HomeMy WebLinkAbout284 PACIFIC CREST DR - Building PermitsWC,AND FOUNDATION ENGIN�27NG, ZNC. 1310 S. Santa Fe Avenue P. O. Box 937 San Jacinto, California 92581 (909) 654-1555 r�(� ��� {�%;:�� �>. ',_ t: � ; _,'i i NOV Q 71994 - CLIENT: Willard Gannaway I�te: October 27, 1994 'L5780 ilorgantown Way Sun City, California 9'L586 Project No. G146-00'l REPOEYI' OF STF{ENGIH TFS'I5: Mortar O Grout O Concrete O Gimite (X) Project Spa Project Location 284 Pacific Crest Costa Mesa, CA Contractor C& C Pools Arch.\E�gr. B.C. Advns Location of Sample Floor llesign Strength P.S.I. '1000 Max.Size Aggregate-Inches --- Soume of Concrete --- Admi.�cture --- Mix No. --- Ticket No. --- Percent Air --- (1) Batch Size - G�. Yds. --- No. of G�li�ers Molded 3 (2) Sacks/Yarcl --- Specimen Size 6" x 12" (3) Water Add.Job-Gal.. --- Water/Cement Ratio as Poiu�ed — (4) Water Add.Plant�',al. --- Sl�p-Inches --- Sampled by: Willard Gannaway Air Temp. -=Concrete Temp._ Su6mitted by: Willarcl Gannawav I.F.E. Your DATE DATE DATE IAAD AGE OOMP[tESSNE Lab.No. No. MOLDID RECEIVID TES'CEU I,BS. DAYS S1I2IIdG17i 6180 --- 10-17-94 10-18-94 10-27-94 87,000 10 3075 This laborator,y data indicates conformance to the approved Spec:ifications: YES .(.l') NO O. � _ __ _.. . � . Atld�n� 01 Bulldin0 _ OH•Sit• Fu' r:utot_ ae ���e �1 —.- .. . :.._ P.�,�, �.:� �9�3�� . '___........_. - �NumD�r < . � . �.�,,s � � ��f�'� _._._a_- - 0 � % : OF TNIS CE REGISTERED DEPUTY BUILDING I1:SPECTOR'S CEF7IFICATE OF COMP�IANCE TO THE BUIIDING OFFICIAL: 1 hereby tertlfy th�t ihe followinp Dortiom of th� work �t the �bove �ddre>> whlch required contlnuou� Inspection, and which I wes employed to Inspect, were Inipected by me end c�:nply with the provi��onc o(ihe fiuilding Code applictSit thereto: Type of inspection: ❑ M��onry ❑ Pe6�r Phumrnt �Conc.r.e or ldiut ❑ WNdinp � � ❑ Coanu P4cwnrnt Guniu ❑ H�•T�n Boli� ❑ T�Mon Pl.cwnrnt ❑ Oth�r De::ription rnd loca7ion af workbmD�eted: s:r or s,.�n�,r �— -r:-.� R,.�.�.a //_ 3 � _ No. 01 Smriet Timt L�1t �oS � 2'- � D Con[. Mii Oriipq No. �.� Psi �m� Sw:�minp Popl S P� _ I h�C �utlir:.-: ;im[ lD inr. K: alI r.eteri�lt ��ed ir.� f`Ked. I we� not ert.;.loYeE by ihe eonu�no�, suDcoM��noi D� m�l�ri�l �endo�. :z��// R�h1��11on No. Emo�oya Er: . /n � (� �// ��� L.C. � l X I LO V,n.( �1 C—'%—'�C �i1�� --. ...:. .-:,..._.._ ....... Slpn�tvi�: F.pi`ur[ m p Y C 0 e - '... ..-. � .. .. . • vi 8�utl1n Ina r. Indepentlent� /9 /,/��� � v�����Uf�y �-�� —_s. � Print F�li N�m• 8 6 5 E��0- A 2.67 � � FI\�a,L GRA�ING CERTIFICATION Project Address: 284 Pacific Crest Drive L.ot \umber: #3 of Tract No. 14815 Permit \umber: B ObS 012- . ; By Civil Eneineer: I certify to the satisfactory completion of grading in accordznce with the appro�•ed plans, specifications, local and s�ate codes. All drzina_e devices required by the grading permit, gradin� plan and gradin� ordinznce ha��e been inst�lled. Adequate pro��isions ha�e been mzde for drainaee ef surface «�ater from each buiidino'site. The r,�in;;r.w�:s ue: 2� Fzil from stn;ctcres ui,h;� 5 fee� from exterier «•�llc. �� Fe�� i0i 25r�ic]I SLi tC2S ci1C� �Gi1�SCL��d zrez�. �.]ii Fc�) i0i iOlCP2i� SLiicC:S 10 2Yrf0�'2d Lj15�052� cic'3S. Tn: finzl mor.�_���:r„5 25 SLO'�;'l O� t,i� ;eco;�ed trzct m�p �;er: set. .411 i'ilc� `fcC'�l:ia 2�:�'c- t!O:iS c*e u'ltiii� —�%'Q Oi Ci;2 G'G51^_71fd C)2�'2UOi15. � 31720 Super��ising Ci�'il Enei�eer Re�. No. . (Sirn-;ure) D2;, 4/20/94 QPOF ESS/pN v'QQ.O�\N B. H,q,�gl�,��' w Lt ��•� �N z ���� m `r � 9s � * * >' CIVII. �Q' �9TFOF CAUF��a � 41'�`.5•.'_.:,': C-, a:ity of Costa Mesa California 92628-1200 P.O.Box 1200 Insulation Certificate 232� ��7� �� ��I i1```1 � PermitNumber � `����r� V�/V �a�4 P�« c� k i �`, �� �Q�A M�A Number and Slreet Ci�y �ro-v�t�R� I 8 S 3 Counl� Subdivision Lot Number ROOF Material Thickness (inches) EXTERIOR WALL Material Thickness (inches) N/A BATT 3 5/ Description of Installation Brand Name Thermai Resistance (R-Value) Brand Name MANVILLE Thermal Resistance (R-Value) R-13 CEILING Batt or Blanket T e BATT Brand Name M�VILLE YP „ Thickness (inches) 11 Thermal Resistance (R-Value) R-30 Loose Fill Type N/A Brand Name �A Contractor's minimum installed weighUft2_ Ib. Minimum thickness inches Manufacturer's installed weight per square foot to achieve Thermal Resistance (R-Value) — RAISED FLOOR Material N/A Brand Name Thickness (inches) Thermal Resistance (R-Value) SLAB FLOOR Material N�A Brand Name Thickness (inches) Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Width (inches) FOUNDATION WALL Materiai N/A Thickness (inches) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Declaration I hereby certify that the above insulation was installed in the building at the above location in conformance with the current Building Energy Efiiciency Standards for new residential buildings contained in Title 24 of the California Adminstrative Code. WEST 19p) d6 (Builder) .� ' Signatur6 and Title INSULATION, INC. ConVactor (Insulation Installer) Si9nature antl Title MANP.G ER �f 33a 6 Licanse NumDer 3�1q/_9_4 Date 481278 License Number 03/24/94 Date PNOJECTFDOHESS: �x�.Y�'z"'�.4�C` �r'—• N� ' uxir; 3 -2 3Y owxensr+aMe: HARBINGER HOMES FDOHE55: 3"]S PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 ANCHIENGINEEH: WILKINSON $� Pass�C XEG.NO.: C9AZi aooaess: 18002 SKYPARK CI uNiT: IRVZNE CA 92714 PEpm'TTEE: HARBINGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 noonEss: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 LILExSEo LONTHRCiofl DECIAPailorv: 1 nere�y allirm inat I am Iicense0 under pmvisions of Cnapter 9(cammencinA �+'i1h Section 7000) ol Oiv�sion 3 0� Ihe Business an0 Pwfession5 COJe. an0 my fcense is in lull lorce anC eilec�. CIiY IIC.: STATE LIC.: CIASS: Dale'. SiqnaNre: � WOXKEflS'COMPENSpTION�ECIAflATION: I�erebyaffirm�hatlhaveacertilicateo�conSentlo5el1�in5ureoracehi�icateo�WoBers' Compensalion Insurance, or a cer�ifiea coDY Ihereol (Seclion 381p. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPpNY: I❑ Ceriified copy is �ereby Wmished. ❑ Certilie0 copy is liled with I�e ciry Building �ivision. Dale: ApPlieanL E%EMPi flOM WOPKEBS'fAMGENSATION OELLAIiATION: �ihi55eciian need�a�becomDleteOilthe permi�isfaranehunOre0�5100�or1e55). I ce � Ina� in �he petlormance of the work for whic� this permi� is issueQ I 5 II noi em� any person in any manner so as to become s ea to e orker�sf' Campensalion Laws ol Cali�omia. ! � aie�. � `S� Signaiure: I\_�� OTICF.II. afler malting this declaralion, you ShoNA Decome subject�o Ihe Wofners' Compensatian pmvisions ol the �ahor Co�e. you mu51 torlhwiN tOmOty wi�h suC� provi5ion5 or lhis p¢rmii s�all be deeme0 revOketl. CONSTflUCTION LENOING ACENCY: I hereby a�hrm ihat I�ere is a con5imc�ion lentling agency �or Ihe Dertormance of �he work �or which Ihis Dermi� is issuee (Seciion 3097, Civ. C�. LENUEfl: RUDflESS: OWNEfl BUILDEB UECLABATION: I �ere�y allirm Nat 1 am exempt Imm I�e Coniracbrs' S�a�e License Law �or Ihe followinp reason (S¢tlion 70.3/.5 Busin¢Ss ana PmI¢ssional CoGe: Any tily ol tounly whit� repUir¢5 a Oermil Io tonSlmti. atler, impmve, d¢molis�, or repair any simcture. prior lo ils issuance. also reQuires ihe applicant for such permit to lile a siAnetl stalement ihat he/she is licensetl pursuan� lo IAe pmvisions ot I�e Cantrac�ors' Siate License Law �C�aD�e� 91�ommencing wit� Seclion 7000) of Oivision 3 of I�e Business ana Pmfessions Cotle) or inat he/sne is exemo� iherelrom an0lhe basis for Ine allegeU evemo�ion. Nny violation of Section 7031.5 Dy any applicant lor a permi� su�letls IM1e apD�icani lo a civil penaliy ol not more I�an �ive �undre0 dallars (E500�. I, as owner of ihe pmpeny or my emVloyees with waqes as iheir sole comoensation, will do ihe work, and Ine ❑ stmcmre is not intentlee or otleree for sale (Seciion 70a4. Busmess anG Pmlessianal Code: ihe Contractors' Staie License Law tloes nol apply lo an owner ol a o�openy wIq �uilAs or imD�o�es Inereon, ana who does such work himself/herself or Ihmugh his or �er awn employees. O�oviOeU ihat suc� impmvemems are not imenaeG or oiferea for sale. Ii, Aowever the �uiltling or improvement is solC wiihin one year ol completion. Ine ownei will have ihe GurOen o� pmvin0 �e/she diA no� builA or improve lor I�e pur0ose ol sale). I, as awner oi Ihe D�oDeriy, am e�cWsively comracting wit� licensea comraaors lo conslmc� �he pmject (Section 70a4, Business � and Aofessions Coae: T�e Conlratmrs' Siale licens¢ law GO¢5 n0� aDPN �0 an Uwne! 01 OroDe�Y who OUi105 or impmveSlhere0n and w�o coniratls �or such pmjeps wit� a coniractor�s) license pursuan� to I�e Contrac�ors' Staie License Law). I am aware Ihal prool of Iheir WOBer'S Com0an5aiion insurance Shou10 be O�ovitletl IO me. I am exemp� unaer Seclion: 8. 8 P. C. - lor Ihis reason: � I n Daie: ' S� P«ner. �1'1.��--�Tl' I tlo n re�y teriity I�al I am av2re ol an0 untler5�ana I�e reQUiremen�s u� Caiilomia Heall� an0 Sa�ery CoOe Setli0n5 25505, 25533, antl 255 antl Ihal I ar any INure �uiltling occupani wilVwill noi (tirUe one) neetl �o Comply wilh ui0 Slaie tOtleS antl I�e �eQUiremen�s �or a mit for canslmclion or mo0i�ication Imm �Ae Ai� Ouality Managemenl DiSiricl. Residen�ial consimc�ion apPlications are exempl Imm Ihese D�ovisions. f7aie'. ApPlicanL ere�y er�tly Ihat I have reaa I�is aDD�icalion and Sla�e Ihalthe a0oveln�ormation is correct. I Bree to compty wiltl allciry antl counly or�inanc and 5latelaw5 Rlalingto building consim[Iion anG here�yauitwr re0�esenlalives ali . cilyio enier onthe apOve�menlioned ➢mpetly or inspeclianqpurpases. Daie: � `� � Signamre: �� pfs license or Social Security p: 16�1�46 WM1�te—Builping; Green—Cotle EnlorcemenC Canary—ApPlicanl; Pink— evenue: Goldenrod—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: M 06583 PERMIT NO: M 065833 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 1070SF 1ST FL, 1028SF 2ND FL, SO1SF GARA SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B- 65012 *x�*�r***�r*�rx�***r�*+r�rir*x�*�r**x�x�*+�****x-+�**�r*+�-*****x�*�***�-******�r�+r*x�**+r*�r*+r+�******�r Z O N I N G R E Q 0 I A E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT ZN FANT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNZNG N6'TES> i "*��*+r�r*��r�*�r+�+���r�r�**�����r���*+�+�+��e+��*****�*+����*���*��****�**��**�**********�**� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R�V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : . _. __ DATE; � I APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: G ***+t�r�r�r*�t�r�r*+t*+�+�****** **�**+�**�r* * jE�1EiEifiEkifififititifiEffiElFlEiEilkiElEifkiEitikiEffiEffiEfEifiElhiEiEiEMlfiElfiEMikiE%lFiFiE!liElfifiEiFif1k1F1fififiFiEiEiFiliflEM iFiFiEiE iEik LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 14.00 25R SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 14.00 15.00 0.00 29,00 29.00 ,00 REVENIIE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; �00 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRZC MECHANIC FIR P/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 29.00 . !E f! 1E If 1E fE fE fE iE if fE fF 1E iF if if it i! iE if %ff ff fk iE �i 1F k iF if 1F if iE jE if iE iE if 1E iF 1F iF 1E iF iF iF if 1E ff iE if 1E iE 1F 1f if iF iF iF iF K if 1E iF 1f iE fE if �1E if iE iE iE if iF iF ik if iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 INST FORC-AIR/GRAV FURN > 100 K BTU 11.00 11.00 MEC 1 GAS PIPING SYS 1- 4 OUTLETS 3.00 3.00 END OF, FEES � i J1 G,^,ISc -rr:;YZ48 B'Ci�' _-.�n Dt�T.: ]:�Z,��•, T7ME: 16:�? COi:STFUCTIO'� AiD VLASSIf�:fi � � PUVL tL SPA � I ' Da[e .nspector — � Date � Ir:pccmr ' AP?HOVf.LS Permit �f- � APPROVALS Permit =:_ I � 1, lemn^ d�V °1uG1��Cal Serv[_ or Pole _ I 52. Pc�l & Equ�pm:�t Lucat o�� . �-- - -- � _ i �---' - -- r - — + � 7.. i�� P�n�.Unrirpmd. � � , 53. atrcl Hrin�rnrem��nt � . � +y'' f' '--'-_ __'-_ i - _.-""'�__' ___ ___-. _-___-'-+--'I ____ � 1 . .� �.. t'_�7a:.. ., .. _�,� .�. 54. Fni:n_ � .. . . �L_.._ _ _ _-____ _-__-__. -T-_. _ __ _J--_ � .^i 4 � ,, � (^�d _�_�_ +'__ _'_-�—'_ ' _._'__ 55 E'.�-�tr�.. i;_I'r_—�'_-'__ _ _'_—�---_ �� ' _ . � , r- _ ' _ . _ _ _ _ '-+ _y'- �~�y� � � ' . f� i ._ i i .. . . i . _ '..:�..� I �LI ILI.i �!1�:J � '1`U.. '�� (i . � �n�_-�-_ - __- __J._'___� _-____I �� ��^11(n�ni, TC1CO�irRCl�_ ._- - ___�-__._ _. J_.__. _ __ __.�._- _ _ i_ .. —yI— _ -__ _ ��� ! , ..i._ � I ��. -___ _________'--- '- , —'t' ' � a0. � �i1:S!',i.Ji I - I I C:ol d'nFU� d'�lPll. � _I _ +__ � _ _ ' __- _ _ -_' . _ _ - _ _ - ' '�' ' _ '"�-_' _ . 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'.._ ---- �--- � - �- ' - - . .' - - - I �. . . .. , �..,. _ � . . . }, _ �ll ,' �f:f,� �'�iJrTURE &� BL'ILD�:._�-_i_ . _ i -' ..—! -_ -- - - - - - - - �,. � - -------------- ---- . � --� - -------- - _ .,:C -� --� - 'f- � �A; ... .4;J�ti i � i I r;f , ' �' „ _..i� 'o L-J .a- _ -'_ _ � I -- - -�-�__ _ . _ _ __ _ _ . . _ . _ _ . _ � �� �� ,�^,c to Sout� e:n G:�i u-. d G, o Col-- -- - I _ _- I --- - - - -- --- - - - - --- - - - - - - �1. :.,-c�;,, C:�,�:Of CCC,V�_�C�� y ---i r � � i�a - - -' -�— J—• -----1--- - - - -- --- - -------- - -- -- - - - reaeci aooxess: z 3 2 3 SP.NTA ANA AV uxiT: 3 OWNEfl'SNAME: HARBZNGER NOMES aooaEss: 375 PAOMONTORY DR WEST N,B„ CA 675-6653 AflCH1ENGINEEfl: WILKINSON ASSOC AEG.NO,: C(3Ri j auoeEss: 18002 SKYPARK CZ u"iT. IRVZNE CA 92714 PFflmiTTEE: HARBZNGEA HOMES (714)675-6653 nooness: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 LICENSEO CONTNptTOP OECUNATIDN: I �ere0y allirm Itui I am lice�¢eG urber pr0�vais ai Clupter 9 �commencinq wiih Section 7000) ol Drvfsion J ol Ine Business ana Protessions CaUe. ano my license is in tull lorte ane elfec�. LIiY IIL.: STRTE UC.: C1A55: Oate: Signaiure: ' WOBKEB$'COMPENSATIONOECIAflATION: I�ereOyallirmtlulltwveatMiliwteolComenIl05¢Il�inmreorau�iliwtea�WOrkerS' Compensation Insurance, or a certilie0 cooY ��e�eal ISection 3800. Lao. C�. � POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPANY: ❑ CenilieG cooY is �ereby fumis�e0. ❑ CeNIieO capY u IileG with �Ice ciry BuilOinq Oiv6ion. �aie: Applican�: E%EMPfIONFPOMWOPIEPS'COMPENSA710NOEClAMTION: (ibssttronneeGrotGeromoletNif perimblaanehuMrea15100�oiless�. I certi�y (hat in I�e pedormdnce ol ihe waM �ar wNt� I�iS Dermi� ¢ iss� II n0`emWo persOn in any manner 5o as lo UeCome Su�j¢cI Io U�}o Wor er ' Com�¢nsalion Laws Ot Calilamia. Dale: /� SignaWre: NOTILE: If. aitet making INs attlarati0n, you SIioWG Detome suEjttl ta tne worFPrS' fAmce�satbn prPrisions of the LaGOr COde. y0u mu5t �ohhvn�0 tomD�Y'M�� 5uC11 pr0Vl5qn5 ot IIYS pCrmil 511311 Oe a¢emea Rvoketl. LONSTNUCTION LENOING RGENCV: I �ereby at�irm t�al t�¢re ¢ a mnSlruciion 1¢`Minp agenry lor I�e petlormance ol ihe work lor wnicn inis oermn ¢ issuea (Seniw 7097. Gv. CI. ' LENOEfl: � ROUFESS: OWNEP BUILOEfl OECUBRTION: I hereby a16rm Itut I am exempt Irom t�e Contractors State L'Kense law lor I�e IOIIOwing reason (Seclion 70.7L5 Bu9neu ana Pmlessional CoCe: Any city ol fqunty wNU 2puitu a permit to ConSimct, aller, improve, demolish, or revair any simclu�e, o�or la its issuance. al5o 2puirM Ine apqiCant lar suCli pemul lo lile a spne0 statement tlut ntlsne is Iicense0 purswnt lo �Ae pmvisions ol I�e Camractors' State Licenu Law �ChaD�e� 9(wmmentin0 �+�� ��ion 70W� ol Division 9 0l t�e Business ano Pmlessfons Coeel ot Inal ne/sne is eeempllherelmm ana Ine oa9s lot Ine alleqe0 e�empiqn. My vialalion ol Settion 7031.5 ey any aD0litanl lot a p¢rmi wDIecIS ihe apptiCant lo a civil penally ol noi more Ilun Iive ImnEreA OOIWrs (5500). I. as axner ol t�e Ompeny or rtry emDlayea mth waqes as t�eir sole compeiaatbn. wiu Oo lne woM. anA t�e ❑ stmclWe is not intenaea or olfereA for Sale (Sectian 70Aa, Busme55 ane Prolessional COEe: Tne Coniracior5' State license law aoes noi ao�N �o an wme� ol a Dmcerty wtq �uiWs ar imD�wes tnereon. an0 wta Goes suc0 wark nimsell/nerselt or inmu0n his or ner own employees. proviaea tlWl sucn improvemenls a�e not intenae0 or ofler¢G lor Shce. II, however Ihe builtlinp or imomvement ¢ mM wilhn one ywr ol completion, t�e owner witl nave t�e OurOen ol provinp �e/she EiE nai DuiPo or imOmve lor I�e purpose ol 5aie�. I, as owne� ol I�e pmpeny. am eaclusively Comraciinp vni� IicenseE coniracmrs t0 con5lmci I�e prolec� �Sec�ion 76a4, Busine5s � ana Pm�e5tiai5 CoGe: i�e Conlrxiars Stat2 LkMbe Law Uces nol aDUN �o an OvmU 01 prOpGM `� �NIUS or imD«s �heroon and who mniratis �or Sut� Ymjetls wiih a Cantrac�ar�5) li[¢nSB DurSuani lo Ihe fAnlraCiors' $Iai¢ Li[enie Law�. I am awarc �M1a� 0��� ol I�eir Workei 5 Compertulion it6uranCe ShoulG Ge yovbeOla mE. �� � I am ezemp� un0e� Seclion: B. 8 P. C. lo� ihis reason: /: Date: ' �— lv � 1� P+mer. I tlo nere0y erii�y Iha� I am aware 0� aM uMer5lanC Ihe repuiremenis oi CalitOrnu Heal�� anA Sa�¢�y CoGe Stcli0n5 25505, 25533, an0 2553< an01M1a1 I or any lulure �uilding OCcupdnt vnll/will n01 (circle One) nee4 io comply with SaiE 51ate c0Ue5 anE Ihe reQuiremenis tor a permil foi fAnstmction or mOGiliWtiOn Irom IIiE Ai� Ouality Manaqement Usiricl. N¢SiOen�idl CpnStmclion applitalions are e�empi Uom inese promsions. Oale: Applicanl: 1 �ereEy cetldy Nal I nave �eatl t�is applitation and state Ilial t�e a�ove information 4 fArrect. I agree to comDly wil� all ti�y antl Wunly ordmances an0 slale laws relaiing Io �uildmg cons�mpion anC hereby aut�otiee repre5¢niatives o� iM1is ciiy �o enier upon IAe a�ove�menlionea pro0eny �arinspection purposes. �aie: � � -�i? �13 SignaWre: - — ` oriveYs Liwnse or Socia� Securi�y a: i6ava6 wnue—Bmiding; Green—Coee EniorcommC Canary—nppecam: Pmx—pavenoe: Goiaenroa—nssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 065365 PERMIT NO: P 065365 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 957SF 1ST FL, 907SF 2ND FL, 461SF GAAAGE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: H-65012 #�a*****��c-**+�*�***r***�**��-*n**�*��****+�*x��*���***�c�t****�r-�**ac*�**+��*a#*#n*�*�w� Z O N I N G R E Q U T A E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ P1AIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT ZN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF A10: PLANNING N6TES> i �1t 1k ## ik if # iF �F i! # iE itlE # iE # 1E iE # iE �1! it iE if ### i! iE if iF if if !f if if 3c If !f if if iE iE #� �lE iE iE lE �Ih iF #:f iE iE if iF iE if 1F if ?E jf if if iE �E 3f if if if �E #� ih jf jF # iF � D E V E L O P tA E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E H E N T S ZONZNG APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APFLICATION ISSUED BY: �_. �� *�r��r#*i��r***�r+��#�t*�t�t�t�r�3F��iF ��r �i� �Tr�r��r������+r**#Du*�*� Z I6 � *+� 1f it # ff ff it iE if� if if ## if # iF ## iE iE �f iE k iE it it if iF if fE iE if if if jE iE iE if if iE ik if it iE 1E iE # iE if if if k if iE iE iE if it # iM1 it it it iF ii� iE it if # i! # iE ii� 1r� ## 7(�+t ## LEGALI2ATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGP9ENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 15.00 253 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ZSSUE FEE 20,00 bUZLDING—DZV—> PERMZT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 15.00 20.00 0,00 35.00 35.00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: J5.00 OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC F IP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECA 35.00 'IF iE 1k if� 1f')f !f if i! 1E if iE 11� i4 iElf M i! if iF if M-iF'M� 1f 1! iF ik ik iF ih #'1f 1F iblk iF if 1f 1f')f i! #'IF iE iE i' iE iF jf if iF if if iE 1E if �h i iE iFlf if fF # if if if 1E 1f if i4 Y iF 1R iE iF if i� I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T 2 O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLO 1 SEWER, CONNECTION TO BUILDING EACH 15.00 15,00 END OF FEES u10D15340�-7J1S3�'J4 Y��e-r d:,.Ut' i�AiE: lY�'6;>:i TIlic: C3:`� CONSTRUCTION ANO PLANNING APPROVALS Permit �-� 7. Temporary Electncal Servicz or Pole 2. So;l PiOe-Undrernd. 3. Elactticsl Ct�ndurt Ut:Iity�Undrgrnci. 4. Electrical Co�dwt�Und.g�nd. 5. Steel Reinfareumi'nt 6. E!cctncal UFER G�^d J. Foot�ng� ~ 8. Foundation S. �.�diL'� PiPE�U�.�I.rr•., - 70. Structural F�oor Svst�m IL �rOparty S�`RPr ��n+ R h'r� ee Cnn�eCtion 12. S�.ver Cap - 73. Aoof Dra�ns 14. Raugh Plumb�ng 15. Rough Eiectnwi�Condwt 76. Ro�gh ElectricC:�ring 17. Ro�gh l7iring Sign 18. Rough Eler.�ical-T Bar C^�' r.9 19. Rough Heat�ng $� A r C�rd�;,on rg 20. Rough Facto��y P�raNace 21. DuC?s, m StruttN"c 22. Ducts, Ventiiaurtg 23. Ga, Pipe�Rour�h & Tzst _ 24. Roof Framing 25. Roo+ Shuathinp 26�T•Bar Cuhng ISt�uct�ul, Fv '.'o^ncoat 27. Fr.tme and Fiashing 28. :.;,t`.ng 15 S�ding _ 7.9�Insulat�on 30. D�yr.a�l i�a;linp 31 . P4:stcr B�o�vn Coat 3?.. EleetnC.;IPo�.er'.:ete �F�r,. 33. Final Electr�c� 34. Pinal HeaLn� € A�r Cord.tio��cg 35. Final Gas Pip,�TEst 36. Hood or Canopy 37. F�nal Facto�y Fi�eplace 38. Final Plumhing 39. �::ater Service�Final 40. Gas Serv�ce-Fnal 47. Snia� Domesuc•F�ral 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. l.andscape IrnpBtion System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handlcap Regulat�ons 47. PINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. P;NAL PLAN\IhG 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to 5outhern Cal�fornia Gas Q Date Data PI..iL 2L SPA Inspector �pROVALS Permit -'.'-_ 52. Pool & Equipment Locabor. 53. Steei Reinforcem.��rt - � - -+-- - 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bondmg i ----�--�'- Date I �nspect^r , I � 56. Rough Plumhing tL Pr�zsure T�et � ; ----- --- --- -1 -- - 57. APPROVAI TO COVER�G�'?'� rt � I . 58. Elertncal Corru �J �d. �^--- - - �~-- -�- -� 59. GasP,pe, i_, Ucwn�,.� ��.ti:- -- - -�- - -- � 60. 8adc�'..:sl•, L....,.P',.r., _ __ __ ,.I __'_--_T - __ _ ___- _""__ _ _ _ __�__---+-- .'__'_ 61. APPROVAL TU Dl C,< � ' - -� -�-- - - -- �----`- - - @2. BaCcr.ash iL ?uc:i •, r „ � � �..--- - - - -!__'- - 63. Heater & Vent�F.� ., � � 64. Plumb�ng Systwm f �a! ��� ' 65. Electrical-Final � � 66. Solar System�Finai � 67. Fencinc� & Acc�ss App�u�,� -�-- �- ---i � 4 68. AFPROVED POR PLASTEFt� �G � i -- i � � 69. POOVSPASYSTt"SFI�CAL � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREI.L':T , ' 9PPROVALS Pcr;nit - � -- -- ---t--�---- 70. Undergro�nd Hy�,u � 77. Product Pipin9 ' i Cie; 'J Oil � 72. Unuer9ra�.;�ri F'u�,�� � ---- -- --- � --� �-- - - 73. Undergrnd. SCor.:nc T,.nk � 7 Gas ,' G � � i 74. Ovenc�dtl HVdre_ --- _ - -_t_�.__-- 75. Dry Chernical - - - - - - �- --�---� � - -- 7G. Dry St�rCP�,pe - -- -------��- --rt- -- - 77. FIXEDSYS'Ef..�-C:AI 78. FIRE PiiEV. F!''..tL ' - -- -------L----1---- HEALTH DEPT. A:C1L'IR'e'.;E�eT 79. F�NAL IMSPECT �l;�. - - -- - � ----- --I -- - -----��- - - - i---- t-- - 80. F000 CERTIf; ::��. t I'�;_�O ---- ----- - �---1- - Notes: � � �HSJECTN�OflESS: U!A,� ���Y�� �`�� r� � UNIT: v a a t_ � awxeR'SHnMc: HARBINGER HOMES�� aoonEss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N.H., CA 675-6653 APCMIENGINEEH: HEG.NO.: aonaess: WILKINSON & ASSOC C9�Nrc9 18002 SKYPARK CI PEPMITTEE: IRVINE CA 92714 nooeess: HILL HELFER PLUMBZNG ( 719 ) 248-0845 27522 SILVER CREEK DR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 LICENSE� CONTBACTON �ECUIBATION: I hereby atlirm Ihai I am bcensea untler pmvisions ot Chapler 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000) ol �iusion 3 of Ihe 9usine5s and Pwlessions GoOe. and my license is in lull lorce anA efiec�. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: 4 4 3 4'� O CLAS �. h oa�e l/-1-9 —9 � siqnamre. _ _ _ ' '_ _ WOFNEBS' COMPENSpTION OECIAflRTION: I hereby a�hrm Iha� I have a tetliliCat � tonsen� to Se14in5ure or a ce�ihtaie ol WOBers' Compensation Insurance. or a cerldietl caoY lhereof (Section 3800. Lab. q. POLICY NO.: E%P. UATE: COMPANY: ❑ Certihetl capy is �ereby fumishe0. ❑ Certtlied copy is IileO wit� Ihe cily Building Oivisian. Oale: Npplicant: E%EMPTION FflOM WORNEHS' COMPENSAiION OECV�BATION: (T�iS s¢ I cetlily Iha� in Ihe petlormanw oi �he work for whic� �his permit is i sublec� Io �he Nlorkers' Compen5aiion Laws oi Caii�ornia. Date: � �3 �,3 Signature: � NOTICE: It, a�ter, makmg ihis tleclara�ion. you 5hou10 become Code. you must larthwil� compty wi�� such provisions or t�is CONSTBUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby aliirm t�at I�ere is wnic� Ihis permrt is�i=_suetl (Seciion 3097, Civ. C�. LENUEq: ROOflESS: Illlhe Dermitlstorone hun4re0(5100�oNe55). any person in any manner so as to Decome CITY OF COSTA MESA — BOILDING PERMIT PERM NO; P 065091 PERMIT NO; P 065041 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTZON TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 1070SF 1ST FL, 10285F 2ND FL, SOiSF GARA SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: NEW SFR, PLAN #2A, RE:#B65012 +�****�t**�t*�***�****x�**���r+�*�**i��-**********�*****�******±��:*****�c***�c-�**r*�****** Z O N I N G R E Q U Z R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCES50RY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 2NE; REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > �r*i�*�t*ir�-**�rt��r*ir****x��r*�t+r�*ir*�x�+��-u�*i�***�r*�#*�r�r+��tt��-i�**x�**+t�c*��-***i�**�r?��-***x��-*�*** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S -R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY . yy(kers'Compensationpmvisiansaf�heLabor BUILDING APPROVED BY : aeemeU revokeG. (' �� ,, / lendingagencyformepermrmanceoftheworkfor APPLICATION ISSUED BY• �--1i�}� DATE `IIZ�( � DATE: DATE; OWNEN 6UILOEfl OECLABFTION: I here�y af�irm Ihal I am exempl lrom Ihe Contrac�ors' Sta�e LicenSe Law for �he following reason �Section 70.31.5 Business ane Pmfessional CoOe: Nny ciry oi couniy whic� requires a permii �o constmc�, alter, impmve. aemolis�, or repair any slmcNre, prior lo ils issuance, also require5 ihe applican� for such permil Io file a signetl s�atemen� tha� helshe is licensed Oursuanuo the pmvismns ot �he Coniroc�ors' Slaie License Law �ChaD�er 9(commencing wi�h Sec�ion 7000) ol Division 3 0� I�e Business *itit��itx�iti�i�*i���f**+t**i�iti�* � ifi�i��at�*x��fi�*�iFR�ic7F*�F7�* if iE iE 3F iE �E iF iE it if it iE iE jE if 1E iE �E if if if 1E 3E 1E 3E 14 iE iE iE iE if iE if ik jf if iE iE if iE 1E iE jE �F 9E iE ib if iE if iF * iF �lE 9E 9F iE if iE 1f if iE �ic iF iE * jE 3E iE iE �F if 1f 3F if iE if if if LEGALIZATION;N F E E ,.S U N1 M A R Y ,STRUCTUAAL SEGMENT;N bLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE,.' SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 112.00 258 - SMIP/NON—RES antl Pmiessions Cotle) or Ihai �e/she is exempl Iheretrom antl Ihe basis lor the allege0 exemptian. Fny violation of Seqion 7031.5 by Pj�Aj.] ' any aDDlicanl for a Oermii su�lec�s Ihe applicant lo a civil penalry oi noi more �han five huntlretl dollars (5500). I SSUE FEE 2 �, � � � I. as owner al the pmpeey or my employees wiN wages as Iheir sole comvensa�ion, will do Ihe work, antl me BUII�DING—DIV—> FERMIT ISSUE PI..a.N—CHECK �I'O"r.$L PAID DC1E ❑ stmclure is not inlentletl or ollered lot sale (Seclion 70E4, Business an0 Pmfessianal Cotle: The Coniraciors' S�a�e License Law TOTALS----> 1 1 2, � � 2 0, � 0 �. � � 1 3 2, � � j 3 z, � � ' , Q Q does no� aDOty lo an awner o� a pmpetly who Ouilds or impmves Iherean, an0 who tloes such work himselHherseH o� �hrough his or her awn emplayees. pmvide0 tha� such impmvemenis are no� inlenAea o� offereA lor sale. II, however Ihe huil�ing or improvemem is solA wimin one year af comple�ion, me awner will have �he hurden of proving he/she tlie not build or impmve RE V ENUE D I L1I S I ON TOTA%$ --> COL LECT ED ;' ' 13 2. 0 0 0 V ER / S HORT : , 0 0 mrtnePwooseo�sa�e�. BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK I. as owner ot Ihe properry. am exdusivel contracting with licensed conVac�ors to cons�mct Ne praleci (Section 7044. Business 1 3 2, Q � .❑ and Pmlessions CoOe: The Contractors' Sla�e License Law does nol apply lo an owner ot pmperry who builds or improves �hereon ' and who conVac�sfor such pmlec�s with a conVactor�s�license pursuant ta Ihe Caniractors' S�a�e License Law�.l am aware Ihai pmof ol �heir Worker'S Compensa�ion insurance shoultl be pmvided to me. � I am exempt untler Seclion'. 8. 8 P. G. lor Ihis reason: Oate: Ownec I Oo �ereby cetlify Ihat I am aware of and un0erstand t�e requiremenis ol Califomia Healih antl Salery Code Seclions 25505, 25533. an0 2553a antl thal I or any IWure building accupan� will/will no� (circle one) neetl �o compty wilh said slaie codes antl the requiremenls �or a permil lo� cons�mclion or motlifica�ion �mm Ihe Nir Oualiiy Managemen� �islricl. Residen�ial cans�mction appbcations are exempt fmm Ihese D�ovisions. Daie'. Npplicani: I here0y cetlily Ihat 1 �ave reatl �his apPliwtion and s�ale iha� ihe above inbrmation is ortllnances antl s�atelawsrelating�o Ouiltling conslmciion antl h¢reby autharizerep25en1 property forinspeQion Ourposes. Oate� ��' Z 3 /3 Signature: Orive�'s License o� Sotial Securiiy q: 1641-46 Whi�e—Bulltlinq', Green—Cotle EniorcemenL Canary—Apphc nl; Plnk—Revenue; Goltlenrotl—Assesmr I agree �o compty with all cily antl coun�y Ihis ci�yto en�eruponlheabave�men�ione0 *�r�,r*�t��t��r�**xx��r��t*�r�*�**�r�r*�t**�t*�e**�r�r*********�r*+e��r�r�+fCis*Gkf]S.�;x'*ac-��k�vt?e�*��siRT�v�*�+�a2.00 I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A 3bT6� OiiYd4h33 T?ME: i`:23 TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 2 BATHTUB 7.00 14.00 PLU 1 DISHWASHER • 7,00 7.00 PLU 1 LAUNDRY TUB OR WASHER 7.00 7.00 PLU 1 SHOWER 7.00 7,00 PLU 1 SINK, KITCAEN 7.00 7.00 PLU 4 WASH HASIN 1 7.00 28.00 PLU 3 WATER CLOSET (TOILET) � 7,00 21.00 PLU 1 WATER HEATER AND/OR VENT " 7,00 7.00 PLU 1 GAS PIPING SYS OF i TO 9�OUTLETS 5.00 S,DO PLU 2 GAS PIPING SYS 5+ OUTL—PER OUTLET 1.00 2.00 PLU 1 GAS SERVICE � 7.00 � 7,00 ,, CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING APPROVAL$ Permit � 1. Temporary Electncal Service or Poie 2. Soil Pipz-Undrgrnd. � 3. Electricai Canduit UtilitY�Undrgrnd. 4. Electricai Conduit�Undrgrnd. � � 5. Steei Reinforcemenc � 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. � 7. Fooiings � 8. Foundation i :9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd, J 10. Structural Floor System . 71. Praperty Sev�er Line & House Cqnnection i2. Sewe� Gap ' 1 i3. Roof Orains 14. Rough P�umb�ng 75. Rough Elecvicai-Conduh 16. Rough Electric Wiring 77. Rough 4Viring Siyn 18. Rough Eiectrical-T Bar Ceiiing 19. Rou9h Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Firepiace 27. Ducts, in S.ructure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe�Rouyh & Test 24. Rocf Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ceiling (Stracturail & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. l.athing & Siding 29. Insulation 30. Drywai! Nailing 31. Plaster Brovdn Coat 32. Electrical ?ower Mater-F�nai 33. Final Eiectric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hoad or Canopy 37. Finai faCtory Firepla[e 38. Final Piumbing 39. 