I- � -c��. rZ'-�:� ----�%�G'G1 -�U2_tF?'JL�/Zrr'��t`-�� .. , 3�.F�-aIGasP�p<-�.;�2 __� y . IS'Z�%¢"-�-- --r�4-i.�c'L- („�f� �-- f-_. _ _ __ __ __-. _ _�__ ' _ � 3� � -.*�d Or Car.' p � . • �i j - ��� . ?i�.alFar.tc�c T -•-�-"- -- -_-I--��-�t--- --�- -- - -- - ,- -- _- - _ �S_�-`�� --- -- - - 3e. ,_ , ; a.,:me,.., . �3. Cic�t9r Scn�icc-Fi�,cl � 40. Gas Sert•ico-Fna! . � - -- � 41. Sola� Domest o-F�c;i . t.i. 3.ccYa:: Prcrontc: . --___-_ I� _ �- _ _ � �3. Bac:at!ow Inmat'o� ' -^ •'.t. _� osc:.Rc IN tat:o�. 5�: at� � !,_ °�und At[anoancr. _ '- ...:E F'�nd'caoRcy�latiqr, � 47,FIkALSTRUCTUR[iLBWLDING , , -- ---�---- � �-�-- ' ------ ---- ---'i -._ -- "-� ' --- ---'`-` --' -= - --- - - - - �-- --- I ._�__ -� -�L ' �$. F;��AL'LN1\d!I\G � �9. Etactric Release to �d�son i - I EC. Ga; Release m Sou:he�n Ca��i`o�n�a Gas 51. CERTIPICATE OF. OCCUPANCY \�o. _ �ate n �---- - ` ---- - I � t -I.-_.�� � ,_ - .. �----) �--•--- • --�--- � 6 � ` - -- -- - - - . - -- ---- � � PFOJECTp00FES5: ��U� T`(���"`•s � • vr• UNIT: 4 owNen s Name: HARB INGER HOMES aooxEss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 ABCHIENGINEEfl: WZ LK I NSON � P.S�'J�C AEG.NO.: C(3p (3 AODPE55: l$OOi SKYPARK CI S�� IRVINE CA 92714 PEFMITTEE: HARBINGER HOMES ( 719 ) 675-6653 ADOPESS: j']S PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 IICENSEU CONTXRCTOB OECLAPATIDN: I �ere6y aifirm �hat I am licensed untler D�ovisions of C�apter 9(commencing wi�� Sectian 7000� ol �Ivisian 3 oi IDe Business an� Pmlessinns f.nAe. antl my 6cense is in lull torce antl effect. ClW2fL^..1 STqTE LIC.: ClASS: at Signalure: NS' COMPENSpTION DECLAPATION: I hereby aftirm Ihat I have a cetlilicate ot con5en� to seli�insure or a ceriificate of Workers' ompensaiion Insurance, or a cetldieA copY ��ereol (Seciion 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. �RTE: COMPANY: � Cenihetl capy is hereby furnishee. ❑ Ceni�ied coDY is �iled with the cily BuilOing �ivision. Daie'. Applicam: E FflOM WOBREBS' COMPENSATION DECLANpTION: (This seciion ne n0i be tOmpl¢tetl itthe permit i5 forone hunOred ($100) or les5) cetlily I�a in Ihe periormance ol Ihe work lor which this permi� is i e41 hall not empl y Derson in any manner so as lo become sub�ect Io e Wohers' Compensalion Laws of Calitomia. �6a�e: � � S� SignaWre: ICE: II. aner making �his declara�ion. you should become sublect lo Ihe Workers' Compensaiion Dmvisions oi Ihe Labor ode. you musi forthwi�h comply with such pmvisions ar Ihis permit shall Ue tleemetl revoked. CONSTNUCTION LENUING RGENCY: I �ereby aliirm ��ai Ihere i5 a tonstmtlion lentling agenty for ��e p¢dormanCe Oi lhe work lor which (his permit is i=sue0 (Se[lion 3097. Civ. C). LENDEfl: AO�PESS: OWNEN BUILOEP DECLAFATION: I hereDy al�irm Ihal I am exempt hom Ihe ConVac�ors' S�aie License Law �or Ihe �ollowing reason (Section 7037.5 Business an0 Pm�essianal Catle'. Nny city o� coumy which requires a permit m constmct, aller, improve, demolish, or repair any slmc�ure. prior ta its issuance, also requires �he apDlican� lor such permit �o tile a signed Slalement �hat �elshe is licensee pursuam ta Ihe pmvisions oi ihe Contracmrs' Slaie License Law �Chap�er 9(commencing wi�h Section 7000) oi Oivision 3 0l lhe 6usiness anU Pmtessions Coae) or �ha� he/she is exempi Ihere�mm an0 �he basis lor I�e allegetl exemp�ion. Fny viola�ion o� Seciion 703L5 by �� any apDlicani br a permit suhlecis I�e apDlicant �o a civil penalty o� not more Ihan �ive huntlretl Oollars (85011). I, as owner oi ihe proDeny or my employees wilh wages as �heir sole compensation, will tlo ihe work, an0 ihe ❑ slmciure is noi mientletl or olfere0lor sale (Section 70G4. Business antl Pmtessional Cotle: The ConVac�ors' S�ate License Law does not apply to an awner ol a pmperty who builtls or impmves Ihereon, and w�o tloes such wo�k �imsell/hersel� or t�mugh �is or Aer own employees, pmvitletl t�ai such improvemems are nol inlen0etl or offerea �or sale. II, however Ihe builtlmg or improvemen� is sold within one year o� campletion, the owner will have the burtlen o� pmving �e/she Oid not build or impmve for Ihe purpose o� sale�. I,as ownerofihe propetly.am exclusively conirac�ing withlicensetl conlrac�orsio constmct�he prolec��Seciian 7044, Business � antl Pmtessions Coae: The Coniraclors' Slaie License Law Ooes not appty �o an owner of propeny who �uiltls or impmves thereon and wAo conlracls �ar such pmjeds