HomeMy WebLinkAbout558 JOANN ST - Building PermitsPflOJECT FOOflESS: S S B JOANN S T OWNFH'SNAME: MCBRIEN, SUZANNE TR t aooeess: 1812 ANTIGUA CIR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 1 ` 841-9956 AflLH/ENGINEEfl: NEG.NO.: aone¢ss: � ,� UNIi: uxiT: PEPMITTEE: PRIMO ROOFING (714)841-9956� aoonEss: 17066 PALMDALE ST HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 94627 IILENSEO LONTBALTOfl OECLAXATION: I �ereEy a�lirm Uut I am IicenSeU unGer prmdsions o� CtuD�er 9(commencing wit� Seciion 7000� oi �rvision 3 oi I�e Business an� Pmlessions Cotle, anE my license is in lull force and elter.t. ciTrucc-.: 007�j639 STATELIC.:33SSZO cuss: /C//� 37 �/�� DatP� '%' J y Si9naWre: / _ ' .)_�J-J—(L:k��i�.lY✓-�' WOflKENS' COMPEPSATION OELNMTION: I hereby a�um itut I hyve a cenili[ale ol tonsem to selbinsure or a t¢rtilitaie ot Workers' Compensalion �i �a�.aZaSa2ceju�ieQ3c$py tnerro� ISepwn 3800. LaD. �_1 / O 1/ 9 5 Poucv xo.: STATE FUND E%P. DATE: LOMPANY: ,y ] CMdka COOY is he�eCy �umishe�. L'J Cen�fie0 woy ¢ itie0 ' � tAe ciry BuiltlingAqfwar. /� ' Da�e��G -9 Y Fpplicani: � i Y�%7W/'V✓✓�'1 E%EMPTIONFNOMWOflKENS'COMPENSf�TI0N0EClAMT�ON: (ilu55lClidlneMnolDeCa WetedilNepemmislorane�uMreC�5100�w1e55�. I certily I�ai in I�e Dedormance oi t�e work fo� whic� 1�¢ perrttii i5 i55ue0. I stull noi employ any persan in any manner so as lo become 5u01e�� �o ��e Work¢rs' Campen5aiion Laws oi Califomu. Oate: Siqnamrt: NO7ICE: II, alter making this tleclaratian. you snoula �ecome suejecl to ihe worker5' CAmpensation orovisions ol Ihe Labor Code. you must IonnvntA comply vnth such provisians or iks p¢rmit snall Oe aeemed revake0. CONSTNUCTION LENOING RGENCY: I �erety aflirm Ihal t�¢re is i construction IenOing agency lor ihe Oedormance ol Ihe work lor whicA inis permii is issuee (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C1. �ENOEq: REROOF TRIPLEX aooness: REROOF TRIPLEX OWNEB BUILOEfl OECLANRTION: I �ereby atlirm Ilui I am eRemp� �mm the Coniratmr5' SWte lice�¢e Law �or 1he lollowinp reason ISeclion 7031.5 Business ana Pmlessional Cotle: Any cily ol county whicn repuirts a permi� to wnstmcl, alter. imorove, aemolisn, ar i¢pai� any slNqure. pnot to its i55uance. also repuirM t�e appGtan� �p� 5uU permil lo lile a 9gne0 statemenl tlWt �Nshe R IicenSeG pursuant �o i�e pmvisians ol ine Comranors' Sta�e License Law �CluDter 9(commencing wit� Section 7000) of Oivision 9 ot t�e Business ane Pmlessions COae) ar tlu1 nUStie ¢ eRemO� �M�elmm aM ine qa5i5 lor IM aIICpM eKemo�b�. �Y ���ion ol Stttian 7031.5 ey any apDlicanl lor a permit suEjecis t�e apDlicant lo a civil penally pl nat more tllan five nunOretl GollaR (f500). I, as ownei of t�e pmDeM a� my employees wiiA waAes as ��eir mle compen5aiion. will Uo I�e work, ana I�e ❑ simcmre is not intenOeE or ollereE tor ule (SeCUon 70an. Buvneu an0 Prolessimal CoEe: The Contractors' Slate License Law aoes n01 aOVN �0 an own¢r ol a pwperty wM UuiWs ar improvCS Ihereon, anG w�o tl0e5 5uth vrork himSelU�efS¢II or I�roUO� �is or �er own emD�Wees, proviAeC ttut sucli imOrwemen�s aR nol inlenC¢E or offereA for Sale. II, �owever I�e buildinq or impmvemem is sold wii�in one year ol compl¢Iion. Ine owner vnll Aave Ihe Eurden ol Dmving �e/s�e Uitl not builG ar improve lor Ine puroose ol Sale�. I, as owner ol I�e propetly. am evclusively