4Vater Service-Final 40. Gas Seroice-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Finai 42. Backflow Preventer ,Q3. Backflow Irrigatior, A4. �ardscape irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47, FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Elearic Re4aese to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co Date bate f.,Jl & SPA Inspector QppROVAL$ Permit# 52. Pool & Equipment Locauon � 53. Stael Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electricai Bondin9 56. Rough Piumbing & Preswre Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNiTE 58. Electncai Conduit�Undrgmct. 59. Gas P�pe, O Undrgrnd., Test !!'�/'�' 60. 8ackwash Lines. P�Trap, � Undrgmd. . 61. APPRDVAL TO DECK , 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 63. Neaier & VenbFinal 64. Plumbing SYscem � Pinal � 65. Electricai�Final 66. Solar System-Finai 67. Fencing & Access Anproval 68. APPROVED FOR RLASTERih'G 69. POOL/SPASYSTEhnSFINAL FlRE DEPT. REQUIREA4ENT APPRQVALS Permit ,: 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product P�ping C7Gas OOiI 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Scorage Tank O Gas ❑ 0�1 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FlNA! HEALTH DEPT. REQUIRENiENT 79. FiNAL iNSPECTION 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: Date � (nspectQr ` i,:uect aooxess: , OWNEF'S NAME: AO�HESS: AflCHIENGINEEH: � pDDflESS: . PEHMITTEE: AOOflESS: HEG.NO.: UNIT: PERMIT NO: P 065091 PLAN CHECK NO: 04616-93 N PAGE: 2 �**�*�*��+�*xx��r�r*�x***�r***��r�r***�r**�e�*�****��*****�**�+�**�r***�+�*****+�**�*���*�* uNiT: TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST LICENSEO CONTflRCTOB UECIAPATION: I here0y affirm Ihal I am licen5ed unaer pmvi5ion5 of Chapter 9 �commencing wiN Setlion 7000) o� �iksion J al �he Business antl Pmiessions Code. antl my license is in full torce anU effec�. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: CLASS: Dale: SignaWre: WOFNEPS' COMPENSRTION OECLAflRTION: I �ereby alhrm iha� I have a certificale o� consen� ta sel4insure or a cetlificate of Workers' Campensalion Insurance. or a cetlilied copy ihereof (Section J800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. DRTE: COMPPNY: ❑ CertAietl copy is hereby lumished. ❑ Cer�ihetl capy is �ilea wi�h Ihe cily Builtling �ivisian. Dale: Ap0licant: E%EMPTION FflOM WONREBS' COMPENSATIDN OELL�1flPTI0N: R�is sec4on neetl not Ce completetl if Ihe permit is for one �untlretl (5100) ar less�. I cetlify Ihat in Ihe peAormance ot the work lor w�ich this Oermit is issuetl, I shall not emDloy any person in any manner so as to become 5u01ec� �o the Workers' Compensalion Laws o� Ca6tomia. �aie: Signa�ure: NOTICE: I�, atler making ��is Ueclaralion, you should become spble�� �o the WOMers' Compensalion pmvisions of ��e Labar Code. yau musllorttlwiU compty wi�h such pmvisions or Ihis permi� shall be tleemed revoke0. CONSTXUCTIDN LENOING AGENCY: I hereby allirm Mal there is a con5imclion lentling agency �or t�e pedarmance ol Ihe work �or whic� this permit is Issued (Sec�ion 3W7, Clv. C). lENOEfl: p00PESS: OWNEP BUILOEB OEClAFA710N: I here0y a�hrm t�at i am exemD� �mm �he Coniractors' State License Law for Ihe following reason (Section 7031.5 Business and Pmlessional Cotle: Any ciry oi counry which requires a permii to cons�mct, alter, improve, tlEmalish, or re0au any s�mcture, prior to ils issuance, also requires Ihe applicant for such permi� to lile a signed S�a�emen� �hat he/ihe is licensetl pursuanl io Ihe provisions ol ��e Comracmrs' State License Law (Chap�¢� g(�pmmencing with Seclion 7000) ol �ivision 3 ot Ihe Business anU Prolessions Cotle� or thai he/she is exempt ��erefrom antl �he 6ysi5 lor Ihe allegetl exemption. Any violation oi Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applican� tor a permil su�lecls I�e appiicant Io a civil penalry oi noi more ihan �ive huntlred dollars (E500). I, as owner ol I�e pmpetly Or my employee5 wi�h wag¢s as �heir SOIe tOmpensa�ion, will Jo �he work. anU the ❑ simcWre is noi intentled or atlered for sale (Seaion 7044, Bugmess ana Pmfessional CoOe: The Contracmrs' State License Law Ooes nol apply lo an owner of a pmperly who bui105 or improves �hereon, and who does such woM himself/herselt or �hmugh hi5 or her own employees. pmvided �hal 5uth imprOvement5 ar¢ no� in�entled or oflereA �Or 5ale. II, hOwev¢r Ihe builtling or impmvemeni is soltl within one year o� completion. �he owna,� will have Ihe burtlen of pmving he/she Oi0 noi builtl or improve lor Ihe purpase of Sale). I,as ownero�ihe pmperty,am eaclusively conirac�ing wi�hlicensetl conVac�o�s�o constmct�he pmlec��5ection 7044, Business ❑ and Pmlessions CaAe' The Contrac�ors' Slate License Law does nol apply Io an owner ol0�operiy who builds or imD�oves thereon antl w�o conVacisfor such pmlecls with a conlrac�m�s)license pursuanlio Ihe ConUac�ors' State License Law�. I am aware I�at prool o��heir Worker'S Compensalion msurance should be pmvitled �o me. � I am exemp� untler Section: B. 8 P. C. for Ihis reason: Date: Ownec I do hereby cetlify ihat I am aware of and untlers�and �he requirement5 0l Cali�omia Healt� antl Sa�ery Cotle Sections 25505, 25539, antl 25534 anU Iha� I or any iNme buil0ing acapanl wilVwill no� (circle one) neetl to comply wi�h said s�ate coees an4 ihe requiremenis for a permit for conslmclion or motlilica�ian fmm �he Air �ualiry Management �iSVici. Resitlential constmciion ap0liwtions are exempt tmm I�ese provisions. Oaie: Ppplicanl: I �ereby cerlify t�at I �ave reatl Ihis applicaiion ana sla�e ihat ihe a�oy¢ in�ormation is correcl. I agree ta compty wilh all ciiy antl counry ortlinances antl state lavrs relatmg Io �mltlmg cansimctmn antl hereby ap�horize representalives af Ihis ci�y �o enter upon IM1e above-men�ionetl properry Iar in5peciion purposes Dale'. SignaWre: Oriver's license oi Social Securily w: 16at�a6 Wni�e—Bwlding; Green—Coae Enlorcemem: Canary—ppplicant; Pmk—Revenue: Goldenrotl—Assessor END QF FEES =�uF��.a���� ��c���•T� c.� 00�5__iE.-nGi5i2�s T���� 132.[�0 UATG: ii/74f93 TItf:: I`:=3 ..J 1 / I CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNWG APPROVALS Permit# i. Temporary Electricai Service or Poie 2. So�l Pipe-Untlrgrod. 3. Electricai Conduit Utiliry�Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 5. Steel Reintorcement � 6. Electnczt UFER Grnd. 7. Fooungs L- $. Fountlat�on 9. Vi'ater P�pe�Undrgmd. � 70. Structural Floor System , 7 L Property Sewer Line & House Conneciion ; 72. Sewer Cap � 73. Roof Drains � 14. Raughr Nlumhing � 75. Ro�gfi Electrical�Conduit ( 76. Rough Electric Wiring 17. Rougn Wi; iny Siyn 78. Rough E!ectrical�T Bar Ceilinq 19. Rough Hea;ing & Air Conditioning 20. Ro�gh FactorY Fireplace 2/. Ducts, in Struciure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test � 24. Roof Framirg 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Ba� Ce�iin9 (Structurali & Monocoat 27. Frame and Fiashing 28. Lathing & Siding � ��� -3. Insulatior 30. DryN.-ali Nail�ng 3Z. Piaster Brown Coat 32. Electncal Power A4eter-Firal 33. Fina� Electnc � 34. Finat Heating & Air Condition�ny 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. FinaV Factory Fireplace 38, Finai Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-final 47. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. BackElow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAI STRUCTURE & BllILDING �8. F1NAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Dace POOL & SPA Date lnspector p.ppROVAL5 Permit # 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electricai Bond�nq 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER-GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Teit 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrrtl. 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Fi�al 63. Neater & Vent-Final 64. Plumbing System - Fina� I � 65. Electrical�Final 66. Solar SVstem-Final 67. Fenciny & Access APpruvai 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POO�/SPASYSTEPnSFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit # 70. Underground Hydro � 71. Product Pipin9 0 Gas OOiI 72. Underground Flush � 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tanic � Gas C O�i 74. Qverhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemicaf 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINA� HEAITH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. POOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: Z ZS � Date (Inspector V I 0 { 1 —''_ V r�(/c71 � f i PHOJECT ADOflE55: �'� ' " r�' HV �N�T' j owNEesr+ame: HARHiNGERTHOMES aoon[ss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 PflCH/ENGINEEN: WILKINSON Fi$$QC AEG.NO.: C9SZ9 nooness: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxiT: IRVINE CA 92714 PEwMinEE: HARBTNGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 aooness: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT HEACH CA 92660 LICENSEO CONTPACTOH OECLAPA9�N: I �ereDy aliirm ��a� I am licensetl untler pro�isions oi C�apler 9 I�ommencing wif� $eclion 7000) oi Oivsion 3 0� IAe Business an0 Pmhssions CaEe. antl my license i5 in full lorce anU ellecl. CRY LIL.: STATE LIL.: ClASS: Date: Signature: WOHNEHS' COMPENSRTION OECIAApTION: I �ereUy aflirm thal I have a cetlilicate ol consen� to sell�insure or a cenilicate of Warkers' Compensalion Insurance. or a cenilietl copy Ihereot (Semion 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Certilietl copY is �ereby lumisped. ❑ Ceriilietl wpy is �Ae�h t ciiy Bui`din ivision. �a�e: ' � � Z�—(� AOPlicani: E%EMPTIONFBOMWONNEBS'COMPENSRTIONOECIANATION: �Thisstttionnee0not0ecompleteGiltliepermli5�oronehuMr[d�511p�orless�. I ce�ify thal in ��e peAormance al Ihe work lor w�ic� �his Dermi� is issuea. I SM1all not employ any Derson in any manner so as lo betome 5u01ect Io Ne Workers' Campensalion Laws ol California. Daie: SignaWre: NOTICE: II, a�ter makinp Ihis Oetlaralion, y0u Shou10 b¢tome SUGlett �0 1he Worker5' COmpensation provisions ol ihe Labor coae. you mus mnn�;m compiy w�m sucn vm�s�o�s m �ms �ermit snan ee aeemea revokea. CONSTXOLTION LENOING RGENCV: I AereUy a��irm Ihai ihere is a conslmc�ion lentling aAency for Ihe pe�ormance af �he work lor whic� Ih¢ permn is issued (Section 3W7. Civ. C). LENOEN: ROUHESS: OWNEN BUILOEP UECLAflATION: I �ere6y aflirm Ihal I am exempt imm ihe Con�rac�or5' Sla�e License Law for Ihe lollowing reason (Section 70.31.5 Business an0 Prole55ional Coae: Nny cily ol coun�y which requires a p¢rmi� to con5lmct, alter, impmve, demolish, or r¢pair any Simctura prior ta ils i55UTnCe. al5o reQuires Ihe appliCant lor SUCh permi� �o file a Signed Sla�emeni ��ai hel5he i5liten5e0 pursuanllo �he O�ovisions ol ihe Con��aclors' State License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wilh Sec�ion 7000) oi Division 3 0� ihe Business antl Pmiessions Cotle) onna� nels�e is exempt thereimm anA the basis for t�e alleged exemplion Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicani for a Oermii su6lec�s �he aODlicant �o a civil penal�y of nol more ��an �ive huntlretl tlollars �5500). I. as owner of ine o�op6ny or my employees with wages as Iheir so�e comoensalion, will tlo ine work, antl Ihe ❑ stmcmre is nai intenAea or o��erea lor sale �S¢tlion 70G4, Busine55 and Pmie55i0nal COtle: The CaniraClars' Siafe License Law aoes nol apply to an owner of a propeny wno builtls or impmves inerean, and who Ooes such work himself/hersell or ihmugh �i5 or h¢r ovm ¢mployees, 7�ovi0eE tlwl such ImO�ovements are noi int¢nded or ofler¢a �or SaIE. II, Mw¢ver Ihe 6uilding or imOmvement is sold vnlhin one year ol completion, �he owner vnll have I�e Guraen ol pmvinp heh�e tliE noi Euiltl or impmve for ihe oWoose ol salel. ,y � I. as owner 01 I�e pmperly, Am eKCWsively conlraciing wilh licensetl contraclors Io con5lmci �he D�ole�� (Sec�ion 7044, Busine55 �7 an0 Nolessims CoGe: IDe ConVaclar5' State License Law does not aDDN �o an avmer ol OmpeM who �uilAs or imprmes thereon ana who tOnitatlsloi SUc� O�ole��s wil� a conVatlor�5�litense pur5uani Io the Conlratlor5' Stale LiCense Law�. I am aware rtwl pmol ol I�ei� Worker'S �mpensation insurance should 6e D�ovidea Io me. � I am exempt un0er Section: 8. 8 P. C. lor inis reas1on: �/ Oaie: I — ` � — / T O�mec I do �ere�y cetlity �hal I am aware o� antl untlerSlanU Ihe reQuiremen�s ol Cali�omia Healih and Safety CoOe Sec�ions 2550.5, 25533, antl 2559a ane Iha� I or any fuiure UwIM�g occupanl will/will nol (circle one) nee0lo comply wilh saia state cotles and ihe requiremenis for a permit �or con5imc�ion or mo0ifica�ion fmm I�e Ai� Ouali�y Management Dislricl Residen�ial constmclion applicalions are exempt imm the5e pmvisions. �ate: Applicani: 1 hereby certily I�at I �ave reatl Ihis ap0lica�ion and Slaie iha� the above inlorma�io s cartecL I a0ree �o compty wi�� all ciry antl counry ortlinances an0 5taielawsrelalinglo Uuiltling conslNction and here0y aNh(�ii¢repres Iaiives ollAi c lo en�erupon Ne above�meniioned O�o�erly Iorinspection Ourposes y Oate:���_ SignaWre: � od�er's uce�se or Saciai Secunty �: I6al�a6 While—BwlOing; Green��e Enlarcemen�; Canary—Applicant: Pink—Pevenoa: GOltlenr00—ASsessor CITY O£ COSTA MESA - BUILDING PEftMZT PERM NO; M 06568 PERMIT NO: M 065684 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION ; ADD FACTORU FIRE PLACE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS; REF: B-`G�- V�S�I� ****r�r�t**�r�r**fr*+�**�r**+t+t*+r*�r*x��r+t*�r+t*r**�t�e**x��*�r**�r+�****r�r�r�x�***+r*****�-+�******�** 2 O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN I,EFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PAAKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING N6TES> > 1f 1f i! 7t if 7f iF i! f! 4 fE k �f k 1F it 1E if 1E iE iE iE iE it if if if M iE iE k if ik M 1E if if 1k iE 1f i! iE it if ik iF aE if M iE iE if 1E if iE iE ff %iE if If iE iF if 1E if ik i4 dE 9f iF it if iE iE if If if iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUZLDING APPROVED BY : DATE; APPLICATZON ISSUED BY; DATE: � iFiEiEifififfflflf�EkifiEiEiE1E1f1fiFififit jE1E1fIfIFIFiEifif�E itiE iFifiEififilMiflEffiElf7E1f1EifiEfEiFklFifitifif3EifififiEMiklflfaflElti�jEiklEiF%ifiEffKffiFlfif3FlEMiFiEiEfEfEfElFiEiFfElEiEiF1EiF jElpiEiElflEfE�1liE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 6.50 25Y SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----i 6.50 15.00 0,00 21.50 21,50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 21.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 2 1 , �J Q M fE iF M if ik f! 1f if 41F k iE ik ik M fh ff 1f 1f iE fE if 7E iF iE iE iF fE 1E it ik 7f iF 1E fF �E 1F iE if it it jF M M if if if iE K iE iE iE k 1f 1E ff if k if iE iF IE if jE %!E if iE iE iE if ik fE fE if fF it iE I N D I V I D 0 A L F E E B R E A I( D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C A I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 FACTORY FIREPLACE END OF FEES 6.50 8: 'IOIS"sc»�-QOi53347 �: !T UA'ir.: ��1; t^_.'�5 TIP��. 1�•`8 � ?1.50 � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING AP'ROVALS Perm�x� � 1. Temporaru Electncal Service or POIe i 7. 5��' P�oa-Undrqrnd. �i'�T____ _- • -' ' E`_c.. c,l �'.dc': �!"Rr�Ur.drgrd. �..�_ ��'_ - f 4 F•,,:!r ta� Ca�tl��.i�Undrg��+d. �' --- --- :/ I � $ic�� G;�•,fOrrame�[ T , � I • �.`�ir.^l: vF�ii�T'r1C�. -_ % � ` - --- r-- - --- ,_') 7 :Fao.�n9s - � � '�� FC,ir�tllti0�t +\ I�_.�.-____ f.�______ _ ' �. vi�.^.e� ?�pa.Urdr9'nd. � �-� _ �- ' 10. 