HomeMy WebLinkAbout925 HYDE CT - Building PermitsTRACT N0, 10445 LOT N0, 26 DATE September 24, 1980 ADDRESS 925 Hyde Court, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Development Services Department Planning Division City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attention: Dir. Paul Dudley Dear Mr. Dudley: Please be aware that the undersigned are aware that a certificate of occupancy on the abwe referenced lot and unit is being requested prior to the entire tract and its streets and cor.nnon areas being completed and accepted by the City of Costa Mesa. BY� /� �� (SIGNATU[tE OF PURCHASER) BY OF SIGNATURE LOP J S E P 2 6 1980 REC;EiVED c-� 291980 a�eZraooxess: 9z5 HYDE CT OWNEF'S NAME: MA HELEN aooRess: g 2�` HYDE CT COSTA MESA,CA 92626 g��7 w��c ��ai= UNIT: AFCN/ENGINEEP: NEG.NO.: nooaess: uxiT: 13q-123�P veRmirree: AR�c'OW '. �vr �::� �c�MPANY ( 71 9) ts :'�-,-�=�;, aooxess � q a ni i t: _ ti!L� ^�— � A 9 2 6 4 9 LICENSED CONTFACTOB UECLABATION: I hereby affirm �ha� I am licensed under Drovisions oi Chapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) ol Oiv��sion 3 oi Ihe Business and Professions Cotle, antl mY license is in full force antl et�ec�. ciTv uc.: 0 51 9 5.'�—suwu� � � �-, . �� � � � �:; �. �;: 9 5 �aie: _ SignaWre: _ WOBREBS' COMPENSAT� I herebY aifirm a� I ha ehifi te of consen� to sel4insure or a certificale ol Workers' Compensalion InsuranCe or a Cerbfietl capy �hereo� (SeClion , ab. C�. POLICY NO.: 1 2 O V j� 1 E%P. OpTE: U% I O S I 9 S camvaxv: STATE FUND ❑ CeM1itietl topyls het 6y Wmkhed. Q CertilfeU toDY �S t� wi�h (he clty iltli vi6l0n. Date'. Applicant — EXEMPTION FPOM WOBREBS' COMPENSRTION OEClABAiI : � nee0 no� be comple�tb iilhe Oermi� is lor one hunOretl �5100) or less�. I cetlily Ihal in t�e petlormance o� ��e work for which Ihis Dermit is i55ue0. I 5�ail not employ any person in any manner 5o as ro �ecume subject �a �he Workers' Compensalion laws ol Cabbrnia. Oaie: Signaiure: NOTICF. If. after making ihis tleclaraiion, you shoula become su6jecl m the Workers' Compensa�ion pmvisions of the Labor COUe. you musl brl�wil� comply with such pmvisions or Ihis Dermil shall 6e deemetl �evoke0. CONSTHUCTION LENDINC RGENCY: I �erehy alfirm thal t�ere i5 a consimclion lentling agency for ihe peAormance of ihe work for which ihis permii is issuetl (Seclion 3W7. Civ. C�. LENDEN: ADOPESS: ��, OWNEH BUILUEB OECLAHRTION: I her¢by aflirm thall am exen�0� «om Ihe Coniractors' $tate License Lawlor�he following reasan � �Section 7031.5 Business and Pmfessional CoOe Nny city oi countY w�ich requires a permit m consimc6 aller, improve, tlemolish, or ' repau any slmcWre. prior lo its issuance, also reQuires Ihe applicdnt for such permi� to tile a signed stalemeni �hat he/sAe is licensed pursuam m ihe pmvisions of ihe Contmctors' State License Law (Cnapter 9(commencing with Section 7000) of Oivision 3 ot ine Business and Pmlessions Cotle� or Ihat he/she is exempt thereimm and the hasis for ihe allegetl exemplion. Fny violation oi Section 7031.5 by any apPlican� lor a permit suble��s the applicant to a civil penalry o� no� more �Aan five hun�retl tlollars (ESW). I, as owner ot Ine pmpetly or my employees wilh wages as ineir sole com0ansatian, will tlo �he work, an0 the ❑ slmcWre is noi inientled or oiferetl lor sale (Seclion 7044, Business antl Pm�essional Cotle'. The Comracmrs' Sta�e License Law tloes nat apply to an owner of a pmperiy who builds