HomeMy WebLinkAbout2239 MINER ST - Building PermitsPfl0.1EC7A0DFESS: z139 MINER ST owxexsxnme: HARTUNZAN VICTORIA AODNESS: `z39 MINE�t Si COSTA MESA,CA 92627 /, � `yflLH/ENGINEEN: 6 3 1— 5 8 a � �ooxcss: flEG.NO.: UNIT: uxrt: PEflMITTEE: WESTSIAR BUIL,DER5 ( 724 ) 973-7556 nooeess: 1088 IRVINE HL 191 TUSTIN CA,92680 LICENSEO CONTflRLTOfl OECLRPRTION: I h¢r¢by allirm Ihai I am Iicemc0 wEer D�onsion5 0l C�ap�er 9(tommenting with SeCiion 7000) ol Oivision 3 of I�e Busine5s an0 Pmlessions Code. and my license is in lull lo¢e anG etfeci. ciTr uc.: � 7 7 1 STATE LIC.: c S � B Oa�e: � — Signature: � _ '� WOBI(ENS'LOMPENSATIONDECLAPATION: Ihereoyallirmthatlhaveacenilicateolconunitoselbinsureorace� a1eolWorkers' Comoenu�ion Insurance, or a cenilie0 coDY �nereol (Section 3800. LaD. C). POLICY NO.: E%P. DATE: cornvaNr: ❑ Cenitietl copy is hereby furnishetl. ❑ Cenitiea covY is IileO witn ine city Building Oiv¢ion. ate: Ppplicani: E%EMVfION fPOM WOBKEBS' COMPENSATION OECfANATION: Qhis sec�ion neetl nal be comDleteU if Ne perrrt� i57or one huMretl (E1ql� or I �. I cerlily �hai in i�e 0-riormance a� (he work �or whic ��is De�mi� is issued. I s�all no� employ any perwn in any manner m as to e subject to Ihe Workers' Compensation Laws o� d'�� Date: NOTICE: I, a�ier makinp Ihis tleclaralion, you s�ould become su61e�� �o lhe Workers mDensation pmvision ��e la�or Code, you must IorlAxilh comply with su[h pmvisions ar ��is Oe�mit s�all be deeme0 r¢vokeU. CONSTBUCTION LENOING AGENCY: 1 Irere�y a�lirm �Aai Ihere is a cons�mc�ion lentling agency lor I�e pedor nce ol Ihe work lor which I�is Oermi� is is1uM (Sec�ion 3097. Civ. C�. LENOEN: RODflFSS: OWNFB BWLOEP OECUBATION: I �ereCy aliirm i�at 1 am exempt Irom I�e Contractors' Siate License Law for tAe lallowinp reason (Section 703t.5 9usiness ane Prolessional Cotle: Any city ol county w�icA reQuires a permit Io cotrstNct, alter, imo�ove. Aemolish. or repair any simcWre. prior loits issuance, also requires ihe aDDlicant lor such permit to Iiie a 5igneA statement that he/she is licensetl pursuant to Ihe pmvisions ol t�e Comracmrs' Slale license Law (C�apter 9lcommencing with Sedpn 7000) ai Oivision 3 0l t�e Business anU Ptolessions CWe� or Iha� he/s�e is enempt therelrom anU Ihe �asis lor t�e allegeA eMemO�ion. Any viola�ion ol Setlion 7031.5 hy any applicani �or a Dermii subjttls ��e appliWnt �o a civil penalty ol no� more itlan live huntlred tlollars (5500�. I, as owner ol IAe D�opetly or my empioyees with wages as Iheir sole compensation, will Uo Ihe work, and iM1a ❑ stmcture is nat intenJetl or ollere0 for ule (Section 7044. Business an0 Pmiessionai CoOe: The Contractors' S�ate License Law Ooes nol aOOM �o an ovmer ol a omDeny who builds or impmves tnereon, ana who Does such work himsell/Aerself or inrougn his or her own employees. D�ovi0e4 t�al such impmvemenis are nol inlentletl or oflereG �or sale. II, however �Ae builtling or impmvement is Sold within one year ol completion. Ihe owner will have ��e burtlen af pwving �e/she 4i0 not huild or imD�ove lor Ihe Ourpos¢ al sale�. i, as ownerol i�e pro0etly, am erclusivety contracting wilh licensed contfacto4lo conSWc� lhe projetl (S¢ction 70E4, Business u anC Profesvni5 CoOe: The Coniratlors' S�aie Lit¢nse Law does noi aDOty �o an Ovmer Oi Droperty wlw bUil45 or improves Ihereon antl wno convansfor suc� orojecis with a coniracbr(s�license Oursuam to Ihe Cantractars' State License Law�.l am aware Ihal proo� al iheir Worker'S ComOensa�ion insurance shoWd Ee pmvi0ed Io me. � I am exempt unaer Seclion: B. 8 P. C. lor t�is reason: Oate: Owner I do �ereby cenity Inal I am aware ol ana unaerslan0 ihe requiremen�s ol