5:��..ct��al F'ocr Sys`eri '� i rp.,��,y ce,:�r Vne R• No�seConnec:��n �- - ' 12 5�.,.. Cao Date ' Inspector P.... � & S P A - - - - - � - � �� APPHOVALS Permit �: 52. Pool & Equipment locat.on 53. $te^I (ieinfMC��rtiNrt 5l<. Fu: in± Date I _-�- 55. E;cctr.-a� �,�r�; nq - 56. Rauah Piwnb�ng in Pr.ss�l� T'�r�t 57. AP?ROVnI. TC' CnVFR�GUNiT�� 58. Electrical Condu�t�Und�g.ntl. _ _ S9. Ga1 �ipc, � � Und�y�nd., Ti�Sl B0. Qecl:v:�sh I.Insa, P.Tr.:p,'� U�.d�o•rd 61. AP?ftOVAL i0 DECK _ 62�EGGCb/�ch ;:i RcG[:Po� Fd�dl __-' In:�ector ll i .•..e1 G3. He.itcr IA bvnt�Fi��l . , I-__ _�_ _' `'ji-� t?,. Fuof Orains _ 64. Plumb�ng Syytum Fin�l I I� "� __ _-____- _._ _.- -_-. -__ _� . t q. Rounh P,,.�mfnng -�- - G5. EiccticaLFin:�l � � i � r15 R�,.�h E'octr�c31•Conduit --_ 66. S^lar S:'strin.�.,n, � ' -___- -.' _ __. i- _-__T _ _ _ -_I �--�- - --- - -- ---------- -- , '.o. Ro�gn £iec,ricA?�iring 67. F,.nCing $: /�Cc,ys Apurp':�I � -_�-__. � -{ (-'_'�� y' �� 9 � G8. APPfiObF.�F07 _HST_R._l'G-�--- __-� � 1;. ir� ^a°' � - n` F -- I_& +c��a��e'c-+'ca.?BarCe�l�,nc � 69. POOL'SPNSY��E�.:SFiNA:. -� ' � --_-..' -{_ -- ----- -- - - - �--- -i--- - � 7. 5��,�'=c::i�� �t A�r CAcdiLonu:9 � �/"�'�,, FIIIE UL-Pl'. R� QU:Ht.VIENI i � I�� n,.�gr iac.ory r�eo�ace . . z/a,ct� /�/� APPFQVAib P��;n.it , �----' -- --�-----� __-_-_ �N �y�� � _ r^, - . , , - �---- D'[: .•, S•nr_:c�^, � 70. Undc•p c�..� "�>!:c � ?2 C:rts �'.. ; �t�4 -__' __.�- 7i. Pr.:���.t�;�_'__-_'1 _'n __'I'--� _y __j _ _�___ _i �. C .- �O,�qh & `E�;l - ''�_ - _� ` � �72. U�_�'a r . _, _-, _�- -_-- _ - _ _. - � �t -- �--m-�.� ---`-• _ - ---'• J -' -� Jz^ L,�. i � � - _ �-- _ r, �--- ---1- -- -- n . ��. no - � �;h. � � .�� ?[. O� , �.c t ..i �` , . . . _ � ._ _. -_ .I- � _' . _._ ___�__- �_..--�.- ._. _ I 7�=. T a!',. � n,, 5.�, ew'ali �-'o �.,-.cc3, I i � 75. Oi , I:���cr. �ai ' . F-_-_ _____ _ _-_-_--l_'--_ __.. h- __ _ _ - _ .. ._ _ _ ._ I. _- _ __ ' 27. � .,: a� Pus'�., 4 I ,I� . I 76. Crv 5t. �. ��_ ' I � 2P ..-�S_ --------t-- -- - -� �_ F^5 - �.y,; -- i � - . _ , _ 1r'. ✓,o- � . - , �--.--i 76� F.-c -' - - - -- -. - --' - --�- -- -� - - -.. � _ _-_' j_._. . ' T_ �_I _ _ '_ __ _ _. . _. _ _ _ _' , � '- - ' " I l� .._ .- '_� r II'-t'.n r'-"]. _ ' �- - -- -----------f-- '- ' -- --- - . . .. - - � , - .. � �t.� .. _._ ._.. i � �./�..-�...�. . �"�, �--------------- - -�-- -- �- ' -- --- - -'� - - - � -- - � - - _' ?: . � �-; .�. -_. . ...�,_� F�-�. i T � so. r:;�u ci �,., . ,: .�` , �,.r..�---�-�--------�--; -- - i-t��sus2`l0-��f' f�/`c�t4--Ot,� �- _ T_�_. _ �� 3/� C...p {��� ,.,. &: t+. r C:o^•C t �' .r- �_ - � -- i ' S�_ �_ __ `'I- _ ��(�['t`'-L C...� !.= r--- - -----� -- f -- - I 35_ ���,� .,< P�e��Tas: , , " ' r r __ , ' _'_ . ._ .r. ' _ _ _ I : �c. i'r Jd .. „�'•.aGy __ -' _' - _'I � ' �-_'-___'_ __' ' __ --_ --_' ' . __-_ ' _ � ' _ _ _ _' ' . . 37. F ra� ra..;�u�� FneP�a.e I.$ _�C/� .. �' --- --- -c � �- - -- �--- - -' -- - - - - i i � i - . 3c. F�r3� � _-e�rg I r__ _- _'.�-_ ___-� _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ . _ _ ' i J9. i:,ter ��9;v�.cE�Fina1 . r-- -• r. , ;�• � � � "____-_'.- __- ___-___"i_ ______' ______" '_" _ �� _ _ ::� Ga� 5_•�. ca�r�.,ai i ---- �-- - - - � I ' � 4i Sn�a- 7an^st�c�=ma� ---- --- -----�� ---- -- = � --- - - - - - , I�iZ. �.CK��'�:: �fp::f�S�f �_�_ � _______ . _ ____ " _ �.. F�I^...i^fdi3O^. __ _+-___'.. � -_ __ _� - _ _ � _ __ ._ _ _ . _ . __ _ _ _�_ _�_____ _ _ "_'_ _ _"__ --__._ -'"'_ _ ___- � �. ..^Jseace irn4a:io� SYs!am��- '� � ' . � _ ______ __ _ ____.J'--_'_-.- _'__ ____ __ _ _._ _ _ _ _ . �� 45 Su��id Httenuation ; .' ' -----'---- ---- - ---.--i .. -. ------ -- ' -�� - - -- - - - - - - - I -.4�. Hird�ibo Regu!atmn5 ' � � �_�4�. FI>:AL ST;,UC7U!': N� 8Cf!_�I�v'G-- -------- �- - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- � .�-- � --- -- � G9. FI�q.4L°' 4r�\�I"'r; : ., ..------- --- - - - - - -- -- - . .c�„_____ ___ -___ �..�J��� _ ___ -_ -_-__.___• _- ______ . __ -__ __ ' . . : .Ir'C �3:GL58 ta fC�50n . � , , I 5G. Ges Release to Southern Calrfom�a Gas ;CUPANCY -- ---- -�- -�- -- --------� �ate __ __ ____ _ _ __ _._ _ _- I PFOJECT AODNE55: �3+� .� � n�A n�� T r � i UNIT: 3 OWNEfl'S NAME: HARB INGER HOMES nooxEss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 AflCM/ENGINEEfl: WILKINSON 6 A$SOC flEG.NO.: C9Hi9 aooxcss: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxir: IRVINE CA 92714 / PEXMITTEE: BERNER ELECTRIC, INC. ( 714 ) 734-3171 aooeess: 75 E. GRAND BLVD. CORONA CA 91719 UCENSEO {.Q�lU14�'d0 NATION: I �ereUy allirm Iha� I am licensetl untler pmvisions o� Chap�er 9(commenci ith Section 7000) ol [1(e'(>�t,p� ness an0 Piolessions CoOe, ana my license is in full force antl e�lecl. - ciTv uc.: Tare uc.: 4 8 S 3 2 2 c — 0 Da�e: � � Signature: �DYrcr�;��L%!'R!7�LS� vG — WOANERS' LO ENS I oECLA P7ION: I nereoy af at I tWve a ce �tat oi conuni ta self-insure or a ce - workers' Comoensa�ion �s�a2cej ��tgrt�i� e�ov inereoi Isecron seoo. �ao. �Iz � 1 S/ 9 4 roiicrxo.:CNA INS E%P.OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Ceniliea coDY �s he �y Wmisne0. � Cenilie0 cop ' il uilding Divi' Date: / ApplicanC � E%EMPTION FXOM W flNERS' COMPENSR➢UN UECIAHRTIO .(Thi55eclian nee0 � Compl¢fe0 il l�e permil is la ' 100 Ie55�. I reriify �hal in the pedormance ol Ihe work lor which IM1is Oermit is issued. I s�all no� employ any Derson in any manne� so as to become sub�ecl to I�e VJorkers' Compensation Laws oi Calilomia. �� 1 Date: Signature: NO710E II. alter making �his Oeclaration. you shoWd Decome subject to t�e WaAers' ComDe�saiion pwvisions ol�ihe LaUor CoOe. you musl forihwil� comply wilh such pmvisions ar thfs permit SAail be AeemeG revokeA. � CONSTPUCTIDN LEN�ING AGENCY: I �ereUy allirm Iha� t�ere ¢ a mnSVuction lending aqency �Or ihe per7ormance�0� the xrork lor whicn I�is permil is i=sue4 (Seclian 3097. Crv. C). •'+ LENOEP: p00flESS: ,�• OWNEN BUILOEfl OECLANRTION: I hereby allirm Ihat I am exemD� �mm ��e Contrac�ors' Stale License Law lor ihe �ollowing reason (Section 7091.5 Business antl Pmlessional Coae: Any ciry ol counry which reQuires a permit Io conSVucl, alter, imD�ove. Oemolish, or repair any Slmcmre, prior Io its issuance, also requires Ihe aDDlicant lor such permii to lile a signetl slalemen� t�a[ he/s�e i5licensetl pursuam lo Ihe provismns ol �he Comracims' Siate License Law (C�apler 9(commencing with Seclion 7000) ol Division 3 oi �he Business anU Pmlessions CoOe) m �hai he/s�e is exempt Iher¢Imm and Ihe basis for the allegetl exempiion. Any violation o� Seclion 7037.5 by any apPlicanlior a permit sublecls Ihe applicant to a civil penalry o� noi more �han �rve �untlred Oollars (5500�. I, as owner ol t�e O�oDeny or my employees wiN wages as their sole compensation, will Go tAe work, antl t�e ❑ simclure is not intentletl or oHere0lor sale (Seclion 7044, 9usness an0 Pmlessional Code: The Conlraciors' Sta�e License law aoes not apDh �o an owner ol a pmDeny wM euilAs ar improves iherean. an0 wna tloes SucA wark himselVnerselt or tAmugn his or her awn em0loye¢5. pmvitled l�ai suc� impmvemenis are nal intenaea or all¢re0 lor sale. II, how¢ver Ihe �uilaing o� improvemeni is soltl wilhin one year al completion. I�e owner vnll �ave t0e Eurden of O�oving �e/she Oi0 not builtl ar impmve for ihe purpose ol 5dle�. I. as owner ol ine pmpeny. am eeclusively comraclinp wi�� licensed con�ractors to ronsimcl l�e pwject (Seclion 70.14, Business ❑ and Pmlessims CoEe: T�e Comraciors' Slaie License Law Eoes not aDON �o an ovmer oi propetly who Guilai or imD�a�S i�er¢on ana who coniracts br suc� pmlecis wilh a coniracbr(s�license pursuantlo Ihe Coniractar5' Siate License Law�.l am aware Ihal proof ol �heir Worker's ComOensalion insurance shaultl be pmvidetl lo me. � I am exempt untler Seclion: 9, 8 P. C. lor Ihis reason'. �ale'. Owner: I Oo here0y cetlity Ihat I am aware of an0 understana I�e requiremenis ol Calilomia Healih antl Salery Co�e Sections 255Q5, 25533, anU 25594 antl Iha� I or any luture buil0ing occupani will/will noi (circle one) need to compty wil� saitl state cotles an01�e requiremenls for a permit Im consimtlion or motlificaiion Irom t�e Air Ouality Management DiSIricL FeSiEen�ial conslmction applications are exemp� imm Ihese O�ovisions. Daie: ApO�icani: I �eieby cetldy �tul I have rea0 Ihis application antl slale Ihat t�e above inlarmation is corr¢ct. 1 aqr¢e to w y wi�� al ��y anU or0inances anG staie laws re' �ing io bviltlmg consUuciwn ana eby au � e nta' es o� IAis dry �a e er upon � aEove-me pmperiy fo/r ms epia p poses Dale'. J / SignaWrc: oriver's icense or Social Secumy n: 1641�a6 WOne-6mltling�, Green—GOEe Enlorcement: Canary—AOPlicant: Pink—Pevenue; Goltlanrotl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: E 065719 PERMIT NO: E 065719 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 957SF 1ST FL, 907SF 2ND FL, 461SF GARAGE SQ FT: CLAZM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B-65012 **+t�t****+t**+t�r�r**+t*�t+t*�t+t**�t*x�****�t*�t**�tfrx��***�x��r***i�**x�**�t*+�**+�***x�***�t�*****�r+rir Z O N I N GS ERTEHgAUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING -------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 2NE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > k ff iE 1! 1! i! itlf if ik i! 1E iE 1E 1t 1t iElE 1f 1f if if 4 iF 1t fE 1E ik iE iE if !f iE 1E if iE iF it 1f it if if it i! iE iE iF iE iE iF iE iE 1E iF iE iE iE iE iE if iE it iE if 1f if it 1E iE 1k 1� IE iE iE iE it iF 1! iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY � DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: � DATE: � ikiFilitifklEkiEiEiFititkilkMM7FM1fiE iE1EiE4ifMitifkif iFiF ik k if 1t �! �F k k 7f k k if it M 1f 1f if if if k i! 1f if if if if iE 1f it 1E il�if 1! if 1! if �f �E M iE fF fE fE 1E 1ElF iElt if it 1E M if if if iE ff if iE fE iE iE 7t if if iF if ff IE 4 jE 1f 1f jE �f iE iE 4 iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A A Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE 6MIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 18.50 soi PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 18.50 15.00 0.00 REVENOE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 33.50 SMIP/NON—AES TOTAL PAID DUE 33.50 33.50 ,00 33.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 1! 1k if 1f rt �f if iE it iE it it 1k 1! 1f it ik 1f it tk it k if !E if iE 1E iF 1k 1! if 1E iE iE if it 1! itlk i! iE 1E iF if iE fE iE iF iE %iE 1f iE iE 1F fE iE it %iE if k if if iE it iE iE iE 1E ik if it iE ff 1E iE aE 1F I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600 V 6 BELOW 201 AMP 18.50 18.50 END OF FEES Ot QJi`.��773-0!11`3Ji3 ?�? �+ ,_ GRTE: Ji; i4:94 TIiiL: 11:5L' � � - - ------ - - - --- -- - --- - - -- -- - -- CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNIIIG PODL 15 SPA I � i DatO I inspecio� I Drte lnspectnr APPROVALS Permit •;? _ APPROVqLS Perm�t =: 1. TemParary Electncal Sr; v;ce or Nele 57. �col & Equ.prr._nt Loca! c� --- �;--- I �_ __ . "_�-__ -" __'__ �- _ ---L---- 2. $Oii Pfpp�Unorgmd. ' I 53. SteCl Reiniurcr�rrr.n( � �. -_ i - , _- . 3. Flcctncal Contl�it UtiNty�Unrirgm4l. � � � 54. Forms_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ � _ � _ i 4' E�ec.rical Conuuit•Undrgmd. 55. Electrical Hond,n� ( I � =�- ra. Slee'. Rri���arr.ement 56. Rough ?lun�h,� :"d �'�cs�. �r,,, '. �st � � . 7- -'- ------ -�- --�-- ----_'-_-_'---- - ----1-- - 1 6. 6t:tr.cc! UFFRY'i�nd --- � , h7. 4P�FlOVP.. `,•� C ��.�"tF' G�- - - - - _-- - - ---'- 7. Footiegs _- -�--jI---�--- I 5u_c e_t��cai Cu��-..- _� 7- �-.--- -- - - - -. r B. Fo�ntiati0n � --- I � I 59. G�s P.;:r.=li '._ T__ __._ _ ___ . �I`. � � ��__-L_-__ � ', -+---_-' j� 9. l'aterF�pe�Un�rginti. E0. 3ac.cv.s� I r. �-'r� _�., �.. � � ---�- -a � 10. Structur�l Floa SYstem .� -�� _ - 61. AFPRGVA� � ) L-�Y ----�_- - - - 1 i. Prape�tY Seier Lire E, Hc -- G�� rr� • m� 2 E_r4..�.��� 4 R c. -.�.a -...�-- - f, -{--F ----�------ --�- ---r----. I12. Se.,c� GiP � i E3. riz�ter !L \I� i'. =- �-- --- � �--� I _- �I � 13.1 qp�t 7i� ne -- ----� T---'��--..�mb....,. S,:•. ,. i-- - �---�--' -� Ji � ��4.�uunlPl.n;'J�rl ' --_-.-_.- ___�L_-_-� -.._.m-.___ _-._ i -._-i---_-� _ �-� - 9 � uo. "�ecr��ce,, �ii 15 Rou�h f'.actriwf-Cor.��..�� -- -- - --- - --� -t - --;--- . . � e�a; ;v:;:� F.- , I6. Rou h Electric'Wirin i 9 9 ----- � �l��J _ � 57. Fencin,l & Acc.:,� i1���.a.�l --'-- -- _ . . -T.----- / -� - --1-- - 17. RoughlN�ring$�gn -- - 68 APPFCV!DfQ�N_AS:EH1��3 I - � --- - -- --i--- - j --- - 18 Rocqh Elcct�icai�T 6a� Ce.'•r.9 -�� � G9. POOL �C°A S�'S-- 5 Fi\A.. -- --- -- 19. Ra�nh N�_�li�� & A�,r C_�.d�! e^ •iy -� -�-- ---�-----r-- - ��-� - -� � �- - �� FIR_ UF.. . RCiIC� ' �-- 2G. Roi�yh FacYwy Fiiep�ace �" ' - � (r" - I.A'PR']�!A.: ' � irt =__ __- � ' -}- J.-_ ^�_'-_,_' . __ _ -_ . _ 21. D ic•,, in St�ucture I . �� - � 70. Undr , c: �:...- ------ -- -��-- j-^ �-'_;--- - '-- � - 22 Dwts,Ventilanng ` I �'7�. P.oduc[.�',rnri' y,i�. -.p:l- � �-- --j-- I73_.Gas PiPe�Raygh & Test -- -- -' I � ` � � � /9. Undcrprou��d � �,is�• - � -- - -i� - � - - - . -- - ` .t�-----' - - ! . . - " - ,� 24' Hout Framin • r - I �� 9 - - -- -'� - - _ %3. UndunrnA. 5:,.,..�. .. __ :, i L. , . i 25 Rocl Shwiii��ng - ___ _- _ _ :_ i .--.,� - _ _-�.� ��.,. Ovcrr- � - _ __ _ __ _ _ _ -______ _ __ �-'____ -'____ _ _-�. _�___- _ ' . � _' ,. _ _ _-_ _ _ . . _ _. _ _ _ %u. J:.r Ce�l;ng iSIrLCt..� ,.. u'ne `r[n,t �, � � '- i 7S. f]ry (:�i.:n -�„ I I �' .__'_ -_ __ _ _._ . _1 . __ _` ' _' � L'i. Frern[ and hlJsnir.g ' -'I �� . T 7G. Dry st�.. �.,F . - _- _-__.. -. I . ._ i 28. �tnin r3i5�,dn --------'�Y'�----l-'- --- - ------�-----------� -----'--- � 9 9 � I 77. FIXCD SYSI �.S rliUAl- __ ___ �_ ___ _ i ' -- ' - �-- - - �- - - - - �--- - ��29. 'nsulat�on . � 78. FIRE F'PFV. FI��"4i. -- - - - -- - �__ -I_� .� ;� - - - �= - ! L-- � - - . �-- -- - - � IIE.� - L 30. D�y •..�.�. iVa�,nrg � _ � _ t I t'-I JEP:. REBUIREr�CF; i .. 31...,,..':!vt^CC:.--'._-_...---'_'---�-1 � � 7C` Al li!.e.,.`i,:".- ,- -. - -- - - I._- . . �-- - - -' - - - - - - // - - - - - ' � � _ 3; c . .w�'or.er��:Ne _ .. _ . _ _ (/( r p1v` �-r,�. `: G^_ ._ -F � i I_ _ _ � s�. F a� e�.cc�.c ��_� �1 ,aoc<,. � - -, -- - � - - - �' ---�----- ----� -- - -------- -' '-- '�----- - - - -- � �34 F.zri H�Yt��r.q R F, r Cc-,r,. ,.-:•.z � . , - 35 F . ! Ga5 Pooa�Te�:- - - - -- --�--- �-- -- -�. - : - -- - ; - - � - � - - -- - ----- ----.:- --- ---� --- - - --�------ --- - --�----- - --- - � , 3E. F.�a� o� :an�P� . . #. � . �3i. �=. .� �e�t� � F -eF -__ -----�_- --�--- - -- -- � ---- -- - � - ---- - - - - - � - • i F-'--- - -' - -- ----�--'-i -- --i--- - -- - ' - 3d. -�, � �:,,ro�. y . . --- - ---�-- --+--- '-- '=- -- - -'- .---- � �3. `.:..�� S:�r�.��c_.c..;r . (. -1- . - � - - - - � -- - -- - - - - � ----- --- � � - � - -- �- -- --- - - ------- - - � dG. GasSryica�'�^�a' •' --�- �� � - ----�---- � --------- ' I---- - -`---� --- 47. Solor Oumest:o°�r.r-� -- -- --- - --�---^--- �- � - -- -- - -- ��:� 3ac:ctio�v P�eventa - . � .._ - �-- �- --- ----- - - - -- _. �--- - _ -r �•3. 3zccf!o:� Ir��cat:on � �--- ------- - -- - - - - -- ' ''- -- - - -- � ---------. _..----- ---- �;4 �.r�,:,�:= Lncati�� 5��., �nr . --� _ _._ _ ___- �. _ _-.._ _ ___ __,',-_; i__r-___ _- ..'_ -___ _' . _ _ . _ . - _ _ _ , 'S Sou�d A!ten�at.c " � , - I �- - � �iE }land�cap Reau�a!�ur.s_ -__ _ __ _.. _ _____ __- ' _' i - ------�- - - r- - �. --_- - �- 47. FINAL STRUCTUP.E & EUti_pING -- -- --- - -- --- - --� -- - - -- ---- -- - 48`FIiJALPLANNiPJG------ � .•--'" -----^.---�--�---- --�-----_ �� i �49. E{i-tric Release to Ed�.on � ' , __ �..