HomeMy WebLinkAbout3098 GINGER AVE - Building Permitsnooncss a em�oua: OWNEH8IUME If IVIO'MX. 1� IipDRE54: APPL.M.UIW� AOONE49: � ANCNRECT OP FNOINEEX: MCN.ON FNd'8 MDNE94: CONiilAt7pY8 NIYE: CONiPACTORBM/JllNO �no�ss GER AV NANN HIGHLANDS DR L MAR,CA 92625 uc. ao.: uarw: z o (r uNr: CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO: B 076978 PL_AN_CH£CK—NO:�� N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: r PERMIT TYPE: STR UN7: UNT: LICENSED COHfP�CfOP4 OECLAHATION: I Mr�b/ dlkm �� p�M' d pae�ury ihtl 1 un Ikenud uMw povhlom d Cluqr o (mmmend�q Mih eacilon )000) W dN+bn e d Ilw Budnm � PMmdm� Cade. W my Ycems b In tull laa end aMad. CRY LIC. NO.: LIQ GLA59: LIC. NO.: E X P: Dete: GmVWa: OWNEN BUILDEP DECIAR�TION: I M'eby dfirm under psoely d perjm/ IMt 1 em vemq hom iM Contisuon Liceew Lew Iw ihe Idbx'vg raeson (Setlion ]W 1.5 Buaiw�a ud Pmlaseiona Cods: Am uY w aouNy x}iirh rpu'vee e pemiX to omsWcl. allr. improw. demole�, or repe'v eny etrucWre, pria to ua eaueMe, eho repY� �M epd� fw mr.h pemiA to fib e uB� �amant Net �e or ehe i licerisad puewent lo ihe potisiom d tM Conireaan Liun� Lew �Cheqm 9(cammend�q wil� Sedion ]OW) d DHaion 3 d tM ivaMss entl Prdesanna Codal ar ihm he a sha b ezemF� IY�ereM1vm eM tM beris la ihe elbY� uemNian. Nry violation d Sedian ]03t.5 W arry eppliraM tor a permil subpea iha epd� �o a� pe�aXy d nd mors Wn Ine huMred ddlen �5500J). � i.mo.,.,amen�w�r�mr«�cerea+•.n�mm,..deo�,o��+.wieo�..wk.�em.���o�a�m�,eae w oRereE la eele 1`�tion'l04a. Buvross eM Pmlessbne Code: The Cantrmaea l.icanva Lew doae rot eppy�o en ownaroi DropaM wno wu� « mv�� �n�,. �e.ro a� .w, ���n a n,�,e� «wo�n ne «na, o� �viw�s. o,o.�ead mm .��n impwemmt� are ml weMad a aHered lar eeb. tl. however. the builEiip a inpv.aneM b sotl wilhin me Y� d mmpbtion. ihe �„m.nuam� �;u ne.e ina dwen a aw�m na o� .na dd �a ewa « vnwwe i« ma wm�e a.ebl. � I. u o�w�er d �M YW�Y. em eatlaiwF/ mnl�atlM xtlh 4oemW can4acWa b canatrW IM pM� (Setlbn >WG. Buai�a eM Prolesaians Goea: The Cantreaaa lironm lew Eom nq epply ro ery xnar d peopeny xM buika a impoves ihereon eM x1w contrecia la euUi pqeas wnh e mnrma�a) Icemed p��eM �o Re :ont'mo lioeme law). � I aen exemq urMn Senion: B. 8 P.C.. �M1b e o�,: [�— � — y �. �,,: i da na.eer �nM u� i�, a�.a,e a w u�aa.w�e ub remri «m d ceu e w.nn.�d sdeer code sea�. zssos, zssz3, ena 2553a, eM ihm I a e�ry Mure Witlinp omryeni xill / wil rwi (�` �) � lo oompy �.'th aeiE elels mAee enE �he ropwremenls M e permn facanawcinn or mod'Rratbn han iM �i�6Te tyF�aMpemeni Rvria. Ravidaniiel m�prwion eppYraioru ero exempt Imm �hma proviabne. o�e: nadwu: WOFKER'S COMGEN4ATON OECIAN�TON: I hereb� elfn++ urdw penMy d per'ryry one d �M Idbwirp JWeretuna: � I heua arM wil meinian a cM�rsle d mumt io sWim�n b r.orken' oompsnxtun, m pwMeE la by Seeion �)00 d �ha Lebar Cods.lar iM pMarmv�ce d Ns xak la wlich tka pen� e mued. ❑ � new ene xi� meim.n waka.