HomeMy WebLinkAbout288 PACIFIC CREST DR - Building PermitsAugust 6, 1993 To: :,ITY OF COSTA ME �� CALIFORNIA 92628-1200 P.O. BO% 1200 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OEPARTMENT Building Safety Division Code En£orcement Communications Copley-Colony of Costa Mesa County Administration Office County Clerk/Bd. of Supervisors Coun'ty Registrar of 'voters County Tax Assessor Engineering Division (2) Fire Admin.-Traininq Office7r Fire Prevention File (2) Newport-Mesa Un. School Dst. (2) Pacific Bell Police Dept. - Ping. & Research Santa Ana Heights water Company Sanitary District Engineer Southern California Edison Co. Southern California Gas Co. State Board of Equalization Street Division U.S. Post Office - AIS U.S. Post Office, Adams Avenue Mesa Consolidated Water Dist. The City of Costa Mesa wishes to advise you that the following address has been changed: OLD ADDRESS 2323 Santa Ana Avenue NEW ADDRESS 292 Pacific Crest Drive 288 Pacific Crest Drive 284 Pacific Crest Drive 280 Pacific Crest Drive 276 Pacific Crest Drive Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, Ci�i.(�.l /"6'� GABRIEL ELLIOTT Associate Planner (23235NTA.ADD) C-75 cc: Kerry Smith Harbinger Homes Inc. 375 Promontory Drive West Nerrport Beach CA 92660 77 FAIR DRIVE Builtling Division Qta) 754-5273 • Cotle Enfor<ement (714) 754�5623 • FA% pt4) 556�1508 A.P. NO. 119-133-19 Planning Division (71q) 75[52d5 .�en�w ����� wu iowJ M.�y �np.�pry saiwoossr NOSNI7171M ��_ ��� � ' /� S= �'lOH �1�JN18�idH � l S�bl � �I.�/� b'c� 30N�/�1/ 1�NYYL.N15 6L�Zi � 1�no� tf �NINA, � C�m s'rA Y11 rS,A CITY OF 'F�N DSVELOPMENT SSRVSCES DEPARTMSNT CERTIPICATS QF COMPLIIINCS BY RSOI3TSRED DEPUTY IN9PfiCTOR QUNITE FOR 9WIN+@11INQ POOL , Job Addreee�g$ 1P�c,F,c �re_L Fermit No. �5�8 Owner�/�� p„ N� E-,4 Q(/��jnPr Centracto �%s TO THS DIAECTOR OF IIUILDINQt I hereby certify that continuous inapoction wes provided bq me during all placement of concrete in the sximming pool under conetruction Qt the �bove addreAe, and that sald xork compliea with the approved plane nnd �olth all applic4ble provi�imne of the Building Code. Pool 91ze 5�3 � 3acke Cement 3� Tmne 3and � Qunite � ADproa. 9d Water in _ Hand Pack Aggregate�_ZS�_ Thia ra�ort covcrs work done from �� t0 Remarka: S�w•4 L L 5,pc� —�e���� _ 2� j'S / 1) Signed ��Q,en c�.l�u•,�,��ro� Aeg-ie e e �y�uSI3i-� nqpec�'sr No. � S / , Orange Co. s[1 LA Co. ❑ Name � �ILLARD GANNAWAY 1rQd2'Q88 SUN CITY, CA 92586 �t0 �� ^�^� ._�_.��.� LA Clty p � IM.AND FC)UNDATION INGINffi2ING, INC. 1310 S. Santa Fe Avenue P. O. Box 937 San Jacinto, California 92581 (909) 654-1555 CLIEN'1': Willard GannawaY Date: September 20, 1994 '15780 Morgantown Way Sun City, California 92586 Project No. G146-002 sreorrr oF s[�ricrH �zs : r�rtar ( ) croUt ( > Concrete � > c�te ( x � Project SPA Project I,ocation 288 Pacific Crest Costa Mesa, CA Contractor C& C Poo�_s Arch.\Engr. B.C. Adams Location of Sample Floor Design Strength P.S.I. 2000 Ma�c.Size Aggregate-Inches — Source of Concrete -- Mix No. --- Ticket No. (1) Batch Size - G�. Yds. - (2) Sacks/Yard -- (3) Water Add.Job-Gal. --- (4) Water Add.Plant-Gal. __ Slump-Inches -- Air Temp.iConcrete Temp._ I.F.E. Your DA1B DATE Lab.No. No. MOLDED RECEIVED 6002 --- 09-08-94 09-14-94 Percent No. of G�linders Molded 3 Specimen Size 6" x 12" Water/Cement Ratio as Poured -- Sampled by: Willand Gannaway Sulxnitted by: Willard (',annaway DATE I..OAD AGE Cxk1PRESSIV� TESTED LBS. DAYS S'I1?ENGI'H 09-20-94 66,000 12 2335 This laboratory dat�+ indicates conformarx.� to the approved S�ecifications: YFS (X) NO () a �� � PflOJE��OHESS: OWNEB'S NAME: ' AOOPESS: DR WEST I1NIT: ,l 675-6653 PflCH/ENGINEEF: AEG.NO.: aonncss: WILKINSON & ASSOC C9�MT9 18002 SKYPARK CI PENMITTEE: IRVINE CA 92714 aooeess: BILL HELFER PLUMHING (714)248-0845 27522 SILVER CREEK DR ' SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO CA 92675 LICENSEU CONTBPCTOB OECLAXATION: I here�y alfirm Ihal I am Iicense0 under provisions o� Chapler 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000) ol �rvision 3 of Ihe Business antl Pmtessions Cotle. ana my license is in �ull force antl eifect. cirr uc.: srare uc.: 4 y 3 y � � cuss: �� Oa�e: �ll j'3 '��93 Signalure: _C_�t —_ WOflNENS' COMPENSATION UECLAPATION: I hereby allirm I�at I have a cenific consent �o sell-insure or a certiticate o� Workers' Compensa�ion Insurance. or a certifietl copy Ihereot (Sec�ion 300q Lab. C). POLICY NO.: E%P. DATE: COMPANY: ❑ Ceritlietl copy is hereby �umished. ❑ Certihetl wpy is filed with ihe city Building Division. r Date'. ' ApDlicanf. �•I E%EMP710NFflOMWOBHEHS'LOMPENSATIONOECIAHRTION: Qhi55etti0nn¢etlnal�ecompletedift�e0ermrti5branehundre4�41fq�orle55). I certily Ihat in Ihe petlarmance oi ihe work tor which �his permit is i55ueQ I shall not em0 oy any Oerson in any manne� so as b Oecome subjeq Io Ihe WoBers� Com�O{ensa�ion LawS ol Cali�omia. Date: /� %3 � /,% Signamre: ti�^� NOTILE: II, after making Ihis declaration, you shaultl become sub�ed to �. orkers' CamDensa�ion pmvisions of I�e Labor Cotle. yau must �orlhwii� comply with suc� pmvisions or Ihis permit sh e deemea revoke0. . CONSTBULTION 1EN01NC ACFNLV: I hereby alhrm Iha�ihere i5 a tons tion lentling agency for ihe petlormance oi me work for whic� Ihis permn is issued �Seclion 3097, Civ. C�. t��// LENOEfl: �/ , ROOHESS: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; P 065090 PERMIT NO: P 065040 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE; NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 1070SF 1ST FL, 1028SF 2ND FL, CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: SO1SF GARA SQ FT; GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: NEW SFR, PLAN #2B, RE:#H65011 ��,�*�***�**+��*�*�t�*�t�*��r��t*�***�t**�rx**�***+�***+��*�*****�***x*�*x*******��c**�** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > �,���������,���*������**��«*��*,���**,��***�*�*��**��*�,�,«*,���*��*�»*�*������*»*��**� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S. R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY - DATE: $OI$DING APPROVED HY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED HY; � DATE:t�I2-3� U if if iE 1E if iE iE iE iE iE iE if if i(� ik ih ik iE iE �E iP iE iFi ��Fi�iE iE if iE ic {E aF IP jE i�iF�iF�f i4 iP iE if iF 1f if ic ik i! iE iFlf if iE iE if i! if iF iF iE if iE �E if 1f 1E * iE �1E 1f iE iE 1E 1E iE iF iE if'rix iE jE if 1E if if fE 3F �f jF iE iE jf iE * fE %iF if if iE iE if fE iF l61E 1f iE jE * if if iE fE iF fE jE i4 iE + LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N �WNEPBWLDEFUECIANATION: I�ere�yafiirmihatlame�emp�imm�he(�ntrac�ors'Sta�eLicenselaw�or�he�ollowingreason BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING ',Sec�ion 7031.5 Business ana Protessional Cotle: Any ciry of coun�y w�ich requires a permi� Io constmct, alter, improve, tlemolish, or p ERM I T 1 1 2, 0 � ' repaii any stmciure. Orior �o iis issuance, also reqmres Ihe applican� lor such permit �o �ile a signetl stalemeni Ihat he/she is licensetl pursuam lo ��e pmvisions oi I�e Comrac�ors' Siate License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wi�h Seclion 7000) o� Divisian 3 of Ihe Business 2 5$ Shi I P/ NON—R ES ana Pmlessions Code� or �hat helshe is exempt ihere�mm an0 ihe basis lor Ihe allegea exempiion Any viola�ian o� Section 7031.5 by p LAN any applicam lor a.permit subjeds Ihe ap0licant lo a civil penalty o� no1 more Ihan five hundretl tlallars ($500). I S SUE FE$ 2 0, � � "�� � i, as owner al me omDeny or my emvloyees wi�n wages as �heir sole compensa�ion, will do �he work, an0 Ihe BUILDING—DIV—> PERMI"1' I$SUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE ❑ simcwre is not imenaea or oneretl mr saie (Secnon �oaa, eusiness ana amtessiona oae: me Contracmrs State License Law TOTAL S----> 1 1 2, 0 0 2 0. 0 � 0. 0 0 1 3 2, 0 0 1 3 2. Q 0 , 0 0 Daes nol apply lo an owner oi a pmperty wlw EuilOs or improves Ihereon, an0 does suc� woB himsell/her5el� or Nrough �is or Aer own employees, providea ��at suc� impmvemenls are not in�entleai r oife�eJ for sale. I�, however �he building ar impmvemem is soltl wiihin one year o� compieiion, me owner will have �he bumen ot pmving he/she di0 no� buile or imprave REVENUE D Ij72 $ ION TOTALS--> COLLECTED : � 13 2. 00 OVER /SAORT : , 00 mnneoumoseoisaie). BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC M$CHANIC FIRE SMi,�?/ rtT�;['�!T Gf��n•I�7, ry^ �pT+ 8 CHECjC I. as ownerofthe properry, am exclusively contracling wil� licensea con�rac�orslo conslrucl��e prolect(Section 7044, Business 1 3 2, Q � �= u�'+�7 �� t�S`UG �•� t�lu 1�-�� � 02 , Q� ❑ antl Pm�essions COAe: The Comrac�ors' Sia�e License Law tloes nol aDDly Io an owner oi Dmpeny who builtls or impmves Ihereon ' DNTG � 1 I� :4/4o TI�iF: j j; �r anawhoconlraclslorsuchprolectswilhaconlrac�or�s�licensepursuanitatheContraclors'S�a�eLicenseLaw�.lamaware ,K„K,�,*,�*,K,*,*,�,K,*,**,�,�„K„�,K,*�„�,�***,�,�,�,*„�„%*,***,********,�******,**,*�******************�***** thal prooi ot I�eir Worker'S Compensation insurance 5hou10 �e pmvidetl lo me. I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N � I am exempt untler Section: B. 8 P. G. mr �nis reason: TYPE QTY Daie' Qwner I do hereby wrlify Ihat I am aware ot antl untlersland Ihe requiremen�s of Califomia Health and Salery Code Sections 25505, 25533, anA 2553a antl Ihat I or any lulure Cuiltlmg occupanl wilVwill nol (circle one) nee0 to comply with Sald state codes and Ihe requiremenis �or a permit lor cansimc�ion or motlilication Imm Ihe Air Oudlily Managemenl District. ResiOeniial conslmc�ion applications are exempt Imm these pmvisions. oate'. AOP�icant: IheieDy cetlilyihal ihave rea0�his applicaiion and s�ale I�atthe above inlarmalionis correcL lagree to camply vnlh all cily antl counry orelnancesana s�a�elawsrela�ingto butltling constmciion and �ereby aNhorizerepresenta�ives o��his ciry�o enteruponthe abave�men�ionetl properly �ar inspeclion ourposes. o�JA ' (� Oale'. _ f__l—fr���— — SignaNre: �l/1�f�l� — _,� � � Oriver's Liwnse ar Sociai Securiiy : t6a��46 W�i�e—BuilDinq: Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl; Canary—Appli ant: Pink—Revenue: Golaenroe—Assessor 1\ PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU PLU FLU PLU PLU PLU 2 1 1 1 1 9 3 1 1 2 1 D E S C R Z P T I O N BATHTUB DISHWASHER LAUNDRY TUH OR WASHER' SHOWER SINK, KITCHEN � WASH BASIN � WATER CLOSET (TOILET) - WATER HEATER AND /OR VEt1'I' GAS PZPING SYS OF 1 TO 4 OUTLETS GAS PIPING SYS 5+ OIITL—PER OUTLET GAS SERVICE UNIT COST 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 5.00 1.00 7.00 TOTAL COST 14,00 7.00 %.QD %.�� 7.00 28.00 21.00 7.00 5.00 2.00 7.00 "'CONSTRUCTION ANp PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # � t. Temporary Electrical Serviceor Pote 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. C "{ 3. Electricai Conduit Utility�Undrgrod. _ j 4. Elecirical ConduiFUndrgrnd. � <: i 5. Steel Reinforcemert . ,. ,' 6. Electrica! UFER Gmd. - 7. Footings 1� 8. Foundation . � � �. 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. , ' r __ ', 10. Structural Floor 5Ystem 7 7. Property Sewer line & House,'F;�nnecti� f 12. Sewer Cap � � ♦I• 73. Roof Drains � 74. Rough Plumbing 75. Rough Elecvical-Conduit i6. Ro�ghElectricWiring 77. Rough NJiring Sign 18. Rough Electricai-T �ar Ceilina 79. Rough Heating & AGr Cond�tioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test � 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T•Bar Ceiling (Structuraf) & hAonocoat 27. Frame and Plashing � 28. Lathing & Siding 29. {nsuiation 30. Dry�vall Nailing 31. Plaster Brown Coa: 32. Eiectrical Aowar Me:er-Final 33. Fina! Electric 34. Finai Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Finai Factory Fireplace � 38. Finai Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preve�ter 43. Backflow irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING 48, FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison , 50. Gas Retease to Sou?hern Califor�ia Gas Date Date lnspector POOL & SPA APPROVAIS Permit # 52. Pool & Equipment locat�on 53. Stee! Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electricai 8onding 56. Rough Ptumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas P�pe, O Untlrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash L�nes, P�Trap ❑ Undrgrnd 61. APPROVALTODECK 62. Backwash & Recep.orFinal 63. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Plumbing System � Final 65. Efectrica6Final 66. So�ar System-Finai 67. Fencing & Access Approval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEMSFINAL FtRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit # 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product Piping � Gas J Oii 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergmd. Srorage Tank '-.J' Gas ❑ Oil 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Che;nicai 78. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTENi FINAL 78. F{RE PREV. FINAL HEALTN DEPT. RE�UIRE(vtEN7 79. FINAL 1NSPECTION 80. FOOD CERT(FICATE ISSUED Notes: Date � (nspector 0 � PHOJE:�OHESS: OWNEfl'S NAME: � ADDflESS: �' AFCHIENGINEEfl: AOOflESS: 't PEBMITTEE: aooaess: NEG.NO.: uxrt: UNIT: LICENSEO CONTflNCTOB UECIAHpTION: I hereby alfirm Iha� I am licensed untler pmvisions oi Chap�er 9(commencing wiN Seciion 7000) ol �ivision 3 0l I�e Business antl Prolessions Cotle, antl my license is in full lorce anA e�fect. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: C1A55: Oate. SignaWre'. W08NEflS' COMPENSATION OECLABATION: I here�y a��irm I�ai I have a certihcate of consen� ro self-insure or a cetlilicate ot Workers' Compensation Insurance, ar a certifietl copY �hereol (Section 3800, Lab C�. POLILY NO.: E%P. �ATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cemfied copy is here�y fumishetl. ❑ Ceriilied caDY is liled with the ci�y Building �ivision. Oate'. Applican�: EXEMPTIDN FROM WONKEPS'fAMPENSATION OECIANATION: Qhissttlion need n0�be com01¢tedil�he permi�is�orOne hunOreA�5100�ot1e55�. I certtly Ihat in Ihe perbrmance o� the work lor whicA �his permil is i55ue415ha11 not employ any person in any manner so as to become sublect lo ihe Workers Compensa�ion �aws o� Califomia. Oa�e: Signature: NOTICE: IL afier making ihis declaration, you ShoWd become su�leci ta �he Workers' Compensa�ion pmvisians ai �he Labor COUe. yau mus� fo�hwith comply with such provisions or �his permii shall Ue OeemeO revoked. CONSTBUCTION LENDING FGENCY: I �ere�V al�irm Ihal �here is a tons�mctian lentling agency lor �he perlarmance ot lhe woB �or which Ihis permn is i<suea (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEH: RO�flESS: _� OWNEfl BUILOEB OECLAflFTION: I hereby atbrm Iha�l am exempifwm Ihe Contracmrs' Slate License Law forthe following reason �Secnon 7031.5 Business ane Prolessional Code: Nny city al couniy which requires a permit to constmct, al�er, impmve, demolish, or repair any SVudure. priar Io iis issuance. alsa requires Ihe applicanl lor such permit to file a 5igneA statemen� Ihat he/s�e is licensetl puauam �o Ibe pmvisions ol I�e Comracmr5 Sia�e License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000) o� Division 3 0l Ihe Business antl Pmiessions Code) or Ihai he/she is eaemp� ��ereimm and Ihe �asis lor ��e allegeU ezempiion. Any violation a� Section 7031.5 by any applican� lor a permi� suDlecis ��e applican� Io a civil penal�y o� not more Ihan live huntlretl tlollars ($500�. I, as owner of Ihe D�oDerty or my employees wiih wages as Iheir sole compensa�ion, will do the wark, anU �he ❑ simcture is no� imende0 or oflered br sale (Semion 704a. Business antl Professional COAe: The Contracbrs' S�ate License Law tloes nol appty to an owner ol a proper�y wha �uilds or impmves iherean. and w�o does such work himself/herself or Mrough his or �er own employees, pmvidetl �ha� such impmvemenis are nol inten0ee or otlere4 br sale. I( however ��e builtling or impwvemenl is sold wi�hin one year ol com0�e�ian, Ihe owner will �ave Ihe butden of pmving he/s�e aid nol 6ui10 0l impmve lor ihe purpose ol sale�. I,as owneroll�e propeny.am exclusively can�racling wilhlicensed con�rat�arslo constmcllhe Orolec��5ection 7044, 6usiness ❑ and PrOfe55i0n5 COOe: The ContraCiors' Stale License Law Ooes noi apply �o an owner o� pmpeM who Uuilds o� impmves lhereon antl who contracts lar such pmlects wi�� a contracior(s)license pursuan�to t�e Contraclors Siale License Law),I am aware Ihai pmof ol Iheir Worker's Compensa�ion insurance shoula be Omvi0e4 b me. � I am exempl unaer Seclion'. 8. 8 P. C. lor Ihis reason: Daie: Ownec I do �er¢�y ceni�y Ihat I am aware Of and underS�anA �he reQuiremen�s o� Calitomia HeaIN and Safery COtle Settions 25505, 25533. an0 25534 an4lhai I �r any fulure �udaing occupant willlwill nol (circle one) nee0 m comply with saia state cotles and �he requiremems lar a permit lor con5imciian or moUAica�ion imm Ihe Nir Oualiiy Managemen� Di5Vic1. Residen�ial constmction applications are exempt �mm mese pmvisions. Oa�e: Applicanl' I hereGy cetlily ihat I have rea01hi5 apDlicalion antl s�a�e �hai Ihe ahove in�orma�ion is wrrecl. I agree b comply with all ciiy and counry orAinances anA siatelawsrela�ingla butlding conslmciion ana hereby authorize repreSenlaiive5 o�ihis ciryto enterupon�he above�menlionetl pioperiy lonnspection purpo5e5. Oaie: Signalure: Driver's Gcense or Social Securiry w: 1641 n6 Whne—Butldmq; Green—COde EntorCemenl: Canary—AOOlicant; Pmk—Revenue; Goltlenmtl—Nssessor PERMIT NO: P 065090 PLAN CHECK NO: 04615-93 N PAGE: 2 +r***�-�r**fr***x-�**�r�r*irx-�r;�+�+ri�*�t**x�**�r**x�****i��t�t***it��t�*+�***�**i����r±�+t�r**�r�t�+��r*�r**�� TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N pNIT COST TOTAL COST END OF FEES �'LJiJf��2.�rh'IT'G. �.�4.•�il E # wi uu:51.i"s—O��=S123� "!'�sT i's_.�i0 Dhf'c: 1.!?4/�^a TIMt: 1`:17 �ONSTRUCTION ANDPIANNiNG / APPROVALS Permic� I 7. Temporary Electnral Service or Pote 2. Soil Pipe-U�drgrnd. ', 3. Electrical Co�duit Utility�Undr9md. ', 4. Electrica! Conduit�Undrgrn�'. '�, 5. Steei Reinforcement '� 6. Electncal UFER Grnd. 7. Foovngs u 8. Foundation 9. Water P�pe�Undrgmd. 10. Scructurai F1uor SysEem t t. Property Seraer �inc & House Go�nection 12. Sewer Cep 73. Roof Orains 74, ftough PI�m6�ng 75 Rough Electrical-Contluit 16. Rough Electrit 4Viring 77. Rough 4Vinng Sign 18. Rouyh Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heating & Air Condiiioning 20. Rou9h Factorv Fireplace 21. Ducts, in Structure 22. DucYs, Ventilatin9 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 24. Roof Frami�g 25. Roo* Sheathing 26. T•Ba� Ceiling (Struciural� & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. Lathing & Siding 29. InsulaLon 30. Drywall Nai(ing 31. Plaster 8rown Coat 32. Electrical Power Meter�Fi�al 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Finat Gas Pi�e�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. F�nai Factory Firepiace 38. Finai Plumbing 39. 4Nater Service�Final 40. Gas Service-Finai 41. Solar pomestic-�inal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irngation 44. Landscape irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Ha�dicap Regulatians 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUI�DING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem Caiifomia Gas 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date POOL & SPA Date inspector AppROVALS Permit # - 52. Pool & Equipment Location , . 53. Steel Rei�forcement � 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bonding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNi7E . - 58. Electrica( Conduit�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 60. Backwash Lines,P-Trap,� Und:grnd. 6t. APPROVA� TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 63. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Plumbing System - Finai � 65. Electricai-Final 66. Solar System-Pinal 67. Fencing & Access Approval 68. APPROVED FOfl PLASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEMSFINAL FIflE DEPT. REQUIflEMENT APPROVALS Permit # 7Q. Underground Hydro 71. Product Piping O Gas O Qii 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storage?�nk O Gas ❑ Oii 74. Overhead Hydro 75. Dry Chemicai 76. Dry Standpipe � 77. FIXEDSYSTEMFINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINRL INSPC-CTION 80. FOOD CERTIPiCATE ISSUED Notes: •ZS Date �inspector 0 PqOJECTAUUFESS: 28g pACIFIC CREST DR owxen'sxaMe: HARBINGER HOMES aooqess: 28S pACIFIC CREST C,M. 92626 IINIT: qpCH1ENGINEEB: BERNARD j{j��i$ BEG.NO.: CZ��,H3 AOOflE55: 11O2Z ACACIA PKWY PEFMITTEE: C,M, CA 92640 aooness: C& C POOLS ( 909 ) 242-7665 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO C�ALLEY CA 92555 IICENSE� CONTBRCTOB OECIAFATION: I �ereby aBirm Nal I am IicenSeE undei provisions o� C�ap�er 9(commencing with Sec�ion 7000� o� �ivsion 3 0l ihe Business and Professions Code. an0 my license is in �ulliorce anA eitect. cj�� 061993 STATELIC.:39-��fi' �yyss. 5�2/95 �ate� �' Signaiur ' � �� b�tl�HEPS' COMPENSpTION OECIABATION: I hereby a um ihai I have a cenilicate of consem m seli-insure or a cenificate of WOBers' Compen5aiian Insurance. or a ceriiliea copy thereo� (Sec�ion 3800, lab. C�. POLICY NO.: E%V. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cetlified copy is hereby lumished ❑ Cetlitietl copy is file0 with Ihe city Building Oivision. Oaie: � ApPlicant E%EMPTION FflOM WOHKEXS' COMPENSATION OEClAf1ATI0N: �This se[Gan nee0 nol p@te0 if the Oermi� is�or one hwMred (5100) or less�. I cetlily Iha� in �he petlormance ol �he work for w�ich �his pe 5 i55ueU. I sha o}� ploy any person in any manner so as to become sub eci � WorkerY Compen Iion Laws ol Califomi � //� I�A/�� t Dal �r - SL� � � � Signa�ur : L/' � NOTICE: If, a��er making Ihis Oeclaralion, you shou �ecome subjecl �o �he Wofkers' Compensation provisions of �he Labar Coee, you must lohhwiin comply with such pmvisions or t�is permi� shall be tleemea revoketl. CONSTNUCTION LENDING AGENCY: I hereby aflirm �hatthere is a consiruc�ion lentling agency Por Ihe performance o� the workfor which �his permit is i=suetl (Sec�ion 3097, Civ. C�. LENDEfl: � AOOPE55: OWNEP BUILOEB DECLANA7ION: I here6y aflirm that I am eKempt imm the ConVactars' State License Law lor the following reason �Seciion 7031.5 Business and Pro�essional Code: Pny city ol couniy which requires a permi� m mnslmci, aller, impmve, demolish, or repair any siructure. o�ior to i1s issuance, also reQuires ihe applican� lor such permit to fite a signed statement ihat ne/she is Iicense0 pursuam lo ihe pmvisions ol �he ConVacmrs' Slaie License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing with Section 7000) o� �ivision 3 0� Ihe Business ana Pmfessmns Catle) or ihat he/s�e is exempt iherefmm antl ihe basis for Ihe allege0 exemptioa Pny violation of Section 7037.5 by any applicani tor a permit sublecls �he applican� �o a civil penalry af no� more [han five huntlre0 tlollars ($500). I. as owner of Ihe pmpehy or my employees with waBes as �heir sole compensa�ion, will tlo �he work, and the ❑ slmcWre is not in�ende0 or oilere0 for sale (Section 704a, Business antl Pwfessional Cotle: The Contracmrs' Sia�e License Law Ooes not apply �o an owner al a pmperty wha builtls or impmves �hereon, and who tloes such woB himself/hersel� or thmugh his or her own employees, pmvidetl �ha� such improvemenls are no� intendetl or offereU lor sale. It, however the builtling or imOmvemen� is soltl within one year o� completioq �he owner will haue ��e burtlen ot pmvinA he/she Uitl no� 6uiltl or impmve for the purpose al sale�. • I, as owner of I�e Omperty, am exclusively contrac�ing wii� lic¢nsed conVacrors to consiruct �he pmlect (Section 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmfessions CoUe: T�e Comractors' Slate License Law tloes nat appry to an owner of pmperry who GuilJs or impmves thereon and w�o conVac�s �or SUCh D�Olet�s wiih a tOntrac�or(s) Iicense pursuanl �0 ��e Con�faCtors' $�afe Litense Law). I am aware �hai pro0f o� �heir Worker'S Compen5a�ion inmrance Should be pwvi0e0 to me. � I am ezempt untler Seclion: B. 8 P. C. br�his reason. Oate�. Owner: I tlo nere�y cenify tha� I am aware of antl untlers�antl the reQuiremenis o� Cali�amia Heal�h anU Safery COUe Sections 25505, 25533, and 2553i antl ihat I or any IUWre �uiltling occupant wiluwill not (circie one) nee0 lo comply with saitl state cotles ane ihe requirements tor a permil for constmclion or motlilicaiion �mm I�e Air Oualily Managemeni Oi9ricL ReSiOential consVuc�ion aDDlications are eeempt �mm inese D�ovisions. Oa�e: NpP�iwnC I here�y cetlity Ihai I have reatl t�is applica�ion antl Sla�e �hat Ihe above in��rmaiion is correcL I agree to comply with all ciry and caunry ortlinances antl sta�elaws relatingto �utlding cons�mciion an eby aulhoriierepresenla�ives aflhis cilyto enieruponthe above�mentioned propetlY �or mspectian purposes. �//JJj� Ie'—���5�^�i� Signa�ure —/L�GI V/C�•{��• nver's �icense or Sociai Securiiy x: 164t-a6 `/�'hite-9uiltling�, Green—Cotle Enlorcemenl; Canary—ApplicanC Pink—Revenue: Goltlenrotl—Awessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; E 06869 PERMIT NO: E 068690 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE; CON JOB DESCRIPTION : CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA SQ FT: CLAIM VALQE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REE: H-68689 x��r*x�*x�+�+�*+r��r+r**x�***x�**x�**x-�r**x�*�rx��r*+r*i��r**+t**�rx�**�r*+�*+�x�*�*x�+�**+�**�*x��**�r+r+�+r*ir*�* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > **��r*ir*�r*�r+r�r*�r****+�**�t*x�x�x��rx�*x�x��r�r*'x�+t**�r+r�t+�+r+�+�**�r*i�+r**�-*****�rx��r�r**i�x-*�t�ri��**x*�r** D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED HY , BUILDING APPROVED HY : APPLICATION ISSUED HY: � iE k if 1F if if iE iE iE iE iF 1E 1Elf fE it k M it if if iE 1E 1! iE 1E 9E fE iE iE iE it iE iE iElE iE 1h iE i! it iE iE iE ik iE iE M iF aE fE iE iE iE �E iE iE iE iE if iE if iE �! if i6 if iE �E iE iE iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 30.00 .SOR DATE: DATE: iF iE iF iE iE iE iE iE iE iE iE if it ik if 1f ik iE i6 iE iE i! if ik it STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 30.00 15.00 0.00 45.00 45,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 45.00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 45.00 � 1E iElE k ftlE iF iE iE iF i! if 1E 1E fE iE 1E �f if jElE 1E 1E �f ik 1F 1F 1f if iE if fE iE 3E 1F fE 1E 1E 1E fE fE f! fE iE if �f �f iE �f ft i! ik iklF if i! ik if iF iE iF i! M 1f iE 1f if !k if if iE it iE iE iF it iF k 1E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY ELE � D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1 SWIMMING POOL — IN GROUND — NEW EA. 30.00 30.00 END OF FEES D ��'� � C� pUG � 01994 ��y. OE COSTA M� 3 CONSTRUCTION AND PLAfJN{NG POOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit�F Date Inspector APPROVAIS Permit?� Date Inspector' 1. Temporary Electrical Seruice or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location � � 2. Soii Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steei Reinforcement f 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4.ElectricalConduiFUndrgrnd. �f"�j'�y/�,� 55. E�ectrical8onding - [ i 5. $ceel Reinforcemen[ 56. Rough P_Lunbing & Preqsure Test i .6. Electrical UFER Grnd. � - 5:. APPRO}� ,'`•, i'-R�GUNITE � , raY;':.p,... � � � y. T. Foo2ings --�i -�-=: 58. Electrica�ondwt�Ur,cryrnd. 8. FoundaUo� 53. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test I 9. Ih'ater Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, u Undrgmd. 10. S2ruciural Floor SYstem - 61. APPROVAL TO QECK � � 7 t. Pronerty Sewer Une & House Connection 62. Back�vash & Recepior-Final � 12. Sewer Cap � 63. Heater & Vent�Final � 73. Roof Drains � 64. Plumbing Sysiem � Pina! 14. ftough Plumbing � 85. Electrical-Final 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit � 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Anufoval � 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVEp FOR P�ASTEFING 78. Rough Electrical•T Bar Ceiling fi9. POOUSPA SYSTE :',5 FINAL � 79. Rough Heating & Air Co^ditioning PIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT ( 20. Rough Factory Firepiace .. . APPROVALS • Permit?F - � 27. Duccs, in Structure, �0. Underground Hydro � I 22. Ducts, Ventilating � . 71. Product Piping O Gas '�i 0il � 23. Gas Pipe�f2ough & Test : . 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing � , � � .• 73. Underyrnd. Srorage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil' � 25. Rooi $he2thing � � . 74. Overhead Hydro I - I 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structuraii & Monocoat . 75. Dry Chemicai 27. Frame and Flashing �' , 76. Dry S2andpipe � 28. Ca.hing & Siding . � .- 77. FIXED SYSTEA9 FINAL ' � 29. Insufation � 78. FIRE PREV. Fi�!AL ( 3Q. Dryt�rall Nailin9 � � ' HEAL7H DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaste� Brown Coat � Zg, FINAI INSPECTIOi�' � i - 32. Electrical power Meter-Pinai / � /� /J 80. FQOD CERTIfICr:Tc:iSSUED �� �� 33. �inal Electric , �f�/�JQ'({ : /j�/fi,eF- Notes: Q_���/ -�y,� �M,��^„� ('..l1- S-� � i �!'�r� �" ! 7 �.,., � ..y �... � ct/l� -i 34. Finai Neating & A�r Conditioning f , , V ' 35. Finai Gas Pipe-Test - , -^ -:,E.1.= , +a,_: -. _ �yr. 36. Hood or Canopy ' I � _,�,.��- 37. Final Factory Fireplace � � . '� � . � ' _�__ ._T-� -___._._. � 38. Final Plumbin9 I 39. Water Service�Final � - 40. Gas Service-Pinal � , - 41. Sotar pomesticFinal � � ' . � 42. BackilowPrevenier - r;�_ �� i 43. Backflow Irrigatip� � �' � ' � 44. �andscape IrrigaTion System � - \ � - - � 45. Sound Attenuation � � � . -' 46. Handicap Regulations - � i 47. FiNAL STRUCTURE & BUILOING i� . ' 48. FtNALPLANNWG , � 49. Etectric Release to Edison �. ., � "" ' 50. Gas Reiease to Sauthern California Gas Co ' 5L CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ` No. Date - PHOIECTAUOflESS: 2B8 gACIFZC CREST DR UNIT: owNenseame HARBINGER HOMES aooAess: Zgg pACIFIC CSt£@'r" C.M. 92626 RHCNIENGINEEN: B ERNARD ��$ flEG.NO.: C I g� H 3 aoon¢ss: 11022 ACACIA PKWY C.M. CA 92640 PEHMITTEE: C �y C POOLS ( 909 ) 242-766� aooAEss: 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 LICENSED CONTBACTOF OECtAflATION: 1 �ereby alfirm Ihal I am licensetl un0er pmvisions o� Chapter 9(commencing with Seclion 7000) of DiNsion 3 of ihe Business antl Pmlessions Code, anU my license is in full �orce an0 eilec�. ciT/vu�c.: 6 93.— C$.i�g c 3979�p��J (/q/LASS,/Q 3 EC • 5 C / Signamre:/1 ///'_�v �`���� REflS' COMPENSpT10N OECIAflATION: I hereby afRrm ihat I have a certi�icate o� consent �o sel4insure or a rerti�ica�e of Workers' ompensation InSurance. or a cetlilie0 copy ��ereol (Seqion 3800, Lab. C). POLICY NO.: EXP. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cenifiea copy is hereby Iumishe0. ❑ Certified copY is tiled with �he ciiy Builtlinp �ivision. Oate: Applican�: E%EMPTIUN FBOM WOHNEPS' COMPENSATION OECLAPRTION: (This sedion nee0 no be comp ihe Oermit is lor ane huntlre0 (E1W) or less�. I ce�i�y Ihat m the pedormance o� ihe wark lor which Ihis per '' isSueQ I s ot DI any Oerson in any manner so as �o become Subletl I e VJ ers' 9om a io aw5 0l Calibmia �j- ff � � � i �e' o Signa�ure: NOTI : If, ailer making ihis declaration, you should ecome subiett to the WoM1erS' Compensation pmvisions of ihe Labor Cotle. you musl IartAwrth camply with such pmvisions or this permi� shall be tleemea revoke0. CONSTflUCTION tEN01NG NGENCY: I herehy afiirm that �here is a ConStmC�ion lentling agency for �he pedormanCe ot �he wOrk tor which Ihis Oermil is issued (Sec�ian 3097. Ci¢ C�. LENOEfl: p0�flE55: OWNEP BUILOEB UECLAFlpTION: I hereby aifirm t�at I am exempt imm ihe Coniractors' Sta�e License Law for ihe followinA �eason (Section 7031.5 Business and Prolessional Code: Any city of county which repuires a permit to consiNct, alter, impmve, demolish, or repair any slruclure. prior to its issuance. also requires the applicant lor such permit lo Iiie a signetl statement ihat he/she is licensed pursuant m the pmvisions ol �he ConVacmrs' State License Law (Chap�er 9(cammencing with Seclion 7000) ot Division 3 of �he Business an0 Pwlessians Catle) or ��at he/she is exempt �herelwm antl Ihe 6asis for �he alleged exemp�ion. Any violaiion of Section 7Q3L5 by any applicant for a permit subjects �he applicant to a civil penalty of not mare Ihan tive �undreA dollars (E500�. I. as owner ol Ihe propehy or my emplayees wi�h waAes as �heir sole comDensaiion, will tlo ��e work, and �he ❑ s�mcWre is na� imen0etl or olfered tor sale (Sec�ion 70a4. Business and Pro�essional CoOe: The Cantractors' Sta[e License Law tloes nol applY �o an owner oi a D�oOerty w�o Guilds or impmves t�ereon, and who does such wark himseli/herselt or ��mugh his or �er own employees. pmvided Iha� such impmvemenis are not inlentletl or oflered for sale. I�, however �he builtling or impmvement is sold within one year oi completion, ihe owner will have Ihe burtlen of pmvmg he/she dia not builtl or improve for the Ou�pose of sale). I, as owner oi ��e prope�y, am exclusively conVac�ing wiih licensetl contractars to consUuc[ Ihe pmlect (Section 7044, Business � antl Pmiessions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not appry to an oxmer oi pmDeM wha huiltls or impmves Ihereon and w�o contrac�s lar suc� pmle��s wi�� a canirac�or(5)license OurSuani to the Contraclor5' Slaie License Law�. I am aware ��a� pmo� o� their Worker's Compensa�ion insurance shauld 6e Drovidetl �o me. � I am eeemo� untler Semion: B. 8 P. C. lor ihis reason _ CZTY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; P 068691 PERMIT NO: P 068691 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE; CON JOB DESCRIPTION ; CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: REF: B-68689 ***+��t�***�r***��r****�r�***�c***�c�*+�x+�**�t�***�r*�****+�*�**�****x*���t*�***�r**�*�r*��** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------- ---- MAIN BUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BQILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV; PARCEL; 119i3319 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOTES> > • x�*x��r***�r****�r�rx-�r***x�x��r**x***+��-x-ic��r**�r*�t+��*x�+�+�**x�**�r+�*+r**x��c-*�r***+�*x�x��**+t+r�r**��-**�r D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; BUILDING APPROVED HY : DATE: � ^ ' i APPLICATION ISSUED BY: U(R,� DATE: J fEiEiEfElffEifiEiEiEjFifiEMfFiE�FlEiliEiliEiEiEiEiF ifiFiEikikl�iFiEililfFiEfEiE 3EjE ifiFiEiFiEiEiFiE iEiEiElfiEiE1liEiEiEfE '- 1!i! '-fEiE� iEif�7(�ififiEifiEiEiElEiFikiElEiFiliEfEffiElEiElffElEitiE1(�iFjEiFiE1lft1ElElElEif7EitiE�fiEiFlEiFkfE�klEiFiFiEif1ElElEiEifiEiF3EiFifdk�lEifjllfi! �ikiE9E �EiE LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A_R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC' MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRATING PERMIT 7,00 .- 25R SMIP/NON—RES PLAN � ISSUE FEE 20,00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 7,00 20.00 0.00 27,00 27,00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; �27,00 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 27.�0 � 1E iE iE 1F k iE if !f iE iE iF ik if 1F i! iE iE iE if iE fk fE 1E 1f iE 1ElE iE iE if iE iElE ff if 1E iE iE fflk iE �F ik ik ik iE fE 9!!E iF iE if iE 1E iF fE if iE fk if 1F iE iElE 1f !f if if iE 1E 1E iE if ff it ik jE iE 1E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY Da�e: Ow"ec I PLTJ I tlo here�y ceniiy ihat I am aware ol antl understan� ihe requiremenis ol Califomia Health an� Safety Coae Sections 25505, 25533, ana 2553a antl lha� I or any IUNre �uilding occupan� willlwill no� (cimle one) neetl �o comply wi�� said Slale codes an0 �he reQuiremenis tor a permit br con9mciion or motlilication �mm �he Nir �ualily Managemenl Distric�. Resitlential conslmciion aOPlications are exempt imm I�ese pmvisions. Oate: hereby cer�ily Ihai I have reatl �hi; ordinances antl stalelawsrelaiingto tl(�1q� inspe�cj�ion ^purpose _ X!� S('/C"� PP�licanl: n antl s�ale Iha� ��e above inlorma�ion is correcL I agree Io compy wi�h all ci�y and counly mslmc�ionagOyBjebyaulhoriz�present�' Sotthi5cilytoen�eruponiheabove�mentioneE oriver's License or acial Securiry a: i6<I-a6 Whne—Bmlaing: Green—Cotle Enbrcement; Canary—Applicam; Pink—Fevenue: GOltlenroC—Assessor 1 D E S C R I P T I O N SWIMMING POOL � END OF FEES. � UNIT COST 7,00 ..� 1 � � ��: � I � �� _ , jl I _i � ! •� � carr �F cosTA rn��a TOTAL COST 7,00 ` CONSTRUCTION AN� PLANNING POOI & SPA . APPROVALS Permit# � 6ate Inspector APPROVALS Permit# Date inspector 1. Temporary EleCtncal Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. . 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Contluit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Condui,-Undrgmd. 55. Electrical 8onding 5. Steel Reinforcement - r 55. Rough Piumbing & Pressu:e Tesi � 6. Electr,cal UFEN Grrid. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUN3TE 7. Footinqs 58. Efectrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. � 8,�'r�oundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgmd., Tes[ I Y 9.iNJater Pi e-Undr rnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Tra � P 9 p, � Undrgmd. � � 70, Struciural Fioor System 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 17. Property Sewer �ine & NouSeConnection 62. Backwash & Recepior�Firal 12. Sewer Cap ,' 63. Heater & Vent-Finai . , 73. ftoof Drains 64. Plumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical�Final I 15. Fougn ElectricTi�Condurt 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access APProvai 17. Rough Wiring S�gn 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough ElecLrica��T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEA�iS FINAL 19. Rough Hear,ng & Air Condit�oning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. ftough Factory Fireplace .� APPROVALS' - Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure � � � � 70, Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Venuiatin4 ' 71. Product Pipi�g O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Hough & Test 72. Underground Plush 24. Roof �raming 73. Underyrnd.Storayc7ank uGas ❑Oii I 25. Roof Sheathing j 74. Overhead Hydro � � � i 26. T�Bar Ce4ling (5irvzmral; & Monocoat � 75. Drv Chemical . ` 27. frame and Flashing I6. Dry Star,dpipe �� I 28. Lathing & Siding ' . 77. FIXED SYSTEM �FINAI. 29. tnsulation ' ; 78. FIRE PREV. FINA� 30. Drytivali Nailing '- HEALTH OEPT. REQUIREN7ENT 37. Piasrer Brov:�n Coat � 79. FINAI IfVSPECTION 32. Electr�cal Power 14eter�Final 80. FQOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED � 33. Final Elec,ric • Notes: � 34. Final Hzating & Air Conditioning =/^�`_�v_K. _ ��s 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test � ' � ' � �{C _.A1��_T_�S� _ - 36. Hood or CanopY � G���J �� y�r �_-�' Y, 37. Final FacTory Fireplace _��i/ �� _�- 38. Final Plum6inq ,S Q_ S 39. Water Service�Final � lb -5-�`f__F� �- . 40. Gas 52rvice-Pinai 41. Solar pomes[ic-Finai � �. . 42. Backfiow Preventer , � . - � 43. Backflow Irrigation . � „ 44. Landscape Irriqation System � � - 45. Sound Atienuation .. 46. Nandicap Reguiations . , , 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING .. � . 46. PINALPLANNING � �� 49. Eleciric Release to Edison � � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co �._.. 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY --� No. __ Date : _ PNOJECT A�OflE55: � ' '—''— �` ' �'T � ONIT: z owncasxaMe: HARHINGER HOMES * nooncss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N,B., CA 675-6653 APCNIENGINEEfl: WZLKINSON fa AJ�'Jr�C flEG.NO.: C9829 aooness: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxiT: IRVINE CA 92714 PEflMITTEE: BERNER ELECTRIC, INC. (714)734-3171 anoxess: 75 E, GRAND BL�7D. CORONA CA 91719 LILENSEO C TB L P EC TION: I �ereUy allirm I�al I am licensetl unUer Orovisions o� G�apter 9 mencing wit� Section 7000) of Di� - t ess antl Pmfessions COAe, antl my license is in lull force anA ellect. cirr uc.: srare uc.: 4 8 5 3 2 2 10 Oa�e: —� � Signalure: _ _ _ WOflKEfl ' COMPENSRTION OECLABATION: I here� na� I nave c�� e ol canseni to sell-insurt or a cenificate o� orkers' Comoensaiion I�su+ az�cu� g§tgn�ie� �oov �nereo� ISeaian 3900. Lab. �I z� 1 S/ 9 4 POIICYNO.: CNA INS E%P.ORTE: LOMPANY: � Cenifiea ooY �s ne �y Wmishetl. � Cerlifie0 coOY is �ile it c g OiviSian. oate: povi�c — E%EMP NFfl OBI(ENS'COMPENSPTIONOEC .(i�issecliann¢eG IGecomDleteOil�heperm�isloranehunOre��51 arless�. I certity I�al in �he peilormance ol Ihe work br I�is Oermit is issued. I ih �noi em0loy any person in any mannecso as to ame suaecl�o t�e Worker5' ComDenSaiion LaxS ol Calibmia. " Oaie: SignaWre'. NOTICE: 11. a�ter making I�is tleclaration. you shoultl become suhleci lo �he Warkers' Compen5aiion pmvisions atthe labor Ca0¢. you mu5i fori�mth comply wit� suc� pmvisions or IhiS Oermii s�all be EeemeE revakeA. � CONSTflUCTION LENUING RGENCY: I �ereby aflirm Ihat there is a tanstmction tentling agency lor t�e pedormance of ihe wOrk for which this permit is issuetl (Seclion 3097. Civ. q. n �ENOEfl: `r' ADUPE55: OWNEfl BUILOEB OECLAXATION: I �ereDy a�iirm I�ai I am ecempi trom Ihe COnlratiofs' State license Law for ihe lollowing reason �Section 7031.5 Business an0 Prolessional CoOe: Any ciiy of counry wnic� repuires a permil m constmct, alter, impmve, demolish, or reoair any s�mc�ure. prior lo ils issuance, also reQuires Ihe aD0licant for suc� permit to file a signetl statemenl thai hels�e is licensetl pursuam ta I�e o�ovisions ol lhe Comracmrs' Slaie License law (Chapier 9(commencing wilh Sec�ion 70W) ol 0ivision 3 af �he Business ana Professions Coee) or ihat ne/sne is exemp� inerelmm anA ihe basis lor Ihe alleged ezemption. Any violation of Section 7037.5 by any aOPlicantlor a permi� suble��s �he applicant�o a civil penally ot not more t�an �ive hunOreO Oollars (5500). I, as owner ol Ne D�oDetly or my employees with waAes as t�eir sole comDensation, wili tlo ihe work, antl t�e ❑ s�mcmre is not imentled or oflered lor sale (Sec�ion 704a. Business anA Pmiessional Cade: T�e Cantracmrs' State License Law does nol ap01y Io an owner ol a pmperiy who builtls ar impmves l�ereon, antl w�o tloes suc� work himsell/hersel� or Ihmugh �is or her own emDloyees, provitletl Ihat such impmvemenls are nol intentletl or o��ered lo� sale. I�, hawever �he building or impiovemen� is sold wi�hin one year ol compleiion. Ihe owner wi0 have ��e Durtlen al pmving he/she tlitl no� Guild or imOmve lor Ne purpose ol sale�. I, as owner ol I�e property, am exclusively comraciing wil� licensea conVacmrs lo consimc� �he D�olec� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ anA Pmlessions COUe: T�e Contraciors' State License Law does not apON �o an awner of Dropeny who builds or improves �hereon ana who coniraclsfor such pmlecls wii� a caniractor�s�license Dursuant to ��e Canlraciors Sta�e License Law). I am aware thal O�oof of their Warker'S ComOensa�ion Insurance slioultl be provitleG to me. � I am exempt untler Section: 8. 