HomeMy WebLinkAbout332 MONTE VISTA AVE - Building Permits,\ �JEC7 AODHESS: 3 3 Z MONTE V I STA AV OWNEH'S NAME: JAMES HONAKEA aooness:332 MONTE VISTA AVE COSTA MESA,CA 92627 ANCHIENGINEEfl: 6 5 �— � 4 6 5 nooxess: UNIT: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 062520 — PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR flEG.NO.: JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF RESHT REROOF W/ COMP uxir: PEPMITTEE: JAMES HONAKER ( 714 ) 650-0465 RODNESS:��33Z MONTE VISTA AV CA .92§�7 IICENSEU CONTPNLT ECLANATION: I �ereby allirm Iha� I am licensetl unaer pmvisions o aD�er 9(commencing wiN Section 7000� ol Division J ol IAe Business an0 Pwtession, Cotle. an� my license is in �ull �orce antl efteci. CITY UC.: STRTE LIC.: CLASS: oate: Signalure: WOBRENS' COMPENSATION DECUPA710N: I Ilere�y affirm inat I nave a cenificate ol consent m selbinsure or a cenilicate ol Workers' Com0en5alion Insurance. or a ceNlietl copY Ihereol (Sec�ion 3800. Lab. C)- POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: camrnxv: ❑ Cerii�i¢A topy is here�y lumishea. ❑ Cehilied copy is filetl with �he ciry BuilJing Oivision. Oate: AOOlicanL E►EMPTIONFPOMWOBNEBS'fAMPENSIITIONOEtLRBATION: Qhi55ectianneetliro�Uecamyt,LeAilNepermii¢forwehuMre4�51W�oNess�. �cetlily tt�yt in Ne Dedormance ol Ihe work lor w�ic� t�is permi� is a ed. I shatl n Y�mploy a per5on in any manner so as �o become SUEIe�� � Ih¢ W01JXryf5 CA n555aaauuu000qqqLawS 0� CaIllOfnid. Dale: �_ �" _ � Signa�ure: � �� NOTICE: II, aller making Ihls tleclaraiian. you should �eco ti I to the lM1% r;¢rs' Campensa�ion pmvisions ai Ihe labor CoOe. you mus� Iori�wilh com0ly wi�� such provisions a hrs per it s�all be tleemetl revakea. CONSTflUCTION LENOINC AGENCY: 1 hereGy a�firm I�al I re is a n5tmciian len�ing agency for Ihe pedarmanCe ol ��e wOB �or whicn Inrs permil is issued �Section 3037. Ci¢ C�. lENOEfl: ROOflE55: OWNEP BUILOEB OECIAN�T10N: I �ere0y aflirm t�a� I am exempt Imm the Contractori Siate License Law for ��e tollovnng rea5on (Section 7031.5 Business anE Pmlessional Code: Any city ol counry which reQuires a Oermit �o conSWct, alter, impmve. tlemolis�, or r¢pair any 5lmclur¢, prior to ils iuuance. also reQuireS ihe ap0licant for such permii Io lile a sign¢tl stat¢menl ttui htlshe i5licenSeU Oursuant�olhe Dmvisions ofthe Conlraciors' Slate LicenSe Law�Chapter9(commencing with Seciion 70fI0�ol0ivision 3 o�the Business anU P�olessions Cotle) or Ihal heR�e is eeempi Ihereimm and ��e Gasis Ior the allege0 e�emptian. Any violation ol Section 7031.5 Gy any appbpant lar a Oermil sublecls Ihe apDlicani Io a civil penally ol noi rtwrt �han five �untlrea dollars (55110�. I. as owner ol tAe property or my employees w�th wages as I�eu sole compensation, vnil Ao t�e wark, antl I�e ❑ s�mcmre is no� imenaee or olleree tor sale (Seclion 70d4, Business and Professional Cotle: The Conlraclars Sla�¢ License Law Aoes no� appry la an owner o� a pwperly who �uilQt or im0�ove5 �hereon. antl w�o tices suc� work him5eif/hersel� o! ��roug� �is o� Aer Own employees. O�ovitletl Ihat sucn impmvemen�s are no� intende0 or ofieretl lor sale. It, Mwever ihe huiltling or imD�ovemen� is 5010 wilhin one year ol compleiion. Ihe owner vnll �ave Ihe �urAen ol Droving �e/s�e CiE n0� Euila or impmve lor ine purpose ol sale�. I, as owner oi I�e Omperty. am exctusively comracting vn�h Iicense0 comractors m constmci t0e pmlecl (Seclion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmlessions CoAe: T�e Coniraclors' State License Law tloes nol apD�Y �o an owner af pmperty wtio huilas o� impmv¢s lhereon and w�o conlracis lor su[h pmjecis w�th a canVacim�s�license pur5uanito the Conirac�ors' State License Law�.l am aware thai prool ol t�eir Worker'S Compensalion insurance s�oula �e pmvi0ed to me. �I am exempt untler Section B. 8 P. C. m�inisr on:�y'.�T'�.B�ORR4BY OWNER �ale: `-� _ � —' � Owner: -� I tlo �ereby cenily Ihat I am aware ol an� untlerslana ��e requiremems o� il a ealih an0 Sa�ety Cotle Sec�ions 25505. 25539, and 25594 anA �Mt I or any lulure building accupant willlwill not (circle one) ee010 ca ply with saia slaie coees antl t�e requiremenls lar a permil lor constmclion or mo4ilicaiion Imm Ihe Air �uality Manageme � �islrict esiaen�ial conslmclion aDDlicalions are exempt �mm IhESC p�Ovi5i0�5. oa�¢ I neri oaie: Applicanl: _ Ihal I have reatl Ihis apPlicallon ana Slaie Ih[ sla�e lav+s relaiing Io building conslmclion an0 r v _ / � Signa�ure'. Oriver's License m Social Securiiy p: 1641�n6 WNm—Bwlaing�.Grecn—Coae I agree �o comply wiih all ciry antl counly Ihis city �o enter upon ihe a6ove-meniionea Pink—Revenoe: Goltlenroa—Assessor PERM NO: H 062520 GOVT; N SUPP: N PURPOSE; ALT SQ FT: 4,000 CLAIM VALUE; 4,000,00 CALC—VALUE: 4,000,00 GROUP OCC; R-3 / COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS RE� PER UBC 1210 r�r�r**�e*��r��r�r�r�r***�r*�e�r*�e�e�r*�r* ��r�e�****�r�r*�*�r�r��r�r*�rx�*��r�r�rx*x�rx*�r�r*+�*�**�r�r�r******�r Z O N I N GS ERTEH�AUCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN HUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING AEQ• PROV: PARCEL: 43912130 ZNE: REF NO; PLANNING NOl'ES> i? •> > r *�����*�*�,�*,�*�*�**,���e*+�***,�**����***+�*,�**+�**���***�,�,���,�*�*,�,��,��**,��*���**���* D E V E=L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U Z R E M E N/T-S 20NING APPROVED, �BY DATE; -.