• mmvemetion wwnnce. m rwu'uM w swion alao N �ne lenc. caa. la. ine wrtarmenm a �n. work Iw v.hiCi INs parmn u iaued. MY waYms' mmpen�� ��e�ca uriier eM Dolky wmbm ue: Cerrier: Polcy Number: M9 aMim need rrof ba [anpbfed / Ne pvml i9 lp wro hU��� du'bn (3100/ p luf.) ❑ I cenh' � in iM perlormerca d �Iw wak la which �hu permn u mueE. I Nell m� emplvy anY ro�� in enY menmr w ee to Gxoma eubl� to ihe wwkare' companaelion levn d Cef�anie, eM epiee ihet ii I NwuW bacans eubjee ta iM wvrkan' cwnpenulbn qvrieiom d Seaian 3'!00 d IM lebar Gode. 1 MeA lathwuh mmpy �mh thow povciom. Dde: RDdcMI: WiminO� Fllun ro��cun wart�ri mmpwuetlon rov�rp� l� �n4wtu( urtlaNll wD/�cf en �nrploy�r ro crlMrcl p�ruM�i �iM clvll nriw W ro one nwdrW MouunJ 0all.n ls104000A �n Wdltlon ro tli� cwt ol rompawtbn d��pv ea pvvltlstl ror In Sxflon 8)OS o/ Ms L�lor CoA, Int1ru( enL attomay's /Iu. CONSTPUC110N LENDINO AOENCY: I lie�aby �im ur�ds perelty d parjury Ihet �Mre e e oonmruaian bedi�p eperx.y lor the venom,ence o� �ne.wn �a, wniM in'o w�� b seued (sedd� xs). civ. Cl. LENOEN'S NRME: LENOEF'S RDUPE55: � cen�y ihm I heve raed Nc evdicmian enE pm. ihet Ne ebm6 Wormetbn "n rorrea. i apree �o mndY wiin ell aY enE counir oMi�nm end stete laws releling io WilCvq consUueion and Mreby auifinae rtpeaenimivea d iha cry io anter upon tAe ebwe-meniionad pmpeiry �°""'°°"�`P°'°' JOHN MARINO oms: �f—/-9C. (5151-Ce.WP) Whue-Buikig 8 Sefety. Green-FJa: Gaary-r�ppifanl: Rnk-Rererwe: Gddenrod-Aswesa PERM NO: H 0%6978 GOVT: N SUPP: N PURPOSE: REP JOB DESCRIPTION : REPAIR WATER LEAK DAMAGE TO WALLS SQ FT: 700 CLAIM VALUE: 700.00 CALC—VALUE: 700.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS: REPAIR AS PER ATTACHED LIST 3E iE iE jElE jE �E iE iE 1E iF �f if iE iE iE iE iE 1E if ik �E i4lE IE fE 1E �E 3E iE IE jE iE 1E j! * iE i(� 1E iE aE iE aE iF 1E !E 1E iElElE 1E iE iElf IElE iE if if 3klE iE IE if iE Ik 1ElE if iF iE fE IE iE iF iF iE iF 1f Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN BUILDING ---------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT; FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ: PROV: PARCEL: 13956403 ZNE: REF NO: PLANNING NOTES> i iE iE iF aF iE 1E iE if iF 1E 1F ik 3E if if iE 1f iE iE 3E 3E iE 3E 9E jE fE fE 3E iElE if if iE iE iE IE �E IE 3E jE jF iE 1E iF 1E 9E iE fE fE iE iE jE iE 3F fE 3E iE iF 9E dE 1E iE 3f �E �E 3E ff if if,3E �E iE if iE if iE 1E if if U E V E L O P M E N T S E R V I C E S R E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: '�' BUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY: �**�***�*�**�*,�,�,�� �� �« LEGALIZATION:N BLDG PMT PLUMBING F E E S U M M A R X �. � ELECTR"IC. MECHANIC DATE: �f�— DATE; —i-1 1 �-W ����******,��a������ STRUCTURAL SEGMENT:Y FIRE SMIP/RES GRADING PERMIT 19.00 • •' .50 SMIP/NON—RES PLAN �� � ISSUE FEE `' ' HUILDING—DIV—> PERMIT ISSUE PLAN=CHECKi'� ' TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 19,50 0.00 ', 0.00 �• 19.50 19.50 .00 � REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED-: 19.50 OVER/SHORT: .00 BLDG PMT PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC /�FIRE SMIP/TOT GRADING PLAN—CHECK 19 . 00 ''r , 50 / ' �f 1E iE 1ElE iF iE �Elf !E �E �f if iF iE iE IE IE IE If fF 3E �F iE iE 1f iE 1E 3E iE if 1f iE iE �E if iE �E iE IF IE 1E 1E 1f if 16 jl.iE iE �f iE 1E �E ff IF iF �f iE iE iE IE fE iE iE iE 1E iE iE IE iE iE ff iE �E iE �F iE iE 1E I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE QTY D E S C R I P T I O, N!' i UNIT COST TOTAL COST SFR 700 ALTER BY VALUE RESIDEN.TTAL NOZONE 1.00 700.00 END"OF FEES �' • �� i , ��' � . % • � ' � i , ,� ; ' 'r CONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING POOL PA APPROVALS Pe�mit # Date inspector APPROVALS Permit # Date Irispector t. Temporary Electrieal Service or Pole 52. Pool & Equipment Location 2. Soil Pipe-Undrgrnd. 