8 P. C. �or this �eason: �a�e: Owner. - I tlo �ereGy cetldy I�at I am aware o� and untle�stana Ihe Bpuirement5 0l Cali�omia Heal�h anE Satery CoOe Sections 255U5. 25533, an0 25534 antl tha� I or any N�ure OuilOing occu0anl will/wiil not (circle one) neea lo [omD1Y wilh 5ai0 state coaes ana IM1e requiremen�s br a Oermii lor con5imclmn or motlilicalion imm �he Air Ouality Management Oislricl. Residenlial constmc�ion applica�ions are exemp� imm IhpSC plOVRI0�5. Date: Applicanl: I �ere�y ceriity Nat I hav¢ rea01�i5 aD0lica�ion antl sla�e 1 �e abov ' ation is corcect. I agree Io m ly wilh a city and counry ortlmancesanestalelawsrelating�oGuilOmgconsimaionan nere • nr sema�iv soliAisciry�oen rupont� above�memione0 prooeny foi i soectio purposes. oaie: ! 5' . • orive�'s �icense oi sociai securiiy a: 16GI�a6 W�ite—Bmltling; Grecn—CO�e Enlorcemeni: Ganary—Ap0licanl: Pink—Revanua: Gdtlanr04—NSSessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO; E 065720 PERMIT NO; E 065720 � PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: ELE PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 957SF iST FL, 907SF 2ND FL, 461SF GARAGE SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF; B-65011 **+t��*�t*x�+ri��t*x�*x�*+��tx�xiti��r*+ti�+t�rx���e�r*f�*�r**+r�*xx��r**+t**�r*�t�t*x�x*�r***�r�-*x�x�**itit*+rx�x�*+r�t** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ; PROV; PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > - �r��r���**�r�r+rx�r�r�r+r�r�r�r�r�e�r�r�r+r�r**r�r�r+rxar�r�e****��r+r*��r****�x�r*�r+r*x**�r�**+r*�r�+�**�e******* D E V E L 0 P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLZCATION ISSUED BY: � �7/p� � DATE: � � it it * it it x� 3t jt it * it * i� * it it * it ** it it7F7FiF iF7F iFiF7F7F7F�F7F7F�AFiF'i!'{F"iF'iF'iFiF'iFiF7F'�Fib"iFiFiF3F'iFiFi'FiFif **�t i� **�t ** +t * iF iF iE iF if if i!!t iE iE 1E fE �F fE 1E iE k iF iE iE iE if !E iF 1E If 1f M iE fE If if iF 1f it 1E iE 1F fE iElE 41F 1F �F iE if 1E iF iE M iE 1E if iF iE 9E iE 1E if ik K iE iE IE 1E 9E iF if !f iF iE IE 1E 1f if iE �F if LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N pLL1� PMT ['LUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 18SOt PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ZSSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 18,50 15.00 0.00 33.50 33,50 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 33,50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 33,50 fE iElE iE iF if iE 1! if if iE iE 1E 4 if M k iF 1f M ik if M if if if if M 1!!f k 1t ik iF if i:1E if fE 1E * 1f 1E fE �E iE iF ik if M iE iE iE iE if fF iE iF iE 1E iE iE 9E fE iE ff if �lf if iE fE IE iE if iF 1F fF �f if I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 SERVICES BELOW 600 V 6 BELOW 201 AMP 18.50 18.50 END OF FEES �i ooi_�����-cai�a7?2 zr�T -... �ATE: 01114194 T,ME: li:SD COlS�i RUCTION AP!R VLARNtNG A"'ROVF'�LS Prrmit;r_ D�te Inspector --�.eT,:.�a.t L'�-c:nca; 3�.,.�ceor Poie - - ---t---- - �--- - - - - '- - - ----� -- , � c . . . , � �,�...-� � . _____ _ . - -' _ --_+-___ �__ -_ I POOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit ;: 52. Poo�. & Ea.u�R�*'ert Lutat��� 53. Ster Re��'n crr�.�; Date TI Inspector� �-I- -, � � '-' �_..� t.�,. ..�+,1''�h;•; �I��.dr�rcd. ' 5d. 'r,;�n, I I� ' " '+-- � . _ ' , --:- —+—�----- f! , �_c!roJ:,-i.,c�'.rl'idrq.,,a -- -_-_ --- --', 55. E�-Vr312nr.tinq �__- � I ��_�.{-` �_-_ _ _ -.-_-.__ -_ _!_ __ -j _ '-_ _ . / I� :, ^.�, ,.��n�r. -�:--. __ I 56 Rc�_;- "i_,m'.��ng 8� pr�sr��c Tc,� ; i __ _ _ . _ __ _ � � %�I G�E':; •�.-�i.rC^,'G•..d __--�_-' _ _-�-----_ � 57 PPPA!���f�.� f0 COA�ER�GUNiTE � "i�- - -- - - ' - -- - -------- --� -- ------- --�-- +---- �f- � :1 ; .`ool "�;s - ' � 58. Electrical Candud�Undrqrnd. I I � � _ , _�-_ _ - {-- • F�� .^ 'nn � � 59. Gan P pa. ,_, Unprgn,d-, �; r,t I�- ____ _ -_ _- _ _ � __-_,- �__-_a".-_-_- - 9. ...,,.. • Ac-llndm•r.il. � � E0. 3at!:.nsh Ll�ics. P�1reV� � U^u c�^d. ( ! � , j� C. S'��r..,.ra� Puo SY:hr� -- -�-- r----�� 6'. APPP,OVAL TD DE CK ,--- ---�----- ��'- -� -- i - - - --- - ---- - `�- --�----�--------- I ------ - - --- . .� . '- . . . � d -'.,..c �a.��er.�--- -• -- i 67. �_c..-a:'_.._!,._.�.�F:".i--_ I '' _ - `' C r. Y � � . •,- v _ `, _, I g3 :i . ,_' (§ U nt r�nt: 'I -_I ' __ _ I 'l —� I � C � . � � . , �.. _____ ', 6; Pl�m��rng y,Wm. F:nal � � : r. __ _ _ -�_-___ . �__- �-_ ______ _.--_- +--c.� "_ .� r^ . 65. E'cc:nn�.F.� di I -- - --- -* �---- - - �-- - ---- -- -'------�- ' .. =o .d' d1,.���.�cai�Cv�du ; _i'. -J-_-c —"_- �� � �" �I 6fi. Sa�s ,r,ten��mai lu. f,��:,, �b:c•�clVii�n +---- - t-- i i 9 � 3� yU I�� I 67. Fenc,np & Access Approval -'--T-- -- � �-- ----- �- -- - /T+ --- ' � ��.; '� �- ^,� c�qr� _� Er 5. �rP�=,OVEU FOR PLASi ERING I -'i'_ r �a :���..,�. c:��.-„��a�. T Par Ce I nc 6^. POU'. ':;vC,:YSTf:.iS F i,yAL � i i ____� I'�i ' .. - .... �.�L ^.�rC:r��;.�',or:.-t9-- -' �_--- Ji--II{EDEPT.Rt�U1HEiNENi �-- -i - -- �i-- -- , _ - -- - -.y_ - -� - . �:�"').�� '�.E , P','r�n',[ ----'--: '-_ ' __ -.....'_" ___-"�'_ _. . , -���.�-_' -T.'.�T____ '_ -�_____' ,_' '_ _ � .. . c..,�,]-u'[ . .. i . F�,� i . . -'. . • . ' ;�r n ... �'�.i � i �i ._..., .i . ..Ciny'__ __"�.} _ .- —��. P-ocr.iC2�P—�pi�y-i�iP�..Uil __—_� __I —_ __ .' � . . � _ , . � i _�. ' .� �. ... C. . ... .. . .y. . �- — — -- » r -- t-- --- -- -- ---t-- *— � . � _ , .,. �7 - -- -�} - ---' -'' 73. l.'r,_. .'nti..i .. .r._ T.i' . " Ci �. _ 0 , � --- -- --- ---- ( � - --`-- - i �.i !�u�,i ' .. r;�th•.�ne . _ J � I' . � __ � 71. Oocrhi�dtl Fl��drn - _�_ _ �-�. _' __ _'I i. _ -- ' _ ' ' _ - -'_.�_... __ ?E . � i.n� Str.c[�rui a a.,:n „co:,t � - . - � . . -� - � Ury (. .n' I � � �. . i 75h � _ _ �-.. _ _ __ _ I ' � �-1 S' ' . p -_,_ '--- _ -_ "_:- _-_ 'i _ _ __ -- r r- -� - - - -----�- - ; `1FJ L ti ;�.�Sd �� � �'� .�i ' � i7 FInF�`S�' t?'iFl^.AL. i i _-'_ ' . _____- ____-' �_�__ .__ __ . i ____.. . r_ ,, __ ___ _ ___.____ _:___ __ __ _. �_-_ _� "____-_-__- `__, - -__..'___-__ _ 78^__C �'R:1' r!`.�,_ _ "__...',._ __' _ __ _ _ � 3:` .. ' . � � :+�AI:IiO�.._R-��,i, '-�'T L_ —� _.i � . . ..�_�{____ ._' __ _.I _ _ _ .._t —.- F 7c r N: . "L,�� 1�; _ �___ .__- _- . )/Q` / 1 � ^ ��1 V '/�" �. ' ^ ..c �'� -i.. _.. ' _ " -_ � _"' _ _— _,. ___' � _ ` " . _ __ ." '_ ' _—_ i__ ` . �'. , . � _� G ' _. ..,_ . ' � � 4> � !,'"_-iv `'i r'_ '-__ _ '_ � __ "_ _ . . . '_—__ ___' "__'"—_ _ ' . , _I��:.c a� CD-�3'LO'���1�� I �J •'��:ld'C: SPipP7:�t _—__. I ' ' .i__' __ �_. __ _ . _"' _—_ __'. ___ _ _ _ �__� __ _ ___—____ . ___—_' __ _ _ _� . _ ._ _— �"_ _ _�r_ _ _ ___ " . i 3U. I.J-.J•� p� �...".�P7 —��_ _ _��_'_—+n_.._��—. . .� ..�_ —_—_ _ _ _ __�` ' �_ ' _. _ .__ __ _ _— _`_ _."_. _ - I — + 37. �,-,•�nl F: cio��� PveV�ace �, � '' � .;. �i � . h--_ ._-_ __-__ ' �_'_"_ . .'_ _ _ ___J...__ _ _ ' . _... . - _ _ . , -�� �- -I � �- , � ----, ; �.'-______.__ ..--- ___-_ ___- _____ _ '. __ -� -_ __ ___._______-_ ____ - ._._ ____. . - � a^ ..., ..__ _-�.___.-' __�_'. __. , -___'I_______"-__._ ' . __"_ _'. .: Gd° .,_ �c�_ Fina� I-, I � � ._�_ v. . � �c: r:: __-.j- -I ___ .,�-___.-_ _ __ �_'� ___-_--_ _-__. __ , __, .,... .. �,.cnt_ _�_-__ ',._'__'_i--_ ___' __..._.-_ -____.__._ -_-_ I... L�c - -- n r� �ation ------ ��: i a ,�'c .., ;r a-' r.r $r„l.m ' _ ___ i�ih -Sa. . , . �� . ,�� _ _ � n,� .F!� . •� "i� ildt ars - - '.� F�:�.'._S?'�.,JG'�..,�Ea,5,;����?2C �--,9_.-`.--�'---�--c ----- � q£. Flz�. � �; .�,c ;c E�.sa^ ` �_ - — aC Ga: `'_ -.� t.. S�a! �er� Califom�a Gi • I--- - _ I5",. CEFl-! =;J,�,-� `_ �f OCCUFA?.CY �!o __ Dace l�- - - - - — - __ -_.� _ _ _ ' i " -' _I_ '� " _ _ _ --�----� = - � . -- - - -- - -'- - - � ----�---�- -- - ----'�- —�- - - --- --- - I------ - - � - - -----�-- -- - --- � ---- — -- — — —I PflQIECTADOHE55: �YH�� ^ � �*�IT n_�J �'�x �o • UNR: z OWNEfl'SNAME: HARHINGER HOMES noonEss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N.H„ CA 675-6653 AHCH/ENGINEEN: WILKINSON 6 ASSOC NEG.NO.: C9S29 nooeess: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxiT: ZRVINE CA 92714 PEpmiTTEE: HARBINGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 aoosEss: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 ULENSEO CONTflAtTOfl OECIABATION: I hereby allirm Ihai 1 am licens¢G untler pmvivons of C�apler 9(commencing vn1A Sttlion 7IXq) ol Drvision 3 0� I�e Business antl Pmfessions COEe. an0 my license is in lull �orce an0 efi¢ci. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: CIASS: Da�e: Signamre: WOPNEflS' COMPENSATION OECIANATION: I hereby allirm ttul I �ave a ceNli[ale ai cons¢ni ro sell�insure or a cehi�icate ol Workers' Compen5dibn Insurance. or a ceniliea copy ine�eof (Section 7800. LaD. CI. POIICY NO.: E%P. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Cemlietl cooY is nereey fumisnetl. ❑ CertifieC coDY is lilee vnih Ne ciry BuilOing Oivislon. Oare: AppAcant: E%EMPfIONfBOMWOPHEPS'COMPENSATIONOECUMTIUN: (Thi55etlionneeUnol ecompleteAi�tAepermlisforonehunOretl�5100�orless�. I cenil t in the petlormance of t�e work tar w�ich t�is Oermil is issuetl. I �all � employ an erson in any manner so as to �e[ome su - c� lo Ae V orkers' ComDensalion Laws al Califomia. ale: Signature: OTILE: . alter making this declaration. yau should �ecome subject lo �he Workers' m0ensatian provisions o� Ihe LaOor CoOe, you musl torthvn�� comply wit� 5u[� O�ovisions ar I�is permil shall Oe deemeC revokeG. CONSTPUCTION LENOING AGENCY: I hereby allirm I�at �here is a consbuciion IenOing agency lor �he pedormance ol �Ae wmk �or w�ich I�is p¢rmii is issuetl (Seclion �W7. Civ. C�. - � LENUEfl: AUONE55: OWNEH BUI�OEH OECIAPATION: I �ereby allirm Ihal I am exempi imm Ihe ConVactors' Slaie License Law lor �he lollowing rea5on �Seclian 7031.5 Business anA Professional CoOe: Any city al county w�ic� repuires a permit to con5imct, alier, impmve, tlemolis�, or repair any s�mc�we, prior lo iis issuance. aiso repuires I�e apDlicant �or such permil 10 file a 5igneC statemenl t�al �tls�e is lic¢nsed Oursuani Io me O�ovisions al I�e ComracmrY 9aie License Law �C�apier 9(commencing wilh Section 7000� of Oivision 3 of I�e Business an� Pmfessions CoOe� or that �e/she i5 exempl Iherefrom antl the basis lor the allegeU ezem0�ion. Fny violaiion oi Seclion 7031.5 by any applicanl for a permi� SUGjects I�e aDPlicant to a civil penalry ol noi mare ��an live �undre0 dollars (E500�. I, as owner o� Ihe pmperry or my em0loyee5 witA wages as Iheir sole compensation, will tlo t�e work, antl Ne ❑ stmcmre is not intenCed ar ollered for sate (SecUon 70aa: Business antl Pmfessionai Cotle: T�e Contraclars' Slate licen5e Law aoes not aDD�Y �o an owner ot a pmpeny who Ouilds or impmves tAereon, antl wno Ooes sucn woAt himsell/herself or �nwugh his or �er awn emDloyees, pmvidetl t�al such impmvements are no� intende0 or oflered lor sale. I�, �owever ��e huiltling or impmvement is sola within one year o� complelion. Ihe owner will �ave �ne 6urden of Drovinp �e/she Eid nol UuilA or impmve lor Ihe purpase ol sale�. I. as owner of the property, am eeclusively conVacting with IicenseU coniracmrs m conslmci Ihe pmlect (Seclion 7044, Business � antl Proleuions CoOe'. The Coniractors' Stale License law Ooes nol apPly �o an owner oi pmperty who 6uiltl5 or impmves t�ereon and who comracis lor suc� pmlec�s with a conlractor�s) license pur5uani to the Contractors' Slaie License law�. 1 am aware ��a� pmol of iheir Worker's Compensalion insurance s�oWd �e DmviAetl lo me. � m exempt under Section: e. 8 P. C. l , fo Ihis reason: � Oaie: ' 7 ' 6wner _ ere�y cenily Ihai I am aware of antl unaerstan0 Ne requiremems ol Califomia Heallh antl Sa�ery Coae Secli�ns 25505, 25533, antl 2553A antl ihat I or any fu�me �uilding occupant willlwill no� �circle one) need to compty wi�h said Slaie wdes antl I�e requirements �or a Oermii br conslm[lion or moddication imm Ihe Art Ouah�y Managemenl Districi. flesidential constmction aD0licalions are exempl Imm Ih¢S¢ pf0V1510lI5. �a�e: AODlicanl: I nereby cerlify Ihai I have read ihis applica�ion antl slaielhal Ihe above inlorma�ion is correcL I agree lo comply with all city and county ordina esantl5latelawsrela�ingloOuiltlingconSVuc�ionantlherebyauthoritereDresen trvesolihi ytoenterupontheabove�men�ioned �o ity orinsoeciion purposes. � / {� �aip: ���� � Signalure: ��� nver's �icense oi Socia� Security n: t6ao-a6 Wtiite—Builtling: Green—Co�e Enlorcemem: Canary—ApPli<am; Pink—Revenue: Galtlenrod—Assessar CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: M 065834 PERMIT NO; M 065834 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTROCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: MEC PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION ; 1070SF iST FL, 1028SF 2ND FL, SO1SF GARA SQ FT: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE; GROUP OCC; R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B-65011 +�*+r**�r**�t+�i�*****�r*+t�rr�t*�r+�*�t******�-*s�r**+�+��*+r***+�*x�*+c�*+t**ff*+t**�t+c�*****�t�cx��rr�-+�*r���r Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i ��F�t�t�����€r��+t�*+rx*��x��r*��r*�r***+r*�r�+r+�*x*****�r�+�**�r*x*�r+��**xx�***��r���+�**+��r�****+�** P E V E L O P M E N T S E A V I G E a^ A E C U 2 R E M E N T'd 20NING APPROVED BY � DATE; BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE: � �r�*+t****�+t+rit�riritiexir*�r�r�r ***+r*�r��r�* �I '— ifiklEikikiEikltlkltititlfif1f1f1EfE1EK1�41Eif1EiflEiE1ElflflfiflfiEkiFiEltiflEMlEIFfEfEjfifiEiEMiFikfEiffflElEffifiFfEiFIFfFfkifiEifiEif iEifikifiF ff LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL S GMENT;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 14.00 25Y SMIP/NON—RES PLAN , ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUZLDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 19,00 15.00 0.00 „ 29,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED;�-' ��OVER/SHORT: 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC•� FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 29.00 i iE if iE i! iE iE 1f 1E 1E 1Elt if 1E iF M!F!! k 1! 