�'� BUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE;, �'1 / APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: C9�6�08 �3 if if if k k iF 1F 1f iF if iE 1fltlf Ik iE IE 1E ik fk if iF 1h k if k lkif 1f ik if 1E�ifif3Fit �f iEiFiFlfkkiklEilkifkiEitiliEihifiklf�FlfiflklflFifiFilkifklEififfE�klEkk itkiFi!lfk�kitk�tilkikikkifiklfitlFlfitikiFif�FlFk.iliEkiEkififk�f LEGALIZATION:N F E E S M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y PERMZT BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRI 63.00 MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/R50 GRADING SMIP/NON"RES n :� TOTAL PAID /, DUE 63.50 63.50 /• .00 63.50 OVER/SHORT: � � ,00 FIRE SMIP/TO�T GAADING PLAN—CHECK PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 63.50 0.00 0.00 REVEN[JE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 63.00 M M if if if if �F iF 3F if k if 3f ik 3f if iF if k k iE iF �F if 1! k iFif if iflk ik iF ik iE iE ik iE ik ik iE iE iklf k iF iE if 1! k ilif iFiF iF 1f k fk k If �F�E af If iE ik ii if if if�,iF iF 1F ik 1k 1E �F iE 3F I N D, I V I D U A L F E E B R E A IC D O W N �� TYPE (jTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4000 REROOF HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1,00 �j 4,000.00 END OF FEES � / E �/ // ' /" � 01 001<06p2—p0140603 T OT DATE: Oti/OE/93 TI11E: 11:5? � 63.`0 CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING APPROVALS Permit # Date 1. Temparary Electncal Sen��ce or Pole 2. Sod Pipe�Undrgmd.- i "�E�actncal COnduit llt:htY�Undrgmd. 4�. �IeCtr.Zdl CondU�T�Undrgrnd. �5, Steel Reinforcement G. E1Pctncal UFER Grnd 7. Foot�ngs ' $. Fo�ndation � 9. Nlater Prpe�Ur.dr97rd, 30. Structural Ploor Syetern 11. Prnperty Sewer Line 8� House Connection 12. $e�ver Cap t3. Foof Drdms 74. Rough Plumbing 75. Rough Elacricai-Cor.tlwt 16. Rough EleCtriG4Viring 17, Rough lV!ring Sign 16 Rouqh ElcctrieaLT B.v Ceil�ng 19. Rouoh Heating & A�r Cond�uom�q i �� � r > 20. yio�h �JctoW F;*e�'ace �:i �r� � ' ti:.= 21.°Jucn.��SStnicture.: .... - - ' � 22. DuCFs, Venti�tin� � �.� � .. 23. Gas Pipa-Rouqh & tiest � � � _��:,.--.__ . � ' ' 74 ��flca�' Fr�'r�irg _� i- � ._ R �� 25. Root Shpathing : ¢ v Z6.'W'•Bar CeiLng fSt��u�all &1V�on6coat �'���I 27.�xrarye and Ftash�eg� . ti . �28.~Lat7�ng�k� Si�ng�: •' - - �_ .. ; = 29, Ins�lation . � �� • � 30. Dry��•aii (Vai�mg 'r . � ---- ':-�'_ - , �1. Plaster Brow� Coat•.. :� ! -�• .� ��-�_ `32. :ElectricthPotver t.;ei2r-F�.r.ai' ` i�� - _ _ y�3. �ina�F Eleciric � . . •- � :.g4 cFindl H88hng& A�i'Cor.dition�.�� " � V35.��inat Gas Pipe�T�st � ' � 36. Hood ort CanopYc "' . T ... � 37.'f;nai Psciory fveplace r , _ � � .. - - 3 •- 38. F�ns� Plumbing ' � 39. 4Vater Service �Final,"� } � � A0. Gas Service�Fc,�al . ' � 5 � A7, Sola� Domestic-Final �_ ' 4y,�YBacktlow Preventer • 43. Batkfiow trrii�ation: - � ' ' � J r,14. Landsw�e Irrigatior System� ' -- POOL & SPA • �-� --1 � {nspector QppROVALS Permit �,'�` Date Inspector � 52. Po�I & Equlpment Locat�on � 53. Strel Reinforce�ncnt � - � 54. �orms 55. Elect*ieai Bondmg _ • � 56. Rvugh �'lumhin� & Precsure T�st � '^ 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GU�ITf. I � 58. Elecvical Corda�t�Untlrq�ntl. . ��- ' 59. Gas P�pc, U UnUrgmd., TeSt ' - j -- ----� 60. Eac!cs�asl� L_ _�., P�TiaP. r! UndrS,ri�tl__� __�-_� 61. APPROVAL 70 DECK � ' � ( 62. Backr.