53. Steel Reinforcement 3. Electrical Conduit Utility•Undrgrnd. 54. Forms • 4. Elec[rical Conduii-Undrgmd. 55. Electrical Bonding � 5. Steei Reinforcement 56.' Rough Plumbing & Pressure Test ' 6. Electrical UFER G�nd. 57. APPROVAL TO COVER-GUNITE 7. Footings 58. Electrical Conduit-Undrgmd. 8. Foundation 59. Gas Pipe, � Undrgrnd., Test 9. Water Pipe�Undrgrnd. . 60. Backwash Lines, P�Trap, O Undrgrnd. 10. Svuaurai Floor System . 61. A4'PROVAL TO DECK 11. Property Sewer Line & House Connection 62. Backwash & Receptor-Final 12. Sewer Cap 63. Heater & Vent•Final 73. Roof Drains 64. Plumbin� System - Final 74. Rough Plumbing 65. Electrica6Fina1 15, flough ElectricabConduit 66. Solar SYstem-Final 16. Rough Electric 4Viring 67. Fencing & Access Approval 17. flough Wiring Si9n 68. APPROVED FOR PLASTERING 18. Rough ElectricabT Bar Ceiling - 69. POOUSPA SYSTEMS FINAL 79. Rough Heating & Air Conditioning FIRE DEPT. REQUIREMENT 20. Rough Factory Firep�ace APPROVALS Permit # 21. Ducts, in Structure 70. Underground Hydro 22. Dutts, Ventilating 71. Product Piping 17Gas OOiI ; 23. Gas Pipe-tio�gh & Test 72. Underground Flush 24. Roof Framing 73. Undergrnd.StorageTank �Gas ❑Oil 25. Roof Sheathing 74. Overhead Hydro 26. T�Bar Ceiling (Structural) & Monocoat 75. Dry Chemical 27. Frame and Flashing � 76. Dry Standpipe 28. Lathing & Siding 77. FIXED SYSTEM FINAL 29. Insulation 78. FIRE PREV. FINAL 30. Drywall Nailing HEALTN DEPT. REQUIREMENT 31. Plaster Brown Coat 79. FINAL INSPECTION 32. Electrical Power Meter�Final 80. F000, fCERTIFICATE ISSUED 33. Finai Electric Notes:9�q/y�y�/ _I,8 �O�J��[!� f sv G/o 34. Final Heating & Aif Conditioning . !{f�nf Av/_._fl1-s4�-.x.v_.� 35. Final Gas Pipe•Test � 7 /(/�e).'-'�� �=�;?/� f-'- 36. Hood or Canopy 37. Fina� Factory FireO�ace � 1 7_�Q��%� �� �,� �_5,` � � L L 38. -Final Plumbing � ���� �-��% � �i,o,/=/��� O'�=✓ r, vo 39. tNater Service�Final • 40. Gas Service-Final 41. Soiar pomesticFinal 42. Backflow Preventer 43. Backflow Irrigation 44. Landscape Irrigation System 45. Sound Attenuation 46. Handicap Regulations . , 47. FINAL STRUCTURE & BUILDING 7���g6 !!!� [ 48. FINALPLANNING 49. Electric Release to Edison 50. Gas Release to Southern Cali(ornia Gas Co 51. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY No. Date 03/25/1996 10:40 7147�18619 March 20, JEAN HUNT i CITY OF COSTA MESA cuxorrru a�sizoo v.o. eox �ano w: ; oEVEwv►�EM sEav�cEs oErurrMErrr .: �� ,: ; . 'e�r�... � _ 3 .ti:- � y, �, � :�:,�; f o _ 1996 Jeanann Hunt 734 Cameo Highlande Drive Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 R8: �8 �IN�R AVS�i48. COBT��AEBA Dear Me. Hunt: J�.� , 6�-P�� PAGE _01 ._ i ,, �� -� ; � The floor covering of the aecond floor landing/porch/balcony Units "C" and "D�� at thie property hae deteriorated and hae h in the floor covering which allow rain water to l�ak into the under the floor and over the ceiling below. Thi� has caueed laundry room gypaum wallboard ceiling to become eaturated and from the joiets. Aleo, the atucco hae deteriorated and cra around the connection of the upper end of the staire to landing. Further, one of the metal posts for the atairway rai at