HomeMy WebLinkAbout2030 MONROVIA AVE - Building Permits�i P�0.IECT'P�DhE33: zO3O MONROVIA AV OWNEH'SNIIME: JENSEN, DOUGLAS J nooness: Z030 MONROVIA ST COSTA MESA,CA 92627 • 631-3962 uxiT: RNCNIENGINEEB: BEC.NO.: ROUBESS: � +- UNR: ' PEflMITTEE:DOUGLAS JENSON - � i714)631-39b2 nooeEss: ��030 MONROVIA CA 92b27 LICENSED CONTMC70R DECLAMTION: I here6y attirm that I am lic¢nsed untler Oravisions of Chapter 9(commencinq wi[h Sectian 7000) ot, Division 3 of I�e Business and Professions Code, antl my license is in full lorce antl ettect. CITY LIC.: ' STRTF UC.: CUSS: � Oa�e: SipnaNre: WOPI(EBS' COMPENSRTION UECUMTION: I her¢Ey aifirm that I have a certiticate ol consent to uli-insure or a ceNficate oi Workers' ComDensation Insurance, or a certitieE copy [hereoi (Section 3800, La�. C�. �&;.��;;mICY NO.: ' � E%P. ORTE: � Cerii�ied CODY �s AereUy fumis�eJ. � O Certifie0 coDY is file0 with tAe ciry BuilUing Division. Da�e: Applicanl: E%EMPfION FPOM WOBKEPS' fAMPENSA➢ON OECWWTION: Qhis secGon neeU not 6e comDleteO R Ne pertnil is far one hunAretl (E100) or less). I cerlity that in ihe pertarman e oi the work tor whicA t' �t is iss 'Lepe Mar¢mDlay any Dersan in any manner so as ro become suDle�� �a the Wo ers' Co s'an Laws oi Calilomia. Oate: SiOnatua: � NOTICE: II, alter makinp ��is Eeclaration, you 5hou10 Ueco s�le�t Workers' Compensaiion provisians o� Ihe Labor CUUe, you musiforthwith comply wiN such provisions or ' Dermit shall be OeemeU revoke0. CONSTBUCTION LENOING �OENCY: I hereby aflirm that there is a constmction IenEinp apency br tAe De�ormance ol the work for whicA �his permit is iuued (Section 3W7, Civ. C). lENOEB: aooeess: - OWNEq BUILOEN OECUMTION: 1 hereby alfirm ihat I am exempt trom the Contractors' State License Law for the followinA �easan (Section 7031.5 Business anE Prolessional COAe: My ciry oi counry w�ich requires a permit [o consiruct, alter, imprave, Oemolish, or repair any simcture, D�or to iLs iuuance, also reQuires t�e appliwnt for suc� permit ro lile a signed statement ihat he/she is licenutl pursuant to Ne Ormisions of tAe Contacrors' State License Law (CAapter 9(commencin0 ��h Section 7000) af Oivision 3 ai ihe Business � antl Protessions Cotle) or ihat he/she is exempt t�ereirom an0 Ihe basis for ihe alleAeO axemp[ion. Any violation af Section 7031.5 6y any ap0licant for a permit su�jects t�e applicant to a civil penalry al not more tAan five AunOretl Oollars (5500�. I, as owner ai the proOertY or my employees with wapes as �heir sole compensatian, vnll Oo ihe work, and the � stmcture is no� imendeG oroflereA far sale (Sec�ion 7044. Busmess and Pmfessional Code: The Contraclars' S�ala License Law „ Oces nat aODN lo an owner o� a D�oDertY �o �uiltls or impmves tAereon, and who tloes such wod himseli/herull or throu0h his or her own employees, DmviOetl IAat suc� improvements are nnt intenAeE or offeretl tor sale. tl, �owever tha 6uilEinp oi . impmvement is solE within one year of.com0letioq the owner will have tha burEen oi pmvinp he/she did nat DuiIE or imDrove ior ihe Ourpose-oi:sale�. ' . � 7L I, as owner o1 tAe Omperty, am exclusively contracW A with Iicense0 