HomeMy WebLinkAbout3198 GIBRALTAR AVE - Building PermitsPflOJECT AOONE55: , OWNEIi'SNAME: 3SSA GIHRALTAR AV aooaess:NICHOi.,SON DIANE ADELLE 3198 GIBR�LTER AVE , COSTA MESA,CA 9262fi PPCMIENGINEEN: � 7� 4 ) 64?.-4619 AODHESS: NEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: PEPMITTEE: aooeess:D3198 GIHqRyALTAR ( (714)642-4619 LILENSEU CONTBPCT DEtI'Afl TION EI'IfeFeDy affirm Itu� 1 am licensed unQ2l'plovis18��CIfaD�e� B I�ommencinp wiin Section 7000� ol �rvivnn 3 0l t�e Business and Prolessions CoOe. and my license is in tull lo�ce anE ellecl. CITY LIC.: STATE UC.: CUSS: Dale'. SignaWre: WaHKEPS' COMPENSATION OEClABa710N: I hereby allirm ihat I nave a cenilicate of consent b sell-insure ar a cenilicate of workers' Compensalion Insurance, or a cetlilied capY Ihereoi (Section 3800. taE. C�. POLILY NO.: EXP. URTE: LOMPANY: r] Cettdied copy is here0y tumishee. ❑ Cendiee covY is file0 witn the uty BuilJinA Oivision. �ale: AOUlicanL E%EMPiIONFpOMWOflI(Efl5'fAMPEN5ATI0N0EClF11ATI0N: (Thb neMwlOecwnWeteOi�thepermlkforonehuntlre0�41W�arless�, I cetlily Vui in Ihe pedormance ol ihe work �o� wNc� ��is permii � issu d. I shall not employ any erson' ny Tanner so as t ecame 5ubjeci �o the �WjorkerY Compenub n Laws of Calitornia. Date: v �/� �� Signaiure: NOTICE: I�, alter making I�iS Oeclaraiion, you ShoutO betOme suble�t t0 l�e Workers' Cam em m� pmvisions of ine La�or Coee. you must lonnvnth comDly witn such o�ovisions or tNs De�mit SAall �e OeemeG rewkee CONSTNUC7ION LENUING AGENCY: I hereCy aflirm �hdt inere is a wnsiNction lenaing agenty lor ine pedormance ol ine work lor wAiC� IhiS Oermil is i53u¢d (Setlion 3097. Civ. C�. �ExoeR: noon¢ss: OWNEH BUILOEB OECLANRtION: I hereEy atlirm tnat I am exempl Irom t�e Coniractori State License Law br t�e I011owin0 �eason �SeClion 7031.5 BuSine55 and Prale55ianal COtl¢: Any tiiy 0� COuniy vAitli repuir¢5 a p¢rmii lo tonSlNCI, alief. im0�ov0, A¢molish, or iepair anY slmcmre, prior Io its issuance. atso reQuires Ine apDlicani lor sutn Oermil lo lile a siqne0 statement Inat ne/sne is IicenseA pursuam m tAe Omvisians al tne Comractors' Siate Licrose Lm �CIwD�er 9 �comrtcencirp wt� Section 7000) ol 0idsion 3 0l t�e Business anG Pmtessions Coae� o� t�ai �e/s�e ¢ e.emp� �ireretwm anE t�e Gasiz lor tne alle0� eAempiron. My nolation ol Seciion 7037.5 Dy any aoP�icant lor a Oerrtpt suojMis Ihe aoolifant �a a qvil penally of nOt rtprt rtlan five huiMreO adurs (`3�1. I, as owner ol t�e D�aOeny or my emqoyees vnt� wa9a az t�eir wle campensaUon, will do Ne work, an0 t�e ❑ simawe is noi intenueu or offered lor sale (Senion 70aa, Business anE Pmlesvanal Cotle: T�e ConVactors' State License Law does not apD�Y 10 an owner 01 a DroOe�Y w� �uilds or improvu t�er¢On, anE wM Ooes suc� work �imsell/�ersel� or Nwup� nis or �ei own employees. pmviGeG ttu� suc� imOrwemenis are wt intenGeC w ollereG lor sale. If. however t�e �uilding or impmvemeni is wIC wil�in one year 0� tompletbn. 1he awner wtll tuvC t�e �urG¢n al 0«�0 �v�e Eid noi OuiM o� impwve - lor I�e purpose 01 salel. �I, as owner ol t�e O�oOeny. am eeclusively wntractinq vnt� licensea comrac�ors to construci ��e pwjeci (Section 704a, Business ` anG Vmlessions CaUe: The Comracmrs' SWte LRense Uw Gors irot aOdY to an o-xner ol OmpeM1y wlio �mlCs or imprmes �Aereon and who tOnlracis �ar Suc� projttis xitll a tanttatlar�s) littnu put5uani to Ihe COnifa[lOrs' $iate Lit¢nse Law�. I am awar¢ illal pl001 0� illeir Y�Wker'S Comp¢n5diipn ip5ura�lte StqWJ Ee prOviGM Io m2. I am e�empi unGer Section—: �/j � 8. 8 P. C. Oat�r t s r son: //� /�// .f?Sl.�i U� / Ji�er. l�J 9�/yj I do AereUy certity t�al l am aware o� anG unGerstanG I�e reQuiremen�s ol Calitomia Healih and$alery COGe Seciion5 25505, 25533, an0 � 2553< antl Nai I or any imure building occupam wilVwill not girde one) nee0 to campN w+�� ��4 s�ate coEes antl Ihe mQuiremems lar a �Ip¢rmil lor cons�mction ar moaifi[ation imm Ihe Ai� Oualily Managemenl USVitl. HeSiCentul Can5lmciion applications are eremp� imm Ihese pmvisions. �ate: ApDtiwn�: I hereUy cenily Ina� I nave reaa I�is application an0 staie I�at ��e a ve inbrmalion is correct. I agree to c�mpfy vn10 all city and couniy arUinancesanOstatelav2rela�ingtobuil�ingcons�m[�ionandher auonzerepresen�alivesoli'ciiy