---- - 50. Gas Re�eAse tp Southern C�lifo!nia Gas Co I ---�- - � �-- 51. GERTIf-ICATE OF GCCUPAfJCY I Detr / � � � � • c . A1T � - � /A��/1 . ONIT: 3 reo�ect nooeEss: HAAB I NGER AOMI s �` OWNEfl'SNAME: 3.�5 PROMONTORY DR WEST AOOHE55: N , B , � C�i 675-6653 ANCHIENGINEEN: WILKINSON 6 FiJrJr�C pEG.NO.: C9829 noon¢ss: IRV�NESKYPARK CI CA 9271q �NIT: reaminee: HARHINGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 aooncss: 375 PAOMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT HEACH CA 92650 4CENSEO CONTHACTOfl UELLFflATION: I hereCy alfirm thal l am Iicense0 unEer D�ovisions o� ChaDter 9(commencinp wi�� SecfiOn 7000� ol Division 3 0l t�e Business ane Pmlessions Code. and my Iicen52 i5 in �ull force antl etl¢cl. LITY LIC.: SiRTE LIL.: ClASS: Daie: SiAnature: waflKEflS' COMPENSATION oEClAflF7lON: I here�y aflirm that I have a cenilicate of consent to self-insure or a cehificate af workers' Campensatian inmrance. or a cenitied copy �hereol (Sec�ian 3800. LaU. C). POLICY NO.: EXP. OATE: COMPRNY: � � Cenitie0 coDY �s �ereby lumishetl. ❑ Ceniti¢G copy is filetl wii� the ciry BuilOing Divisi0n. Dale: p001icant: E%EMPTION FROM WOflREflS' COMPENSRTION DECNflRTION: Q�is s¢ciion need n0i Ue tompleteG i� 1�¢ permii i5l0rone huMrM (Sllp) or lus�. I certify I�at in IM1e pedormance o� the work far w�ich this permif is is;;;u)))4 I s�all not employ Oe�son in any manner so as lo Uecome su�letl lo the Workers' Compensation Laws ol Califomia. V /' ^µ%� Oate: f..� — 2�—� � SignaNre: � J� - NO710E: II. after making ihis declaration. yau slwuld became suojtt� m the workers' ComDensation DroNvons ol tne LaEor CaEe. you mu5t fo��vni� compry vni� su[� pmvisions or lN5 p¢rmii shall Ue tleemeG r¢vokeA. CONSTPUC710N LENOING PGENCY: I Aereby aBirm tAat there is a constmction lentling aAency for t�e pedarmance ol ihe work for wnicn I�is permil is i:suea �Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C�. LENDEH: nooness: OWNEN BUILOFP DELNPPTION: I hereCy aifirm tAa� I am exempt tmm t�e Coniractors' Siate License Law lor Ihe followinp reason (Sectian 7031.5 Business ane Pmlessional Cade: Any city ot caunty w�ich reQuires a permil m conslmcC alter, imD«e, demd'¢h, or reDan any stmcWre. W�or to iis issuanre. also Rquires ihe applicant br suctl permit ta file a sipnea statement ihat h¢/she is licensetl pursuant �o ihe o�avisions ol tne Comractors' Sta�e License Law �C�apter 9(tommencinq vnlA Seclian 7000) of DiviSion 3 0l I�e Business an0 Pio�ession5 Coae) or I�al he/s�e is exempi Iherelmm antl lhe ba5i5 lor I�e allegetl exemplion. Any violalian o� Seclion 7031.5 Uy any applicantlor a Dermit subjects the apD�icant to a civil oenairy ol no� more inan Irve nunEreE Oollars (5500�. I. as owner ol �he propeny or my employees vnin wapes as tAeir sole campensauon, will Uo ihe wark. anE the I❑ stmcmre is noi imen0etl ar anerea for saie 1Section 7044, Business anG Pmfessional CoOe: T�e Comractors' State License Law d0es no� apply lo an owner uf a pwpetly wlw �uilds af imOwves I�¢reon, antl w�0 tlaes SUC� woM1 IlimSelUtlers¢If Or Ihrouy� his or her own employees. D�ovide0 11ut sucn imDmvemenis are not intenAeA of allere0 lar Sale. It. Mwever the Guiltlinp or improv¢men� is SOIG witAin one year ol completion, I�e awner vnll �ave ��e Uurtlen oi O�oving �e/s�e diU nol Uuild ar improve lor ine DWoase oi salel. `� I, as owner ol tAe omDenY. am eeclusively conirac�ing wilA licensetl comracmrs ta conslmc� ��e O�ole�� (Seclion 70ad. Business ❑ and Pro�euions Code: 7he Contraciors' Slate license Law Aoes not apDry m an owner of proDerty who Oml4s or imDroves Nereon antl w�o conitaCls lar 5uth O�ole�t5 wiih a tOniratbqs) license Wrsuanl to t�¢ Conlratiors' Slaie Lie¢nse Law). I am aware inat pmaf ol Ineir Worker's Compensalion insurance snoNA De D�oviAetl to me. � I am eKempi unOer Sectian: B. 8 P. C. tor I�is reason: Oaie. I � � `Z�� � Owner: I Do nere�y cenily that I am aware af anA unders�anU Ihe requiremems of Calibmia Health anA Salely CoEe Sections 25505. 25533, an0 2553E andihat I oranyfuiure buil0ing ocNpanlwilUwillnoi(tircle one) neeEio campty vn�� SaiG Slate fAOes an0��e reQuirements�or a Derm�t fo� con9mction or modificalion imm I�e Air Ouabry Manapemenl Disincl. flesitlential tonsimtlion apD�iCa�ions are e�empt Imm inese pmWsions. Oa�e: ADD�icanl I hereby cer�ify Ihai I have read Ihis applicalion antl slate t�a� ihe above information is correci. I agree �o comply wit� all Ciiy anU county or0inancesantls�alelawsielalmgmbuilAinpconslmclionantlhere�yam�orizere��} enlaliv�je �11i��isci`yV ro eruponlheaUove�memionetl O�ap¢tly IOrinSp¢�i0ip0�p05¢S.� �/ �� � � oaie: { �Z— � Signalure: (� o�i�er's �icense a� sociai 2 t6<i�a6 W�ue—BuilOing: Green—Cotle Enlorcemem; Canary—ApplicanC Pink—Revenue; GOIEenroE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - HUILDIDIG PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 065012 PLAN CHECK NO: 03393-93 A CONSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE: STR YY.riM NV: C Vb7U1G I�VV 1; N SUYY: IV PURPOSE: NEW JOH DESCRIPTION : 1070SF 1ST FL, 1028SF 2ND FL, SO1SF GARA SQ FT: 2,599 CLAIM �'ALUE: 120,000.00 CALC-VALUE: 164,570.60 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: NEW SFR, PLAN ti2A �r+��--��t******�****���r**+e***�x�*-�+�*�**********�r**��**�cr*+c********s***�c*****;�******+� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: 41 FT IN REAR: 16 FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT ZN LEFT: 6 FT IN RGHT: 5 FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING RE�• 2 PROV: 2 PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: R1 REF NO: VT-19815 PLANNING N'I'ES> SINGLE-FAMILY HOME (284 PACIFZC CREST DRIVE) PART OF A > SUBDIVISION (TRACT 19815) LOT 3. ***�r�*******�c**�t*��**x�*+t*r**i�********�:�-+���r****��,��-+�*****�*�r**+�*+r***�**�c*�x��-�-*+�+� D E V E L O P M E N'T S E R V I C E S R E Q U Z R E M E N T S ZONING APPRO��ED BY � �•'�` DATE: �I Ii.L �S� BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLZCATION ISSUED $Y: �'`� ��' �-C� DATE: �I ��.L��3 iPifjf3fjfaFifjEiFiEifaEjfiE3f3EifiliFMiEiF �Y if if if iE itififiFiEiE�kiEiFiFaEif ifififiPikifiF�fiFiEifiFiFiE�fEi�9E;fiFKif�i iEiE if ik �f it if i6 if iE it aF # 1f iEiE if if if iE iE iF iE fE iE if if it it if it if it iE iF iE iE if if if iE iF if fE iE it iE iF jE iF if iE 1f iF iE iE iE �f if if ff if iE iE±E iF �'r af if k iE jE iF iE �N-iF it iF i'r if iF LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECI-IANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 867.00 16.96 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN 190.89 ISSUE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> PEAMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 883.46 0.00 140,89 1024.35 1014.35 ,00 REVENUE DIVZSION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 883.46 OVER/SFIORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 867.00 16.46 it if il� k iE if if af iE iE iE ih i(� if 7f if iE it 1F iF iF iE 1E iE it iE it iE 1f iE jt �1F if if- iE %iE iE if if iE iM1 # if if if iF iE iE iP if if if if iF if iP %if it iF iF iE ��)E iF �k+f ic+c iF �tt �R jF jF iE iF it dE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE SFR SFR QTY 2098 SU1 D E S C R I P T I O N DWE-TYPE V-WOOD FRAME -GOOD RES-GARAGES TYPE V END OF FEES UNIT COST TOTAI, COST 79.00 155,252.00 18.60 9,318,6U ui 0015it�U5-QP3`3Q99 F�"�F dd3.�5 �+PT.E: :'_, ,'"Y� `T�7c: .5�19 CtlNSTRUCTION AND PLANNING PO.. _& SPA qPPROVALS Permit�,-`' Oate laspectar APpROVALS Pe�mit?k Date lnspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Locauon 2. $oil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms A. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 55. Electrical Bondinq 1 5. Steel Rei�forcement 56. Rough Plumhing & Pressure Test � 6. E�ectrical UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUN�TE I ' 7. FOotings !! 99,.��j1 l._7 , 58. Electrica� ConduibUndrgrnd. O` .- `8. Foundation �Z �� (� 59. Gas PiPe, O Undrgrnd., Tesc 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, � Undrgmd. ,--10, Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAI. TO DECK -�i i. ProPerty Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Pinal �12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Finai � 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System � Final , �14. Rough Piumbing 65. Electrical-Final 15. Rough Eiectrical-Co�duit 66. Solar SYstem-Final 76. Rough ElectriC Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Fough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEPnS FINAI t9. Rouyh Heacing & Air Conditioning F1R£ DEPT. REQUIREiv1ENT 20. Rough Factory Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Duccs, i� Strueture 70. Underground Hyclro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping � Gas C 0�� 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergmd.StorayeTank �7Gas ❑Oil 25. Raof Sheathing !-�� qC� G�.,/�L- 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structuralf & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical I 27. Frame and Flashing 2�ff y(,� (Q�_ 76. Dry $tandpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 2-�r q(.� (p,s.�bL 77. FIXEO SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation Z."ZZ-'���P.¢t!'�� 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL -2 j-'(r{ �✓E{ - 30. DrvLvaq Nailing 3-��-'j'[� �y (��� HEALTH OEP7. REQUIREMENT A. G,�„w ^'T 31. Plaster Brown Coat 7j.-R (� �Cv�� 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Eizctrical Power Meter=inal /' 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Fi�al Eiec,ric � Notes: 2�B�Ci�� ��,� ��� (. 34. FiOal Heating & Air Condi;ioning 35. Fiiial Gas Pipe•Test 36. Hood or Ca � -_ 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing ' � 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service-Final 4}. $oVar pomestit-�inaf 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backtlow Irrigation 44. �andscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING �,3_s�� Q�G.�L_ 48. FINALP�ANNWG .Z,7 q�/ (_� - �O',�,�L 49. Electric Release to Edisorr 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIfICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date August 6, 1993 To: CITY OF COSTA MESA CAIIFORNIA 92fi28-1200 PO. BOX 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Building Safety Division Code Enforcement Communications Copley-Colony of Costa Mesa County Administration Office County Clerk/Bd. of Supervisors County Registrar of Voters County Tax Assessor Engineering Division (2) Fire Admin.-Training Officer Fire Prevention File (2) Newport-Mesa Un. School Dst. (2) Pacific Bell Police Dept. - Ping. & Research Santa Ana Heights Water Company Sanitary District Engineer Southern California Edison Co. Southern California Gas Co. State Board of Equalization Street Division U.S. Post Office - AIS U.S. Post Office, Adams Avenue Mesa Consolidated Water Dist. The City of Costa Mesa wishes to advise you that the following address has been changed: OLD ADDRESS NEW ADDRESS 2323 Santa Ana Avenue 292 Pacific Crest Drive 288 Pacific Crest Drive 284 Pacific Crest Drive 280 Pacific Crest Drive 276 Pacific Crest Drive Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, C� �C,l�;� GABRIEL ELLIOTT Associate Planner (2323SNTA.ADD> C-15 cc: Kerry Smith Harbinger Aomes Inc. 375 Promontory Drive West Newport Beach CA 92660 Builtling Division (714) 754�5273 77 FAIfl DRIVE • Code Enforcement (714) 754-5623 • FAX (71d) 556-7508 A.P. NO. FiFIIi�I�IIi�: Planning Division (714) 755-5245 ,� 284 S � v� '" "• 2ss s _�-� I � n,„�"—� i��� , • .. ,.. �� ' �_��� �_ .. .. ,• . 23?9 S�tN'TT!'v,1r1 /LVENUH PAC�FIC CREST HARBINGER HOMES � / C YNTN� A COu� �` — W�LKINSON ASSOC U[ES MWiM✓� �Yi.Jip f�1� nM �t�.mw.Ma[ pw14O�� PflOJECTADOflESS: �N�T� CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDINC PERMIT PERM NO� M 0691�0 owxensNnme: HARHIGERCHOMESCREST DR aooness: 375 PROMETORY PT PERMIT N0: M 069140 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT; N SUPP; N N,B, 92660 CONSTRUCTION TYPE; PERMIT TYPE; MEC PUAPOSE: OTH AflCNIENGINEEB: nooeess: HEG.NO.: uxiT: PENMITTEE: C 5 C POOLS ( 909 ) 292-7665 ADOPESS: 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92��5� UCFNSE� CONTflACTOB DECtABATION: 1 �er¢by aHirm t�af 1 am IitenSeG unEer O�ovision5 a ap er 9lcommencinp wiiA Section 7000� ol Division 3 0l ��e Business ana Rolessions Catle. anG my Iicense is in lull brce ana eHec�. CI STRTE LIC.: C 5: ��,r^3� Y 34792� EXP: 02/95 �a ' � Signamre: _�` � WONI(EFS' COMPENSRTION OECtANl17lON: I nere�y allirm tnat I nave a cenitiwre of consem to sell-insure or a certilicate oI Workers' Compensation InSuran[e. or a tetliii¢tl copy I�ereot �SediOn 3800. LaE. q. POLICV NO.: EXP. ORTE: COMPANY: ❑ Certitietl coOY is �ereby furnis�eG. ❑ Certifietl copy is �Jed wiID �he ci�y BuilEinq Division. Dare'. ApDlicam: EXEMPTIONFqOMWOXNEHS'LOMPENSATIONOECIAMTION: RhitSeclwnneeCiwtOecompletMillAepermitiSfwOneAunArM�5100�ar1e55�. I certify tnai in the pertormdn W of ihe work far which this oerm� At is issuetl, I snall not emoloy any oerson in any manner so as to become su��le�� �o �he^Wo�rkers' Compensation aws al California/./(//� ///7J� r�l � �J�=�( � � � Signature:l _ � 1 "r�-�`—�� NO7ICE: It. after making this tleclaralion, yau stwula become suEject to tlie waderi Compensation Omvisions of tne Lahor CoOe. you musl foMwith camDly wit� su[� pmvi5mn5 or tttis Dermi� Shall Ge E¢eme0 fevoketl. CONSTflUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I here�y aflirm Iha� lh¢re i5 a con5imttion lendinq aqEnty �or the pedofmance o� Ihe wOrk �or which Ihis Oermi� is issuetl �Setlion 7W7. Civ. C�. lENOEP: AODXESS: OWNEfl BWLOEN �ECIAflRTION: I her¢Gy allirm IIW� I am ¢xempi Irom I�e CAn(ratturs' State License Law for ihe following reason �Section 7031.5 Business antl Pmiessional Code: Any city ol caunty wNc� repuires a Oe�mit to wnsimc6 alter, impmve, aemolis�, or repair any 9mclure. prior to iis issuance. also rtpuires ine aoDlicant lor sucA Oermit Io Iiie a sipnea statement t0at he/she is licensea pursuant to t�e pmvivons ot t�e Contractars' State license Law �Clwpter 9(cammendnq with Seclwn 7000) ol 0ivision 3 0l t0e Business ane Pmlessions Cotle� ar Inal �e/she is exem0� ��erelrom an0 t�e Easis lar Ihe allepeG exemption. Any riolalion ol Section 7031.5 hy any a00licam for a permit subie��s tne applicant ro a uuil penalty ot not mwe ihan live AundreE Oouars (5500). I, as owner o� ine D�openy or rtry emyloyees witn wap¢5 az their 5de Camp¢n5afion, vnil tlo tha work, and ine ❑ stmcture is nol intenaeA or allere0 br sate �Secuon 70Ca, BuuneS3 anE Proleuional CoOe: The Coniractors' State License Law tloes noi aDDN�a an ovmer ol a o�oveny wtp Euil�s orimprwes tnereon. arM who Aoes sucn wnrk AimSelMersell orinrou0h his or her own emDloy¢e5. D�ovi0e0 l�al SUCh impmvemen�s are not iNenOed Or 011efeC br Sale. It, �Owev¢r lhe builtlinp or impmvement 4 SOIG xtiNn one year ot wmpletion, t�e avmer w�l tWve Ille EurAen al pmvinq �Us�e Oid not DuilU ar imD�ove lor Ihe Durpose o� Sale). I, as owner ol ��e p�openy. am exUusively contractin0 ��� IicenseC comracmrs to constmci tAe pmlect (Section 7044, Business ❑ an0 Pwlessims LaCe: Tne Contractori Swte L'rcer5e Law Eces ml appy ro an ovmer ol properry who 6mMs or imorwes Inereon antl wno contratis br sucn prolecis wiln a tonlractar�slliunse oursuanito ine fAniractors' $tate License Law1.l am aware Ihai O�ool ol I�eir Warket'S ComDensalion in5uranCe S�OUIG GB plwi�eA �o me. O I am eeempt unaer Sec�ion: B. 8 P. C. lor this reason: oate: Ownec i Uo nereoy ceniry tnat I am aware ol anE unCerstantl tne repuirtments a1 Calitornia HealtA anU Salety CoOe Sections 25505, 25533, anA 25534 an01�a1 I or any lutute UuitOinq octupdni wiiUvnll noi (cirUe one) neetl Io compry with SaiG slpie co0es antl ��e iepuiremenis lor a permil brconsimclion ot moadltatbn Iroml�e Art Oualiry MandgementUSintt. flGvtlentulfAn5lruttion dppliCations are evempiimm Inese pmvisions. Oate: Mplitani: I �ereby cerlAy ttwt I Iwve r¢aC iNs aDVli[ation anG s�a;e lhai t�e a�ove information is mrtecL I aqr¢e �a compty with all ciiy anG counry orainances antl sta�e laws reia�ing to Guilaing cansimaion and nereEy amlar@e repreuma � es oi tNs ciry m emer upon �he ahave�menlione0 pm ., � m peclion purposes. �� � � /% '6a�e � � ` — SignaNr�l�/`^x �river'S License ot Social Seturi�y q: �� t64t-66 W�ae—Bmlpmg: Green—CaOe Enlo¢emen�: Canary—Applicam; Pink—Revenue; Gol4enroE—Assessor JOB DESCRIPTION ; INSTALL HEATER FOR SPA CLAZM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REF: B-69138 �-x-�r*�r��t��r���**#*�*****�-#x�r#+r�r�r�r+��r�e*#�r���r**�r�*�*#+r�t�r����r�k«*�r�+r�t���rr*##� ��r�r«��r�r#�ra�ar�x�* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN AEAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IRt LEFT; FT ZN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL; 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > if 1f iE it iE if if iE if iElE 1! iF iFlE 1E �! iE iElE iE iE iE 1E it if it if i! iE iE it i! i! it if 1! if it iE iE if it if iE it iE if 3f it if 1E if f! iE if it 1E iF it i! iE iE i! 1E �F if ff iE �lE iE it ik iE iE if iE?f iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: E_.