wilh a conirac�or(s)license pursuan�lo �he Contractors' Stale License Law),I am aware Iha� pmof ol �heir Worker's ComDensalion msurance should 6e pwvitletl �o me. I am exempl untler Seclion: B. 8 P. C. /� or Ihis reaso � ' � � _ / / i Oa�e' Owner: �'�Inw�J\ o here0y cenity �ha� I am aware ol antl unders�antl Ihe reQuirements of Calilomia Heal�h and Satery Code Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 antl �hat I ar any W�ure building occu0ani willlwtll nol (circle one) neetl lo comply with saitl s�aie coaes ana the reQmrements for a permit lor consimclian or mo4ificaiion Imm Ihe Fir Oualiry Management �isiricL Residen�ial cons�mction applicaiions are exem0� ��om I�CS¢ P�Ovi5i0n5 oate'. Apo�icanl I nereby cerlityihal I have reatl Ihis applicaiion ane sta�e�hatthe above m�armalion is orre� comPly wi�� all ci�Y an0 counry ordi ncesantls�atelawsrelalinglobuilAingconsimc�ionandhere�yaWharizerepresent vesolthisci enleruponiheabove�mentioned oper orinspection purposei � r Oaie: � � � � � Signalure: � s �icense or Socia� Securiry n: t64L46 Wlme—Butltling: Green—Cotle Enlorcemenf, Canary—Applicanf, Plnk—Revenue; Goltlenwtl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: M 06583 PERMIT NO: M 065831 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTZON : 1464SF 1ST FL, 11135F 2ND FL, 425SF GARA SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 !M-1 COMMENTS: REF: 65013 +�*+ei�***ir�rx��r*x�**�r�ie�t+r*+t+��c-+�-�*x�+rx��ri��-***+�*+�+r*�rx�****+tx��-*****�t****x�**+��r*�tr***�****�trt* Z O N I N G R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN AGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > +tx+t�t�t�ti�***�t+t*+t�r�t*�t+�x*i�i�*x-rx��r�****�t+�+t�*+t�r*ir***x�ir*+t+t�t*+�*+r*i�*��r***�t�t***********��x-** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R,V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � DATE: G(\ fE1E1EilMif�flFifiEiFiEiEiEiEltiEiflElfiEif3F3FiF�F7F7FiF'7FiF F�iF3F�3FiF7fTF3f�F��lE�EfEiE1EiElfihiFiE jEi(- iEiEifififikikiEitiPiEifiEifiEiliE�EiEiEiE�EiEitiFifitiE�EitifitititifiEjfifiElhifiFiFiElEiEiFiEiF3EitififiFiEiFifiFlEifil3fiEif�lFifiEiFif 3EitifififiEiEiEiE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 14.00 25t SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE � 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 14.00 15.00 0.00 29�,-$Q\ 29.00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLEQTED: 9.00 f�VER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FI �/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 29.00 jE ff jE iE iE iE iF iE iE iE iE iE iE IF it iE iF iE iE if it ff iE iE iE it if 3f iE if iE 1E it iE iE if iE iE iElE M iE if if iF If ±F iE iE iE 1E iF ik i! ik iE �E 3E if iF iE �F �E iF IF IE i: �E iF IE if it iE iF if if if iE j4 I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N , ONZT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 INST FORC—AIR/GRAV FURN > 100 K BTU MEC 1 GAS PIPING SYS 1— 4 OUTLETS END OF FEES t 11,00 11,00 3.00 3.00 ul OO1S43`0-Q01543�0 T�? T 29.OD ��TE: �]1; %ni?4 T?tiE: 18:U4 _� CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNI�G . APPROVALS Permit 1r` ' i. Tempnrary Elecincal Serviw or Pole 2, Sod Pipe�Undrgrnd. 3 Eizc!rical Corwuit Utlity�Undrgrnd. i 4. E�ectr,cat Condurt�Und�g�nd. �----=- ' 5 s..��� a�:�Fcrc:mrnt 8. � ec�...e.:' JFER Gmd. i - ---- ?. i-ocUngs ,_ 6. Fouocetlo�, '.! � y. 1�eatr P�pa�Untlrgmd. '�, � .t---- - ,. �' 10. S:�.ctu-a� Fioor SVstem '.. 1�- . 7S. �r�pc�cy Ser:er Lio� & NouseConnection�.. _. �r 72. Sewer Cap � 13. Huof prains �'�� r-- - 4 - - . .. ... _.. _ i 14. Po�c�� .m.i��n� ��5 G��o� �.,=.c!;�cal-Condu,t ���. ':la�..yr �r.:CbiG:�'ifin9 �7. Roo�'�::YnngS=gn - �18. Ruunh t�ectdcabT Bar Ce�lmg �9 ft��aF Nedrir,g & .4�r Co�•di;iening 2C. 3-� .-. ra�'ary F��ei,lace 7� D�Cs, �n Strtrctu�C 22. U..:��,\�Enti�,itmc� _ 23. Ga. ?ipe-Ro�.gh E: Test � �24. 9au� Frming � 25 Sn.� ea;hing I2E ; � � C�'�ng �SVur,u�all �:;�1c^ocaat r21. � :;,-.c ar! F!sshln9 --- - �' ------- - ; � a �...ri, ,� � sr�i��g � i i. . : u;�'.nr .._� � 30 '• l��.a � ? �.L�c r--- -- IS1. ?ia e� �.��::o:pz.t . I 32. c'ef."�G. PC:'iC �1P[f'�Fir.d� - _ � 33 �in,l El��ctne � � .--- - -- i 5�.. � �al H':ating & pir Cordi[io�ing � -.� _ 35 �� '.�' G: � P�pe�Te;t J- 3u. No,U �� Ca�OPv -- 37. �, ai F;,ctory Fvepiate � '8 Fino' i'I���n6in� 39 \Vater �ervice��inal � CC. Gns Sen��ce�F�nal �_-- � �,i. Ss'ar Co.r,:st�oF�na: - . Eac'.'