coniractinq wil� li�ensetl conitactors to conslmci ihe pmjeci (Section 7044, Business ❑ anA Pmlessions CoOe: T�e Camraclors' State Licenu Law Ooes rwt a00N to an ovmer ol pmpeM w� buA05 or im0�oves Ihereon and who coNracis lor sucA D�olecis wi�� a conVaclorlsl license pursuan� lo Ihe Coniractors' Slaie License Law�. I am aware I�al D�ool ol Iheir Worker'S Compensalion insurantt s0oultl Oe prOviG¢A la me. � I am exem0� under Setlion'. tl. 8 P. Q. lor Inis reason: Daie: Mmer. I eo nere0y tenily Inat I am avrare ol ana unaerstana ine repuiremMis of CaOlomu Meatin ana Safety Cotle Sections 25505. 25533, antl 255Ja anG Iliai I or any lu�urt builOmg acupani wilVwill not (titUe one) need lo wmON "^�� �i0 s�a�e COGes anG Ihe iepuirtmenis �or a perm�l br consimclion or modifiwtian tmm ihe Au Ouabty ManaAunent OiSlrici. FleSiGeniul consttu[�ion appliwtions are exempl �rom I�eSe D�ovisions. Dale: AppliWnl: I hereGy cetlily Ihai I tuv¢ rea0 I�is ap0���a�ion and state Ihat ihe a0pv¢ inlarmdtion is tort¢ct. I agree Io camply � il� all ciiy antl counry Of4i0dM¢SdfbSldi¢Idw5f2WIII19�0�NIG111gtM5INC11MdOGl1l�EEydYl110lItCICW=K�Idiivp ollhis �rywoenter n��eaGove�mentioneJ pr�petly loi inSDeciion purposes. DaR� SignaWre: orivei's license or Social Securiry p: t64��46 Wbile—BmlOing: Green—Coae En�orcemenl: Canary�Applkant: Pink—Revenue: GolQenrod—Asseswr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 06707 PERMIT NO; B 067074 PLAN CHECK NO; N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE; STR PURPOSE: ALT JOB DESCRIPTION : T/OFF, REROOF W/FIBERGLAS SHINGLES SQ FT: 4.730 CLAIM VALUE: 4,730.00 CALC—VALUE: 4,730,00 GROUP OCC: R-1 /M-1� COMMENTS: SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER 91 UBC, REROOF 300,Q$��P�l��}�T�'!+'$�Q�'y *�r*�**�rx�*�*�r*�r+rxx�r***+r*�**�rx*x�***�*�*�rw+�x******x***�rx �j��t �I�I_il*��i��in✓✓ � +t+t Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E SETBA�KS JREQUiRED ------------ MAIN BUILDZNG ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BOILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL; 42216309 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> > iF 1f it 1E 1E if iE iE if it iF iE 1E 1E iE if M 4 if if 1E iE �E iE iE iE 1E it if if if fE iE k if 1E if iE 1f ff iE iE �E iF iE if if ff iE iE iE if iE if if if 1E if iE iE 1E if iF if #F #F f� 1f if iE 7E iE iF i4 iE iF it iE 1f D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; BUZLDING APPROVED BY : DATE: �� � APPLICATION ISSUED BY: DATE: �1 �(o �� **it**�E***+��c*+r*******�*3F3F3F3F3F�F'iFiFiF�F7FiF'iF�F±F�FiFif 3F7F iF�f'iF3FiFiF�F3FiFiF�****�tt***ir ic* **+r�*f�*********r�r*******�r*f�****+�+�x-�r*+�*�***�*�r********+�***�r�c*+�+�x**s************+� LEGALIZATIONiN F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y BLDG PMT PLUMBING 6LECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72,00 .50 SMIP/NON—AES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDZNG—DIV—> TOTALS----> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE i2.50 �.�� �.