Calilomia Healih anC Salety COAe Seciions 25505, 25533, and 2553E and tha� 1 or any INure builtling occupant will/will nol (circle one) neetl to comply with Sditl siate coaes anC Ihe reQuirements lor a permit lor conslmction or moailication Irom t�e Air Ouaiiry Managemenl Oistrict. flesitlentiat con5lruciion applications are exemD� �mm �nese D�avisions. �a�e: I �ereDy ceriity IAat I �ave reaE �AiS a[ or0inances an0 stale lavis rela�ing to bu o�ooeny I ec�ion purposes. oa�e: ^�— �L Oriver's Li[ense ar $ocul Security M: Applicanl: n antl stalet�al Ihe abave inlormationis corr¢ci. I aAree io compty wiih all ci�y an0 coun�y i�ImclionantlheiebyaulhoritereD�esema�ivesollhisu�ytoemeruponthea6ove�menlioned , I6ai�a6 Wnue—Builtling: Green—Cotle Enlorcement; Canary—Appllcang Pink—Pevenue: GoltlenroC—Assessor CZTY OF COSTA MESA — BUILnING PERMI? PERM NO: B 05639A PERMIT NO: B 056398 FLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N 5UPP: N COnSTRUCTION TYP6: 5—N PERMIT TYAE: STR PliRPOSE: REP JOB DESCRIPTION : PROVTDE MINOR RE�EDIAL WORR SQ FT: 500 CLAIM VALilE: SUU.00 CALC—VALUE: 500.00 GROUP OCC; R-3 /M—i COMMENTS: X �t iF iF if iE iF if iE k if iE iF iF r� if i'r if if i4 it IE x� �f iE � iE �F 3e �E �E if �E ih 3f iE jF 1'r iF �f aE it jF iF iE iE �lE 3f iF 3E iF 3F iE iF iE �1FiE if iE iE iE if ii• if if ;E N� 3E k iE a� 3e iF if� iE 3E ?F 1i� i� K Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S c T B A C K 5 ------------ AtAIN SUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUZLDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEF'T: FT IN RGHT: cT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKIiVG REp • PROV; FARCEL; 9?.219221 ZiJE: REr NO: FLANNING NGT'ES> ) ,.t% *�x#�***�***#***�*�***u*�r**#*#�**��rs��**�*�*�**stxx*��r**��c***�****�*+r� ��kx�tx�*x** D E V E L O F M E N T S E�R V I C E S. �2 E Q U I R E M E N i S ZONING APPROVED �Y DATE; �: BUILDIhG APPROVED BY ; DATE: � APPLICATIUN ISSUED HY• /' C�� DATE• L c, **�***��x��'*u��x�*����**�������3.�����r�'��— #�t'�r'�'s������t���*x�*����c*�*�,�`r.�>u �if iF if iE iF iE 1E iE il� iF �k iE iF iE iF if k ie jE 3E �IF iE iE iF iE ic if i!� ic iE 3f i: if i'r �IE if 1'r # iE i!� # i4 if it N� if M if 1e �f iE iE �lf ie if if iF iF 3'r iEiE K� if !E iF ih iE #�'3r �)f #�E M'� 4 3e � iE 3'r )f LEGALIZATION:N F E E'� S U M M A R Y STRUCTJRAL SEGMENT;Y HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECfRIC MECRANZC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 15,00 ,50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN ISSUE FEE BUILDZNG—DIV—> PERMIT' ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTALS----> 15,50 0.00 0,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHAA7ZC 15.00 TOTAI. PAID DuE 15.50 15.50 ,00 15.50 OVER/SHORT; ,UO FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PiAN—CHBCK .SO 3f iE �(- iF iE af V 3F iF iF iE Ih aF iF �E 1f aF )E 3E �If iF �lf lr N� %� �E �E%9( ie �E i6 �6 3F ie i(��E 3f i"r If �E aE 3E �i� if- iF 3E%iF #'� 3E 3E jE iF iF �kk 1f # i6 iF �k iE?E i(� �(� 3(� 3E 3E iE 1E if iF iF iE iF if #�El4 I N D I V I D U A L F E E b R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I F T I O N UNIT COST TOiAL COST SFR 500 ALTER BY VALUE RESZDENTIAL NOZONE 1.00 500,00 END OF FEES d! �.i�'�!i-':�:1'.�i• �", " J'. _. 1�. .. . "L '" ." CONST?tiJCTION AND PLANNING POOL A APPROVALS Permit# Date Inspector qppROVALS Permit# Date Inspector 1. Tem�txary E�ectrical Service or pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe•Undrgrnd. � 53. Steel Reinforcement � 3. Electrical Conduit UtilitY-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. � 55. Electrical Bonding � 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Eiectrical UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electricai Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Fo�ndation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, O Undrgrnd. 