1f fE iE fE if iE ff 1F iF k iE if 1E iF if iE iE IF 1E 1E iE �E 1F iF fF �f 9E iE iF %iE IE fF 1E ff iElE if If iE 1E ff fF if M iE iF iE iFlF if if if if iF iF �E k�E iF I N D I V I D U A L F E•E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N � (JNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 INST FORC—AIR/GRAV FURN�> �100 K BTU 11.00 11,00 MEC 1 GAS PIPING SYS 1— 4 OUTLETS 3.00 3.00 END OF FEES ��: eo:°,=�-,i—C�01;,435t T�� ��.Re ':+iF� �'�^5/9Y TIt1E� i6�G4 CONSTRUCTION ANpPLANNING RPPROVALS Permit •m Datu Temporary Elecv�cal Serv�ce or Pole 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. r----- - -- � 3. Elechic�' Co�duit Ut�I,tV�Undrg�nd. 4. EI¢ctnCu'� Gai�dwt�U'drgrnd. , 5. Stte� Reinforcemenr � 6. Eicctnca! UFER GrnJ ;.� � 7. Foat�ngs � r-T-- , 8. Fo�^tla��on �J. `Aater P�pe�Undrgmd, 70. Strueturai Floor Svstem �� �--- P� _ � & SPA Inspector I qppROVALS Permit •f 52. Pool & E4u-„�ment l.ucaron 53. Stee1 Reintorcemr.nt 54. I-onu: - - 55. E'Cct�ical Bortl rp Date Ilnspector '� � _ _�_3_ -. I56. Racqh Plumbing h� P�c�,sure Test � ' __ '�{' � - �- _ __ _ . � 57. APPflOVAL TO CQVFR-GU�H-E: I � 'i --1------ - -------�-----�- - �5$. 'c��ecVic�;l Coriu�t�Ui�d�qmd. i - �-- 59. Gas P,pe. _ iJrc��� • J., 7at -- - ; � ----�---------- --j----; -- - 60. 3ac'�<wcsh I_ re-., �' T•ar. i� ::��.d^.,�d � _- .__ _ -�_ ___. �61. APPROVA�_ TO CECK � j � - .� ------t-�-�- ----! - -- ---- - -i----- - - -. 1 S. P�op�rtY SBc,er Lr.� R� Na,.»e C�n�.cr!�on , � G2. 3a[i<�. a>;i &'nrc.:,.rc� � i;,:� � _J.---�_ : 12. ��- C�p - --�'--' 1 I 63. ,icztcr&�:,nt-- -----.--' , - , - �---�;---- - ;1._- - �--1 - � --rt-- - - `' - . '� ' 3. P,apf pia�ns ---I-_-- _� i 54. '�umb;r,n S; stem � F. _3! _. I t' � -l-A Po�ghP�umo�ng -'� �_ ___. _---�-- 65. FlectricaP��ra---_�_.-_-�-;.- _ . 1 i5. Rr�_gh E,eGtr wl-Cor��„ t-- - - --�_ '- --- -��- - - - � _- _ __ _ I_'-_' - � 66. SOldr oYSt.�m�r �n�_--_ - � _- _ _ � __ _ . _ 1G.Ro__�Fled��cChnn� i �, �'S7 Fcncinp&AccK�.4^',;:.� ` _i-__i__--'F _-�--� _ __- . __ _ I 1/. aa_',hl7�ri^gS�gn --- I I � v i- -- ���•��- � � . 68 /.P.FO\�DF0�1 -o�-H"�� �9 RouBhEieGt�irvi�TB��Cc�,'nq � � 69� PC01_'SPqSYST SFINi+L -_,- -- �- �^_ 7._ti-h Hza:�r3 & A.r C�_• u�t c^ 8 _�z s���0^ p(/ r FIRt DEPT. R3Ql,�AE�v,�"�!T �- - -- - - -- Y% i 7�. Ro.�h FaGory Fre�: ac� � � APPROt�l�LS. 'c-�,.t ----' ' 71. D;.^s .. S2ruct�re 7�2. Ocrts, VCntildting -- �_-- _ _- . I23. G..�. P�P� Rou.7P, & Tei[ � �__ R.�a' F'..rn�n� --- . 7� ?��r ��^':;:'�"q - . -�-- :-�- =-- - -a-- � - -�---- 7C. l.�d�.:rg�,^.,, � , . - -- -� - --r---�-- - � i--- I ' 71. Pranucr 7�n,^g '�l i< _ O: -'_-'.-y-'._ _': ____ -L___-___-'- _'_.__'_ .- .- , _ I� ' /2. Ln[ie..3roun�i Fi�;i ' � ' --- - � - -� - � -------- ----_ -- - � - - � y. 73 'J�dz�r-r_ . S�,a--,� �. T�-:: � G-., ___.___._!.-___-�.._..__._______-_.--_-__ '-___ �. . . ' 7@ C',. ..... ._ , ' �_'_ _�- ' -{ - _�__ -' -_'.-__-_._. _-' ___ _ __ - _ - _'_ 28. ?.g:• Ce�ling i5r;''.' �'� _'':'i Ocn�!_ 1- � '-'_1 /5 L�". Cncn�_�� . � i-- , --- � .-,_-- - - -� "� - - - --- -- - - � -- - � 27. F.::ne and Flashinq 7b. Ury St, n.'� ce � ' j � --- ---- -- ' - --� ---�-* -- --- -- - - - -- -- -- `-- - ' 9. :at:rn �: d, � - ••� - :'i � g 5��d .� I 77� F�... DSV�S�.E�. , PdA� I � � - --�---I- -- . - -�--- ----- --------+---- i 29. Insu'a ; � i� FIR_?R:�i F� ,�� .. �__.-�_ .________ � --y I ___,-_--_�. __ ___ i__ _ I 30 : v"-��� �`:a�lmn -� IT- NEALT:-' DEPT. REQk1�R:''. F,.- - ------ - - --� -- '--- ---{ -�- - I_1 P�o,[er&o�vnCoat ------- --I--' .«I + -_ 70: FI�dALIIyC^i:.C��,i�V _-_ . _ . . _ I . 72 Elc�lr.ql P��vci hC�t��-r��•�i I �I � �$0. FOOU CEI!TIFiCf,TF I.�I�LD � ' � �----- ------------- -- -�---- ^+-'- -'- - ----- --------- -- - �- - - � 3P. F. �.ri � ,�..,.. i I �P!a:;s: ' �.__. ___ _--_._ _____'___ _'_ _�.�_ __.__ _�____.__ _- -__. __ ___ _ _ i.;4. � n' ile:.t,n: R• A�- Can� ! a��� . I { ;_� ��� �--r---�-- �r�����i�_ � ! 3,_ c�- _crnu��c`;L�.ce�c�.. l� � 3�. F�r.:� G'�. G�qt�Te t - - -- - -- -I --- -- I� _.. , -- •,--C�-� _.C�t�_ -- ']'i,�i'�,7Gt{_--� - � -� 4 - + , .S- 't. � �� � 71 �riccd ot C&noPY � ---- �--- -- -- -- - �-- -� --- ' - ''4=t� �-.�`�`�Z�� 7i. F. tl Fa.r,cC'4' F�.re��.... I � ^�' f :i %.,r5 �y _ -__- __ - __-_ _-__ "___-___ _ - '_ . _. _. _.._ __ _ . ___ I _...I �. 4 J�. `:�.. 5• :occ�r:^.al _ .._ ___-. � __-� _��_ I'___� _ - _. -.. _ _ _. . _ i .,G. Gc; Serv�ce'F�nai __. _ _' __ _ - _'_ _ ��_.- '. __i ______ _ __ _'___'-_ _ ' '_ _ _- '__ ~�;. 5� �� �bi iEa' [.-� _ _ __r- _ � ____ _�___ __ _ il _-_-___- __-__ _-_� _ _ _ ______ _ . ... -l.�.ccf,�..,pre.e:�te.'-__-�_ '_�____'{_.__'_'__- __-'-.___. __ . _ _ .:3 ...c.f�e:: Irncdt!p^ _'_ ••r ��!-tl�c.�eln:nat�n 5�;1. -�5�.�_d At!ewaue:; ..- ' .l❑ F�.'-:1 lil� �F�'J�;!�Vi'; � 4B F�1��:LS?PUC'UPE �. J'�.'`I f-li•!ALPLAidi\ING --- I---�- ----- - - -- ---- - ._ _' �' _'I' '_ _'I -_ _ '_ __" __- _ _ __ _"- '" I -+ --'-. .- --- -- --- ' _ - -- - - - -- I � � _- - _-"I-_:-_-_i.________ -__ _ _ _ ._. . .�.-�___ __i_'_"_�.f'___..-.�__-- __"__ _.__ ___ _ " ---- ---------I-- --�-----.---------- -- - - --- - - 4�. Ei�c'nc Re�e;se to Ed ,on � _- 4 bC. Gas Release to Southzrn Cai�torma Gas Co _ ,�_ _ - . __ I51. CEt?TIFICATE OF OCCUPAh!C' � i No. Datc ____ PqOJECTA�OHESS: '���' Cn��T' "r— "s-zS UNIT: 2`l owNeAsnnme: HARBINGER HOMES % aooAcss: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST � N.B., CA 675-6653 ANCX/ENGINEEfl: WILKINSON �155�C HEG.NO.: CyAZ9 aoosess: 18002 SKYPARK CI uxiT: IRVINE CA 92714 eeemiTree: HARBINGER HOMES ( 714 ) 675-6653 aooRess: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 LICENSED CONTPpCTOB �ECIAHPTION: I �ereby aHirm ihat I am licensetl untler pmvisions af Chapter 9(commencing wilh Section 7000) ol Orvision 3 0l Ihe Business antl Pmiession5 Cotle. ane my license is in �ull �orce antl etlect. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: CIASS: �ate: $ignaNre: WOflNEHS' COMPENSATION OECLABATION: I hereby affirm Iha� I have a cetlilicate ot consen� to sell�insure or a ceni�ica�e ol Workers' Compensation Insurance, or a certifietl capy Ihereoi (Sec�ion 38W. �a�. C). POLICY NO.: E%P. OR7E: COMPRNY: ❑ Certifietl copY is hereby fumished. ❑ Certified copy is �iled wil� the ciry BuilOing Oivis�on. Oaie: ApDlicanC E%EMPTION FFOM WOflNEflS' LOMPENSA710N OECLAHATIUN: �TAis sec�ion neetl noi be completed il�he Dermit is �orone hunaretl ($100) oNess�. I cetlily Iha� in I�e pedormanre oi the work �or which �his permi� is issuetl, I shall not em0loy person in any manner so a5 io become �suble..q �Io Ihe `W�ork)ers' Compensa!�ijon Laws oi Calibmia. , �at—� P / �! � � Z — 1 �� Signature'. � —� 0T1— N CE: I�. afler making Ihis Declara�ion, you s�ould become su0lec to lhe Workers' Compensalion pwvisions al �he Labor CoAe. you musi fonhwnh complY wi�h sucA pmvisions or Ihis permit shall be tleemed revoketl. CONSTflUtT10N LENOING AGENCY: I hereby afhrm �hat ��ere is a construc�ion lentling agency for Ihe Dedormance ot the work �or which Ihis permii is issued �Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEP: ADONESS: OWNEB BWLOEB OECLAFATION: I �ere0y ailirm Iha� I am exempt Irom �he Coniracbrs' State License Law �or �he lollowing reason �I �Sec�ion 7031.5 Business antl Prolessianal CoDe'. Any ciiy ol coun�y which requires a permi� Io wnslmct, al�er, impmve, tlemolish, or � repair any 51mcWre. prior to its issuance. also requires ��e applican� for such Oermit �o �ile a signed 5�a�emeni thal he/she is licensetl pursuani lo Ihe pmvisions ol Ihe ConVac�ors Siate License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wit� Sec�ion I000) o� Division 3 of Ihe Business antl Pmlessions Code) or thal ne/she is exempt Ihereimm antl ��e basis �or Ihe allegetl exemption. Any violalian o� Sec�ian 7031.5 6y any apPlicant �or a permil SUUjectS Ne applicani ro a civil penalty ol no� more �han five hundre0 dollars (5500�. I, as owner oi Ihe pmperty or my employees wiN wages as Iheir sole compensa�ion, will tlo ��e work, and �he ❑ slmclure is noiintendetl orofieretl forsale (Seclion 7044, Business and Pratessional Code: T�e Coniractors' S�a�e License Law does nol appty to an owner ol a pwperty who Ouiltls or impmves �herean, antl who tloes such wo�k himself/herself or �Amugh his or �er own employees, pmvide0 I�ai such impmvemen�s are nol in�entletl or otleretl �or sale. I( Aowever the builtling or improvemenl is sold within one year of complelion, the owner will have Ihe buraen of pmving he/she did no� builtl or impmve for Ihe purpose o� sale�. � I. as owner ol I�e proDehY� am exclusively conimcting wi�h licensed conlrac�ors to cons�mc� �he pmlect (Sectian 7044. Business an0 Pm�essians CoOe: T�e Contractors' Sta�e License Law does not apply lo an owner ol Omperty who builds or imDmves thereon and who conlracts �or such pmlecis with a canVac�or(5) license pursuani lo IM1e Coniracbrs' $tate License Law). I am aware Iha� proof al Iheir Worker's Compensatian insurance should �e pmvided �o me. � I am ehempt under Sec�ion' B. 8 P. C. ^ br Ihis reason'. � � � / / ,� =..ii� Da�e: I _' � Owner. �_ _�� I do here�y certity ihat I am aware o� antl unders�antl t�e requiremenls of Caltlarnia HeaVh and Safery Cotle Sec�ians 25505, 25533, antl 25534 antl Ihai I oranyluWre builAing ocapaniwill/willn0l (titcle one) needi0 wmply with Saia state Codes ana IherequirementStOra permit for wnslmciion or motlifiw�ion Imm Ihe Air Ouality Managemenl DisVici. Resitlenlial consimc�ion applicaiions are exemp� �mm IheSe provision5. �ale: AD�licant: I here�y cemly ihal I �ave reatl ��is appliw�mn and slaie thal ihe above inbrma�ion is correcL I agree to comply wiN ail ci�y and couniy ortlinances ana s�ate Inws relating �a builtling consimcimn an� hereby aul�orize r re5eniallve5 oi Ihl ity �o enter upan Ne above�mentionea prop¢tly �ol inspetlion purp05¢5. � e: ' Z " s�9�aw�e �— oriv '� nse or Socia� securiry q: 1'. 1fia1-a6 WNIe—Builtling: Green—Cotle Enlorcement; Canary—Npplmanl: Pink—Revenue: Goltlenr04—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: M 065683 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: MEC JOB DESCRIPTION : ADD FACTORU FIRE PLACE PERM NO: M 06568 GOVT; N SUPP: N SQ FT; PURPOSE: NEW CLAIM VALUE; CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B—§��S'O� I ******�t**�r*+t�tx�f���*r**x�**�r �rit**�r�r**�*+�*x�x�**�r**�x*****�r****x�***�t********+�+�***rt*�r** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZNG REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i �r**�r*x �*x x � x�r�r�*�rx �r�rx**��*+r+��+r�r*�r****���r�rx��*+�*+��r�*�*��***��+�*+�+�x*******��**�r��+� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DAT£: BUILDING APPROVED HY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED HY: DATE: �" `ftfElEltif�E1ElElkkifififiEillfitiEitfEMi! iliEiFikiEiEifiFjll! rtiE fE iElk iE 1f if !E!F if iElf if if if 1f 1k 1E if iF iE 1f 1f !E ff 1E �f 1E if !f �f it 1f if 1f it iE iF 1E iE if ff 1f iE 1F iF if iE 1ElE 1t iE iElF 1f ff !E if if iE �Elf 1E iE 1ElE iF 1E 9f fE ik 1E iE IE 1f iE 1E �F fF iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTUAAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 6.50 252 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE 15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DDE TOTALS----> 6.50 15,00 0,00 21.50 21.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 21.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 21.50 k iE j! 3E iE fE 1f fE iE if iE iElf 1E ft ik if i6 if it if if 1E iE 1E fE 1E 1E iF jE iE i! k k if ik if if fE 1E 1t if 1f fE 1E fE iE fE fE iE iE fE if if iE If if if iE iE iE if iE ih iE iE 1E 1E 1E iE jE 1E IE fE iF if iE ik iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E. B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N fJNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 FACTORY FIREPLACE 6.50 6,50 END OF FEES fl 0015•=h3S—QO'S�;39 �!"���J" .1.5D nSTE: p;/12i94 TTI�E: i4:`S CONSTRUCTION ANp PLANNING APPROVALS Permit # t. Temporary Electrical $erv�ce or Pole 2. So�i Pipe-Undrgrnd. �. . - � 3. Elecfrcai C4nduit Utiiity�Und�gmd. 4,- Elecirical Condurt�Undrgrnd. ,5. Steei ReEnforce�»enc 6. Eleczrice� UFER Grnd. i _ � ?: Footmqs� �-.B.�Fouedation �._ : 9. �h'ater Pipe�Undrgrrd, i _ _ 10�. St�ucturai Floor $ystem i t. Property Sewer �ine & House Co�nection 12. Sewer Cap 13. Roof Oraina _ � 14. Rou�h Piumbing 15. Rough �!ectriral-Cor.duic 76. Rough Hectr;cbV�ring 77. Rough 1Niring $tgn 7$. Rough Eleetric3l�T Ba� CeiLng 19. Rouah Heaung & Arc Cu��.diUoning 2Q. Rough Factory Fireplace _ 2t. D�tts, in Structu;e, . � 22. Ducts, Ven;itating '[3, Gds Pipe:Ra.�gh & Tes: 24. Rouf Framing - '?5. Roof Sheathing �- "' �+� 26. T•6ar Ce�ling f5trutturail &�Ao.tocoat { 2r� 7. Frame and Flashnsg � �_ + 7.8. Ldthing 3t S:d�rg � . ... . � _ ( 79. Insula;U�n • , � � " '' 30 D yc:a`! .Va��,rc . ' � . r ^ -'-' - � 31. ''&st�� 8ro�.vn Ca:� 32 Electr.csi Povcc�F.iet¢r�F �-.al I� 33.� Final Hzctnc .. ' _ I�-,� 34. F�?�I Ha.ating L�: A�r Cortirio^?*�9 � -�---�---=---__ 35. Final G�,s Pibe�Test , _ __�_ � 3G. Hovtl or Car.opy ' . i •- - � ,37. (.�-�ai Facto•Y Prep;.xe - � �- -� � .. , 38. f-L.ai ?�umbing e _ �I `s9. l�!zi^r Service-FL,af 1--- - � I 40. Gas Serv+ce-F�nal " r-- � 41. So�a� Domest;cF�naL � s2. Backflo+n Preventer E43. 3adaflow li„gat:on -- ; 4,. �zr,dsc3pe Gng2tm� Syst�.r ��T!°. S�und Atten�etion �- E6 Ha��dcap Regulaiio^; � !7_ FINAL STRUC7UF?E & BUILDIVG 4$. ,Fti?1AL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison E0. Gas Retease to Southem Cauforma Gas Co 51. CEaTIFICATE OF OCCUPARCY Date Date � Inspector CE� PC�vL & SPA APPROVALS Permrt � 52. Pool & Equ�pmert iuca! o�� 53. Steel Reir,'orcement 54. Forms 55. Electrica! Bond�n�; 56. Rough Plumhinq & Pressure Test � 57. APPROVAL Tp COVER�GI'�'�TE 5& Giectr�cal Conowr�Und�g�nct. 59. Gas P�pe. � Urcry�rU_T�st - - -- Date I i�spect�� � - -�- - -� �� � G0. [3ack�v�sh �:nc�, RTraG, � 1 �'����'3� ���� 61. APPROVALTODECK __� E2 Back�.�.a>ii G R� ccptu� =inal ---- 63. Heater & VenbFieal -� u4. Plum6ing System � Fi�a! 65. ElecIiical�F.nai 66. Sola: SYStair��Fme� � --- _�- G7. Fenrng & Accexs Anp�ov:l � GS. APPROb'�7 � 04 PLA57cRU•.G I- - - - --.