the landing has rueted completely through the metal. Please eubmit plans and application for permit to correct items to the Building & Safety Divieion counter on the second of the Coata Meea City Hall located at 77 Fair Drive in Costa within ten (10) days of the date of thie letter and complet correctione within thirty (30) days of the date di thie lett If you have any questiona, please call Fred Norton at (719) 5629. Sincerely, Tony C'De Baca Assietant Dev. Svs. Dir/ Building Official By: red Norton Houeing & Code EnforcemenC Inapector/Coneultant for �les irea the :all ^ked the .ing iese �oor 7esa the 754- n Fun ora� 6uYaiw oMdm pt�) �s+-Sm • coa. Enwroen,wu m�17s+�ee23 • A.minp dw�a, p��) 7w�6z�a FA7( (/11) 764�860 • 'fUD (I7�) )5132{I w ��` JD PROPERTY MANAGEMENT INCORPORATED 3520 Cadillac Avenue / Suite B Cos[a Mesa. Califomia / 92626 71A 7512'I87 Fas 714 751-0126 MANAGEMENT AGREEMEN'I' PARTIES: In consideration of the covenanu hereto contained, Jean Ann Hunt (owner) and J.D. Prope , Management. Inc. (agent) EXCLUSIVE AGENCY: 1. T'he owner hereby employs the A�ent exclusively to rent, lease, operate and manage the property whose address is: 377 W. Wilson. Costa Mesa. CA 3098 Ginger. Costa Mesa. CA and 2964 Pepper Tree. Costa Mesa. CA , upon the terms hereiaafter set forth, beginninp August 1 , 19, 90 and continuing until either party pives a thirty (30) day written.notice of cancellauon in writing. Said agreement shall be for a nununum of one year. RENTING OF PREMISES: 2. The Agent accepts the employment and agrees: a) To use diligence in the management of the premises for the period and upon the terms herein provided, and agrees to furnish the services of iu organization for the renting, leasing, operating and managing of the herein described premises. MON1'III,Y STATEMENTS: b) To render monthly statements of receipts, expenses, and charges. In the event the disbursements shall be in excess of the rents collected by the Agent, the Owner hereby agrees to pay such excess promptly upon demand of the Agent. SEPARATE OWNER'S FUNDS: c) To deposit all receipts collected for Owner (less any sums properly deducted as otherwise provided herein), in an Account, separate from Agent's personal account. However, Agent will not be held liable in the event of bankruptcy or failure of a depository. ADVER"TISING AND SIGNS: 3. T'he Owner hereby gives the Agent the following authority and powers and agrees to assume the expenses in connection herewith: COLLECI'ION OF RENT: a) To advertise the availabili for rental of the herein described premises, and to display signs thereon, to sign, renew and�or cancel leases for the premises; to collect rents due or to become due and give rece�pts therefore; to terminate tenancies and to sign and serve in the name of the Owner, notices as are deemed needful by Agent; to institute and prosecute actions, to evict tenants and to recover possession of said premises; to sue for in the name of the Owner and recover rents and other sums due; and when expedient, to settle, compromise, and release such actions or suits br reinstate such tenancies. Licensed Rea] Estated Broker in Califomia and New York. Branch Offices: 11860 Magnolia Ave. Suite H, Riverside, CaliL 92503 719 352-9090 2105 W. Genesee St. Suite 210, Syracuse, NY 13219 315 