mer4aon��ea�oe�menlioneA pro�etlY �oi nspeclion purposeS. —� �a�e: ��g./ ��__— Signalure: � Oriver's License or Socul Securiry �: 164t�a6 Whne—Butltling; Green—CoOe Enlarcement: Canary—AOOlicanC Pink—Revenoo: GoldenroE—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILUING PEriNiT PEkMIT NO; E 061948 PLt1N CHECK NO; N CONSTROCTION 'TYPE; 5—N PERMiT TYPE; ELE JOB DESCRIPTION ; LEGALI7.E LIGHT FIXTURE CLAIM VALUE: CALC—VALUE: _ � 1 P�:kN (vU; t Obi<48I \ GOV:': N SUr�P: i�1 P(JRPOSE; 0':'H SQ E�;; GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS• RE• B61447 PRIMARY BLDG, PERMIT, #fF1k#f�k3fiF�fElEit#%�##if�#iE�l4ifiEiflf�iEi( iF#�l'riEififikiEif%fEif�ieif-#it#IEifib#if7FiF/4N�i'rlE1t1E###3f�ItKtkiE#kK!£k###�1fif##3fSfihlf� Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S ssraAcxs ------------ MAZN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCE550RY BUIi,DING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT: FT IN kGHT; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT; FT 1N PARKING REO• PROV; PARCEL: 13913601 ZNE; RcF NO: PLANNING Nt57'ES> > !F iF If it� # lE k�(� iE iE IF iE 1E iE k it ik 3E 3f� 3E 3F K� iF i(� # iE fE lf �IE rt# iE iE iE jt if iE iE ik lE i4 iE ih iE iE #lEiF�l(• iP N� iE il� %� !E # 3(� if �Jf N� i(� iF �1h if 3t �k �lE 3f # 3(� # iE 11� iF 1f iF i!� # 3E D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q IJ I R E M E N T' S 'LONING APPROVED BY , DATE; HUILDING APPROVED BY ; DATE; APPLICA'PION ISSOED BY• DATE; � � ifiElfaflfi%IElfififiEif'7I'iFlfiFi�lkalltikiFfs��'t ' X *-��', t' t if#lI'i%il'ifi�ifK'#it ' Nhlt,c cx1[il�iE �r*�r�r�r�*�r**x��*�rx��xce*��xx�*�*K*+t*x���t�r*�r*�rx�r��*#�. 'xzu��r�r�r��#�tt#x*�r#xx*x�rce�r*uxx�t��r LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENi;N BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT �75 '`; 502 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN � ISSUE FEE 15;09 BUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN-CHECK T'OTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 0,75 15,00 . 0,00 15,75 15,75 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLi,EC�ED; 15.75 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRiC MECHANZC F1RE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHr:CK 15.75 � � � / it iE Ik it ik ik %� 1E i! iElElt if #!f iF 16 ik fElE iE ik #)f%!F iF #!E!E iE iFlE i4 iF 1E il;JF IE ih iE IF iF iE iF if i(� fE %� It iE -0f )f # 3(� iE Ik ik if �lf iF it # N-1(� 1h iF if IF ft k!f iE 3E if # �F 3F# I N D I V I D U A I„ � E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O�Nn UNIT COST TOTAL COST ELE 1 FIXTURES, LIGHTING - 1 S�' 20 EA, ,7S .75 E:ND OF FEES EXP�RED� . " � DATE • � ' ' `; "� ;�. i.! CONST"RUCT InN AND PLANNING , APPROVALS Permit;r � 1, Temporary Electncal Service or Pole 2. So;l Pipz�Undrgrnd. 3. EIr.cVical Cprduit Ct�'rty�IJnd�grr.�. I 4. E'ectriczl Cortdu�t•Un�i�g�nd s. si��� a..n;o•�zmE�t � G, E�eelr�rJ UFEft Gmd Z FcoUrat � . � �. Fo�,.nu:t�o�� � 9. C.ater J�,pc�UndrGrnd. ` 10. 51�•�ctural Flaor System , 11. p��p.•ly Su:ier Lire & Hnuve Conncctlon , i9. 5;::��i G:p r 13. Ho�4 Ora�ns t 74. Fo,.�� �'lumh:ng �15 Rough Eiect�.��-Co^tlu:t � 7� G. Rou9h Etertric�7iring � U. flough !Nvmq $ign 18. Rough Efectrita��T Bar Ceil�ng 19. Ro�5h Heating & Air Condi[�oning 20. Ro�qh Factory Firepisca 21. DuCts, in StrUc[ure 22. Ducts, Ventifanng � 23. Gas Rpe�Rough & Tvst 24. Foof Praming 25. Root Shuathing I26. �i•Bar Ce�hng (Structura�l & 6tonocoat 27. Frane aM Flashirq 28. lath.ng ci Siding �29. Insul;,Lon 30. D�ye.a'.I \ailing 31. Pl;,ster Erp�vn Coa[__ _ I 32 Eiccu�ca� Power h"eter�F�nal I 33. F�n�i Eiccvic 34. Flnal He:.t�ny & Hir Cond.tion��� 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hocd or Canopy 37. F�nal Fxctory P�replace 38. Fina� Plumbing i 39. �Vater Service�Final 40. Gas Serv�ce-Final F- I41. Sn:ar pomesiic-F�nai 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irngat�on 44. �andscape Irnqation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. �INAL PLANNING 49. Elect.ic Release io Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem Califomia Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATEOFOCCUPANCY o. Dace Date � Inspector � e a � POUL _ SPA �- � - .I APPROVALS Permit;� � Date I Inspector I 52. Pool & Equipment Locat;on `> 53. Steet Reinforcement ` � 54. Fom�s ` . � -+. __ 55. El;ctrcal8ond,ng � � I 56. Rouyii Plumhing & Pres;ure Tzf •� T --i-- 57. APPROV/�L TO COVER GU\iTF.