or in�Pwves Ihereon, antl who does such work himSelHherself o� �hrouAh his or her own employees, pmvitletl �hat such impmvemAnis are nol intentletl or o��ered for sale. If, hawever lhe buil0ing or impmvemen� is solA within one year o� comple�ion, �he oV+ner will have ��e burden of pmvinA he/she Uia not builtl ar impwve for �he purpose o� sale�. I. as owner ol ihe prope�y, am exclusively contracting witM1 license� conVactors �o conslNc� �he pmlec� (Sec�ion 7044, Busineu ❑ an0 Protessions CoAe�. The Coniractors' State License Law does not appy m an owner oi pmOenY who builAs or improves tAereon and who coniracts lor such pmlec�s wi�h a conirac�or�s)�icense Dursuant to ��e ConVac�ors' S�a�e License Law),I am aware �hal pma� ol �heir Worker's Compensa�ion insurance shoV10 be pmvitletl to me. � I am exempt unCer Secnon: B. 8 P. C. lor inis reason'. �a�e'. Owner. I do here0y cenify Iha1 I am aware of antl understand t�e requirements ol Califamia Healih anA Safely Cotle Sections 25505, 25533, and 25594 an0 Nal I or any IuWre bulltling occupan� wiNwill nol (circle one) nee0 �o comply wilh saitl s�aie cotles antl t�e requiremenis for a permii for constmctmn or motlifica�ion Irom ��e Air Oualiry Manaqement DislricL FesiOentiai consimction aD0lica�ions are exempi fmm Ihese provisians. �ale: ppplicanP. IhereGy cerldy�Aai I haveread IhiS aDDlitalion antl Slaie�ha� the 3baveinlormalion i5 torretl.lagree IO Comply wi�h alltiiy and Coun�y ordinancesantlsta�etawsrelaling�obuiltlingcons�mnionandhereb utti01¢E'f¢pre^entativesoltniscirytoenteruponiheaUove-mentionetl pmpetlY �or ms eciion urposes �ale: _ /.N/L— Signalure: ` ' Driver's License o� Sociai Security a: 164L46 Whne—Builtlinq; Green—Cotle Eniorcement; Canary—APPlicanC Pink—Revenue: GolOenroO—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA - BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: H 068093 PERMIT NO: B 068043 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE; ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : REROOF/T-O RESHEATH 6 REROOF F!lCOhiP, SQ FT: 1,100 CLAIM VALUE: 1,100.00 CALC-VALUE: 1,100,00 GAdUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: #� �*�***+�***�****«****��******�r*�*****�**x�+�***�***�*�r*��r*��*r�,�+c ���*�+�� �***��*��x� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ------- — - --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING ---- ---- FRNT: FT IN REAR: F1' IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING AEQ: PROV: PARCEL: 41808226 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> 'h % {' 1 iF iE if iE #'k')F N' iF i(' �A i(� i(� iF�3E il' i! ih iE'1(' if iF'iE # 1E �E'1e fE iE'1F iQ' i! iE iE iF i!' �E'k iE'1F jk iE')f iE iF'%� iE'1F if iE iE iE iF iE # iE'/F')1")F'K":k?E �)E iE'1F iF'YE �1E iE 7F# 1�' i( iE J:' if' il' iE iE D E V E, L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N,'j' S ZONING APPROVED BY ❑ATE: BUILDING APFROVED BY ; DATE; � APPLICATION ISSUED BY; E� DATE; ����� i(��fE1E�E%iF�1FiFiF3EiFif�ir#k�iEjrifiEiEiEirTi��F��itititxx rritsrir..:iritxit itRit�ititi.-iririe�tftxititiEiEiFiEiEiFiFiFiEiE >rrstx-icit-, iFiF ii-iE iE �1FlF iE iF i(� 9F * 1f !(' �1i iE iE 1F iF *!F iE if #`� 9h jf' ff #�": iF iE i! 14 if iF 1f i(� dF 9f dE lE #C' iE iF fE iE 1E iE #!f if'1F'?' if iE lE ie 1E-iFlt iF af if �E 3E iE'lE 9E ih 1E 9f ��'lE iE iF'1f n iE 1F'lF 1F LEGALIZATION:N F E E S O M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIF/RES GRADING PERMIT 27,00 ,50 SMIP/NON-RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDING-DIV-> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 27.50 0.0� 0.00 27,50 27,50 ,00 REVEN[lE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 27,50 OC�ER/SHORT; .