468-0556 REPAIRS: b) To make or cause to be made, and supervise repairs, alterations, and to do decorating on said premises; to purchase supplies and pay all bills. T'he Agent agrees to secure tbe approval of the Owner on all e enditures in excess of $500.00 for any item, except monthly or recurring operating charges and�r emergency repairs in excess of the maximum, if m the opinion of the Agenu such repairs aze necessary to protect the property from damage or to mamtain services to the tenant as called for by their tenancy. EMPLOYEES: c) To hire, discharge and supervise all labor and employees required for the operation and maintenance of the premises; it being agreed that all employees shall be deemed employees of the Owner and not the Agent, and the owner is advised to obtain fideliry bonding. Agent shall, however, administer and pay for payroll of said employees includin� appropriate payroll ta�ces, out of funds of property and be entitled to a 10% surcharge for said admimstration. The Agent may perform any of iu dut�es through its attorneys, agents or employees and shall not be responsible for tbeir acts, default or negligence, if reasonable care has been exercised in their appointment and retention. T'he Agent shall not be liable for any error in judgement or for any mistake of fact of law, or for anything which it may do or refrain from doing, bereafter, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence. SERVICE CONTRACTS: d) To make contracts for utilities, and other services as the Agent shall deem advisable; the Owner to assume the obligation of any contract so entered into at the termination of this agreement. e) Owner is aware and acknowled�es that all repairs and services of the building are performed at the then current hourly rate by independent maintenance subcontractors. J.D. charges 10% of subcontractors and advertising bills. INSURANCE: a) To save the Agent harmless from all damage suiu in connection with the management of the herein described property and from liability from injury suffered by any employee or other person whomsoever, and to carry, at his own expense, necessary public liability and worker's compensation insurance adequate to protect the interests of the panies hereto, which policies shall be so written as to protect the Agent in the same manner and to the same extent they protect the owner. The Agent shall be added as additional insured to his policy. INTEREST AND TAX PAYMENTS, INSURANCE: b) To advise the Agent in writing if payment of monga�e indebtedness, property or employee ta�ces or special assessments, or the placing of 5re, liabil�ry, steam boiler, pressure vessel, or any other msurance is desired. AGENTS COMPENSATION: c) To pay the Agent each month: F'or Management: 5% of t For rental of each vacancy: manager. Owner responsible for all fees incurred for resident manager (to include salary, payroll taxes, etc.). d) Owner agrees to deposit with Agent N A per unit to open Owner's bank account. e) Account will be charged $1.25 per unit per month for postage and copying. If late charges or fees for NSF checks are collected on said property, they shall become property of Agent for additional bookkeeping. f� In the event that Owner sells or cancels the building while managed by J.D. Property