�0 %2.50 i2,5� � ,�� REVENUE DIVZSION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC %2,0� 72.50 OVER/SHORT: ,00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK .50 if iF if 1E it iE if 1E iE 1E iE �f it iE iP it if ik it iE if if iE ik if iE iE iF if 1E iF K 1E if %iE iE iF aF 1E IE 1E if aF if iF iE iE if iF if if iF ic if 1E ik if 1E 1f iF it it if iE iE 3f iE iF iE iF iE fE i4 ip af iE if iF I N D I V I D 0 A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R Z P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 4730 REROOF BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 4,730,00 END OF FEES ��i ��is��ia�-aa�o�io9 ro-r OATE: OS/U6/94 TItiE: 12:03 41 00160108—Q015010� T�] T DATE: p5/pG�g4 TItIE: 12:02 .50 ��.�Q I ��U��STRUCTIOi Ai� PLAMlItdG POOI & SPA -j -- I I D:.te I!m�pector I D�L• � I^:pector I i•.'PROVf\LS Parmit=r � F,pPROVALS Parmrt;`- � i c. ' i-------- - � -- - + . J ; 1. `ompn�ary Ei-:encal Sa.r�ce or vo��o I � 52. Pool & Equipment Lucat on � i I� � �'-�. -U.. . ^d � � 53. �!r. Ri.���fo.c.�„�..t � --t � �- - _ _ _ . __- - � -__-_, -_-r� _�-_- _ __ _.._ _ _ __-- __ -+___. _ __, -' � 3 ..__. . �,.�.;,... �cr���_-.. '` ❑t;. �..�nr t ' � --__. _` ___._ ___-_-_-�---__ _.-__'; __ __- __-__ __ _ *_ _ _ �-_-_. � :. FJu-:, c,; G-��cu,l�Uc�rg��tl. I � � 55. Electncdl 6�nd�ng � � � -�__ . - i__. �5 St,, 3 nlwc.ment � � 5G RauqhPlumb�nq7bPiasSweT•.� � � ' I _ _ _ __ _ _- __-,_ --_ 1---_-, ,,. . . c .�� - -- � rt 5� ���auvni ,o ro!�EN c�,'. *e �" - � - -- - ---- - � - - !- - - -- - - - � - - - ---� - i- i',.I; �'ri. ' � 5F. E:rCtriul Cord.� t�..rtlrqmtl. , , �-- - -- - -�-- -----�- - ---- ------ ----+- - - -� � - --.. R 1'�� ',.:iun -�{ ` j 69 u: P p��, i� LnW ynW I e3[ I '' �P�_ r p,Ue�.lectr4rrh. _�- I . _ __;_' _- - ' C�. B: [...dsh 1 r.•, r.? ..❑ . . .. , �i . . _ -_' _10 � . t . .` � , Si �� . --- � - --� - ' Gi A^P40�'�� O 7EGC-- - - - - �. - _-, - --- - - T --- � - 7 - 11 '���P ,� S :. _ .. u : _ C:.r-.�..: r 62 ° r. �. ., ;u i...� ���� �ii�l - �' _ _ _ __� '-- _� '- _'. __ I _ _ __' _�_- ___ _. _ _ '_' _ __._^ , 12. :_., G p ---- ---' �� i � G3. Hei or i'x V�nt-I�inal . . -- - -- -- �- � - --- - -- -- '----�. i 13. fnin� Unin' I E1. Plum6ing SY'�tem � Fnal �--' � � _ '__-'I , ._ __ ___ L'___ _ __�--- � �i. f . � V'ur.,iiin� " "` -" _ � -'� -- G5. Fli.ctnc�l�F fndl__ _ - ' ' _ '_"-.;� �-'+. _r __ '____ -__ . ___-__' ___' _ - __'�'____� r �b F � E.cc� �c_��-ca^.a... _ - ----*---- - u + GG. n',a Sht�n-F�n;� � i �i ,_ 1L'. �� _.�� E�,eC'�c�:':�^rg ., � 67. i-cnang & Ac[uss Apprp�al � I ___ _ - _� __., __-�-___ __-_-_- - _ _ ..__ ... „�� �h ::�r�:q S�on � '. Q8. APFROVLD FOR P!.ASTERI':G � --- -' � 1E n' .h �,�.'-"�c:�LT 9di ��,e'. r". i' I n; _ -__r _-.�_ �- . G.. C0:/Si'ASYSTh'.:5.".f�A� *---- ����� ",a.�,...3 u P'r Co�7�•. = ���; IRE DEPT. HhQUIREI".�X.- ��-� -- . ,..-. . � ,,.,. - FI.P.a�z - -- - -�' - - � � A'P„�Vi-:' S Pr�mit r -- - - ` - - 21. C.i.-t . � 5tructure I --� - � %0. Und:rg.ounU 4"d-c � - - � - -� - - -.y_-- -- � - - - ' 22. D. t VC='��dtng _-- __� - � I]j PrutuctP'pn�� Ci_�_ Q � I_ _ 73. C .. ,h �• 'e;t '� -~ � - ' ------ '- - r - - �/2 , i �!riro� � I rl �.�.�--- � - - -I -�- ----- � - _�- � �� n F _ -___ ___- _ � i 73 l;�.ucrprni�.Stor_i� T_- C. .J . _ __.___.___ �- � 7y f: i� � �t��i nq ��7 /f!!� �� � 74 O�: rFi atl HY�iru � ' � - _ _ ._ -__ _ ____ . . _I/.( __ � _ _ _ -_ _ _ ___ __ . . _ .i _ _ 7�,, -i i� . �� .i,�, , ISb:,_•u� :� ._ ... ..r. . ;S. I7� ; C'•.cr �,. � . _i _ . _ _ _-_ _ - . . . _ _ _ ___ I7_'. �_ � ___ - � - , _- � _ � . ._/F. .. •, S _. ,�._ _.__ _. _ _._-__ _ . ' _ -_ � ... ,._ ,. , .