�'� DATE: �fJ/ ,�/ /� ikfrit*irirxkir7txir*ititirir+r*f�ittt� �rT�e �F3FiFiF'�C'�r3F�"R"iFiFziFririt*%�it*ititi[� ,F'1���3FiF':�� r�"'�#,f� iE 1t� ft iE iElf k i! k 1E i(� i!!6 if if;f if it iE it i! iE iE f! iE if iF it 1! tF it it it 1t it 1f 1F iF fE 1E if tE iE 7f 1t it iE i! it if i! if !f if tf it it if if it i! 1t 1f if ## iE i! �k it i£ iE # if # k iE # if LEGALIZATION;N F E E 5 p M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC' MECHANIC FIRE SMZP/RES GRADING PERMIT PLAN ISSUE FEE BUZLDING—DIV—> TOTALS----> G,50 zsx SMIP/NON—RES 15.00 PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—�HECK TOTAL PAID DUE 6.50 15,00 0,00 21,50 21.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 21.50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC rTiiE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 21,, 50 th!! it ff f! iF ff'lf iE it iF if ik ft iFlF if ft i! fF it 1! ir it # iklf it ff 1E tt it 1(� if 1E fF fFlf ftlk iE iF iE i!!f 1F iE'i �1F if 4 if ih if 1f 1t i! 1f iFl: it ih # iE tE if 1! 1t if # iF itlElF tt # 1E 1f ?E I N D I V I D U A L F�E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T Z O N' � UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 EACH APPL NOT IN OTHER CAT UNDER FEE 6,50 6.50 END OF FEES 0 a: OD16901�-00169013 T n T 21.50 DATE+ ioiosi94 TIHE: 14:{3 CONSTRUCTION AND PLA�i�NiNG '� PG & SPA � APPROVAIS Permit# � � Date ' Inspector AppROVALS Permit?k Dace taspeccor 7. Temporary E�ectrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipmeni Location 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. , 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Elettrical Conduit Utdity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding � 5. Steel Reinforcemenc 56. Rough Plumbing & P�essure Test �a _L3=�� 6. ElectricalUFERGrnd. 57. APPROVALTOCOVER•GUNITE 7. FOotings 58. Electrical Conduit�Untlrgrnd. � 6. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Tes� �3r.t ; 9. N!a'er Pipe�Urd�g:nd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, u Undrgrnd. _��� 10. Sttuctural Floor Svsiem 61. APPROVAL TU DECK � 7 i, Property Sewer line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final /A G�!�� 12. Sewer Cap � � 63. Heater & Vent�Final /,N�/� 13. RUof Drains 64. Plumbiny System • Final ' ��/ � � L� � - t4. ftou9lt Plumbing 85. Efectrical�Finaf 15. Rough Electrical-Condwt 66. Solar SYstem�Final 16. ROugh Electric 4Viring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electricai�T Bar Ce�ling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEP.iS FINAL 19. ROugh Heat�ng & Air Condi2ioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rnugh Factory Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts,in Structure 70. Underground Hvdro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gds Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Underyrnd. Storaye Tank 0 Gas ❑ Oii 25. Roo4 Sheathing 74. Overhead HyAro 26. T•Bar Ce�ling (Scructurall & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 7fi. Dry Standpipe 28. LBthing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAI 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIREMENT 31. Ptaster B�own Coac 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: �� 34. Fina� Heating & Air Condition�ng ��/ l`v ...t 3. � ^,,,,_ „___ `J1 1 �y.�7'L�C/rJ U 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test '� ��3/ g��- �_O_ _ 36. Hood or CanopY 37. Final Factory Fireplace l 38. Final Plumbing � 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service-Final 4�, $olar pomesiic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. landscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47, fINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING /� 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison `�� � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co • 57. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 'Y No. Date PHOJECT q00NESS: UNIT: OWNEfl'SNAME: 284 PACIFIC CREST DR noosess: 37 5 BPROMETORYSPT N,B. 92660 AflCNIENGINEEfl: NEG.NU.: RDOflESS: UNIT: PEHMITTEE: aoosEss: C 6 C POOLS ( 909 ) 292-7665 1136p0 CAc/RyR7�TIEp�yLN t� LICENSED CONTBACTOB DECnIANkTtON: POlRtiqqZlNrm'I�ai I am IicenSeU untlerplWisio�nsbt$�!r 9(cammencinp wit� $ection 7000) ol Oivision 3 0� I�e Business an� Proleuions CoOe. anE my license i5 in lull brce anJ eifeci. IT C.: STATE IIC.: � CLAS � �C+ ]' a 3979: 5 C� F'{ . 2/95 �bai _ ��.7 � ( Signature: _ WOFNENS' COMPENSFTION OECIAPATION: I Aereby allinn Ihal I have a cetlificaie ol con5eni to 5ell-insur¢ of a CehifiCale of Workefs' ComOensation Inmrance, or a certified copy t�ereol (Sec�ion 3B00, LaO. C). POl1CY NO:. EXP. U0.TE: COMPANY: ❑ Certifiee copy is hereDy lumish¢C. ❑ Cenilietl coDY is liled wit� the city BuilJinA Division. Date� ppulicanP. EXEMPTION FNOM WOHKEflS' fAMPEN5ATI0N OECIABATION: (ihis sectian nee0 no� Ue compleleA i� Ihe permi� is lor One hunGreG �E700� a less�. I cetlily Ihai in ��e pedormance oi the work br w�icA Ihis pe�mit is i55ue0. I shall no� e///��myyy�yy���••• any person in any manner so a5 io 6ecome Su • SI IO �¢��QR�rtIpC� i0�1 LdwS 0� Cdli101�id. /%f' �� ///� �r r i � V ,e' � SignaWre: l�! � NOTICE: If, afier maiting ��i5 deClaraii0n, you S�ou10 tle�me 5ublet� t0 Ihe WOrkers' COmpenSa�ion Dmvisi0n5 Of lhe LaGor Code. you musl �otlhwith [omDly wil� suc� O��vision4 or IhiS permit 5�ail he 4eemeA revoketl. CONSTBUCTIUN LENDING AGENCY: 1 nereGy affirm tnat ��ere is a consimction lenaing agency for Ne De�ormaue oi Ihe wark for w�ich ��is Oermii is i=suetl (SeniOn 3097. Gv. C�. LENOEfl: AODflESS: OWNEfl BUILDEfl DECLAflATION: I hereGy affirm Ihai I ain exem0� ��am Ihe ConVactors' State L'Kense Law �or the lollovnng reasOn ISection 7031.5 Business and Professional Coee: Any ciry oi county wAicn requires a Dermit to constmct, al�er, impmve, aemolish, or repair any stmcWre. prior to its issuance, also reQuires Ihe aoPlicanl for such permit to file a signe0 statemeni ihat nelshe is Iitense0 pursuant m �he pmvisions ol Ihe ConVac�ors' Slate LicenSe Law (Chapier 9(commencing vnlh Section 7000) 0� Oivision 3 0� IAe Business and Pmlessions CoOe) or Ihal he/s�e is eMempt Iherefmm yn0 Ihe Uasis for t�e allepetl exemption. Any viola�ion ol Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applican� �or a permi� sublec�s Ihe aODlicant lo a civil Penalry of no� more Ihan hve hun0�e0 dallars (5500�. I, as owner ol the propetly or my employees wilh wages as iheir sole com0ensatioq will tlo Ihe work, an0 Ne ❑ stmcmre is no� intenaea or ollerea lor sale (Section 704a. Business antl Pwfessional Cade: TAe Contractors' State License Law tloes not apply to an owner of a pwpeny who builds or im0�oves ��ereon, an0 who Ooes such work himselll�erself or I�rough his ar her own empl0yee5. provitletl ��ai suc� imp�ovemenis are n0� in�endetl or otteree for SalO. I�, howev¢r Ihe builainA Or impwuemen� is So10 wi�hin one year Of mmpl¢tion. �h¢ owner vnll have (he burden Oi pmvinp he/She Oitl n01 builE ar impm�e for ihe ourpose af sale�. I, as awnei ol ihe pmpeny. am excluvvely toniratling witM1 licensed ConlrattoR lo tons�rUt� Ihe projeCl (SeC�iOn 7044, Business ❑ ana Pmfessions Coae: T�e Comractors' Siate License Law aces nol apDh �o an ovmer ot pmperty who �uACs or imprww therean ana w�o toniratis tDr Suc� pmletls wii� a canitaE�oqs) IicenSe pursuant lo �he COniraC�ors' S�aie Licenie Law�. I am aw2te �hat D�oof of iheir Worker's ComOensation in5uranGe shoultl Oe pmnded Io me. � I am exempt under Seclion: 9. 8 P. C. lor ��is reason: Oate: Owner. I Oo nereby ceNly t�at I am aware ol and unders�ana Ihe re0uiremeni5 of Califomia Healt� antl $a�e�y CoG¢ Sections 25505, 25533, and 2553a an0 Ihat I or any luture �wlaing occupani willNnll no� (�ircle one) neetl to comDN vnih SdiO state cotles antl Ihe requirements lo� a oermit for consimttion or motlilicalion Imm ihe air Oualily ManaAemeni oistrict. Fesidential constmction a0olications are exem0� �rom inese pmvisions. Date: Applican�: I nereby cenily �hat I nave reae �his aDDlication ana s�ate tA9� ine above information is�correcl I agree m comply with all city antl county ordinancesan49alelawsrelating�obuAtlmgconsimclionantlhere�b pWharirerepresenta�ivesoll�iscity�oenleruDantheabove�menlioneA pro r inspection purp0� 5e5. � //JI� {7 iv iii � � e: S Sipnature: I C/K�—� nvefs License or Social Security x: � � �.� 164F46 W�ue-6ullamg; Green—Cade Enlorcemem; Canary—Applicanl: Pink—Revenue; GOldenro0—Assesmr CITY OF COSTA MESA - BOILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: P 069141 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PEAMIT TYPE: PLU JOH DESCRIPTION : SPA CLAIM VALUE; CALC-C�ALUE ; AFRM Nh. P (1F,4141 GOVT: N SUPP; N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC; R-3 / COMMENTS: REF: H-69138 it it # it 1tlE if if iE it 1F if 7! -IE if it �lF it'k i!-k ik it if if -k �!t'R �%� ie if i! if �E iF it iE 9F i! it ## it if it i! iF # it ## k-M iFlt-1f jF if ik �t a! jf 1E� i!-k iP ### 1F ## if lk # it i!� iF * Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAZN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BOILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN AEAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING P.EQ: PROV; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > %fE iF iE ih iElE if 3E if iE iFlf if fE iF it i! iE �! iE!! k!! iF fE i(� if 3E #!t iE iE if iE iE �)E fE iE 1t if it iE fE iE iF ft ff i! iE i! fE ftlf iE 1E �If ff i! ff iE 7f it if iE iE iF i4 if iE iF if iE iE.1c 3E iE iE iP D E V E L O P M E N T S E R �' I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED HY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �.� DaTs: � S' Y iEiEiEifififitikiF#'�iEiEiEkiEiEitiElE9FiFifiFiFiF7F{ti'tiETF��FiF� < ±FiFiFiFti�FiFhi�iF�tl�FitiF�iF3FiFiEik?tiEif-*iEihiliE �r xrt# iE if if iE jF 9f fE fF � iF jE 1E iE 1E iE iE i! if !E �E fE %• iF if if iF iE 1F 3E if ff iE iE iF if iE if iFlE it i6 if iF jE iE ff iE �F iE if iE iE �f if iE iE iE if �1(� �f iE iE iE if 1f if iE iF iE �14 iE iF iF iP iE iE 1t iE fE LEGALIZATION:N F E E -S A M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/AES GRADINC PERMIT 7 00 - PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> TOTALS----> 25R 20,00 PERMIT ISSUE 7.00 20.00 PLAN-CHECK TOTAL 0,00 27.00 SMIP/NON-RES PAID DUE 27,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: � 27,00 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 2%.�Q !E iE it iE 1E if fE 1E fE iE iE it # iF if� af iElk itlt i! 1f iF if iE iE if iE 1E ff 1E iE iF iF i(� iE i4l1� if iE If it iE ff !E iE �M if it #!f 1f !f tE iE 9(- i4 iE aF i1� # 1f iE i! iE if ih'1E iE if i! if * 1E iElE ft jE if I N D I V I D U A L F.E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 SWIMMING POOL 7,00 7,00 END OF FEES 01 GOib90i2-OQ159022 T� Y 27.OQ DATE� SO/OS/9� TIHE: 14:40 PG & SPA CONSTRUCTION AND PLA(JNWG � � . > APPROVALS Permit# - �ate ', Inspecror qppROVALS Permit# Date Ipspettor 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. $oit Pipe-Undrgrnd. - 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Eleciricat Conduit Utifity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms . 4. Eiectrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcemenc 56. Rough Plumbing & P�essure Test Q�� C�' 6. Electrica� UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVALTO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Eleetncal Condwt�Undrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrntl., Test VD�l3 -.14- 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, C Undrgrnd. 70. Structura� Floor System 67. APPROVALTO DECK 11. Property Sewer �ine & House Connection 62. Backm�ash & ReceprorFinal r t2. Sewer CaP ' �� 3� t� � 63. Heater & Vent�Final la �L_ _ r 13. Roof Dra�ns 64. Plumbing System - Final /AaJ Y=� J 74. Rough Plumbing - 65. Electrical�Final 15. Rough Electrica6Conduit 66. Solar System�Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough W��ing Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS F�NAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT, REQUIREMENT 20. Rou9h Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground HyAro 22. Ducts, Ventiiating 77. Product Piping �lGas ❑O�I 23. Gas P�pe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Underymd. Storaye Tank O Gas ❑ Oil Z5. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead HYdro 26. T�Bar Ceiling �Structural� $ Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Orywail Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plasrer Brown Coat J9. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electricat Power Meter�Finai 8Q. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finai Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Condrtioning - r �; l�-l�-�9-��r�wp a� 35. Final Gas PiPe-Test ' ' �� _ � �� �G�_ � y � i� 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Finat FactorV Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing � 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Serv(ce-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation Sysiem 45. Sound Atienuation 46. Handicap Regu4ations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING ' 49. Electric pelease to Edison ''/ 50. Gas Retease to Southem California Gas Co '-' �_ 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Dace PNOJECTROONESS: z84 PACIFIC CREST DR owxenseame: xARBINGER HOMES, INC, � ��noosess: N�B PROy�660RY DR WEST RHCN/ENGINEFfl: flEG.NO.: UNIT: AODflE55: UNIT: 7EHMITTEE: BAC LANDSCAPZNG ZNC. (714)$51-1171 2691 RICTHER AV 124 aooxEss: I R CA 9 2 714 LILENSEU CONiR�LTOP OECIABRTION: I hereEy attirm Ilw� I am IicBnSeG unC2r O�ovi5i0n5 0� CAapler 9(commencinp wilh Sec�ion 7000� of Drv' 7 I usiness an0 Pmle56i C and my hcense rs i fuu.lorcq a e ellett d�i�i��i �+i051°�i�fo — , �.