HomeMy WebLinkAbout3441 HOLLOW BROOK CIR - Building PermitsPHOJECT AOONESS: 3 Q Q 1 HOLLOW BROOK OWNEfl'SN11ME: VILLAGE CREEK HOMEOWNERS nooness: ASSOCIATION 3429 TIMBER LAKE CM VA 92626 UNIT: AflCHIENGINEEB: CHES�tER CARVILLE nec.xo.: C18305 nooness: �yzz p,RMOUR ST uxiT: S,D. CA 92111 PEflMITTEE: PHOENZ}C ENTERPRISES INC. ( 213 ) 690-9559 aooeess: 411 COMERCIAL WAY LA HABRA CA 90631 UCENSEO CONiflRCTOP OEClAflq710N: I hereby a��irm �ha� I am hc un0er pmvisions o� ChaO�e� 9lcommencing wi�� Section ]000 0l �rv��sion 3 0l the Busines antl Professions f,ode, antl m e is in full �arce anA ellecl � 5 c�Truc. 50/7'88/� (s7�p,euc.:376639 c sC H� oate: �% /`�1 `'/�V Si9nature: `� _ — WOBRERS' COMPENSATION DEC41qpTI0N: I hereby affirm that I have a certificale of consent m self-insure a cenificate oi Workers' Compensalion }�c c �ifie0 copy ��ereof (Section 390Q Lab. POLICYNO.:��v���� EXP.ONTE: 7�O1�9S roc,omraxv: CA COMP f� FIRE /� L�' Cetlified copy is here6y fumishetl. ❑ Certified wpy is��f Oe ciry Builtling Oiv' 'e . �ale:I/� /�� `( O Appiicant � � E%EMPTION FPOM WONHEBS' COMVENSATION OECIAHATION: Qhis seCtion neeU nol �e completed i� Ihe permii i5 � ane IlunAreO ($100) or 1¢55). I c¢rtily Ilrai in Ihe Oer�ormante uf �pe work �or whic� Ihis Aermit is issueq I s�all noi employ any p¢rson in y ma��er so as �o becume subleci lo I�e Workers' Campen5diion laws of Califorma. Oa�e: $igna�ure: NOTICE: II. afler making Ihis tleclara�i0n. y0U ShoWtl became suDleCl �o �he Work¢r5' Campen5ati0n prOvisions Of �he LabOr Code. you mu5i Iori�with cornpty wilA such provisians or Ihis Dermil shall �e deeme0 �evoketl. CONSTPUCTION LENDING PGENCY: I hereGy alfirm ihal ihere is a conslmciion IenAing agency lor ��e Dehormance o� the work lor which �his permil is issued ($ecdOn 3097. Civ. C). � LENOEP: aoosess: OWNEX BWLOEB DECLABRTION: I Aereby ailirm ihat I am exempt Imm the Contractors S�ate License Law lor ihe following reason (Seclion 7031.5 Business and Pro�¢ssional Code: Any ci�y o� counry which requires a permit �o cons�ruc�, alter, impmve, Demolish, or repair any s�mclure, prior IO iIs is5uance, also requires �he applitant for SUch permi� lo Iile a SigneG Sfalemeni Iha� helshe i5lipensea pursuam Io Ihe provisions o� Ihe COnirac�ors' S�aie License Law (Chapter 9(comm¢ncing wiih Seciion 7000) ol Divisian 3 0� �he Business antl Pmlessions CoOe) or �hal he/5he is exempi theretmm ana ihe basis tor ��e alleBeU exemption. Hny violation of Sec�ion 7031.5 by any applicani lor a permit sublects t�e applican� Io a civil penalry of na� more �han live �undred dollars ($500�. I, as owner o� I�e Oropehy ar my employees with wages as lheir sole compensation. will do �he work, and �Ae ❑ simcWre is not imen0etl or ot�eretl �or sa@ (Sec�ion 7044, 6usiness and Pmfessional Cade: The Coniractors' S�a�e �icense Law does no� apply lo an own�r of a property wha builds or improves thereon, ana who Ooes such work himsell/hersel� or �hmugh �is or her own emploYee�, pmvi0e0 Ihat such impmvemen�s are nol in�ended o� oiieretl for sale. II, however the builtling or impmvemenl is sold wiNin one year of completion, ihe owner will �ave Ihe 6urden of Omving helshe Uid not builtl or impmve for �he purpose ol sale�. ' . I, as owner of the pmpehy, am e�clusively caniracting with licensetl contractors to construct ihe prolect (Section 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmfe55i0n5 Cotle'. The Conlfattors' Sta�e License Law does no� appty ro an Owner 01 pmp¢rly who 6udU5 of imprOveS ihereon antl who conlracls �or sur,h pmlecis with a conVac�or�s)license pursuantio the ConVacbrs' Slate License Law),I am aware (hal proo� oi IAeir WorkeYs Compensalion msurance 5hou10 be provitletl �o me. � I am exemp� under Section: B. 8 P. C. lor this reason: �ate: Ownec I do hereby cenity �hat I am aware a� ana undeistantl Ihe requirements ol Caldomia Heal1� ana Salely Cotle Sections 25505. 