70. Structural Floor System � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & ReceptorFinal � 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent-Final 73. Roof Orains ' 64. Plumbing System � Fina� 14. Rough Plumbing . 65. Eleccrical�Final 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit -' , 66. Solar System-Final 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access ApP�oval 17. Rough Wiring Sign , 66. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Electriw6T Bar Ceiling 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVAIS Permit # 21. Duc:ts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping �Gas ❑Oil 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Test 72, Underground Flush 24. Roof framing � 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank O Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structurel) & Monowat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailin9 HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 37. Plaster Brown Coac 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. F000 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric �3-(O-YZ � B�otes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioninq 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test . 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace _ 38. Final Pium6ing -1/Q�j L E'O 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Service-Final 4/. Solar pomestic-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 4/�� �w� / t 48. FINAIPLANNING 49. Elearic Release to Edison �• 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CEFiTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date Pq0.1ECTRDOflESS: zz39 MI�E� S•� OWNEP'S NAME: F;ARTUNIAN VICTORSA RODNESS: zz-�(? MINE�2 ST COSTA MaSA,CA 92627 L � �MCHIENGINEER: 6 3 1' S 8 a � � flEG.NO.: nooeess: UNIT: uNiT: PEflMITTEE: WESTSTAR BUILUERS ( 719 ) 973-7556 aoosess: 1088 IRVINE BL 191 TUSTIN CA 92680 UCENSE� CONTBRLTOfl OECIABATION: I her¢Dy allirm thal I am IicenSeC unAer Omvisions o� Chapter 9lwmmencing wi�� Seclion 7000� ol Division 3 0l I�e Business ane Piofessi ns Code, ana my license is in lull force and effect. cirv uc.: 055181 STATE LIC.: - � Dale'. � � Signalure: �_ WOXNEXS' COMPENSATION OECIAflRTION: I �ere6y aflirm Iha1 I have a tertiliCale al consenl Io Sel4in5i Compensation Insurance, o� a cenilietl copy thereof (Seclion 3800, Lab. C�. POLILV NO.: E%P. DATE: COMPANY: ❑ CenilieJ copy is hereby WrniSAeA. ❑ Cerlilie0 copy is �ileA wi�� �he city Building Oivi5i0n. l�a�e: PODl/icanc EXEMPTIONFROMWOflNEflS'fAMPENSAT10NaEC PRTION: Qhissec�ionnee0notbecompleteAdNe umtit Icertitylhatin��e peAormance olthe workfor ihichthis permitisissuetl, y m subleci to Ihe Workers' Co^mOensation Laws aliteimar Dale: ��� L onature' � _ _ .d/./✓ NO710E: If. atler makinA ihis declaralion, you should become suble�� �o t�e Workers Cam� pensato Code. yau mus� Iorlhwiih comply with suc� pmvisions or ��is permi[ shall �e Geemea revoked. LONSTBUCTION LENOINC AGENLY: I �ereby allirm �hal Ihere is a wnSVuction IenOing apency �or ihe which �his Darmit is issue015ection 3W7, Civ. C�. LENOEN: AOOflESS: so as to co Ine Laoor ' � ol I�e wofk for OWNEB BUILOEB OELLAMTION: I hereby allirm Iha� I am exempt Imm I�e Contractori $late Lit¢n5e Law �or t�e lollowinq reasOn (Sectan 7031.5 Buvness ana Pmlessional Cotle: Any city oi counry whicA requires