�>h & Rcceptor Final ' 63. Fleater & VenFF;nel _-L' _ � G4. P;�mb�ng System � F�nal � -1 65. Electrlcal�F��nal , � � 66. Solar SVstam�F•n�'. . ---f--- - ------' 67. Fencing & Acctss Appru+,�l ' 68. APPROVED FOfi PL45TERING , 69. POOI/5�.� SYS`E:v:S FtNAL _ FIRE DFPT, REQUIRE�UENT � _ - �r.�� , � ... �� � .. � �APPR(1Vq�S ,� .:Qcr�uit :'� . .' •, '�`70. U�derg:0un�-H�j,o .� > '� Y •, � s .. 71. PruduCt �!pi�:c� .� Ggs �i Od " K -'-"�'7f 2. Un"� � F!�,r�' , , � '- _ _ ' x��':/3.-Underamd.Storace:.7.ic!<4�Gas _'G'' - - ---�+----- - - . ? 74!:Overhead Hydro � 3 �=' � ----- -- - � �. _ .. _ - - Ia � 4cY Ghe��ai . _ .'-r----r�-- - ---- - 76. Ory Star.dF_.�:e - : "" 77.' FiXED SY$�EM�fiNAL' � - �- . . � - - --� • 78:'FIRE PREV. FIh:A:. • _�, , I � � _ FtEALTF+DEPT;'REQUIRE4;�ENT � � i�--- �79��FINA-LI�iSPECTIQN ., _ . I ' ��8' 0. FOpp CE :7;F:'r�',r��F IS���LD, _:__� �I _' � { Y I -IVQ L�S. �_ T � l . . 1 i 4 � -�`-� - � - ,t , 4 ' �_ l� R � r '45.•,Sound Atte'riwatiort ' � ` .; ` n16.��4andicap•Regulatioris - � � q7.fINt1LSTRUCTURE&BUIIDI�'G /G� ��7 48,��INALPLANNING • - �tg, Elec'tric Release to �dison '" 50. Gas Release to Southern Caiifornia Gas Co -51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY � Date V n � �; ' --� � PflOJECTAOUFESS: 33Z MONTE VISTA AV OWNEP'S NAME: HONAKER JAMES H ADOPESS: 3 3 Z MON'�'E V I STA COSTA MESA,CA 92627 PHCMIENGINEEB: 6 S O— O A G S qEG.NO.: AOOflESS: i uxiT: � CITY OF"�'COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT UNIT: PEFMITTEE: ORANGE COUNTY SERVICES ( 714 ) 591-9753 RO�flESS: 3OZiy Nn�.��HESPERIAN WY('p q9'7(� 101 IICENSE� CONTHACT�DE�ATIOM:'iNeteby aliirm �hat I am licensed untlery10Vi5i0fiSDl'CflSp�r 9(commencing wilh Seciion 7000) ol D� i iness and Pmlessians Code, an0 my license is in full �arce an0 eifec�. cirruc.:�'������ srareuc.:67989 cuss: �"2"0 /[���� 9Mg J�S--`f � Signature: �e(_��!7���w� WOPNEBS' COMPENSATION DECIAflATION: I �ere0y aHirm �h ave a cetlificale of consen� to s�lbinsure or a cerlifica�e ol Workers' Compen5aiion Insurance. or a cerlified coOY �hereol (Seciion 3800. Lab. C�. roucvNo.:W931100990 EXP.ORTE: OSIOSI9S comraxv: CA COMP . ]� Ceriilied copy is �ereby fumishetl. ❑ Ce�ihed topy is liled with �he ti�y BUiI g Oivision. $�e- ��3-�y ApplicanL �� E%EMPiION FflOM WONREflS' COMPENSPTION UECIAPATION: (T 'Setiian need noi Ge camDleied if t e permit is �or one hunOred (5100) or 1¢55�. I cetlity Ihat in �he OeAormance of �he work for which Ihis permi� is issued. I shall no� employ any person in any manner so as to �ecome subjec� to the Workers' Compensalion Laws of Calibrnia. �ate: SignaNre'. NOTICE: Ii, afler making this OeClarati0n, you shoNa heCOme Suble�� �o �he Workers' Compensa[ion pmvi5ion5 ot �he LabOr Cotle. you musl lonhwilh compty wilh sucn pmvisions or ihis permi� shall Oe AeemeO revokee. CONSTHOCTION LENDING pGENCY: I