25533, and 25534 antl Ihal I or any Iuiure 6uil0ing occupan� will/witl not (circle one) neetl Io comply wi�h saitl S�ate co0e5 antl �he requiremen�s for a permil lor consimclion or mo4dicaiion imm �he Air Oualily Managemeni DisVicl Pesiden�ial con5�mciion ap0lica�ion5 are exempi �mm these Orovisions. Oa�e: Npplicant: _ I here�y cer�itylAai I �avereatl�hjs applitation antl s�a�e Ihai the ordinances an0 statelawsrelalinglo builtling consimdion antl �eret propetly fori speclion purposeS Oale: ��=�� —= L SignaWre'. � onver's Cicense or Social Securiiy p,� is correcL lagreeto comply with all matives o� ��is cn r upon Ihe t � �� uv�. /. 164t�46 Wlnie—Bmltling; Greon—Code EnlorcemenL Ganary—Applicanf. Plnk—Revenue', Goltlonmtl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: H P6RMIT NO: B 049825 PLAN CHECK NO: 06421-90 A GOVT: N S . CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: REF JOB DESCRIPTION : REPAIR SETTLEMENT DAMAGE SQ FT: 143 CLASM VALUE: 14,3A8.00 CALC—VALUE: 14,300.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / CnMMENTS: BUILDING SETTLEMENT REPAIR/FOUNDATION �tx��r�r�r�t�t��r*�r�r*�r+t�r****�r�t�t********�r�r�r�t� �r**�r*�r**x **�t+r*rt�r*****��r****�t��r�x *+t+r�r�e*��r*** Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T H A C K S • ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCE5SORY HUZLDING --------- FRNT; F'P IN REAR: FT IN FANT: FT IN REAR: FT ZN LEFT: F'f TN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV; PARCEL; 93506124 ZNE: R2 REF NO: PLANNING NCSTES> REPAIR EXISTING Fo[rNDATION. REQ��REMENTS � ��aFaO�F�S�� iE jk If IF iF iF ik iE if if �f �f iF kiF if IE ff If k iF if iF if af �F if 3Flf if iF iF if k ff if ik IE if iE k 1P If it 1F �lt 1E �E M iE 3f �E 1E iE iF �IE iE if 1k iE If iE �16 if �)f iF D E V E L� O P M F. N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N..T S ZONING APPROVED HY ���t'T � DATE; h�b�`ja HUILDING APPROVED BY : C� _ DATE: �'� APPLICATION ISSUED HY• DATE: iFik3EkiElf�IEiEiFifiEiElFifiklfiFMiElFiEiE � �iF�'if'if�RiFiFiFifiFlEiFiEifif�ElFiE�iFaFk�lf iFiE�lflEiFlF�EIEiEiE3flFafiFaF�kklfifiEkifiFifiE)FiEif�FifikiElEifif iFIFiEiFifiFk3ElFifkiFiFifk3EiEifiFiFififiFiFifiFiEiF1f�F1FiFiFif4)E1kiEaE�Eif1EiF LEGALIZATION:N F E S U M M A R Y STRUCTUAAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 162.00 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN 26.33 2,15 ISSUE FEE BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUH PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 164.15 0.00 26.33 190.48 ' 190.48 .00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 190.48 OVER/SHORT: 00 HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 162.00 2,15 26.33 ik iF iE iF if 1E �k iF i4 ik iEiF M iF if 1f �f af if iF ik if i6 iF iFlF iE iF fk IF iE 1E iE 3k iE �f if 1E if at 7k iP�k 4 if if k if iF if if iE iF fE k 1F 1f iE if iE fk IE if iF iF 1f iE iE iE fF if 1E If M if iF if 1k aE I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFC 143 FOUNDATION BY VALUE PER_$100 100.00 14,300,00 END OF FEES Y, OZ �Or,�c930-4007;9"s2 '�s:�-: '?G.