HomeMy WebLinkAbout218 HANOVER DR - Building Permitsnooeess: Z18 HANOVER DP. rsr+ame: WICKER, DENNIS B aooness: 218 HANOVER DR COSTA MESA,CA AflCHIENGINEEP: aoon[ss: 92626 NEG.NO.: UNIT: PEflMIiTEE: ORANGE COAST R OFIN. (719)63�-1924 aooaess: 3027 ROYCE L " COSTA MESA C 92 �"6 UCENSED CONTNACTON OECU1flATI0N: I hereby allirm �Aa am licens ntler mvisions o C Dter 9(co en ng wilh Section 7000� ot Oivision 3 0l I�e Business and Pmiessions Cotle, an my license i in full orce and �e . c/irruc. 03593" rnreuc.:q3467� � s - 39 {/��),te � _� SignaNre�, _ . /`WUflKEBS' COMPENSATION OECLAflATION: I hereby a��ir hai I have e i�icaie tonsenl Sel4insUre or ertifiCa�e o� Worker5' Compensaiion Insurance. or a ceniliea copy ihereol (Sectio 3800. Lab. C) �icvNo.: 285-99UNIT00223 e .onTe: OL/ �1/95 omraxv: STATE FUND Certdie0 cop^y is �ereby luinished � Cenilie0 ca i liled wi�� t city u ing �i ' i . Oate: ��� 0..��`� ApplicanL '� ESEMPTION FBUM WOHtlEflS' COMPENSATION DECIABATION: ( is section neetl not �e completetl ii the permil is for one hunAreO (5700) or leu). I certify that in I�e pedarmance ol �he work lor which Ihis permit is issueq I shall no� employ any Oe�on in any manner so as to �ecome subleci to Ihe Workers' Compen5ailon Laws oi Cab�omia. Daie: Signa�ure: NOTICE: II, aller making I�is Oeclaration, you shoNJ hecome su6lect to ihe Workers' Compensation O�a��sions of ihe Labor Code. you musl Iarlhwiih comply with su[h provisions or �his permi� shall �e Eeemed revokeA. CONSTflUCTION LENDING'�GENCY: I hereby a��irm ihat � a tli I work for w�ich IhiS permil is i55uetl �SetliOn 3�97, Civ. C�. ���� ��� � LENOEfl: •. ' aoonEss: per11 IIRE� M f1 C.�.�[u OWNEX BIIIL�EH OECLABRTION: I hereby afiirm I�al I am exemp� iwm �he Contrac�ors' State License Law for Ihe followinp reason �Sectian 7031.5 Business an0 Pmiessional Cotle: Pny city of counry which reQuires a Dermit to consimct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any stmcWrefprior lo its issuance. also reQuires ihe apDlicant lor such permit to file a signed statement ihat he/sne is licensetl pursuann6 �ne piovisions ot Ihe Cantmciors' Slale License Law (Chapter 9(cammencing wi�� Sec�ion 7pp� o� �ivision 3 0l �Ae Business an0 Pmfessions Coee) or,ihal helshe is exempt iherelrom and ihe 6asis for the altegetl exemotion. Any violation ol Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permi� subjec�s the applicant lo a civil penally of no� more �han five huntlretl dollars (E500). I. as owner ol,'�he�pmperty or my employees wi�� wages as Iheir sole compensatian, will do the work, antl �he ❑ StmcWre is not intentled�or oflered for sale (Seclion 7044, Business antl Pmlessional Coae: The Con�raciors' State License Law tloes no� apply b'xn'oWner of a pmpetly who builas or improves ��ereon, antl who tloes such work himseli/he�self or Nrough his or her own employees, �pmvidetl �hai such imDmvemenls are no� in�entletl or o��eretl �or sale. I�, however �Ae Uuilding or imv�ovement is soltl witnin one year of completion. ihe owner will have ihe burtlen ot pmving he/she Oitl nol builtl or improve �or ��e purpose ofsale�. I. as owner o� t�e pmpetly, am eeclusively conVac�ing with licensed contractors m cons�mci ��e prolec� (Section 7094, Business ❑ and Pro�essions CoEe: The Contraclors' S�aie License Law tloes not apPry to an owner a� D�oPeRy w�o bml0s or impmves thereon and who conlracis br such pmjects wiih a[onVacior(s�license pursuant�o �he Contractors' S�ale LiCens¢ Law�. I am awar¢ ��al pmol 01 I�eir Worker'S Compensa�ion in5urance Shouid be O�Ovidetl �o me. � i am exempt un0er Section: B. 8 P. C. for this reason: Da�e Owner