HomeMy WebLinkAbout3257 INDIANA AVE - Building Permits�PP0.IECT PODflESS: �� y 7 —�,�� yAtia yV OWNEfl'SNAME: �-.�— t.-.y.. .._.. � . aooeEss:�`.`7N'\���r5?:A�AL'Er•.. � '_''_1�':A :�ESA,CA �_G26 '7_4)5:9-0260 ANCNIENCINEEB: 1 HEG.NO.: a0DNE55: UNIT: UNIT: PENMITTEE:.,�._ t�. V. G�CTai:a�X I%�i.�J"a_O_00 AOOflESS:��j` 7 ��-��a�V+Fi At� �_C�':A !!=SA CA °�6?5 IICEN5E0 CONiHRLiOfl OECIAHATION:yI �ere6y alli�m �ha� I am Iicen5e0 unGer prmisions ot CAaO�er 9(cammencing vni� Section 7000) ol �rvision 3 0l I�e Business an0 Prolessions Code. anG my license is in �ull force antl eifect. CITY IIC.: STATE LIC.: CLASS: Date: Signalure: WOflKENS' COMPENSATION OECIAHFTION: I here0y allirm t�ai I have a ce�ilicate o� conseni ta sel4insure or a certiticate u� Workers' Compensalion Insurance. oi a cenilie0 coDY ��ereoi (Seclion 38110. LaU. C�. POLICY NO.: EXP. ORTE: COMPRNY: ❑ CetlilieG Copy i5 AereDy �umi5�ed. ❑ Certifiea coDY is lilea vn�h the ciiy Builaing Oivision. Oale: Applicanl: EXEMPTION FpOM WUPHEPS' COMPENSAt10N OE0.APRilON: (ihis seclion need no10e complete0 ilihe permit is lor one hunaretl (5f00� or less�. I cetlily I�al in Ihe periormance al Ihe work lor which Ihis permil is i55ue0. I shall not employ any person'n any manner so as �o become su0lecl lo IAe Workers Compensalion Laws ol CaAtornia. /, �� �aie: Signature: ��.�( NOTICE.II. alt making I�is declaralion. yau shoWd become suElecl to tne Wor ensati n pr�mns ol the Labor Cod¢. you mu5i �orihwilh tOmply wi�A 5ut� pr9visioCS or I�is permii shall be tleem ewc CONSiNUCTIDN LENDING AGENCY: I hereby alhqn I�at�there is a conslmction lenaing agency br the pedarmance oi Ihe work for wAicA inis Oermil is issuee (Section 3W7. Civ. C�. lENOEfl: aooeess: OWNEN BUILOEN OECIABATION: I �ereby atlum Iha� I am exempl imm Ue Contractors' S�ate LicenSe Law for Ihe follawing reason (Sectian 7031.5 Business antl Prolessional Cotle: Any cily ol county which requires a De�mit �o constmc�, alter, improv¢. Aemoiish, or repair any simcture, prior lo its issuance. also repuires ine aDDlicant lor such permit to file a signetl statement ihat he/she is Iicense0 nursuanl to ihe piovisions ot ��e Comramors' Stale License Law �Chapier 9(commencing wi�� Semion 7000) ol �ivision 3 ot ��e Business ana Pralessions Cotle) or Ihat helshe is erempi Iherelmm and ihe basi5 �or �he allege0 eKemption. Any violation oi Section 703L5 by any applicanl br a permi� suElecls I�e aOD�icanl Io a civil penally oi not more than tive huntlretl Dollars (E500�. I, as owner ol ��e pmpetly or my emplayees with wages as Iheir sole compensation, will do �he work, antl ihe ❑ slmcWre is nol intentletl or otfere0 for sale (Seclion 70a4, Business an0 Pmiessional Cotle: The Coniractors' State License Law Ooes nol apPly lo an ownet o� a pmperly w�o Ouiltls or impmve5 ihereon, an0 who Ooes sut� work himselAheRel� or throupti his on c�i own employees, pmvitled Iha� such improvements are nal inlendetl or offere0 lor sale. II, however �he buil�ing or impmvement is soltl wi�hin one year oi com0leiion, Ihe owner will have ihe �urden ol pmving helshe tlid not build or impmve lor ine purpase ol sale). I, as owner of �Ae pmperry. am ezclusivel9 con�racting wi�h licensed coniraclors lo cons�mc� �he pmlec� (Section 7044, Business ❑ antl Pmlessions Cotle: The Caniraclors' Stale License Law tices not apDly Io an owner ot O�opetly who builds ot improves ��ereon and who conlracis lor such pmle«s wilh a coniractoqs) license pursuanl �o ihe Coniractors' Stale License Law�. I am aware Iha� pmol ol Iheir Workefs ComDensation insurance s�oWd �e provide0 �o me. �0 i am exemo� unAer Sedion:B P 70 4 4 B. 8 P. C. ' mrihisreason: Ai.�:+ :t'OR2C YiY Vih�'L'FR � � � Date� �� P+vner� I ao he �y ce ily Ihat I am aware ol ana untlerslanU Ihe requiremenls af Califomia Heall� an de Se n 505, 25533, and 2553d an4 ihal I or any Iuiure builtling occupant will/will no� (circle one) neetl �o comDly wilh 5ai0 ntl the requiremenls tor a permil for consimclion or mo�ificalion imm I�e Air Oualiiy Managemenl �i5lricL Fesitleniial consimc�ion applica�ions are e�emp� fmm mese o�avisions. Date: NpplicanC I heieby cerlity Ihai I �ave read �his applicaiion and slale Ihal Ihe a�ove in�ormalion is correcl. I agree to comply wi�� all ciry anA counry oremancesantlsta�elawsrelaling�oDwltlingcongtmciionantl�erebyaut orizereD�esentativesaf�hisciry�aenierupan�hea6ove-mentionetl pmpetlV �or inspec�ion purposes. Dare'. Signaiur � DriverS L¢ense or Social Seanly e: ���-� (� ��- -+ 16aLa6 Whpe—Bwlding: G�een—CoEe Enlorcemem: Canary—FpplicanL Pink—Revenue: GOldenroC—Assessor � C_:Y 0-^ COS^_'A ..EEA - :,:._:.�_.:� ?E'::... =3'. .._. � .E�_�- ?ER:•._. X0: y 06229� P:.A:: CHEC:, t�: .. C.07:. .. _„^P; .. �0?:c-R:.�.-IG`: :YPE. :-K ?'zR.`:�_ :'1?E: c.-R --"' .-,;��__.,. A:.." SI�.H JtSCR_TPT�J:: . T_ /G tX=S:'. RCCF{ 6 A?P:,Y Nr� CO':?'� SY.'_\G:.e, ' Er _.. , 7= 0 '.';,r,i?: VA�L'E: .7�O.00 CAi,C-VA:.,:,_. '_,7=O.C'J G30:'? G�=:: 7-3 /::-: ''J:�:�:�,^C. .^1'(.iK' .J_�EC.ORS t�t/Y�.� 1�.`J a�=.'� .I;t. '_p�. LJ ?E?f��EY'IfY-'kiEltif'�ifY'IFY�FifiEiEiEiE'3EiEiEiFiEi['�tiE'M#'�Eifii"lE#S%iE.:�Y-�a.t1FS:.A'i:•#L'{YL'M'H'Y�F1fN."IFMY.�'f4'Y.�{!.i.+".. "�{..'JF+S�Yf-i.a: Z 0?- -?: G A E Q'J R r. .': �>• _ r S E . B A C:: S ::A_:� ECI�D:UG ---------- --------- ACCE_30RY E::�:.