€:s DRTE= 1)l2ii90 TSi�F� (15:�"Y CONSTRUC710N AND PLANNING . POO� & SPA APPROVALS Permit # Date InspeMor pppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Electrital Service or Pole. �� 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgmd. 4' _ 53. Steel Reinforcemen[ .' 3�Efeclrica�:Coniluit ULility=Undrgmd; =- 54. Forms . �•4:CElectrical�Conduit�-Undrgmd. V 55. Electrical Bonding , �' S.�SteEl; Reinforceinent: r 56. fiough Plumbing & Pressure Test !'' -.-6.�'ElectricalUFEfiGrnd. r� = 57. APPROVALTOCOVER�GUNITE _ .r ' j,. Footings �`� '$ �" 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � i= S. Foundatiqri, ,;;�y " � 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test ' r 9. Water Pipe�Undrg7nd. . 60. 8ackwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgmd. ,� 1,0. Structural Flooi $ystem . 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 7.L Property Sewer_Line & Honse Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final • ,r^ r T2. Sewer Cap ,' y, 63. Heater & Vent-Final 13. Roof Drains✓' '� 64. Plumbing SYstem - Final � 14. Rough Plumbiny -" .� 65. Electrical�Final 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit� " • 66. Solar System-Final - 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. Rough N/iring �ign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rou9h Heating & Air Conditioning ' FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT - - - - �•. r.��..,;y.,_ : . _ n. 20=�Rou9h Facto�Y Fireplace '��r. - �. _ _ :=�+ - �AppROVAL'S'=���Permit# C .1 .�' s i ti - r- :ct, � 27SD�icts,in.Str�,ctuEeR �`.. .�:� �S �: - : A70. �Jnde`rgiroundHydro . � 22. DuCts,VOntilating> • ��� � r �a�? r7�, produc'tPjping�Gas O�OiI 23,-Gas Pipe Rough &'Test . ;�• ` ; �` ._72, Undergroimd Flus�i, �. _ - ,� �J y •' �' ' � ' 24ccFoof Framirnj � �-, - . r � . -73FUndergmd�.StorageTankq�OGas ❑Oil - 25. Roof Sheathin - � � ' '_! ^ ,;'. , - -" .' '�" �� 9 --T ,Q _ .� ,;� , �"74�Qverhead �Hydro- �t, 26.�T-Bar Ceiling (Structureq &�Monocoat�r cn _ ,_ � 75` Dry Chemic-a.l *�- •' T 27,'=Fra,mea�d Ftashing �r' Y ' '+ � �, "-.' 76`-��^� �T �3; a' m _, u o� : ��1;c,: - t;;, � Y Standpipe � _ ' 28�.`�Lathing�$ Siding..i� :. �-,:�;� u;�:. e�' - 77? FIXED SYSTEM-FINAU � � � �'29. Insulation `- �x �' '�"" ' `": ''`' � ��'' 78; FIRE PREV. FINAL a, � ` y� . ��, e. .,, - a .�, � '_ y' - ,:30. Drywall'�Nailing ;r.;g ��� ,� -� HEALTHrDEPT-. REQUIREMENT ��31. Plaster Biown Cc+at` � ' : i _ I .79��FINAL INSPECTION ' - '' '�32.-Electrical PowenNleter-Final, � �' x p• � 'j ; , r•80:rFOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED� * �33:iFinal Elgctric, '�' � '= ;� �; � • � �� �`I .�� '* NOICS. ':F y _ .J � �,i� i :�. C .r•i. cr z • , r'.x ':; i .:.,1 v u. i�'. .� •y :1.� . � �� --,34.-FinalHeatirig'&AicConditiori�ng� �:;p :� y �, ` /- 35:*:Final Gas Pi�pe-TesD� +� `- ! � ��` = `�.T ' •� :t361'�Hoo� o� CanoPY= - �K .r • ,-,S • C-, � �: .} � i�r � . . .- n; ��.', �_ -37f_Final Factorv Fiieplace � Si�' " � " � ; r � ' • ��;n �_, . r � � r- n 1 � � _ .. . _ � .. . tC I i x Z . , ;. `.38: Final Plumbing ;�� N � I �. _ r�. :a.:r. ;; 39.,Water Service•Fina�l�: - � i .�. j �• + . . - '- �-� + I �s ± � 40. Gas Service-Final � ;� r r � ;.= :s .� � ' pc . . t � i' . r-.- , � : -_ . s�41.