__L_ 69. °OOUSPASVS-�En9SFINAI i FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT I �s1PPFl7VA1��-� - Pr:rnit,r --- -I k- : 70. Undergrticcet tlydro .I - .�__ _ _J- _.___ . _ I - I - - .. �' 71. PrOciuct P�pinr, r G.r. ...O�I � � � ._- _,_-� I -.- _ _ � J2. Un'�t��rGp �.! r_i,1$7 I ' ' � 75._' Undergrrr<�. S� �, ;e. -i,:rk ' i G,: R V�, i� _____ . , -. _ ._.' � _ _. :� .. -v t� -. -�-��.I � � i4. Ove�h.eetl Npo-r 75. Dry Chemical x ' ----- `--- --- -_� --=-�j�- - � 76. Ury Stan:,:?ipe . � Y ^ � I. 77. FIXED SYSTE_� FINAL _ I-�-- . ---� -�- 7F_ FIRE PRtV�FI ;'AL I _ _� HEALTN DEPT. REQUIRE�„E;�'T ----- _'--, - - 7�. FI�VAL IW�'�ECTtC': '� _____,�.•____._� _ _ ___ � _ ___ 80: FOCD CFF+7.�."*" �;SUCD ___I.-' -_ _�__ - -- -- ---- -'-- --� ---�1- -- IVotes: `. _ __. ____ _. __/�p�� %\� _ _ _ _����Q--� � �-@"'��1-� _ �i(��,, �1\� ' -- s-z `i`F-_ ' ��'kliz�-�� � -i_�� - .. -- - � -- ---------'--------- - � »,_ �_- ---- - - -- - - -- 1 --e---�----=- - ------ I-----� � --�--- -------- -- `-� . �, --,_-�-.� =-... _-_ * _ �.. . � . . . . . .- .-'�--- . _�- ,_ - � --..'� _ � ----�- m 7 / � PflOJECTP00XE55: �ZXXCDI � ��A�i�•ri. �. UNIT: 2 I OWNEfl'S NPME: F;ARB I NG 1{ HOP hS �ooness: 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N.B., CA 675-6653 ��`pqCH/ENGINEEfl: WILKINSON 6 ASSOC qEG.NO.: C98Z9 � noon¢ss: 18002 SKYPARK CI ux�r: IRVINE CA 92719 �venmiTree: HARHINGER HOMES ( 719 ) 675-6653 aooness: 375 PROMENTORY DR WEST NEWPORT BEACH CA 92660 IICENSFO CONTflRCTOP OECLAPRTION: I �ereby aflirm t�ai I am licen5ed unCer D�ovisions ol Chapter 9(commencinp wilA Seclion 7000� ol �rvision 3 0� I�e BuSiness antl Pmlessians COOe, an0 my licen5e is in full lorte anU etiec�. CITY LIC.: $TATE LIC.: CLASS: Oale: Signaiure: WOPNEflS' COMPENSRTION OECIAHATION: I hereCy allirm l�ai I twv¢ a Cehilitale oi tonsent la Sel6insurE or a c¢rtilitate ol Workers' Compensalion Insurance. or a cenifietl copy tnereol I�ction 3800. LaD. CI. POLICV NO.: EXP. ORTE: COMPPNY: ❑ Cenibea copy is AereUy IumisheC. ❑ Cenilietl copy a IileO witA I�e ciry BuilGinA Division. Da�e: ApOticanC' E%EMPTION FflOM WaXI(ERS' COMPFNSITION OECtAHRTION: (iNs secum me0 nd Ee wmPkl�d ii Ne pemn is ta we �uMrM (5100) or ksS�. I cenitV Ihal in @e oerformance of the work for wnicn tNs perrttit is i�tl.� II not emplo y person in any manner So as to Oecome suDletl to 1�^ \ orkers' fAmDensation Laws o� Calilornia. oate'. � Z� SignaWre: • NOTILE: II, alier mawnp ihis Ceclaration, you slmule oecome su0jecl to iAe Warkers Compenution prwisions ol tAe La6or CoOe. yoU mu5i lorl�wit� wmply wilh Suth pmvi51an5 ar �his p¢rmit Shail be Geemea revOketl. CONSTflUCTION LENUING AGENCY: I �ere�y aliirm Ibai IOere is a ConSimtlion IenAinp apency for ��e pedormante o� IAe wofk lOr w�ic� Inis Oermil is i<suetl (Seclian 3W7. Civ. C�. LFNUFfl: aooness: OWNEB BUILOEP oECIAHRTION: I �ereEy allirm t�at I am e.empt Irom t�e Convac�ars' State License Law br �he lollowinq reason (Section 703t.5 Busineu an0 Pmlessional CoOe: Any tiry of counry wNc� repures a permit to wnstmct, alteq improv4 Eemolish, ar �¢Dair any simclure. D��w to its issuance. atso reauires ine apDlicanl lar wcn oermit to lile a sie�ea statement tlut IlNsne is IicensoA pursuam m ine piodsions ol �ne tonvanors' Siate Licenu Law (CIuO�er 9(mmmenc��0 ��� �tron 7000� af Divivon 3 0l ��e Business ano Pro�esvons CoOe� o� tlut M/s�e is eremp� therefrom anU Ne Oasis lor i0e allepe0 aemD�ion. My Nolation af Section 70.71.5 Uy any aoo�icanl fai a permil suUietls ine aoD�itant ta a tivil oenalty ol nOt more ItWn live nun4re0 tlolWrs (35001. I, as owner ot ine propeny or my empIOyees witn wapu as Iheir sola compenution, will Ua Ine xrork, anA tha I❑ svuctum b not inrenae0 or oflereE lo� sale (SecUon 70aa. Business aiM Professional Code: Tne Lomractars' Siate License Law does nol apply lo an owner of a proDeny wfq OuilCs or imD�%'es t�ereon, aM who Eoes such work �imself/hersetf or tllmuph �is or ner own ¢mployees, proviCeO ttui suc� �mprwem¢nts am ml intenGeE ar o11ereG for sale. If, Mwever I�e OuilGinp or impmvement is 5WG K71hin ane year ol comDlelian, t�e Owner vnll tuve t�e GurOen ol pwvinp htlshe CiE not EuilA or improve br Ihe Dmpose al sale�. ,}( I, as owner oi Ine O�openy, am erclusivep comraclinp wii� IicenseG comractors lo consimcl ��e pmle�� (Sec�ion 70a4, Businoss Cf ana Pmlessions Coae: The Contracmrs' State Licenu Law Uoes not apDW �o an owner ol pmperry wlw hmlas or Impmves Ihereon and w�o coniratls lor such projects wi�h a contractoqs�license pur5uanilo I�o CanVaciars' Stata License Law),I am aware t�al pio01 0l I�eir WOrkef's Compensalion insurantt S�ou10 �e pmvid¢G la me. � I am eMempt un0er Section: B. d P. C. � /� lor t�is reatan: q L �� Date; � I"ZZ� L� Ovmer. d�' � 1 i Do nereGy cendy Inat I am awart ol an0 unaerstanA ine repuiRments at Calibrnu Healtn ana Sdfery CoOe SecliOns 25505, 25573, antl 255� an0 ihat I o� any lulute �uilGinq oaupani will/will nol (UrUe one) nee0 to compN �t0 5ai0 stale COdes anU ihe repuirtmenis br a permil lor tonsiruction or modilication imm t0e Ait Ouabry Manaqement Oisiritt. flC5i0ential consimction apPliWtions are eKempl �mm mese ow�sions. WIe: AOV���anl: I �ereCy cerlilV ��� I �ave �ea� t�is aOD�icaiion an0 s�ale Ilul I�e aDove inlormation is mrtecl. I apree to compty wii� atl ci�y antl COuniy orEinances anU s�a�e �aws re�ating ia budGinq canstmc�bn anU �ereW autrorixe reD�esentames ot tAis ciry �o ter upan the aGove�mentionetl properly Im �nspecuon purposes. Da�e:_�� ��Z—�� Signamre: � Onver'S Li[ense oi $ocial Se[uriry +: � I6<��<6 Whue—Bwltling; Green—CaEe EnforcemenC Canary—Applicam: Pmk—Revenue; GolCenraE—Assesmr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: ti Vb5U11 PERMIT NO: B 065011 PLAN CHECK NO: 03392-93 A Guv1: tv su��: » CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: NEW JOB DESCRIPTION : 10705F 1ST FL, 1028SF 2ND FL, SO1SF GARA SQ FT: 2,599 CLAIM VALUE: 120,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 169,570.60 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS; NEW SFR, PLAN �t2B *�r*x�*r**��x�*r��e**##*+�+�*�*�r**x****ti�*�ru*r�t**rt****�c****+rx�+r�*�*�***�*��***��**+�** Z O N I N G A E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A � K S ------------ MAIN BUILDIr]G ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; 44 FT 6 IN REAR: 16 FT IN FRNT: FT ZN REAR: FT IN LEFT: 6 FT IN RGHT: 5 FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• 2 PROV; 2 PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: R1 REF NO: VT-14815 PLANNING NdTES> SINGLE—FAMILY HOME (288 FACIFZC CREST DRIVE) PART OF A > SUBDIVISION (TRACT 14815). LOT 2 ' ****���e�***�e*+r*+�***+t�rie�e�*�*x�#�t*****«****#*r�r+�*x�**�***�*+r+�******�**+�**��******** D E V E L O P M E N-T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY Co�. DATE; �f_��2��'lS bUILDING APPAOVED BY :• DATE; APPLICATION ZSSUED BY: W ��— l�— DATE: \IIL Ll�� 1ElElFificiE3fiPifiEif�jfiEifififillEil+iEifi�E . < . . �1fiEiEifiM1it?:iF?F*��f7t��Y{FiFiFiEiF if IE iE jf�1F iF 3t *iEit iF iFihit iE # if it if if if if 3(�i% if i(�if 4 if if iE iEiE iF #�1f ifif if iF iFjf if�1E 1f iE if iE if ifif i1�1E i1�if if 1f if jF ih if i� ic it ic ih ic i(-� iE aF i� ?E jf i: if iF iE�tf LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 867.00 16.46 SMZP/NON—RES PLAN 140.89 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 883.46 0.00 140.89 AEVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 867.00 TOTAL PAID DUE 1024.35 1024.35 .00 883.46 OVER/SHORT: .00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 16.46 i! 1t iE 1f 1f �f if iE if�iE Mif 1f 1f #if ifjf if# i4 i! it iE i(�iFik 1f if if ff iE fE if if if ff M ll�ff if If il�lf K if if iE 34 �f iF�MiF M if iFifiE if M iE M if if if iF if iE 1E iE iF i� i� if 1E i� 1E if iE I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 2098 DWE—TYPE V—WOOD FRAME —GOOD 74.00 155,252.00 SFR =01 RES—GARAGES TYPE V 18.60 9,318.60 END OF FEES ?1 Q01.7!104—G'�?5220i i'��� 2C3.�.o �3RTc; il�_';/73 T?I1E: 15:?1 CpNST UCTI N AND PLANNING POU� & SPA qPPROVAdS�Permit #1� Date lnspector AppROVALS Permit � Oate Inspector 1. Temporery Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2, yoil Pipe�Undrgmd. 53. Steei Reiniorceme�t 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. E�ectrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical 8onding ' 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test � 6. �lectrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE � 7. Footings /lbJG,l,'�G�"r 58. Electncal Cond.nFUndrgrnd. / '� 8. Foundation �r�. � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnh., Test ' 9. Water Pipe�Undrqrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, u Undr9md. .10. Structural Ftoor System 67. APPROVALTO DECK ,17. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final "12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent�Final , 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System � Finai 14. flou9h Plumbing 65. Electrical�Final 15. Rough Electrical�Condu�t 66. Sotar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval il. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electricai-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOLlSPA SYSTEPo7S FINAL ' 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditianing � FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT � 20. Rough FactorY Firepiace APPROVALS Permit # i 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventiiating 71. Product Piping ClGas �Oil 23. Gas Rpe�flou9h & Test J2 Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergmd.SrorayeTank �Gas COiI � 25. Roof Sheathing l..�/9�yt( �� 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T•Bar Ceiling f5tructurail & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Ptame and Flashing Z_►�(f 4/� ('��,�/ 76. Dry StandPipe 1 28. Lathing &$iding Z 25 -��y�� 77, FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation ._J�_qC( /�pL� 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL Y 2�-�ry W l� - 30. DrY�vall Nailing Z� _ 6�� HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT �y 31. Plaster Brown Coat *j�.�G( (o'." 79. PINAL INSPECTION �� 32. Electrical Power Meter-Final 80. FOOD CERTIFiCA7E ISSUED 33. Final Eler,ric Notes: 2_�_�(f_ �� � �,�^ � 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hpod or CanoPY 37. Final Factory Fireplace ' 38. Finai Plumbing � �- 39. Water Service-Final - 40. Ges Service-Final 41. Soiar pomesticFi�a! 42, Beckflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44, landscaoe Irri9ation System 45. Sound Aitenuation 46. NBnd'+wp Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING -3�N 6�.J� 48. FINAL PLANNING Z�_qy G� .t �C_ � � "7 "^ 49. Electric Release to Edison , 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date PflOJECi q00PESS: OWNEF�NBME: z8S PACIFIC CREST DR poor�ss: xARBINGER HOMES, INC. �t 375 PROMONTORY DR WEST N.B 92660 AHCMIENCINEEfl: ADOXESS: flFG.NO.: uxiT: UNR: PEPMITTEE: aooeess: BAC LANDSCAPING INC, ( 714 ) 851-1171 2691 RICTHER AV 129 TA n q7 e LICFNSED LONTNACTON OFCLAHRTION: I M1ereby allirm �hai I am licensed unEe�ptUvisiofis'a� �OIEr 9 �cammencing wiin Secuon 7000� ol Orvision 7 0l I�e Business antl Prolessions CoOe, an0 my license is in �ull �orce and eflect. CITY LIC.: STATE LIC.: CLAS 061696 911966 C'?7 EF.; 03/95 I Daie: _/.0 � (p.=g � Signa�ure: _ _ _ _ ' ' �� WOFREHS' COMPENSATION DECNBRTION: I here�y aftir I have a ceniticale of consent m selbinsure or a cenilicate of Workers' . Comoensation Insurance. ot a certiliea caDY �nereol ISectiun 3800, lab. C1. Poucvxo.: 1074938 E%P.ORTF: O%I2S/9S ❑ CenNea copARMp RS.snea r�i Cenitied copy is �iiea witn ine �ry euiitlinp o� �sion. Oale: _(_Y={p�� AGPlicanl: E%EMPTION FpOM WONHEPS'COMPENSRTION OEQAPRTI ' �i55ecUon need ro1Ge comDle�eOiftAe permitis�orone hunGreA�5100�or1e55�. I cetlily t�a� in I�e petlormance o� tM1e work br which I�is Oermi� is issued. I s�all nol employ any persan in any manner so as �0 0¢wme subject to I�e Workers fAmDensalion LaxS of Califomia. Oate: SignaWre: NOTICE:II. altet mdking Ihis declaration, you s�oWG Gecome suUiecito Ne Warkeri COmpensation prdrisions of the LaOor CqG¢. you musl fOrltiwil� tompy wilh Suth provi5ions Or Ihis Dermi( 5hall Ge Ee¢m¢a fevOkeO. CONSTNUCTION LENUINC RGENCY: I here�y a��irm tha� �here is a con5imction lentling apency for �he pedorman[e oi [he woB lor wNc� t�is permil is i<sueU �Section 3W7. Civ. C�- lENOEfl: AOOflESS: OWNEP BOILOEP UECLAflATION: I hereby aflirm �ha� I am exemp� �mm Ihe Conirac�ors' S�a�e License Law for �he following reason �Section 7031.5 Business antl Pmlessional CoAe: Any ciry of coun�y which repuires a De�mi� to conStNci, al�er, imprave, tlemalish, or repair any stmcture. prior lo ils issuance, alm requires the applicant lor such p¢rmil �o �ile a 5ipne0 5�a�emeni Ihai he/s�e is IicenSeG pursuanl to Ihe pmvisons ol the Comractors' Sta�e License Law (Chap�er 9(commencing wi�� Sec�ion 7000) oi Oivision 3 of Ihe Business and Prolessions Code) or Inal �eR�e is ex¢mD� Iherefrom anG tAe �asis for t�e alleAed eKemp�ion. Any violaiion ol Section 703L5 Gy any ap0licantlor a Dermit su�le��s ihe aDPlicant to a civil penalty ol no� more t�an Irve huntlre0 Oollars (E500). i n will do Ihe wo�k an� ihe m I with wa es as t�eir sole com ensat o, I a wner of Ihe ro ert or m e pa ees D s o V V Y Y Y A ❑ simaure is not imenaetl ar ollerea lor sate (Settion 70CE, Bu5me55 an0 Pml¢AiOnal COae: Th¢ fAntractors' Sia�e Litense Law Ooes noi apply to an owner o� a pmpErty w�o bui105 or improv¢Slhereon, an0 who EO¢5 Suth woM1 himsel�/Aerself or lhrouAh �is or her own employees. D�oviOetl ��a[ suc� impmvemen�s are nol intenaeU or oflered �or sale. I�, however the 6uil0ing or im0�ovement a solE vnihin one year o� com0�e�ion, t�e awner will �ave I�e �urden ol proving �e/s�e tliJ n0� huiW or improve tor Ine Durpose of Sa!el. I, as ownet ol I�e D�operty, am exclusively conVacting with Iicense0 conVattors Io cons�Ncl t�e pmlecl (Seclion 7044, Busineis ❑ anE Prolessions CoAe: The Camractors Stare License law Eces not aODN �o an avmer af praperry who hml0s w improves thereon antl wno conttacis lot sucA o�ojeds v.itn a coniractor(s1 license vursuanl to Ihe ContractoK State �¢ense Law). 