�atiG --------- iR1�'::-----FT Iti REAR: FT II� FR:QT: FT '?! RcAit: F: ';; :.EP_ . .. �:: RGi-I�. F': ;?: LEF':: F� _\ 3G4:. F'" :.. PARKI�:G REp: PROV: PARCE:.: 13904'1? Z�E: REF D:O: P.'..A.�.�'.::�v ��17.Y.Si � � �E#il�IEiFiE?E?Eu{iFit3ii4i�ii7tu{tiF##iE�tY.iEiP+ciEitiEihif#�###iRiEi#?E##?F!::£##�F:-i'-#K�#+Ei•#i:l•i!�::if;'#�:_j'� ^,'.'-'"�`r'�i'�!6!fN# ll E V_., G P;f E ti T S r. R V. C.. S R'c �„: R E X E r�S' ZOtiItiG AP?ROVE� BY ��A^E; � �' ti:7i:DING APPRl�V2.D BY : DA:E: . 1! � APPLZCAT20V 'SSUED EY: � � DATE: / /93 ataExuu�iu?F�'f3flEi+'iE?E+EiEifiEifi�'.r+c�'�et+ie..�-+i�iF���e.'ti� . �x •.'��"�£'�`f.%"�i'ifqiFbi:��#Y#iE�"i'.'�.,"r+tir+fi!- iEiE�iEif3Fi?iEiFif3��Eieif*iflE?f!FiEifiF#if3Eiijfie�7EiF�kif�Y�lEiF!'vif\43E#iFifuif%#r #iF#if�#iF#tfii*iEiff?ti1-i�#M,::'i:� #'�i ���a•#+t+c.:. :.'tGA:.TZA: ION: V F E E S C Y`! A R Y S':RCC�':RA� �SEG:�:E::'� : Y r B�UG PN.T PLL'N.BZtiG E:,EC'iRIC . MECHANIC F�RE S:�iZP/��2�5' G�2A.ri�tiG PE?::t'1 �:.OG �C � . S:!IP /.�'�i\-:-:�� p•� . � TSSIIE FEF BJI:.:JT_:vG-��IV-> PERM�T :SSIIE PiAN-CHECFi TOTAi PAID DCE TOTAi,5----> 41.50 0.00 0�.00 4=.SC 9:.50 .G� 5 REVENUE UIV:S�O� TOTAiS--> CULL�ECT.ED: 4i,50 OVER/SriO:�T: .00 BLLG PuT P�`J?:B:;�G ELECTR:C kECHANI�' P�xE S::i°/:O" GRAPI�'G P�a:��-CHEr:: 91.00 • - ;� .50 jeiEiFiE1f#iE?f�lf?fifiEi!�?E1"iif#ifiFif#iE#1f##iFiEiE#?E#3i'#itifif+atj�'##i:�tf#Xi:ii##i'riyiElEiElFiFiE#-+e#iE :#"....i:�i(f�� ::1:;'�.riSE+- ? A1 D I �� I U U A` `L r E E B R E A R D O W N lY?G SFR QTY U E S C R I P: I O• N- 1750 RrROUF HY Ve�LUE RES_DE:;rZAL tiOZONE E�:L OF FEES i. , �J v• J:;�; CuS: 'iO:A:, ��3': '_.00 ;,75C.00 01 QD139629-00139630 T4T 42.50 DATE: 0`/21/93 TItIE: 14:23 i� S CONSTRUCTION ANOPLANNING APPROVALS Permit � 1. Temporary Electrical Service or Pole 2. Sod Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3. Elcctrical Conduit Ut�l�ty•Undrgrnd. 4 Electrical COndu�t�Undrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcement 6. Elecvical UPER Grnd 7. Foot�ngs B. Foundat�on 9. SNater Pipe-Undrgrnd. 10. Sxructurel Floor SYStBm 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 12. Se�ver Cap 73. Roof Oraini 14. Rough piumbmg 15 Rough Eiectriwl-Condurt 16. Ro�gh ElectriclViring 17. Raugh \Y:r�ng S�gn 18. Rough Electrical�T Ba� Ce�l�ng 18. Rough Heat�ng & A�r Cordit�on�ng Z0. Ro��,gh Factory F�rep;ace 21. DuRs, in Stru[ture 22. DuC.s, Ventilatmg 23. Gas Pipe�Rou�h & Tesc 24. Roof Framing I 20. Roo` Shcathing � 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Strutturail & L4onocoat I 27. Frame and Flashing � 26. Lath�ng & 9ding 2$. Insula[ion 30. D�y��.a�� Nailmo 31. Plaster 6rown Coat I32. Electrical Power Meter�F�nal 33. Final Eleciric 34. Fin�l