hereby allirm Ihat �here is a cons�mc�ion lentling agency for Ihe pertormance at Ne work Por w�ic� I�iS oermi� is i=.sued (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEfl: ROOflESS: OWNEfl BOILOEB UECLAflATION: I hereby allirm thal I am e�empt �rom the Contracmrs' State License Law for the following reason �Section 7031.5 Bu5ine55 antl Pmlessional Code: Fny ci�y o� counry which requires a permit to cons�mct, alter, impmve, Oemolish, or repair any simctuB, prior to its issuance. also requires ine aDD�icant lor such permit to file a signea statement tnat nelshe is licensea pursuant lo �he pmvisions oi Ihe Contractars' S�aie License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wi�� Sectlon 7000) of Olvision 3 0� �he Business antl Pmfessions Code) or �tla� he/she is exempi Merefmm antl I�e basis far ihe allegetl exemption. Any violalion oi Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applican� �or a permit sublecls the applicant�o a civil penally of noi more ��an �ive huntlretl Dollars ($500). I, as owner oi �he pmperty or my employees wi�h wages as their sole compensa�ion, will Oo the work. an0 Ihe ❑ slmcWre is not inlentled or oflered for sale (Section 70aa, Business antl Prolessional Code: The Coniracrors' State License Law does nol appty to an owner ol a pmperty who builds or impmve5 Ue�¢on, antl w�o does such work himSelVhersel� or Ihmugh his or her own employees, Omvitletl t�at such improvemen�s are not inlen0ed or ofteretl �or sale. If, however the �uilding or impmvemen� is SoIA within one year o� compleiion, the owner will have Ihe hurtlen ot pmving he/she Oi� no� buil� or impmve lor the pm0ose of sale�. I, as own¢� o� ��e pmpeny, am exclusively conimc�ing wi�h licensed wnlrac�ors �o conslmci �he pmle�� (Sec�ion 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmleuions Cotle: The Contrac�or5' State License law tloes noi aDDly �o an owner o� pmpetly who builtls or improves �hereon antl who conirac�s for such proiecis witn a conirador(s) license pursuanl to tne Coniractors' Stale License Law). I am aware ihat pmol of �heir Worker'S Compensation insurance S�oNe be pmviaetl ta me. � I am exempt un�er Section�. B. 8 P. C. lor Ihis reason'. �a�e: Owner I tlo hereby cenify Ihat I am aware of ana unaerslantl �he reQuirements oi Califomia Heal�� and Salely Cotle Sec�ions 25505, 25533, antl 25534 an4 ihat I or any lulure budding occupanl willlwill na� (circle one) neetl ta comply wilh saia s�a�e cotles antl �he requirements lor a oe�mi� lor con9mciion or modificalion irom Ihe Air Ouah�y Management OistncL Fesiden�ial constmction apDlications are exemp� imm these provisions. Oaie: Applicant: � I hereby cer�ify Ihai I have reatl Ihls applicalion ana s�ate �hat �he a�ove iniormalion Is carrec�. I agrae to compl � iIM1 all ciry an4caunty ortlinances antl 51alelawsrelatinglo huilding cons�mction ana hereby authorizerepre5eniative5 