� , � j 77. i=;.:EC',Y3TF�...-i`.A� + ��-- - - - ----- ---- - - - --- � - --� - -- --- -- - -------- - - --- -- - --� � 2:3. i�:u�elion � � � 7fi. FII!E PHF V F-I1�'h� � � ' _L__ r 30_f) y i!i �''-� --- -- -i -- -� - ' � - - -hIEALTIi_DcPI REOUI�- '.le !T ' _ _ � �' i Y �,'. � _� _.i�' � C_�..i � 75. Fl�;ql I,�`� CC"I:': �---- - - --`- ------ -rr- _ � . '. . i,,�. .. � � r .� F'. .:,.. .: ztc� F : .. i - --- --- ,�-- �-(�OU CL ��i�i I� ir.�l i :�SLE : , �, �_ _ _ .. __ ___-_ __ _ __ _ . __ _ _. __: - ____ r _ _ _ _ __ __ __ . _ _._ . , 3� , :' Ei.c,��< � � � iA�otcs: iJA F'� i�+ t'. .A•�.+'�,�.^ _'-�'-.- ' --___'_,I _______ -_ _.-" '_'___ _ _ __ �� :fi-__,.-__'�"-iz; �-. __T -___t -_�__ _ _' ._ __-____- _ _ _ . _ ._ ___�� , 3u. Hw:: o� G:-�py �' � - -- ------- -----!�-. �--'- - ----'---- - - - - - - - 3/. �ii Ji F�aor�' F�ren�ace � � _ ___ i_ _ - -_____ . " "_ ' 38. F�ril P��..mh�n3 - ----- - - -- - 33.'::�ic S_vice�Fi��.al - - ---_._ _ _ _ . _ _ _'--_i � 4G. 3�s Eer�. ec�F�na� , �-- -- -L-- �--�------- - - - - - � 41. S..�r.� Cu.n�:;cc�Fi��,_ � �� � A7. 9 c.c'Ic: C-^ �nto�C-`. - __i ____._'I i ___ __ _____-___ - _ _. __._ _ __ _-_-_ t��' � ..____,�__. __ _ _. _ __. _-___ _ . � '.�__-Jla': !� 3a2 u�� --�_ - __r-+__ _ . . � __ I �� � I �--- - - -� r -- ---� - +--+-- - ----- -- -- - -- t.4. l ar,o;�_pc irnqa�%;S51�m I I �I- -- - - - - -` � -----'---`--- -- - - - ---�- - 45. Suund Att�nuati�yy-���--- � � � I 4G. H-ndlrap Re�:qulej�h; �_"-'- � "- �� - - -'I � -- -i---- - --- -- -- - � - - -. . _. , -- ------ -�^-- - - - ._I_ . -_ ' - - - - - �--- -- - - - -- -- - -- - -- ' � 47, F!;J/�L STRUC�E ,�ii �JILD!'.0 2 ', Q �` ' O�� /(/ � -(�- ---� - -./-} ..�- ! - -S-�_ '- `. ----- - - - - - - - - - I ^a :-����n�_r���u.vy:;� � � . � 4S. E'.cctrc Re!�.asc�°'cd,son -- --- - �� -- --- i -� - - - --- ----- - ----- - -- --- --' _ � 5C. (�:c R:�:.,:[ to S��the�� C�I�fo•r a G,�sCn - ------�� `...51. CERTIF,C�+T�OF OCCL�Pq1CY --I --�--- - - - ------- - - -�-- -- - --- - ' f�o---- - Date -I , AOOflF54 OF BNlpNO: Cj j a ,7'pANN CJ T ��E��� MCBRIEN, SUZANNE TR �oopE%% 1812 ANTIGUA CIR NEWPORT BEACH,CA 92660 ; 642-1276 1]PL.M.UWq IOOPE39: MCNrtEtT OR FlANEEP: 111CH OX FNO.'4 AD7XE59: uc.xo: cwmicraro ru�: CONffl�CTORe YIIt1N0 AGDIIEW UG NO.: uxr: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 073922 PERMIT NO: B 073922 PLAN CHECK NO: 03400-95 L GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V—N PERMIT TYPE: STR PURPOSE: REP SOB DESCRIPTION ; REPAIR 20 SQ FT LANDING AT STAIRS SQ FT: 250 UNi: CLAIM VALUE: 250.00 CALC—VALUE: 250.00 GROOP OCC: R-1 !M-1 uxr: LICEN9E0 COMRRCTOR9 �ECL�NAT70N: I Mrotr/ ellim uMx panely d par�ury Mel I un Ik�nMd uMar pod�bns W Gheqx B (cammoncbp xil� Sxtlon 1000) M Di+uon 3 d Ihs Buelnw enE Prolenions Cods, eM my Ilmnw i� In lull loms end aMeq. cm uc. No.: uc. eusa: uc. No.: EXP : Uela: ConVeam OWNEN BIIII�EP DECLARITION: 1 Mnb/ elflrm undor psnely d prwry Ihel I un w��mq Irom Ihs Comroaon lloeriu lew Iv tM 'Mbwip neaon I�ion "lOJ1.5 &»iim� eM Prolmioro Cods: AM ciy a oouMy �Mkh rpuim e parmil lo mmbucl. ettar, imprwe. imoloh, a repa'r vry �vucturo, pna lo ns ueuence, eYo reQuiroe �M eppliunl In �uc� parmil lo fila e u0�� ��amenl thel M or ahe . �keiwe wnueni �o ins aowbu W uu conv.em. unm. lew Icheqn s(mnm«,dm wnn s.ao,'loao) a oH:im 9 a �ro Buur�en