I tlo hereby ce�ily Ihal I am aware oi and understantl ihe requiremenis of Calilomia Heatlh and Safery Cotle £ 2553A ana �AaI I or any fu�ure bmltling occupan� willlwill nol (circle ane) neetl �o comply with said state cotles Oermit lar consimction or mo0ilica�ion �rom ��e Air Ouah�y Managemeni Q¢Iric�. flesiGenlial constmctian ap �hes¢ Orovi51an5. � � \ Oa�e: NpplicanL _ I �ereby cetlitythal I �ave reatl ihis applicaiion and sia�e �h� ortlinances and SITIe laws relating ta �uiltlmg consimclion and �perry larinspeclion p�oses � D e: ��,Z�� Signamre: _ rver's Litense or Sociai Sewri�y a: I agree wi�n t64�-46 W�ne—Bmltling; Green—Gotle Enlorcemem: Canary—AOPlicanC Pink—Revenue: Goltlenroa—Assessor �, 25533, antl emenis �or a exempt fmm CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 06625C PERMIT NO: B 066250 . PLAN CFiECi: NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: OTH JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/O APPLY NEW 20 YR COMPOSZTION SQ FT; 3,868 CLAIM C�ALUE: 3,868,00 CALC—VALUE; 3,868,00 GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED AS PER U.B.C. 1991 �t***�t+�*�****��+�**x****+���r**��r�r�r�*��*******�+�+r�u�*�**�*+��*+�**��r*+���*��*�*******+� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PRO�': PARCEL; 14139513 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> ' i fE iE 1E 9f iE if iE jE jE iE if if �f i6iE iE if if if iF 1E if if �E 1f if if iF iF if iF iE 1E iElE iE 1f �t if if jF iE iE iE iFlElk if iE if ic?F iE iE 3F iE jf iE if af jElE iF �E �- if # jE jF'iE iE if iE �f � iE iE jf iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N'•T' S ZONING APPROC'EP BY DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED BY; C��— DATE: � V�� ifiEififiEffiE�EiE1EjEfEif'1k�fiE*�E9ElF1E�E . aF3F3EiE�Fi6iFiE*?(��4F�'£�i�%�fFiFjE�R �f ff i£ * �E iE 3E iF iElE 1f %if if iE iE iE iE �E iP 1E if 1E iE iE aElE i� if if jE jf fE iE if if iF k iE iE iE ik iE iE 1E iF:F iE iE iE iE iE � K iE �f iE * iE x 3E �E �F jf � ic 9f iF j: iF jE i' iG jc �F?E * 3f t LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U PM1 M A A Y STROCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRkDING PERMIT G3,00 PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL TOTALS----> 63.50 0.00 0.00 63.50 .50 SMIP/NON—RES PAZD DUE 63.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTEU: 53.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 63.00 .50 1E iE ff i! �E 3E 1E iE 1E if if ih iF i! k k iE iE iE iE iE iF iE iE 1E ft iE iE ic ic iE if if iE iF iF if iE ff iE iE it iE 1E iE iF it %iF jE iE fe if df 3E if 1E iE i! aE if 1E # 9E iE iF! aF 1E iElk iE if il- fE # 3E k!E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 3868 RERt�OF HY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 3,86II,00 END OF FEES OS 001`6377—�0356378 T C�T 6j,`p DATE: Q3/02/94 TI11E: 11:17 ONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING .aPFROVALS Permit # 7. 7emporarY Electrical Service or Pole 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. ' 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd� ' 5. Steel Reinfo�cement 6. Electricai UFER Grnd. 7. Footings -� _ 8. Foundatiun '- - ._ . ' 9. Water Pipe-Undrgmd, - 10. Structura� F�oor Svs[em- = 1 7. Property Sewer line & House Connection 12. Sewer Cap 13. Roof Dra�ns � " - �. -� 14. Rough Plumbing . � 15. Rough ElectricaLConduit � 76. RoughElectricWiring.. V. Rough Wiring Sfgn 78. Rough Electricai�T Bar Ceiling 19. Rough Heaiing & Air Conditioning 20. Rough Fectory Fireplace 27. Ducts, in Structure 22. Ducts, VBntilating 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing �{-L / 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Svuctural) & Monocoat 27. Frameand Flashing 28. Lathing & Siding 29. Insulation � 30. Drywall Naiiing 37. Piaster Brown Coat 32. Elecirical Powzr A4eter�Final 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas P�Pe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final factory Fireptace 38. Final Plumbin9 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar Oomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. LandScape Irriqation System 45. Sound Aitenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING � � 48'. FINAL PLANNING 49. E�ectric Release to Edison 50: Gas Release to Souchem Califomia Gas Ca Date Date � POOI ,PA inspector APPROVALS Permit # Date 52. Pool & Equipment Location 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Electrical Bondirg 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. APPROVALTQCOVER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 1.,�: 59. Gas Pipe, O Untlrgrnd., Test � , .;;.;� 60. Sackwash �ines, P�Trap, � Undrgrnd. �"'� '"5"1. APPROVAL TO D�CK � - i� 3 ,`E2. Backwash & Recepior-Ftnal ',..� �63. Heater & Vent�Final -i�.� �64. Plumbing Sysxem - Final .`��'r! 1�5. Electrical�Final � � `�6. Solar System-Finai 67. Fencing & Access Approval ��' 68. APPROVEDFORP�ASTERWG 69. POOL/SPASYSTE�1SFINAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVAIS Permit � 70. U�derground Hvdro 77. ProductPipingOGas ❑Oil 72. Underground Flust� 73. U�dergrnd. Stora9e Tank �7 Gas � Oii 6�e- 74. Overhead Hydro 75. DrV Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINRL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREM[NT 79. FINAL INSPECTION 80. FOOD CEATIF�CATE ISSUED i � Notes: � s � � laspector n OWNER COLLEGE IPARK NO. !� DATE -95- JOB ADDRESS Z1S HariOVBi' DT1V2 BllILDING PERMIT NO. S%86 ` GENERAL CONTRACTOR Harbor �onstruction VALL[E $ 12.�On_00 AP. No. GROUP I & J 1 `ECTIONS E� ' Gas I ucti DFSCRIPTION OF WORK Res V ZONE DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR I PERMITSISSUED DATE I NUMBER ��`��-� � s���: , FEs PR3��i!'J�� -� COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT FINAPdCE DEPT. , '. °. B°" 3" - CITY OF COSTA MESA COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN APPLICATION FOR PERMIT a���o��� BU I LD I NG nooRess 2IR HAraOVER DRIVE , COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA � FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 1 RECEIPT NO. P[$� OWNER C �GE PARK NO .LL J MAIL RECErvE� BY DnTE RECENED ��E Is� 195 ADDRE55 2 I SO ��A I N ST '� �! �- � TEL. BUILDING cirv $A N T � aN � �A L I F. �o. �( � % nooaess ARCN�TECT uG COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA OR' VEER NO. ADDkcsS )C � FIRE 3d �1 ZONE CITY LIC. ,� ZONE ' pipNs TYPE GFOV CONTRACTO NO. TEL. APPROVED ADDRE55 NO. BV DATE "`"` �oT �)r-� CORRECTIONS DESCaivTiON NO. BLOCK TRACT �(J r A.P. NO. SIZE / NO.OF BL�GS. OF LOT �jO X I� ��oW ON LOT - USE OF E%ISTING BLDG. ' SETB4CN LINE FROM. ' CENTER OF STREET O REAR YARD SIDE YARD � RIGHT �EFT � DESCRIPTION OF WORK . NEW x ALTERATION ADOITION REPAIR MOVING DEMOLISH SIZIE DING I 52L NO.OF ROOMS STORIES EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING ' COVERING USE OF NEW eui�oiNc � R�SI DENCE cC ATTACHED� GAP,AGE I HEPEBY nCKNOWLE�GE TMAT I XAVE flEAD THIS I�PPLIGTION nND $T.�TE TNLT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLV WITH ALL CITY OflD�NiNCES TNO ST2TE LTWS REGULATING BUILDING CONSTRVC� TioN. VALUATION Y SIGNATURE OF PERMiT FEE $ J O �-- PERMITTEE COLLEGE PARK NO. _ � $ IZ�I�.00� PLAN CHECK $ ��� nuTNoai n (/ TOTAL FEE $ �S !^' v°"'