wniractars to construct the prole�� (���ion 7044, Business ❑ an0 Pmiessians CoOe: Tha Contractors' state License Law dces not appty to an owner oi pmperrywha �uiltls or improves tlrereon and who contracts for such pmlecls wifh a cantracroqs�license pursuant ro the Coniractors' State L�cense Law�.l am aware I�at proof of [heir Worker's ComDensation insurance shoul0 �e DroviOetl to me. " � I am exempt under Section: � B. 8 P. C. for Ihis reas :r'� � Oate: �`� � I1`1 Owner. � I Eo hereby certiy Ihat I am aware ol anA untlerstanE the reQuirements of Ca � ealth an fery CoOe Sections 25505, 25533, and 25534 anU ihat I or any fuNre UuitAinp occupant wiNwill nat (circle ane) neeA ro comply wiN saitl state wEes anE ihe requirements for a � parmit for consimc�ion or moAitication from t�e Air Oualiry Manapement Dis[nct. FesiAential consimction applications are exemD� �rom tAese provisions. ' _ Date: �- Applicant: � I herehy certity that I have rea0 Nis aDDlicaUon an0 staro t�at the above information is correct. I agrea ro comply wRh aIl ciry anE counry orainancesantlstalelawsrelalinA�obuilEingconstmciionantl ereb uthorrseiepreseat�tivesofthiscirytoenteruponiheahava-mentione0 praDeM �or ins ection pu Doses. Date: C� � Sipnature: - Driver's License or Socia� securirv � Green—COEe En�orcement; Canery—Applicam; Pink—Revenue; GoltlenroE—Assesaor • CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: P 098888 PERMIT NO; P 048888 PLAN CN.ECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N; CONSTRUCTION TYPE; V—N PERMIT TYPE; PLU ' PURPOSE; OTH JOB DESCRIF+TION : kEPIPE SFD ." 5Q FT: " f. CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE;� GROUP OCC: R-3 /.. COMMENTS: REPIPE SFD ' • �. i *���****�-*�x�****x��**�*�*����*�**�*�*�*�*��***��*******�*�**�***�*�***�r**�e���x Z O N I.N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S � S E T H A C K S �,' ----------- MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY HUZLDING -----:-- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGAT; � FT IN PARICING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 42250523 ZNE: REF NO: � � PLANNING NOTES> > . iF i6 # iF # iF dE dE if iE iE if !E if ##'rE it if iF iE # iE jk iE iF it iE it iE it iF ik iE jk iE it iE iE iE iE iF it �lk iE iF i(-ik it iE �1E if iE i(-iE iF it �k 7f� d(-jE iE it IF �JE iF �N- jE ik iF 1E iE iE iE 3f iF iE 3c� �E D E V E L O P M E N T S E k V I C E S��•:'� R E Q U I R E M E N T�S t � , ZONING APPROVED BY , HUILDING APPAOVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED B�-; iP3klEiEiEif9EikiFiEjEifiFiEiEiEiEititifiE#�Ei�ik� ..,— iE iE iE iE tk iE * iE iE iE it �E it 3E iE iF ik �E iF iE if jE �E fE �E dE 9E iE if if if iF iE i� LEGALIZATION;N F E E BLDG PMT PLUMBING EL PERMIT 2z00� PLAN ISSUE FEE 3 00 DATE: DATE; "� DATE; 4 �l O6 �� ' .....