uM Prdmiona Cods� a ihtl he a Me u ezamq iMeM1vm vM IM Eean la Ns eMpad mamqion. My videtion d Sedion ]W 1.5 by enY WVlimnl lor e permn wbjetls iM epd�� to a tivil penely d rol mon Ihen Ine Aundred ddlen �550011� � I.uoxnerdlMpcW�Y«mYemdoR�whwapean�MisobmmWmtlion.xilldoNswuk.eMlheswcturoceMinteMeC a oMe�ed lar ads (SMbn ]Ou. Butlroa eM Pmlmaiona Cotle: The Comretlan liwnea lawEom no1 epp�ylo en oxewrd popeM W�p �II�� IX IIIW�� 1�1CIlql. dld'�ip � 6W�1 Nq� �1It119ly IX �1MN IX 1�1fp9h �b Of �1N OMTllf�ll��. P�� l�lq Wth �wa�em. ve �a �m.�e «on«.a i«.�. u. nowa.�«. m. a,�u��ro «mw�en n.aa wnn�o oo. r� a�d�m. � �o.�«a�aaar .;u neVe ma w�d.� d wwa'q ne o� ana ed �a n�b a �mww. i« ina wwo.• a..bl. I. m o.*wr d IM pWeM. em mainrvelY oonirmM r.4h IinrtmE canirecton ro crosvua Ns i�l� l5enion tON. Bus'vise eM Prolestims Gode: TAe CONratlan Licove law does nal aOV�Y �o en ow�w d VW�Y who dtilM or imV�'o Iharean and wM mmram la wN qqMs wYh e meurerJoe(a) ficenaeE pusuaeu lo IM CoNrrJan Liwme lew�. � I em eaemq wder Sectun: B. 8 P.C.. M Nie raemn: Deta: �� I do Mrtby cenEy Nei l em eware d vd uMersuM tlro rt�uiremeMa d Cellanu HmEh eM Selery COCe Setliona ?5505. 25533. eM 25530, enE �he� I a eny Mure WiMinp ocapeni will / will nrn (arcb one) nead to campty wih uid meie oodm vM iM repuiremmme br ero�m�lumn�tructionwmodiRutnnhom�heAr�y wpemnuDmiia.Redtlentielwmeueu wG�iomenmemqivnthme y,oWaia F(� C om.: � � 1 �l S Md�: WOPKER'S COMVE 9ATION DECL�H�TION: I hereby elfim ueder peneliy a a�ury ma d iM Idlovrirp detlervions: ❑ I heva vd ml meinle'm e cenil'cme d coneenl �o eeHinauro br �wrkme' wmpemelion, u prw'Med lor by bed'an �]00 d �ha lebar Goda, lw t�e pe�mmence d the woh la wNch thia peim� u mued. � i ne.�.�e w�e �m� �xe�• �w�� ��w,re�. n�c���a w s.u� a�ao a ms �co. coae. m. in� oa�,� d ma wak lor which Mie permit u inued. MY ��� �mpenae�bn irourenca uirier eed pdiry number ere: c�«: aa�r ru�me� i(n�hi: e«riw, �eed nor a. comWx.e � w w�. � ro, orre ww..e eoNers rsiool ai ha../ p� 1 cMN tM1et in iM pMaime�rw d �M wak la which Iho peimN n 6eueA. I ehell M empby eiry penan A anY m�� � es to become wbptl lo IM xo�ke�e' mmpefuelion lewa d Ceftlomie. vW ep�es �htl tl I slauk becortw wEjetl lo IM r.wken' �m waTMo�. d s.ay1^Qa�oCo d ma �.ro. coae. i.nmi ionn»nn comoN wnn � w� Deta:Po� �. \ I 1� AVo�ram: � a...O�C� W�mllp: FeNun ro s�cun wolkwi ronpenutlon rorerp� Is vn/nvNl, �n iIWI �u4Ncf �n xrployer ro alMlxl pmaltlw eM elHl 9ros up ro aw hwCrM thouunC tlolGn (f104WJA �+�Itlon ro tln cwf o/ rompxuetbM1 tlemep� �+provlMe br In s«non 9la or aro t�Do, cod., mM+,c ana.ttomer', �su. CONSTHUCTION LENWNO AOENCY: I hereby eff�m uMar penMy d par'puy ihei ihas n e conelrudion bMi'q epancy br tM paAormence d iha wak In xfiidi the pemit n osued (Sed'on 309), Civ. C�. LENOEN'S N�ME: LENOEX'S �ODPESS: I conity ihet I hevo reeE �his e001celion enE etete ihe� tM ebove inlameiion ia conen. I epree io canpy wilh ell dly eM munty oMinen�a eM atele 4wa ielalip b WiMiq eanaVuqion eM MreEy eWwr¢e represenlelrvea d Ihu �ily Io enler upon Ihe ebwe�mmlionad qopeery �����9P��P�rP%�� SUZANNE MC BRIEN Pnm . ^ [ �CC.hI�/.Q— � C Dme: d 1 I S� ne�ure ol Oxnar/RBe VRppticenVCOMradw (5151d6.WP) WINe-Buildiq 8 Selery; GreerFle: Ceiwy-AppYrenl: Fnk-Rwenue; GoWen�aFMaesmr COMMENTS: REMOVE AND REPLACE SHEATHING/ APPLY