HomeMy WebLinkAbout994 HARTFORD WAY - Building Permits� rac�crnooxess: 99� HARTFORD WY OWNEH'SNFME: FLIQUL DONALD P aooncss: g94 HAtiiTFORD WAY CUSTA MESA,CA 92fi26 FHCN/ENGINEEfl: S 4 S' 6 S S 1 pEG.NO.: AOOflE55: uxit: UNIT: PEXMITTEE: nnNAI.D PLI�L7E ( 714 ) 545-6A51 aooness: 994 HART ORD WAY COSTA MESA CA 92626 LICENSEO CONTBACTOB DELLAFlA710N: I �erehy allirm that I am licensetl under pmvisions of C�aO�e� 9(commencing with Section 7000� ol �ivisian J ol t�e Business antl Pmlessions COAe. and mv license is in lull b¢e anA elfect. ' CITY UC.: STATE LIC.: CN55: �ale'. SignaWre: WOflNEflS' COMPENSATION DECIANATION: I hereby aflirm Ihal l �ave a certificate ot consen� to sel4insure or a cehificate o� Workers' Comoensalion Insurance, or a ceriilied copy Iheieol (Section 3800. LaE. C�. POLICV NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPANY: � Cenilied topY is h¢re�y lumi5hetl. ❑ Certiiied Copy is IileA wi�h Ihe tiry Building Oivision. Dale: Ap0licant. E%EMPTIUNFBOMWOPREflS'COMPENSRTIONUfCIABATION: Qhis5eclionneetlno�becompleteEillhepermilisforonehunUreC�S100�orless). I cetlity Ihat in ��e pedormanre oi Ihe work lor whic0 ihi5 permil is issuetl, I SAall no� employ any peroon in any manner so as Io 6ecame suqect lo ine Workers' Compen5dtion Laws ol Califomia. oate: SiqnaWre: NOTICE: II, aller making Ihis tletlaralion. yau shoultl betame subleci Io �he Workers' Compensatian pmvisions o� Ihe Labor CaUe. you musl fonhvnlh comply witll sucn o�ovisions or Ihis permit shall Ue tleemetl revoketl. LONSTflIltT10N LENDING pGENCY: I hereEy allirm Ihai lhere is a constmclion IenAing agency lor t�e perlormance ol I�¢ wnrk for w�ic� I�is Oermii is issuetl (Section 3097. Civ. C�. LENUEfl: ADDflESS: OWNEB BUIlOEB DELUfiFTION: 1 �ereGy aflirm t�at I am exem0� ��om ihe Coniractors' Sta�e License Law for the idlowinA �easan (Seclion 703L5 Business an0 Pro�eSsional CoOe: Any city of county which repuires a permit �o mns�mct, alier, improve, tlemolisR or repair any simclure, priar lo ils issuance. also requires I�e applicanl lor such permil to file a signetl statement Ihal Ae/5Ae is licensetl pursuam to the provisions o� �Ae Commcmrs' Sla�e License law (C�ap�er 9(commencing wit� Seclion 7000) of Division 3 0l ��e Business ana Pml¢ssions Cotl¢) or I�al he/s�e is eMempl IAerelmm antl I�e Dasis for t�e alleged exemD��on. Any violalion oi Seclion 7031.5 by any aOPlicant for a Oermil su61e��5 t�e applicant Io a civil p¢nalry a� not more Itwn five �unGr¢G dollars (5500�. I, as owner oi me pmoenv or my employees wilh waAes as ��eir sole compensa�ion, will Oo Ihe work, antl the ❑ slmciure is nol inlen0e0 or o�leretl lor Sale (5¢c0on 704A. Busine55 anA PrO�essional Code: ihe Contratlors' Slafe LiCense Law tloes no� apply lo an owner ol a pmpeny who Ouilds or impmves tltereo4 and who does such wo�k himself/hersetl or thmuBh �is or �er Own ¢m0loyee5. prOvideA I�al Suth impmv¢ments are not inlen�e0 or ollereA lor Sale. Ii, �Owever �he �uilding or imOmvement is sold wilhin one year ol comple�ion, ��e owner will have Ihe hurJen ol pmving he/she Aitl no� build or impmve � lor i�e purpose of sale�. I, as owner ol l�e properiy, am exclusively con�racting wiih licensed coNfactors to conS�Nct Ihe pmlect (Seclion 7044, 0usine55 ❑ anA Pmfessions CoOe: T�e Con�raclors' Siale License Law Ooes no� aDPly �o an owner ot pmPeny who hmlAs or impmues I�ereon antl w�o coniracls lar such O�olecls wii� a contractoqs) license pursuan� lo �he Coniractors' $tate License Law�. 1 am aware inat pmol ol Ineir Worket's Compensation insurance shouitl be pmviaetl to me- f: J I am eKemO� under Sectinn'. H P-1 o�� B. 8 P. C. 