• , I -' �+ - 58. Electrical Cordult�U��dgmd. � , ' � � � �__� _ -----{-?�� 59. Gas Pip�, C Undrgrrd.,'i cat ; -_ _-�_'-_t_.�_� 60. B�ckv,�ash Lines, P�Trcp, ,���drq���L I j+ -1---;- ;; � 61. APPROVAL TO DECK ` � �� � - r 62. Backc�a:.h � P��a•pto��Fu�n� I �,�,� � i 63. Heatcr & VunFFinai �-�-T�- 64. Plumbing SYstom � F�nal � '- ��� '- -� �. 65. Elcctricai�Fin„1 � ' � --T_ � �� 66. Salar System�Finai 67. Fencing & Access Aoproval 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERi�\'G 69. POOIJSPASYSTE��75FINAl FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit;� _ 70. Underground HYuro I1. Product Pipin9 O Gas t� Od 72. Undergrouncl Flush 73. Undergmd. Storag� Tank ;1 Gas � 0 74. Ovenc�ad Hydro 75. Dry Chemical � 76. Dry Standplpc 77. FIXED SYSTEPo9 F�,�'AL � � 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL L_�_ HEALTH DEPT. RE�UIREP.IE?;T � 79. FINAL INSPCCTIOV � j I � 7 80. FO00 CERTiPICATE ISSUED ' (�pA�,- -� - 1_ -_ -. Notes: I�r //�S N�""�-'1__..�2 ��)�-[w.�e �T' �---- . �-�. -��y � ��lS�_9_� ----�---� z�C--� i I veaccrqooless: 3198 GIBRALTAR AV owNexsr,'ne:NICHOLSON DIANE ADELLE � aooi��S:319$ GIBRALTER AVE • COS'PA MESA,CA 92626 RHCNIENGINEEfl: RDOflESS: HEG.NO.: UNIT: �J /..a v ! UNIT: ' veeMmee:TIMBEFiL.INE CONSTRDCTION ( 714 ) 557-7 722 nooRess: 30RR KILLYBROOK LN COS":A MESA CA 92626 LICENSEO CONTPRCTaP OECLAHATION: I �ere�y allirm tha� I am licensetl under O�avisions ol ChaO�er 9 �commencing with $ection 7IXp� ol Oiv,sion 3 al I�e Business antl Pro�essions CaEe. antl my license is in �ull force antl effeci. cirvuc.:05�43q3q0 STpTELIC.SSG4%9� us �ate: ��� SignaWre: _� _ _ WOflNENS' COMPENSRTION OECLl�PRTION: I �erEDy afli�m Iha� I �ave a c¢rli�ica eni �o Sell�insur¢ Or a tetlilitale o� Work¢fs' Compensationin� rbnc�.�rd� nd��oov ��ereoi Iseceon 7eoo, �an�)� � 1 i 9 3 POLICY NO��STATF FUND E%P.ORTE: COMPANY: }�, ❑ Cemlietl copY is nereby lurnis�ed. iJ CenilieU copY i �ilea wiih ci�y Buil 'pg �iv 'on Jalel� _� � APDlicanC � / E%EMPTION FPOM WOHKEflS' COMPENSA➢ON OELIRflATION: Q�i55ec0on need no16e comp 0'� n perrtti� is lor one �mMred �4100) or less�. I cenity ��ai in ��e petlormance o� Ihe work tor whic� ��is permil is issuea. I shall not e y erson in any manner so as �o become subject lo I�e War4eR' Compen5aiion Laws o� Cali�omia. Oate: Signaiure: NOTItE: It, alter making this Aeclaration, you s�ould hecome subjecl lo t�e Workers' Campen5ation O�ovisions af ihe Labor Caae. you must lonnwilh comply witn sucn pmvisions or inis permit shall be deemeU revoketl. CONSTflUtTION LENOING RGENCV: I heieEy a��irm t�al I�ere is a cons�mction Ienaing aAency br ��e pertormance o� I�e work for w�ic� Ihis permn is i5sue0 (Section 9W7. Civ. q. lENOEfl:SMOK DETEC PER 1991 ED aoosess:OF UAC OWNEfl BUILOEB OECLABATION: I �ereby alfirm �hat 1 am exempi imm I�e Coniractors' State License Law for Ihe following reason �SecOon 703L5 Business antl Pwiessional Code: Any ciiy ol counly which r¢quires a De�mi� lo conslruc�. aller, impmve, demolisb, or �e0air any slmclure, prior lo iis issuance, also reQuires t�e applicani lor SucA permi� to lile a signed 5lalement I�al he/she is licensed Oursuam to the piavi5ion5 0l �he Canlracmrs' Siate License law (Chap�er 9(commencing wi�h Section 7000) o� Uivivon 3 0l �he Business an0 Professions Code) ar that helshe is exempt therefmm and the basis lor ine allegee eKemo�ion. Any Wolation of Section 7031.5 by any apD�icani for a permit SUDjec�s lhe appliwnt Io a civil penaliy o� not more Nan �ive Aundretl tlollars �5500). I. as awner ol ine OmDeriy or my emVloyees with wages as ��eir sole compensation, will tlo �he work, ana Ihe ❑ vmcmre is not imenUeO or olleretl for sale �Seclion 70da. Business antl Pm�essional Ca�e: The ConVactors' State License Law 1 Qoes no� apDly �o an owner ol a D�opehY w�o Euilas or improves �hereon, antl who does sucA work himsell/hersell or t�mug� �is ar her mvn employees. provi0etl that suc� improvemems are not inten0etl or olieretl lar sate. Ii, �owever ��e builtling or impmvement is soltl wi�hm one year ol com0le�ion. ��e owner will �ave Ihe burden o� pmving Ae/5he did nol Uviltl or impmve br tne vurpose of salel. I. as owner oi Ine propeny, am e�clusively conVaclinq vnt� IicenseE comraclors Io conslmct �he pmjeci (Seaion 704d, Business ❑ an0 ProleSsions CoCe: The Conlratior5' Sta�e License law Eoes not apDly to an owner oi pmpeny w�0 DutlAS al impmves lh¢reon and vAo comraqs lor sucn pmi���s wit� a con��acioqs� license pursuanl �o ��e Con(ractors' S�aie Licenu �aw�. I am aware thai O�oal of IAeir Worker'S Compensation in5uranre 5�ou10 be pmviaeG m me. � I am eKempi untler Sec�iore 8. B P. C. lor Ihis reason: �a�e: Ownec 1 no �ereby cendy Iha� I am aware oi an0 untlerslana ��e repuiremenis oi Calilornia Health and Sa�ery Code Sections 25505. 25533, an0 2553d antl Ihai I or any luwre building actupani wilVwill noi (Cirtie ane) ne¢tl lo comply wit� SaiU Stale wdes and I�e reQUiremenis �or a permil loi cons�mciion o� mo4ilicaiion �mm Ihe Air �ualiiy Management OiSVic�. fleSiDenlia� constmction aD0lication5 are eaempt tmm mese o�a�sions. �ate: ADOlicani: I �¢re0y cerlilV Ihal l �ave reaA IM1is apP6calion an0 Slale Ihat Ihe above inlormalion is correcl. I agree 10 compty wiih all city and county orainancesanastaietawsmlaiing�obuiloingconsimciionanGnere� m�orize seniaiiv.olt�iscirytor eru0ont�eabove�memioned pmper�Y �0� in5petlinn purpo5e5. � Oale: �__. � Signamre: _ oii�ers t�cense oi saciai secudty n: 164Ld6 While—Bmlding-, Grpen—Co02 Enlorcemenf. Canary—Applicanl: Pink—Rev¢nu¢; G010¢nrod—ASsesso� CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILD'iNG PERN.ZT PERMIT NO: B 061297 PLAN CHECK NO: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; 5—N PERMIT TYPE: STR JOB DESCRIPTION ; T/0, RESHEATH S REROOF WITH COMPU CLAIM VALUE: 4,400,00 CALC—VALUE: 4,400,00 Nr:HM NU; tl Ub1L5/ liV� 1; N SUl'Y; N PURPOSE: ALT SQ FT: 4,400 GROOP OCC: R-3 /M-1 COMMENTS: REPLACEMENT OF EXIST,3/8"PLY OR IF P,I,�i IS 24/0 6 EDGES ALOCKED �*�*****�**x�� ��*�x ��**��+��*�x *��r**��r�c�*���*x �x*�a� x�x*#x �xx�x x�*� � x�� �x u x x-x�x x cex�c ��+ Z O N Z N G R E Q U I k E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ NAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSOkY HOILDING --------- FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN FRNT; FT IN REAR; FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT ZN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKZNG RE • PROV; PARCEL; 13913601 ZNE; REF NO; PLANNING N TES> � iE iE iF i!� �1E i! iE if �1f �k it 7f k!E i(� it lElF !f it k if ik # if iFiE IE %� K� if iE if �E if k iF iF iE if iF ik k ih 1( ii 1P it� if iE if k#!E iF it # iE iE%# 3E iE ##�lf ff k!(� # 3f 3E �E ## i( !f �)f if D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V Z C E S R E Q U Z R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: BUILDING APPROVED HY ; DATE; APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE• �� IEitrihifiEititikiElEifiEfkiEiE3ElEkiEk%�1E tr . -x.. . r �. . . ia . . x �ri xf� �itt�ifiEkjf�7EiFiFiE3Ei(� � rt x��r�r lhiF !f iE IE i4 3E it k iE 1E ik N� iE if iE dE 1F iE if fE ik 1E iE it it iE k it k iE if iE ik If it K� %� IE if%!E K� i(� iF ik iF f! i? if��)f 3E 1E ih 1F iE �N• ik k lE ft iE it �N� ff If k�lF ii� fFiE # iFlE %� ihlt K� iE iP LEGALI2ATION;N F E E S U M M A rt Y STRUCTURAL SEGMENT;Y HLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTR�C MEC�iAN�fC FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 72,00 � 50 � '� SMIP/NON—RES PLAN � � j � ISSUE FEE ` BUILDING—DiV—> PERMIT ISSUE PliAN�CHECK 'y, r, TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 72,50 0.00 •. 0,00;,; 72,50 72,50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTEU; —�72,50 OVER/SHORT; ,00 BLD7zPoo' PLUMBING ELECTkIC MECHANIC FJIk'E SMIP/TOO GRADING PLAN—CHECK " ii i^.l k 1f 1E 9E 1E �%!E if !k ih iE IF 1f 1E iF ih iF 1f ik ih !f iFiE iF i(� 11� !E if !E iE lE if �7h �lf � iE iE fE k!f !!� if iC i(��.i�' �1(- K�ltdf 1(� N�lF !l� ihlk N� iE M� 3F �6 iE �%� iE !f 1F M� f(�!E!F i4 i! # 1E iF !E 1F iklf iE I N D I V I D U A li. �-R -� E �'�,, R E A R D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R Z P T I O N�S:� -��^!�(J UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 9400 REROOF BY VALUE RESSD�NTIAL ' NOZOTJE,. 