�Solar pomesticFinal^ •• %: r1 � - - � �� ti � 1 ~ Y :Y YCt 'I � '42.'�Backflow Pr¢venter - •'' u i ( � - C. -� = S „ �� C- ' °JY�.GIl�i� ��V .43. Backflow Irrigation� �� ' � -`-�� - � 1. - �� _ r ; - = 44. Landscape Itiipation SYstem,t""' �''' ,_ -' , � ',j � ' ' �� � rn ._ t-1:; ; , � � a: � � . ca . - >. - , .� .,.. . .. .. , ;,,,; ,: " - - - - ;'45:'.Sound �AttePuation .-�,.- s ,; ;_ !- r> - - ^�� �rQ * � r r-- �: `46: Handicap Regulations - - ; �,, ' '� � _` _ : �47.,FINAL STRUCTURE & BUfLDING � � - �� y ..48:'CFt ° `� 4. i ` .)C�l. . ' J.{.� :� � f ._r . � _ �-49.=Electric Release to,Edi on , � � � � �- : i.: '� ' ; r - "50..Gas,ReleasetoSouihernCaliforniaGasCo ' �' � - ='�'° - ' = " ,., - � � �.. -. . :�,. . _ . �,51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY v i '� ; � �-', ��;� :,;.,, , �� ; No. Date � OWNtH STATE—W? Developers, II1C. �ATE 4-28-76 JOB ADDRESS 2L�� Hn��fRRSTM�C rircle BUILDING PERMIT N0. �.tazz APNo���j���nKtLNfLOT INSPECTIONS SOIL GAS WATER ROUGH PLUMBING PROP. $WR. LINE ❑ HOUSE CON. L SPRINKIING SYSTEM h � MISCELLANEOUS ROUGH HEATING PNO AIR CON�ITIONING TEMPORARY SERVICE OR POLE tINOEFGROUND � POWER � ROl1GH WIRING TRENCHES � FORMS � STEQL REINF. FLOOR SYSTEM BOND BEAM � STEEL REINFOq�E �] SHEATHING FRRME AND FLASHIN LATHING - IN OUT PLASTER,BROWN COAT STRUCTURPL, FINAL HElTIN0. VENT., FEFRIG. ANO A.C,� FINAL PLUM8ING. FINAL AN� GAS TEST j� ELECTRIC. FINAL TRACT FIRE ZONE VALUE Sianafure Dote TVPE V GROUI �- �� �� SUBCONTRACTOR Z . aV 2 Z Q ON am J7 J � Q W f11 J • 0� J Q U� 2a W � aw wz J � m Z J � W w 0 ZH w� �O H z Q U J 1 a Q � H y z O F U � � �"' y Z ` �4.183.3 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETV DEPARTMENi P.O. BOX 1200 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626 For Applicant to Fill in Complete�y ADIDRESS 3441 Hollow Brook J�kRIFk Circle OWNER State-Wide Developers, Inc. MAIL g461 Grindlav nnnwFSC CITV BFANCH ADDAESS c�rv �ypress STATE LIC. NO. �Q�� O OIF LOT � 2.093 acres USE OF E%I5TING BLDG. SIZE OF I ROOF COVERIN_ G Wn� USE OF BVILDING AND No.SZ6-45 No.`'S56-66 Irvine opers. Inc. NOL � CITV LIC. NO. NO.OF �B� NOW ON LOT O STORIES Shake RFORMED „AY13-7�vA",OD 63�!r� �*�i1D.F7 ��� APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT RECEIVED BV DATE RECEIVED nnrc iccu�. BUILDING �99� ADDRESS TRACT�X+� �WNER FIRE 20NE APPRpVED VALUE DATE ZONE NO.OF VSE OF NI /QQ �j> PLANS ,� BVILDING VAROSAPPROVED VARD$ MAIN BUILOING ACCESSC (FROM UL STREET) IiEAR 7�.' F DI5TANCE BET. MAIN BLDGS. vn p� . 9G = r�i FOR D�1TE � � ] � I hereby acknowletlge thet I have reatl this application antl state that tha above Information is corract end a0ree to comply with all laws rag�lating builtlinp construction, entl 1 shall not employ eny parsa� in vlolaUon of tho workmen's compensallon laws of the Stere af Celitom(a. w I hereby certity that I am proparly licenutl as a contrector untlar SQ. FT. � O t�e State ot California Business entl Professions Cotle, D��izicn 3, THE AMpUNT SMOWN UNDER V A�UATION 15 FOR C�epter 9, antl that such licenses ere in full forca antl elfect, or 1 TME PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHING A PERMIT FEE ONLY: Z am exampt f�om Me provisions Of the State of Cal'fornia Business ¢ VA�UATION m antl Profassions Code, Divizion 3, C�apter 9. � PERMIT FEE $ � s�B�a � State-Wide Develop r Inc. �.�p��qa�p ..--- ir� m Parmittee S�r PLAN CHECK $ •�/� E AuthOriza0A8ent Vice President ' TOTAL FEE $ Q D "