Heat�na & Air Gond;tion�r.r� 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Firepiace 38. Finai Plumbing 39. VJater Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING , 48. FiNAI PlANN1NG ' 49. Electric Release to Ed�son 50. Gas fieleaseto Southern California Gas G 51. CERTIPICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date Date 0 POOL & SPA Inspector AppROVALS Permit,",- Dace 52. Pool & Equipmen[ locat�on �_ � , 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms ( 55. Elecbical Bond�ng ` 56. Rough Plumbing & P�cssurc Tzst 57. APPROVAI 70 COVFR�GUNi?e � 58. Electnca! CorE4'rUnd�qm�. 59. Gas Pip¢, � UrUta'^ 7, TeS: 60. [iack�vash L�r.=;. P�Trat,'- U�d�^•r� 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backr.a;h fi� Reurtcr Fina' • � � _ � 63. Heater 8: Vent-;'.na' . 04. PIum6lna SYstem � F�^.:1 ' t�, ' 65. Elecvical-F;ral i � , 66. Sola� System�Fin,i � : I -- -----r----- 67. Fencing & Acc•rss Anp�ural fi$. APPFOVED F07 P�P,STEFI\G � 69. POO:'SPASY57E7,tSFINAL ' _ FiREDEPT.REQUtAEMENT � APPROVALS Permit �` I 70. Undergro�^c H�,c�o 77. Prod�ct ?:pl'•.9' ; C::� ^' 0�� 72. Unde:grou�n Flu;h 73. Undcrgrnr: £tora,� T��,ic �� Gas � 6�� �� 74. vvarrcad F-Varn _� 75. Ory Cnem n i 76. Dry Star.Cp,ue 77. FIXED SrSTE?1 FINAL � 78. FIRE PREV. PI>J.:L HFALTI-I DEPT. REQUIREP.iENT � 79. FI�AL INS'�CT�G'd I _ a0. FOOD CENTIF��ATE ISSUED � ,��t�s: �/� ��� �--= ps�� � � lnspector I , l��`�:�� COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 917 COBTA MEBA. CALIFORNIA For Applieanf fo Fill In Complefely - TYPE OR PRINT BUILDING ADORESS 2 7 Indiana Avenue COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA � MAIL ii2i1SOi1 oC TEL. TEL. 1 V, n1' NO. OF OBTBACK LINE FROM CENTea OP 6TReET 2� REAR YARD 25 � $IDE VARD ILEFT � IRIGHT � DESCRIPTION OF WORK NFW I X II ALTERATION I II ADDITI�N I WAL4 ROOF Sttl�'CO COVER❑ IILDlNG AN� WORK TO 6E BUI FIRE ZONE R-1 LEGAL ��� �����"��� �� MAY 1 b 1960 fINAi;CE DEP�. cm c� c�s�-a ra�sa APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING For Offiee Use Only RECEIPT NO. I PENtJ{T NO._„� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA ZONING c;�T,, , _ NO. OP U8H OF NEW PLAN� BUILDING 4]/ '�],tt g'd,T'. , none eYPROVED W. L. D. •� I HERHBY ACKNO`ML¢OG¢ THAT 1 XAVE READ THIB APPUGTION THE AMOUNT BHOWN UNDEP VALU�TION 19 FOR THE ANO 9TATC THAY THE ABOVE IB COHNECT AN� pGREE TO COM- pUPP08E OF EBTABLIBHING A PEpMIT PEE ONLY. PLY WITH ALL 61TY OPDINANC£8 AND ST/.TE UW8 REOULATING BUILDINO CONBYRUGTION. VALUATION 81GNATURE OF C PERMIT FEE $ 3S• PERMI7TE n $ 15, 045 • PLAN CHECK $ 1/�SO AUTXORIZED AGENT D11:8 �. Colegroce� II7C� TOTAL FEE 52�5� N m