Management, Inc., Owner shall pay a three (3) month management fee �enalty based on the ]ast month's fee. The Management Company is authorized to withdraw sazd penalty fund� from the Owner's account prior to closing account. This condition is waived if new Owner ' retains J.D. Property Management, Inc. as managing Agent. i9 FTt� o N� yc R � j'EN�LTY ,uJ LoniGCYi ,4PPLl�S. This Agreement shall be binding upon, the successors and assigns of the Agent and the h administrators, executors, successors, and assigns of the Owner. I �uftw�v �u�✓T � Z3wner's a� me / gent nature ignature 2 �ss� ��� I��, ,Q. , ress iry�� %�'% l .A . C f} � �JiLyG tate, ��' � usiness one ( � ) .�5�0- S �f � !o ome one J.D. Property Management, Inc. 3520 Cadillac Ave., Suite B Costa Mesa, CA. 92626 (714)751-2787 •AOOFFSSOFBUILqNO: HUNT� JEANANNHV OMNEfi9WWEIFppWN: 73q CAMEO HIGALAN� moeess: CORONA DEL MAR, CA �vr�. wuuxo �ooxess: IiptNRECT Ofl FNOPIFFA: UMH ON FNG.'S IOORE54: CONINICTORBNAME: oam�croas�uwa . �oo�ss: UNT: 92625 � uc. ao_ UNT: ua No.: urrt: LICENSEU COMflRCTOX9 UECLAN�TION: I Meeby ellim uMs perely d perjury thu.l un IInmW uMer poviebn� d Gheqx 9 (mmmenrirq xit� Seclbn'l000) d �ivieon 9 W I�a Buxrwn eM PMmemns Goda, eM mY �� b In fy� jypp end Wop. cm uc. No.: uc. cuss: uc. No.: Y:7SY .i De�a: ComreUa: OW NEF BUILDEH DECLARRTION: I heraby alfirtn uMx penelly d perN�Y �� I am vemq trom iM COMreqon L"qenae Lew Ip tM Idbw'uq remon (�bn )O�t.S &nneaa eM Pmlassom Coda: Aery e1Y a�+nry whitl� reyuiree e permn to mrutNet. elier, imqaro. demd'oh, w repv eny etrvelure, qn b 4a eeuenes, eba eeyuirea IM epd�� �a �� pe�� lo fib e egiwd ele�emenl IMI M m sM if IioenaeE W�e��� �a �ha pro-naiom d iM ConVatlon License law �Chep�e� 9(mmmervi�p wilh Setlun J000) d Orvebn 3 d IM Buai�wn end Prdeuone Coda� or �hd M m ahe ie exemp Ihxelmm eM �ha beais la the albped uamption. Rny vblation M Seabn 1091.5 by eny epdicent lar e permil eubjaae iM ep0liceni io e civil peneM1y af rw more ihen frva hundraE dallen �5500��. [i] I, ea owner W �he propotly or my emoloyex wAh wegee es Iheir ede mmpenemion, will do �he wak, end �he ewcwro b nm intendad a otlereE fw vab (Sxtion ]W0, Busimm enE Proleasione Code: T�e ConVetlors Liceme lewEoee rrol eppN �a � ownerd properry who bulEa or'unprwm thereon, end wM10 doee euch v.oM MmsaM or Mnetl w throuph hv w hm ewn empbyee�, D�sd �het eueh imqwemanta ere na inianEed a oflmed la vele. tl, however, tM WiMirp a vnpovemem ia eaM xilhin ona yw ol mmpMbn, tM owiwr-0uiker vnll hew IM buNm d prv.•i�p ha a she dq rot Wib or impove lor iM WNae d eeb). � I. m awmr d iM pWeM. em eadi�*N oontree�q xn� licensed convacbes to mnaam iM Vq� (Sed'on )Ou. &u'uma erd Prdeseiona Code: TM Coniradas Licmue lew dms nd apply to wnar d papeny x/a buitla a impvam �hxson eeM who conVacla Ip wM� Drqetln Hilh e contrador�e) Icanaed W nuenl lo �Gon�tado� Licene Lew). � I em exempt urder Soclbn: B. 8 P.C.. Ihu erym: / o�a y— � — 9 ` �,,.: � eo nereM oenav uw i em ...,. a e�d wEeis�,�a ine ma���aw a calaoma Haenn ene sdm cme smian zsws, zssaA. ena zssaa. d,d in.i i n em nnun d,uaro �� �n i�„a la�cb a.l �,�e m�pr.�n .e�d .