o his ciry�o enter ponthe above�menlione0 pmpetly �Or inspet/iio�n p[W�pases. (//x�� � � �Oa�e'. �� ^7 / Signalure:�� � �nver's Ucense or Social Security p: 16<La6 WM1ite—Builtling�, Green—Cotle Enlorcemem: Canary—Applicanl; Plnk—Revenue; Goltlenrod—Assessor PERMIT NO: M 065526 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: MEC JOB DESCRIPTION ; CHANGE OUT 75,000 BTU FURNACE CLAIM VALUE: 1,200.00 CALC—VALUE: PERM NO: M 06552 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: OTH SQ FT: GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS: MECHANICAL WORK ONLY it it 1F it 1! iF if �E 1Fif ih if if iFiF1f it iF iF iF iF 1f if iF df iF it ik ltif if �E �f 1! �1F ih ik if �f if 1E if iflf iFk iF �If if if 1!!h 1f if iF il�f �! if ik 1F iF aF�1f �! k iF�t iF if iF iF ik 1F 1f iF �F iF if Z O N I N GS ERTEB�AUCjKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 43912110 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> ! �11 if fk if iF if 1E i! i! 1E IE 1f 1E 1f 1f fE 1!!f 1! 1E 1f IE!! 1! M 1k �f 1E ff k if 1Elf 1E 1f 1t If 1E 1E iE iE iE if 1E iF 1f 1f 1f if iF 1k if K 1E if 1F fE 1E if 1f 1plE iF iE iE iE fk M iE 1f iE if iF if iElf iE if M iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R%V Z C E S R E Q,U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY . ^ HUILDING APPROVED HY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY: iF If iE 1E if M iF iF iE iE iE iF 1f 1k �f iE if 1f iE iF %M !f iE fFlFlFlflFlf 1E iElt 1f iF 1f 1F iE iFlE iFlf ff M DATE: iF iE LEGALIZATION:N F E E S.U'M_M`A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;N HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC. MECAANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT •� 9.00 - 25x SMIP/NON—RES PLAN - ' ' - '" ISSUE FEE " '�15.00 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 9.00 15.00 0.00 24.00 24,00 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COI,LECTED: , 24.00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 24.00 � 5. if iE if !f iE if 1E k �tlf 1E if if !F if 1t k 1F if iE iF if 1t if if if iE iE if 1t 1E iElf iF iF it ft if fE i! 1t 1F 1f fE 1E 1F 1f if if 1E iE 1E fE fE if K fE 1E iE IE �E iE ik 1E 1E 1ilf 1ElElE iE iE iE fF iElE IF iE �F I N D I V Z D U A L "P E' E L� B R E A K D O W N �. TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I�O N � i UNIT COST TOTAL COST MEC 1 INST FORC—AIR/GRAV FURN <=•100 K BTU 9,00 9,00 END OF F-EES / �. �� I \ r� . �,.. �i � �. . /� � I�-� 1, ' . i . �' / :lt n�+�:i1-'.—�l`?`. t,��F T4:AT1 24,tS0 uATE: 0 L'D3/54 iIP�E: :1:St7 C0�ISTRUGTIOR� AND PLANNING i A('?ROVALS Permit�`r � L TemP��arY Electrical Seu�.�'2 or Pole_ - - - - --T+.,--7'^ i 2, So�l Pipe�Undrgrnd. '�' - ,,_ . . ..'.:. - 'l , ,�-f� �I:ct^,�I CondJry�:t�FiiY•Undrgrnd;��, I--• ' -•--r---.�.;----C.-�'„ , .:C'.s.�ec'r�«� Co�d•,�-G''+(lryrnd. �- • , ....