't' lor Ihis reasore � � ALL WORK BY OWNER oate: � �� Uvner: I 00 �CiCDy cerliiy I�al I am awar¢ 01 an0 untler5ian4 �he requiremen�s ot Cali�omia HeaVh and Sa�¢ty fAOe $¢ciion 25505, 25533, antl 2559a ana Ihal I or any lulure builaing accupant will/will not (cirGle one) need lo comply with said state codes anA IAe requirements lor a p¢rmil lor cOnSimtlion or m04ilita�i0n Imm Ihe Air Oualiry Manag¢ment Disl� tial ConSlmtiion aD0litation5 are eeemD� ��Om I�eu provisians. (� J/ ' oate: � �� / / Apolicanl: /// ✓��7 ��G���� I �ereby cetldy thai l Aave rea0 �hi5 aDO�italian ana Slate �I�ai t�e abave in�Ormaiion is mrretl. l agr¢e io C Oty with all city antl counly or0inances antl state IawS relaiing ta ouilAing conslNclion an0 �eteGy authorize repre5entatives af �NS dty to enler upon Ihe above�mentionCd pmpeily la� in5peciron Dur0o5¢5. p / �.0 ��� �bdle: _�(p=�_�_ Signalure: �— � Onver's License or SaGal ��uriiy r: �641-46 W�ile—Bmltlinq'. Grean—Coae Enlorcemenl: Canary—Applicam; Pink—Revenue: Goldenroa—Assessor CITY OF COSTA ME:SA — HUILD3NG PcRMIT PERN I30; B U5323` PERMIT NO: B 053239 PLAN CAECK NO: N GOVT; N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—h PERMIT TYPE: STR PliRPOSE: ALT JOH DESCRIPTIOI� : T/OFF RE5HT. REROOF W/COMP. SQ FT: 5,000 CLAIM VAI,(iE: S,UOO.OU CALC--VALUE; 5,000,00 GROUP OCC: d-3 / COM.MENTS: SMOKE DETECTOR RE�UIRED IN THE HONE IEiE#it1P1E�(-�H�It�1Eif%lFiiiF*#FiflfaElfif��l'r�)f�if� #df�iEi4dfiE*kii�itli��Kii�iF9E1Eii��Ei�FitiFiPifiFjf3EiE�)f}ii4�3E�ifiFi(�i4i41b1i�3EiEiF3fiflEiFiEdf*3fihif Z O N I N G R E Q U I R c M E N T S S E T B A C K S -•----------- MAIN BilILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKIIJG RE4; PROV; PARCEL: 14105258 ZNE; REF NO: PLANNING NG1cS> � if iE iF k iF if� iE aE iE i(� �%�1E iF3F 3� iFlF ie iE iE 3F ii ik 3F i(� M� iE #t if # iF i(� Ih iF iF iE iF it 1'r k IF if i!- IE iE ir �IE li if if iF i4 iE if ?P Y# iFiE 1F 3F iE lE if 1E iF )f 1F k� lE iE If #F N� iE if 34 ��(� D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U Z R E M E N-,'f • S ZONING APPROVED HY , DATE: BUILDING APPRQVED 3Y : APPLICATION ISS�JED BY• � IE 1F iF iF 3F If jf fE 3f if if !F )E iF i(- if 3E 3f iE 3E iF iE3F3�ii�£ iF �eif IF iF ik jF 3E 1E iF if if if df 3f �F if iF ie �f IF aE fE iE ff 14 #E!f IE 3f K iF fE IF LEGALIZATION:N F E E DATE; �(� DATE; �`���/ � �C�Firf 3f3fifiF!(-�E?Ei(�#if� �TFY.•iF iE jf jFlF iE �Myc li iE iE i: iE �1'r iE aF iE ik 3f �Fjf if if If� 1f if iF 3t iE �(-3F �1(� IF !E iF 3f ic i:� N� If !} 1'r �3E S U M M A R Y STRUCTTIAAi SEGMENT': Y BLDG PN.T PT,UMBIUG ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72,00 .50 SMIP/NON—RES PI.AN ' ISSUE FEE HUILDZNG—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECR TOTAL PAID Di7E TOTAL5----> 72.50 0.00 , U,00 72,50 '72.50 .OU REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 72.50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLUG PMT F�LUMBING ELECTRIC ME�HANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GftADThG PLAN—CHECK %2,0� � ,j� IF iE 1f 3F iM1}'. #F?E li ii� if iE� k if if � ic iE .Y� iE iF 3h 3F if� 3F if 1F iE 1F if 1F iP % iE �if Ik i'r i't iE )F 14 iE �t i� 3l�?f i'r i'r if� 1't iE it i.iF fE i't ✓ i(� ii� IF iF if� jf if 3F±� il� ic ie 14 ii� iE f't 3) K� i%-%� if if� I N D I V I D U A L F E E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P'T I O N ' T3NIT COST TOTAL COST Sr'R 5000 RcROOfi HY VALUE RESIDENIAL NOZONE `£ND OF Fr.ES 1.00 5,000,00 09 ons9auss-�c��9ac�6 4- -- OqTL-a 03lQe!91 TIi:c: 1"•:: � CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING ' POO ,PA ' � APPROVALS Permit # - Date Inspector pppROVAIS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. ElectricalUFERGrnd. 