1.00 4,400,00 ENDi"OF' FEESF -�� • � ' � � � EXPI E �� �� ' � DRTs q la � . � CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING �APPROVALS Permii � ` i�� porary Electrical Service or Pole � Soil Pfpe-Undrgrnd. 3. Electrical Conduit Utdrty-Undrgrnd. 4. Electricat Condwt-Undrgrnd. 5. Steel Reinforcemenc 6. Etectrical UFEF Gmd. 7. Footings 8. Foundauon 9. Water Pipe�Undrgmd. � 70. Structura� Floor System . t t. Property Sewer Line & Hous6 CAnnection 12. Se�ver Cap - . 13. Roof Drains ' 14. Rough Plumbing � 75. Rough Electrical•Conduit 7 6. .Rough Electric 4Viring 17. Rough 4Viring Si9n 18. Rough Elecirical-T Bar Ceiiin9 19. Rough Heating & A7r Condiuomng 20. Rough Factory Fireplace 21. Ducts,in Structure 22. Duccs, Ventilatin9 23. Gas Pipe•Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ce�ling (Strucwral} & Monocoat 27. Frame and Flashing 28. La[hing & Siding 29. Insulation 30. Orywall Nailing 37. Plaster Brown Coat 32. Electrical ?ower Meter�Final 33. Final Electric 34. Final Heating & Air Conditioning 35. Final Gas Pipe-Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Final Factory Fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. Water Service-Final 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Solar pomestioFinal 42. 8ackflow Preve�ter 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irripation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regu�ations 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern California Gas Ct 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCV Date POOL ?A Date Inspector AppROVALS Permit �k 52. Pool & Equipmen[ location 53. Steel Reinforcement 54. Forms 55. Eiectrical Bonding 56. Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test 57. AQPROVAL7000VER�GUNITE 58. Electrical Conduit�Undrgrnd. 59. Gas Pipe, l7 Undrgmd., Test 60. Backwash Lines, RTrap, � Undrgrnd. 67. APPROVAL TO DECK 62. Backwash & Receptor-Finai i' 63. Heater & Vent-Final 64. Plum6ing System - Final 65. Electrical-Final 66. Sotar Sysiem-Pina� 67. Fencing & Access Approval 68. APPftOVC-D FOR PLASTERING 69. POOL/SPASYSTEnlSfiNAL FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT APPROVALS Permit -� 70. Underground Hydro 71. Product Piping [J Gas ❑ Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storayc Tank O Gas .'-'. Ol 74. Overhead Nydro 75. Dry Chemical 76. Dry Standpipe 77. FIXED SYSTERI FINAL � 78. FIRE PREV. FINA� ' HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREMENT 79. FINAL INSPECTiON � - � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSUED ; Notes:� , � l� , � I 0 F� � i$�9�• COK.. ' � �l. ri� � 3 �1G./42 .�'-7� (2-I - 4�- �� N�[�C. / /� J� Date �Inspector I ' r� � r� !N � aue xas�e: 3198 6IBRALTAR AV a� eess:NICHOLSON, DIANE AD6LLE 3198 GIBRALTER AVE � COSTA HESA,CA 9267.6 IIHLNIENGINEEB: � 7 1 4� 6 4 z-4 6.1 9 ADOflE55: HEG.NO.: UNIT: UNIT: � 'Epmi"EE:DIANL•: NICHOLSON . (714)642-4619 aooncss: 3198 GIBRALTAR COSTA MESA . CA 92676 LICENSEU LONTBRCTOF OECLANATION: I hereGy allirm t�at I am li[ensed untler pmvisian5 0l Chap�er 9(commencing with Seqion 7000) a� DiviSion 3 0l Ihe Business and Pmlessions Cotle. anC my license is in lull farte and el�ecl. CRY LIC.: STqTE UC.: CLASS: �ale. Signamre: WOFNEflS' COMPENSFTION UEClAflATION: I her¢by aifirm tlui I �ave a ceriilicate ol con5eni Io selbinsure or a certilicale of Workers' Compen5aiion Insurance, or a certihetl copy Ihereol (Section 3800. Lab. C�. POLILY NO.: E%P. DATE: COMPqNY: ❑ Cerlifie0 toDY is hereGy Wmi5�e0. ❑ Certilied coDY is filetl vnt� the ciry Building Division. Dale'. ApplicanC E%EMPTIONFPOMWOBNEflS'COMPENSATIOXOELlAflATION: (Thiss ne¢tlnolbetomDletedil�h¢p¢rmlistoro�h�nAre0�S100�ar1¢55�. I ceriily Ihai in Ihe petlormance o� Ihe wark �or w�ith Ihis De�mi - i� , I shall nal emplo n p on in any mann so as to become 5u61eci �o Ihe Wo iers' Compensation Laws of Califamia- ; '�� �, J �ate: `� � SignaWre: p�i�1Li � �A /lC..GiGo � NOTICE: I�, afler making this Geclaraiion, you 5�ou10 Oecome suU�tttio lhe orkers' C�mpensation pronsions o�lhe Labor CoOe, you must Iotl�vnN compty vn�� such provisions or INs permit shall be Ueemea revoked. CONSTNOCTION LENDING AGENLY: I �ere�y afiiim Nat ��ere i5 a consiruction leneing agency for Ihe perlormance ol �he work �or which ihis permil is issuetl (Sectian 3W7, Ci¢ C�. LENOEP: AOONE55: OWNEN BUILOEH OECUBRTION: I Aereby aflirm Ilw� 1 am exem0� Imm �he Coniractors' State License Law for the I011owinA �eason (Seciion 7031,5 9usiness anA Pmfessional CoGe: Fny cily of counly wNc� 20uir¢5 a permil Io cons�mct, atler, impwve, tlemolish, ar repair any stmcWre. O�ior la ils issuance, also reQuires ine applicant tor such permit lo lile a sipneA statement Ihat nelshe is licensee pursuant la �he pmvisions of �Ae ConVacmri Siare License Law (Ctupler 9(cammencing vnt� Setlion 7000) o� Oivision 3 ai ihe Business anA Piolessions Code� or t�ai he/ihe is enemp� �Aertimm an0 I�e Oasis far I�e allegeA eremp�ion. Any Holalion ol Seclion 7031.5 6y any apPlican� �ar a permii m�lec�s ihe appli[an� lo a ciWl penalty ol not mort Ihan live �unOred Eollars (5500�. 1, as owner of Ihe O�oOerty or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, wi0 Ao lhe wo�k, antl I�e ❑ slmcWre is not intenOeA or olleretl for sale (Section 70d4. Business anE Pmfessional CoOe: The Contracims' Slale License Law Aoes not appty to an owner of a D�openy wM EuilEs or im0�oves Nereon, anG who Aoes such work �imself/herseli or thmuAh his or her Own employee5. pmvi0e4 Iha� SUt� imprOvemenis are no� inl¢nCetl or o�lered �Or 5ale. If, howev¢r t�e �uilaing or improvement is SOIC vnlhin one year ol completion. ihe owner vnll have ihe buraen ol pmvinB hGsne Oitl nol builtl or impmve lor Ihe Durpose ol Sale�. .� I, as owner ot t�e D�oOerty, am erclu5ively coniracling with licensea coniraclors to cons�mct I�e pmjeci �Seclion 7044, Business and Prolessions Coae: IDe Conlraclors' Stare Licensa Law aoes nai a0�ly to an owner ol pmperty who �uilas or improves ��ereon i an0 who comracls lor suc� pmjecis vnih a coniraclor(5) license pursuant lo i�e Loniractors' State license Law�. I am aware Iha� pmol af Iheir Worker'S Compensa�ion in5urance ShoWd �e pmvi0e0 I .,� � I am eeemp� mMer Seclion: B. B P. C. lor �nis �rejason: } � Daie: _.5���r��f 7 Owner � / I Oo �ere�y cenity t�al l am aware of and w4erstanG �he requiremenls o� Calibmia Healt� anE Salery Cotle S �ions T5505, 25533, antl 25534 ana Ihdt I or any lulure builtling occuDani will/will noi (cirtle one) need lo compN wit� saiG s�a�e cOdes anA Ihe requiremenis for a permi� lar con5imction ar moailication imm I�e Air �uaLiy Managemeni Ustncl. Re5i0ential wnsimction applications are exempl Imm Ihese omvisions. Oaie: AOO�icanl: I here0y certilylhal I have reatl�his apPlica�ion antl state th e boveinlormatmnis corr cl.l gree lo comply with alicity antl counly or�mancesanaslalelav5relalingtoOuildmgtonsimtti0na here'U� aultwnzerepres¢n �ive o SCirytoeAl2rup ntheabove-men�ionetl pmpeny br inspection purgposes. Da�e: �J��"/'3 Signamr ° � �river's License or Sotial Security e: �.,� �,� �_ �� t64i n6 White—Building; Green—Gatle EnlorcemenL Canary—Rpplicant; Pink—Revenue: GolQenmtl—Assessor CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 061447 PLAN CHECK NO; N CONSTRUCTION TYPE; S—N PERMIT TYPE; STR JOB DESCAIPTION : LEGALI'ZE 50LID ROOFED PATIO COVEk CLAIM VALUE; PERM NO; B 061447 GOC�T; N SUPP; N PURPOSE: AL. SQ FT; 360 CALC—VALUE: 5,32f1.00 GROUP OCC: R-3 / COMMENTS• �' 1f iF 1k ik )b �)k )k ii- iE if k# iF iE �)f 1E # iE N-!f if iE%i(� fh # iE IE IE?f �fE if ik if i!- k i4 �E iF 1! if if iF �lE if� if !E N� 3f % 3P #�f iE 3f if� 3h�IF 3h �M� # IE lE # lE 1(�!F If iE iF if #!E 7F i(� 3f 31� t! �lE 2 O N I N GS ERTCBQAUCIKRSE M E N T S ----------- MAZN HUZLDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY B(IILDING — — ------ FRNT; 20 FT ZN REAR: 25 Fi 8 IN FkNT: FT IN REAk; FT !:N LEFT; 20 FT IN RGHT; 5 FT IN LEFT; FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARFtING REQ • PROV; PARCEL; 13913601 ZNE: R1 REF NO: PLANNING N15TE5> PROPOSED LEGALIZATION OF 360 SQ,FT, FATIO COVER ATTACHED TO > TH& HOUSE AND GARAGE. �x��r**��r*�r��� �c u �*�**�-**�*�**�ce**�*x x*�r*�x****#x x*x********�c*x x�� �r�**�r**x�� *x �c�c-*� D E V E�L O p M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T' S 20NII3G APPkOVED BY � ��� I� DATE; -z �� � BUILDING APPRO�!ED BY ; �� DATE: 3� 3 APPLICATION ISSUED BY; DATE; '� k"Ifi4ifll'1F1f14i%�tl%1l'i('ifiF!hikifil'lfifi(' ' .�ci! 1cR 'k '_ xf l'1' ' t1! A]'ft tltft tftfk fffhi/'ifi{'.