�:t�' 9'3�r+orwmen.i� " � --,r - t%: Ci�ci�:o:' UFER�.^a«nd. - _ .-,-L- , _�i.�^�ooungs �� `�"u. .��.:rdct,on .- __ - - �wi.�. _ ri •:` :':.�;e- P�Pe�Jr.d,�'t,r�d. - - ..�U. 5:���ct���l Floa"5ystem -----'--- ^ . 7 i. a.�"pe'��; Snv�ar'Linf1L4 NoJSEConn€CtiOCI ---:� - - �.. �a�;_: Cs� - , _ P,oa! .^.r;,�.ns ` : Rcur�� olcmhing,,, ` ,-�> Rnuuh EIr,cV�caLConduit ,,. ^�, :,h P.echlet7inn7 . �, /. Ro�7t,' �n8 �n;'r_ �E. Ru�.�h [icc!�ir.' 4 R3� Ceil�ng ii^ Ro��h Heatinn & Air Cor.ditioniny r --- � .--s-.- �-. . %� F' .�.h F,ietor� Fi�np.ace 1"'7 " � .. � ' ' - , .. ...«:, �T .%�•r,ttiurE� w � . .• -' < i -+-�=.-" r 1 'iy= �`:� C�G7?. ��Phti�Ailn � ' - 9"; _ � � � �:5 i?�P°�jouqi' & T@s1 � _' ___'.._' -,_.-.--rt.' _ i . F.00S. Fram:ng•�" * �- � � _- .- . �- _- - ' .. qooi„Sh�itrt,n� .� � ! ___ �.A�7C�� �r.g Str.wn, a�� ,..:,.^neCoat ' �7 ntan4Fl�yhi'�y. �r,Y __-_ _ ;-e..� I Q�t. L.:�t4inn ,a Sidrli� _ - f:... U' � �=.rl'.. inSJicLci{i � ' 'c •• �� n r} .. . _ � �� � i .ai� �_ r,� _. 1 ' :e F Jn-.vn Co� . • S,. - � r - _r__.___"�'t;�. �� gi���rir3:�t'J„0• \i�F�`:'ra' . _ _ .-r. � ___a�_. _iu. _ �_a�� `Y. * �Ef.,V G. -c .�: Y -�-'J Tr- _ � 3�� ,¢� aL"-a� ny3. Air Canp,tionirrp�= - � - - , - � :- i �. �P a� c,. �ic.:'ier, _. - �; �S�Huclor Ca�oPv . ���` i .T�� - - _t--_ .� � �,�,_� rj- �7 =�naf,F2�6rv F�reP15Ce .. � �,���� I :i.� F�� t?,i��air.y ��-:] �- ~ :.. F'I- -�•i-� ♦ ����-3 L '� ,.;,,nr $?,1�c2�F�nal '. .• ^�HC� :�ar Szr ���.r_mel , •'.v-C ���-•- IJ4i. SOldr Cemestw�Fina? �s ��- T � 2. 53: ;fIG;: PrevEnter � �� ,J. 3a�.f;o.� :rr�y,�t:on r' - �'. i -rJscn, I.fj:,e;.ioR.SY�tem .. n G - (I ��-.-T�__- �.--.--_--.v.;�_�:r_ 1 �45. L�.oiv'd AttenGatio� `"� " �� � ?_ �-_ _ �iS. ��and�cap Negu�atlori� ;� " J fili�td4L STAI,'CTURE & EU'GOI�JG � _ .� �" � ; e ��Z�A� �� a���v�r�c. i--�--�-- � . � :� @;r-��f.c I'^.Iease to eei�son - ��C 6as Rele�.sr .o Southem Canio�aaGasQ ��1. CFFTI��CAiEOFOCCU?A'"CY nu __ �atc _ Date I Inspectur _ � • pi �� � r . r t � ; x' .�� T- r � • Y-� 1� : *�- � Y ') � .� r S r POOL & SPA � � APPROVALS Petmit ;6 Date 52. Pool & Equipmznt �ocat�on 53. Steol Reinforcement �J4. 'OfT] � 55. Electr.ca' Frnd ng � 56. 7cugh Plumb��nq & Pressure Tes! � 57. l�PPROVl�LTOCOVER�GUP!ITF�- 58. E�ect�ical�ond��t�U.�r9mi�. I $9. Gds P,pe, '-1 Undrgm�.. Te51 ' ^ 60. Baclavash !.ines, P�Lcp, � ',. ;. .�^d � i _'- 61. APPROVAL TO DECI< 62. BackwashlL RecepmrF�nai 63. Heatcr & VenFFiral 64. Plnm�ing SYstem � E:n�i 65. Electricai-Final 66. Sotar System�Pinal__ ,' InspectOr � 67. Feneing & Accuss Approval I 68. APPROVED POR PLAS7�Ri\G � _� 69. POOLISPASYSTEt.S5F�^!AL �� I -.l .- _ _-{-�i FIRE DERt. REQUIRE�EiV7 I 1 r. ' a I ; � ^_ � �l.YPRQ1jAi�'�`� "Per.i;t ;�� „_:_I � j '-�T� � I � . ' -�--•� . --i - � �-1 . �� ; 0. U+�der,roik.:t�l���u � .T-- - x-�: . . 4,.�_y , a � _� �+.�^ � =� r° �. �I �7 Pruti�ct`�p�n9'�w^.� .:�':: . lt� I� -� _� ., J t .-72. Undcrg�o��;F'iv.h . ` I , '.