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. B.:Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd, 10. Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor�Final 12. Seyrer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Roof Drains � 64. Piumbing System - Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrical-Final ' 15. Fough Electrical-Conduit 66. Solar System-Final � 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval � 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68, qPPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical�T 8ar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in $tructure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping � Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank OGas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing �Iq IC� il� 74. Overhead Hydro ' � I � c�� 26. T�Bar Ceiling (SIruC[ural) & Monocoat � 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation � 76. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing � . HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat � 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electriwl Power Meter-Final � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUE� 33. Final Electric � � -� Notes: ��/f�� V-l� � / /� ���Y 34. Final Heating & F.ir Conditioning � 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test i, 36. Hood or Canopy � 37. Final Factory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service�Final - 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer i , . 43. Backflow Irrigation - 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations ` 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 9���\ � 48. PINAL PLANNING 49. Electric (;elease to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co � 51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY No. Date Lot s �g�30 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMEM P.O. BOX 13W COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA 92fi26 For Appllcan} to Flll In Complaroly TYPE OR PRINT BUILDIN6 q q�: �,�,�-- � Wc a A��RE88 COSTA MESA. CALI RNIA H7 MAIL ck N�''S46-561 JtJN 24c6�0ii1980+� ****99.00 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDINf3 For OffJce Use Only R[CpIT NO. li ��ueo ADDRE3S C� P1. Costa Mesa ZONING ZOH[ NO.OR UYtO�N[W �., � .�, 2 e���o�� :L��:.., ", � conrnwcroe Lewis R. Schmid "°"` Ewr 3 dZ .S 3`/' � ADDRiiS 2949 Rdndol h AVe. ocacRimon � c�rr Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626 �P'~�' �- NOTl: NO HAV6 OV[RNANO SNALL E8 L688 TNAN ucTNo. 234399 rTiH�' 540-0960 80'T08I064HBARP.L n ewvea OFLOT '�/ , �ti' Mo.o��LDos. O ALLOWHD �U.-B.G.REGUIR[ldENTI ��W�� YAR08APPROVED VARDSAPPROVED USHOF MAINBUILOIN6 AGGEHSORYBUILDIN6 EXI6TIN6 BLO6. •GTSACR LIN[ fROM [�` � cexie� oR �nt[R T✓ RQAR YARO �L I / ' I ' DID�YARD 1.[FT b RIOHT I� e�scwPrioN oF wowc BUILDINO NO.OP sIZE ROOMB RII EXTERIOR W4u ���gd� Roor Shake- COVERINQp $F COVHRINO UII[OF�UIID ANDWORKTOlQP6RFORM[D � HCRCBY ACKNOWL[O06 T11AT � XAV6 RHAO TXIB APPLIGTIOf1 ANU 6TAT8 THAT TN6 ApOV6 1� CORR6Gi�AND AORH6 TO COM- PLV WITX ALL CITY OPDINAl1CU ANO RAT LAWY R[OYLATINO BUILDINOCON6TRy ION. SIGNAT RE � � / ���il � PERMITTB ` ���� AUTHORIZ¢D AO¢NT VAR.� /53 � ea. �, n�e wuourvr ex� PURPO88 OP [8 VALUATION s a� �i/�'7 DA78 MPROVBD DATC 6 - a y��8 � a W � ��� � / � 0 i v�w�nox �e row rxs � 1 A PERMIT FEH ONLY. G � AITFEE S °� � p .....�.-.. a �,�i G�a