a Dermit to wnstmct. alter, impmve, aemolish, or repair any simcWre. Dnor lo �is issuaace. also requires ihe applicanl for sucn permit to lile a sign¢E statement Ihat tre/she is licensetl pursuant Io Ihe pmvisians oi Ihe Coniraclors' S�a�e License Law (Chapter 9(commencing wilh Setlion 7000) of Oivision 3 of IAe Business and Pro�essions CoOe) or ihat he/s�e is ezem0� ��erelmm an0 Ue basis ior t�e allegee eremption. My riolation ol Section 7031.5 hy any aDPlicant for a permit subjects the appliwnt to a civil penal�y ol not more tAan five �undre0 OOIWrs (5500�. I, as owner ol t�e pro0eny or my emyloyees wilh wages as their sale campensation, wiA Do the work, anA the ❑ slmciure is nol inten0etl or o��ereC for sale (Semion 7044, Business anE Pmlessionai CoOe: T�e Coniractors' Slaie license Law tloes not aDV�Y lo an owner a� a pmperiy wbo �uilds or im0�ove5 �hereon, an0 wbo Ooes 5uc0 woAc himSelVhersell or Ihrough �is or her own employees, proviGeE Iha� such imOmvemen�s are no� in�entletl or oflere0 lor sale. If, however Ihe buildinq or im0�ovement is m10 wilhin one year oi completion. ihe owner vnll �ave the �urEen oi pmdng he/she Oid not builtl or impmve for �he puryose oi satel. I, as owner of ��e pmpetly, am evclusively conirac�ing with Iicense0 con�ractors lo conslmc� �he pmjetl �Seciion 704A, Business ❑ ana Pmlessions CoGe: T�e Contractors' State Llcense Law Ooes not apDly to an owner of pmcenY who builGs or improves ihereon ana wM canlrat�s for such pmletts wiih a tOntraC�or�s) IitenSe purSuani to ihe ContraCtars S�ate litenie law�. I am aware Ihal O�ool oi IA¢ir WoBer's Compensali0n insufanCe ShoUld �e pmvided Io me. � I am exempi unaer Seciion: B. 8 P, C. lot ih75 reason: Oa�e: Owner. I tlo nere0y cenify ��at I am awaie ol an0 untle�stanE the requiremenis ol Caiilomia Nea1N antl Safe�y CaGe Seciion 05, 25533, and 2557G aib Ihal I or any INuie budding Ottupanl wiNwill nol (circle one) n¢e010 complY wiih 5ai0 5late coAes an0 e quiremems far a permil lar mnsimaion oi motli�ication Iwm Ilt� Oualiiy ManaBemen� Oi5lrici. Nesitlential con5lm[�n aDD}� 5 are ¢xempt Imm I�2SE OIOvi5i0115. Dale: ApplitanC J oA'/'�^— ��s// I pereGy cetlilyl�a�l�ave tead Ihis aOD�icali n antl s�ate thali�e aheveinlormalion is correct.l ortlmanceSanOilateWwSreWUngloGuiltlmg onSlmclionanOhere�yauthor¢erepre5entalive5olil pro0eny �or' Spet�io OurpoS¢5. oate: � L' Signamre: � Oriver's license oi Social Securiry 16A1 a6 Whi�e—Bwltlina: Green—Catle Enlorcement; CanarV—Aoolicant; Pink—Revenue: GdEenrotl—Assesmr CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILD3NG PERMIT PERM NO; P 05639_ PERMIT NO; P 056399 PLAN CHECR NQ: N GOVT: N SUPP; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: PLU PURPOSE: REP JOH DESCRIPTION ; PROVIDc EARTHQUAKE STRAPPING FOA W/H SQ FT; CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: GROUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: EARTHQ�UAHE STRAPPING FOR WATER HEATER. Q.� af �S(�''��9 *�t*�t**+�*x*k**�* �**�r��r*u***st+�*#u***#x�*x##*sru*��u�����:�t *�t*�� #*���u�a���***��#+�x#� 7. 0 N I tv G R E Q U T R E M E N T S 5 E T B A C K S' ------------ MAIN HUILD2NG ---------- --------- ACCE550RY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT ZN REAR: FT IN FR23T; FT IN REP4;" FT iN LEFT; FT ZN RGH'1'; FT IN LEFT; eT IN RGHT; FT IN PARKING RE • FR�2V-: —" PARCEL: 42219221 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING N 1'ESs - � W M i49F 7f 3i d'r fF #f iF 3F �E if 4 3k 3F li 1f # 3f ib it 3(• te #E ff if 3F 1F fE �E�E !b iE ii� # iF iE fE ic �lE iE IE 3E ii�?i 3E.iF ii� �(� jE iF iP iE iF �N�'F. # if le k%i'r iE iE if �f i'r 3Fi'r 1F iE lf iF ik 3E it� !f� ik D E V E L O P M L N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M � N T S ZONZNG APPROVED iiY , DATE: BUZLDING APPROVcD BY ; , DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY• �� � DATE; � L� �,� x # x �r � * �� * x ,� � r * � * ** �*����3sxr�����'�'����� �;€�`��'a ��'rf�'r�x����r±��� ��* * � � ������'r�x * if if i6 if 1E iE iF 3E % K� k� iE lE 3E � IE 3F # IE iE iE #�N� M#� iF if• �E 3E iF K--%iE �±e ie if it i6 jf if 1t ff ?E ii� 3f 1f k 1(� Ie If IF 1E if if M?E if i!