1 am aware Ihai D�ool ol Iheir Warker'S Compen5aiion insurance s�oultl be pmvidetl lo me. � I am exempt unEer Seaian: 9. 8 P. C. lor lhis reason: Oa�e: 6wner I tlo here�y ceriity Ihal I am aware ol antl underslan0 i�e requiremen�s al Cali�omia Heallh an0 Salery Code Sec�ions 25505, 25533, antl 25536 and I�a� I or any �ulure buildinA occupan� willlwill noi (circle ane) nee0lo comply wilh said s�ale codes and the lequiremen�s �or a peimit Im consimclion or moCilicalion Imm Ine Air Oualiry ManaAemeni Oisiric�. Resitlen�ial cons�mciion apDlica�ions are exempt tmm Ihese pmvisions. Da�e: ADP���anL I �ereDy cer�ilytM1al I have reatlt�is application antl sta�e tha� ihe above inlormation is correcl.l agr� �! compty with all ciry ana counly � or0inancesantlsta�elaws�eWling�aUuiltlmgwnstmciionandher aNMr¢ pre5;piativ¢501tli ry�oemerupon��eabove�mentionetl pmper�y lor inspec�ion Ourposes. � � �/�� ��(�' r S Oaie: / ILQ � � �9naWr ' / % �iiver's License oi Social Security x: i6a1 a6 W��te—BvilOing: Green—Coae Enlarcement; Ganary—Appl¢ang Pink—Pevenue: GoiGenroO—nssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - HUILDINC PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 069162 PLAN CHECK NO: 03764-94 L CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR ,TOB DESCRIPTION : CONST. 143 OFEN TRELLIS PATIO A AM ntn. a nc.o� ��: GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: CON SQ FT: 143 CLAIM VALUE: 1,200.00 CALC-VALUE: 2,116,40 GROUP OCC; R-3 / COMMENTS: OPEN TRELLIS PATIO if ik if i! i4 ik it ik 1E �tk if -Y i! % i! -%� �M it if 9t iF iF i! ik i!-k 9! i!-)F i! i4ik i! if -1F if'lk if ik iE-%�Jt iF it i! if if if ik i! iE i! it if ## if if if 1h-k i! if �If if dE # i! iF i(� iF i! # M iF it if 1E % Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T 5 S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BOILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; 6 FT IN FANT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; 43 FT IN RGHT: 5 FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• 2 PROV: 2 PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: R1 REP NO; PA-94-56 PLANNING NdTES> 10'X10' LATTICE PATIO COVER ATTACHED TO EX, SF RESIDENCE, > (REAR SETBACK VARIANCE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED). if#fffl�f!!#fliFlEiliE3EifiEif�Fillt##fEfEff##1ljE1ElfiEitltkiElEiEiE##ifikiF#i41FlEiffFifiEifiE1E#lEffiEiElEfFilifiEihiEit*1EififiEitititi' �t'i!: . D E t' E L O P M E N T S E R t,� I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY U//� DATE: Q S�Y BUZLDING APPROVED BY : "'��%� DATE: � �'� APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �'�' DATE• �o FCt iE iF it it if if if iE� iF i! if it iP iE iE if ih iF iF iE iF iE3F3F3F iFiFiF iF iF 3FiFiF3F iF i.� �F iE iFiF3F aF £iF�iF3F'fFifiE �tiF'iF'iF3FiFiE jE iF iE iE 9t iE # iF iE iE f il�ItiFifiFiEiEifitiEif3F�lEjfiP3EkiEiEifiEiFiEifiEifihiEiElEit�iF#ifiEicit#`iPitiFiEitiEiEiFi[�iFiEitiFi6jtiEiEieiEitiEXiEif*jEif3EdE9fifjE i[�if-ifiEiEifihiF LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BL�G PMT PERMIT 59.00 PLAN 35.10 PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING 50 SMIP/NON-RES ISSUE FEE BOILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 54,50 0.00 35.10 89,60 89,60 .00 r . / � V RELENUE DZl2SION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 89.60 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 54,00 ,50 35.10 %iE iE 1E ff iE iE iE 1E if * 1ElF ik fE iE 3f f! iE iElE iE it 1t it if if'!f i! # iE it 1t 1E iF it iF iE iE iFlF fE i!!E jE if 1E 1f 14 iF ik if !F iE if iF if iE 1F jf iE )E if 3E if iF iE iF ik it if jf f4 iE ik iE it iE if I N D I V Z D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE SFR QTY D E S C R I P T I O N 143 RES-PATIO COVER-POST 6 TRELLIS END OF FEES UNIT COST TOTAL COST 14,80 2,116,40 01 00169091-uII169D43 T C�T 84.60 DATE� 10/06/94 TIME� 11:47 C*ONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING . POOL & SPA APPROVAIS Permit# Date Inspector AppftOVALS Permit# Oate Inspector � Temporary Electrical Service or Poie 52. Poo7 & Equipment Location 2, Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Elettrical Conduit Utitity-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plum6ing & Pressure Test 6. Electrfcal llFER Grnd. 57. APPflOVALTO COVER�GUNITE 7. Pootings 5&. Electrical Condurt�Undrgmd. 6. FOundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd„ Test 9. W5ter Pipe-Undrgmd. 60. Backwash Lmes, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. 10. Structurel Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO D'cCK ' 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection , 62. Backwash & Receptor•Final 12. Sewer Cap ' 63. Heater & Vent�Final 73. Roof Drains . 64. Plumbing System � Final 74. Rough Plumbing � 65. Eiectrical-Final 15. flough Electricat�Conduft 66. Solar System-Final i 6. Rough Electric Wiring 6Z Fercing & Access ApP�oval 17. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical•T 8ar Ceiting 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. RDugh Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firep�ace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Duc[s, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. DUcts, Venti�ating 71. Product Piping OGas OOiI 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Underyrnd. Stora9e Tank O Gas ❑ Oii 25. floof Sheathing 74. Overhead HVdro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Svuctura�) & R4onocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Prame and Flashing 76. Dry Scandpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Dry�vall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREI47ENT 37. Piaster Brown Coai 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. ElActrical Power MeterFinal 80. FOOD CEflTiFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Pinal Heating & Air Conditioning . 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Fina� 40. Gas Service-Final 47. Solar pomesticFinal 42, 8ackflow Preventer � 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STFiUC7URE & BUILDING r� �Q.- �W� 46. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern Caiifornia Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ,' i No. Date • A A � ., � : TYS'fCAL OPEN L�T i-iCE : .. � , � � _ f�2;� ��ATIO (�VER _ C� TA,IL : - . � =�`�=`��� - -•-- . �'� . � 6 + '' � _. . � �- 3`'-- t , �c� .— , — 36 —� �,C _ l- . . I1 ° ._..____=��� - _ _ . f�—_ }���. �i` — � � 1 • � . n . n n n i-= 2x 8 6E;;t�i- 2' �, f— Z x3 LATTsrE _ 1 . .. �-4 `4 � F.-�SE ----- i/z4 eo�;s ;�P.,-z 2 r�%p4P.t.fT£R 4x4� PO515 � ' I � 4 2� � LEGGER EO-. LO "1 " • 1 '�.� �N =i'ii : :->j - lo _._ ; 1 • . r�} „ — J''�---�--- — ---- ---��---: --- ---.� :— ----.:-;.—.--.-------- t ----� �4 ..- . ..........: ... �.. �._ ..:�;... .. : �---------- � 1 — „ G .-- ---------------- _ •.. __ . . i I � ! .i� : i: _�-i--�- --�;J �� ��__J--- . - --- -- -� - - FR �;�T_FLE�!=;TICi� -%b� SICL ELE\�hTIGiJ � � 1+0 SCF.LE ~ r�0 SCALE , � � iv a- _ �e r�y� R. . ' _�, 2. R ,� ,Z � �i� ( ' . . ��'� 1Y1 a SG �' c _ I . � Y ��� 0 3. �..�.�..��.�.��.��_ .�. �.� �._ _ . . � .. � . FI\�,�L GRAf�ING CERTIFICATIO\ Project Address: 288 Pacific Crest.Drive I.ot \umber: #Z of Tract No. 14815 Permit \umber: g 065�11 Ry Ci��il Eneineer: I cenify to the sztisf2ctorv completion of grading in accord2nce v. ith the appro��ed plans, specifications, ]ocal znd state codes. All drainage devices required b�� thz grading permit, gradin� plan znd eradin� ordinznce ha��e been installed. Adequzte pro��isions ha�e been made for drainase ef surface ����ter from each building site. 7he n;inimums are: 2� Fa11 from sttictures uith;n 5 feet f;om exte;ier aalls. )�t Fe�) i0f c$ri3;i SL7 ci2S ci1Lj �2AC'�SC2*�:.d 27CiS. �.= rt Fc�� i0i CO:lif2i� S�ii2C'.S to zprro��ed di_posz� ci225. Tfi: 11i12� 1011�!iT:'iii5 25 S,iO�;'il OA 1i12 iCCOiuC� if2C1 i71��'�ti'2i: Sci. t!O'•S cf2 �7iiAi] —]!)Q Oi (i?2 �C51^_i ed ele���tions. S��pe;�•isin� Ci�'il En=;�^_:r ��I�,� Reg I` . (s;;ox;u;c) A?1 �nal sr�i:,s e1e�a- �•o. _31720 Dzi� 4/20/94 QROFESS/pN ��Q,� ��� 8. Hq�91�2 F� �� N0. Nz w , 1720 m � E �i196 � . * `n>' ClVll �Q' �9 � FOF CAUE�� ' ��� i .:..� .�.. _. ? s^�:�*P ana s7c�, City of Costa Mesa California 9262&1200 P.O.Box 1200 Insulation Certificate Permit NumGar � O���I_I 2323 SA-�rA F�n10. Rv�, �+��r z � _C z�� p0.�. �� c. ��, ��. Co sz�, � NumCer antl Streei City 0��� . CAunry. ROOF Material Thickness (inches) N/A EXTERIOR WALL Material BATT Thickness (inches) 3 5/8" �4g�S suoa���s�o� Description of Installation Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Lo� mber Brand Name �VILI.E Thermal Resistance (R-Value) R-13 CEILING Batt or Blanket Type BATT Brand Name MAPIVILLE Thickness (inches) 11�� Thermal Resistance (R-Value) R-30 Loose Fill Type N/A Brand Name N/A Contractor's minimum instalfed weighUftz_ Ib. Minimum thickness inches Manufacturer's installed weight per square foot to achieve Thermal Resistance (R-Value) RAISED FLOOR Material Thickness (inches) SLAB FLOOR Material Thickness (inches) Width (inch�s) _ FOUNDATION WALL Material Thickness (inches) A N/A N/A Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Brand Name Thermal Resistance (R-Value) Declaration I hereby certify [hat the above insulation was installed in the building at the above location in conformance with the current Building Energy Efficiency Standards for new residential buildings contained in Title 24 of the California Adminstrative Code. —��r�c� M�, �,a�, GI33o.G � eneral ntra or (Bmider) LitenSB NumCer �,�,:d.�„��- 3� �ti.(� � Signal r� e and Title Date WESTERN INSULATIONz INC. 481278 ./� �uhContractor (Insulation Installer) License Num6er � C(, _� �ODUCTION MANAGER 03/24/94 Signature antl Ti[le Daie 190]-06 PNOJEti AOOPESS: z 3 z� 5ANTA ANA AV uxir: z OWNEN'SNRME: HARBINGER HOMES aooeess: 375 PROMONTORY DR 47EST N,B., CA 675-6653 AflLX/ENGINEER: WILI{INSON �iJ�'S�C sec.xo.: C9R�9 nooeess: 18001 SKYPARK CI uNR. IRC�INE CA 92719 reemirree: HARBINGER HOMES f719)675-66�3 nooxess: 3-l5 PROMENTORY DR 4SEST NEWPORT BEACH CA._92660 IILEN5E0 CONTNRCTOP UECIANATION: I �ere0y allirm IMI I am GcenSeA un0¢r prm�aion5 0l C�ap�er 9(commencing with Sec�iOn 7000) o� Oivi9on 9 0l I�e Buiiness aM Froleuions CWe. an0 rtty licenu 6� W4 brte antl effett. CITY LIC.: STRTE UL.: L1A55: Oaia Sigmture: wOBREHS' COMPENSPTION oEClAflailON: I nereoy allirm �tWt I nave a cenifitale of Consent to self-insure or a cenificate of workers' Comoensation Insurance. or a ceniliea copy tnereol (SecGon 3800, Lae. q. POLICY ND.: E%P. O�TE: COMPFNY: ❑ Cendie� cooY is nereUy Iumisne0. O Cenilie0 caDY � �ileE xith ��e ury BWding Uvision. Oate: Fpplicant: E%EMPiIONFflOMWONKENS'COMPENSATIONOECUB,ITION: �TNSsxlionneeCro�GecampletedifthepermlisforoneAuMre0�5f00�orles5�. I cetlity I�ai in Ihe Dedormante ol ihe work Iot w�it� I�iS p¢rmil is ii e, 1 s II not em�loy Oerson in any manner so as �o become subjecl to Ihe WorM rs' Compensalion Laws o� Calilomia. �� Date: ��� Signamre: NO ICE: It. after maNing this Aeclaration, you s�oula Uecom¢ Su�Ieci to �he Wwkers' ComDensa�ion pmvisions ol Ihe Labor Coee. yau musl farlAwi�� ComDly vni� Suth D�ovisi0n5 or l�iS permil S�all b¢ EEemed revaked. CONSTPUCTION LENDING pGENCY: I �ereEy atlirm ilat there is a canswction len�ng agenay lor iAe Dedarmance ol t�e work for w�icM1 I�is permil is i55ueU (Section 9097, Civ. C�. LENOEP: FODNESS: OWNEH BOILOEP OECLAflATION: I her¢Oy allirm ��all am exemp�lwm I�e Conl2ctors' Sia�e License Law lart�e lollovnng reason ($¢clion 7fqt.5 Business an0 Pml¢55ional CaCe: Any city ol counly �Mti[� reVuirCS a pErmil ta con9Nct, alter, improve, UemolisA. ar reDair any stmclure. o�iot to its�ssuance. also reQuires ine aoDliCant lor sucn Oe�rtW 10 lile a signee statement Ihat he/she is licensea pursuant to t�e pwdsio�rs ol ��e Coniracmrs' State License Law (CIUD�er 9(ammentlnq wit� SecGon 7000) ol Division 3 of t�e Busineu and Protessions Codel ar Ilwt MJsne is e.empl Inereirom ana ine Easis br ine allepeC aemo�ion. My violation ol Setlion 7031.5 �y any ap0�icant lor a Dermit suCl��s I�e applicani Io a Gvil penalry al irot rtqre Ilun five �unCreO EMars (5500�. I. as owner oi me o�oxrty a �rv em7layea mi� xaBa a5 I�eir sde comce�saaa�. »;n eo me work, an0 ��8 ❑ structure is noi imentlea oi ollerea �or sale 15ection 70aa, 8u8neu an0 Pm�essianal Cotle: IDe Cantmctors' Staie License Law does not aDON io an owner of a prop¢ny wln OuilUs w imprOveS lMreon, mE wlro Goes sucli wofk himsetl/�er5et� or IAroupA �is oi A¢r own emDbyeeS, proviE¢a Ihal Suct� improvemeNS are n01 inlenEeO ar ofl¢reG lor sale. II, �Owevet N! Guilainp Or impwvement R sdE x+INn aie yCa� ol completion, I�e aM1er mtl have t�e OurOen of provinA ��� 4iU rrot buib or imprave I lor ine purpOse ol Sale). 4 i. az a.nei oi me o�ooeny. am e�uusi.eN comraciinq vnt� Iirense0 wmractors to mnstmq ��e project (Section 7044, Business � anG Pmfessbns WGe: 7he Contraztori State Lkeme Law Oces not appy �o �n owner al procerry�?�ilas or imo��s �nerean an0 who camratls foi sucn prole��s witn a comracmqsl license vursuam 16 me Camranors' Stale License Law1. I am aware I�al proof of Iheu Worker'S fAmpenSatqn iniurantt S�dAU De 7«deA Io me. � I am exempl u�er Sttlipn: B. 8 P. C. loi I�is reasonj'. Z Oate: I��IC� l—+ Owner. I tlo hereby ceitily Inal I am aware ol an0 unaeisland I�e tepuiremenis ol Cal�tomia Neall� an0 Salely Co�e Sections 25505. 25539, antl 2557d anE ihat 1 or any luture OuilGmg aaupanl wilVwill nol (cirGe one) neeG lo totmy vnth SaiG state codes and t�e repuiremenis for a permil loi conslmc�ion or modilication Imm Ihe Air Ouab�y ManaAemenl Oislricl. FEti4enUal conslmclion applicalions are exempi Imm Ihese pmvisions. Oale: PO��i[anl: I �ere0y cerlilyl�al I �averea0 IhiS application anU siate Oul IOe a0ovein�ormation k correcL I agree to comply wiih all ciiy anA couniy o�tlinance5antlslatelaw5relalingloUuil�ingconslmclionanA�erebyaWhorrzerepre5e0ative5oilhi5 I �oenleruDon�heabove-menlioned pmoeity mr insoeciion our oses. ��� Oale: �y SignaWre: Oriver's License or Social Security r: 164i�a6 W�ne—Bmltlmgt Green—CoOe Enb¢emem; Canary—Ap0licanL Pvk—Revenue; Goldenro0—Assesso� CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 065364 PERMIT NO: P OG5369 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: iJ S'UPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—P1 PERtdIT TYPE: FLU PURPOSE: i3EW JOB DESCRIPTION : 957SF iST FL, 907SF 2ND FL, 4615F GARAGE SQ FT: CLAIM VALOE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R--3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REF: B-65011 #irtr#ir+t�rir*��+r+�#*�u#tt*x****fr*u�r�ur+tu*�r�r�r#*r*#**#�*��#u��tu#��-tr#�-�s�#*#�##**##�tr*��r# Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSOAY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT; FT IP] REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT ZN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NdTES> > �1Eit�lEifif######itilitit####ifiFitiE#�1!