^...'f: ��F***�t*�-+�-�ti��t x- * ���- 3E 3E iF iE jF dE iE iE iE iE iE �E ii 3f iE * iE iE jE jE it iF if iF iE 1k iF �E aE iE iE �E �E 9E iF 1E jE * M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:N MECHANIC FIRE SMIPlAES GRADING SMIP/NON—RES bUILDING—UIV—> PEkMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID ' DDE TOTALS---=> 2.00 3,00 0.00 5.00 5,00 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> - COLLECTED: 5.00 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING'PLAD1—CHECIC 5.00 3E iE iE if if it ib iE ik iE 3f iF iE jE * iE iE iE iE ik ik iE iF iE iF if fE iE ik if iE if �E 1F if if iE iF dE �f jF iF iE if 3E jE iF iF �F �E iF 9t if jE ih jE it jE iE 9t 9t 1t iE iE df 1E 3E 3E iE iE iE jE if jE iE fE 3E iElE I N U I V I D U A L F E E b R E A R D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT'COST ,TOTAL COST PLU 1 WATER RE—PIPE 2.00 2,00 END OF FEES , 0 oi a�aesas�-ooaE9as� -c-},T ;,on DATE: a9/08/90 . ?It1E: CS'.?3 . � �� " CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING- '� ' �� ` P��L & SPA , . „ . APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector APpROVALS Permit # Date Inspector � 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole - 52. Pool & Equipment Location � _ 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. � _� . 53. Steel Reinforcement � �� 3. Electrical Co�duit Utility-Undrgrnd. -� 54. Forms - 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 55.� Electrical Bonding -� - 5. Steel Reinfo�cement "� 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. -. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings - 58.-ElectricalConduit�Undrgrnd.., S. Foundation . ,�'- - 59. Gas Pipe, C7 Undrgrnd., Tesi _ 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Floor System i--_. -. - 61. APPROVAL TO DECK -.� �'_ 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection i 62. Beckwash & Receptor-Final . 72. Sewer Cap � - 63. Heater & Vent-Final ' � � 13. Roof Drains _ 64. Plumbing System � Final -� , 14. Rough PlumUing � 65. Electrical-Final � 75. Rough Electrical-Conduit _ 66. Solar-System�Final � 16. Rough Electric Wiring� � . 67. Fencing & Access ApProval ll. Rough Wiring Sign , � 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERWG � ^ t 76. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL'/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Struc[ure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping OGas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T-Bar Ceiling fStructural) & Monocoat 75: Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing , 76. Dry Standpipe , 28. Lathing & Siding � 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation �' 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing ' ' HEALTH DEPT. FEQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat ; 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power MeterFinal � �+� 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric ,; 7 ' Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning �j �� - - �. , /, _� 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test . � � � � 36. Hood or CanoPY � �•�� i • 37. Final FactorV Fireplace � � , 38. Final Plumbing R L��g(% [.Tt� � 39. Water Servic¢-Final � 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation � 44. Landscape Ilripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handiwp Regulations �.. . � a7. FINAL S7RUCTURE & BUILDING .