�{"1f1('itiEil'iftF Yc %x3� ftfFlfii lEiEiElEIEiE%�1F1Elfl(�#!(�lFiklEifiFlEiElF##fElk##fE1tiElElfiE-1E#%1E�k7FiEiE#iEfEi M�IfiEfEiElFlh!L�ik7ti(�kiklFiFiElt-If1E�7EiEiF###iE#JF##M�li�#3F 1,EGALIZATION;N F E E S U M M A R Y STRUC'fURAL SEGMENI;Y BLDG PMT PLUMHING PERMIT 81,00 PLAN ISSUE F'EE BUZLDING—DI�'—> PERMIT ISSUE TOT;4LS----> 81,53 0.00 ELECTRIC MECHANIC ,_j . P�rAri-cxEcx j 0,00 FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING 53 SMIP/NON—RES TOTAL PAID DUE 81,53 R1,53 ,00 REVEN[]E DIVISIUN TOTALS--> COL��CTSD; 81,53 OVER/SHORT; 00 BLDG PMT PLUMBIhG ELEC'I'RIC M CHI�NIC FTRE 5NIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 81.00 i'� ,� .53 �It if iE fF iF 1F X� )t if ik lh 7f iE iF fE ib M� iE !t!E ilif 1E if 1f 1E iE if iF fE it+�lE if X� !E jF-lE if iE 1f'IE 7t �3E ib iF if� if iPif iF 1F 1f�ik iE iE iF?E if iF I(� �IF�3E %�-IF IF # 7E # iF # fE 3f 7(� iF iE ik �F i4 I N D I V I D L7 A L�� F E E B R E A K D O W N �� TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O� N• UNIT COST TOTAL COS'P SFR 360 RES—PATIO COVER—POST b SOLID ROOF 14,80 5,328,00 F.i�ID OF FEES EXPIRED R� DATE Ip ,�-, Ccl.,-:."' ' _ ... '� CONSTRUCTION ANO PLANNING ARPROVALS Permit r`- ��Temporary Electnca' S�rvia- or Po!e 2. So�l Pipe-Undrgrnd. 3. Eiectrical Condwt Ut i.ty-Undrgmd. 4. Electrica� Candurt•Und�g�rd. 5. Steel Remforcement 6. Electric2� UFER Gmd 7. Footings B. FoundaUon _ 9. Water PiPe�Undrgrnd. 10. Struetura� Floor'SVster� 11. Property Sevrer Lin�� R� Hou�e Cnr.rtchon' 12. Setver C8P , 13. Roof Drains �, 14. Rough Plumhing ' 75. Rough Electncal-Conyw; 16. Rough E�ectricl'!iring 77. Rough Winng 9gn 18. Rough E�earicai•T Bar Ceil�nq 19. Rough Neaung & A�r Ca�d�uon�ng 20. Rough Factory Firepiace 21. Ductt, ir+ Structure 22. Ducts, Ventilating 23. Gas PYpe-Rough & Test 24. Roof Framing 25. Roof Sheathing 26. T-Bar Ca�ling IStructural! & l: or.oco.it 27. Frame and Flashing 28. Lathing & S�:ding 29. Insulati0� 30. Drywail Naihng 37. Pluster 8ro�vn Coat 32. ElecViwl Porrer Meter�F�r�' 33. Final Elettric 34. Final HeaUng & A�r Cond,romrg 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Pinal Factory fireplace 38. Final Plumbing 39. YVater Service-Final 40. Gas Sero�ce-Final 41. Solar pomestiaFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irriqatior. System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulatio.^.s 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 48. FINAL PLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southem Cal�fornia Gas Cv 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Date 0 O e Inspector � i� ; POOL _ aPA APPROVALS Permit ;? 52. Pool & Equipm�nt LocaGon 53. Steel Reintorcement . 54. Forms 55. Electrica18onding - ---�- 56. Rough Plumbing & Prostwe Test �� � 57. APPROVAL 70 COVFR�GU�G i F i 58. Eloclrical Conduit�Undrgmd. 59. Gas Pipo, l: UnUrgrnd., TeSt 60. Back�vash I_in�s, P�Trap, C7 Undrgind 61. APPROVAL TO DFCK_� 62. Baekc�asii tir Rec�Prcr Fuial � /. 63. Heater & Vent�Final 64. 'lumbing System � F��al -- - --�� 65. Elactrical�f;nal ' -- -__��'�_' 66. Solar Syetar�-Fin.:' - � -- r �' � 67. Fencinq & Acwss Appro�al �� j 68. APPROVED FOR PLAST�iiI1G � I :^""-'_r- 69. POOUSPASYSTE�'SFINAL � ', FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMEPIT �" ' I I APPROVALS Permrt;._ � 70. Underground HY����o � 71. Product Pipin� C1 G.�s U Oil 72. Underground Flush 73. Undergrnd. Storar,e Tanl< (7 Gas �] Od � �. ;, 74. OverheaU Hydro ' �� 75. Dry Chemical 7G. Ory Standp:Pe 77. FIXEO SYSTE�\! FINAL 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL � HEALTH DEPT. REQUIREPAENI 79. FI�ALINSPECT10� �_ � 80. FOOD CERTIFICATE ISSC!:D � Na�aT: �a� �� _P.�. Y - Date � I I 1 � �IOTE� SHOW AND DIMENSION PATIO COVER AND YAI a' ��,'d � sr � J 8 6 1 —.— I _- � —�— F0� d���P���, CA.L� 754-St2b cr . u'_r 4 P; R�Rr��a�6F� er�� � . �o� ���tl�Ng baA66 ��/�+"SQVEU @Y fiHc Nlkn�Vi IG DEPARIMEj�� I THIS NUMBER MUST ACCOMPANY ALL INSPECTIOiV REQUESTS SEE DETAILS ON REVERSE SIDE ROOF SHEATMING 1N3WI.�fara;� r;,,,,, �:�•�,i �s�� i.i :., ` t;dd u �� e� i :i1.� I�II '` �1OI1104tl �� 99UFi��Fr:oil:,�;.