— i t.nP�� 3/95 CITY UC.: /y STpTE LIC.: C Date: _�0 � � � `� Sipnature: — W08NEB5' COMP N$RTION OEClABR710N: I AereOya t�ai I have a ceniliwte ol consent lo sell-insure or a ce i¢ate ol Workers' Compensatlon ins�niel6c a'�umiea coov tnereoi (Section 3eoo. �ao. 0.7 / z 5/ 9 5 Poucv xo.: FARMERS I NS , E%P. OATE: COMPANY: X ❑ Cenilied coDY �s �ereCy fumis�ed. ❑ Cenifietl coDY � ile0 vnt� ciry Bui10' Oivision Oa�e: /T � / % p-0Pliwnt E%EMPTION FNOM WOPKEflS' COMPENSITION OECUIIATI (ilus seciim ned rot Oe wmpeteG il ihe one � �5100� ar less�. I certity Itwl in t�e pedOrmance ol t�e work lo� wl�ic� t �ermii a i5sue0. I sliall noi employ any p¢rsOn in any mann¢r so as �o �ewme suojecl lo Ihe Workers' CAmoe�tion LawS ot Calilomia. Oate: Sgnature: NOTICE: I�. alier maitinq IN5 4etWntion, }rou 51ioNE Uecome SUGjCti Io ��e WadeR' Campensition provi5bn5 0l IAe LaOar CoE¢, you musl lotllrxith comON ��� Sucll D�ovisians or tN5 permii shall �e E¢lmeE tevokeC. CONSTBUCTION LENOING RCENCY: I nereCy afiirm that tnere is a wnstmc�ion IenUinp aqe�y lor t�e Detlormance ot the work lor wnicn inis permii is issue0 IStttian 3W7, Civ. CI. LENOEN: ROOPESS: OWNEP BUILOEN OELLABR710N: I hereby atlirm t�at I am exempt Irom i�e Cantradars' Siaie License Law tor the followinA �easan (Section 703L5 Business and Prolessional Coae: Any ciry ol wuniy w�ich reQuiru a Dermit lo constmct, alter, imD�ove, tlemolish, or repai� any slmcture. D�ior to its issuance. also reQuires ihe aDolicant for sucn permit Io file a sipne0 statemenl ihat he/sne is Iicense0 pursuam to ine pmvisions ol I�e Comracmrs' S�a�e License Law (C�ap�er 9(commencinp wl�� Section 7000) ot Oivision 3 0l t�e Business antl Prolessions CoOe) or iha� �e/s�e is exempt t�erelmm an0 t�e Oasis for t�e alle0e0 eKemD��on. Any violation oi Sec�ion 7031.5 by any aD�licant lor a permit suhjecis ��e appliUnt to a ciWl Denalty ol nol more tlWn live hunEreO tlallars (5500). I, as owner ol tne O�oDeny or rtry employea vntn waqes as tAeir sde com0ensation, win Eo the work, anA �ne ❑ simcwre is not imenaea or oaerea for sale (Sectron 704d. Busineu and Pmlessional COEe: The Coniractors' State license Law aoes no� apply la an owner o� a D�oOeny w�p GuilEs or imprwes i�ereon, an0 w�o Ooes sucll wOM AimselV�ersell or tAmupA �is ar Aer awn employees, provkeE �lut such improvemems are not intenEM or ollere0lor sal6. II, however t�e builGinp or imOmvement i5 SOIC witNn One yBar ol [ompletim. I�e awner will hav¢ 1�! Dufaen ol D�ovinp �US�B Oi0 not Ouiltl or imprOve lor Ine oWoose ol satel. i, as awner ol t�e pmpeny. am e�clusively conUacfinp witA Iicense0 mntractors to crostmct I�e Dmlect (Sectlon 704d. Business ❑ and Pmlessions CoOe: TAe Cantractors State Liume Law Gces not appty io an owner al D��rty� bml0s or imprmes tAerean anG wno canlracts lor sut� Orqecis wit� a comraclaqs) Gteme pursuam to I�e Contraciors' Staro Ucense Law). I am aware IAa� o��� o� ��eir Wotker's CAmp¢nSatWn insurante snoula Ge p�m40ea lo me. � I am exemD� unOer Seclion: B. 8 P. C. lor tnis rea5on: Oaie: Owner. I tlo here�y cenity ihat I am aware ol ana unaerstana ine reaviremenis al Calilornia Healih ana Salery CoOe Sections 25505. 25533, antl 2559a anG I�al I or any tuwre Guilainp occupant v�IVvriO not (Grcle ane) nee0 to compty wiih saiU siate wGes and ihe reQuiamenis for a permil lor consimction o� mOGification Imm I�e Air Ouality Managemeni Di9rkt. fleYEenlul Con9Nction appliWtions are erempt fmm I�ese pmvisions. Oaie', ApplicanL I h¢re�y cetliW Ihai I have rea0 ��is apPlication and 51a�e Ihal Ihe a�ove in�Drmaii is tartet�. I a0�ee IO tomp� i�� ail ci�y an0 Counly or0inanceSanUSlalelaxsrelatingloUuilaingconstru[IionanG�ere�yaulhori¢er senln�iveSOlthiSciryloenie nihea6ove�memioned pwOe��Y �orinspeqion Durposes. �a1e'. � � � Oriver'S License or Social $ecunly �: i6at<6 wm�e—Bmbmg: Green—Coee Emorcamenc Ganary—nOD�icanc vmx—Hevenue; tioaenroo—nssessoi CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT ectcrl w�; n �o7ioy, PERMIT NO: B 069164 PLAN CHECK NO: 03766-94 L ��vi; N 5urr: i� CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE; COA7 JOB DESCRIPTION ; CONSTRUCT 164SF OPEN TRELLIS PATIO SQ FT: 164 CLAIM VALUE: 1,300.00 CALC-VALUE: 2,427,20 GROUP OCC; R-3 / COMMENTS: OPEN TRELLIS PATIO *****��*�*�x�x�*��r+���*-x--�-�r**n+�***x��t�*+r�e**�r-�r�r+�*�**#*-�*#�r����t**#� ����r*�r+��r�rx-�-��*+r�r+r+���r�**+r� 'L O N I N G R E Q U T A E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDZNG --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; 6 FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; 27 FT IN RGHT; 18 FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• 2 PROV; 2 PARCEL; 11913319 ZNE; RI REF NO: PA9456 PLANNING NdTES> 13'X13' LATTICE PATZO COVEA ATTACHED TO REAR OF EX. SF � > RESIDENCE, (REAR SETBACK VARIANCE PREVIOUSLY APPROC'ED1, +t��rir*it�t+r�r*fr�r�r�*�r*x�*it+r�#�sr*#�r�r*�x�x*�+r*#*�+t��t**+r�*�r***��r*�r�r�r*#+r�rir+r*�r�-#�r*�r**�-�r*�r�r� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q D I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED SY DATE: 4 %y BUILDING APPROVED BY : �I� DATE: � qV � APPLICATZON ISSUED HY; �� DATE;�a� Rf **frit�t*�t*ititit�riti�ftfri�it�t�titti�x��*��t*Tr'iFT+r�t+� x+r�rx�r xx�r�r�t�r�"iF�r ri'SFi��r�r��r�t�t�t�t�t�r�r* +r u�t x�+r�r+rir�r+rir�r�rir�r*�xk�x+��ir�r�ritit�it�r�ritir*�rftit**itir�rit+e�rir�tieir�r*****�**it**ir�ritit�#�riritx�x�#**�t�r+�*#* LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBZNG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 54.00 ,50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 35.10 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 54.50 0.00 35,10 $9.6(`/ 89.60 ,00 / REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 89,60d OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 54.00 ,50 35.10 itifififkitkltiFiFiFiFiFititihihiEiFiFiFiEiFitiliF'kiFi4ltilitiEltiff4ffitititkitiEiliEifiFifikiFiEifititkilltltitlEltiE#il�lt#iEitififlEitiFiFiEi!#jflt I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE ���1 QTY 164 D E S C R Z P T I O N RES—PATIO COVER—POST 6 TAELLIS END OF FEES TJNIT COST TOTAL COST 14.80 2,427.20 � 01 G0169033-OQ164�9D T G T 8?.60 DATE: .0/Od/94 TI14E: 11:46 � CONSTRUCTION AN6 PLRNNING POOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector AppROVALS Permii # Date Inspector i 1. Temporary Eleccrical Serv'�ce or Pole ' S2. Pool & Equipment Location Z. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgmd. 54. Forms 4. Electricaf Conduit-Undrgmd. 55. Etectrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforeement 56. Rough P�um6ing & Pressure Tast 6� Electrlcal UFER Gmd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE J. FooLngs . ���Lt..c�c� �(y�. 58. Electrical ConduihUr.drgrnd. 8. Foundation . � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Test 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines. P�Trap, O Undrgmd. 10. Strucwral Floor Svstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK I t 1. Propercy Sewer l'+ne & House Connection . 62. Backwash & Aeceptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Final 73. Roof Drains g4. Plumbing System - Final i4, Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Final 15. Rough Electriwl�Cqndwt 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencin9 & Access Approvai 77, Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTEflING 18, flough EfectricaFT Bar Ceifing 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEP.7S F WAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE PEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21, Ducts, in Structure 70. Under9�o�nd Hydro 22, Ducts, Ventilaung 77. Product Piping C7Gas ❑Oil 23, Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72, Underground Flush 24, Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorayeTank OGas ❑Oil 25, floof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�6a� Ceiling (Structuraq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27, Frame and F�ashing 76. Dry Standpipe 26. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finai Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Facxory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final � . , i 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42, Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound ATtenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING /,G,, .1)(./ �� [� "'i t 48, fINALP1.AiVNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release eo Southern CaliforniaGasCn 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY . No. Date ' v33 + n _ �.�T O � i Y;�-.S ( �� . _'�__ _ _' _��.� �� - ��_" `{� `�'' ='' 3� ''='_' ---- li ��`\,` ' "� _�, 1.• .1 �J � � L\\.. :\ \•' \1 . _> ;'_2 '.:! ?.;:�'. ,-a:r � --- _L_�.-_ ��_ -�- , �--- ' _ i ., ;\ 'r . \ _ '� .t'' "O V�� � �,�=5 -- ' !\ `• {.� �\ �� - �` �,\�_ . ��' oF,�u rr�cz ,ya�-� o �ti'av-�t. ���� � COSiA MESp' ° ' ` ,�-- P�4NNING R�, � � aurecr ro e�, �, �y . � ti� �\ I �: � ,i � \ � '�- DA � �o c{ r ���. \ '�'W Gf ' p. � �-' ' - f\\: �� `t--- -�\� _ �6p � 3' . 1�,'.l�.y {= �--- � �� --;=�. .��\����� �� 1 ��',��\. . — -..'��..-_..-- �._, �_„ �-\ t � � !� - 9�-56 v�>.:. �= ,- _ `r! : �.:; 4 { -- - r' j /� � 5=�,:_T �':�:',5'.' i l�- �lOTE ADDITIONS, DELETIONS, 0� CORRECTIONS SHALL BE APPROVED (3Y THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1! y �, I; ,t � , ., � " ���-i. " 6 � . `�*!r�' �- ,� � !g �.0 �:.1n. �V � lli�i�j � i ' �� �"- , `}' �__P fl ;,�"-9 ' �`� �C.\ ��. V. .��,1�, �J;) i3`�:IS` I ' T2=�;.!; � 6�1'a,fF�rton.�-2�%Ct----- �`• ��._.__ _�— I y f� ti' i -i6_ •. � -r--- �,_ ---. _ _�_---�---=- _-�- _ . _ -�;, ---- - • �� _ .=E--- --_. �' � i' � =f •. i � ) � _ _`_- -_ �s"-. -- . . � r,0• W� -----_— -_-_-- _- \I ' �: `J�:, - —� - - -- - _�-�> -- — ._.., ` _ �-------------�-. � Ur�,, 'L=�-- � .t i :i":��� � �J'�'•, DIVIS[OTMOF�sfl MESA�TY APPROVED .� .,-, - �' � ;��'�. This set of Plans and eDeuflcalkt�s� atterdlion on sa epwitlmul written end it is unlawtul to make anY d�an9 pennission hwn Ne D'rviswn oi Bu�m9 ��ery� Ciry ot Casta Mesa. The s�amping ol this plan and specificalfons SHALL NOT 6e held to pe�mIl or io bb an aDvmval ot the vialation ol am/ Pro`^�0°s of anY Ciry o� �� Mesa Ordmanee aiidlor S1ate law. These Dlans and permit shall exDire h� �im�ema nann d�t ve per UBC §30.9 ,cq wiltui 180 days of _�.. __ .,. ,, _ ..,?.- , _ ��.� i . _ r't �=�•-� =,.. ;.-', ��}' 3',_':.. �.r:.`--! ( ��, � � ;� F-'----5'-'=� _1.,,.r`.... � � � (%r �_i _ ii�;_. �'r r!l� ;f'��'-z IY. �.;, � \ . - - -A- �-� `/�f v /,') Fi ��- TG,� f ,j��y;•:..'i �a ; �i �';� � '_--.' ���mwllLL � ��� THIS NU�,�BER � ��� a --� Al � i��� � MUST ACCOMPqryy �- ,Fn,i� - --- `Ts . �� � 1 Y{�iCiaL 0���=(J I,yT I 10E Fr�r�o �vi_�� c,_-rn,i�_ _..,_�___.�____�._��__.� ,.. � __—_— I I U . �' /( /r Ir � �< ��_42 --�!�-42 ---�I , --� -- , �G. I�--- -�1----I� -J7 I—. . -- Z�r—� � - --r� i�:� - ,• , ��� ., �a JS ��2X3%Z - -4 '4 F;-LSE - � �LAG sCr.ew3 ' �/2 r=o��� �,F,-? � - T`1 P--- :— , � � U4 � � � 13.�_ I/ � � Z i 2*8 6E�,!-f-2 2*7 LATTICE ,��, ' 2%4"S�ncintG� � —2'� F.:.fTE? --�''4 PO�fS � ' L (34d r ; • : 7% ��'' '�. �' '_ __' _.__,.__'____`"' '__" _' _'- �•,� �•� -i: _J�- . � ,.-:; �- �. ��_-:- f_R�:�;�!T ELi�V,��.TICi� %'�-�%— 1;0 SCE�E --------- I�„ , ..:: i_to-;ER e�,F I I --Jil--- �----- -- --_ ---.. .- � '...':•...•.. .;'�::'�' �'�' ______"`____. 1.;�: _-__1--------- - ._ _ - - - �- SIDE FI_F���:TION � I �_------- `�i ;€)' <,��-�9 ; ib >;. � PPOJECTAUUNESS: z84 pACIFIC CREST DR owxeesNnmc: HARBIGER HOMES nooxess: 375 PROMETORY PT „� N,B, 92660 pBLM/ENGMEEN: AUONF55: flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEHMITTEE: C & C POOL5 ( 909 ) 292-7665 aooncss: 11360 CARRIE LN q LICENSEO CONTNACTOp OLRRBNT�O , VAe�yL��m thal I am licensetl unAer povisios ofC�p et r 9(commenting wilh Section 71100) ol Oivsion 3 al Ihe Busines5 and Pmlestions CoOe. and my license is in full lorce anA eHect. STATE LIC.: ClASS: � 6�44 � 3479 �`C. ,, n C�;3 Ei{P: 02/95 _ Signature: — /`.L�� .`�� � � OBKEHS' LOMPENSPTION DECLAflRTION: I her¢by aflirm I�ai I have a tertilica�e oltonsen� Io seli�insure or a certilica�e ol Workers' Compensaiion Insurance, or a certifieG coDY lhereo� (Secuon 3800. La6. C). POLICY ND.: E%P. DATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cenilie0 coOY is �ere�y fumishetl. ❑ Cenified copy is IileO wit� ihe ciry BuilAinA Oivision. Oaie: FOVlicanL E%EMPTIONFBOMWORNENS'COMPENSATIONOELLAPATION: (Thi55ec1ionneeAnotDecampleleCi�tAepermi�i5�oronehunAreO�$100)orless�. I ceNty �hal in t�e pedormance ol �he work lor which Ihis pe�w( is i55ue0. I s�all not em loy any person in any manner so as lo Eecome subietl m ihe Wo7rkers' ComppensatioQn lawrsfot Caiifomia./ /A /� � ^ ' - Date: D G L J I T Signamre. \� ��"�� v�-�--� ✓ IOTICE: II. aller making Ihis Ueclaraiion, you s�auld become subjecl Io the Warkers' Compenu�ion prONSions o� IAe La�ar CoOe. yau musl tonllwiin comply wit� such O�ovisions or t�is permit stWll De tleemetl revoked. CONS7PUCTION LENUING RGENCY: I hereby aifirm that there is a constmction IenOinA aAency tor tAe Derformance ol ihe work lor w�ich Ihis permil is issueE (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENUEfl: AODHESS: OWNEfl BWIOEfl OECLRflAT10N: I hereDy alfirm ihat I am exempl Iwm the CAniractor5' State License Law lor tne tollowinq reason �Section 7031.5 Business antl Pmfessional CoOe: Any city ol coumy which rtQuires a Dermi� Io constmcl, alter, impmve, Oemolish. or repair any simcture, prior Io ils issuance. also rtquires ihe applicant for such permil lo file a signetl slaiemen� �ha� �elshe is licensed pursuan�lolhe pmvi5ion5 O�I�e Conlraclo�s' Sla�e License Law�Chapter9�commencinp wi�h Section 7000�of0ivision 3 oithe Business ane Pmlessions Caeel or Inat helshe is e*empllherelrom an0 the basis lor the allege0 exemo�ion. Any nolation ol Section 7031.5 Dy any a00�ican� br a Dermii SUClec�s Ihe ap0lican� to a cihl penalry ol noi more �han live �unEreE dollars (5500�. I, as awner of I�e pmpeny or my empl0yees vnlh waAes as their sole compensation, will do the wofk, an0 ihe ❑ simcmre is not inten0etl or offereG for sale (Section 76aa. Business an0 Pmlessional Coae: T�e Contracmrs' State Licenu Law aoes not apDly �o an owner of a pmpeny who DuilAs or impmves thereon, an0 wno Ooes such vrork himseli/nersell onhrouAh nis or ner own emDloyees, pwvitletl t�at such improvemenis are not inlenJeO ar ofleretl for sale. I1, �awever ihe builJinA or impmvement is sola within one year ol completion. Ihe awner will have the burden ol Droving �elshe tlid not builtl or impmue � for ihe purpose ol sale). � I, as owner ol Ihe D�oOeny, am e�clusivery contracting wit� licensea cantractars ta constmct ihe prqect (Section 70Cd, Busineu ❑ ana Pm�euims CoOe: T�e Cantracmrs' State License Law Eoes not apDq to an owner ai pmperry w�o bmlas or improves ihereon an0 who conVaas lar such pmlecis witn a comractor(s�license pursuam Io IAe ConVac�ors' Slale license Law),I am aware I�al prool 0� I�eir Work¢i s Compen5alion in5urante S�ould be providetl l0 me. � I am e�empt un0er Seclion: B. 8 P. C. � for ihis reason�, Daie: Ownec I Oo nert�y cenily iN1 I am awdre of and unUe¢Wn0 Ihe requirements o1 Californu Healih ana Safety Cotle Sections 25505. 