• 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co �' 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date � CITY OF COSTA MESA BUILDING DIVISION OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION A city or county, which is required to give notice pursuant to Section 19830, shall attach to such notice, and, as a condition precedent to issuing a building permit, require the completion and require the return of, an owner-builder verification. Attention Property Owner: An `owner-builder' building permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please cpmplete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecsssary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the pro- posed property improvement. O Yes �;No 2. I have/ t) signed an application for a building permit for the pr posed work. 3. I have contrIacied with the following person (firm) to provide the proposed construction: Name h-�O�^'�P P���r �^ � Address t7n�� t.��l^•^'i"`�P.� �.f� City nS�-�'125�� Phone (��y) 7Z%'-�Z�S Contractor's Lic. No. 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide the major work: Name Address City Phone ( ) Contractor's Lic. No.. 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to pro- vide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work I hereby affirm that I have eived a copy of the information set forth in Section 19830 of the State of California and Safe e compteted the above information to the best of my per- sonal knowledge, 'n omplia with t's State law. q 1 Signed_ _ �" Date: [ `Cl6�f � Name: IF.' �52� (Printed or Typad) C.D.L. # or S.S. # �% � 754-5273 �' - . _ \\ ' � CITY OF COSTA MESA, .C..._IFORNIA : ' . . �". �. . . .. . -- , .� ' �, . , - , �\' . , . . ' '' - _ � . _ - .� ' . , ; . . September 8, 1967�. • ' ,' *' ' � Home Savings and Loan Association . � 9245 Nilshire Boulevard ' ' `, Beverly Hills. California ` � ` . - -. : RE:' Building violations - 2030 Monrovia_Ayenue, Coa a Mesa - Attention:. BetTy HcFerland . . . . �' � . Gentlemen: . . , , . _ , ��. It has come to our attention that'�- rty' located 2030 � '. " Honrovia Avenue, Costa Hesa,_Californ e' bed as Lot 15, " � : . 'Tract No. 1712,'1s baing sold'and�i cirow�i your Department:': ' ' . ,, ' Thia propeMy was owned by rt�Ad� ` We xish to advise that . . Mr. Adams applied.for a Variance (N -- ).for_permission.to allorr ` a single residence in�au Rl Zo e with � garage'due to the converaion ', of.the carport in 1960 ia � ro'. ithont a Building Permit. _ A Fireplace was also co ucted w ouY ilding Permit. This . Variance was_approved b the City C u ciT'on 5-1-67 subject to the following conditions�: , _ ', _.' � . 1. That a Buildin ermit aken'out for the conversion and - . the e. 2. all the requirements of the Dapartment of�Building Safety �. b met. . - . " �3. tallation aoncrete residen4ial sideualks'and concrete � ,' veway app h,by the applic'ant and/or owner, at his - e se,`per andard•specifications of'the Cfty of Costa Mesa. - " 4. Tha - e built betwQen the house and the side yard on the ' , � � ' north to leave.space for a drivewaq. - - ' ". � On Map 4, 1967, Mr.,Adams applied'�for Building Permit No.