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN-CHECK 27,00 ,50 if' IF iE ik iE ik'IE iF'M' i(' if' # 1E 1' jE'k iS' iF iE iE'i:' iE'N' #Y.' If 4: 'It'X"IE dE iI"H"1f'IE X"k'IE ii'X #'/F ii' if' IE'A' i('tE if- �`. jb 9E HE iE i("}F iE 1E')I"II' iE iE'IE'IF M' 1k 9` 3E'k i(• iF'YE ic 'r' !I")f iE 8f iE I N D I V I D D A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE SFR QTY 1100 P E S C R I P T I O N AEROOF BY VALUE RESIPENTIAL NOZONE END OF FEES UNIT COST TOTAL COST 1.00 1,100.00 01 OO1b3987-0016398$ T O T z�,5p DATE: p7/13/94 TI11E: 13:�E -.., CONSTF3UCTION AND PLANNING POOL & SPA �\ APPROVAIS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVAIS Permit # Date lospector , i. Temporary Elecuicai Service�ohPote j 52. Poot & Equipment �ocation ' i - 2. Soil Pipe�Und�gmd. -• •/ 53. Steei Reinforcement 3. E�eciiica� Conduit Utiiity•Undrgrnd. � 54. Forms � 4. Electrica� Conduit-Uodrgmd. 55. Electrical Bonding 5. Steel Rei�forceme.nc 56. Rough Plum6ing & Pressure Tezt 6. Electrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPflOVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings � � 58. Electrical Conduii�Undrgrnd. . 8. Foundation .�, ' j 59. Gas Pipe. � Undrgmd., Test � 9. Water Pipe-Und.grnd. f j � 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgrnd. 10. Structural Ploor System �! �i � �� 67. APPROVAL TO DECK '" - 11. Property Sewer Line & HouSe�-�onnection ��; 62. Backwash & Receptor�Finai ' / .� 12. Sewer Cap �� 63. Heater & VenfFinal 73. Roof Drains 64. Piumbing System � Final 14. flough Plumbing 65. Efectrical-Final 15. Rough Elec!rical�Conduit 66. Solar SYstem-Final ' 16. Rou9h E�ectric Wiring 67. Fencing & Accest Approval 77. Rough Wi�ing Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PIASTERING 18. Rough Electrical-T Bar Ceiiing 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEPAS fINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rouyh Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Duccs,in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Vent[lating 71. P�oduct Piping GGas �Oii 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Ter. 72. Underground Fiush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank �Gas ❑Oi; 25. Roof Sheathing ���/1 Fj�,�/ 74. Overhead Hydro _� 26. T-Bar Ceiling �Strucwraq & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and F�ashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insu�ation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plasier 6roti�n Coat 79. F�NAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finai Electric Notes: 34. �inaf H¢ating & Aic Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test � �� , 36. Hood or Canopy ✓1 37. Final Fa�tory Fireplace � 38. Final Plumbing 39. 4Jater Service�Final 40. Gas Serv�ce-Final � 41. Solar Dpmestic-Final 42. BackfloK' P�eventer 43. BackfloW Irrigation 44. LandscaPe Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. HandicaP Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING ��/7_ G'jydf f � 48. FINAL PLANNING � 49. Etectric Release to Edison j�, 50. Gas Relzase to Southem California Gas Co / 51. CERTIpICATE OF OCCUPANCY • No. Date