DECK COATING iElE iE if iE iE 1E 1F iE 1E If !E IE !E!E 1E fE !E 3E fE 1E iF iE if iE 1E 1E 1E iE 1E If iE 9E fE iF 1E fE iE 1E iE 1E iE if iE IE iE 1E �E iE iE iE iE if if iF iF 1E IE 3f 3E iE iE iE 3E iE iE fE iE 1E iF 1E iE iE iF iE if 3E 1E �)E Z O N I N G R E Q 0 I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BOILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING RE9• PROV: PARCEL: 42216309 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NdTES> i� 1E �E 1E �E 1f 1f ik ik iE if 1f 1ElE fE fE iE fE iE *�E fE iE 1E aE 1E 3E iE �E k 3E 1E If 1E 3E iE iE IE 1E af �E iE 3E 3E iE 9E �)E iE 1E IE k iE jE iE 1F iflE 1E 1ElE 3E 1E 1E if !E �E iE IE iE iE iF iE iE iF 3E if 3E iE iE 3E D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N'T 5 � ZONING APPROVED BY %- DATE: " BUILDING APPROVED BY': DATE: APPLICATION ISSUED-BY: DATE: •2� S iE iE iE iE iE iE if ik iE 1E if 1E iE iE iE iE IE iElE"iE 3E iE3FiF�iFiF3FTF3Fi�£3FiF�fiFiFiFiF��-Tf ��FiF�7F7FiF7FiE iE iElE iE IE iE iE 3E iE 1E jF LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y �. BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC:; MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 15.00 "„ , .50 PLAN 9,75 .� � SMIP/NON—RES ISSUE FEE � i HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLANrCHECK TOTALS----> 15. 50 0. 00 •"r' .9 , 7.5 n, a �. REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLEGTED': BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC 15.00 � TOTAL PAID DUE 25.25 25.25 .00 25,25 OVER/SHORT: .00 FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK ,50 9.75 iE 3E iE 3E iE 1FlElE 1E iE iE iE 1El6 if iE IE 1E 1E 1E 9E fE 3E iE iE iElF 1E iE 1E 1E �E if iE iE iF iE.1E iE iE iE 1E IE iE IE iE iE iE �E fE iElE iF 3E if IE 3E iE iE jE iE k!E iE iE iE iE iE 3E 3E iF �E iF �)E!E 3F 1E iE 1E I N D Z V I D U A L � F'� E H R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N� � � ONIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 250 ALTER BY VALUE RESIDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 250.00 END''OF FEES n � .i r' f ;y . y .r r %• � o <' � ' i71 QO1L�:iE,1-C7i8445'S 7'9��!' �� Gn'E: ,7E;:��9`• T.:iE: ,5:2;. r % 1^ � � COh�'l'RUCTION AND PLANNING � POG� 6 SPA '! APPPOVALS Permit # Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit # Date Inspector 1. Temporary Elecvical Service or Pote 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. $pit Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement � 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms A. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 55. Electricat Bonding 5. Steel Reinforceme�t 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. E�.earical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER�GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical ConduirUndrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9�. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 70. Structural Floor System 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 1 i. ProPerty Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent•Final 13. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing System � Final 14. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrica6Final 75. Rough ElectricabConduit ' 66. Solar SYstem-Final t6. Rough Electric W1�in9 67. Fencing & Access Approvat 77. Rough Wiring Sign 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 78. Rough Electrical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Ro�gh Heating & Air Conditioning FtRE OEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Pactory Pireplace . APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure �� - 70. .Underground Hydro ` 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping � Gas � Oil 23. Ga5 P�Pe-Rough & Test 72. Underground Ftush 24. Roof Framing , 73. Undergrnd. Srorage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing � 74. Overhead HYdro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. DrY Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing -. Q�� �� 76. Dry Standpipe " !/ 28. I.athing & Siding � " 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation _ • � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. OrVWall Nailing - HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coat . 79. FiNAL INSPECTION 32. Elec[rical Power Mec�rFfnal 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final�Electric , � Notes: 34.FinalHeating&AicConditioning ' .�J�L[�,,,L�S...-� (��r� (��,��(� d t -- T 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test � . �.�/s � �(,� 5� �.� ��.f,� �� b 36. Hood or CanoPV " �yy� � k,�y �� o.� T� ��L� - 6�� 37. Finat Factory Fireplace � - � 38. Final Plumbing . 39. 1Vater Service-Final . � 40. Gas Service-Final q}, �{ar pomestic-Finat • 42. BaGkflow Preventer : ' 43. BaCkilow Irrigation 44. landscaQe Irripation Syscem ' ' 45. Sound Attenuation , ' 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING -�Q.q �w� 48. FINAL PIANNING � 49. Eleccric Release to Edison • � 50. Ga5 Release to Sou[hem Ca�ifornia Gas Co 1 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date CITY OF COSTA MESA BUILDING DIVISION OWNER-BUILDER VERIFICATION A city or county, which is required to give notice pursuant to Section 19830, shall attach to such notice, and, as a condition precedent to issuing a building permit, require the completion and require the return of, an owner-builtler verification. Attention Property Owner: An 'owner•builder' buiiding permit has been applied for in your name and bearing your signature. Please complete and return this information in the envelope provided at your earliest opportunity to avoid unnecessary delay in processing and issuing your building permit. No building permit will be issued until this verification is received. 1. I personally plan to provide the major labor and materials for construction of the pro- posed property improvement. ❑ Yes [�No 2. I(have/have not) ,.�[� signed an application for a building permit for the proposed work. 3. I have contracted Name L�Rk Address ��� Phone (']/c� � the s mou (firm) to provide the proposed construclion: 3 OY dJit( City _� Contractor's Lic. No. � 4" 4. I plan to provide portions of the work, but I have hired the following person to coordinate, supervise and provide Ihe major work: Name Address Phone ( City Contractor's Lic. No.. 5. I will provide some of the work but I have contracted (hired) the following persons to pro- vide the work indicated: Name Address Phone Type of Work ��?�?