-27002 • . for the carport converaion and the fireplace. The.,applicant has neve'r'called-�, for any inspections.to bring these yiolations up:to.code.'- �' -. �� YSince this property is noN being'�sold, xe felt that you Depertment_� should be apprised oF.the "violations and conditions imposed t br' g the ,� ,'. , building up�'to'code before the sale is consummated: ' _' . . . r . . . . ' ti�„ �. y y:Yo .3 .:. . - . _ illiam 'f.. Dunn � � . NLD:am ' �• � Director of Planning �_ ' - • cc - Department of Building Safety�. . '. �' _ •_, '. : . ' • ' ��I'� _ " . .. . . , . . � • � . - ' . -.l • , � � � �� - , . . � i. � ` � �� QD OWNER ADA�IS, ROBERT �Rc SARAH DATE 11-10-60 JOB ADDRFSS oriEovla ve. BUILDING PE MIT NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR onecra � IIc. VALUE $ � AP T�Io. — ' LOT Tk2ACT FIRE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK eSl 5. I� CTIONS DATE I GROUP � J TYPE V ZONE 1 L_ .ground SoIl U.G. Water PERMITS ISSUED ,._�_____.._� ..__ ---I SUBCONTRACTOR I OCCUPANCY Form 21�SM-71-59 SB P 13274 r" �32' 4 ;, CO�TA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 977 C08TA ME6A. CALIPORNIA� Fo� Applieanf io Fill In Compleiely TYPE OR PRINT � � � ADD E'68 � O JO /MONlaO✓/A AYE COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA OWNER nfT%At -i-Sd.(AN N AAfaS�� � MAIL ADDRESS �n i O-.il./ nn/ Jj0[///; Av E TEL. 7 c�n �L n: : iJ - i � ES H� No. N. / ARC�"TEGT TEL. FEE RECEIVEU � `��, �,r�� 1019fi0 �FINAiVCE DEPT. APPLICATION�FOR� ERMSTA MESA BUILDING For Office Use Only e7� I I�../b E�E�iEI � COSTA MESA. FIRE ZONE TYPE JR ..°i %���E C%JHFT �%N(_ . APPROVE� BY ���� .�-�F_t K��E H✓F ZONE� j i e$ A �VcF_L F_S � �- IP� %%�Y NO. OL-7- %I3O LEGAL oescrti�rio� rvo. ov s�oce. ' NOW oN LOT q, p, NO. a nr_ %�i L:� / D EN fl L^ YARDS O 98TBACR LIN6 FROM DESCRIPTION OF WORK NO. OF �t USE OF NEW PLANB / �� BUILpING APPROVED (C6NTlP UNE 6TJ � � � � � EVE6 o—dv REPAIR I II MOVING I II DEMOLI6H I_ BYPROVED %�/ Y��I DATE / I� I�"��-' // BUILDING NO. OF - ' �y�, SIZE ROOMS STORIES �/- � EX7HRIOR WALL ROOF . ' - . COVERING COVERING � USE OF BUILDING AND WORK 70 BE PERFORMED '�i ! D F_NCE .�. i'n.•ct. liESi,�/-t.�G i=TC. . I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDOE TXAT 1 HAVE READ TX19 APPLIWTION }X6 AMOUNT BHOWN UNDEP VALUATION 18 FOft THE ANO BTATE THAT TXE ABOVE �6 CORAECT AND AGRSE TO COM- pUpp086 OR EBTA9L18XING A PERMIT FEE ONLY. vLY WITH ALL CIiY OltpINANCEH ANO HTATH LAWB REOYLATIN6 OUILDINO CONBTRUGTION. VAL-�U\ATION - ♦�[y 91GNATIJRE OFl7,` i�/- O �Jif/i� � . \ ii. PERMIT FEE $!// �AUTHORIZED AGENT � UWNF.R AllHMb'� tiODDy L. �� ci Final or DATE SUBCONTRACTOR .uw^,""�LI urcy" ._ O.�,e..�.� (���)��3-099� �f� �—��-�7 �t�d Gr�n. ec��y�ez,�i�°, (��' €'d-�vn� �'�-w�- �u,� _a.u� ��.�. � � � � � ,� _ �i_ �,� �.�� ���� -�s e��� _- � � i%-�.--y,�P.�_eK-�' .ti.-�� . ����,� �'2 s� � � - � � � � . � _ +�.`i o0,�r � aatn �OSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMEM I�AY -4-67��,15i��� 233;r t�,s�:�� �,.Qd P.O. BOX 12J0 � GOSTA MESA� CALIFORNIA Y2l26 ��° i Fo� Applicant ro Fill In Compleroly APPLICATION FOR PERMR TYPE OR PRINT BUILDING . For Offica Use Only BUILDINO ADDRESB D, il V 11[Cillf NO. P[pM�T NO. � WSTA MESA.'CALIFORNIA . . . 