�o:� �'ecantcr -_ . �_ ___ ��3. Baci.flo . �r;lgation � a�! Lantlsc�.Ge !rriqauon SVs[em � d5. So.:��,: � ttenuation 45. F!:^c'� z^ Reo�latio�s r-___-__- - 47. Fl:c,�.:. S?RUCTURE R� EUILDI�iG 4E rIiZF\LP!_Af\NING _ 49. EIeC; ic Rr,,ease to Edison 50 Ga� !?eiease to Southem Cali;o�nia Gas Q 51. CERTIFiCATE OF OCCU?P�i�CY Date Date PO� t5 SPA Inspector APPROVALS Permit,� 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. 9tool fte��forceme�t • 54. f-orms 55. Electrical Bondmg 56. Roc4h Plum.�ing & Prassure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUMTE 58. Electrica! Condu�i�Ur.drgrnd. 59. Gas P�pe, C'i Undrgmd., Test I 60. E?davash Lines, P-Trzp, �! U��drgrnd i 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. 6aek�vash & Ree�ptor-F�nai 63. Hcater & Veni-Fm�l 64. Plumbing Systern - Fir�ai � 65. Eiectrical-Final 66. Solar SVstem�Fr„! 67. f-enun9 & Attecs Appr�val 68. APPROVE6 FOfl PLASTEFING G9. POOL(SPA SYSTENIS F WAL _� F�fiE DEPT. REQUIREMENT` 1' I AI'PRilVAl5 Pcrmrt ;r � 70. Unde:giJu,^� F;�;Urc I .� 71. Prod�ct P�p:n; �: G.�, i. O�� ; 72. UnUcrground Flu;h i I n Date � Inspector � _� , � 73. Underamd.Stor�ve�Tan4C;Ge�s ❑0�. i 1� , -- --Y--- -�--, .��--� 74. O.<rh¢ao Hvr'n � I --i'--��I .�.----- --;----- -`----�- - - I _,�_C'�em�ca' -- ------� �--- ----- - �� - -��- 7f. :rt Stz�cr .c , i ' --1--'^-- - - ------- � 77. FIXED SYSTtP'pF�R'AL - I--_-- -� � . .. �-----'-----_ - _a I � 76. F!RE PREV. Fin.,;t I _ _� I � i -----N�t�,i.74 ��PT. RFQUIaEf._�. �i � --'-�-'--i ---- . �.,• .._ -�- -- - - - --- -- � , ]t'. r: �.H�_ . ,-l�. I.. . � , "' -_r_�__.- " .- _-'"' __ _ __'______ r" ..-i . _ . �, �8G �: UGD GE7 -i'" I:'.-,�i � '�.SSLED � � - . - - -- ------ - - ._ .�.- - -�-- '-�--- '-- - - - �' - . ' � i��otex: � ��¢+_ �3/, ��_�._ -----r -- ----� ': � �� l" r-¢ -��i-u?s�Y�c-� - .��s�r ' ,,,-� ! � _ ., --- fi?J�� �i=� - rr-„-,;4� G� ._-'_�.�-1-T:�?S=-L�.. ___.�.!%�LA�-�_��� _._ __' .. ____--�__ _ _ __ _. __-_ _ __ 1 .,:ity of Costa Mesa California 92628-1200 P.O.Box 1200 Insulation Certificate 23 Z3 SAaTcI Pvs A��� �i 1��T '�' Permit Number � O�� O I 3 i28o Q a� ic. _� c�,Je C d s'rrf M�iW Number antl Sireet City AOOF Material Thickness (inches) EXTERIOR WALL Material _ Thickness (inches) A BATT �4 Is � Subdivision Description of installation Brand Name ,Thermal Resistartce (R-Value) Lat Number Brand Name �NVILLE Thermal Resistance (R-Value) _ CEILING Batt or Blanket T e BATT Brand Name �1VILLE Thickness (inches)P 11�� Thermal Resistance (R-Value) R-30 Loose Fill 7ype N�A Brand Name N/A Contractor's minimum installed weight/ft2_ Ib. Minimum thickness inches Manufacturer's installed weight per square foot to achieve Thermal Fiesistance (R-Value) RAISED FLOOp Material Thickness (inches) SLAB FLOOR Material Thickness (inches) Width (inches) — FOUNDATION WALL Material Thickness (inches) n A N/A Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Declaration I hereby certify that the above insulation was installed in the building at the above location in conformance with the current Building Energy Efficiency Standards for new residential buildings contained in Title 24 of the California Adminstrative Code. ' SignaYure and Ti�le . SNSULATZON, INC. tContracmr (Insulation Installer) ,/YzE&AHllCTION MANAGER �f Signature anG Titla 190]A6 6�33v� License Number 31 �Y/y4 Date 481278 License Number 03/24/94 Date FI\'AL GRAI`�ING CERTIFICATIO�\ Project Address: 280 Pacific Crest .Drive Lot i�umber: #4 of Tract No. 14815 Permit �umber: pi 04,So�3 By Civil Eneineer. I cenify to the sztisfzctory completion of grading in accordznce u•ith the appro��ed plans, specifications, local and state codes. Ail draina�e devices required b}� the grading permit, grading plan and erzdin� ordinance ha��e been instzlled. Adequate pro��isions ha�e been made for drainaee ef surface �t•ater from each building site. The n;ini;nums �re: 2�. F�il from s:ructures within 5 feet frem exterior Halls. 1� Fell for as.hah sur,�ces and landsczped areu. 0.� � Fa'.l t`er co�cre:: sur`2c:5 IO 2}'�rr0\'2d C'�1_rOS2I 2,-:�c. Tf: finzl �TiOf:�_S:�ii;c gc sho�,;�n on t`� reco,-eed tract mzp �.�:r: s:i. ,A?1 finc� =f2C'�I:io e;e��a- tions zre aithin — 1%10 oi t`e de iened ele��tions. Supervising Ci�i1 En�in:er Ree. No. 31720 � . (Si_n-;cre) p�;P 4/20/94 /�ROFESS/�� � � �\N 8. Hq '�1�� F� � � N . N Z w� f�C 20 R' m * E �, 6 � `n>'y CIVII. ��Q' \�F CAUE�� . :-s.