� �le ih lE?F ib 3E 1F ie iF iE 3'r i! �F if jf iE 7f� ie 3f LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STR(7CTURAL SEGMENT;N 9LDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADINC PERMIT �,�0 258 SMIP/NON—RE5 PLAN ISSUE FEE 3.00 BUILDZNG—DIV—> PERMIT SSSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DCIE TOTALS----> 2,00 3,00 0,00 5.00 5,00 ,OU REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--+ COiLECTED; 5,00 UVER/SAORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUM&ING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIF/TOi GRADING PLAN—CHECK 5,�� ii� iE 3F 3F Yf �IE iE lf iE le if 1E IF 9k iE iF iE #f } 3E iE �If 3E 3e 1 jF iE iF ic ii� ieiElF±Fif !E if �1F 1E 1E if 3F-16 is �7f iE i'r ?E ii�i't iE +�(� iE i!� jf # i:iF 1E fE fE )E iE iF iF ie !F 3elF iF iP?41f 1F �le }} if j4 I N A I V I: D II A L F E E B R E A R D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O N UNIT COST TOTAL COST FLU 1 WATER HF.ATER AND/OR VENT 2,00 2,00 END OF FEES qi r�l'^y .4-_ .,�U"ri�: �.-'" .q'_ i.: ._ � ':: i_ .. _ ..i CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING_ . POOL, _ .�A APPROVALS Permit # Date Inspector qpPROVALS Permit # Date In:pector / i. Tem�lorary Etectrical Service�or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms ' 4. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. � 55. Electrical Bonding . 5. Steel Reinforcement 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrital UFER Grnd. 57. APPRQVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe-Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash Lines, P-Trap, � Undrgmd. 10. Structural Floor System � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & HousC Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent•Final � 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbing SYstem • Final 14. Rough Piumbing 65. Electrical-Final 15. Rough Electrical-Conduit , . 66. Solar System�Fi�al i 6. Rough E�earic Wiring � � 67. Fencing & Access ApP�oval 17. Rough Wiring Sign � 68. APPflOVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough Elecirical�T Bar Ceiling 69. POOL/SPA SYSTEMS FINAL 19. Rough Heating & Air Conditionin9 FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Dutts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. DuMs, Ventilating 71. Product Piping O Gas ❑ Oil 23. Gas Pipe�Rough & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergr�d, Storage Tank � Gas ❑ QiI 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling �Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywali Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINA� INSPECTION 32. Electriwl Power Meter-Final 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Electric Notes: 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe�Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final FaMory Fireplace - 38. Finai Plumbing 0 QZ L� 39. Water Service�Final 40. Gas Servlce-Final 41. Solar pomest�c-Final 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. �andscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING 46. FINAL PIANNING � 49. Electrie Release to Edison 50. Gas