#i!�###if###iF#ifYr##if#if##�Ye#iFi4iFN�if�iEiF�k##if�Ei(�ifif#iE�E#�1FiF###iGi1�#iE1F#iF�Y. D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S 20NING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED BY : DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �� DATE; � I�'P� ***�r*�ir**u#�r#�#*�**iri�* � ,�� '�FiF�F"iFiF'3F3F'�3F��F3F�F'iF*#t�x�####** £7F8#� 11�ifitilifMifiF�lfif####if#iFiFiFifiEifi4j4itdeififitiE##iEiE3Eit�kaE�lfitiFihiEifif7F#iE##kif�Y.ififif#iFr�if�if##ififif�lf#�14#�3fif1!#aPu### LEGALIZATYON:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FZRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> TOTALS----> 15.00 258 20.00 PERP9IT ISSUE 15.0� 2�.�� SMIP/NON—RES PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE 0.00 35.00 35.00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 35.00 OVER/SHORT: .UO HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 35.00 #iE#it#ititiE##ih##ififlf�ff###iliFititififiEif�IfiFf4###kitihie#ifitifif�#if#itiflfKiFiFiEiFitfh##itiFi:#iFiE#iEif#14#�f#ISK-ir#itf�. # I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST PLU 1 SEWER, CONNECTZON TO BUILDZNG EACH 15.00 END OF FEES fli GOl�^YO :-00 i5240� T � +� �A?E; ._; .5'"r's TI,��. n� vT i5.00 I CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNlNG � qpPROVALS Permit,"�, ' 1, Tempa:ary Electncal Srrv.ca or Pole I �2. $o�l Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3 Clcc!r.rai Car.duit Ut��ity�Ur.drg�nd. G. �.C�tlll]di C.�'�dWt'U�ti'f�f".�. � -� I5_ $t��rl Ra,niarcer�er.t _ � 6. ': � cric.:! LFER G�rd 7. but�ngs -- �- -r - I B, Fountlation i_ 9. ;:at^. P�pe Ur.drgrrd. � 10. Svuct�ral Floor System t t, r-�on�••!v Se::�er L�n�• & H� .ta CA��ection i 12. Soa•er Cap � 13. Hoof Drams � 14. �;ougn �'iumbino �5 Rnugh Electrica�-COndu t �- - 76. 7au�f EIBCttiC!:�inng �1 1/, qough lVhing Sign F � 18. Rough ElectricaLT Bar Cei6ng i 19.. Fo��h Hea2ing & Air Cor.ditioning 20. -t��..a�� Fattory Fireplaca 2L D��c�s, in S!ruccurc 22. Oucts, Venti!ating 23. Gas Pipe-Rough $ Test �--- �n, RoUt f•raming 25. Noc� SFca;hing � 7G. -�-�9��.r Cmhng (Strunura�! & :: onocoat 27 Froma,ind f-IaSh�nq 28. Wth�r.g lit Sidin3 7.3. InsUluhon �. 17�v�':a'�.I i:aih^o 31. i'.d��ter Bro�tn C.oat 37.. t�cctncal Po�^.er .",'eter�Final _ 33. F+na1 E(eciric 34. f-innl HeaUr.y $t Ai� Coro�tiOn r,g 35. F�nul Gas PipE-Test 3G. Hootl or CanopY 37. Final Factory Firepiace 38. F��al Plumbing 39. \Vater Service�Finai � 40. uas Sere�ce-Pinai q1, go!ar pomestic•Final 42. uackflov: Preventer A3. 6ackflow Irrigation 4G. Landswpe Irrigatio� SVstem 4$, Spund Attenuation 4u'. Handiwp Regulations A7. FIhAL STRUCTURE & BUiLDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem California Gas C.� Oau i Inspector POOL & SPA - I- --- i-� --- � APPROVALS Permit ;': i Oate i Inspector � I 52. Poo� & Equipment Locat�on � ' 53. Steal Fieinforr,ement �: ___ - ----� 54. Fams 55. Electrica� Bond�n� �I ___ ____._ _._. _ ..___. . + 56. Rouyh Plumbing & Presswe Test 57. AP?AC�1AL TO COVf-R�GU':'.'F 58. Electrical CqndwbUncrgmtl. _ 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test � fi0. B,lcl:�•,�ash l.inos. P�Tr;:P. -' li�drn�.�.l 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & Rru•p�orFm�l 63. Heatcr & VenbFina� 64. Plumbing Systern � F�nai 65. Electrical�Final 66. Sn�a. Systcm�Fl,�� 67. Fennng & Acc^ AnProval I 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERWG �' 69. POOVSs'ASYSTEC^SFINAL FIRE OEPT. REUUIREMENT �i APPROVALS Vcrmit ,r 70. Undcrg�'Cund Hydrn -� 71. ProduCt P�pin9 [: G,i_ .', Oii 77. Undcrground Flush i 1 I �� i -1 �---- I 73. Undergrntl.Storagc fa�k C�Gas .,0��� , �__�� -- -`-- _ _ 74. Ovenc�ad Hv�n, - ---- --- � ---- I � I 75. Dry Chemicei � --}I, -�-- -- ~ 76. Dry ScacJ�ipe ` I -- -- i ---.I 77. FiXED SYSTEU. Fir�AL � j -- -r- -- i 78. FIRE PREV. FINAI � � _ __-_-_- __ __ - _ - __ �_ - _• HEF:LTH UEPT. RCQUfRE'�.�E"�:T 79.FINALIR'SPECTIL"J--�-�-_-� � -_��_�_ ��' �80. FOOD CEHTIFICATE ISSUED � I --_ _ _ ___ _- L ._ -i-__ . Notes: --- -- --- -- -� I --_____ _- -� DI.I.CnI1r�VNICV�VI.I.Ur/♦rvl.i I I I I No. Date _ -� PqOJECTq00q// 288 PACIFIC CREST DR OWNEH'S!� AARBINGER HOMES 1 F0� � 288 PACIFIC CREST � C.M. 92626 UNIT: NFixEEq: gERNARD ADAMS nec.xa.: C1�83 aooeEss: 11022 ACACIA PKWY C.M. CA 92640 iPMITTEE: C & C POOLS ( 909 ) 242-7665 nooness: 11360 CARRIE LN MORENO VALLEY CA 92555 CONTNAGTON �ECLNPATIUN: I here0y alhrm tha� I am Iicense0 unCer pmvisions ol Chap�er 9(commencing with S¢ction livision 3 0l Ihe Business and Pmlessions Code. antl my li[ens¢ is in �ull �orce antl efletl. �6194� S��c_ 3479�5 cwss: C 53 �FX�; 02/95 i i i (i. i s iP�. �.,— H�iIfEHS' COMPENSpTION oEClANl1TI0N: I hereDy atlirm tnat I nave a cenilic5te of consent to self-insure or a ceniliwte of Workers' Compensation Inswance. or a cer�ilied copy I�ereo� (Section 3800. La�. C�. POIILV NO.: EXP. OATE: COMPANY: ❑ Ceriilietl copy is �ereby IumisheQ ❑ Cendietl capy is IileO wit� t�e ciry Building Oivision. Dare: ADDlicant: E%EMPTIONFflOMWOFNENS'COMPENSATIONDECLAflATION: Qhi55eciionn¢¢anolbetampl¢IeOil�hepermiti5�oronehundre0(5100�ar1e55�. I certily �ha� in Ihe p¢tlormante a� Ne wOrk lOr w�ith ��is p¢rp�e�5yssued. I s�all no� em oy any per5on in any manner so as to �ecome �5 ecl t t�e Warkers' CompensLa�li,a/p Laws of Cali�omia/// //{��/ ,( � �.� w � � oat: � �a � / sianature:` -(/�"'� l/V`"'�-•-- NOtICE: Ii, alier making this Declaralion, you s�oWa Decome su�lect ta the orkers' Compensation D�ovisions ot the La6or Coae. you musl fonhwitn comply with sucn pmvisions or this permit snall 6e tleeme0 revoked. CONSTBUCTION LENDING pGENCY: I �ereby afhrm thai there is a coretmction lending agency for the De�ormance ot ihe work for wh¢� ��is permn is issuetl (Section 3097. Civ. C�. iexoen: nooncss: OWNEP BUILOEB OECLABRTION: I �e�¢�y a��irm Ihai I am ee¢mpi fmm tAe CanVat�ors' State License law for tne follovnn0 reason �Section 7U31.5 Busines5 anU Prolessional CaUe: Any cily ot county which repuires a Oe�mit to canstmct, alier, impmve, tlemolisR or repair any stmc�ure. o�io� to its iuuance. also requires the aoolicant br sucA Oermil to lile a sipned statement ttWi he/she is Iicense0 pursuam m ihe D�ovisions ol t�e Coniracmrs' Sla�e license Law (C�apter 9(commencinp with Section 7000) oi Division 3 of ihe Business antl Professions Caae) or Ihal ne/sne is eeempt iherefmm antl �ne basis for Ihe allepe0 exemption. Any violation ol Sectian 70.31.5 Uy any applicanl br a Dermil suhlects ihe app�icant Io a civil penalty ot not more lhan live hunEreO Aollars (5500). I, as owner oi �he D�oDeny or my employees vnih wapes as t�eir sole compensation, will Oo tna wofn, anA Ne ❑ slmclure is not imenUed or olfere0 for sale (Seclion 70a4. Business ana Pmiessional Cotle: The Coniractors' Slate License Law tloes not apply�o an owner of a D�oDe�Y who builds orimpmves ��ereon, anA who does such work himself/hersell orihmuBh �is or �er own em0loyees. pmviAed that such impmvemenls are no� intended or otlered �or saie. II, however the buildinp ar impmvement is sold wit�in one year ol completion. �he owner vnll �ave Ibe burAen oi Droving he/she Aid no� build m impmve tor the purpose of sale). I, as owner ol ine pmDeny, am e�clusively contracting vnih IicenSeA canVactOrz lo consim[� lhe pmleq (Sectian 70dd, Business � antl Pmiessions COCe: The Cantracmrs' State license Law aces not apDN �o an ovmer ol proOertY � �mitls onmpmves t�erean antl who tOntrac�s Ior Sut� prole��s wii� a COnVattoqs�liten5e pursuan� �o Ihe ConlraCiors' S�afe Litense Law�. I am awafe Iha� pr0ol ol lheir WOrk¢r'S Compen5alion insu�ance shoultl �¢ prOntleG lo me. � I am eaempt un0e� 5¢ction: B. 8 P. G. , �or Ihis reasan: Oate: Ownec I Oo nere0y ceridy Ihat I am aware oi and undemantl I�e repuiremenis af Catilomia HeaVh ana Safety COAe Sections 25505, 25533; anU 2553G antl ihal i or any future builQing occupant wilVwill not (circle one) neea to tomoly with SaiO stale cotles and ine requiremenls for a Oermit for consiruclian ar motltlicalion Irom ��e Air Ouality Managemenl Uisirict. Nesitlenlial conslmction a0�lication5 are exempt fmm ��ese pmvisions � Daie: AD�IicanL ' here�y cenity Ihal I have ieatl Nis applicaiion antl stale Iha� Ihe a�ove in�ormation is correcL I apree Io comply wiih all ci�y an0 counry ordinancesantlsialelawsrelating�obuildingconslmc�ianantl byaNharrzereDreseyta vsolthiscilytoenlerupantheabove-menlionetl rty for inspeclio(n� 7pmpos�es.1. �/y �/ ' ¢: �� Cl ^ L � Signalur��-'�� � ! — - �� ��iver's license or Saial Security x: W�ile—BmlOing�, Gieen—Cotle EnlorcemenL Canary—ApPlicanl: Pink—Revenua; GoltlenroE—Fssessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 068689 PERMIT NO: H 068689 PLAN CHECK NO: 03281-94 L GOVT; N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMZT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: CON JOB DESCRIPTION ; CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA SQ FT: 8,000 CLAIM t'ALUE: 8,000.00 CALC—VALUE: 8,000,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: CONSTRUCT GUNITE SPA it�t**�t**+r*�t*�r�r*+�r***x�***x�***+r*ftx��ti��r�r�t�rx�ft�r*rt�r�r*�r�r�r�t�t**�t**�t*�t�t*x�i�**�rx�**�r**�r*i�i���tirit* Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S s E T e A c x s ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: 3 FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; 3 FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 11913319 ZNE: R1 REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> CONSTRUCT IN—GROUND SPA IN BACK LEFT HAND CORNEA OF PROPERTY > itiEie+�it�r+�+�+�+tit�r�r+r+tit�t+�*+t+��*ft�r*x�it�rir�rf�*�*�t�itiE+��+��*+E+�it*i�+r*itit***ititit**x��r�+tir��t�-ititit�r*�r�t*it* D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY k� DATE: —� 3�--� BUILDING APPROVED BY : �� DATE: — �-�— �y APPLICATION ISSUED HY: �—� DATE: �� �l iEiEir�r�rxf��r*friEir**�rit�r�r**it*3FiFTr�r�riFit�r�r�r�iFiFii�Tif �� k�r3F'ii��F3FT��r�rfr3F�r'�r3F�riF+��t�rx��r�rx***�r rt x�* ***xxxxxetxititit�rx�rx�ritit�rit�rit�rit**itit��r�r�rir*it�rxitit�titit�r*****�r****it**xx�itxittr���r**�rar��r*x*�rer* LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTUAAL SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC' MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 99,00 ,80 � SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 69,35 ISSUE FEE HUILDING—DIV—> PEAMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 99.80 0,00 64,35 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 99,00 TOTAL PAID DUE 164,15 164,15 ,00 164.15 OVER/SHORT; ,00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK .80 64.35 1E1l1lif1ElEifiEiEi6ikiPlEifififllfkkftiEkiFltititiEiEiElfitiEiEiEik1llEi!lklEiEiFiEiE1fltiEifkfEiEiEiFMifikkklklfififitfEiEjE1EiF�EiEilflitiEiEitif49f I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY ❑ E S C A I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 8000 SPA 1.00 8,000.00 END OF FEES ' p �� , � � �AUG 3 C� iS�4 o� a � ��} ' /�T�/ g ; . li� f t cr.�' 'v:,.; . •L:;.�1 �i.i.'a.: . .. r, �CONSTRUCTION AN�t #- Electrical Service or Poie t �" il Pipe�Undrgmd. ' 3, Electrical Conduit Utility•Undrgrnd. 4. Electrical ConduibUndrgrnd. 5. Steel Re�nforcemenc 6. Elecu�cai UFER Grnd. 7. Footings 8. Foun�sation 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 70. Structural Floor System 1 i, property Sewer Line & House Connection 72. Sewer Cap 73. Roof Orains � iS. Rough Plumbing' 15. Fough Electrical�Conduit 16. Rough Electric Wiring 17. Rough Wiring 9yn 78. Rou9h ElectricaLT Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Factory Fireplace , 21. Ducti, in Structure .. . 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas Pipe�Fioagh & Test � 24. Roof Framing � � • 25. Roof Sheathing ' 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurall & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. Lathing & Siding , 29. Insulation 30. Dry�vali Nailing 37. Plas[e� Brown Coat 32. Electricai Power Meter�Final 33. Final Electric 34. PSnal µeating & Air Cond'+tioning 35. Final Gas PiDe•Test 36. Hood or CanopY 37. Final Factory Firepiace 38. Final Plumbing � 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Ser�ice-Final 41. Soiar Oomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. landscape Irripation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 4$. FINALPLANNING 49. Electtic Release to Edison 50. Gas Reiease to Southem California Gas Co 5L CER7IFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date Date Inspector ' ' � _ POOL & SPA APPROVALS Permit # 52. Pool & Equipment Location � � 53. Steel Reinforcemem �!{�] 54. Forms R'i7. 55. Electrical8onding �2� 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test �' 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE �. �` 58. Electrical Conduit-Ur.drgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Ten 60. Backwash Lines, p�Trap, � Undryrnd. 61. APPROVALTODECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finat 63. Heater & Vent�Final . 64. Plumbing System � Final 65. ElectricabFinal 66. Solar System�Fi�al 67. Fencing & Access ApProval �,1� 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTEAING G�,Z,� 69. POOUSPASYSTEA4SFINAL �� FIRE DEPT, ftEQUiREMENT APPROVALS . Permit � 70. Underground Hydro 11. Product Piping GGas ❑Oil 72. UndergroundFlush 73. Underyrnd. Storaye Tark O Gas ❑ Oil 74. Overhead Hvdro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED Notes: G�' � �,.,�'�`� � �� � Date � Inspector r