7 , , i..- '' . . ' . , % �� �%Gv'- _ . . � a '� . . �i., e�cp io sr . . . �n xe crvm�. � � y�re �esue� � OWNER O ' 1 . Q _ , - " BUILDINO /'� ADDness 030 on i� O V /q wooReao �: . . FIRB '`' ' l.i: . T CITY p �-A . .TlL. [/�`� •� �ZON! +�' .6ROUP -.L � � 1.�N0. 7 - - '1 A ITEGT T!L APP O �� � !Y ' AT'E� !� GINEeR NO. , ING ADDRe68 z no.o� � ua[oRN (�,f •LAN� GUILDIXY CONTMCT R ' WNPQ-17I"F �eo�t � DiDC111R10N O � ' AD RHBt A. P. NO. �� ' �'- 2 CITY NOTH: NO BAVS OV[RHAN6 SXALL B8 LE88 THAN STATH . TH4 :10' TO HID6 a RBAR P. L LIC. NO. N SIZE � � No.ol�L0o6 AIA.LOWBD .(U.B.G.REQUIRLMENT). - OF LOT O nOw N YARDHMPROVHD YARDSAPPROVHD USE OR MAIN BUILDINO ACCEIISORY B ILDINZd E%ISTIN6 BLOO. - [PROM C/L i6TBACK L�IIt IRON FRONT � PT� ceNTeR OP iTR[ RGR Y D e1D[YA DI L[PT RIQNT R.DIDi .�� 1� /� DESCRIPTION OF WORK �. nio rr, a�� rr, a [/ N'. TIRATI N ADDITI N RGR - FI'. fJ Ff. CIYTANC[![T. BQT. MAIN Q REPAIR �ry qM ug MAIN BLD ACCEBB.BLD68. BUILDIN6 � q � NO OR V�•# �'/J ��� DAT6 SIZE F ROOMB RI G. U. P. APPROVBD �' ' EXTERIOR WALL ROOA MPROVtD COVEfttN� COVERINO BY T! UY60e OUI �tlYAND O;KTO 6PtRF011 � pLU POR SYGCiA R�%QU1K��Yi.*.1 S �p L v n� "� � a �.�. � 0 I HlR6BY ACKNOWL6C06 TXAT 1 XAVB R8I1D TN�B APPL�GTION TX8 I�YOU(R BXOWM lINOBR YALUATION 18 ROp TH8 � AND BTAT6 TNAT TH6 ApOV6 IY CORHHCT AND AOp88 M COM• ��RP098 OP 68TABLIBXINO A PERN�T PEB ONLY. PLY W1TH ALL CITY ORDIIUNCO AND YTATi LAWY P�OYIATINi �/�yUAT1ON BUILDINO CONBTRYGTIO ,�/� pj PERMIITiE�P �iy,� PERMITFEE S I�-L/L/ � � /J��� . w AUTNORIZiD Aa[NT G� � `� TOTAL FEE . � , , . � l � .. '- ti . '. � ''�.,` \ `�.. , ( - -- , .. ' i � d ip? �'4.�•� �I ��µ � <�'`�7:- �iJ .-_,:i:�':11� :�✓.:.a.. ' �� . " ..t�:`Ci._'�J,4Z`.y,:T.t]1 ....St�....,.,. . � ' ' � _ . .' "" _ _ ' ' _ '_ ... . . ;Y- _ _ " ' " "' ' ' '_ . .. .1 � i.�.. . 1�..'��r'. ' . a- . �.. �: . 't` . . .;�i� c:'''`'-'. �i"��. ... - �L :.�. - ---- —���--�r.-� _ •--- ` — _ . . - ---� - - .- ' . ,.. . .. , . . �. ' ..•� _�.: ,. ' ..R;^_.. i__..._.. —__�—_I��.______�.�r._.�._.��.'_"_...__��.... _.__ _ . �1.. Installation-.of residential, sidewalks�and�iconcrete. .,.:-,; �. �� ���driveway�approaches by`applicant-and/or-owner at-his-' - - '� - - expense per--standard•.speci�fications of �the City.,of_Costa • -_ � . � Mesa. . �, . : :...: i . - - ` ' -- :. �- -- �' ' -7f :a: - 2. That nothing be builtJbetoieen-the- house--and � the �side ---`- - - - -- = •-property-�1-ine -on Ghe--north side _iri•� order_to _Leave ,space -.',._� ` r_ , ' for a.dr-iveway. � ' = � , -- _.,� - ----- � - � ----'T". - .. ._.. - 1i - ', ...-. ���� ' +� --'-'- �--'- ---� - � ---- ' - ' ' �' o, ,... , i '' i l "-'- .-' _.ii;..,�.��.�--- -,.o.or,- - . - ----- -� --- � -' - --- � -- .-��'.. - . . . .�._i...J^ . 2KSi . _ �'ti '' . _'_.'. _._ _.. _ '_ _' ___�..____. —_-... �.____.___' _ '.__`�_'C_-_!�_ ' . . v ;x.;a " _ ' �• J � . ' . _�� . �. . _' � ' . _ .__ _ __ _. �� "'^ �I� . . .��_ _...' 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