__f:-�;;.. � . .. .. � C^��.Tv a,,.a c1r., PPOJE`aooq[ss: 280 PACIFIC CREST DR uxit: '' owNdnseame: xARBINGER AOMES aooness: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N.B. 714) 675-6653 FflCNIENGMEEN: flEC.NO.: . nooxess: uxiT: PEXMITTEE: BAC LANDSCAF+ING INC, (719)851-1171 AOOHESS: 26(jl RICTHER AV 124 IR CA 92714 ULENSEO CONTFACTON OECLAHATION: I hereby alfirm ��a� I am licensetl untler provisions of CAap�e� 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000� o� Division 3 of the Bvsiness and Pmiessions Code, antl my license is in WII lorce ct. ��}'"'j'�' 055990 sraTeuc.:q11966 cuss: f0ate� y— ze> � y 5�a�a���e: �� b,�NEBS' LOMPENSPTION DELLABRTION: I here t�at I haue a cenilicate of consent to selbinsure or a certifiwte oi Workers' Campensation Insurance, or a ceniliea coDY �� ection 3800. LaG. C�. voucrNo.: 1079938 EXP.�ATE: O�%/ZS/99 carnradr: FARMERS INS � Ceniliea copy is hereby fumishetl. �}t CertilieG copy i5 lile I �e ci N �on. ojie: � Z G—' /� Y Ap0licanL � �%EMPTION FNOM WOBKEPS' fAMPENSRTION DELUM : Qhis 5eciion nee0 nol be completetl i� ihe permil i51or on unAreO (5100) or less�. I cetlify Ihat in t�e pertormance ol ��e work lo� which is permi� is is5ue0. 15hall nol em0loy any Dersan in any manner so a5 io Eecome suDiect lo Ine workers' Compensalion Laws of Calitornia. Uaie: Signawre: NO710E: II. aiter making Ihis Eeclaraiion. you shoul0 become sublect to t�e Wo�ers Compensation O�ovisions ol tAe La�or Cade. you musi �aM1hvnth comply wii� su[� D�ovisions or I�is permit slull Ce GeemeG revok¢d. CONSTflUtTION LENOING RGENCY: I hereCy allirm ��ai t�¢re i5 a tonSlruciion lentlinp agenty lor lhe petlarmance Of t�e wark �or wnicA Ihis Oermii is fssuetl (Sedion 3W7. Gv. C). LENOEP: ADONESS: OWNEN BUIL�EP OECLABATION: I �ereby ailirm �hatl am exempllmm Ihe Canlractors' State License Law forihe following reason �Section 703L5 Business antl Pro�essional CoOe: Any city oi counly w�ic� reQuires a permil Io constmcl, atler, improve, demolish, or repair any stmcNre. prior to its issuance. also requires the applicanl for such permit to Iile a signe0 slatemem thai he/she is licensea pursuam to �he pmvisions ot the Coniractors' Slate LicenSe Law (C�apl¢r 9(Commencing wiih SeCtion 7000) o� DiviSion 3 ot �he 9USine55 anA Pmfe55i0n5 COtle) o� Ihai he/She is ¢d¢mp� IAeretmm anU Ih¢ Uasis lor ��¢ alleOeA e�emp�i0n. Fny vi01ati0n o� SettiOn 7031.5 by any applican� lor a Oermit Sublect5 i�e apDlicani to a civil penalry al no� more I�an �ive �untlreE tlollars (5500�. 1. as owner of ihe propeny or my employees with waAes as Iheir soie tompensation, will Eo ihe work, and the ❑ simaure is not imen0etl or onerea for sale �Section 70aa. Business antl Pmlessianal Coae: T�e Coniractors' State �icense Law Uoes not aD01y to an owner of a prop¢tlY'nTo Euilas or improves iherton, an0 who Ooes suc� wark tlimsell/�erselt or throup� �i5 or her own employees. provitle0 �ha� SUth impmv¢ments are n0i inlenOeA ar OHereU br Sale. Ii, �Oweve� ihe builUinq or impmvemen� is sold wi�hin one year oi complelion, �he owner will have Ihe hur0en of pmvinA �e/she Uitl not build or imOrove lor �he purpose a� sale�. I, as owneroft�e pwpeny,am exclusively coniractinp withlicensetl coniractorsto consimctthe pmlect(Section 7044, Business ❑ and PrOtessions Cotle: IDe Contratlors' Siate LitenSe Law tices not apply Io an Owner o� pmperty w1�0 GmIaS Of improv¢S �h¢re0n an0 who coniracts for suc� pmle��5 wi�� a contracior�s) license OurSuani lo Ihe Contra[tors' State License Law�. I am aware ' Ihal 0��� of their Workei 5 Comp¢nsation iniuranre S�oNA �e pwvitleG to me. � I am exemp� unEer Sec�ion: B. 8 P. C. lOr �his teason: Daie: Ovmec I Eo hereGy cetlity ��at I am aware ot ana unUerslanA Ihe requirtmenis ol Califomia MeaIIA and Safery CoOe $ec�ions 2 255Jd ane Iha� I or any future builtling occupant will/will no� (circle one) neeG 10 com0ly vn�h saia state coGes an0 i�e r permil for con5imdion or modAication Imm Ihe Air Ouah�y Management �isirit�, qesitlential constmclion applications Ihese pmvisions. �ale'. AOPlicanC Gy ceriily tha� I �ave reatlthis appliCation an� Slate Ihai I�e a�ov ' rmalionis mcesandsia�elavrsrelannglobuilGingconslmc�ionandhere ih erepresent r�y lo� inspec�ion purposes. L% � — �� Signalure: 's License or Social Security n: I6EL46 Wbi�e—Bulltlingl 5505, 25533, anE equiremenis