�m. meu .m n. �ea�.m«�, ra apa1mnfaeaaVuetnnamodifrationhaniM�r ua�6T�y ere9emeeuDmriq.RmideNielema�uaionaVO�iamaeuemqlmmNeae PONSMrS. o�e: nod��: WORKEN'S COMPENS�TION UECL�PATION: 1 herehy eifirm uMer pneliy d pxjury an d i�e lolbwiip detle'muna: � I heve eM xi1 meinien e unAi�ate d muont lo aeXinwm br wMeri compar�setion. m povided la by Seaion �]OD d �M Labor coas. i« �n� wno�K. d ma won� i« �n �w o�a b��a. � I heve eM wil meinlen wMsa' mmVe�un iwrarm. m m9uiead M Swim �)00 d tM lebar Code. br iM Po�amv�ea d tM work la r.fiitli thu peimE b 6aue4. My worken' companamion iimurarice fartier aM po4ry wmEa me: c�«: � Palcy Number: ' �prnr: san�., n�e nor ae comdared r ma Po�a;s ro. one nvne.ee mnarslsrool w b.�.� ❑ I ceMM I�el in Ihe paAormerica M �M woA Iw wM1bh inie pem�il is issuad. I shell rwt empby enY Oe�n in enY menna eo m Io Gecome wbjaa �o t�e warkere' wmpeme�ion le+s d Celilomie. eM epree the� H I ahouk becoma eubjea io tM xakan' eompensalion pmdeione W Setlpn �]00 M Ine LeEor Gatle. I&WI 1Mnwiln mmply wun tlqse pewisbnf. Dme: RVG�ira�l: Wernln0� Fellun m�wun woAraa' compnuetlan covers0s b unMMv( antl �hv/NW�scl en �mployer ro ctlMrW p�l0e� enC CIYII IIM! Up b MI hW101Id fIpYH/M ENIII� !sf oo,aunl, �� •w�rw� ro'm. cos� or comcsns.rron, eamep.... provia.d ror in Sxflon 3)O6 0l Me Le4or Corls, Inhnaq entl ettomsy's Isss. � CONSTHUCTION LENDINO R6ENCY: I �ereW elfrm uMer penetly M perjury thm there ia e wnatmdion Iendin0 ���Y /or tM perlormema W ine xork lor wFiicli Ihe pam�Y i� eaueE (Sedion 309). Civ. G�. LENDEP'S NAME: LENOERB �OUPE55: I ceniN �� I lave reeE Ihn epqicmion eM qNs �M1ei tM aEove inlormetion u cnrtM. I eprea io wmply xith e11 ary eM covniY ordiwKe� eM stete laxz raleivq io Wikiq ewuvueian end MreEy eNhae¢e represenleoves M Ihc irtYb enlar upan iM ebove.meniioned qopeM '°��^so°"���°'°' JOHN MARINO Dme: �'� — ! ` (5t5t<B.WP) Whna-Buildiq8Se1MY:0eaemFle:Genery-Appfrem:Pink�ievenue:Gobenmd-Anam CITY OF COSTA MESA — BUILDING PERMIT PERM NO: B 076978 PERMIT NO: H 076978 PLAN CHECK NO: N GOVT: N SUPP: N CONSTRUCTION TYPE: PERMIT TYPE: STR �` PURPOSE: REP JOB DESCRIPTZON : REPAIR WATER LEAK DAMAGE TO WALLS SQ FT; 700 CLAIM VALUE: 700.00 CALC—VALUE: 700.00 GROUP OCC: R-1 / COMMENTS: REPAIR AS PER ATTACHED LIST �t�t+t***it��t***��trit�tatat�tatx��****�t�t*�at�t�r�at�te�***�t��***at�t��*��u *�tit**�*****��.**iE#*r+�+�+�# Z O N I N G R E Q U I R E M E N T S S E T B A C K S ------------ MAIN HUILDING --=------- --------- ACCESSORY BUILDING --------- FANT; FT IN REAR: FT IN FRNT: FT IN REAR: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN LEFT: FT IN RGHT: FT IN PARKING REQ• PROV: PARCEL: 13956403 ZNE: AEF NO: PLANNING NdTES> � il' 1E 1f iE 1E if if if 1f 1F 1f 1E IE 1Flf IE 1F 1f /f 1E if 1i' iF dF iF IF 1F if 1E1E iEfh iF1f iEif'If If� iklElE iE iE 9F IE iE IF # 1f 1F If ik1F /F'lE 1f 1E 1E 161i 1f 1f 1f 1E iE iE iE 1Fif iE'�f iE�IE'IE if if 1f iE iE D E V E L O P M E N T S E R V Z C E S, A E Q U I R E M E N T S ZONING APPROVED BY DATE: HUILDING APPROVED BY : APPLICATION ISSUED BY: iFiF iF iE iE IE# IP if # iE iElf iEiF 1E iF If if 1E iF M LEGALIZATION:N F E E S U M M A R Y BLDG PMT PLUMHING ELECTRIC MECHANIC PERMIT 19.00 PLAN ZSSUE FEE DATE: llH1tC � \ � w iF'i�iFififif�FM�fi(�fEifiEif �FiFfFiF�F�SifiE STRUCTUAAL SEGMENT:Y � FIRE SMIP/RES GAADING SO SMIP/NON—RES BUILDING—DIV—> PEAMIT ISSUE PLAN—CHECIC TOTAL PAID DUE TOTALS----> 19.50 0,00 , 0.00 - 14.50 19.50 ,00 REVENUE DIVISION TOTALS--> COLLECTED: 