� ?�_ ' -�- :•---�.-_ _ _ _ '-_ _. � �. � " ' i i�3. �(Jndergrnd,StorayL'}Tank i::Go: ^,O`" I -I- i 7 � ? :�I�%4. t,��erhezd Hydro J -X--- _ --i-- -- �- _ , -'�-rR--'�.i-�I---- -.�-E} __ I _ `b; c �- � 15.r:y C.amtiP' _� . ' _ ' � _'a. : y � _ -"�1_-;'- -� _ _ _ ..-" ' -__� _- - I>� �s r �i 76. DrV 5!, ��dttt.'Y f� i - __Y.�-,.-___ ._ ,,.,.'.r.__'_�..�-' �__._- ______ _'_' ' "� .. ..± ' 17."'�IXEC 5'Y`"�;E^"�Fir'AL" �' �� I � �_ L_ 3_� __ 1__ _.'' ._ �i5�___. __. "�,_I -_ l_- _-"_ � �` � - . 78.,jjIR�FRr�� rl` �p c,. m, i � �-trJ _- ` �._ _ _ . __ _ - - _ _ _ ' I y �., FLLr�ll-IJFPI.?N,^_:r i .'i ! �`�' 7� I I;�'�r 7 � ti - , --- - .- -- . i iT • . "J','- . . �r i _ . __'7 1- � . _/ ' {�' _. _ ; ' _ ' "� � i t, ,i�0 isnUJ �E �. i I' �'t �St._. , __���� S_� e_ % /'.1 /__/ � _ . __ . -;-.� i YI N04:r ��'-1��� �} / Y/---L�� "_ �� - . i \ ,..fr o.. x .�. �1 � �; 54�GrV 1 .� ;r-L - / �- � ..�� !�� '? �- - - - - -. �,, i�-g �/ ,.� i i �1=� =�_�T. "- ' � ' r � a •; -=� � � �t +�S_'7S ��- .`; .GLy S .��Y� Y -I ( � � # _l- L_.,'-w'j-�C;, _�"`_�_ - f`!/v��Z C�" - - - -- � _ i �r� •�: __� - { � _ "_ __ ..__ ____. __ ; �__ .. F ) r'� a . ; � �� �. - � -� _ `� l ._____ -_-_,.,_-___+, __ .____. .____ _!.-� ._ yz ,- _ .i 'I r + .^ H___ __ __ _ ___ -__ _ . M � 1�_�I.-�- _ _ . . _ . _ . M � ` _j _ � • -------u�- - , --�------ --- r � . . t . �. 'r. . i:: � .�.--_�-_ _. ___.- ___ . ____ _._- ', � i},, k = -•. _T _ _ _. __ ..._- ._ � '- r I ----�.__r_ - - --- -- ---- -- --- � r � ---T-+ --- -� -- -- - ----' �. _ , , -�� - --- --� _ __ � __ __.___J (80�1 ' COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 9f7 C06iA MEBA. CALIPORNIA � For Applicant fo Fill In Complefely TYPE OR PRI T BUILDING 33z ' �M / �A •/ //�' ennwvec G1l � / � � ARCHITEGT BTATE �+ (' TEL. LIC. NO.t/� C � /� NO. e1zE �/ 3 U X d' JO ' I rao. on auos. OF LOi / NOW ON LOT USE OP EXISTING BLDG. serencrc una rrsoM //) � CfiMEp OP BTP¢ET / REAR YARD SIDE YARD I LEFT O I RIGH7 /�J DESCRIpTION OF WORK ;RIOR WAL ROOF ERING COVERII OF BUILDING ANDx✓ORK 70 BE '� ��� �� i �.���yN�E',�E� OCT 171962 � a �� `� �Ii�,�t;E DEPT. " -�� � CI � Y OF COSTN ft4ESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING For Office Use Only RECEIPT NO, PERNIT�lW,� . BUILDING 3� � 7�..,� v-� ADDRESS COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA �` ��L I PL.hNB �� I BUILDINO k L60AL f��!- L ;,� y Y O88CRIPT�ON � lC6NT¢R LINB BTJ �3 REAR / 3 ByPROVED ��nf a� 18911ED Y /,v-� Cl� Gt_, • _ /3 5-7 ` �' I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDG6 THAT 1 HAV6 p T1118 APPLIGTION �ryQ AMOUM 9XOWN U ¢R VALUM1TION 16 FOq TH¢ AND BiAiE THAT THE A90VE IS CORRE AND AOHlB TO COM- pURP096 OF ¢BTABLI6XING A PERMIT FEE ONLY. PLY WITN ALL CITY O INANCES ATe LAWB f180UlATINO BuiLoiNG CONeTR oN. VALUATION ��� SIGNATURE OF � PERMIT FEE $ PERMITTE � $��� �^' n 'J � PLAN CHECK S �1[ % — AUTHORRED AGEN7 _ `�7_7 ^