for a are exempt imm �Ty wth all ciiy an0 counly upan�hea0ove�mentioned Pink—Revenue; GOIEenmtl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 06695 PERMIT NO: B 066952 PLAN CHECK NO: 01473-94 S GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-5 PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE; NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : CONSTRUCT 182SF OPEN TRELLIS PATZO SQ FT; 182 CLAIM VALUE: 1,500.00 CALC—VALUE: 2,693.60 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: PERMITS TO COVER THE CONSTRUCTIONOF 1825F OPEN TRELLIS PATIO x+�x-�r*�r***x�*********�r�r**�****+r*******+��r*�****�c**s****+��-*+�*************+�+r�r*�***+t* Z O N I N G A E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: 7 FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAA; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: R1 REF NO: PA9420 PLANNING NOTES> LATTICE PATIO COVER, FOST SETBACK 7' FROM PROPERTY LINE, OVE > RHANG TO WITHIN 6' *�r*�r*rt*�*+rx��********�r********x-�rx�*x�**�r*�r****x��r***********x�******+�***�r***+�*�r�tir*** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V /I� C E S R E Q U I R E M E N ZONING APPROVED BY �rSAT DATE: 2� � BUILDING APPROVED BY : �'//�t DATE: 2� � G_ APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � DATE: 2� �? � iE 1f iE iE i: if iE iE 1f IF iE iF iF iE iF iE If fE if if iF iE�iF��3F7�3Z�iF'iF'�f TF�Tf� if�iF�fiF�FiF �F�f3F�YTE7F iE jE i4 �1E iF iF ic if� iE iF . iE l. iF IF *�f If if �E �E 9E 1E If if iF {F iF K iE aF aE iF iE iE iE if #k iF if 7F iF iF iE K if iF aE iE 1f x iF iF iF if iF aE if �E 9f if iElE iF if iF iF if iF ii # jf iE jE iE if if �f iE iE iF if �F IE 1E iF if iE iE iF aE if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 54.00 ,50 PLAN 35.10 SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 59,50 0,00 35.10 89.60 89,60 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 89.60 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 54,00 .50 35.10 1E fF 1E iE iE if ff iE iF iF iF it if if iE iE iF if iE if iE iE K iE 3F iF iF iF M iE 1F iE 1F iE �E fE if if iE iE iE if iF 1f ff IE fF iE iFlE IE ff 9E 1E if iE if iE iF if iE iE if if iF iE iE fF �F iF �f iE �E iE 9f iE iF if iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 182 RES—PATIO COVER—POST 5 TRELLIS 14.80 2,693.60 END OF FEES DI 0�359543—�D159`45 T GT 39.60 DATE: 04/?bJ94 TIME: 11:3? � �- CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POO. SPA ♦ qPPROVALS Permit #� Oate laspector qppROVALS Permit # Oate Inspector 1. 7emporary Electrical Service o� Pole 52. Pool & Equipmen[ Location � 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. - 53. Steel Reintorcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility•Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Eiectrical Conduft-Undrqrnd. � 55. Electricaf Bonding 5. 5�ee1 Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Tesc 6. �Iectricai UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings yz�l,'Le�lf��,��( 58. ElectricalConduit�Undrgrnd. 8. �ountlation � 59. Gas Pipe. O Undrgmd., Test ' 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrod, 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, C Undrgrnd. 10. Structurai Floor System . 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 17, property Sewer �ine & House Conner•ion 62. Backpyash & Receptor-Final � 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Final 13. Fioof Drains '' 64. PIurY�bing System � Final 14, flough Plumbing � 65. Electrical-Final � 75. Rough Elec!riral�Conduit 66. Solar SYstem•Final 16. Rough Efectric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApProval /7, qough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rou9h Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19, pough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory �ireplace - APPROVALS Permit # 21. Quccs, in Structure � 70. Underground Hydro 22. Duas, Ventiiatin4 ' 77. Product Piping O Gas Q Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Ro�gh & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framin5 � • ' 73. Undergrnd.StorayeTank OGas ❑Oil 25. floof Sheathing � 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocoat 75. DryChemical ' . 