19.50 OVER/SHOAT: .00 BLD19p00 PLUMBING ELECTRIC MECHANIC FIAE SMIP/TO�T GRADING PLAN—CHECK 1E iE lkif 1F iE 1E iE iE if 1f iE 1F �f iE Ik if 1f # iE 1k 1F iF iF iF 11� iF ih 1E 18 iF iE df if 1F 1F 11' 1E 1F ik if if II� if ik if iFiE If'4h IE If iE 1k if 1f �1F'Ik if ik if if 1F ik iE 1f iE 14 # if 1I�'IF 11� iE if iE if 1E iF I N D I V I D U A L F E E B R E A K D O W N TYPE SFR QTY D E S C R 2 P T I O N UNIT COST 700 ALTEA BY VALUE RESIDENTSAL NOZONE 1.00 END OF FEES TOTAL COST 700,00 O1 00203509—OQ2035f0 Ta� T 1�'.50 DATE: 04/D1/9` TIISE: l2:13 City of Costa Mesa Building Safety Deparfinent P. O. Box 317 Cwfo Mera, California CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY N° 2602 C The Buitding bcated at � GS^pC'4 11'WCL128' ��ii has been inspected and found to comply with the provisions of all City of Costa Mesa Ordinances applicable thereto for a Group It �-� Occuponry. Use of Building_ �S '�1t1�T�n'��31�Q• vit$ Htt�c41L'd �tQ�tl i1Hd 1877�61'Y Legal Description � � �' � � � ($ee revene tida for Metes and Bounda) Building Permit No, � Electrical Permif No. � Plumbing Permit No. 53�i7 Floor Load Signs have been installed os Room Capacity Signs have been instaled as required under Sec. 2308 U. B. C. . required under Sec. 3301 (1) U. B. C. _ 17050. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY. (a) No apartment house, hotel, or lodging house shall be used or occupied until the owner or operator has been issued a valid certificate of occ�pancy by the enforcement agency. (b) A new certificate of occupancy shall be obtained whenever there is a change in: 1) Occupancy classification of a building or portion thereof 2) The nvmber of aparfinents or guest rooms 3) Ownership If Group H Occupanty, number of apariments andjor guest rooms as required under Sec. 17050.1 (d), California Administrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 9, Article 8. Number of apartments !► andJor guest rooms ISSUED TO: ,:�::��• .����«; Building Official bY iF�.�� .i� '��� . � ..,.. -.� This Cortificote of Occuponcy SHALL BE posted in o eonspicuous ploce on the premises and SHALL NOi BE removed except by the Building Official of fhe City of Costa Mesa under Set. 306 (e) U.B.C. Form ava�-im—ves.-s_a r 29611 COSTA MESA BUILDINCrSAFETY DEPARTMENT P.O. BO% 1200 COSTA MESA, CAIIFONNIA Y2626 For Appllcant ro Flll In Completaly TYPE OR PRINT �'L oaess° 3098 G� rl0 0� �,P nue COSTA ME$/), .Q/,LIFORN}Py�. _ � a, � 53 i- znG Z xona —B �.eo�� -102��2 ;`o� �'��� ��33 OF WORK 486 o tl No. a� � ROOMHv�/ NAI�.�P BI� VAi� .y 4f(A` JAN -6-69�H�,00 121 115.2` APPLICATION FOR PERMR BUILDING For Office Use Only ..«�n�o. ��o P I ZONING no. o� u.a o. Hnv �un� ., eu��o�no � OV [11HAN0 BMALL B6 Ll86 TMAN YARGH MPROYHG MAIN BUILDIN6 /� YARDB MPROVfiD ACCHDSORY BUILDINO RHAR /` PT. RT. � DIQTAfiC[![T. BR. MAIN Q MAIN BLD ACCHBII. BLDGB. f/ VAR. �j �_ DATH c.u.P. wvrnoveo � e PROV//�. o�r[�4 �� �1 HCRlBY ACKNOWL6006 TXI1T � MAV6 RfAD TMIO APPLIGTION AND BT�TB THAT TN6 11pOV6 1� COpR[CT�AHO AORH[ TO COM• PLY WITN ALL CITY ORDJNANW �V1D YTAT[ LAW� R[OYIJITINY CUIL�INO CONGTRYCTION. p AUTHORIZ3D AGQNT a m � H d,. �. 'T o2 D � 0 n1a wwour�r eHoww uMo¢p vww�noH ie rox n�¢ � �UHPo88 OP [BiA8LI8NIN0 A P6PMIT IHH ONLY. VALUATION .ti PERMIT REH /�3. 50 � �� � w a J ���+ TOTALFEH / •