Reiease to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFiCATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date PflOJECTADOflESS: �23y MIVER ST OWNEH'SNAME: ��RTUNlAN VICTORIA aooxess: �L39 MINE{t ST COSTA ,yESA,CA 92627 � Afl�N/ENGINEEN: 6 3 1— 5 8 8 0 ADOflESS: flEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEHMITTEE: WESTSTI�R HSIILDERS ( 714 ) 973-7556 nooxess: lOBR IRVINE BL 191 TUSTTN CA.926�U LICENSE� CONTflRLTOfl OELLAflATION: I he�e0y allirm Ihat 1 am Ikense0 unGer provisians o� C apier 9(commenci it� Section 70001 0l Oivision 3 ot IOe Buvness an0 Pmles ns Cotle. anG my licenu 6 in lull torce anG e�feci. CITY UC.: STRTE LIC: — ' ,�55181 �536 Daie: � � — 9�,,, Signature- _ WOBKENS'COMPENSATIONDECUIBIITION: Iher¢Eyaflirmt�ail�av¢aterii&atealWn5enlioselbin5 ratertiliCa�eo�Work¢ ' Compensalion Insurance, or a cendied wpy ��ereo� (Senion 3800. Lab. q. POLICY NO.: E%P. ORTE: COMPFNY: ❑ Ceni�ied caDY is here6y fumis�eU. ❑ Cenifiea copY is filea xith the ciry Building UHsion. ale: _ ESEMPTION FP I cetlily that in Subleci to Ihe � Applicant 1: Rhb=. permitis faane Date:� ��- 7`7� ` Signamre- �r`- ' NOTILE: II, alier making lhis tleclaration. you shoultl become suGiect m �he Workeri Compensa�ion visions oi Ihe La�or Code, you must foNrrnt� campy vrith suc� pmvisions or i�is permii s�atl be AeemeO revoke0. CONSTBOCTION LENDINC RGENCY: I hereUy aflirm I�ai ihere is a conitmcti0n IenGinB aAe��Y �orlh pertormance ol the vrork tor whic� Ihis permit is issueU (Sec�ion 3097. Gv. C�. LENOEN: ROOflESS: OWNEB BUILOEB DECIAMTION: I hereDy atlirm ttul I am exempt Imm ��e ConVacbrs' State Licenu Law for t�e following reason (Section 7031.5 Busineu antl Protessional Ca�e: My ciry al couniy whic� reQuires a permit to wnslmci. alter, impmve, demolish, or reDair any siNclure. prior lo its issuance. also repuires ihe apDliGnt for sutn oerrtti� �a �ile a siqned statemenl ihat helshe is licensetl pursuam m Ihe pmvisions ol t�e Commcmrs' Siare License Law (Chap1¢r 9 �commencinA ��h Sec�ion 7000) oi Oivision 3 0� Ihe Business and Pmlessions Cotle� or I�al ne/she is eeem0� ��erefmm an� t�e basis for t�e alleged exemption. Fny Nolation of Section 7031.5 �y any apPlicanl br a permil su�jec�s t�e appliCani Ia a civil penally ol not more t�an live AunAreO Oollars (SSf10�. I, as owner ai tne D�oDeny ar rtry employees with waqes as tneir sole comDenutian, wiu tlo Ihe wark, antl the ❑ slmclure is no� imenGed or oifereU for ule (Secuon 70Ad. Buvness arM Pmleuional Coae: The Conlractors' Sla�e license Law tloes not aDDly lo an awner ol a o�o0eny who Ouilas or impmves Ihereon, antl who tloes sucn wark nimself/hersell or ihrouqh �is or ner own emDloyees, OmviOeA Ihat such imp�ovements are noi iniendetl or ollered lor sale. I�, AOwever IOe Duil4inA or impmvemem is solA wit�in one year ol compleiion, t�e owner will �ave t�e DurUen of Omvinp �e/she OiE not OuiIE or improve lor Ihe purpose al Sale). I. as owner of ��e pmDehR am e�clusively conlraciinq wilh Iicense0 conlracbrs �o conslmci ihe pmjecl (Seclion 7044, Business I� antl Prolessions Co�e: The Contractors' State License Law aces not apPly to an mvner ol pmperty wlio hudAs or imprwes tAereon anU who comrac�s lor sucn D�ojects wiiA a comraaor(sl license vursuant �o ihe Comracmrs' State License Law�. I am aware Ihai D�OoI oi Ih¢ir Workei5 COmDensali0n insurant¢ Stwu10 Oe prariJeA lo me. � I am exem0� unUer Seciion: B. 8 P. C. lor ��is reason: Oale: Oa+ier. I tlo hereDy certify Ihal I am aware of antl untlersiana t�e repuiremen�s a� Cali�ornu Healih and Safeiy Code Setlions 25505. 