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEhA FINAL 29. Insulation � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. D�Ywail Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat ' 79. PINAL INSPECTION 32. E�ectrical Po�vzr hlecerFi�a1 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUEO 33. Final Electric , - Notes: 34. Pinai Heating & Air Cond�tioning '� . 35. F�nal Gas Pipe-Test � � , 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Faaory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service�Finai 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer . • 43. Backflow frrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & 9UILDING l.lZ _g:y ��,/ LT 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison �•, . 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas Ca '- 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ( No. Dace -� " I 1-Y� i�AL G��EN i��T TICt� ���1-i0 ��'�`� C� T� I' � I� = .. :.�:.�- �_ ---� � —_.�,.� ���..�..',:�, � ---=-- ---- -- , � � --N IZM M � � — � -- ; <-- q S --�;�-- g$ = � : '• n — 4 l 4 F.:: LS E /i _— ��Z' F'.J��S �1 �_–_ '-�:..'', '" ..,.. .. , .; ..,. � �,;--`�--------� . .. . .. . � � -� �, � --_–�–_'__.—__'"� �. ( .,—.,�-- -- , F JGtiT ELFV�T!C��! o� �_'�J— f=J �C.'.LE _`--,_�_.__._. �� , n � s � �.; � � n r �� � l or � J � � � c ❑' �! "�1 r : � i: :�: �'i � � �; �, :,: � q r �; � � `p[� ? �'i ,+ � � ' ' c-� n Ij{J� a v� � ` , b � . �� `�f !i 4 • ��____ 1 � �_ _.� -2�a e�ti�.�-z ,-� ,-2xa ���s;cE Y� � „ :, �a�4,� _ 6 F. f'4iG°a�'',V. ,, i� ���� # �.� �SZ rHis rvuMaeR� ALL I�M�S RACC EQu�srs. : ii � 2� 6 LED�ER �'C:CR i• e � –Q ; `. �� � ,; =',• ;,4,: d,,� %= �6' >.'._ �-_–._; . - '�'—._–__ _–�___ -�_ ___—_'_'_ � � I `�'�TIGi` ' _.._ _�_ � _____e I LE ; �' ' r � . `,\ . / - -- • ,� 1� �I j 'i I ;; ;: i; � � I �; �j ! ;; , " i � r-t— '' , � i_ —Z---�-- I__; i ; � ' I --------.. _j �' '� I i , � �! � � � i i _�.____.�___� � I __ :. ---- _____ � �� i. -��I i i ; �.-`_-_ � i �:' _ : .------- i I ' . 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CA 92640 PEflMITTEE: C & C� PO�JLS ( 909 ) 242-7665 aooncss: 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 UCENSEO CONTNACTOB OECIAflATION: I hereby allirm tha� I am licensea untler pmvisions ol Chapter 9(commencing wit� Seclion 7000) ol �rvision 3 0l Ihe Business an0 Pmiessions Cotle. antl my lirense is in �uli �orce anJ eifeci. cirv ic.: [.sTaTeuc.:347;i � ,cuyts: C-53 alc. � ��� I Signatu ' ���u�1..R�J W Efl5' COMPENSATION OECLAflFTION: I here�y a�hrm ��at I have a ce�ificale o� conseni to self-insure or a ce�i�icaie ol WorNers' omvensation Insurance. or a cetlilietl copy Ihereol (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: ' E%P. OATE: COMPPNY: ❑ Cetlilietl copy is �ereby �umi5he0. ❑ Ceniliea copy is liletl with ihe ciry Building Oivision. �aie: Npplicani: EXEMPTION FflOM WOPREBS' COMFENSFTION OECLABRTION: Qhis seciion nee0 noi be compleietl i� I�e permit i5 �or One huntlr¢tl (E700) or les5). I certif Ihat in Ne perloimance o� Ihe work for whic� this permii is issueQ I shall not employ any person in any manner 5o as lo become su o l'.n{e Workers' Compensati Laws ol Calilom(ia�.(�` a�e� J� �S� Signaturq � �L -� .� � � NDTICE: II. a�ier making Ihis tleclaration. you Shoul�Beco e sublect Io Ne Wo�kers' Compensation pmvisions o� IAe Labo� Coae. yau mu511or1�wiU comply with such provisions or Ihis permi� shall be Oeemetl revoketl. CONSTBOC710N LENDINC AGENCY: I hereby a��irm t�ai there is a wnstruction IenOing agency br ��e pedormance ol I�e work for whic� I�i3 Permit is i5sue0 (Section �097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: FDOflESS: OWNEfl BUILDEB OECIABATION: I �er¢Oy affirm Uut I am ezempt imm ��e fqntratlors' Slaie License Law br ��e tollovring reason (Sec�ion 7031.5 Business and Pmlessi0nal Coae: Any ci�y o� counry which requires a permit �o wns�mci, alter, impmve, tlemoliSR or reDair any 9mcwie. prior to ils issuance, also reQuires Ihe apDlicani br such permit �o tile a 5igneU statemen� iha� he/s�e i5licen5e0 pur5uantloi�e D�ovisions olihe Conlrac�ors'Slaie license Law(Chapier 9�commencing wi�� $ection 7000)0l Uivision 3 afthe Business antl Pmlessians Code) or Itwl he/she is eeemp� therelmm an0 ��e basis for ��e allegeA exemD�ion. Any violaiion ot S¢ction 7031.5 6y any applrtant �or a Oermil suCle��s ihe appliwntto a civil penalty o� noi more lhan �ive hunAr¢d tlollars (5500). I, as owner ol iAe pwpetlY or my emyioyees wi�� wages as t�eir sole compensation, will tlo t�e work, anA the I❑ slmciure is nol imenAeU or al�ereU lor sale (Sec�ion 70a4. Business antl Pmlessional Cotle: The Canlraciors' S�aie License Law Uoes noi applY �o an awne� oi a DmDer1Y wfq builtls or im0�ove5 thereon, antl who JoeS such waM1 himsel�/hers¢I� Or I�mugh �i5 or �ei own ¢mploy¢es. O��4e0 ��at suc� impmvemenis are not inlentleE ar oifered �or sale. II, however t�e builEinq or impmvemenl is soltl wilhin one year oi compleiion. the owner vrill have t�e Ourtlen o� Dmving hpJs�e tliU no� OuiIG or imprwe lar t�e Durpose of sale�. 