�c�; � 2 '�+ y t"� 1�`1' X RAFTERS 4V I ���IY � ATZ�OC. W ¢ l- m 2 v J`�� pN � a ��� ���,; m. �-ci 7Q• � y,� �" � /0� �- x. m � / � � i i : _� � I'i''� � � ` � � 9; Q v vr - ����5 I w � � STREET PL�OT PLAN � i e.. ��� -" I CITY OF COSTA eioa. ' _ �►LANNINO �� (/n� ���� •""' / / ^A'';�gn''�r�K^ b� ��'1/"V vvV V' N 0 � F � c� Z 0 J 7 m � X l�(� 3�d OVERHANG _ X_ BEAM T-STRAP EA. SIDE POR POST- BEAM �CONNECTION. w APP�O�/ED � � City of Costa PAesa�uilding P�e� BY � J �AT�(_/,_z THE �� ���ST B°.��"`'•i .iz� �,T ALL TI?AcQ NO HA�����'�THOU'o c � aocqpV%�.��'a: � o , a y aI. , • � ,�;, � � 'T� �O���I�N�� � I i PCATE:',1,r'�.:�•,., ia,:a. ..,... �eanvc�sreR� W � Z a ¢ � � Z O � 'A ����OD"�F�r,}A$HING `��i �O�AF AS TF:C '.�eN;;: �' R �y j vnti. � L06R " ��-- J C��1$Fg,1�4G,TiAN;F ;, : �.r+ns.:P.16R9 12���SC=� Auo w SPECIFICATiCiJS SHA:L i:.�.T PFrVENT 1HE GUiLC•it.: OFFN'IAL � a FROIA Tii(iRrAF7ER REOU:iii?dG ihE CORRECI'IGN O�- Efif?ORS M � �A: PLANS AP:D 9PE.^.IPICA'fiGPiS U'n FR�S F%iEVENTING � W ING OPERA'LIONo BE�i:G CARWLD 04 THERE{1NU[F YIHEN = !'i�ll:� �ON OF �IIS WDE OR OF FNY OTH[R URDINA�:CE OF � IDE''ELEVATION ,._.. _ CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 20ltn.ROOF CONNECTION; DETAILS CO EDGER I� O�ID BLOCK I I\��2 DIA. % 5�� LAG SCR. AT 32�� O.C. DETAIL I CR 9 CL ��TECO�� GRIPS OR JOIST HANGER , CONT, LEDGER RAFrfq , 3Ig° DIA. X 5�� LAG SCR. aT �y" o.c. DETAIL 2 IOte:sOR LIGHT WEIGHT ROOFS ONLY CONNECTION DETAILS 2�� X FACIA-MIN. REQ , � +� RAFTER APPROVED METAL HANGER DETAIL 3 DEl7EL,OPh�NT s�cEs n�rarrr�r BUIId�2AIG SAFEPY DIVISION OWPIER: ADDRESS� — CONTRACTOR: AODRESS� RAFTERS CARPORT, PORCH OR PATIO NOT SUPPORTING CEILING SIZF SPACING SPAN 2"x4': 12"O.C. 9'-6" 16" 8'-0" 24" 6'-6" 32" 6'-0" 48" S'-0" 2"ic6:' 12" 16' -6" 16" 14'-6" 24" 12'-0" 32" 10'-6" 48" 8'-0" 2"x8" 24" 15'-6" _,. 48" 11'-6" 4"x6" 24" 17'-0" 32" 15'-0" 36" 14'-0" 4"x8" 24" 21'-0" 32" �19'-0" 36" 18'-0" 48" 16'-0" 4"x10" 32" 22'-0" 36" 21'-0" 48" 20'-0" 72" 17'-0" PATIO COVER � TYP PLANS DATE : _ PHONE � LIC. N0. PHONE� RAFTERS LIGHT WEIGHT ROOF COVSR�OF LATH, FIBERGLASS, ALUM. SIZE SPACING SPAN 2"x4" 16"O.C. 9'-6" 24�� 8 � _p�� 32" 6'-6" 48" 5'-6" 2"x6" 16" 16'-6" 24" 14'-6" 32" 12'-0" 48" 10'-0" 2"x8" 24" 19'-0" 32" 15'-6" 48" 13'-6" HEADERS LIGHT WEIGHT ROOF ONLY SIZE POST SPACING 4x4 6'-0" 4x6 9'-0" 4x8 12'-0" 4x10 15'-0" CARPORT, PORCH OR PATIO SIZE POST SPACING 4x4 S'-0" 4x6 8'-0" 4x8 10'-0" 4x10 12'-6" APPROVED FOR BUILDING PERMIT By Date GEf1ERAL NOTES: 1. These plans must be kept on the job at all time during construction. 2. All fFaming to be Douglas Fir N4 � . grade minimum. 3.. Rafters may not attach to facia ex- cept for 1011uroofs as shown on details; 2Qibsroofs must use a contlnuous ledge. attached as shown on details dkl�#2. 4. Ligh[ weight roofs may attach to facia for 14' span max., spans over 14 must use a continuous ledger as shown in detail 1i3. � Q�U ���� TYPE 1 PLAN NO. RRC I I I DATE PERMITSNUM ER 'ECTIONS DATE SUBCONTRACTOR coa[ Fi^-� Gas Tut /S� C vction Pole . .. s8�� � COSTA MESA BUILDING DEPARTMENT P.O. BOX 31� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA FOR APPLICANT TO FILL IN ADDREI55 s I �� //�i�lS�(T,�' OWNER ��/� MAIL A�DRE55 �U CITV �¢ AftCHITECT OR EN^�NEER ADDh�.,� COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA �i fEL. NO. �IC. NO. coNTancr�UMAR BUILDERS, 11'�� N�o, nooaess C�gT'0' MESA. CAUF. TE�. 8 NO. tccn� LOT � OESCRIPTION NO. � / BLOCK TRAC A.P. NO. / � _JI � O / SIZE /� �j �� ��'J [%Cj NO. OF BLDGS. OF LOT �/, / // now or+ �or USE OF EXISTING BLDG. SETB�CK LINE FROM / CENTER OF SiREET O REAR YARD ' DESCRIPTION OF WORK NEW ALTERATION ADDITION REPA�.. MOVING DEMOLISH SIZIEOING/�L�� �I ftOOMS STORIES � G EXTERIOR WALL ROOF COVERING COVERING USE OF NEWi/ J�.__ ' v' y� �� BUILDING 7� J�F���U`4'>/ / � ST1TE TH�T THE �BOVE IS CITY OROIN�NCE$ LNO STI TI ON. SIGNATURE OF PERMITTEE �—"� AUTHORIZED AGENT inc w� u�i�� R�C�i�9�� �y 3—a�—sS uc,� ��^e� �. �� Y( �� � APPLICATION FOR PERMIT BUILDING FOR OFFICE USE ONLY RECEIPT NO. PERMIT NO. s��y s Es.EIVEV 9Y .q TE RECEIVED DATE ISSUEf L�.,..n/ ?—�� S-'// ���-.ti FIRE ZONE COSTA MESA. CALIFORNIA SUBJECT TO BLDG. DEPT. REG. r.o , wrvo ecass ro coMP�v wirN nu purpose of estabtishl{I� a permit iee only. REGUL/.TING BUILDING CONSTRUP / VALl1ATION � i _ /� �� // l�a� � PERMIT FEE S �Q � �.c_ �...ffCf / U V E � V PLAN CHECN S IS ', 5 _ �a Jri�%� TOTAL FEE 5 ,j � �edr