25533, anC 2553d ane Ihai 1 or any lulme bWtaing occupant wiluwill nat (ci¢le one) neea to comoly wilh saitl state codes antl ihe requiremenis lar a permit for conslmtlion�or motlil¢a�ion Imm I�e Air Ouah�y Management DisVici. FesiUeniial cons�mc�ian ap0lications are exempt �mm ��ese pmvisions. Oatel ApplicanC 1 �ere�y t¢rUly Ihal I �ave read I�iS aOoliCaiion anA S�aie ��at I�e aGove inbrmatian i5 torr¢ci. 1 agcee IO tomDN ��h all tiry anE wunly orUmancesandslalelawsrelalinglobuil4ingrnns�mclionan0� e�yaulhorae2presentaiive5 sarytoenlerupon��eaDove-mentione0 �pm0e�riy for in5peciion purpases //�� /f ^ �le' � C'� � ` � Signature: `� `� — _ v • �river's License or Social Security a: �� _-� � �-� I6at�afi Whne—BwlOing; Green—Coae Enb�cemem; Ganary—Applicanl: Pink—Revenue; Goltlenroa—Assessor ,\ CITY OF COSTA MESA — HUZLDINC PERMIT FERM NO� A OF913p PERMIT NO: B 069138 PLAN CHECK NO; 03741-94 L GOVT; N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: FERIMIT TYPE: STR PUKPOSE: OTH JOH DESCRIPTION ; INSTALL SPAL SQ FT: 8,000 CLAIM VALUE: 8,000.00 CALC—VAL[JE: 5,000.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: SPA !f fE iElE!! iE 1E iE if ik ik # 1f'if M iE iF iE iF iE iF # iE fE 1E 1E 1F i! iF ii� iE'rt 1F iF iE iE iEl41E 1E!F iE if if 1! iE 9t # if iE if tf iE 1E iE Ik iE iE if it?E ir 1! iP #'k i! k iE lE iE iE iE iE if f(� 1F iE 1E Z O N I N G A E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K 5 ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- ------- ACCESSORY BUILDING -- " --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGFiT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ; PROC�; PARCEL; 1191331° ZNE: R1 REF NO; FLANNING NOTES> Cc�NSTRUCT SPA IN REAR YARD, > iE if 1E if iF iF if 1E iE iF #�ltlF iE'�t �1E iE iF iE k'1F 1f it iE # iE ih if il� i(� iE iE iE iF if� 1Elf fk tf 9E iF i! fhlE !F iF # 1f iElF 7t 1! 1E # iE if fF 1E if it iE iFlE if ## 1E ## i! # it ihlE k+�lf # it D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY I��-11 DATE; BUILDING APPftOVED BY ; ��}/1 DATE; �� %4 APPLICATION ISSUED BY; (/J�'l � iE iE iE±E iE k iE 1E iE it it it iF it if i! iE �Ie k if ltiF iF iF � iFiFiF'iF x Tt iF it iF iF iF z iF,�3F,'F'iF rt iF'�"�tiFir irTt iE iE i! 1F ft ff jE 1E iE iF i4 fE !k k k iE if iE iF k 1! It 1E iE # iE 7f if ik ih i(� if iE iE iE iE it it iE iF it iE iE it iE it it±! iF i! iE 1k 1f LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 99,00 PLAN 64,35 ISSUE FEE TE: 1FitiEitiEihififikifitlEifiElE�i!')E�!' #ff1E#ii� STRUCTURAL SEG�ENT;Y FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMZP/NON—AES 1.66 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----� 100,68 0,00 64,35 165.03 165,93 —,9Q REC'ENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 165,93 OVER/SHtJRT; ,90 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/TOT GRADZNG PLAN—CHECK 99,00 1.68 64,35 iE ib it iE if it if iF iF jE if if iE # if iF it iF if iE if iE iE iF #' iE if 1E iE if if iE iE ik iF 1E fF iE iE iE iF it iE if !E �E iE iE iE iE it iF if aE it jE if if it �lE iP iF iE iE iF i! 1E jE iE iE iE aE i! iE it if iF if !E I N D I C' I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N SFC 8000 SPA END OF FEES UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1, � � $, � � �, � � 02 Q0169015-00269017 T Gl T :6`,?3 UpTE� 10/OS/94 TIME: 14:43 e COt"C'TRUCTION ANO PLANNWG j APp�OVALS Permit �r` � � �' 7. 7emporary Elecincal Service or Pole . z. $pil Pipe�Undrgrnd. ��.. 3. Elettrical Conduit Utility�Uridrgrnd. '. 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. . 5. Stael Reinforcement 6. Etecvical UPER Gmd. 7. Footings B. Foundation 9. NJ�ter Pipe-Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor SYstem 17. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 72. Sewer Cap 13. Raof Drains . 74. Rough Plumbinq � 15. Rough Electrica�-Condu�t . 16. Rou9h Eiectric Wiring V. Rough Wiring Sign 78. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling 19, Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 27. Duc[s, in Sttucture 22. Ouct:, Ventilacing 23. Gas Pipe•Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-9ar Ceiling (Struciural) & Monocoat 27. Frame and Ffashing 28. Lathing & Siding 29. Intulation 30. Drv�vall Nailing 31. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 33. Pinal Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Finai Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Wa[er Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. BaCkflow Preventer 43. BaGkflow Irrigation 44. Landscape frriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. F{NAl STRUCTURE & BUIIDWG 48. FINAL PIANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Retease to Souther� Califomia Gas Co 51. CERT�FICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date Date � r� � e a/ rn/ ( Inspector `� qpPROVALS Permit # 52. Pool & Equipmenc Locacion �B.(� 53. Steei Reiniorcement �p��i 54. Forms ��-r� 55. Electrical Bonding 56. Rough Plum6ing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVAL 70 COVER�GUNITE /�.�L i 58. Electricai Conduit-Ur,drgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrymd. 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Bockwash & Receptor�Final 63. Heater & Vent�Final 64. Plumbing Sys.em - Pinal 65. Electrical-Fina1 66. Solar SVstem-Finai 67. Fencing & Access Approval �(g- 68. APPFOVED FOR P�ASTEfiING ��-,Z 69. POOL/SPASYSTEPASFINAL !�-� FiRE DEPT. REQUIREME4JT APPROVALS Permit # 70. Underground Hydro 7t. ProductPipingOGas ❑Oit 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas O Oil 74. Overhead HYdro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXEO SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTN DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: Date �Insnector ..4 IYli'� PflOJECTAU0flE5S: 284 pACIFIC CREST DR OWNEP'SNAME: HARHICrER HOP9ES aooeess: ��5 PROMETORY PT N,B, 92660 AflCH/ENGINEER: RDDflE55: NEG.NO.: UNIT: uxit: PENMITTEE: aooness: C S C POOLS ( 909 ) 292-7665 1I1�360 CARRT�jIEp�LN rn q9 IICENSE� CONTHACTOP �ECWAA710N: T��by'alM1mtthall am licensea unaeYptWisioM1Yof Lh�p er 9(commencing wilh Seclion 7000) of Oivision 3 0l the Business and Pmtessions Cotle. and my license is in lull force antl ellecl. CI STATE LIC.: C1A55: 05 -1"' � 397925 . ,,C�%f E;{P: 02/95 ate'. - _ � �� � Signalure: —�� L.�1L—� (�4 A � OPNEflS' COMPENSpTION DECLABATION: I hereby a�tirm Ihat I have a tehi�iCa�e o� COnSen� to Sell-insUre or a tertitica�e ol Workers' Compensation Insurance. or a ceniliea coOY �hereo� (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. DATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cetlilied copy is hereby fumi5�e0. ❑ Certified copy is filetl wi�� the ciry BuilOinA Division. Oate: ' Ap0licanL E%EMPTION FHOM WOflNEPS' COMPENSRTION DECLABATION: (TAis section need nol be completeA i� the permtl is for one huntlretl (5100) or less�. I ceNty Iha� m �he pedormance o( Ihe wark lor which ihis permii is issued, I shall no� empl any Derson in any manner so as to become sublec� �m ��e Wo kers' CampensationCl�aws ol Caldomia. ///�/. A, �'II �/ f�ll C� � � ` Signature'. \ '� l��� � �—kout"c: I�. alter making Ihis Ueclara�ion. you 5Aou10 �ecome su�lect to Ihe Woders' Compensatian pmvisions of �he labor Coee. you must fonhwith comply witn such provisions or inis permit shall be tleemetl revokee. CONSTRUCTION LENUING FGENCY: I hereby a��irm �ha� Ihere is a constmc�ion lentling agency for the pehormance af Ihe wo�k for which I�is permit is i=suetl (Secnom3097. Civ. C). IENDEH: � NOUHESS: OWNEH BWL�EH oECNBpTION: I nereby affirm �na1 I am exempt imm the CONractors' State License Law for ihe following reason (Seciion 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessional Code: Any ciry o� counly which requires a permi� to cons�mc�, al�er, improve, demolish, or repair any slmcNre. prior Io its issuance, also requires Ihe ap0licant �or such permii �o file a signetl statemeni Ihal he/s�e is licensed pursuam to the pmvisions o� �he Conirac�ors' State License Law (Chapler 9(commencing wi�� Sec�ion 7000) ol �ivision 3 ot ihe Business ana Pmlessons Code) or Ihat he/she is eremD� Iherefmm and the basis tor �he allege0 exemption. Nny viala�ion o� Section 703L5 by any applican� lor a permi� sublec�s Ihe apDlicani to a civil penalry ot noi more �han five huntlred aollars (5500�. ❑ I, as owner of �he pmpeny ar my employees with wages as iheir sole compensation, will do ihe wark, antl the stmciure is no� intended or ol�eretl �or sale (Section 7044, Business an0 Prafessional CoOe: The Contracrors' State License Law does not aDPty Io an ownerof a propetly who builds orimD�oves lhereon, and who does such work himself/�ersetl or NrouAh his or her own employees, pmvitled Ihat such impmvements are not in�entletl or a��e�e0 for sale. I�, however �he huilding o� improvemen� is sold wilhin one year ol completion, Ihe owner will have 1he burden of proving �els�e ditl not build or impmve lor Ihe Durpose ol sale). I, as owner of �he property, am exclusively contmcting wi�h licensed conlraclors to cons�mct the pmlect (Section 7044, Business ❑ antl Pm�essions Cotle: T�e Contracmrs' S�ale License Law does noi aDPly to an owner o� D�aPenY who builds or impmves ��ereon antl who conVacls lor such projecis with a contractor�s) license pursuanl Io Ihe Con[ractors' State License Law�. I am aware �hat pmol af �heir Worker'S Compensatian insumnce shoultl �e pmvi0etl to me. � I am exemp� untler Section: 8. 8 P. C. for �his reason�. Daie: Ownec I ao hereby cenity �hat I am aware ot antl unAerstantl Ilte requiremenis oi Cali�amia Heal�h and Saiety Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, antl 25534 an4 ihal I or any IUWre bwltling occupani will/will no� �circle one) neeA to comply wiih saia s�ale cotles antl the requirements for a permn lor conSlmciion or modi�icalion fmm Ihe Nu Oua6ry Management DiSUic�. FeSideniial wn5imc�ion aDPlica�ians are exempt �mm ��ese pmvisions. Daie: Fpplicant: I hereby certdylha� I have read �his applicaiion antl s�ate thai Ihe abave in�ormalion is correcl.l agree ta comply wiih all ci�y antl county ortlinances antl stale laws rela�ing �o builtlmg constmciion an0 �ere6y au�harize representa�ives ot �his ciry lo en�er upon �he above�menlionetl o�aperiy b� inspeclian purposes. ^ �T S 4 `�' �r.u.2 _� � �-�� Signature �r'S License or Social Securily k: � 1641 a6 W�ile—Builtling; Green—Catle En�orcemenL Canary—Applicant; Pink—Revenue; GOltlenroC—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERP4IT PERMIT NO: E 069139 PLAN CHECK NC; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ELE JOB DESCRIPTION : INSTALL SPAL PFRM N(l• �' (1Fq1 �� GOVT: N SUPP; N PUP.FOSE; OTH SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE: CALC-VALUE; GROUF OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS; REF; b-69138 iF ik ih if iFif i! it iE i! if i!-k �!F it 1F i!�'k ik iF if it iP iE Y it ih 1E 9k ik'F it iF i! iF if i! ik-k iE ik it it if iE i! iEif iF',F',ti(�it ik if� if'k if ik'k # i! iE iFit �R-k Y�k� �k �?f i4-?: i! il.0 * i! �X� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S s E T b r� e x s ------------ MAIN BUILLIING ---------- --------- ACCES50RY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAA; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PRRKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO; FLANNING NOTES> > ****�-**�r*x�*�r*��**x�*�r�r�r*�r*�rx�**x�**x�*�*ic�*x�****�r�rt*t�+rx�*tt**�r***�r+�**�-�r+��r**�r*+r*r**+t*?r* D E V E L O P M E N T S� R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY , 6UILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY• "� DATE; �eS//� iEiE3E1EiEiEifiEiEiEiElElEikiEififiEihiEfE�EiFiF3F1FiF3FiF�FiF3FiF� �t�F3F?EiFiFiFiFit3F3FiFiFf—F�r� FiEif�iEjEifiEifjE9EjE ic ��j �iFEi! itiEiEifjEi:jFiEjf#iEiEiFitiEiFiEifiEiF#iEiElEiEiEiEiFifiti6ifiE1E irififififiEifitiEaEiEjEiEif3EiEiEiEif3E?E1EikiriElEiFiF'rtiriE��EjF�lEifdE/iF'rFiEiEifi(- LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTCIRAL SEGMENT:N HLDG FMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 3Q.Q0 SOx SP1IF /NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 30.00 15.00 0.00 45.00 q5,00 ,OQ REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: `�45.00 Oi'ER/SAORT; ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING FLAN-CHECK 45,00 1E iE ic i! iE iE iE if ih iE if iE iE ik iE if iE iF ik ik iE if� if ih it # iE �! jf �lE if iE it iE iF �)f iE iE i(� 1c iF �1F �f iE iE �lE iE it iE 1E iE 1E if 3f df it iE iE ik iE jE if iE jE �)E iF 9E iE iE iE iE iF iE �E �lE iF iE iE if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY ELE 1 D E S C R I P T I O N SWIMMING FOOL - IN GROUND - NEW END OF FEES UNIT COST TOTAL COST EA, 30,00 30,00 01 G016S�i3-��ti69Qis "f'GT 4`.�:; DATE: iCtn,S/94 TIl7E: 14:4Q ,, CONSTRUGTION AND PLA'NNiNG �� POOI & SPA � �� , APPROVALS Permit #� Date + Inspector APPflOVAIS Permit # Date Insp¢ctor 1, Temporary Electrical Service�or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Locat�on 2. Soil P1pe�Undrgmd. . 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical CAnduit Utility-Undrgrnd. / 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd.- - l�y,(��� /��� 55. Electrical Bonding 1 T�! � 5. $teel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrlcal UFER Gmd. 57. ANPROVAL SO CUVER�GUNITE- 7. Foot�ngs 58. Electricai Cr.nduit�Undryrnd. 8. FounCation 59. Gas Pipe, � U�drgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd. - 60. Backwash, Lir.es, P-Trap, C Undrgrnd. � 10. Structural Fioor Svstem 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 1 i. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Firai 12. Sewer Cap . 63. Heater & Vent�Einal _ 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final 74. Rough Plumbing � 65. Electricai-Final 15. Rough Electrical�Condu�t • 66. Solar SYstem-Final � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval � U. Rough Wirin9 Sign . 66. APPROVED FOH PLASTER WG 78. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEh,1S FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Aif Ca�ditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT I 20. Rougn Factcry Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # � 21. Quccs, in Structure 70. Ur.derground Hyd,o ` 22.Ducts,Ventilatin4 7i.ProductPiping'JGas COd 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72, Undergroand Flush 24, Roof Framing 73. Underprnd, Storaye i"�nk � Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 7A. Overhead Flydro ( 26. T-Bar Ceiiing ($tructurai) & Rhonocoat 75. Dry Chzmicai ' 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe � 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywail Naiiing NEALTH DEP7. REQUIREMEN7 31. Piaster Bro4vn Coat 79. PINAL INSPEC710N 32. Elecirical Power Meter�F�nal 80. FOOD CERT"IFiCATc ISSUED 33. Fnal Electric �/.,� � Notes: �� � 34. Final Heatl�g & Afr Conditioning ' �� I . 35. Ffnal Gas PiPe�Test �� 36. Hood or Canopy �� Jv ` � 37. Fi�al FactorY Fireplace 38. Final Plumbin9 � 39. Water $erviCe�Final 40. Gas Service���nal 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backfiow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Atte�uation 46. Handicap Ragulations 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING i". 48. FINAL PLANNING �'� 49. Electric Release to Edison � � 50. Gas Reiease to Southern California Gas Co !� 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Dace