25533, antl 2557A antl �Aal I or any fuWr¢ 6uiltling occupant wilUwill nol (circle ane� ne¢0 lo comDty wilh SaiC s�aie coAes antl Ihe repuiremen�s lor a permil for conslmction ar moAilication imm IAe Au Ouabiy Managemeni Dis�nc�. ResiOen�ial cons�mction apP�icaiions are e�yam�f Irom IhCSe provisions. _ (/ �ale: � � 6�/��� OP�icanC " I �ereby cerlify Ihal I Aave reatl I�is apPlicati n antl S�at¢ tha� lhe above inlorma�ion is torred. 1 agree Io comp wi� II ' orainance5antlslalelaw5relalingtoDuildinq onslmctionandhereOyauUqrizerepresentativesol��iscilyloen� pon e < pro0erly lOrinspetlian purposes. - �a�e: SignaWre: � Oriver's License or Sociat Security p: i6ai�a6 W�ii¢—BuilCmg: Green—Cotle Enlo22m¢nl: Cdndry—Applicdnl; Pink—Rev¢nu¢: GolCemotl—A55¢SSOr CTTY OF COSTA MESA — BOZI.DING PERMIT PERMIT NO: E 056400 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION 'tYPE; 5—N PEAMIT TYPE: ELE PERM NO: E 05640ti GOVT; N SUPP: N PURPOSE; REP JOB DESCRSPTION : UPGRADE ELECTRICAL TO CODE ,RE;#B5639Ei SQ Fi: CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE; GRbUP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS; MISC. ELEC/LIGHT FIX'S 6 RECEPTACLES, ib 9(� k if� M 36 iE if # IE R k iF # iE 1f !E K# if 3F ii� iF !!e iF iF if �E # iE # iilE 1F if 3f # iE i6 iF # if iE 3E N� �ll� �1( !i� K# lE M� ## iF iF ## i4 iF�lblf jF iP k iF It ie if k?F 1i iE ib iF if # iF Z O N I N GS ERiEB�A`jCIKRSE M E N T S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR: FT it� LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT; F7' IN RGHT; PT IN PARKING REO• PROV; PARCEL; 42219221 ZNE; REc NO; PLANNING NCSTES> > jE # 3F ii� 3f ]e �lE 3(� # 3'r 3F 3f fF # iF i4 jf� �7(- # iF ii� % fE if 3F IF 1E iF IF iE iE if ii� If iLiF 1f if # i'r iF 1E # iE #�lf ie 3f� ie K+i 3f #E �E 3f 3E # iF # if �1(� iF 3't if 34 iE �IF ic 3e �IF ii-3'r j'r 3f iE ��k ii� 3F D E V fi L O P M E N T S B R V 3 C E S R E Q U I R E M£ N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE; HUZLDING AFPROVED BY : � DATE; APPLICATZON TSSUED BY• ��(� DATE• �'— iFiE�lE3e3fiE3f3flfY�IFIFiF}iF?6iE3E3f#iF3(�3EiFiFTr3F+e�iFiFiFiFiF3Eic�iF3FiF Trx�F�F�7FiF%iFi�iF3t'TYiEihiF7FIk7EN�iF143E.. < ir£�#3F 3f il� iE� iE if # 1E �1F k iF #� i�� 1f 3E� iE iE 3f if if 3F Y� }{e 3F itle i(� #f i:� # ii 1E if iF IF if� iE ib iEY� if ie iE if iE if 74 if iE �)f 3f ik 1F il�i4 # if �Ih IF if � iF ie iF i�if iE �(� it if �if i�lE it� iE 3'r 3f ti iF LEGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEG,`;ENT;iJ HLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECAANIC FIRE S�:IP/RES GRADING PERMIT 5 25 �OR SMIP/NOh—RES Pi,AN ISSUE FEE 15,00 BUILDING—DIV—> I'ER,�iIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECK TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 5.25 15.00 0.00 20,25 20.25 ,00 RHVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED; 20.25 OVER/SHORT: ,00 BLDG PMT PLUMB'1NG ELECTRIC ;9ECHANIC FIRE SINIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHcCK 2�.�5 3f-�lE 1f 3F if �Yr if iE 3F 3E �f i6 3F �14 K iE iF i4 if af 3E u� 3E iF K� iF 3b �lE IF 3i� iF if•it a4 3F% iF iF iE iE I( if # 3E If• 3f iE #� 1F iE if iF # iE aF 1�� x� if le lf k%�7F K- #� if k 3F iE ie ii• iF ie?f 3f %� 1( ib �1f Z N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N T'YPE QTY D E S C R Z U T I O N UNIi COST TOTAL COST ELE 2 FIXTURES LIGHTING 1 ST JO EA. ,75 1,50 ELE 9 RECEPT/OGTLET ]. ST ZO EA, ,75 3,00 ELE 1 RECEPT/SWITCH 1 ST 20 nA, ,75 ,75 END OF FEES " } ,- �. . _ , - � _ 1' '. � , : . � _ . .�nic. �,�-,�.i. -. �T _ .. _ CONSTRUCTION ANDPLANNING POOL A APPROi�ALS Permit #� Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit # Daie Inspector 1. Tem� orary Electrical 5ervice or Pole � 52. Pool & Equipment Locauon v 2. Soil Pipe�Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Util�tv-Undrgrnd. 