��48 I hereby affirm that I have received a copy of the information set forth in Section 19830 of the State of California Health and Safety Code and have completed the above information to the best of my per- sonal knowledge, in compliance withn t•his State law. (� ` Signed: �/.�c._Q.4ih2, 1Y\�'��,. Date: �a3� ��95 Name: � u ti1i !/u c�2� Etil (Printed or Typed) C.D.L. N or S.S. # � 754-5273 City of Costa Mesa Duilding Safety Deparlment P. O. Box 317 Costa Meso, California � CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY N�' 1$i9 C The Building located at � J���"�fl�J �d � has been inspected and found to comply with the provisions of all City of Costa Mesa Ordinances aoplicable ihereto for p Group � ffi ti Occupancy. � Use of Building ��Sil . ReesidxccA wSlh attnr�£'1 Lt�roart Pi [fn�'� Legal Description �' 4'�s �t' ��, _ ' (Sae raver�e �ide fo� Malo� ond Bounds) Building Permit No. �1 Elecirical Permit No.� Pl�mbing Permit No.�6 Floor Load Signs have been installed as Room Capacity Signs have been instaled as requ�red under Sec. 2306 U. B. C. . req�ired under Sec. 3301 (1) U. B. C. � 17050. CERTIFICATE OF OCGUPANCY. (a) No apartment house, hotel, or lodging house shall 6e used or occupied until the owner or operator has been issued a valid certificate of occupancy by ihe enforcement agency. (b) A new certificate of occ�pancy shall be obtained whenever there is a change in: 1) Occupancy classification of a bvilding or portion thereof 2) The number of apartments or guest rooms 3) Ownership If Group H Occupancy, number of apaAments and/or guesf rooms as req�ired under Sec. 17050.1 (d), California Adm�nistrative Code, Tifle 8, Chapter 9, Article 8.• Number of apartments_�— and/or guest rooms ISSUED TO: �r r Ii<M' A�iU"t+y�'�t`A�11KTi � F3'�vr • �/ ' � i � ���� t.. i / �. �.��.,,.i�,..�y, . �,. This Certificate of Occupancy SHALL BE posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and SHALL NOT BE removed except by fhe Building Official of the City of Costa Mesa under Sec. 306 (e) U.B.C. Fo�,,, aus+—�r.+—�i_��a r 41 COSTA MESA BUILDING-SAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX ]f] GOHTA MEHA. CALIPORNIA For Applitant lo Fill In Completely 7YPE OR PRMT �.�oiNa r ..� 1RE58 .� � eAti/-� S� ,iC COSTq MESA. CALIFORNIA wo'Resa 7900 Pacific Bl c�n �i�tin ton Perk OR ENGINEeR D SI TS A880C • ADGRE83 g02� E• 2IId SL• f'fINTRA('Tl1R Oaner ■ 6TATE � USEOF EXISTIN6 BLDO. BHTGACK LIN6 FROM YiY�I DESCRIPTION OF WORK % ��-�-----•--.� ��.-- FEE R�CEIVED �nJ'; r � 9L� I PERMR CI o��F�Pu�E�,�y 11[et�P� No. /'1(111 FIRB ZON{,.� I ouNe�v I pUILOPNO {�/�..1 � V ' W ��„� � � r'i 1 (j DBtCRIR10N Q��OlG� ,�1/VI�C.{ T /A� �, V A. P. NO. "�J •�I �� / NOTfi: NO BAVH OVHRHANG SHALL BH LE93 THAN 90' TO BIDB Q RHAR P. L, PJ1VE8 ALLOWfiD (U.B.C.REOUIREMENT' VARDBAPPROVED VARDSAPPROVED MAIN BUILDIN6 ACGESSORY BUILDING ( FROM GL STREET L, oisrwn � MOVINO DEMOLI6H MAIN 9 IN6 30001 NO.OP I1 z VAR.}i ROOMB HT RIHB C. U. P. IOR WALL SfrC • ROOR -^ �%, � eYPRO' � �i�6�.✓ f/ - 1 H8R8BY ACKNOWLEqpg THAT � NAV! HEAD THIB APPLICATION AND BTATH TNAT THH ABOV 19 COHNECT ANG AOR88 TO COM. PLY WITH ALL CITY OkD NC88 /1N 9TAT[ LAWp q60YLATIN4 BUILOINa CONBTPYCTIp SIGNATUREOF /� ��' PERMITTEE AUTHORIZHD A66ti7 r1ULD C:e l�. DATB � �80. �. 0 THE AMOUNT 9HOWN UNDlH VA �TION 18 POR THe F PUNPOBB OP 88TABLI9HINa A PBRMIT RHH ONLY. Q VALUATION �{ /� m PERMIT FEE $ U 1 `� � s3�y�— �a^� _ O