1. as awn¢r ol �he pm0eriy, am excNsively conlrac�ing wit� licensetl conira[�ors to tonsirucl lhe pmlec� (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ anG Proleuions CoOe: The ConVacmrs' Siate License Law Coes not apDN �o an owner o� pmpeM w�o Uuilas or imD«s lhereon an0 w�o wntracis br such pmle��s wit� a wnvacim�s) license pursuam to �he Cantractors' Staie LitenSe Law�. I am aware ��� O�oof al Iheir Worker'S CamOensation insurance 5twu10 be proviGetl to me. � I am exempi under Senion: B. 8 P. C. br I�is reason�. Oare: Ownec I tlo hereby cen0y Inat I am aware ol an0 uneerslana Ine requiremenis of Califomia Heallh anU Salely CoOe Sections 25505, 25537, antl 2553A antl ��at I or any IUWre building occupant will/will na� (circle one� neee to comply with saitl s�a�e cotles and Ihe requiremenis for a Dermn tor consimclion or moaiticaiion imm Ihe,Air Oualiry Managemen� DislricL Fesidential cons�mction applica�ions are exemp� imm III¢SC pf0VI5i0115. �ale: ApPlican�'. � I Mreby cetlily t�at I have reaa Ihis applicalion and Sla�e ��allhe a�ave informalion is correci. I agr¢e Io comply wil� a0 ci�y an0 counry orainancesantlstalelawsrelatinglobuiltlmgconslmpionandhpiepyaN��resenqert_pso�Wsulyloenterupon�heahove� enlione0 pmoeny lo� insoection purposes. �1' 1 y� ' � a, 3--�"��L s�9�.���e � U c . �rivefs License ar Sotial 5¢tunty N: % - �\� 164P46 W�ile—Butl�ing', Green—Code Enlarcemem: Canary—Applicant: Pink—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—Assessor _� CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDZNG PERMIT PERM NO: B 06642� PERMIT NO: B 066424 PLAN CHECK NO: 00924-94 S GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTROCTION TYPE: V—S PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA SQ FT: 10,000 CLAIM C�ALUE: 10,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 10,000.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: WORKS ENVOLVES THE CONSTRUCTION OF GUNITE SPA ONLY ***x�**�*�*+�***�*x�*****�*�c�*�r�c���*******�***+t*+r x-+�**�c�*****�r****x��*#*+�*****�r***�c Z O N I N G R E Q U Z R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ---------=-- MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN EiGFIT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REI,�: PROV; PARCEL: 00000000 ZNE: R1 REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> IN—GROUND SPA IN REAR YARD, EQUIPMENT IN SIL1E YARD > if ib iE i! it iE if if iE iF �f ff N it i! iE iF 1E �c �E iF �E iE iE iE ik it iF iE iE iE iE iE iE 9E iF iE k iE �F 1E iF iE iE iE if if # if if iE iE iE i2 ff iE it if if 1f iF iF if iE if iF 1E iE �f iE if iF �If iF if iE if iE if D E V E L O P M E tJ T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY �-�. DATE: �_I �' 1� BUILDING APPROVED BY : C/�— DATE; �—IC�- Q�. APPLICATION ISSUED BY: Ci{� DATE: �—I b�^� � iEiEiElEiFiEiEifjEiEl4ifificifiFiEifiFitiEiE 1E . . iE!fiElEiEiFlEifihif��F'3FifiE iF if �f-%�IF if �lE �1F iF ih ik iF � iF iE fF ff jE fF 1f iE if jf ff ik iElE iE 1E ih iF if 1E iF 9f fE iF i' 1E iE i! iF �)E iE 1f #�lf if ik iE iE If iE iE iF if if �1f if iE if� 1E iE iM1 if iF iE if ih iE iE i(� k-fE!!!!!E ik iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTORAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 117,00 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 76,05 2,10 ISSUE FEE BUZLDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAZD DUE TOTALS----> 119,10 0.00 76.05 �t�_'S 195.15 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: ( 195 : OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC i�,n SMIP/TOT GRADZNG PLAN—CHECK 117.00 2.10 76.05 if fE iE IE fF k 1E iE iF iE iE iE iE 1F 1E iE if if iF iFlf iE iE iE if iF iE if iE # 3F 9f iP jE iF iE if �)E iE iF if 3E 3f if iF if if jE iR iE if if iE iE i! iF if iE iE if fE if if iE if # 7f if iF i! iF iE 3E k iE � iE?E jE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFC 10000 POOL 6 SPA 1.00 10,000.00 END OF FEES O1 00157279-001572E1 TU T 195.15 DATE: 03/16/9S TItfE: 14:�7 c CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POV� & SPA . APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector pppROVALS Permic # Date Inspector i. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility�Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit•Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Pough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Hearica� UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNfTE (�(� _ 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. t 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. 10. Structura� Floor System . 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 7 i. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 72. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Roof DrOins • 64. Plumbing System � Final 14. Rough Plum6ing ' 65. Electrica6Pinal 15. Rough ElectricabCo�duit 66. Solar SVstem-Fina1 . 76. Rough E�ectric Wiri�g 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR P�ASTERING 5=�-9Y (�dL- 18. Rough E�ectricai-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL �=2Y-qY ( 4-� 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEP7. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground HYdro 22. Ducis, Ventilating 71. Product Pipin9 O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof F�aming 73. Undergmd.Stora9el"ank �Gas ❑Oif 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro � 26. T•Bar Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashin9 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINA� ' 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEAITH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finat Efectric � Notes: 34. Final HeSting & Air Conditioning �- 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test _ ' 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final faGtory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backifow Preventer � . 43. Backflow Irrigation - 44. Landscape irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL 5TRUCTURE & BUILDING • � 48. FINAL PLANNING � - - 49. Electric Release to Edison ' � 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Cu , 51. CERTIF�CATE OF OCCUPANCY No. __. Date : .. . �, s �4- �i r�,� f{ CITY OF-�b�@N DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE BY REQI9TERED DEPUTY INBPECTOR (IiJNITE FOR SWIMMINU POOL Job AQdreeeagO Pcp�rF,c �reS�Permit No. �/ � Oaner� � �, �qs•� .�.�.- ,�e� Centractor u 00%S TO THE DIRECTOR OP BUILDI1Jai I hereby certlfy that continuoue inepection wqa previded by me during all placement of concrete in the eximming pool under conetruction at the above addre6e, And that aaid work compliee with the approved plane and aith al•1 applicable provioione of the Building Code. -�— '/ Pool 91ze 3 8 3acke Cement �T � Tens 3and /� Uunite � Hand Pack Approx. �6 Water in Aggregate S � Thie report covere work done from�te Remarkas �r�v4i�� S�°?- S�3xelakr-�S 5��'e� C90 or� jo�9 Signed C(j� � �� �eg a ar,e Depu�c�3ing ,p�or No._���� Orange Co . �9. LA Co. �j LA Clty p Name �i��aard �aJ u�� � � Addreas .�'>80 O� O� v( � yl�1 �i j Da te • 1 ♦ . . � INL�AND H�OIJNDATION ENGINL'[]2ING, INC. 1310 S. Santa Fe Avenue P. O. Box 937 San Jacinto, California 92383 (909) 654-1555 CL17T7'P: Willard Gannawa,y Date: April 12, 1994 'L5780 Morgantown Way Sun City, California 92586 Project No. G146-002 REYOR'P OF S'IRENGfEI TL�STS: Mortar () Grout () Concrete ()(�mite (X) Project SPA Project Location 280 Pacific Crest Costa Mesa, California Contractor C& C Pools Arch.\�r. B.C. Adanvs Location of Sample Floor Design Strength P.S.I. 2000 Max.Size Aggregate-Inches --- Source of Concrete --- Admixture --- Mix No. --- Ticket No. -- Percent Air (1) Batch Size - �. Yds. --- (2) sacks/1'ard --- (3) Water Add.JoU-Cral. --- (4) Water Add.Plant-Gal. --- No. of �linders Molded 3 Specimen Size 6" x 12" Water/Cement Ratio as Poured --- S1�IrInches --- Sampled by: Willard Gannaway Air Temp. -=Concrete Temp. -- Sul�mitted by: Willard Gannaway I.F.�. Your Lab.No. No. 5235 --- DATE DATE DA'I'� IAAD AG� COMPItFSS MOLDED RECENED TFSTED LAS. DAYS SI7tENGlli 0�1-05-94 04-05-94 04-OA%9'� 118,000 7 4175 � 3-�'� This laboratory data indicstes confoi•mance to the approveci Specifi.cations: YGS (X) NO O