54. Forms 4. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. � 55. Eiectrical Bonding 5. Sreel Reintorcement 56. Rouc�h Plumbing & Pressure Test 6. Electrica� UFER Grnd. 57. APPROVFl� 70 COVER�GUNITE 7. Pootings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgrnd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, O Undrgrnd., Test � 9. Water Pipe•Undrgrnd. 60. Backwash �ines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. � 10. Str�ctural Floor System ' 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Cqnnection 62. Backwash & Feceptor�Final 12. Sewer Cap � 63. Heater & Vent-final , 13. floof Drains � 64. Plumbing SysTem � Final 74. Rough Plumbing � � " 65. Electrical�Final ' 15. Rough Electrical-Condu�t 66. Solar System-Final ' • 16. Rough Electric Wiring 67. Fencing & Access Approvai 77. Rough Wiring Sign � 68. APPROVEO FOR PLASTERING 18. Rou9h Electrical-T Bar Ceiling 69. POOLlSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioninq FtRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Fireplace APPROVALS Permit # 21. DuCts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Ducts, Ventilating 77. Product Piping OGas OOiI 23. Gas Pipe-Rough & Tes� 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd. Storage Tank � Gas ❑ Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 8 FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Final Eleciric 3��,IQ2 � otes: �7 34. Final Heating & Air COnditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Faclory Fireplace - . 38. Finai Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 4t. Solar pomestio-Ftnal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqation SYstem 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINALSTRUCTURE&BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING ' 49. Electric Relcase to Edison � 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY No. Date 69 OwtvEa O�CONNOR. Frank J. DATE �_q_5� ]OB ADDRESS 2239 Miner St. BUILDING PERMIT NO. 5(�].9 GENERALCONTRACTORS2Irt2 VALUE$ 9�996.� GROUP 'ECTIONS P'ir � .as Test �c .cti� IM�'�� F6iE ZONE DESCRIPTION OF WORK DATE I SUBCONTRACTOR I DATE Res. w/att. Gar. SiGi PERMIT8ISSUED NUMBER .�: .: : . � � � 5361 COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P. O. BO% 31] COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN BUILDING z� ,��,� ADORE55 COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA OWNER / ia^^��t�—�/� � GO/��.U� f � / (� MAIL /%! l i//'LZ� �� ADDRE55 •�— {iw A. TEL. ( CITY G� �vI NO � ARCHITECT LIC. OR ENGINEER NO. ADDRE55 CONTRACTOR s,�.6 ��TY No: 6 LEGAL ILOT / ') � DESCFIPTION ry0, � f/ A.P. NO. SIZE !�1 .y�p�' OF LOT �� ����[iL) USE OF EXISTING BLDG. SETBnCK LINE FROM (^� CENTER OF STREET V SIDE YARD RIGHT �� �EFT / DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW ALTERATION ADOITION REPAIR MOV/ING DEMOLISH SU�IE DING (�Qx S/ L ROOMS � STORIES / E%TERIOR WAL�� L�� ROOF . n 3.�� coVFRIN� (/ COVERING ����� no.or e�ocs. MOW ON LOT PF9� l�`.IX^.1 , FEE RECEIVE� ��.i�T7�sQ. INANCE DE�T. CITY OF COSTA MESA APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY av D�TE ISSUED - y-T� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FIRE 20NE 20NE ` APPROVED BV CORRECTIONS � I NEflEBV wCNNOWLEOGE TM�T I M�VE FE�O TMIS �PVLICM1TIOrv IrvO ST/�TE TNAT TME �BOVE IS COPREQ �N� �GREE TO COMPLv WITN ALl CITY OROININCES �ND STA L�WS REGUL�T G UI�OING CONSTNUC� TiOrv. VA W ATION SIGNATURE OF PERMiT FEE S � PERMITTEE /�p � g�9 T� � PLAN CHECH S ��/ L i / Al1THORIZED AGENT TOTAL FEE S �b � `��